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- ,>'°MTHA 'VTON.

j ' ''.. I !(iN'.

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^aire's tics- UN X L'D THE Q-L EN FIELD ^5 T A R CII. THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS USES NO OTHER. [14 FRAMPTON'S PILL r OP HEALTH A Price Is. l £ d. and 2s. 9d. per box. This excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried emcacy for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health; or correcting all Disorders of be Stomach and Bowels. T wo or three doses will convince tlie attiieted of its salutary effects The stomach wili speedily regain its strength a healthy action ot the liver, bowels, and'kidneys will rap?dIn- take place; and renewed health will be the quick result of takiutr this medicine, according to tlie directions accompany- ing each box. PERSONS of a FULL HABIT, who are subject to head- ache, giddiness, drowsiness, and singing in the ears, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by ihere timely use. ForFE.MALEs.the Pills are excellent, removing all ob- I structions, the distressing headache so very prevalent with the sex, depression of spirits, dulness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy, juvenile bloom to the complexion, To MOTHERS, they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can be taken, and for childi eii of ail ages they are unequalled. Tliese Pills unite the recommendation of mild operation with the most successful elfect; and for elderly people, or where an occasivnal aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. In consequence of the great and increasing demaa 1, the Proprietor has obtained permission from Her Muicstv's Commissioners to have the name and address of THOMAS PROUT, 2-J'J, STRAND, LONDON," Impressd upon the Government Stamp, aillxed iu each box sold by all Vendors of Medicine F256 1- TAYLOR'S CONDITION BAllS, r OPINIONS of the Fi>l Petri T.if-, Sunday Tiives, York Hrrohl, 8p ■r'xman Leiters from .J Scott, J. Osborne, S. llogers, H. liovee, J. aly. C. F. Bnyce. Messrs. iMwson, enclosed in ea h Packet. N.B.— :h- same Ingredient in form of Powders. 6 Balls, 3. 3 Balls, 19. Powde.s, 2,'G Do". TAYLOR-S COUr.H POWDRIIS FOR, HOUSES.—In- flokxza, a Cure guaranteed in 10 Days. Sold by all Chemists; in Boxes, 2/6 each. WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE 'T AS A CERTAIN CURE. For BILIOUS and LIYER C OMPLAINTS, INDIGESIION WIND, SPASMS, Fort BREATII, NERVOUS DiTp SES- SION, IRRITABILITY, LASSITUOK, Loss OF ApPETITE. DYSPEPSIA, HEARTBURN, SOUR ERUCTATIONS Lou'v'-ss OF Spirits with sensation of fulness at the pit of the STOM*OII Giddiukss, DIZZINESS ot tti^ EYES, &C. 10 stomach X)RSTANDL UNfUVALLED.^u '°a ^jelcSl LIf 'stoinach,' tone and vigour to the diiferent secretions, causing the ,3 sary organs of the stomach and Liver to resume their ivP v' thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion a 1,1 strengthening the whole system. aua They can be taken at any time without restraint from hn«i ness or pleasure hence they art a most valuable domest ic medicine. Heads of households should always have a box of these Pills by them, to resort to on any slight occasion of ;u!in- 0111 he part ot those under their charge, as by pa vmg attention to the lcirular action of the stomach, Liver, and Bowels many a severe illness is avoided or mitigated. They will be found 1Il slight eases by a single dose to restore health to the body, Willi a happy frame of mind Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, lA, Vere-Street, London. » a\U ^>oxcst1? an'l three times tlie quantity in one 2s 9d„ or post free lo or :J5 stamps, and sold In all r, si,ect able medicine vendors throughout the world *Tli«> ]?