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tlØlmø J" N°w, fp ALKING Å BOUT FEATHER DID YOU EVER HEAP. OF SAM TAYLOR?" Here's a man -who has spent a. lifetime in candling Feather Bedi, and what he doesn't, know a bent tha u really isn't worth knowing. ET1 We{], read what he offers as a specimen o* §?• What he can do in this line. He offere: — A Full-sized. 6ft. 6in. by 4it. 5in. FOR "Feather Be (picked, purified, downy feathers) with Bolster and Two O X Pillows to mntch. complete, weighing 601b3. tha let (ticking of pure Bariu- ley linen. waxed ll1S;del. A3 good 01. ONLY, bed as anyone need wish to lie on. Packed and delivered carriage free to yoar own :1.)or for 358. only. WHAT COULD BE BETTER OR CHEAPER? Over 230 of these beds sola within the last few months delighted customers. Send for Oil at once. Money returned in full if satisfaction not griveu. Beds despatched same day as order received. OR LOOK AT THIS CAPITAL LOT OF BEDSTEAD AND BEDDING. A very masaive Brass Rail Bedstead FOR 6'ii. 6in. by 4ft. 6m, with Woven Wire Mattress, Woo! Mat- A tress. Wool Bolster, and Two Feather zwit-P/ Pillows to match. The lot com- plete inr 45". only. carriage paid to ONLY. any address, and money returned if not approved. WHY. IT'S REALLY MARVELLOUS VALUE! All von have to do is to send the money, and the goods will he sent off immediately on receipt of Order, either from '.he London Ware- house or direct from Cardiff. SAMPLES OF FEATHERS AND TICKING. WITH ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS. SENT FREE OS APPLICATION. SAM TAYLOR knows the foods cannot be matched at the price in the whsle realm. HE SIMPLY DEFIES COMPETITION. He depends mpea Testimoni.ilsi and Repeat Orders to make this advertisement pay. NOTE THE ADDRESS SAMUEL TAYLOR. CANTON BEDDING WAREHOUSE, .'1 and 48, COWBRIDGE-ROAB CARDIFF. etc GREAT SALE. piANOFORTES AND QRGANS BY ALL MAKERS. EXPIRATION OF T EASE. i;. J. HE_i™ ASD soNS- 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, REMOVING TO LARGER PREMISES, CORNER OF CHARLES-STREET, gBEAT U C TIONS. ALSO AT PENARTH AND PONTYPRIDD. MANUFACTORY—LONDON. Nat. Telephone: Cardiff, 1.021; Pontypridd, 21. gEYAX 1.D COMPANY FOR SUITES. gEVAX AND COPÅNY LARGEST SELECTIONS. JJETAN AND COMPANY FOR BEDSTEADS. JJEVAN AND COMPANY RELIABLE GOODS. rgEVAN AND COMPANY FOR BEDDING. JJEYAN AND COMPANY LOWEST PRICES. JJEVAN AND COMPANY FOB CARPETS. JjEVAN AND COMPANY NEWEST DESIGNS. JJEYAX AND COMPANY FOR FLOOR CLOTHS. JJEVAN AND COMPANY FREE DELIYEBY. JJEVAN AND COMPANY FOR PIANOS, j BEY AN AND COMPANY IMMENSE STOCKS. BEYAN & COMPANY (LIMITED), Registered and known throughaut Wales as "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21, DUKE-STREET, An 97, St. MARY STREET CARDIFF. AL80 SWANSEA, NEWPORT, AND FONTYPOOL. <e1896 THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst form3 of diseases, and the foallest state of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they go to the core of every disea^. wher3 no oher medieina has power to reach. In Boxes, at 18. Hd. and 2a. 9d. cach. Sold by all Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill Manu- factory. 