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Dr. Lush, M.P. for Salisbury, was not present m Parliament last week, owing to an accident w ic P pened to him in Westminster, and which nec temporary confinement to the house. It appeal the Hansom cab in which Dr. Lush was being dnve_ on the tram rails, and h* w&s thrown out and se J shakerb. The Emperor Napoleon, we are sorry to hear, us suffering from an attack of gout. NEW DEAN OF Li-COLN-C anon Blakesley is the new Dean of Lincoln, an the Rev. George Rawlinson succeeds to the canonry of Canterbury thus voided. Early Saturday morning a fire of serious dimensions broke out on the premises of Messrs. Guest and So button maBufacturers, Water-lane, Dnemoiuj wI gutted the manufactory before it was got under. The amount of damage will be verp considerable. COUNTY COCST JUDGE FGR CGR^LL,—It is state that the iud^eship of the Cornwall County Courts, vacant by the death of Mr. Charles Dacres Bevan, has been coifamd npon Mr. Montague Bere, Q.C., Re- eorder of Bristol. thn A stained* glass window has just been placed m the chancel of the Berkhampstead parish church, « rvf frViA -naet Cowper, who was born, in Bcr ^haVef T^meforLl^t abtt f3"?, which has been raised by P^ic subscriptions chiefly through I ow. and the exertionsi The subject of the window is'the Resurrection, beneath the central figure beiifr the poet, with hands clasped on an open bibI On one side of the poet is the Royal Psalmist, and on the other the Prophet Jeremiah. Cowper s tame hares are also included in the resurrection. The inscription -& i, as follows:—" William Cowper, tne pom, son ui J, hu Cowper, D.D., rector of this ^ish, and Ann bis wife. Born as Berkhappstead, November lo, -ivdi died April 25, 1800. MAVRRACTTRE EF COCOA, CACAOIXF,, AKD CHOCOLATE.— «E will now (Wve an account of the process adopted by Messrs. James Epps^nd Co., manufacturers of dietetic artides, at in the Euston:road, London."—See article in Part 19 Qcjfthold Guide.. .1- 1:1Y11£1C:U:l VISIT TO EPPS'S COCOA )L\:s'lJFAcrORY.-Tnrougn HIt: "'llH.LnO Of Messrs. Epps, I reeently had an opportunity of seeing the "d and cacao bean pa.SSOS many complicated and varied processes the and through ere it is sold for public use and, bem„ both inte highly pleased with what I saw d irm- my visit to the manui^ tory, I thought a brief account of the ^ac^°> Ji" i ^me gLj nu- manufactured by Messrs. Epps, to fit it for a j Land and tritious beverage, might be of INTER^TT^thereaders of Lan<l a Water." See article in Land and npraonal WHITE AND SOUND TEETH ^"rZ proper mastica- attiaction, End to health *"d lo ° Pearl Dentviflcc, imparts a ttion of food Borland s Odonto, of Ipearl-like whiteness to the teet d „ive8 a pleasing ilncipient decay, strengthens the t, neJbox Sold by Chemists a-a^ance to the breath. Price 2s per box so y u01a .nd Perfumers. Ast lor,r. to I No LEAD or other P9lson°^ oil which important fact has, found in K°^1^dp^^ovedit to be the safest, amd, owing to daring the last.ea^^erg the best hair restorer and beau- its great nourJt^i y obtained everywhere of all chemists and S™.™ Price! 3s- M,, n, «' «1»' '» 2ls. per bottle. ninp-tenths of the diseases of children, WORMS are the cause of m parent should seek the therefore it is ver^, ^rmlsion a!nd that remedy is undoubtedly right remedy for the%expu'^ which have found in twenty rears, and are now more popular stood the test for_the ortls "Williams's Worm Lozenges, are engraved'on The governm,Mit .rtI^r I fSby^S forHlnd aTstamps, from the sole manufacturer, J-„' s'. Chemist, Swansea. HOiAU, „ „ p,.„v RI.OOD.—wnen «»= ul,w *■—' circulation ? thp nerVes in good order, we are well. These Pills pfcet, and 1' i|fus power in securing these great secrets of health8 a reflating, aud strengthening fluids and solids. v .P}If"3aVs Pil!s can be confidently recom- mended *> all persofi11^^J1 from disordered digestion, or worried by nervous fa»lF*e ^=neura]oic pains. Th -y correct acidity and heart-burn, di8pe.„kll quicken the action of ( the liver, atid act as alterative?' g^tle aperients. The weak and deli* takk,e them without jea. HoilowaV« Pills are -4"11'. public 3tXPticci=> V, T A VORIA, PIZAGUA AND IQS1QDE ObSS BA^VAYS. PERU, j I Is«ue of £ 1,000,000 Sevei^p-^t. B01UlS °f, by a mininum Sinking Fund oi 10 per ccat. Redeemable at par_ inaaiX-yearly drawu.j,s. r'4. IssiTB Pr»ice> W I t Thompsov. T. Bonar, & Co., are authorised 1 The undersigned, • pnncesslcKjres of the above said Railways bv the Proprietor and Con^^rc^ot o{ Seveu per <" TDSUUU 92 per ceiit.,ayable as lollops r Cent. on application^ & Per on allotment. o\\ 10„ 1st Aug^ist. v I5 ond September. 1^ October. V Ma 1st November. \0 >15 oiid Decemlser, le^if.year's Coupon, '• deducting lncomc, 92 per cent. fun onallotn.f or on any day when ^.scribere nia> paj ^nder disComit at cnt. per annum. Raiment falls du 'Norfa Line, about 3^les in length, situ- „♦ Jflnique and La ranaca, Peru, « w(,ned for traffic in I Jnly^f consists aluiost ^vely of Nitrate of Soda, f wV\ich exist in inexbau.