-, are n> a square green package, with the nanio and n 1 Ilia 111 Lambert, 8. King Williani-Street, Charing Cross" engraved on the (jovernuioiit Stanni ])o w. i by anyone to buy any other meuieim, instead but1 u'Xt on having the right thing. Take down tlie particular* /), Scott s bilious and Lirer l'iih, wrapped in asquaieff. een pack ge.' ENLARGEMENT OF SIZE LAMBERT'S BAISAH, Whilst enlarging the size of the bottle, the Proprietors by a new process ot manufacture, have the medicine more palatable,' cleare,- "a, d nm.. ,\i'e water, at the same time retaining 'all us wdp^own cliieacj. This Balsam has been now before the public for mmv years It has proved its real value in thousands of rises some of the most remarkable kind having been cOlllInUlIieateù to the proprieter and maker. muni(..t).Lu Lambert'S ASTHMATIC BALSAM is a speedy and certain remedy lor ORDIXAHY COLDS. SEVERE COLDS' Phhon r Coitus DIFFICULTY OF Breatiiino throug mueous mat- ter in the air passages or bronchial tubes, InfIce" WHEEZING, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ALL CVTU'RHVL AFFECTIONS, HOARSENESS, AND LOSS OF VOICE by 'causiii" expectoration it gives instant relief in all cases of iiccumula" tion of phlegm. It is easy to administer, pleasant to take, and does not contine the bowels like many other cough medi- cines. It is exceedingly useful in that tickling sensation which produces so much coughing, many persons passing sleepless nights through being unable to get rid of it a single dose is quite sufficient, or in the more severe form when it is almost impossible to Ife down in bed for fear of being suffo- cated, relief is equally certain. 12, York-street, Ardwick, Manchester, Mr. W. LAMBERT, "August 9th, 1877. "SIR,—I can testify to many instantaneous cures of dis- tressing Asthmatic symptoms effected bv a single bottle of your very efficacious medicine, namely. "Lambert's Balsam." It greatly excels many other pi operations for the purposes specified 111 advertisements, and consequently warrants special mention for superiority, I aw. dear Sir, faithfully yours, THOS. FOSTER RER, Surgeon.. Prepared by W. Lamiiekt. 1A, Vere-street, London, W.' in Bottles, at Is lid and :'s !'d. Be particular to ask for Lambert's Asthmatic Balsam," and do not be persuaded to -ake any other medicine —Sot 1 by nil Chemists throughou; the United Khjr.U'in. •: | gvuiims. Aotlnng briii/s oa Seroons Ji-MUhj, Premature 0><* Aae, and Shortens H.nan Life, mofe than Lite is oj the Chest. UNDER THE AND PATRONAGE OF THE THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN MOBILITY. THE ONLY REAL CURr, WllMOUT IXWASU MEDICINE IS ROPEH'S HOYai. Jf.V l il PLASTERS fo Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of tne Heart, Croup, Hooping Cough, Iniluenza, Chronic Strains. Bruises, Lumbago, or Pains III the Back, Spina) and Rheumati Ailections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Pains. SPINAL COMPLAINT OF 30 YEARS STANDING ANP RHEUMATISM OF THE HIP. Naiferton, December 18,1862. Messrs.Roperand Son,—Gentlemen,—I was alllicted witla pain in tlw spine of my back for :jo years, and hearing of your Roper's Plasêer about two years sincc, 1 pioeured a (/plying it found relief the first night, and have been free'rom pain ever since. I was also troubled with Rheum tism 11: the hip, and applied one with the same results. As L h ve revived so much beuelit from the use of your Roper's Plasters, liny sent you this for the benefit of others suiTorinc in toe s:im wal Yours, etc., THOMAS BROWN USE OF LEG LOST FOR, 6 MONTHS. 