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Cairia^fs, arn, Set. ,r, ø. WANTt-ID, Single-Uorie Landau iad Wiwoaette — Vail particulars to Toweli, 19, Dufce-street. c»r- 63701 WAVl'KO iuimt>f.iatr>:v, W»i}.<n«>tt»\ to Mat 10; imut be in gO'.d condition.— Send full jwiticu- jjrice to (4i4m, Victoti. Mews, Llandaff. h9 iiew -brake. T pl'Mh t-S'urw; 4t»T tw:re. 8ecf>ad-htu>4; *e>.t ten; ccmpkfc'.—Viuiumer, Ciwricse i>uil<ler, Newport. 31Mhl4 Tiirly N^W Traps, Carts, te.-Uttwr, Newport. S.3ft8i«14 LIGHT Crater-axle Cart; suit bn'wrr or epirti aier- 'Imqt. AUo Milk-: .irf, nearly new; <:h*$p.-r- Newport, Moji. 31071-14 STEWARD'S Ha/nrsg at4 SaiMivr? Factory, (,'ar- UiS—Copies from a f.-w t-jtimontata — A f r, iN Ao-N R, TsedeqarSirT-Yoijr Harness t" hard aud it sivea DI The -r-at-st, Mt:ifactk.n.-Y..iirs Truly, D. K*—To Mr. Steward. G1 AKJiDIFVAITH. Pivitvnool, —Dear Sir,—Th« 1 Saddle I p«rf*rt.iy sat.iMi'd witl). Pi?ase accept my best tha;>i-v —Faithluiiy yinirs, K. Morgan. pOilf the JL safely per pa«sei:s«r train, and an, thoroughly catiifi'J.—Tour*, I. K Ti zer. —Mr. Steward. STEWARD'S.— Sote Address: 3, Wood-street, Csr- s dift, S^ad tor Usts, f.?t. E-t 30 years. a6930 QECOND-flacd T.wIju !bv Fullr-rs!, Four-in-Har'! O Coach .«xtelteut i-oudition, ti it v Knineasi Sewjid- liaad Jnbiles C»r, I.i/Ut stanhope -'under 5cwt.}, ford Selfetiou Broughams — Tatterdills', Oclstoa-strsct, Bris- tol- 713d O New I'ony Ttal'i Cart. 2 Wagonettes (*oat 9 am! jij" —« ScToral putty I'ony Doj-eaits.— Arsry, CV>a<ii- bm'dft, Newport. S']Ç4h12 si-.mrner B -D d .inter; -taiilove Wasc,,Aotto, for luccnter and ..int.r; 8tallhop@ W &f(JlJ.tte, elf. riage. Ol1r' "b! lfogcarf. ;r<:od rendition.—Perr* and CV. Fredsru'k-street, Cardiff, and Bristol. I, PAK-K i'haeten, «ri(h Pole and Uar, for s: I-a jr-cd condition; wouil suit e:d».!y g'l!'l1t;ma¡J; eost £CO; price, £ 20—Apply E. A Johnscn. Dcrrr. Stone, Ab?rg»Ter:rtv 2õ7éhll SALE, SIX jfm'id friaasare Traps and good Wagonette, equal to iirw, to carry six.—Apply Priest-road Mews, Roath, Cardi*. Z9Hhll IpOPR Wheel Covered Sprintf V an. with orA»k-»xi« .J:' and well bottom; out hnilt fir-d ver* otrontc; snit. ahl. for SBwl-carriar, rroeer, baker, &?.—Can in ell aup!ica»km to Mr A. W. Morris, at Tudor-r-sd Prl Wsrks, Cardiff. ae3i5 CmtAf Landau nad grolefte, with -J:= jLypIy Johia Faller and Co., 8 Gaorxa's-rcsi. SrWWL 126 jd Q/ Whit and Serond-hn. C»rria»e«, coniist ug af OV/ J,an,1"n. Brotifbaras, VirtOfiss, Won8tva Phaetons, Foir wn«>- Tlnj-srtg, Prir.ce Csrls, Mal- enrn, Surrey, Lame, Unsti?, Wbiteohapel, and SMo-seat Carts, Pony Carta, and flr-Terv.ess Cat*. I JOHN XOEM.W, COACRRMI.DKR, JOHN XOEM.W, COACRRMI.DKR, ONTON, CAnrtiFF. Showrooms: 236. Cowbridse-ioad. Canton trains !