-t ntities ln the districKy the line. It i«u<railway at half- a dollar of lOOlb., which lo '^n i the immnnmi authorise^ t^ar'ed the C<mCC the Peruvian 1 Govenime? 3 .1^ n» The Pizatf A r-J <le Obispo kme ls 30 milc^ in z&tszfr*»«•=•* rsffi! coast. itailwav is a eauaacting line, of about 7t The Junc|']1 j-Ajuiles are already built, uniting thd«s ™ length, of tAv-fi Yailtt^'y already described, and, likefit,cru termini or yitrate deposits 011 the tableland of I'an £ u'e passes tlr1' conneftiwf fail way will, it is expected, be L'- Tamaru-1-. uUf) ye< pleted ra""a.vs within the Prorince of Tarapaft. Ir'o Br^rs^^m o 142 miles, the proprietors (MeS^1 veaie, of railwaj*»j their concession, the exclusive right, f n-tlier period of 40 years^weTanee in that district, and for a Several large establishments^, exclusive privileges. will very largely increase the proui-, eourse of ei.ectjonj fl-hich °fTherSrtof Nitrate of Soda amount^ in the province 31st Dee^iber, 1809, to '^oo'^auiiitais. b' 3'ear ending quintals ;^id 1;orn&< n'ie^ora'n(lum shows that the r^ 2,943,413 Hie in pvcess OI tllC amount uw railway already f ths i)01Kis 0f this issue.. t>lc interest and redun £ ti°i the resient lssue t( «»■ *»'"»tot d,e "'SiVimmindConMsiionaires have executed a Deed of Mort. satiTSts. UUU1 ,1h .Wi«„ 'S The e>Iortgage provides for the appointment of a special Re- CeTherln £ Uwill bear Interest at the rate^Tper^nt.per annum, payable half-yearly in London, in sterling, on lsrt June ¥^SJSSd S will fall due on 2nd December, 187f ,A CENT 1)er annum on the A Minimum Sinking Fund 01 10 per ceni. i>er semi- entire nominal amount of the Bonds will be a,pp } annual d&wings, by lot, in London, 0111st May a«d June The Bonds drawn will be payable 111 like manner and 1st December next succeeding each draw^- d b the The Right of Increasing the Sinking Fu*u it. ret.«i» j Proprietors of the Railways. November, 1873. The First Drawing wfll take place ls^ ])e returned in full; If no Allotment is made, the de^ allotted> the balance and if only part of ^Pgwards the 10 per cent, due on of deposit will be first appnea ietiuiied. allotment, and the rem«n<|er^ renders all previous pay- Default of Payment of anj ments liable to forfeiture. exchanged against Allotment 'Sd Bonds to Bearer", when ready, will be and Deposit iveceipis, o^rin iSl1nr>li^ti1oJhi^ annexed form, 'accompanied by a deposit of Application? received by the undersigned. 5 per cent- rew'veu Iu;yTM0MPS0Nf; T. BONAR, & CO. 571 Old Broad-street, 29th June, 1872.. I ,R ,(0H WDUM FT-RVISIIED BY THE COXCKSSIOXN'AIRKS OF TIIE IQOTQUE AS'O LA N OH IA, PLZAGL'A AND SAL DE OBISPO, ASD JUNCTION RAILWAYS. RAILWAYS. The average quantity of Nitrate of Soda carried by .the Icpnque and La Noria RaUway has exceeded 180,000 qmntasper "">«th o at the rate of 2,100,000 quintafc per annum, J'ovide *210 000, being, after deduction of expenses, sufficient to provide for the whole of the interest and amortization of the There is every reason to believe that the traffic of the Pizajua aud Sal de Obispo Railway will be equal to that of the Iquique h The return traffic from the ports to the interior will ehiefly con- sist of maennery, coal, and articles of food for th@ population occupied in t'ae Nitrate districts, and of passenger trafoc, which will considerabV au<rnient the receipts of the railways. It is estimated ttxat the net revenue of the whole sysUm when completed, will not \e less than £ 400,000 per annum, aid that it will steadily increase -very subsequent eaj'j(^jgTER0 HERMS. J London^l^Ui May, 1872. The Mortgage Bovl and oth.r Document* lie for inspection at the Offices of H. P. Sh^u-, Esq., 12, Gresham-house. Forms of Application ca^a be obttdned at the Offices 01 l. ihoji j sos, T. BOXAR, & Co., 57i, Ow Broad-Street. IQUIQUE AND LA NORIA, PIZAGL'A AND SAL DE AND JUNCTION RAII.^AVri, PERU. Issue of £ 1,000,000 7 per cent. First Mon«a-« Debent^es m Bonds of £ 500 and £ 100. Bearing interest 1st Juri, 1872. Redeemable at par by a minimum linking 1 und of 10 p* cent, per annum, in half-yearly drawings. Issue Price, .!•„ perjent. FORM OF APPLICATION. >0. To Messrs. I. THOMSON, T. BONAR & C0., 57i, Old Broad-street, London. Gentlemen, request you will allot to: ilthe tenns of your Prospectus, d&W 29tli June, 1872 £ the above Debentures, 011 which. .endose t,he eq ed DcnoMt of Pounds, and agree to accept that anio^t, or any less amount allotted to and to pay the furtr instalments on the amount so allotted, according to the conditio, of the Prospectus. Gentlemen> Your obedient Servant, Name at length Address DTo'be signed by Applicant if desirous of paying up in full on Allotmeut. desire to pay up in full on Allotment. "i359"" Signature Erie railway company/—issue of £ 30 000.000 dols. or £ G,000,000, SE\ EN PER CE>,T^ CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS, secured by a trust a.nd mortgage deed 3a|ed 1st September, 1S70' U1.