2" Greystoek-street, Atteivli.Te-road. To Messrs. Roper and Sons,-Sirs,—I have the pleasure, return you my moiit-sincere thanks for the benelit 1 havt received from your Roper's Plasters, ai»er being fnrsix months without the use of my left leg. was in the Royal Cornwall Infirmary for fourteen weeks, and no better, 1 was couliued for three months to my bed, and all 110 use. 1 was recom- mended by a lady to try one of your Roper's Filters. I did so, and thank God I only applied two plasters )¡,)re 1 could walk without a crutch, and now 1 cai walk with out- stick, all hrough the means of your Roper's Plasters. Sirs, I have written you this that you may advertise it for the benelit the public. Redruth,July 25t. 1861. Yours,etc,, RICHARD IXCH. SPRAIN IN THE BACK. Messrs. Roper and Son,—Gentlemen,—Smoe time ago I got injured 111 my back from liftij ga large piece 01 wood, in the Royal Arsenal, and was conti l-l to my bed for three months during which time the Royal j iver Friendly Society paid me 10s. a week, and a doctor to tend me, but instead of getting better 1 gradually got wors < a friend advised me to get one of your Roper's Plasters, anv ill less than a fortnight after, I felt myself completely reco\. led. I am now using the secona plaster. I sciid this testin u ial to the editor of u r't Km t.i'i Joa it d. with a request t'l the may notice it ill his widely circulated Journal. JAMLS S.d lTli, Nov. 1(3, lSUO. Maxey-road, Plums toad, Kent. BED-FAST 4 MONTHS Bury, March 3, 1853. Mr. H. Maiden, of Bury, has great pleasure In handing to Messrs. Roper and Son a recommendation 01 R >per'& Piasters by Mr. William Dutson, Earf-street, Hury, iora severe uulaiu- mation of the lungs. He was led last low- inoiulis, a.m is quite certain his recovery is through the timely assistance of your valuable Roper's Plaster. F.0111 F. Cupiss, Esq., M.R.V .C., Author of the Prize Essay 011 tile Diseases of tlie oi tile ilorse. Diss, A'orlolK, jlaivii 2: 1831. Gentlemen,—For the last three wiiiier* Airs. Cupiss lias lelt a great delicacy of the cliest, accompanied witn occasiona- paill, cougil and hoarseness. Having 11;1,1 your valllable Roper's Royal Bath Plaster reeouiniendeU to he.1, she made a trial ol one and it was attended Wh]¡ tlie most beneiicial eileel, in consequence of which she has made I re'1lWll t use of liiem, and livariably with the same good results, 1 remain, FRANCIS CUPISS. AFTER Two YEAR. Suffelhsg CURED. Important Testiinoinal received from jlr. William Hall, Tow Traveller to Messrs. Rawson and Co., Brewers, Shei'iicld. Genllemeu,—1 wisii to add my tt;lllIUIJj to tiie nost oi otner pubhsiied !J, you, to the ctiioacy oi our wonUerini :'0,1," Plaster. 1 had not been eiiaoLM to lie • ■ my leti side uvui ai; 1 a of the heart or hver, lor tWlJ ;>cars, uniil i ap.;ii<\i y Ropor's Plaster, since wnicn lidh; i ii.a\c ocen well, and only used two Plasters.—Yours iaitliiuily, Aildover-street, Siiellield, .J line 3, l»tU. Jd. HALL. Unprincipled Slit lor Lile saKe of iraiii, uavc v^riuu spurious iniilations. Purchasers are liiereiore cuuwO.cU NOTICE the words, "Roi'iiit's ito 1 AL Baiji i'l-Aiiti. 111:1 ROBT. ROPER! gr,tph on the back, thus PREPARED ONLY BY ROBERT ROPEPi AND S0\ CHEMISTS, SHEFFIELD, On Medico-chemical principles, from British Herbs and Gums and Balsams of the Eastern Clime, where elic trees drop balsam, and on all the bonsflis Health sits and makes it sovereign as it Hows Full-sized Plasters, Is. Hd.; and for Children, i^d each direct by Post one penny extra in postage stamps. SoidoymostPateuHiedieuteVendorsintheUtnted Kingdom. BEWARE OF IMIIAIIOAS!—Be particular andaskfoi hoper s PLASTERS. eublic Opinion has proved the Plaster aqcl Pills to h the Marvel of the Age. ROFERS iiert intended to assist theoperatton of ROPEU'S ROYAL BATt PLA S-I-E It) ( have proved the best remedy for all those distressing symptom producing a weak and disordered Stomach, Liver Complaint Nervous Irregularities, Indigestion, such as Nausea or Sickness Loss of Appetite, Loathing of Food, Pain in the Bowels, Langour and Depression of Spirits, Giddiness, Swimming or Determi- ation of Blood to the Head, &c., the forerunner of Apoplexy Sproatley, near Hull, Oct. i, 1853. Sirs,—Having found great ben-lit from Roper's Royal Batk Plasters and Pills, I wish to ln^ke my case Known for the advantage of tliosa who sulfer as I have done for a lonsr time. I have been alllicted with spasmodic pains iu the chest, and paluitation of the heart, arising from Indigestion and Liver Complaint. I was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better. At last I tried one of Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which gave me relief in a few davj. from which time my health has improved, amll am now quite well.