>»«« Nat. T..1., 47M -6693 ■■•■= | i¥!ont»> £ 250.000 to Lend ny tfce Praeineial Union Bank, ia sums of £ 19 to J-,5C:\ on Note ef Hand alum, •r on any etaer seeur.ty, at a huius' sitice, to a^l •lasses ia any part "f the country; rs-payable by e-sy Jamialinentg; with and wirho'it sureties; no deja). This •id-established Haulc does the Ursest lmsiness in rhs IriBSdsai.—Writ* ur rail upon the :M !Igr. Mr. Stanley JBowdiag. 1, Queou-sqtate, Br^toi, or ltezrI. Wiikin- t,I. ".d Co., 3. WerVins-s; reflt, Cardiff. a213 r portttt. "r r" ;'1'" '-J ,>>J" CHAMFERS' Noted KT?e'sior Bsts, 5j. Tennis c Rackets from 5s. Bat* lUpa red, Kacksu }'<- .t.r\llg. from 3s. Sp:-r-iality in l'ipbirg > okis. Trout Flits, 6,i. per iicz. } urgest t>tock of Tackle in Sjnth W »!—Chambers, Gun 111nlrn, C:\Taf!, llriatol, and Siiepton MaUet. Telephone, 01.3)), 1, public iioittrt. 2nd VOT;(TNTE>;r BATTAZIOIS WELSH Rl' JI WE NT. WELSH Rl-JIMENT. VOLUNTEKU RESERVE. E*-Volant-eer». Officer». and Men who are d-eairotw of JOBINW above for SCH VICK ra CASK OF INVASION are requested to aeiid their Narnea to the Adjutant, 2nd Voiurtle-ei- Battalion Welsh R-egi:iient, Bridgead. on or before 27th inst. CONDITIONS. (1). lhwt hz ve hcen t Six Timee within th 1 last ten yr:. r^. (2) A^e—Cffi .-o.i a n-ot over 62 years; Xfcn not over 5a years (3j Will br allowed to fir j 21 rounds auuuaUy !ree of cha rge. By Order, R. B. COICR, Dipt., Adjutant 2nd Vol. llattn. Welah Rest. Bridgend, May 3tli, 1910. e3i33 fp A F F S WELL JL TEtJID MINERAL SPRINGS. The onlv Tepid SJimnss in Wales. EEST RtMEDY POP. RHEUMATISM. Hnnred. Cnred in Pr<jt Jieae^ns. Open from Ajjril 1st t" Sept»eiKber 38, J. HENRY THOMAS AND CO.'S GRAND EXHIBITION ow BABY CARRIAGES. I GUARANTEED LARGEST STOCK IN THE PR4J ViiS(JiW3. gEND FOR CATALOGUE. SEE OUR WINDOWS: NOTE ONLY ADDRESS:— 122, QUEEN-STREET CARDIFF. .811.5 NOIN BbUBT. ia, vomas, 24. TIn); rp AB IA8 FOR l-HB gKISTOL CBÂNNEL PORTS, Oontainie* miES AND FLIGHTS 01? TIDES, BAXLIKti Dlfti^OTlCUS, &0. CCLOTJEED CHART SHOWING POdraOM Of LlGlITI. PUIITJRUBD BY ^T^TEIIN JJAIL J^IMITKD, CARDIFF. tsm rpHS GBJ2AT SPBUfO MEDICiJfE. THK GREAT SPUING XEDICIIUi, ftpHE GREAT SPBIWO MEDICIWa GWrLYM EVANH' QUYNINE BITTERS iWILYM QUININE lllTTEilH 3WILYM EVANS' QUININE lilTrEitS I Each Seaaon of the eAr has iu pecuu^r ailmcata itiwl tiillilgdflg, No obBarvaxtl ¡ p««uu can have f&ilcd to iiouea thia. Tht> gi'eai, ureviil«Ui-» Qi during the L seaaaa is a. eirikiaz lnataiio* of ihis faui. gj^PBjira AiLMjsarra. IQP391NG Al-LTA-ENTS. P'B.I N G AIIMEHTB, w ECZEMA, SKIN APFEOTION8, jlLODD lHJjORDEItj, PIMPLES, SLOTCliliS. Ac. Thaw tkilmenta are speedily reliered by a course of SWII^TM KV.VNS QUININE BITTKRS THE TONIC, ftold in BoUle«. 