^offered or £ -'00 each whereof 6,440,000 dols., or il,289,-00, are ottered for^ash^lbscription, and 23,554,000 dols., or £ 4,710,800 are set apart for the conversion and extinction of the existing Mort^e Debts and ef the Sterling Bonds issued in London. Principal and interest payable in New York, in gold coin, at the Com- nanv's Officea • or, at the option of the holder, in London, in stcrlin- at the rate of 4s. p«r dollar, at the Counting House of Messrs' Bischoffsheim and Goldsclmiidt. Hie Bonds are repay- able on 1st September, 1920, at par, with interest meanwhile at the rate of 7 percent, per annum, payable half->earh, at Is March and 1st September. The 1st payment of interest falls due on 1st September, 1672. I-sue price 92 per cent. equal at 4s. per dollar, to £ 184 per Bond of 1.000 dols., or £ 200. The ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY, by a resolution of its Board and with due le,, al formalities, executed an indenture of trust and mortgage, dated 1st September, 1870, under which the above Loan of 30,000,000 of dollars, or £ 0,000 000 is issued. Each Bond js certified by the Farmers' Loan ajld Trust Company of New York the trustees under the mortgage. These Bonds are created, amongst other objects, for the purpose of converting and extinguishing the followmg Bonds, being the whole of the existing Mortgages and Bonded Debt of the Com- pany. Interest and periods of payment, Classes Amount. Per cent. Payable. 1st Mortgage Bonds.. Dols.3,000,000.. 7 1st May and 1st Nov. 9nV Ditto 4,000,000.. 7 1st March and 1st hept. tto 6,000,000.. 7 1st March and 1st Sept. jtto 4,441^000.. 7 1st April and 1st Oct. rth Ditto 920,500.. 7 1st June and 1st Dec. Buffalo Branch ^,000.. 7 1st Jan. and 1st July. Dols. 18,553,500 Sitond3S\ tl,000,000 or 85,000.000.. 6 lstllarcli aud 1st Sept. iSSJ Do,.SS^ Ihe s^). a' 536 900 „ 7 per cent. Preference Shares. 30,000,000 „ Bonded Debt as above. 116,535,900 dols. No issue of Bonds Qa n be hereafter made by the Company except subject to the present issue. The net proceeds of the Bonds now offered for subscription in c*h wUl be apphed in payment of the floatin" debt, and other liabilities of the Companj. Such of the Mortgage and Sterling Bonds as remain in circula- tion may at the option of the holders, ke exchanged for fin equal amount of the Bonds of this Loan, dollar for dollar. The Sterlin0 Bonds will be reckoned for that purpose at 1,000 dols. for each £ 260 of Sterling Bonds. Fractional Scrip Certificates will be issued in exchange for Bonds deposited for conversion of a less ^The'^nds preseiltedTo3; conversion must be accompanied by all the Cotip(-ns not due. Any difference in the accrued interest on _1 '-t. n.u.'Jc tl'to hø O'1trpn in ^cVe ^y be)when the eXvh>rI^?rh8otffftheedexistin'' Mortgage Bonds as shall not be pre- sented for conversion, an equal amount of sssstrus> t^e Sterling Bonds which may not be exchanged by the holders under the option now given to them, a reverse equal mfto Uie a.-re-atethereof will be made by a deposit of Jonds of the present issue in^time' against due payment of sucn, 11 any, V "UVO vu ^elonds of the present issue will bear the counter-signature of Messrs. Bischoffsheim and April to 3l9t MSmSs&an Increase of 628,480 dols. over the returns for ri^St^fX^iStudM to which the Erie Railway Com- Throughout allthe revenues have more than sufficed to pany has been ^Ppf^d Mortgage alld Bonded Debt; and the ^fficeR^t^s Show that the revenue has materially increased irifce tl^ Company^ affairs have been administered by the new Board. Arrangements are in progress for providing additional rollin„ Jckto'meet the requirements of the increasing business of the w and^hf efforts of the present Board are being energetically directed towards the cultivation of friendly relations with neigh- b I^jring conies for interchange of traffic By^^muua neglected will be opened up, and the earnings of the Company co-respondingly augmented. Subscriptions for the Bonds of this Loa.n, awi on behalf of the Board of the Erie Railway owned on Friday, 28th June, and closed on or bf £ 2^4 June, at the offices of Messrs. Bischoffsheim and Goldschmid on the following conditions: dollar to The subscription price is 92 per cent.; equal at 4s. per £ 184 per Bond of 1,080 dols., or £ ijf0. Onf5fS"T,»7ct. or £ 10 per Bond ol 1,000 doU. or 4200 On Alotment, 20 per ct. or £ 40 „ » On 1st August, 30 per ct. or £ 60 „ » On 2nd Sept., 37 per ct. or 1:74 92 per ct. o £ 184 per Bond of 1,000 dols. or £ 200 Lesshalf-year's interest, deducting income-tax. Paymaits in full, under discount at the rate of j* P? navment annum, nay be made at any of the periods named for pajment °f In Sit of payment of the amount due any instalment, all previous jjayments will be lis certfR- After pavmeiit of the amount due on allotment, iscrip, cert cates lo tearer will be issued, as soon as allotment letters and bankers' receipts, to be exchanged for ) public 11 -=-=-= For cash subscriptions, applicafg, m d with the companiod with a deposit oiPcrit^'im'"to fc converted 'Imperial Bank (Limited), Lothlwry he deposited muVt, together withth^aT.pncatiwi refc « a.sreto ;n v with Messrs. Bischoffsheim and VoWschlt,h ° ceipts for the same, exchangaa.de for ce,.1 » O{,t.