—I remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH THOMPSON Roper s Pills are a purely Botanic compound, and warrante free from any deleterious ingredient, being composed of clioie herbs, roots, gums, and balsams, by ROUT. liOPE 11 and SU Chemists, Siiellield, in boxes at is. 1 Jd., 2s. M., and ts. 6d. each Suld bv most Chemists and Booksellers in the United Kingdoir ASK FOB ROPER'S PILLS. [41 THE ATTENTION OF LADlES IS CALLED^ THE ATTE X flON OK LAD IKS IS CALLED. THE ATTENTION OF LADIES IS CALLED r|^HE attention of Ladies is called to the wonderful |_ effijaey of KEAtiSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS, which have beju proved by thousands annually for many year p ist to be the most effectual remedy for that coin plaint to wln«!i fendss are liable—Headache. Gid liness, Nervous Depression, Pallor of the Lips, and general deiulity ot thesys em often a_vouipanied by palpitation of the Heart. The most obstinate c,ise< (of appareuth eon- tinned mvahdb) have yielded t» a cours'i 0! tli.-sa Pills! Sold by all ciieonsts, in Boxes at 2s, <M. Wrapped in WHlt'E Paper, rfe sure to ask for lv E ARSLV'S," and see von ge; them, as s mietimes a spurious article is offered. By pust for 34, stamps, ot Sanger & S .ns, lj i, OYt-ord-street, London* [7.>2 r\NE BOX OF CLA.iKE'S B 41 PILLS 1S ^ai"ranted to cure all discharges from the Urinarj Organs, in either sex, acquired 01* constitutional, Grave; and Pains 111 the Back—Sold in Boxes. 4s. 6d. each. b\ all Chemists and Patent .AIedii-,vie Vendors or sent tj any address for 60 Stamps, by the Maker, F. J. Clyuke. Consulting Chemist, liigh-strect, Lincoln.—Wholesale Agents, LAUCLAT & SONS, London, and all the Whole- sale House Newport (Mon), J. YOUNG Ohemi<i: E. M THOMAS, l'_l, Commercial-str< rt; G. Price, 127, Com- mercial-street; JAMES Edmonds, 5, High-street, and PAINE, 3, Cominercial-strepfc. tb'ow YaJe r p, Jones KIN A 'I AN'S LL WHISKY. THE CREAM OF OLD IRISH WHISKIES. PUltE. MILD, MELLOW, DELICIOUS, AND MOST WHOLESOME. TTNIVE HS A 1j !j Y Hecommei ided -u by the Medical Profession. Dr. HAS- SALL says—" The Whiskey is soft mellow and pure, well matured, and of very excellent quality." 20, GREAT. TifCHFIELD STREET. LONDON, W. [1746 ROWLANDS' ODONTO. Whitens the Teeth, prevents and arrests deciy anil gives a pleasing fragrance to the breath. This Tooth Powder is far preferable to pa.-tes or washes THE GENUINE ODONTO, HAS THE WORDS A. ROWLAND A SONS engraved on the Government Stamp ilXld to each box. Buy 110 ODONTO without it and take only ROWLANDS', q 2« 9<l. per h.x. feold by Chemists and Perfumers. [ 12G7 DR. "K"tng'S DANDELION AND QUININE J^lVER j >ILLS. -pOR BILE, FOR WIXI), JjWc LIVER, and "pOR STOMACH COMPLAINTS, FOR LOW SPIRITS, DEBILITY, pOR WEAK DIGESTION. testimonial. r OF THOUSANDS. The cottage, Carrick-bree, Bantry, Ireland, Tc June 24th, 1867. I feel great pleasure in bearing testimony to the bene- ficial result of a trial of King's celebrated Dandelion and Quinine Pills, which after an interval of seven years' intense suttering from torpid liver, complete loss of rest and appetite, severe palpitation, wind, low spirits, and I general derangement, restored me to the possession of the most perfect health I ever enjoyed, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. With feelings of the deepest gratitude, I subscribe myself, deepest gratitude, I subscribe myself, j MARY B. HARRIS. To Messrs. W. and H. Gonlding, Apothecaries, &o„ 108, Patrick-street, Cor^ §ulrtres.5ii\5. ES TA BL ISE D -.N- E L f ACE X or II R Y THE O R I G I N A L L U D DIN G TO); SOl L S THE CKLE3;:ATKD HORSE, SHEEP, AND CATTLE MEDICINE, (REGIS i'EIŒlJ), STANDS UNRIVALLED as a safe, ea'ectuai, and 0 speedy REMEDY for COLIC OR GRIPES IN HORSES; DIARRHOEA OR SCOUR IN CALVES. FOALS, &c.; COWS IN DIFFICULT CALV1\G; EWES LAMBING MARES IN DIFFICULT FOALING. As an external application fo>- Fly Galls Ulcerated or Sa^jred Udders, Kites of Dogs, Swellings, &c it is sate and beneficial. Sold in bottles, :is. «!