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30or,5r!5, tibe torht &r. WAVIF.D, by Gentleman in North Devon, Horgeg to be Broken to Saddle and Harness Limited Number of Horses Taken for Grazing; jf-rsonal euper- Hsion.—Tt-rras, particulars Hnr.*es, o/o L'avies.ai\rer.. tiJmg Agent, Broad-street, Bristol. 69561 Q ALE, Five ti,e 14-2; cjr.fct U ride and drive and sound; from zEI5 to J230 f-ach.— Apply 27. Rn hards-terraee, Roath, Cardiff. 37?0u24 TTSEFOX Ihy Cub; perfect in harne?? and to ride. U Also Trap and Harness.—Apply, personally. Keys, Ca-tie Hotel, Tredegar. 3655u23 T^'OR Sale, .Shorthorn. Abo" Jersey Cows; iul! profli" J Calves _Wj»nt«d.—Iscoed, Ferryside. 3453^7 WlVXTKD, Ii<3trievpr or J.nr-'e Retrieving SnanieT Apply fi. Kirl'y, Tit!"V, Herefordshire. 375^2 COLLIE Puppies; prize bred; moderate j>:j(-^T approval.-F 71. Western_MttH. Cardiif. 377jr*27 SAVE Tour Pupa.—Sqnire Giles'? Distemper ~n;i7" preventive and cure; in boxes, 64, and jg, e»ok 5C!()60 OQCIRR Giles's" Worm Powders for Doss; noting! Mte >m; four for Is.—Of al! Com JI?rrhants or Airect of Sole Agents. Kercick and Son (Limited).' 65, Cardiff. 52060 1 Carnal Sarnrss, Src. A TcSt,ft!'ar<3 8 ,0rVBest Selected Stock of Harness and ^SwimerT !a _^ales; Quality ^ight, price right. A T St<iW?rd'a, ,r Carriage and Bath Sponge#; *°n *L- *or s*mp]e. We defy competition. 5,0-00 to seiect from. 4 T*i<?rWaid S f0r Saddles arranted; -l-V i,4 l0s. compete; money returned if not satisfied. A Steward's for Gladstone Bags, Hand Bags, Trunks, u-v Repairs of All Kind*. AT Steward's.—If vc.u Want Fain1; for Money Call and Inspect our Stock. Est. over 30 years. Send lor lists, free.-Note address: 3, Wood-street-, Cardiff. *6933_ "VT"E"W Kre 11k, carry 15, -very stylish; Second-hand 1. Wa?onett< carry 9: Pleasure, Business Traps all siaes; Kalli Car. with rubbeT tyres.—Knisht and P ivies's Works, Oa^rieon-road, Newport. 3702n25 PONY Traps.—Four New. Thr«>e Second-hand,- Six Grocer's Carts, Four Flat Carts, Float", &'c a bargain. -Carr; age Works, Morgan-street, Ponytpridd „ 36391-26 SPLKNDID Laudai1. :ette. One Wagonette 'T.i^htJ ingrained. Carriage Works, Morgan-street, Ponty- r_ridd- 3639n26 T^OB, Sale, Two Cabs, One HorsrCltylisiTDos-cart, _L Three Sets Harness, and Sundry Tools; buver option of takin™ house and mews; *plendi(l living.— -Apply N orthcoto Mews, off Kichmond-ruad, Cardiff. n26 FOE. Sale, Phaeton; very good condition.—MessrST jT Jones and Co., Carriage Builders, Swansea. n25 I^Oii Sale or Hire, nice, stylish Victoria; cee JL springs, ri'bber tyres; suitable single or pair.— Thick^An?el m>tw, Cardiff. 358in25 BARGAINS "FOR PROMPT SAT.E.—iw.oiui-iiand" in excellent cr-ler: Farm Wagon, on springs, with nrake and hay ladders, by Bristol Wagon Company. Miller's Sack Wagon, on springs; 1 by Stone. Trades- man's Market. Cart, on springs. Perfectly New: Very strong Tipping Cart, to carry ,ab-,it 25cwt. Light. Spring Tipping Cart, on springs, by Bristol Wagon Company. Apply Charieg D. Phillips, Newport, Mon. 69693 1/lOR Sale, a New Full-sized Furniture Van (only J? built eighteen months), and Shed if required; plenty of work in thriTins valley;, gelling owing to othpr ■work, and cannot attend Tan.—Apply F 18, Western M^il Oifi.ce, Cardiff. 3513n24 ■TT^OUR Landaus to Choose From; Lan?e Quantity of JP 2-Wheel Vehicle#; Pony Cart at £ 7; Jubilee and Governess Cars.—rerry and Co., Frederick-street. Car- diff- 3397n23 FOR Sale, Covered Break, to carry 20 person.?, with movable h»;id; in good order; sell cli»ap, or exchange.—Lion Hotel, Rhayader. 