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Susinrss Stresses* X rj^UDOR ^YILLIAMS' x PATEZST JJALSAM OF JJONKY IS THE BEST FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND ALL DISOKBEKS OF CHEST AND LUNGS. A CERTAIN C LRE! "Oh! dear Jhe, I forgot to &ive TUDOR WIL- LIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY to my children befjre they retired to bed. I am certain rh»;y will COlGH ALL NIGHT WItHOUT IT. There is nothing on the lace of the eart'i equal to it; thoroughly up-to-da.t-e." In [his datiis) and changeable clImate Cougvis and Colds are almost certain at seme time dorms the winter to viait every household In the laud. It would. therefore, seem only awiae precaution to keeo on hand a bottle of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY ready for immediate llie. Pleasant, soothing, healing, and spleniid tUHlC, It is certainly without an equal for tbe prevention and cur a of troublesome cough" and In all throat anx ^ntisf .-ittectious. Moreover, it does what no simple ough remedy will du-It promotes appetite, aids digestion, increases weight, and bui-ds up the health and strength generally. It contains no opiate or other narcotic, and is perfectly safe even for the youngest infants. I am constantly receiving reports from ail parts of the kingdom attesting its remarkable power to relieve and cure troublesome coughs, IT IS PRESCRIBE I: BY THE MEDICAL PKO- FJSSSION, and USED in the LEADING JIOS- ITTALS TK ROUGHOUT THE WORLD. BALSAM OF HOSEY contains V' RE AVELSK HONEY and an essence of the purest and most efficacious Herbs on the Hills of AVales, being gathered m the proper seson. when their virtues are in full perfection. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATES IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS — "I feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using vour Tudor Williams' Balsam 01 HOlley in my family, which is a large one, for many years, and have proved its great value, having used nothing els-e for Cough, during Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and ca i hir.hiy recommend it to all parents for «n::h ccriinlainta." Try it; will not regret it. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. r¡..4DOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. BRITISH OFFICERS PRAISE IT. Sir,—Your Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey cured me of a stubborn couah and tight chest, which prevented me from attend- ins to my drills. T. FOXHALL, S.M.R.A., Devon Artillery, Devonport. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is.. 2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. bottles. Samples Bottle sent (post paid) for Is. 3d.. 35" and 5s. from the inventor. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.S D.W.E., MEDICAL FALL, ABERDAKE. 29118 29118 Ye Olde Green Drag'on Restaurant, 1.J, DI-KE-STREET, CARDIFF. th" Premises which have lately been known as the «S«0tia Restaurant" now revere to its old name of 50 ?«•» &;0. when it w»» an old-fashioned, inn. A NEW GRILL AND DINING ROOM has been constructed on tile ground fioor at a con- slderabie coat. wilich makes it One cf the Most Con- venient Restaur1\nts and Cafes in Caràitt Luncheons from 12 till 3 o'clock. Chops and Steaks from the Grill. C-:d Meats, Sc., Afternoon Teas and Suppers, licensed for British and Foreign Wines Oll Drdllght and lIJ Bottle. An UPSTAIRS ROOM for Meetings or Social Cferhexiugs. Catering in all its branches. Dinners, Ball Suppers, Wedding Breakfast*. An Assortment 0:1 Highly Ornamented Bride al1d Birthday Cukes to Select From, or Any Desijn Made to Order. I HOTELS AND FAMILIES WAITED UPON DAILY WITH BREAD, HOLLS, PASTRY. We are now Taking Orders for Onr Sm»s Puddings, Jiiuce Pies, and Richly Decorated Xwas Cakes. CALL AND INSPECT OCR STOCK BEFORE ORDERING- ELSEWKERE. W. GREEN. Proprietor. And at 112, Woodville-road, and the Cardiff Central Steam Bakerv, Frederick-street e8919 pILLSI CURE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE. INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA. And an STOM ACHIC' TROUBLES. GEECHAM'S