• 5s., and lus., by all Chemists. Sole Manufacturers and Exporters (for T. Lu Idiiig'ou, Canwick- road, Liiieoln), TOMEINSON & id AY W A Iti), Lincoln. Cbscrve-Tlmt T. Li:1)1)Ingto.s Signature is engraved on the Stamp affixed over the Coru On each Bottle. TOM LI X SOX & Co.'s BUTTER POWDER MARKS Firm and Sweet Butter in the Hottest Weather, prevents it turning rar.cid, removes the fl ivour of sour '.crass, weeds or rank herbage, quickens the cliuniiinr. and fncreases the value 2d. to :;d. per li 1 T ) iLIXSON &( ,s BUTTE i-i POWDER. Sold by Chemists and Grocers, in 6d., Is., and 2s. 6d. boxes. TICKS, LICE, SCAR, FOOT AND MOUTH, And all Contagious Diseases. "THE O L Y C t: R I N E DIP," FOR SHEEP AND LAMBS, IS a certain preventive and cure of Scab 15 also de- structive to Ticks, Lice, and all Parasi.es infesting the Skins of Sheep and other animals its emolhent and stimulating properties greatly promore the Growth of the Wool, and being a Powerful Disinfectant, it arrests the Spread of Conta,gious Diseases. It does not discolour or act inju- riously upon the natural yolk of the Wool, but feeds the Fleece, and maintains the natural lustre. Sold by Agents in every Market Town. Price 1 cl. per Pound, in various size Tins and Drums. Sole Manufacturers and Exporters, TOMLINSON & HAY WARD, Chemists, Lineoln. THE "GRANULAR BROWNING," {MPARTS a RICH COLOUR and SUPKt.'IOR FLAVOUR to Roasted Meats of every dis.ription. Chicken and Game Gravies. Soups, Betf Tea, Sold 111 bottles, Is. and 2s. 6d. each, by Chemists. Gr.vrrs, and Italian Warehousemen. Sole Proprietors and Inventors. TO.ULINSO-V & HAYWARD, Chemists, Lincoln, L COBDEN'S Q UIXTNE & JJHOSPHORUS 1; ILLS (registered), THE NEW TOXIC. |}HOSPHORUS is the life-giving* element H_ in the blood, and the thought-giving power of the brain In co- junction with Quinine it is one of the nost powerful curative agents known. All nervous diseases mean a want of Phosphorus III the brain and nerve centres, and to cure them is to re-introduce the deficient property. COBDENS QUININE AND PHOSPHORUS PILLS Tiav.' leen invented to accomplish this end. and th- re are now 111'111\ thousands who can lesiify to the sucm'ss of mo !<» "f t ■ a!i:Ciit. If jour brain is ovei'iv il'ticd, y-airnerves uns'run' i: you suder from nervous orge ierd debiiitv, or kd a want Ul vigour and vitality, tn- a course of COBDEN'S QUININE AND PHOsi'HOUUS FEL", They act dir -c'-ly on the blood, vitalisin? en rich it to a surprising degr-i buiidi-ifr up t;ie -<-rst-:in, a id tii'v:ji" 'uP' the germs of disease. They thor.itu-'ilv recruit the a-V-n b >dii)- health, and restore the s.vston to a pro/,er hea.iiiv coiiaition, no in;ftto fro.11 what cause impaired. CO IiD UN'S QUININE AND PHOSPJIOPUS PILLS. 2s. 9J. c(rl 4s. Gd. Maybe obtained of any respectablec-hi-inwr. who wiil t them! if lie does nut Aeep tlicin iu stock. Ask n>r C'i(i,M > '•p'lt'f} ici,h "nff hiag sr givr. t -eiu « t i./ r„ ,n],j any di'dieultv occur iu obtaining tiie 1'ii.s, iliev woi .-ihvnvs be sent by ri turn of post 011 receipt of i, r jt »t-uu»s !-i -it saving), by the S U S S E X DRUG CO M P ,1 V r, 133, QUEENS 110.ID, PRI-IITON. Agent for Newport, Mr. Pkakman, I!, "o:uUJercial-street, | London Airents Nin.er an-l Sons, Oxf.>r,l »tr.