{inod at the Prospectuses and forms ot application VJ nresliam-house, London Offices of the Krie Ha,hvay omrf 8(5 e^ Old Broad-street, K.C. «f Mc?srs. (Limited), 52' '^toeedle" St FounEd«s'-court, Lothbury, EX^une S1872. j 01,LY. ERIE RAILWAY CONINY. NT ,(;,00(),0o0,,EVF,N pER CE ISSUE of 30,000,000 dols.. or £6,000,ooo,EVEN PER CENT. I and Mortgage Deed, dated 1st Septeml^ lb art. 1,000 dols., or £ 200 each, whereof 0,41(B £ 4 710,800 offered for Cash Subscription, and^23,oo4,M existi„g follows: Mort"a"-e Bonttf the Erie Railwaj Dols. nominal of the 1st Mon0a0e i>om»_ jf0veniber. Company, with Coupon lstse!,teniber. Dols. ,i 1st September. Dols. »» ist October. Dols. >. *th ')t 1st December. Dols. "RnfFalo "ranch lst July. r- I request you to J^t^age^oml on the terms and above said Issue dated 27th June 1872, th? proiwr- conditionsoiyourpro.pec of CoijK)ns to be paid to ^SS^when^^changetoriected. i Name m full 1 Address Date Signature FORM OF APPLICATION FOKCASII SUBSCIUMOX OSLY. 1 Address Date Signature FORM OF APPLICATION FOKCASII SUBSCIUMOX OSLY. ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY. fFNT ISSUI of 30,000,000 dols., °fl;r^v'ns Securedby a Tmst and CONoLIDATED MOCTGAGh BONDb secureaoy a h Uoi t&.re Deed, dated 1st September, IS 0, in Bonti» « <io\s., I 4;200 each, whereof O^t4,tl0,800, oKered ,r Cash Subscription, and 23,5o4 000dels., or are set aart f0r the conversion and extinction of the «ist Mortgagepebts, and of the Sterling Bonds issued in^Londoii. To Bischoffsheim and Goldschmidt, London. /T :A\ thp. GenUeuieiV-Havin? paid to the Imperia1 BanK lg urn of £ I request that you will allot to '"e th f 1,000 dol., or £ 2iW encli, of the above-mentioned Issue, erms and conditions of tli« Prospectus dated th niay pd I agree to accept the same, or any smaller anlount J arf<|tr.ed to me, and-to pay the further instalments thcirem 'Xof due payment of any instabaent l ^ree tha^ mj ^d all previous payments shall be liable to forfe JName in iui^ (j Address ADDITION Date = Signature I desire to pay up tnJBD I (. IF TIIK APPLICANT DESIRES ceiit. to be alloi,ed the Z&y IN FUI,I,. Signtion in full; discount at 4 per ————————————— tervenillg period. XflRIE RAIL W ISSUE OF $30,000,000, oifl 0 M P A N Y. SF.VF.X PER CENT. CONSOLIDATED h"M Secured by a Trust and Mortgage Deed, datK' B0NI)S 1S70. in Bonds of -1,000 or £ 200 each, whereof £ 1,289,200, are offered for cash Subscription, and *temoei or £ 4,710,800, are set apart for the conversion and e^O, > the existing Mortgage Debts, and of the Sterling Bonds AM in London. « NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that no further applications foi the above Bond%,will be received after to-morrow, TUESDAY, the 2nd instant. BISCHOFFSHEIM & GOLDSCHMIDT. Jounders'-court, Lothbury, E.C., July 1st, 1872. 1464 THE NORTHERN TITANIC IRON ORE and SMELTING COMPANY ^Limited).—Capital £ 100,000, in 10 000 shares of £ 10 each, payable. 20s. on Application, £ 2 on Allotment £ 3 in two months, £ 2 III four months, and £ 2 m six 10 000 shares of L10 each, payable. 20s. on Application, £2 on Allotment, £3 in two months, £ 2 bt four months, and £ 2 in six months. Shares may be paid up in full, and five per cent, interest will he allowed oil the Calls paid in advance. Registered glider the JOint-Sto^c Companies Acts. 1862 and 1807, wlereby t^lia- bilitv of the Shareholders is limited to the amount of their shares. DIRECTORS J. W. Adamson, Esq. (Messrs. Adamson and Ronaldson), 1, Leadenhall-street, Shipowners. William Austin, Esq., Chairman of the Russian Iron Works Company. Henry T. Balfour, Esq. (Messrs. H. Balfour and Co.), No. 6, New Broad-street, and Lcveil Iron Works, I lfeshire. „ „ Major General F. C. Cotton, C.&.I., late Royal Madras Engineers, 72, Eecleston-square, W. „ Michael Sarson, EML, The Elms, Wandsworth-common S.W. Thomas S. Webb, Esq., 85, Gr&cechurch-street, E.C. ( ate Manager of the Norwegian Titanic Iron' Works, Norton), Managing D eCt(jBAxKKR8.—The CityBank, Threadneedle-street. SOLICITORS.—Messrs. James lWylor, Mason, and Taylor, l.r>, r ur- k< n k< n BROKER.—ifcederick A. Helw, Esq., 9, Cornhill, E.C. SECRETARY.—S. J. Green, Esq. Offices-28, Martin's-lane, Cannon-street, E.C. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. OB.JECTS 4W THE COMPANY.—This Company is formed for the purpose on>urchasing and working a fine Titanic Iron Ore Pro-II pertv in the west of Norway to ship Iron Ore for smelting in the Company's Furnaces in England, and also for sale to Ironmasters in England and elsewhere and to erect Furnaces and Smelt Ore on the CSfcpany's land in Norway, should It hereafter be considered desirable to do so. DESCRIPTION.