3s. 9d. aatl 4s. 6d. 41oh aoware of Imitatiurw. Note pa-rticalarljr tba nam a Owilyin Evans" on Lahoi, Stamp, iiad Botuo (a, threefold yreca- Stamp, iiad Botuo (a, threefold 1Jreo. tion), without which noiv« are penuino. Ssms ail otfcerc. SOLB PKOPRTeTORS: jfYUTWljrE BIX TUP. 3 MAN"TTFACv' TUITYNG company (T,:mn^d), enoU J ))tb'Si!' t!bbrttø. "4' -4'" T. C. PALMER, THE CASH TlILOR, 66, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. AND 35, CASTLE STREET, S'V AN SEA: I L NEW SEASONS GOODS. £ s. d. II NONPAREIL SE}t'}R SUIT 2 2 0 to order. (Indigo Dye, East Colon.). GR^Y AND BROWN SERGE SUIT 2 2 0 (Pure Worsted). GOOD VWEED.-miT (all Wool) 117 6. (Choice Patterns). 3CCTC11 SAXONY SUIT 2 -2 8 „ „ (Grand Shades und Patterns). •X-AND VEST 1 Id a (Black Vienna Twill). BEST SUIT 3 3 0 (Silk Facingaj. KHAKI SUIT 2 2 8,, NORFOLK Burr 1 18 a FANC Z V/Oit^rED TROGSEUiS 013 6 „ FIRST-CLASS LONDON CUTTERS. PERFECT lilT GUARANTEI^D. T. C. Palrrer doe6 not alter ttneatisfactory Garments, but ct.\tc another one. ô919 -4 thj rn,AS |7URNLSHING 0OMTANY (LIMITED). THE GOAL 01 TO-DAY TITK STARTING TO U0B50W. Ws nevor raat on onr bot irt eon- tiuaally studying our padrone. Oar aini in to sur.jjly our oaatoaera with a A,Dt-eltas artioie at the lo'.vcst p<».».sib!e pries:—- WE MANUFACTUPP! rnoat of the rrs uti; thsi-aiora, we mn Saarantsa thsm. WhAt uoodg wo don't make we buy at the BEST MARKETS, ani gsocia weU b jashi are half sold. j "TVININCM. X)M SUITES | -*■ From £ 53 to £ 5. We keen no Rubbish II I)RA WniG-MOM STATES -*—' From tA to £ 5. No Itnubish Kspt. TVTOTICE.—Wa are the sole I roprietorti of Samnel's Patsut Clawo, which n fitted on onr chairs. This h^epj! thosi firm and rigid, no givifig away at tho bttei. No ether Fit-in may use those Clamps. BEDROOM SUITES From £ 10 (i" to E3 5!1. NO ItUBBIY KEPT. BRASS AND IltON BEDSTEADS AT ALL PRICKS. CARPETS, LINOLEUM. KITCHEN FURNITURE, OFFICE FURNITCBE. All Kinds of Parnitnpe and IIoBaehold lieaniMtw, PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, All at tha Lowest PesEible Prioet. No RUBBISH KEPT. TJaal with na Direct, either by Calling er by Letter, WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS OR TRAVELLERS We Pay No Couamission. Thua, ineteftfl of Paying Larga Connaiseions to Agstita, averaging about 20 per cent,, which the Buyer has indirectly to Pay, SAVE IT BY DEALING DIRECT WITH US. NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT. YOU