pILLS REMOVE WIND and PAINS in the STOMACH, AROUSE SLUGGISH and TORPID LIVERS. ENSURE PROPER ASSIMILATION of FOOD. STRENGTHEN the STOMACH. gEICHAM'S piLLS MAKE vou LOOK WELL. FEEL WELL, and SEEP WELL. REMOVE PIMPLES and BLOTCHES on the SKIN. L\Y the fouadation of GOOD HEALTH. SUITABLE for OLD and YOUNG. B E E C H AM' S JP I L L S PURIFY the BLOOD and REMOVE SCURVY. ARE MILD, but EFFECTIVE, in their action. REMOVE the result of OVER-INDULGENCE. CURE RESTLESSNESS and INSOMNIA. gEE C H A M 8 P -1 LLS Are SPECIALLY SUITABLE for the DISEASES and AILMENTS COMMON to FEMALES. IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION, REGULATE THE SYSTEM. BEEOH:\W8 PILLS have stood the test of over 50 years without the publication of testi- monials. a<* thev RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. OUR IRONCLAD' MODEL PIANO, UPRIGHT GRAND (Overstrung). Tone Rich and Equal. Touch Perfect and Unfailing. For Prompt Cash, (Carriage Paid) Or may be had on extended payment system for a. small sum monthly. CATALOGUES POST FREE. DALE, FORTY & CO PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Also at Cheltenham, Birmingham. &c. Nat. Tel. 1.103. FIRST IN i SMOKERS' j ESTIMATION. THREE I NUNS I TOBACCO. I e8424 11 rARE you RUN J)OWN? tARE you RUN [)OWN? Is your digestion poor? Is your sleep broken? Worry and overwork can do mach to bring about thelre conditions. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Is just what you want. It will assist Nature to build up again. It will stimu- late digestion. It will make the blood "richer. Don t break down for the want of trying what Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitter3 will do for you. THE BEST REMEDY THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCE, LOW SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS. CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS" QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS- QUININE BITTERS. Caution. Avoid Imitations. See i.he name "Gwilym Evans" on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle. Then you are safe. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Gwilym Evans' Qainine Bitters is sold. everywhere in bottles 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. each, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of rtampa, direct, from Til 11 SOLE PROPRIETORS: — THE QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY (LIMITED), LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. etc JONES AND SON, 1 COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS I AND UNDERTAKERS. 1 1, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF I Nat. Telephone No. 1,222); I 1. CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF I Nat. Telephone No. 1,222); I And 133, HOLTON-ROAD. DOCK, I Every Requisite for Funerals of all Classes I Price List Free on Application. al218? I ♦Business VES&Trlfr fhtarcherS^ fl IGOMfillTOlnSII'li # Facsimile cf One-Ounce Packet. AfGliser's Gelden Returns The Perfection of Pipe Tobacco. Coo: SWEET, AND FP.5GP.ANT. public Notices. J AMPLIGHTER WANTED for Ponty oridd. Wages, 23s. per week.—Apply Gaa Engineer, Gas Offices, Treforest. c3438 fn iHemonain. In Loving: Memory of Mrs. Mi:rgaret Row- lands. who died November 25. 1900. Gone, but not forgotten by her devoted children.

[No title]

Gainiiieiits n;--1.-ta,,\"\'I,…


"The Usk-A Dying River."


The Czar and the King of Italy.

,Welsh in London.

Faithful Sentinel.

Wireless Telegraphy. 0

Cape Liner Breaks Down.

[No title]

IRoyal Quarrels.


Edward Bernstein and the Socialists.

The Popa's Health.

[No title]

Mr. Chevalier's Butler.





Serious Charge Against GermanI…

A Deserter from Cardiff.

[No title]

Australian Cricket.

American Workmen for England

A Homicide at Large.

Housebreaking at Bedwellty.

Fan and Fire.

A Lady Shot Dead at Cinderford.

Oldest C.M. in London Dead.

Ships for the China Station.

Cardiff Blind Institute.

[No title]

Cardiff Heatth.I ,Committee.



S.P.C.C. AT CARDif r

To-day's London Press,






Crown Prince of Siam at Liverpool

The Vicarage of Swansea.

By the Way.