-et 'i'rci-u- and Sous. Farrinadoii Street Tidtnan and >ous, vVilso'i Street: liovenden. City Ri a l Jiather, rarringdon U. 1011 ( \NLY TWO ML DI GINKS R ALLY ACT UPON THE LIVidR one Mercury orBlue Pill, the other L>an-Je!i<vi. d'hous-mds of Constitutions have been destroyed by Mercury, Blue. Pill, or Calomel The only sare remedy is 1 \R. KING'S D UN DELI )N and QUI NIX L 1) LIVEn PILLS, which act gently 0:1 the Liver, ami remove all the above symptoms. Sold all over the world by all Chemists and! Medicine Vendors, at Is I lfi, 2s 9d. 4s Gd, am] lis pet box. (Established 1791 ) CORNS and 13UNIONS fnstnrilly relieved ^and surely I ) cured by JdEE'S iVi-EAF PLASTER. Of all Chemists at Is 1 <1 per I,ox. or by post for 14 stamps, from Jamls Rokke, 2*.)a Great Portland-street, W., London. fI613 DLNSO.V'S WA'ICHES. Watch and Clock -LJ Maker to the Queen and Eoval Family, and by special appointment to the Prince of Wales and Emperor of Russia. Old Bjnd-street, and (Steam Factory), Lud gate-hill, London. j) EN SON'S WATCHES of every deacrip- J tion, suitable for all climates, from X2 to 200 guineas. Chronographs, Chronometers, Keyless, Levers, Presentation, Repeaters, Railway Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches of extra strength. BENSON'S ARTISTIC ENGLISH ) CLOCKS, decorated with edg oo l and other wares, desijrni-d to suit any style of chit Kire or furni- ture also, as novelties for present. M e solely by Benson. From < £ 5 5s. BENSON'S PAMPHLETS n Tl Kiii-. l CLOCKS, Watches, Clocks, Plate, and Jewellery. Illustrated, sent post free each for two stamps. Watches sent safe by post. Benson's new work, Time and Time Tellers," 2s. 6d. I hu;J Abide to khiva BY CAPTAIN FRED BURN A BY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 san Two pairs of boots lined with far were also taken and ior physic-with which it is as well to oe supplied I when travelling 111 out-of-the-way places—some quinine, und Cockle s pills, the latter a most invalu ,ble medicine, and one which I nave used on tlie natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. I11 fact, the marvellous e'.Tects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an Aral) Siieik. who >vas im- pervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him live COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory: and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district lIl:dlY months afterwards informed me that my fame a> a medicine man had not died out. but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of conversation 111 the bazaar." SEE BUIINABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA. Page 13. [ A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST Jr\- with a prudent use, has saved ni.-mv a )ju-: and wt wo think the idea might- be improved upon.and reduced to-more simple form. Take some good compound. s;i,-h COCKLE'S ANT1B1LOUS PILLS, and we find that tiie desired «nd 111Av be obtained wit' oi t scales, and wei-'hts.or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bott.es, With crystal stoppers. (Jiii-. rs 1111-lit be used but COCKLE'S P LLS, as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set, i-L,),, iiis the best.—Ob'■«; vti pOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS c THE OLDE-T PATENT MEDICINE. In B xes at Is 1",1, 2s 9,1,4; C.), :111,1115. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS vy In use for the last i:3 years for INDIGESTION. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and lis. CO C K 1; E' S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS c In use for the last 73 years for BILIOUS AFFECTION S, Iu Boxes at is lid, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and lis. 'OCKLES -,kiNTIBfLIOUS PILLS V In use for the last To years for LITER C 0 M PLAINTS, In Boxes at Is 1 Vd, 2s 9d, Is Gd, aud Us. 2 QOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In use among all classes of Society SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In Boxes at Is. Hd., 2s. 9d„ 4s. 6d., and Is. IS, NEW OBlIOSD STREET, LONDON "11072* PH (E N 1 X EIRE OFFICE, Lombard-street and Charing Cro. London. Established 17S2, Prompt and liberal Loss Settlement Insurances effected, in all parts o* tiie world. Secretaries 0^.0RGE VVM. LOTELL li » JOHN J, BROOMFIELD ".