GET GOOD VALUE. Don't be Guided by lfidleading Advertiecusents, with Cheap and Nasty Gjodi. I QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAP. NESS. RUBBISH IS DEAR AT ANY PRICE. A 8 Y p A T M I N T S Paichassra to wham it, may ba more convo- niwÜ to lluy on Easy Terms will be supplied by ns at the Lowest Fouibl" Prioe. Our Re-payiiisntj Ara far below any other Arm in Wales; in fact, WóiI g&narally arrange Toiias ta Suit Our Customers' Cauy«Bi«ne». YOU CAN SBLEOT FROM A STOCK Of OVER £ 50,000. • A LARGS AND NEW STOCK OP MAIL CARTS A-VD PERAlfBULATOtf, All Goods Dalivercd Free Within 163 lUlu. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. OATALOGCE3 FREE ON APPLICATION. NOTE THE ADDRESS— A'LA8 FURNISHING COIIPANY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISBfiBS, HATES BVILNN61. CA3DiFF. AND AT LONDON. cTiH r ESTABLISHED OVElt FIFTY YEARS Way cpnvay to seme tha idea at eld- fiiihiontd oott-h-idft and of ajiti^aite.i r&tcedies. but it is a fact iiat Keraiuu's Vegetable Pith have lone feaen ihs pdeuect' of Ssuaii Piiis and Sniaii Deses, whilst thsy EVirpass iu medicinal vaiiia maay of the most aiaderu Frosciiptions. Kernick's Vegetable Pills Ar« most carefully oreiiar&d, and are recommzudad fcr all diiuniirs of tka &toauo$t and Liver, Headackcu?. Bitious Cr.a»j.la,inta, Iad.s?a<(cir.u, fiUatittatisai, Tiu, Ac. ThiHp" n'ia take uo other netii- eiQ., arid dt:ûlMe thBl tv tie Ii. COMPLETE MEDICIEE CHEST.! No family shoald be witkant h hex. ftoid U1 7il., and 2a. 96i. boj.oe, of all UhM-u.sta< and Stcrt«, ov at Li* a Sola I Dsfjjt— Ketnicli and tfaa (Ltja.iUid). U, Britige-stvoet, Caraiit. elQ- I S ESSIONS AND SON 8 (LIMITED), O MANDFACTURKRU AND IMPORTERS o* TiW?¥,*«, KLAT", JOINERY. CEMENT LAVAT» RIE», BATHS. RANGES, GRATES. CKIMN ft Y-PISCES, MONUMENTS, And all Bu-kliitjr Materials. LARaisar flu.-) lil.'iti-;(; iiii IN WALIIB. .p ENAI&TA.UO AD C A a D I F p OL4&14 jg-ssATiira'a POV/ISZB. KiBATura'a POWDBS, "ff/'iS.ATIjrG'H lJOWDB. J* Kills Floas, Bngs, Moths. Boetlaa. Kills Flsas, Bnga, AJoUis. is" Li-am. Kills Fleas, Ilatss, Moths. Bseilos. Kiils lleas, Moths. Beetles. NBW BELLOWS, 9d.; Tixm, 3,1. 6d. 1t. T^JW BBIiLO\T9, 9d.; Tins. 3d. 5d. Is. NEW BELLOWS, 9d.: Tins. 34. 6d. 1. Kills fleas, Motbs, Bc«U«b IKarrnless to trary* h.i'.K but I««oc1-»i Bold in Tins. 3 ,&.1. and 111" also in the new fil.oii Deliows, M. jK ILLS PLEAS, MOTH8. VX.1RA9, BEETLES, WCOTHS. K! ILI^S FLSA3, BjBJfcALSS, MOTHS.


By the Way. -e--.......--

Their Training and Amusement.





Lord Roberts at 'QBS'sQa Smaldeel..





;— .— 1. Military Position…

Wales and the War.