—The Norwegian property consists of six im- mense Mountain Lodes of Titanicflron Ore, situate at. Sohalt and Solmer, in the parishes of Orskog and Skodje, U,-tat)t about 25 miles from the town of Aalesund, ou the west coast of Norway. A Fjord, of great depth f water, lies at the foot of the Mountain it is open at all seasons, and so well situated that \essels of large tonnage can be loaded at the Company's wharves withm 90 yards of the Mountain. The English property consists of two blast fur- naces engines, coke ovens, aud necessary offices and appliances on the banks of the Tyne, to which it has a frontage of 290 feet,- with 12 feet depth of water at low tides; it is five acres in extent, and a branch of the North Eastern Railway runs through the pro- perty to the Company's wharf; the situation is admirable for the reception of Ores per ship, and for inland communication it is held on lease for an unexpired term of 28 years (renewable) at the low ground-rent ofelSO per annum. The Ore is one of the finest description yet procured in Norway. By analysis made byOKessrs. Johnson and Matthey, of London, it is found to contain 43 per cent. of metallic iron, and is free from Sulphur and Phosphorous. In few instances has Titanic Iron )re of the same purity equalled this yield. The Mode of Operations, The Cost of Production of Ore, 11 lie Valtie of Produce, The Profit, The Balance-sheet oi One Year's Working, The Outlay, And the Estimated Dividend arc particularly described in the Wectus, showing the net profit, after payment of all expenses f'one year, when in full work, to bet-28,760, and with the eelllely limited sale of only 500 tons of oraper week. ") N TRACTS.—The only Contracts entered into on behalf of th'Jompanv up to this date, are dated respectively the ISth day of Dril 1872, and 11th day of June, 1872, the first being made bet,,ell James Mackintosh of the one pait, and Francis GWe Wheatley, for and on behalf of the Company, of the otheoart, and the second being made between James Mackintosh of tl enc part, and the Company of the other part. Noviotment of Shares will be mad* unless 4,500 shares at the least applied for, and if no allotment is made, the deposit* will bketurngd in full, without any deduction for expenses. Copi of the Memorandum and Articles Of Association, aiiq forms 'the said Contract, may be seen at the Offices of the Con- pany's licitors. Prospectuses, with full reports and forms H uu -i.1 d the nnlcPN Urakf-rs. and SollCi- ¡"l'i'HL-l, CUl oe uuwuicu ,u IUUV .— > -7 tors of a Company, and of the Secretary, at the Company s Offices, 'Martin's-lane, Cannon-street, E.C. Notwittan(ijn.r the Reports received, the Directors deemed it desirable, r their fuhRcr satisfaction, that one of their ilunitr should peWdy inspect the Properties in Norway Mr. Balfoir according!Proceeded to Norway for that purpose, and hasre- ported veryVOUrablv on the iiroperty. 'THE %THERN TITANIC IRON ORE a;d X SMEL^Q COMPANY (Limited).—Notice ifc Hereby Gi'^n that the SHA; LIHT will be CLOSED on Wednesday, July 2,'or town, and on,ursdav Julv 4, for tee country. 1403 By Order, S. J. GREEN, Secretary- = jtoteb. J H N E V A N S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AD SPIRIT MERCHANT, BUKTC ales AXD IRISH STOUT, 209, BUB-ROAD, CARDIFF. FAMILIES SUPPLIED.. 71S T HE P-Oyi-GA- RICULTURAL SHOV ¡ The attention of VTORg to Cardiff during the ROYA SHOW is invited to the vantages of THE PEA R T H H*O- T P, L, PENART near. CARDIFF. This Hotel was built Th years ago by the Taff Vale Railway li Company on Penarth He. tw0 miles from Cardiff, and com mands splendid views °^ardiff, the Bristol Channel, and surrounding country. Thetej is one of the largest buildings in South Wales, and its Coff&oorn is the most handsome in the Principality. The Gardens a Pleasure Grounds cover Twenty acres, ai.d afford Views and ation walks of tiae most varied- and charming character, besid^ejng the most extensive of any hotel in the West of England, facilities for Sea Bathing. The Hotel may be reached by Steam Ferry from the Cardiff Pier Head, or by the numero,Jjnn^ugeg i^^g. Mary- street at all hofers of the day. m THE H T E L AFFORDS ACCOMMODATION R JQ QR g() VIgIT0E;s TERMS (which are very modi^ QN APPLICATION. IMMEDIATE APPLICATI^ \V. JONES, fpRlgTOR. 1347 sw ANSEA- rpHE HUDSON TEMPE-^j, C0MMER- J_ CIAL ttOTEL, 16^ ST. MARY- sWANgEA_ 1429 rpHE VAULTS,sWl5-.sTRBaTj JOSE1, Proprietor. Agent for the Licensed ictuallers Wir^ Tea Companies. Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the tin j;ty always in Stock. One trial respectfully Solicited. Good bed N.B.—A First-class Bowliny Saloon^ finises. 1422 S-WANSEA. Raven hotel, st. I At street. Frmilies and Commercial Gentlemn < gwan find the above Hotel one of the most ^Snvenient. The House has been recently fitted up w tli ta^aving particular regard to comfort. Bediooms and Sittig- be^ passed. Wines and Spirits of the Best juality,^ attendance gmSltCed" Troprietor C. FULEJg^nhnWro,, BRISTOL. GUILDHALL COMMERCAL ANfamily HOTEt, 36 and 37, Broad-stre, Bristol.. r fF Sitting, and stock Rooms. Dinners fn. 12.30 to ^Coff^e, kei4:>0 Wf^CROUCH^prietor^ r^LlFTON DOWN FIRT-CLASS FACING THE SUKPKION-BRIDGE. SUITE OF APARTMENTS, from; Guinea,s per w» Brea]< fast, from 2s. Dinners, froni 3s. 1. Suite of Apartments having been recently aed to the Hotel, esrjjy {or WEDDING BREAKFASTS, the Mager !s prepared to the same on the most moderate tern Terms by weekly* ments only, iaite of Apartment with board and atfc^^ 5 Guineas each, fires only extra. 