< SVddtv-isfs. 1 ..u .JEll. S ■ -u.- ..ivW. j ■ -i.ts BreaJ w lit iiaif th» 'V'- li irier 1 t' .• yeasty Pud inij-.s .1 r ,s» 7 v. < some„ and deu.do-u, with half the tvn.. va. E?ps ami. Biliter; a el Fiour will li. Cakes, .buns, isahy ^aaiis, Norf >u|>Iu. c., iu a few min Is nSj 1 iv n «. Kin-jdoui 11 1 r 1 1 b f wfco, c.ia UsJ .t >!■ a wl«1 .crJ:' Usciin the Arctic Expeui*:ci: b .loies ir tbe- Crimea and Cmmi, will kc.i f-ir -ei a f ry ptace- Awarded Four Gold Medals fur ] ,ce of QuahtyJ" C¡O\VDER ;)[,1 '"vernYlll'1'iull. aJ :,2,; lu', •: 51.. Is., 2s. 6J. & 5s. Patent Boxes oiil; < '■ (I »?< '•»/ :rright. The 2s. 6d. and 5s. are speci:d>v i- com- •• >d !o fami- lies and schools. Be sure to -.or ni-i )- that von pet BORWICK'S GOLD ULI), BAKING PO\\DER. [116 V brl'IJ?F';J STAHCnT t; i j 1 r'.r S tsTAU(Jlt. t In" Trial of this beautiful Starch will prove its Superiority TRADE MARK, uATTP 1 5* Kyf O Pj VJ REGISTERED 10 ru APGIL, 1877 STLFF'S STAltClir ) -L -1. ..J '-j ,S-'TIFFIS ii. Sold by Grocers, Drujoists and OilLnen and Wholesale REDCLIFFE STREET, BRISTOL. «* "CT OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."— Jm See Deuterouoicy, chao. xii., verse 23. WORLD FAMED l' ail Tl ade Mark, Blood Mixture." THE MEAT 81000 PUSHER & RESTORM O KIN DISEASES, Erup.ions, Blotches, Ulcerated O Sore L-s.'#, OI Si-res, vilundular Sw dinsr, Can- c ■it>- U: '-r-ii, l f'nvjiiVs, Boils, Carbuncles- Kiii'j-w.ii-ius, -r.il.) ■ .ead SoreEt-s. Erysipelas, Itch- N-uhn, U'.s■•oliir iti-nis of tiie Skill, Hum mrs ar,4 liiscas-5. "i the :11 "f whatever name or nature. ar„* literally rarrii-d out of tne system in a short time by the use oi this world famed Medicine. THOUSANDS Ob' T STI.ilONlA. S FR ).)I ALL PARTS IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated JL blood whenever you find its impurities bursting- throuirh the skin in pimples, eruptions or sores; c!ean-e it wlien you find it obstructed and slu-'gi»b ia- the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling* will ted you when. Ke.-p tlie blood pure, and the li i li of the system will f illow. As this naixlur is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, tie Proprietor s ilicits sullerers to give it a t ial to test its value. /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE V is sold in bottles 2s Gd each, anrJ in cases, con- xaining six times the quantity. Is. eseh—sufficient- to elfect » permanent cure in t .0 srreat majoritv of lone-standing cases-— 151 ALL CHK.MISTS and i'Al i' JuEUiClNE VeNI.ORS throughout the United Kinzd nn and the world, or st-nttt) a-:y ad ins- o;i receipt of'JOi'i:;s::im;;s.by the Proprietor, F.J. LA RK K. Chemist. Apot -ecaries* Hall, f.in^olti. W h>lesal<i Ali Patent Aiodicme 11 -uses. LONDON i)E HOT l.vi, OXP- >UD STKlSET. Newport, Mow.—Sold by J. c>r.\G, C.PKJCii, 1 7, Commer- eial-siivet, E. M. Tiiora.is, JAMMS KDMO.Vds, 5, High-street and PAISE, Commercial-street.—Ebbw Vale—L. P. CURE FOR ALL: IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. NO MORE SUFFERING: THE Discovery of this Ointment has proved an i>ira!u~ able b >on to thousands of surferer.- wh >n ru ibjd over or near the scat of sufTerimr, its rare Haha nic proj«rrtiea are conveyed to every part. 'Jims it heals in var 1 w unds and ulcers of tiie oi, Womb, str ei ;th -a-; the spinal marrow in cases of nervo.is weakness an 1 depr-suon. and all diseases of the Tnroat. L in-s, and Chest. No i ivaltd 11 -cd despair of c-.t.e, whilst th.s Oiutmert can oeobiatnei; f >r the reputation it b -ars in every quarter of the glo ic, is f it ii,s as :t 1 s by tesii.nonials lrjin pcrs ).is oi all classes an 1 coun- trit s. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND NEURALGIA. Those truly foi midable and dreaded diseas* s, with no tur- 11a. snas-.ns, nervous twitchimrs. muscular cramps, an Uciatiea will yield, when treated bv this Ointment. In no cis:;s is it 1110-e important to have the Ointment th,¡rllu;:ilI, and effec- tually conveyed through the pires of the skin to th■ alf.snod parts upon which it will bring ,ts s nothing i fluenc o <ie:ir, and thus jiroduce ease, comfort, and security. T I sh x-Jd also he taken in appropriate doses to lessen the Itb.U- uiati 111, and to purify tho bio. d. BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD WOUNDS \.XD- ULCERATL >NS OF ALL KINDS. The application of this Oi.itimrn: i!c»i.s. 1 -t remark-ible maueor. every Kind „j Clc s it.-ns til stiU o.- cou- vi-.i.'iei ussues, cr.n •> ,ir 1; 1" 11 -sh to disipiiear. and foul t ,waling SU'-I-ices: a:id t.i .-e eJleets arc not tc.nporarv, but are rae.ical a 11 pern a cut. PILES, FISTULAS, ~ND ABSCESSES. T ,"sc an 1 ad siinilar a.Tcetions iiiu,t be wrefudy treated according to the plan recoxumctide l in the prmtj t mst uc- J ■ ),:i;nic d juust .0 aopliei directly t > tiie p irts a.i-. t".l. a-:d Ji-iil rvay's Pills Vie simultaneousl.v ta ;e.i to pn it.t 1:1' '¡jut,l, ami to re!;eve the internal congestions which are -.0 le- tile u cause of this class of disease. DROPSICAL ENLARGE MEATS, SWELLED LEGS AND VARICOSE VEINS. In the reducCcn of all Glandular Swellieirs no retiiedy etpiris this i:,comparable Ointnu-nt: it prevents th forma- tion (Jf extraneous :o: l is an inv.dua dc r.-iuo for checking ail c'iir >iiic i).sc.ia«os -.vh.-n ud;-o it-ly rub'jed into- the ;iar;s atf.-ci-. d th • -i-est ras will \i.-ld iu ,< eo.11.ja- r::li\"t<y .iiort S ::i (If SCROFULA AND OLD SiCfN PIS ELSE Tliis Ointment is a cert tin retn \ly fur all dis -is s d the skin, whether simo:e or eo n jli Mfced. S •urv- ri 1. -a. biotchjs, piiuo'io., and oilier i-U.imcjiis disorders, arc „>i oace era.1.0 ..c t by ihisia ai.i.ihie L'. g.ic.it. Til" "inline: t a:i 1 !'id« are sol-.I at Prefess-ir lli.Vo.vav's E^*a !:•) oc .t. 5: O.Mtrd street. London h, m-iirlv evcr;. res; ciable Vi-ndor of Medicine througinni. lh-'c'-vi'.iz.Hi Worl-l in I'- tsand iiox<.s at ;s id, 2s d, s c, ,s s a h. Tiie sm-dhst < ot of Oir.t'ventV, niai'.s o V ,7>snW- and. tin-sniailt-sc iiox of l'ills four dozen. N.B.—Advice can be obtained, tree 0: ebrge » y apply- ing: at the above audress, dai.y, between the\oii-s ,v 1L -1, or T1739 THE OCARINA. THE NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, p7a,,e(7 at Lan,, A t the t-I 11 est",i7/.te1' J' ¡'a/are. .tc. CAN BE LEARNED IN HALF AN HOrn. /^CARINA. '-The tone bears a striking r«wemhl,in«w vj to the vox humima stoji of a large organ. —Musical Tinios. OCARINA. "Nl,t"ing like it, eUhtr in -ha.po, soundt, v_y material, or construction, has hitherto been seen. It is astoni-hing to hear such soft sweet sounds is uing from so eccentric-looking an instrument Brief. f\Ch RINA "Emitting such sweet sounds as are seldom VJ heard.—South London Press. 4 OCARINA Keahy very apieeahle mnsic, and is not \J difficult to play."—English Mechanic. OCARINA. A most remarkable and ent rely novel 1^7 musical instrument. In duets, and quartets also, tha instrument produces excellent music. It is a small comp-ict instrument, and its cost is trifling compared with its musical ndue. Weekly Times. mHIS ORIGINAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT is Unequal'^ JL for the Beauty and Voice-like Quality of its Tune and. the ease with which it can."he acquired—a very little practice enabling the performer to plap operatic or other melodies. It has a complete chromatic scale, from the lower R to the upper E. and is thus not confined to any particular key, but can be used with other instruments, notably the pianoforte, to which it forms a charming accompaniment. PRICES.—NOP. 1, 2s., L', 3s., 3, 4s.. 4, 5s., 5, 6s.. fi, 7s., 7, 8a. Nos. 5 and 7 Specially tuned to go with the Pbnofonc. Instruction Book, 6d. Books of Airs, Is. 6d. Packed and Forwarded on receipt of P.O.O. or stamps. M. EAUR, 80, QUEEN VICTORIA ST.. LONDON, 1M*.

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