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REFORM MEETING AT BIRMINGHAM.—Mr. Odger addressed the Birmingham Labour j<J sentative League on Wednesday night. He the middle-class party must do something subs tile tial if they would win back the confidence 0 lost. working men, which they had now entirely tJt6 The middle-class party could not afford to 1 support of the great mass of the voters. Gladstone ever made a mistake in his life i* when he brought in that poor trumpery m ei called the Irish Land Bill. A resolution was that the meeting thanked Her Majesty's G°rLo' ment for the introduction of the Election^ cedure Bill, which introduced vote by but desired to express surprise and regte beeo the proposition of Mr. Fawcett had !Jot elec' adopted to place the legitimate expenses of 0 tions on the rates. DEATH BY FIRE.—On Tuesday, Mr. Payn? J? eluded an inquest on the body of Mrs. Louisa 111 down, aged 70, who recently died at Guy's Hospi The deceased was the widow of a gentleman bad been for many years employed m bonier. House. Since the death of her husband her to i had become affected, and she was carefully watcfc y her fr'ends, who lived with her in Hunter-st Old Ken'-road. The deceased had a mania playing with fire, and on Friday evening ^se threw a piece of rag into the grate for the P" jjer of creating a blaze. The burning rag fe^ velope<% dress, and almost immediately she was etl ft on 0 in fames. Her screams attracted the attf -jjou.se Mrs. Ryan and Mr. Benford, who were tTT,filing at the time, and who succeeded in nCe eoli- th e flames. The unfortunate lady was at c" after veyed to Guy's Hospital, where she died sto^ Lt. admission, her body having been terribly Lirtie<3.- verdict of Accidental death by fire" was ret GKEAT FIRE IN LEEDS.—On Tuesday serious fire occurred on the premises o j Burnley and Nichols, engineers^ manufacturers, Manor Road, vie The fire was discovered by the watchman of the fir about one o'clock, and he immediately gave, :ilarm. The brigades of the Corporation, under superintendence of the Chief Constable, and ot t Sun and Liverpool ian'^Lo'1"loin and Globe oft were in attendance, but the nrehad mnele consi able progresswhen they arrived. The fire orgi»a^ in the model warehouse, a large three-storey building, about 50ft. deep and 200ft. long. standing the most strenuous efforts of the fir.en of and an abundant supply of water, this PortI J-er the premises was gutted, and the immense »11 f 53 of models it contained—-the accumulation, a jc years destroyed; but the firemen 0tber saving the foundry, mechanics' shop, aD, pr<>' buildings abutting. We understand that t prietors are insrred though only partially' o0ce!}' Liverpool and London and Globe and other t fee No estimate of the damage can at preS pd lio, formed, but it must be very considerable; ted* thing is yet known as to how the fire origlD Yorkshire Post. „ iN I*- SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST DIRECTORS .oFvras oil SURANCE COMPANY.—A criminal prosecutio^^jnst Wednesday brought at the Mansion &otxse„nd Fire the late directors of the Monaroh Mario0. ,ti0n, o» Insurance Company Limited, now in the charge of conspiracy with intent to jj0n- defraud. The names of the defendants •C) Mr* A. Jocelyn, Mr. Taylor, Captain ^ai,r. JJodge3' cl )lr* !1() .1 Wright, Mr. Harwood, Mr. Bulwor, an Digb1 the manager. Mr. G. Lewis prosecuted- ^e(j Seymour, Mr. Ribton, and Mr. Besley de „ecUtiofl> accused. Mr. G. Lewis, in opening the Pr _ave aD1* said the allegations set forth were of & g oQ foov serious descrip1 ion. The company was s capital in March, 1869, the prospectus stating :^ed was £ 1,000,000, and the amount subsc, £ 250,000, whereas Mr. Maynard, the Uc £ \na tb»fc examining the affairs of the ")™Pan^r'. j.y.at at 0° no such sum was ever subscribed, an subsCribed- time of its existence was more thanJ>8 On these representations, and that the torS i»- income was £ 60,000 per annum the dire^ ducod a Mr. Lowe to advance them ^ward3 occurred only in Februai-ylastand soonat the company collapsed, when the whoie covered to be a swindle and a fraud, AW likely to occupy several days. —* Newport saiurtlau, A'^0^'O1TTHSHIBB! Printtd aid I'ubli-hid fit t 6 Commercial-ttte«t, (■e erHl Piiitir.g OH ce. N". 1"' Mftnn)0uih, by Borough of Newport, in tbe C' "n.°ca# villa, Gold Topa. w CHRISTOPHERS, resi £ ii»« »t Makrcw » i* jjish of St. Wooll.s, Newpoit.




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u_---------------LON DON LET…

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