44, Oxford-street. Swansea. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S !& !r a GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA aREAKfAST SUPPE" ¡ -vww: I if OUR GENERALS. I J | OGDEN'S are Now issuing in$ £ > their Packets of 9 I m- A- iu u CIGARETTES | REAL PHOTOS of all the Most j $Celebrated Officers at the Front. i* i k — <? A THE SERIES COMPBISE3 ABOUT SIXTY DIFFERENT PHOTOS, P ? INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING:— 1 5 ssijrss^-a— I LQrd Kitchenel Colonel J Co.one J 8 Baden-Pow«Il. Osnera! Maxw.u 1 i ssr, is sssr» ■» ?■ 2 5 »r ChM. W.™^ S;SlL fCSf*' S 1 C^r^T! "v! *e • Major-general V.vell. V £ T raTr'n -i» Major-general Fitzroy Hart P W General Ian Hamilton. Tipnt wn»„i t v n "l V >\ Genwal Pole-Carew. M??or-»rlral V k 1 f Major»en. Sir Archibald Hunter. Major-^ncrt Am w a I Licutor.ant-^enera! Lord Methnen. Major W Bpbtie ytte!toa' A Major-general Ghermside. BuffIer Dnnn » J £ ?lonel General Knox X t Major-general H. Macdonald. Private Fitzmanrice C A M°r nnr>nf Mr- w^3ton ChnrchilL «( W Wajor DaJgety Lord Edward CeciL 9 Vajor-srer.eral G. H Marshall. X i ■ I -14 A X UEL R 0 S., SAXUEL BRos., CABINET MANUFACTURERS AND COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 70, QUEEN-STREET, c A R D I F F. 1,500 WORTH OF BEDSTEADS. £ 2,000 WORTH OF DINING AND DRAWING- EOOM SUITES. 02,000 WORTH OF BEDBOOM SUITES. J? 5.500 WORTH OF GENERAL AND VARIOUS KINDS OF FURNITURB. £ 1,250 WORTH OF CLOCK ORNAMENTS AND FANCY GOODS. J?i,000 WORTH OF BAMBOO FURNITURE. 1,250 WORTH OF FLOOR CLOTHS, CARPETS. Ac. 1,000 WORTH OF BABY CARRIAGES (NEWEST DESIGNS). All the above Goods will be Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments at the following terms:- £ 10 worth oi Furniture 4s. per week. £20 6s £50 H 108. And so on in proportion. SPECIAL TERMS ARRANGED FOR LARGER AMOTJNTea. ALL GOODS DELIVERED KSSE WITHES* 100 MILES. CATALOGUES ON ArPlilCATION. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AND SUBMIT PRICES ON APPLICATION. BEFORE PURCHASING PAY US A VISIT. IT WILL RE-PAY YOU. COMMUNICATE WITH US DIRECT. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS OR PAY COM. MISSION. SO OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE TOWN. NOTE ADDRESS: s A X U = L B R 0 s 70* (Q^EEiT-STBEET, p AUDI! F e3l57 — < rrr- BOUGHT AT A DISCOUNT OF 52 PER CENT. A MANCHESTER WHOLESALE JEWELLER'S STOCK. rNDER A DEED OF ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS. The Truske of thi. Estate has declared H. SAMUEL'S to be the highest tender, and he has been declared the purchaser of the following important Sto(k: £ 1&. d. Gold, Opal, Diamond, Signet, „ and Fancy Rings tOI.D GOODS, viz.Brooshes, Links, Studs, Sets, Suites, Pins, Ear-rir.i, Charms, Sols., Bangles, Pencils, Pendants, Gold Materials, &c 1,0(0 4 v SILVER G06BS, viz. Pen- ILVEH. viz. Pen- dS, Knives, Hooks, Brooches, Vins, Suites, Pentianu. nuckle. Necklaces, Match Koxej, Smokers' Companions, Medala, Seals, Links, Studs, nn- a o Alberts, i:c 37 O 8 o ELECT R.G-PI.ATE and SIL- 1 VER QOOBS, viz.Spoons, Rattles, Spirit