3417n23 DOZEN Fashionable Pony and Cob Traps, Tweiit* Business I.irht Spring Traps and Carta, Three Small Governess Carta suit, pony or donkey); ch.»ap.— Hosser, H°rbert-street, Newport, Mon. 3337u21 HANSOM, wjual to new; smart I,ondon VictoriaT newly trimmed 'n moreeco; stylish Four-wheel Dogcart; (nfh1 selection Landaus, Bronghama, Wagonettes, Dogcarts, ail sires.—Totterdills', Colston- street, Bristol 69560 W A T K I N AN.-D 8 0 -N- N, E W PO r,. T G w A T kTN" AXD~s o n"T"n,Y\tTo"E T — Larllest Stock of Carriages in MORm0uthahire. Nat. Tel., 395. New, stylish Pair-horse Break; carries 17 Barouche, withnnt head; thoroughly done up; weight, gc.wt.; suit, jr'bma?t°r or seaside; cheap. 66994 OBKPAIRS A SPECIALITY. ESTIMATES FREE. J (ITOXE AN'Q SON, 0 NEWPORT, MON.. M AKERS OF ROAD VEFITCLFS 1j,)!14 SECOND Hand Carriages.—Intending PuretiMari sljnilid writs tor Messrs. Offord> Monthly Iiist n1 350 Selected Carriages by the Best Makers, at Lox Prices, fnr Sale or Hire.—Post free from 67, Geor. street, Portman-siuare London. W. Lisms porttng. .r-" ""j GROUSE Shooting to Let—the Sporting Rights on Pantrnawr and Some Adjoining Land in the Parish of Ystradfellte, comprising about .3,000 acrps.- For particulars apply to Hobort MeTurk, Cnnor Cray, JlTeconshire. 69746 CHAMBERS' Noted Excelsior Bata, 6».; Tennis c Rackets from 5s. Bats Repaired. Rackets Re- atnng, from 3s. Speciality in Fishing Tackle. Trout Flies, 6d. per doz. Largest Stock of Tackle in South Wales.—Chambers, Guomaker, Cardiff, Bristol, and Bhepton Mallet. Telephone, 01,339. &6336 o I is p A.N,D A. CA-MPBFJL (LIMITED), CARDIFF AND WESTON. "LADY MARGARET." "RAVENSWOOD." *0. W.ather and eircumstanoes Permittime. JULY. I.eave CARDIFF. I Luve WESTON. Sat., 21—12.30,2.0, 2.45, 4.-45 1 Sat., 21-12.30, 1,15, *3.30, „P-™< 9.10, 10.0 p.m. Mon., 23—6.4o a.m., 12.30, Mon., 23 —12.0 noon, 2.15. 1.30, 3.30, 5,30 T).m 4.15,6.15,6.30 p.m. Tues., 24-7.45 a.m., 1.10, j Tues., 24-1.0, 3.1. 5.15, 2.30, 4.30, 6,30 D.m. i 7.1S, 7.3) p.m. Wed., 25—*7.20, 8.45, a.m, Wed,, 25-*«.0a.m.,, 2.45. 3.30, 5.30, 7.30 p.m. 6.15. 8 55, 8 30 p m, Thura., 2^—*8.13. 9.30 a.m., Thurs,, 6-9.0 a.m.. 2,45, 3.10,4.15,6.15, S.I5 p.m. 5.0. 7.0, f) 0 5 p no Fri.. 27-8.30. 10.0 a.m., 4.0, Fri., 27-«3.15 a.m., 3.30 o.O, 7.6 p.m. I 5.45, 8.0, 9,30 p.m, SPECIAL SAILI-NGS. .J SATURDAY, JULY 21 AFTERNOON TRIP TO CLEVEDON. VIA WESTON. Cardiff 2.0 p.m., Clereclon 9.0 p.m., Weston 10.0 p.m. HALF-HOLIDAY KXCITRSTON TO ILFRA- COMEE (Calling at Ljnimotttli Down Journey Only).—Cardiff 3.0 p.m.. Ilfracombe 8.0 p m Cardiff for Bristol 10.30 p.m. Special Setnrn Tare (this Trip Only). Zg. 6d. and 3s. 6d. MODA y, JULY 23. MINEHEAD—Cardiff 12.15 p.m., Minehead 515 p.m. BRTI,TOL.-Penarth 12.30 p.m., Cardiff 1.0 p.m., Bristol 5.0 p.m. WESTON. CLBVEDON, AND CHEPSTOW — Cardiff 12 30 p.m., Chepstow 4.45 p.m., Clevedon 5.46 p.m., Weston 6.30 p.m. SIN OLE TKFP TO LYN MOUTH. AND ILFRA COIVTBE.-Cardiff 6.45 p.m. Note.—Steamer leaves Ilfracombe th;g dav at 10.0 a.m., Lynmonth 10 30 a.m., for Cardiff and Bristol. TUESDAY. JULY 24. WESTON and WIN-F.HEAD.-Cardiff 1.40 p.m., -Mmehead 5.45 p.m.. Weston 7.30 p.m. AFTERNOON TRIP to BrjT3NIIAM.-Cardiff 2.0 p m., Burnham. 6.45 p.m. V/EDNESDAY, JULY 25. HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP to PKISTOL-Cardiff 2.4o p.m.. Bristol 7.15 n.m. HALF-HOLIDA Y TRIP to V/ESTOV CLEVE- DON. and CREP¡;(TOW.-Cardi!'f 2.45 -p.m., Cbep- g,r^v 6.45 p.m., Clevedon 7.45 p.m.. Weston 8.30 f,VFiNING TRIP tl ]BRISTOL.-Ctrdiff .4.15 BrurtQl 7.15 p. 