3room, board, and at(Aance^ in pttblie rooms, 3J Guineas. Alneals served to th^ _>s order. Private drawing-room fond^ -JS. lai-D Ho of k All eommunicgi .onsi to be ad(iiip • ^loiter,. ■ XjL ,0UU be be ADVANCED ™ or Gi-oUnd Rents, mp^g^tonced from MONEY ON EASY 1E1- their rurniture, £ 10 and upwards House^Wei^ premises and 'h r. SWX^XpubScity; BAR- borrower no charge unless, the> money is • Bute t eet, XTVTT Rclniont House, Charies-siitci,, 14^0 SS 10, '?H-HAKRlS»BdTO.M^4DSSSre their fu niiture KASY'P.ATES. Advances made also BILLS DISCeUNTED Ar EAbY RAl^desci )t.ou of Merchaii- on Plate, Diamonds, atcb eEg 'fidentiai. The Px>pnetor disc All communications stnciiy 0!>6 may be personally con^tedjOalltmies- "Tm Txr LEWIS, COMMISSION AWM. \| • CASH ADVANCED ON STOCK. 17 CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 189 T' SOVEP,EIGN LOAN AND VSCOUNT OFFICE. 4, NELSON-TERRACE, SWANSEA. M. L. MARKS )Biils cotl GRANTS LOANS g £ :LBi £ SuS*1Also M. L. MARKS /GRANTS LOANS g £ :LBi £ SuS*1Also VIT repayable by easy Instalments. Collects Rents, Debts, &c. Hours, 10 to 12, and 3 to 5, Saturdays excepted. ESTABLISHED 1809. 1 mo BITR ROWER S.— £ 30 TO £ 2" G^iokoan ^00.\ WMe ESffe S- instalments, ikcutmiju""«» •> TETY" p^iuent^of iurth^ ™Fe™23' 000 ALREADY AT T0 bohiuiwkkS ^T .e: wi £ to lir. For particulars and rules apply to Mr. F ,.otÍl:c, with.,ut Buildings, Docks, Cardiff or Mr. W. /VANCED, Cardiff .ND BECOIK TIMIA :—7^ I I EMERY, Britannia JVILCU H. CO»V, »«,r- R- T> E N J A • PASTRY COOK AND CC — — 65, CROCKHERBTOWN, AND 14, TRF M I N, 1 All Orders in the above ): ^^ECTIONEPv, cvrY-STREET, CARDFFF- RICH BPvIDE CAKES, I On the sh< _.v exccutcd. Jin FiUU^v ^OYAL AGRIC ^hlY 0P.NAMENTEl> v to the abtve woi L T U R A L O TA aa Ftonth> UL., d0 Well to scW. W I L ,l\f TJ) sHOES tOYAL Afc sT0Cl< M 1 Dr AD SHOE ) Tiie b'^t muost fashionable Stock of Ladic. _^Ttle. mens, Children, 4 ui,Infants' BOOTS and SHOES of good quality coiiibiliw i. thv prices. f. l' C. PEAClt, ROYAL CADE, HAYES END, CARDIFF. 1456 MPde^??Aca 3 B- BOULTONTSURGEON rROCKHERI XBRIA-PLACE, Comer of CHARLES SStSSSfs rt^NdlS!hFF- Te,eth'th ™hast two years' experience. Established c°mPlete set- Twenty- prindpal Physicians anc Established 18o2. Reccmmiended by the No fee for consultatioi Surgeons m Cardiff and neighbourhood. Painless Extraction of 1 iet £ dal'y ^om Ten till Four. UU¡) I^awn MOT ypg gabdeiTroEESS NT ■ WIRE V TAR°EN SEATS, TABLES, GalrrFitTingS c^rNettin^ indiaru^ber h«~ th Watering Pots, and every other requisite for e Lawn or Garden in great variety. P :st Stf,ck in South Wales to select from of BATHb, IK ,WELLING BOXES, AND JAPAN GOODS OJ -loss BROTHERS, SAIN' r MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 963 v riCE OF REMOVAL. JOHN WILLIAMS, HAY COR N, AND MEAL MERCHANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, B £ "S h? haS r^EMOyED from 5, Ca.wl Wharf more comznodioiis Stores ktiown as tlie c oSTOM HOUSE WAREHOUSES, (C:ose to the Custom House,) Cardiff 224 ;TTS^ACRICULTDRAL SIIOV. Nj^ HUNDRED VISITORS TO CARDIFF CAN' MS ACCOMMODATED WITH BOARD OR LODGING AT THE FOLLOWING FIVE Vo' 1 loW.°.R1)MAN" PUBLIC HOUSES: ^t-street, corner of Mary Anu-street. „ z.—Xo, Bute-street, near the Pier-liead 3.—Opposite the Post-office, Penarth. 4'~13' a'-ul 15^Vhitm°re-la"e, opposite the Custom-house Shipping-office House, Canton. A public-house without strong drink, Where you may sit, talk, read, and think Then safely home return." Refreshments at moderate charges. Come, and welcome Sub- G.RSMAI"R! HONUSEE.HM° ^LLLUCHNEEDCD—CORY, l^e'asurer, G. Hon. See. 110)(: .8.1. "V YOUR CARD, SIR? A Gent's Card Plafce 1 f:i" any style, and 100 best Ivory Cards nnnted and sent post free to any address on receipt of 4s. Gd hi ^a' ims —Glass & Co, Engravers and Printers, Cardiff. WHATKYOTO MONOGRAM?"Five Q„ireS T r ot Mote Paper tnd Envelopes to match <tfnrm,p,i your Monogram or Initials of one, two, or three Ss h™ colour ior 6s. Gd. Glass & Co., Die-sinkers, Relief-^mp^ a^TAddressfromllT =raVCd Name' Busi"ess. TMPORTAXTTirHC^ from 5sraSS °r ZiUC Doo;'PIate I:n°raved with Name complete GLASS & co., HERALDIC DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS DIE-SINKERS, AND GENERAL PRINTERS ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Arms, Crests, -Nlono.rtmS, and Inscriptions Designed and En- gravedYl sy1e Specimens and Estimates forwarded on application. 