andg, Sifters, Salads, Dishes, Bowls, Tea- pots. Trays, Holders, Clocks, Vases, Bronzes, Forks, Knives, Thimble Cases, Purses, Bread Knives, Carvers, Button Hooks, Combs, Brushes, Hooks, umbtella- Salts, Bottles, Cutieiy, and Sundries 338 10 2 Total 2.981 14 2 H. SAMrEI. has been declared the PURCHASER of this VALUABLE and IMPORTANT STOCK, at an ENORMOUS DISCOUNT of 52 PER CENT. It has rarely been the case that the public of Cardiff have liad so genuine and magnificent Stock offered to tliem at so Great a Reduction. Fifty-two per cent, irom the original is the price that H. SAMUEL has been declared the purchaser of this Sto-k. The Stock is now to be seen at H. SAJtUEL'S ESTAB- LISHMENT, 7, ST. MARY-STIIFET,-kiid you are respectfully requested to come early so as to have a good selection before the crush begins. VISIT H. SAMUEL. VISIT H. SAMUEL. VISIT H. SAMUEL. AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS REMA.RKAKL-E OPPORTUNITY. H. SAMUEL, I, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, And at MsTket-stieet, Manchester. A RTISTI-C JpiURNlSHING, P. E. GAN E. (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE). CHOICES r SELECTION OF BErROOM. SUITES DKAWING-EOOM SUITES. BININu-ROOM SUITES, MANUFACTURERS OF PURE BUDDING. BEDSTEADS in Great Variety. One Hundred Patterns to Select from. IMMENSE STOCK. LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. SanG to. Our New Catalogue of MODERN AND AUTISTIC FURNITUBS j P. E. GANE. (LATE TRAPNELL AND GANE), 8 & 41, QUEEN-ST.. CARDIFF. Also at NEWPORT and BRISTOL- ¡htblit potter** r- THE TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF THE COUNTY BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. SESSION 1900-1901. The SCHOOL RE-OPENS on MONDAY NEXT. September 10th. Copies of the Sylla.bus may be obtained at the University College, New- port-road the College and Technical Build- lings, Dumfries-place; or the Wom-an's Tech- nical Department, 6, St. Andrcw's-place. J. AUSTIN JENKINS, Secretary. University College, Cardiff, September, 1900. E84S0 pri5 £ rr £ s^rffSB™». CARDIFF AND WESTON. "LADY MARGARET," "RAVENSWQOD," Ac., Weather and Circumstances Permitting. SEPTEMBER. Leave CARBIEF. Leave WESTON. Wad., 5—12.If-, 1.15. 2.15. I Wad,, 5—12.8 upon. 1.0 3.15, 4.39 p.m. V.9, 3.0, 5,15 5.30 pm Thurs., IÍ- c.45 am.. 12,30, Thurs., o— -12,0 noon.-1.15 1.30, 2,30, 3.30, 4.3', 5.30 2.E, 3,15, 4.15. 5.15. b.30, n.m, p.m. Fri., 7 —7.45 a.m., 1.30. 2,30. | Fri., 7 —1.6, 2.15, 3,13, 4,15 3.30, 4.J8, 5.30,6.30 v.m,,7.30 p.m. Sat., 3—7,0, 8.30 a.m. i30, Sat, 8—7.4) a.sn, 2.0, 3.15, 3.30. 4.30, s.30, i.33, 7,3, I 4.13, 5.15. 6.15. 8.0, M5 p m. t>.m, 3ion 4.15,1 MOB., 10— 9,0 a.m„ 3.43. 5.15, s.l?. 7.15 p.m. ?.0, 6.0, 7.33, 8.8 p.m. Tues., 11-9.13, 10.30 a.m.. lues., 11— 10.0 a.m., 4.1s, -J. 7.0, *7.45 p.m. 1-.4.5. 6.4F, S.0, 3.30 p.m. gPECIAL SAILINGS. 1- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. BRISTOL.-Pena.rth 12.0 noon, Cardiff 12.30 p.m., Bristol 4.0 p.m. CHANNEL CRUISE ALONG THE WELSH COAST.—Cardiff 3.0 p.m.. returning about 6.30 p.m. Fare, any i)art of Steamer, 2e. SINGLE TRIP TO LYNMOUTH AND ILFKA- COMBE.—Cardiff 5.45 p.m. Note.