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Bnsinmts for Disposal. FOR Sale as a going concern, old-established Family Grocery Business in centre of Barry.—Q Q 535. Jttnstral Instruments. IF you want a Ptano or Organ do no-, be persuaded by any -nterestei ocnoi to purclia-ij unt;1 you hava iscertainedthe extraordinary valus we are oleria?. You will ^ave many Dound. be rnojt liberally treated, and get ..tie easiest, p03:!iulC teruii uy purCJ:W.3i.a; .rom BS. Duck. Son, and Pinker. The Great Piano Merchant. Pultney bridge. Ha.th. and at Bristol. Cataloeue and book of advice tree. Name th:s paper. D'ALMAINE'S PIANOS-AND-ORGANS. CLEARANCE SALE. 9 Guineas.—American Organ. Santley Model, canal to new (list nrice 15 guineas). 11 stops, including 2 knee stops, also glorious vox celeste and humana high case church organ effects. Large selection of other styles from a to 120 guineas. -f' Guineas.— Duchess Model Piano (list price 30 J_eJ guineas) only slightly used full upright grand 7 octaves check action full trichord celcste pedal approval tree. Very great bargain. QA Guineas.—Nearly new60-guinea model, full concert. (4U grand overstrung, steel frame, underdamper Piano rich burr walnut case accept 20 guineas cash easy terms arranged warranted for 20 years; full price allowed if exchanged for one of hixhervatue; approval 7 days, carriage free. Several Second-hand Pianos from £ 8 cash. D'ALMAINE'S (estbd 1785). 91, Finsbury Pavement. Moorgate-street. London. E.C. Open till 7 p.m. Sats. 3. IH.qJdtS an&$nr £ d*s. 1903 Dunlop, Clincher, and Palmer Tyres Covers from 3s 6x1 Air Tubes, Free Wheels, Chains, Saddles. &c.; new list ready; makera' prices.—W. A Gorton. Manufac- turer. Wolverhampton. 201 -jp TON JgtCYCLES jgs 5s Od CASH OK 15=s WITH ORDER AND 10s PER MONTH. Gold-lined frames, plated rims, ball free wheel. 2 roller lever brakes, plated lamp. bell, pump, spanners, oilcan, repair outfit: fully guaranteed first-grade tyres, $acked in crate (free*' carriage paid guaranteed 4 years 0 days for trial and approval. i have made and sold over 10.000, and have more than 5,CCC testimonials. Write for catalogue, photos, fur specifications and 40 page book of testimonials. DIRECT FROM MY FACTORY ONLY. DEALERS CHARGE £8 as OR MORE FOR NO BETTER CYCLES. Q.EORGE J^EATSON LION CYCLE WORKS 19676 MOSBLEY-STRKET. BIRMINGHAM. i&niors anb JEuirrr (Spelts. MOTOR Omnibuses. Motor Chassis (or chassis and bodies separately) by the best makers, for Sale. .cheap suitable for pleasure brakes or commercial pur- poses where great horse power is required.—Apply to Omnibus Company. 158. High-street, Camden Town. London. 341 Jot Sale. COtiTil Wales Property Gazette."—A monthly O Registeroi Estates Houses. Lands, &c, to be Let or Sold in Wales. Monmouthshire, West of England. &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free. to the leading in- habitants of Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions 1J:eeo-Q¡piea post free from Messrs Hem and Pert- wee. Estate Agents. Auctioneers, ate.. 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 189 Ji. A X H £ S d. J1 E A T Hi H ». FEATHERS FOR BED3. W11y bay mmmon shoody wool bed", wben yon can tee" test ENGLISH FEATHERS at 5d per lb. carriage paid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather lledi uukU to order, tend. lor maples and price lists > .1:1. HANDY AfTt n- FEATHER MERCHANTS. 5061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALTS. 714 iKi&allaittons. ATRIMONIAL Magazine.—Free introductions free advertising free copy, one stamp world's largest etrculation secrecy guaranteed.—T. Gore. 28a, Basing- hall-street. London. JlUsrtUaiuaus ants. WELSH China.—Wanted. Swansea and Naat««rw China, Swansea and Cambrian Pottery, and Dillwyn Etmscaa Wace only good specimens required ;high prices given.—Address Collector, Echo Office. Cardiff. 