'M. jO EGULAE SEE,VICE to LYNMOUTH AND rLFOACOMBS!. J LIL Y. i».H,trt#ve'/i!AT?rF'F' 'i »eave ilfrACOMBE. Batnrdav, 21 —3,0 p.m. Saturday 21—17.45, and 8,0 P-tn, Wednesday, 25—S.43 a.m, Wednesday, 25—1 45 n m Thursday, 26—9.30 a m. Thursday. 26—2.45 p.m. Friday. 27-10." a.m. Friday, £ -3.1-; n m Satnvday 28—10.0 a m. I Saturday, 28-3.45 p m Monday. 3^—10.0 a.111. I Monday, 30—4,"0 p.m. Steamer leaves Lynmouth 30 minatan aftei ICI,fm.ec,mbe. Cheap Roltte to Devon and Cornwall in con- aectioE with the London and Sonth Weetern xv Al wsty* Ste$-raer leaves Penarth Ten Minutes later than C-diff except Trips marked For Particulars and Tickets apply mSMA Mr GUT- — 70a. Bate-Street. Cardiff. GR E A T g A L E. pJAXOFORTES AND QRGANS BY ALL MAKERS. JJXPIBATION OF LEASE. R. J. HEATH AND SONS1 61, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, removing TO LARGER PREMISES, 50OKNER OF CHARLES-STR-EET. GREAT eductions. cash and New Hire System. Also at PENARTH AND PONTYP-RTBD. MANUFACTOR Y-LONDO Na.t. Tolephoine. Cardiff. 1,021; Pontypridd. 2L a750 Ij^ESSIONs AND SO-N'S, LIMITED, nrrMBU-PSi*UPiPF^BERS AND IifPOPvTEliS OF TBfBKR«. SLATES. JOINERY. CEMENT, '/TvrJltVTKS' RANGES, GRATES, CHIMiNEY-' p-CES MONUMENT'S. AND ALL MATERIALS. LARG "HOsvROOMS IN WALES. pEU-AETH-Roi]^ cABDlPy. -ri t lq- A R T H cABDlPy. -46M I f JBwdmesfs! gbbrt5t£). "I' It. "'ØO\A.r\ TBJS A TI.As FURXISHING COMPANY (LIMITED). { rIf GOAL OF TO-DAY. THE STARTING STONE TO-MORROW. We never rest on our oars, but we are con- tinually studyins our patrons. Our aim is to supply our customers with a first-class article at the lo\ve?t possible price. "V^TE MANUFACTURE most of the goodg we sell; therefore, "ie can guarantee them. What goods we don't make we buy at the TJMi £ ST MARKETS, and goods well J-f bought are half sold. TWINING-ROOM SUITES From £ 50 to £ 5. We keep no Rubbish. T|RA'WING-ROOM SUITES -1- From X50 to t No Rubbish kept. iNOTICE.-IVe are the sole Proprietors  of Samuel's Patent Clamp, wliieii is fitted on our chaÜ. This keeps them firm and rigid; no giving way at the back. No other Firm may use these Clamps. JJEDROOM SUITES From £ 10 clown to £ 3 5s. NO RUBBISH KEPT. BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS AT ALL PRICES. CARPETS. LINOLEUMS. KITCHEN FURNITURE, OFFICE FURNITURE. All Kinds of Furniture and Household Requisites. PIANOS A NT) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, All at tt-" Lowest Possible Prices. NO RUBBISH KEPT. Deal with us jjji<sei. either by Caliirg or by Letter. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS OR TRAVELLERS. We Pay No Commission. Thus, instead of Paying Large Commissions to Agents, ayeraing about 20 per cent., which the Buyer has indirectly to Pay, SAvE IT BY DEALING DIRECT WITH US. NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT. YOU GET GOOD VALUE. Don't be Guided by Misleading Advertisement. with Cheap and Nasty Goods. QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAP- NESS. RUBBISH IS DEAR AT ANY PRICE. JjJ A S T p A Y M E N T S Purchasers to whom it may be more conve- nient to Buy on Easy Terms will be supplied by us at the Lowest Possible Price. Oar Re-payments are far below any other firm in Wales; in fact, we generally arrange Terms, to Suit Our Customers' Convenience. YOU CAN SELECT FROM: A STOCK OF OYER £ 50,000. A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF MAIL CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS. All Goods Delivered Free Within 100 Miles. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. NOTE THE ADDRESS — ATIAS pURNISHIN > COMPANY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, HAYES-BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. ANB AT LONDON. e7944 T>XTBLIO O T I C B, SAMUEL B P, 0 S., CABINET MANUFACTURERS AND COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, TO QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. £1.500 WORTH OF BEDSTEADS. 2,000 WORTH OF DINING AND DRAWING- ROOM SUITES. Z.WG WORTH OF BEDROOM SUITES. £ 5,590 WORTH OF GENERAL AND VARIOUS KINDS OF FURNITURE. 1,250 WORTH OF CLOCK ORNAMENTS AND FANCY GOODS. 1,000 WORTH OF BAMBOO FURNITURE. £ 1,250 WORTH OF FLOOR CLOTHS, CARPETS, Ac. 1,000 WORTH OF BABY CARRIAGES (NEWEST DESIGNS). All the above Goods will be Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments at the following terms:— X10 worth of Farniture. 4s. per week. £26 g8 u £5G „ 10s. „ „ And 10 on in proportion. SPECIAL TERMS ARRANGED FOR LARGER AMOUNTS. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE WITHIN 100 MILES. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ANB SUBMIT PRICES ON APPLICATION. BEFORE PURCHASING PAY US A VISIT. IT WILL RE-PAY YOU. COMMUNICATE WITH US DIRECT. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS OR PAY COM- MISSION, SO OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE TOWN. NOTE ABBRESS:- sA. X IU B L BOS., 70, QtfEEJS- STBEET, c A:ETDIF F er,57 el157 KEATING'S POWDER. j^EATING'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fleas. Bugs, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Buys, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Bug's, Cloths. Beetles. Kills Fl-at, Bugs, Moths, Beetieo NEW BELLOWS, 9d.; Tins. 3d., 5d.. is. "N W BELLOWS, 9d.; Tins, 3d., 6d Is. NEW BELLOWS, 9d.; Tins, 3d., Sd.. Is. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths. Beetles (Harmless to everything but Insects). Sold in Tins. 3d., 6d.. and 111.. also in the new filled Bellows, 9d. KILLS FLEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS. KILLS FLEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS, KILLS FLEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS. e4705 DAISY CYCLES, fin?st Cycle in Wales, and foJ j^ oxF ch°a np n'l pat'a th9y 1<5ad th<J way- Only GRADE_tbe HIGHEST obtain- able. and canno.. be excelled. Write for Cata- log-no before ordering other Mounts. and Enameiling ana al! Kinds of Repairs &one by experienced Worknien. Nat. Tel. 832. AYLIFFE AND SONS, DAISY CYCLE WORKS. CARDIFF, [e8262 PRIVATE RESIDENCE for CTTPW .,f EXOESSIV'i ITSE OF ALCOHOL.—Special Medicinal Treatmeit for Alcoholic Diaea»es ha^ bS"(\n snccc^ai-'lily cataDlisacd in Glasgow sinei Angust, 1398. in Dublin since Octoosr, 18^, nnd now nea'c Cardiff. Over patients have undergone treatment. P'.uuu ion of Treat- ment—Threes Weeks Only. Satisfactory refe- rences, Terms, and all Information furnished at the Hagev Institu'.e Offices, jo, Wind^or- place, CarvliiT. All Oommunications strictly confidential. c,Ã)37 -=:. Ottt $nb £ 5tmwt» BKFOKK Enteri*s into Another Tenancy apply by post-oard for IUutitrat^d Booklet, ''How to Live t wnich will bt wnt by 72» I^isbopf- ffrte-etreet Without, Loadoa E.O «#364 j business bbrt9t. FURNITURE-(CASH OR CREDIT.) The CASTLE FURNISHING Co. 2.5, CASTLE-STREET, CARDIFF facing Cardiff CVstle). EASIEST TERMS IN THE TRADE. WE 2 Rooms F'ttrni-3he,i for 28. v/eekly. 3 Rooms Furnished for 3s. weekly. sll:illllly 4 Roams Furnished for 5s. weekly, NO SECURITY. DEPOSIT OPTIONAL. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE A SPECIALITY. All Goocls Delivered Free. Customers' Railway Fares Refunded. e9226 FURNITURE. THE BORO' F U RNISHERS 4, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF (FACING 3T. JOHN'S CHURCH. OFFER TfiE BEST TERMS FOR CREDIT. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE. £ 3 W 0,11 of Goods for 1". 6d. weekiv. YOU C5 Worth of Goods for 2s. 6d. weekiv. CAN £7 10s. Worth of uoods loros. 6d. weekly. HAVE ;:10 Worth of Goods for 48 weekly. £ 20 Worth of Goods f-,r 5h weekiv. NO DEPOSITS TO PAY DOWN. All you pay is the firit instalment, and then continue your payments afterwards ALL GOOUS DELIVERED FREE. Send for Catalogue. Rail Fares Refunded. C. HENRY THOMAS AND CO.'S GRAND EXHIBITION or BABY C,Ar-Itl.A-GES. 'V, .-iC- f' ■: Jr GUARANTEED LARGEST STOCK IN THE PROVINCES. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. SEE OUR WINDOWS. NOTE 9NLY ADDRESS:— 122, QUEEN-STREET CARDIFF. e8173 JJEALTH AND STRENGTH. .9.1 JLJEALiH AND STRENGXrL. Health has many handmaids, and all depend on strength of nerva and muscle. W5 exacr- too much from these in the daily competitive straggle for success in Life, and vre have to suffer in con- sequence. INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS. SLEEPLESSNESS. LIVER DISORDERS, CHErr AFFECTIONS, All these are successfully combatted, with the sustaining assistance of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM E\ ANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE, In Bottles 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. In Bettles 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. No Medicine has had so many imita- tors. but the Purcua?er bas the remedy against such deceit in his own hands Note particnla rly the name Gwilyn Evans" on the Stamp, Label, and Bottle, a threefold precaution, without which non are genuine. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY (LIMITED) LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 26185 pAINLESS CHIROPODY. VASCULAR CORNS. HARD GROWTHS, and Every Kind of FOOT TROUBLE Successfully and Painlessly Treated by ROBERT LANE, CHIROPODIST, 3. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. „ For HORTON'S For Females. ORIGINAL Females, only. BENEDICT PILLS. only. The Proprietor has received thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Females of all ages should never be without a box. a" they at once lemove all irregularities, and are in no way injurious, which is the case with many advertised pills. In boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. Sent Post Free under cover Id. extra, direct by the proprietor, G. 1). Horton. M.P.S. ffrom the Birmingham and General Lying-in Hospital). Aston Hous«, Aston-road North, Birmingham. Agents:—Cardiff: R. Mumford, Chemist, ike.. Meteor-straet. Splotlands. Merthyr: Willis. Chemist. Georgetown. Swansea: Lloyd, Chemist. OTford-strest Newport: Young, Chemist. i c,l Cannot be had from other Cher.iia- N .PI.-None genuine unlee; baarin.T C. D. Horton." in red, across racli l-'bel. L&ttert; angwerod free. etc jtr^^JJCT»ataZ»ttg^TTri~l1T. I »THiiMWIII iimwhwiiwiwh —■If public flotue#. oBD VOLUNTEER BATTALION THE d WELSH REGIMENT. ORDERS by PEARSON R. CRESSWELL, C.B.. V.D.. Colonel Commandant. CARDIFF DETACHMENT. For the Week Ending 23th Ju\y, 1900. Members recjiiring Equipment for Camp can obtain what they want on application to the trill a s r on all .I, evening betwean Seven p.m. and Nine p.m. up to Friday, the 27th inst. For Duty;—Major W. E. Jones and Lieu- tenant Roe. ARTHUR P. JAMES, Lieutenant coloual, 10715 For Colonel Commanding Detachment. 10715 For Colonel Commanding Detachment.





------------! WEEK'S TEMPI'RATURE…

I-By the Way. .












[No title]

Memorable Scenes.









I===========!===< HEAT.





Hope Once More ----Revived.''''--…