1344 CASSELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE consists of a selecfion of the finest growths of East India in the process of roastirg and grinding the full strength and fine aroma are prescrvel, rendering it equal to the CoNee so much prized in ORIENTAL COUNTRIES, the PERFECTION of COFFEE. At the Reduced Duty, Is. lOd. per lb. -,r /NASSELL'S COFFEES are also supplied under iV!Redll^d Duty, at 10d., Is., Is. 2d., Is. 4d Is. 6d., and xs. 81 per lb. In canisters and air-tight packages from one ounce to one pound. g /^lASSELL'S PtRE TEAS.—The purity and c genuine qualities of these Teas are guaranteed. Their ,rue excellence has ssctred for them the continued approval of onsumert during ncary a generation. Families not alreadv ing tnese teas are recimme, ided to try them, as teas the repu- ion of which has be4n fully established. By their use, real lity and uniform gool quality are at all times secured. CASSELL'S PURE TE^, price 2s., 2s. 4d., and 2s. 8d. per lb. ssELL s Pul r. TEA, fiiest qualities, Bs., 3s. 6d., and 4s. per lb., in pspkets of 2oz. to BIbs. ssell's Teas and Coffee are sold bv Agents, Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners,&c., throughout the kingdom. GENCY. -Ag( nts are required in every neigh- Z, bolirhood not yrf, fully supplied.—For terms, apply to t en, Snith, and Co.,30, Fenchurch-street, London. 1407 pRENOLOGY—YOURSELF WHAT YOU LOMnARE' AND VHAT Y0U ARE FIT F0R- a™* 11 ^r°fessor if the above Science, mav be seen pr#- 5TVTWS ay and eve)ing, at his Room, 17, ROYAL ARCADE, X i". • Charges f(v Examination—One Guinea, 10s. 6d., 9?! and (verbally Is. 1417 /RTES DE VIBITE, 6 for ls.6d., 12 for 2s. 6d. iWfia.<S'rte> with Stamps, and in a few days rou will re- c'VA umr,>'es andDriginal, Post free. Address 'C=BRCIAN COP!ING COMPANY, PONTYPRIDD. 1053 &^CO.'S INDIÃÑ JL 1AKCH. Trade Mark—AN ELEPHANT. sTARcrilorLaccs' Unslins, &c., &c. $:itON6tE1'êR & 00.'8 INDIAN 8TARêH will not FLETSHBR & CO.'S INDIAN STARCH will retain -1- jstittness ii^fcgdampest weather. F^Bi'rCHER & C0-'S INDIAN STARCH is-highly -t teininended to laundresses. PONS, FLETCSER & C07S~INDIAN STARCH. The _rcased dgmant'is proof of its excellence. p^x\, FL^TCHJR & Co.18 INDIAN STARCII is packed JLi and lib. packets, also.in boxes, and in 51b. papers. \LKS~-OIU\EJ.-LANE, SOUTUVVARK, LONDON MAY BB HAD EVKRYWHKRR. -FJJ rj.|G £ ;S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS V^J r are no\* recosmised bv all as being THIST -MEDICINE YET DISCOVERED FOR PILE AND GRAVEL, as we'^Vhe following painsPain in the Back, Flatulency, Gripix JLy» sense of weight in the Back aud Loins, Darting Pains U^'on of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys, Pains in the .rhig and Retention of Urine, Pains in the Stomach, J ,m ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. •Th'T? llhaS received upwards of two thousand Testhno- nials fj hf. these Pills. Send a halfpenny stamp for an imp^c. 3p Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and in- vau" of the country. icay da frihef^8' 'n ^oxes *s' ^^d-> and 2s. 9d. each, and fl'1he Pf E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN, GLAJK or Is. 4d., and 3s. in Stamps. "OLESALE from most Patent Medicine V and Liverpool. D- and Fe^. tion, Sici removes Fevers, j Ma'ier, » ON1 '71' either sc. back. S< medicine > maker, F. AVholtsale sale houses Life and in the hou PRESERVi Scarlatina, ROPA PO" their effect. pared only bj Pentre, Pontyp each, by e,ery c Inventor for 1 and Manchestei chemist. TNEXPK X YER'S restore Gre> ,< HiR- Precisely sin- eR is guan Large bottles. wclour in and all cheni oi'i'i"^}. 0f i* Nerves, inc.rea » —T>rj) EN recruits tlie V ^'1B- f r0N'iC str Bute"slroet -s!° T^ thE I i Wai" beoomjW51"• ,„d all Cheii«ft0. -> I It is vNT) A;tlvReVicv^^f^JR. /^ORN.-Tto??al1? i)KlX Utf is. all Che/iost U stan^ pW\ iCK'h \^jU)US COMVL^REU^, g'are e-asy ^^i\^t«ic^ctoe oi TestiAiomals trom of ..A Ticattof KenUck Xfa aiso »• foT COW^t t KVtt^lCR i? I "8i«,—VJ2S S#a »* ol 110 _1,1 of l«» tr» u,«ir MM »" «»a «o amaL >-s. 5 p Prepared only «. t.0l'KK-Sk I!W-;T v' NJld in Boxes at l8.fUd. ana' 7id >A » "K'3t resectable Cheniist, Just Btabli-hed t! TO THE NErWsT^D 1)" READ iHE NEW Pv;iT i Ds. J. A* BARNES) 4 UNTITLED ]\TER\OUS DEBILITY, A? -1-1 WARNING; a Treatiso oiLf.hi* t Treatment of Nervousutss 1I.1I11<HI-të.iv\ The Author lias for vnarx giwn bis exoi,1* .iM treatineiit of Nervous Del,ilit.v, Jit-nt.il m&t, «,<^o« Palpitation of the Hem-t, Noises in the He>, sion, Impaired siyhfc and r,-m„ry, Jndig^moO*- Lassitude, 0<j;)ressioudi ->|uiits, Loss of EneiC* ™D8 In the Back niid Limbs, Timidity, Sell-f^Vi' ness, Love of Solitude. Orouudless Fears, aiitl, lf, .n<Slecte<1- bring tlie sufferers aeath. Ihisvali.>ble Hoik, which has been truly C;1 18 .l lstr,lt<d with numerous eases and\S*i^v an<i not only gives the cause but the means of woich had betii tliought hopeless have been restored to Perfect health and vigour after all other means had failed. f.,x0 Warned and Single this book is invaluable. Sent pofct I'11 Receipt ol two jtamiis, or by letter post three stamps, don N^SS Lonsdale-squure, Eanr?Vjrv. T ——_1.. "iiiJ w -_l:- XT A Y E 'S W 0 R s D E LL'S PIL L JZJJ- For. uP"'ards of Iialf-a-centuiy KAYE'S^VORSOEL I ILLS have been esteemed as the best remedy for the cure a'"V thefemily! dlsease' The^ render the doctor unnecessary ? -(>" b,-ld' *•cy P«rify it from all humours rendering the life-giving fluid hoalttiy in its action, and consequents 2 in and establishing the litalth of tke invalid. The pronrietbr has in his possession hundreds of testimonials bearing witness selected °Ut ma"^ the following ^ve br selected « T „ ''Ballintemple, near Cork, Sent, k l«6i a. \-r ri haye, Esq.