—Steamer leaves Ilfracombe this day at 9.30 a.m. for Lynmotith, Cardiff, and Bristol. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. BBISTOL.-Penarth 12.15 p.m., Cardiff 12.45 p.m., Bristol 4.33 p.m. AFTERNOON TRIP TO MINEIIEAD.-Cardiff 12.30 p.m., MineheaU 5.30 p.m. Note.—This Boat will rtm to accomwiodate Passengers wishing to-attend Ifessrs. Stephen- son and Alexander's Sale of Land for Building: Site3 at Minehead. StKGLE TRIP TO LYNMOUTH AND ILFRA- COMBE.—Cardiff 6.15 p.m. Note.—Steamer leaves Ilfracombe this day at 9.30 a.m. for Lynmouth, Cardiff, and Bristol. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. WESTON, CLEVEDON, AND CHEPSTOW.— Cardiff 1.30 p.m., Chepstow 5.30 p.m., Clevedon 6.30 p.m.. Weston 7.15 p.m. BRISTOL.—Penarth 1.15 p.m., Cardiff 1.30 p.m., Bristol 5.30 p.m. SINGLE TRIP TO ILFRACOMBE.—Cardiff 7.15 p.m. NOTE.—Steamer leave? Ilfracombe this day at 10.0 a.m. for Cardiff and Bristol. If EUULAF, SERVICE to LYNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE. SEPTEMBER. Leave CARDIFF. Leive ILFR\Od-MBE Saturday, 3—S.45 a.m, Saturday. S—4,9 p.m. Monday, 1#—9.30 a.tr.. Monday. 10—S,3,l p.m. Tuesday. 11—°,30 a.m. Tuesday. 11—5.31 p.m. Wednesday, 12—1!) 30 a.m. Wednesday 12 -4.0 ? m. Thursday. 13-10.30 a.m. Thursday, 13-4.30 p.m. Friday, 11 —11,0 a.m. Friday, Steamer leaves Lynmouth 30 minutes after Ilfracombe. Cheap Route to Devon and Cornwall in con- nection with the London and Sooth Western R ailtva y. Steamer leaves Penarth Ten Minutes later than Cardiff, except Trips mnrked For Particulars and Tickets apply Mr. WM. GUY. a6926 70a, Bute-atrect. Cardiff. OCKET -4'1'A GE OACti ROCKET STAGE COACH Owinj to the Indisposition of the Driver, the ROCKET STAGE COACH WILL NOT RUN DURING ThIS WEEK. The Next Trip will be to RAGLAN on TUESDAY, SEPT. 11. F. RUTHERFOORD HARRIS, Proprietor. €8356 fukottureT STANDARD FuRN,sffl NG CO., QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF (Next Door to the Empire), Are ALWAYS TO THE FRONT with their WELL-MADE AND SUBSTANTIAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WE ARE THE ONLY RELIABLE FIRM in the PRINCIPALITY Who give their Customers satisfaction either for CASH or on tlis EASY-PAYMENT SYSTEM. Our Terms and Sysi-em of Business are muah easier than any other Firm in South Wales. Call and inspect tha ENCRMOUS STOCK OF DINING. DRAWING ROOM. AND PARLOUR SUITES. SfltEEOARDS. CABINETS, an'I CH1FFONNIERS. BEDROOM SUITES. DRESSING PAIR AND DUCHESSE TOILETS BEDSTEADS AND WIRE MATTRESSES. PUKF BEDDING (a Speciality), WOOL MATTRESSE3. H vir MATTRESSES. WOOL BEDS and FEATHER BED SETS. OVERMAN'iLi<;S. CARPETS, and RUGS. BRASS FENDERS, KESBS. and FIRE BBASSES. CatVj "Ml AND OFFICE FURNITURE Of every description. ALL of the NEWEST An early visit to our spactoas Shcwpocms will certainly re-pay you. Onr New Price List Free. Eterv Article of Furniture Examined before seeding out to ihe Customers. Goods Delivered Promptly and Free of Carriage. Dint-ance no object. eS693





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Encounter in the ,Mountains.…





The Proposed \Withdrawal.…

from the "Daily Telegraph"…