—Dear Sir, Oily wife has been suffering fr<° me'verS^or y?r9" Durin=that tim^ 1?"^ co „ I ,tlfJ tor oilfeien, uoctors, some of whom gave her ca' up as hopeless. She wa, reduced to nearly a skeleton wtlirfZi8 2°rSdel,'S PiIis' and after Bhe took about Us health and quite stron' 'Tiftll^ m "nd-i?-now in in tJiic n-u-M °i niobt astonishinif cure ever I can toam ,S, l'hf^' I shall recommend them wherevei The 4-ent aT Red,- H U01»L»1^'»»'O'-(Signed) Jou.v BROWS." case:- Kediuthcertihes to the truth^of the foHowin severely11 from'burnh!-1110^ -near Redruth. Coiwall^'sul^' bvc ilh% ■^ In rn Ulnf ,>ains ln the stoniach and difficu ut (:L« Hp <fq eUW of this he had t(> !eave work for Before ho had token on^"1^ t0 take Ka-re's Woi'sdel!'s work, and KowStlf compietely cured, res Coriii.' 'Ihis case call I)a authenticated b. THE RIGHT THING IN TIl, npHE RIGHT THING IN TF" — place. ItlGHT RLECHAM'S Ptt, to BEECHAM'S PILLS ha'se no» v. Twenty aud Thirty years, a nw ?re the Public meiit, and the still increj A! ,s^9 from tliec^m™ the best guarantees to the y tlle p" Wic is or «CCf in every sphere of life wit\ )".f-and debilitated. Th oilman ?f the safest, and the surestfor pr> I-30 ?-ronol1nce them thp l "l8 which flesh is heir to. the largest sale of any patwt"mP^r a parallel »nd admitted by all to be wortia ^1 hl WcL such as wind and pain at tie stni»a«i or di^r rh? fullness alter meals, diz/iiess and dm faeadache, giddinpaf' ings of heat, loss of appeite s Slnes8' ch§I, scurvy and blotches on the dreams, nervous and treibSnf1?' dJ?turbe<* will give relief in twenty ZTte* \8,fi10ns> &c- The fiSf do« vit«. ti'y one ff «* & For females of all ages hese niilo doses of fhem carry off allross bnim« 8re lnvahiable, as n aid bring about all that i80quired v!f'f 0pe" atI °hstructionr out them. There is no mUcine t 'h, fe?ale sh°ald Pills for removing any (iBSmw!™toe'luaI l?ec £ hZJ.t If taken according to thlircctiulls the synte: will soon restore females 'all a"p« each box CAUTION.—The public a „q°fsL {'tsnound and robust he^J "BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. HTA>$°^OIICE that thc^ORRTJ affixed to each box of theijs if n t Stamn Prepared only, and sold olesale and rot ^e,y are a f°rgerv. T. Beecham, Dispensing enlist St FfJi*1' 7the Praprietor boxes at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9tach Sent pnetor for 15 or 36 stamp? at Post fl'ee from the pre? Full directions are givci;tli Pn„>, K„ Sold by all Druggists p!wb??\. United Kingdom. dt°nt Modlcine Dealers in 0ockLE-s ^mmous-p-fm'w I B aperient Ill Boxes at Is. 1: ?<, qrj A riOCKLE'S .V.«5LS2 SJLTvlfes r of the flowers of the cani^? Thm'tbe Pure extrar^ efficacious remedy for dei^ Jhe mil be found for torpid action of the livd bnwd= iC?1?estivo orfar tion and the several varicof lc'' Produce i They speedily remove and liver ^om stomach, allay spasms, coui,. fsvevisj st and aud organs sabservic.. c°nditi(Q healthy secretion of bile, dlpest,on, pronioe „ gouty matter and other ,th? constiif,? a<1 blosd, must injurieusly by circut.- c removing the causes pif' ^11 °.f the kidfc^ ia they restore the energies K £ 0 much who indulge in the lux A nd miQffioWfoj_ prove highly useful, occasi .taWe, thc^?,jhoa» they meet with an unus„ ,?J?f n 111 their ac? matter in the stomach aZ,' Vr T"crid bil arrival in India or ChinaBra ° European! «ci<p vative against the fatal dit leconiniended n<? theiV Their oc,,s:onal use. if ccVwSf .^>4? diet, will be '-equently toiu "l tlle strictest at?Bte». over the secretions, that by their^0 liver which is so often the ealthy condltfM constitutional disturbancecf i,t ? of severe felW are not recommended as .T,- "ndcrstood that tr active ingredients; on th4,uny new or dam: remarkable simplicity of Ution «« ai'e,charactens v may be found to possess <j a„ whatevor iner pure drugs, and the unusu,r a™]u™ouI)0n the seiec w their subsequent preparation £ 1 ntl,on bestowet liftritv of their composit~eP.°" acknowledged panacea, nor are they ada^f ^ecemnieEde^ and efficacious aperient ,?J lnts >' but as n gestion it will not, perhaf evae,Yan0us forms of £ have been resorted to und»e' to state that or atmospheric alternatih „„ '1 Jf1Gt.changes of clim success for 72 years. Th.atfifJ ?i^f^ordin»ry degiea had! throughout the n liy »Penent mal 4s.6d„ and lis., as well,^ pi ,.oxesx at Is. l £ d. 2"1S the Australian colonies. "ina, Isew Zealand » QO'OKL.-B 'iaiLIOtfs PILt In j „ C0rK1-K''s jfni.,i" INDs^fr0N In Boxes at lsflr] 4jj 6(JN- I ,UCKL1! AF-IJL, I V in BIL In Bo- jnfr"