24 blanks. THE ^JHARING-QROSS BANK (Est. 1870). Cardiff Branch-73, ST. MARY-STREET. Head Offices-28. Bedford-street. Strand. London. W.C.. and 39, Bishopsgate-strect Within. London. E.C. Branches—Manchester. Liverpool. Leeds. Bradford. &e. Assets. £1.607.949 Liabilities. £123 .871 Surplus. £371.078. LOANS of S30 to £2.000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country on personal security, jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares, and furniture (without remonL Stocks and Shares bought and sold. 2i PER CENT. allowed on current account balances. DEPOSITS of £10 and upwards received as under— Subject 00 3 months' notice of withdrawal, 5 p.C. per an. 6 6 „ 12 7 Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments we are able to pay rates of interest on deposits that will compare favour- ably with dividends paid on almost any class of stock or ihareholdiiig. insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for 39 years, and our position in the banking world to-day testifies to the success of our business methods and to the satisfaction of our customers. Write or call for prospectus. 1165 A. WILLIAMS and H. J. TALL. Joint Managers. jKtiteg. ftl3 TO i5.0M ADVANCED By Private Lender on Simple Promissory Note. So bills of sale taken, and absolute privacy guaranteed. First letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a representative who is empowered to complete transaction on terms mutually arranged, no charge being made unless businesj actually completed. Special quotations for short loans. Write in confidence to— C. WELLS. 16. CLARE-STREET. 171n 1639 BRISTOL. MONEY Lent. £ ,5- £ 500: low rates fair dealing.—County Credit Co.. Ltd., Agent. W. P. Thomas, Abertlllery FIELDINGS Old-established Financiers, are pre- pared toadvanos 8I1JlB from £ 23 to £ 3,000 a.t. short tctice on approved Note o." Hand, personal or other lerurities. Charge arranged tetore transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current ntes of interest. Property Purchased. Trade HUb liifcounted. Annuities and Fixed Income* arranged. > one/ advanced on »econd mortgages. — Applr direct an we hav-s no Menu. Hayeu .buildings. Tha Eayes. Cardiif. 13933 rriHE-OLD ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION JL BANK continues to lend immense sums daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000 on Note of.El&nd alone or other Security, at II few hours'notice, to all classes in any 1>&It of England and Wales, repayable by easy instalments. No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate interest Special rates for short periods. The largest, best known, and most honourably conducted business in tbe Kingdom. Thousands of ow: regular customers have expressed weir entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. It desired oje of our officials will attend at your residence at once*Vith cash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN. Call or write (in oonndence) to the Manager. Mr STANLEY DOWDING. 1. Queen-square. Bristol. 90S MESSRS S. HERN & PERTWEE. Estate Agents. 74: St. Mary-street. Cardiff, axe prepared to advance lltxn £ 100 to £ 100,000 on Mortgage of Freehold cr T iirhnli Property, awl faom jMO to £1.000 oo personal tec:Wt8r. 5664 R. J. HEATH & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR BECHSTEIN, B^OADWOOD, BLUTHNER, EEARD, 8CHIEDMAYER, NEUMEYER, WALDEMAR, Etc., THE pRCHESTBELLE PIANOLO CO. Also STOCK y pIANOS BY BRINSMEAD, HOPKINSON, COLLARD, IBACH, STEINWAY, Etc. ORGANS BY MASON & HAMLIN, Etc. FROM J 0/6 MONTHLY. ——— 1066 CARDIFF. PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH. & PORT TALBOT. Nat. Tel., Cardiff, 2199. Pontypridd, 21. JJ E A L T H FOR EVERY DAY Persons of both sexes too frequently have whole days when they feel" queer" or poorly." This is not as it should be, because every day—every week—every month—every year—in fact all the time it is quite possible to enjoy uniformly good health. Many men, too, find the continued stress of work and worry of business telling upon them, and they, too, have odd queer miserable days. All this is very regrettable, when it may be so easily obviated. IF you TAKE ¡ EE CHAM'S pILLS Jg EE CHAM'S "p ILLS JgF. ECHAM'S pILLS you will bo able to ensure good health every aay. The off days of pain and distress will disappear and you will experience the un- interrupted How of natural vigour. The Sun of enjoyment will again shine upon you the out- look will assume a pleasant aspect your spirits will revive, and altogether life will become worth living. Those whom you notice as always in the pink of condition quite probably take nothing more than an occasional dose of Jg E E CHAM'S piLLS JJEECHAM'S pILLS Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lane. Sold everywhere in boxes, Price Is lid (56 pills) and 2s 9d (168 pills). XT EWPORT OFFICES F\ OJ THE FSOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS 28. BRIDGE-STREET. |5uMir 1- CARDIFF. NEW THEATRE, CARDIFF. Sole Proprietor.ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.30, The Popular Play, TWO LITTLE VAGABONDS, Next Werk- THE SILVER KING. Box Office at Theatre, 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. Cardiff 375. i9ublít jFlatítts. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham- road, London, S.W.-PATENT3. SEEN DAILY on their own application at J o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 19615 Secretary. Fred W. Howell J^OW IS THE TIME J N°W IS THE TIME. ■J^OW IS THE TIME. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT GWILYM VANS' TWITTERS. It is recommended for Indiges- Hon in its different forms, such as tick headache, heartburn. cramp, flatulency, sense of tulness. and oppression after eatinz, drowsiness, &nd pains in the region oi the heart. GWILYM JIVANS'S TDITTERS. Itis, without exception, the bent remedy for Depression of Spirits and Melancholy. It is strongly recommended tor nervous diseases, Buchas undue anxiety, despond- ency, fainting fits, neuralgia, and nerve pains generally. GWILYM Jg VANS' TWITTERS. It has successfully treated, after allother known preparations bad failed, severe cases 0; affection of the chest suca as common colds bronchitis, asthmatic colds, short- ness oi breath, influenza. &c. GWILYM JfJ VANS' JJITTERS. It purifies and enriches the blood, and is a healthy and safe tonic. 1t should be taken by all who are delicate, as it strengthens the system, and by so doing assists nature, thereby promoting good health. GWILYM jgVANS' TWITTERS. I To children crowing, and to people suffering creat weakness, either after an illness or through long confinement in ill-ventilated rooms, or any other cauae, i, is most valuable. QWILYM jg VANS' TWITTERS. When you ask for Gwilym Evans' Bitters see that you get it, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, with the name Gwilym Evans on BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, the label, on the stamp. and on the BKWAJtJS OF IMITATIONS, bottle, without which none are genuine. In- dignantly refuse snb- stitutes. and insist upon having GWILYM VANS' TWITTERS. This world-famous pre- SOLD EVERYWHERE, parationis sold every whers SOLD EVERYWHERE, mbottiea 2s 9d and 4s Sd SOLD EVERYW HIsRE. each. or will be sent direct carriage free, from the solo Proprietors— QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TUBING CO.. LTD.. MINCING-LANE, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. QWILYM TT VANS' B ITTE RS. Perpetual injunction has been granteci against M. W. James, PERPETUAL INJUNCTION Llanellv. with costs, PERPETUAL INJUNCTION restraining him from PERPETUAL INJUNCTION passing off his poods as Gwilym Evan3' 1013—28 Quinine Bitters, Ltd. XSTOP ONE MOMENT V OH DEAR, DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE ? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY rjlUDOR '^rILLIAMS' g ALSAM OF TT 0 N E Y. It is an essence ot the purest and most efficacious herbs, gathered on the Welsh Hills and Valleys in the proper season, when their virtues are in full perfection, and combined with Pure Welsh Honey. All the ingredients are perfectly pure. IJIUDOR ^YYILLIAMS' B A LS A M OF TTT 0 N E Y Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. It is invaluable to Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women, and Children. Wonderful Cure for Children's Cough, after Measles and Whooping Cough. It succeeds where all other remedies fail. IT SOOTHES WHILE IT CURES. Thousands of people have written us testifying to its marvellous curative properties. For Vocalists and Public Speakers it is a Heal Blessing—it prevents hoarseness. and sore throat, and keeps the voice as clear as a bell. Try it. ,You will not regret it. ITS HEALING POWER IS MARVELLOUS. No House Should be Without It. See that You Get the Genuine Article. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. So Many Imitations and Frauds. Sold by all Chemists and Stores, Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d bottles. Great saving in purchasing the large bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 2s 9d, and 5s, from the Inventor, D. Tudor Williams, R.S.D.L. This preparation is not a quack Medicine, but of 36 gears' standing, prepared by Scientific Chemists and Druggists. Manufacturer :— TUDOR WILLIAMS, M.R.P.S., A.S.Apth., London Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Druggist by Examination, Medical Hall, Aberdare. 1019 I MANFULNESS.—An interesting and .H'J instructive Book can be had FREE describing a safe, simple, and Scientific System which has been practised for over 20 years with unexampled success, together with over 1,000 Testimonials giving absolute proof that the severest cases of NERVOUS EX- HAUSTION, DECAY OF VITAL FORCE, WASTING, WEAKXiSSS, VARICOCELE, etc., have been PER- MANENTLY CURED WITHOUT Stomach Medicine, Electricity, Change of Diet or Habits. Loss of Time or Occupation A former sufferer writes :—" It has made life again worth living. Apply to-day enclosing two t stamps for ostage in plain envelope, and mention this paper.—A. J. Leigh. 92 and 93, ürea- Russell-street, London, W.C. 16625 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING & CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES and WORKS. 1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. Manager-FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and neighbourhood. Contractors for all dfcbcriptions of Advertising, Circular Distributing, etc. All orders promptly attended to. 1005 pipping £ L$tuts. B RUMMER TOURS TO GLASGOW, FIRTH OF CLYDE, Y SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS, BELFAST, PORTRUSH. NORTH OF IRELAND, ISLE OF MAN, From BRISTOL, CARDIFF. SWANSEA, and ° NEWPORT. CIRCULAR TOUR to Glasgow, Edinburgh, E London, &c. Guide Book and all particulars Free from A ALEXANDER GREGOR, 19722 13, BUTE-CRESCENT. CARDIFF. AB E R I) K E X T I N E FROM LONDON TO 1_J AUSTRALIA. Via Plymouth, Tenerifi' and Capetown. ♦MORAVIAN June 8 *SALAMIS Aug. 3 MARATHON (tw. sc.) PERICLES (tw. sc.) July 7 Aug. 23 •Carries third-class passengers only. NEXT SAILIXG-ss. Moravian," 8th June, carries ONE CLASS of passengers only, unrivalled accommodation, outside cabins amidships. Fares from S18 to Melbourne and Sydney. Apply to LOCAL AGENTS or to GEO. THOMP- SON and CO., Ltd., 7. Billiter-square, E.C., or to HICKLE. BORMAN, GRANT and CO., 14,Waterloo- place. S.W. "THITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL ? V to AUSTRALIA, calling (South Africa). MEDIC, 11,984 toa3 June 3 ArRIC.11.343ton}.Jutyl SUEVIC, 12,531 tons July 2J PERSIC, 11,974 tons Aug, 26 1be accommodation 03 thes3 twin-screw steamen comprises smoking, reading, snd dining roomi. Fares.—To Australia, £ 17 to £ 30. to Capetown, £15 15:! to £2431. For further particulars apply to Local Agent* or to lsmay, Imrie and Co., Livorpool. Southampton, 1, Cockspur-street, S. W., and 3j, Leadeuhall-street, E.C., London. QANADIAN J)ACIFIC J^INET F AST I Weekly service from Liverpool. Un- LIVE TO surpassed accomodation at moderate n A xt A r» fares. Emigrants met at Liverpool CAjNADA. bv C.P. officials. For Sailings, pamph- lets and information as to opportunities in Can.da apply to 18, St. Augustine's-parade, Bristol, or Locai Agents everywhere. 19613 (Sirarsiotts. OCHEVENINGEN JJOLIDAYS BY THE BRITISH ROYAL MAIL IN THE ROUTE. yia Harwich and the Hook Corridor Vestibuled Trains, ^•r Dining and Breakfast Cars OLD WORLD alongside the Steamers. TURBINE STEAMERS PTTTTQ WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY and SUBMARINE ot tl>e SIGNALLING. RESTAURANT CARS be- ZUYDEIt ZEE Se;»s*t,rfZk0< Holland Read Holidays Abroad." and other parts Send post-card to the Con- tinental Manager, Liverpool- of Holland. st. Station, London, E.C, for this descriptive illus- 19730 trated pamphlet (free). IGS DO WELL ON "GIP." REQt). Escape SWINE FEVER. Keep free from worms, cramp, gripes* and fits. Feed well, thrive, and fatten NH rapidly. Send for name of nearest agent, and full particulars, or better still. send P^tgszz: for sample packpt 2d, 3ilbs Is 6d, 7lbs 2s 8d. carriage paid, cash with opder. Manufac- turer, C. HAMLIN, HARCOURT, SALISBURY. READ Kingston Russell Dairy, Dorchester. I TH IS! have used" Gip for more than 7 years. I and 1 am pleased to say that for little pigs it is the best thiug I have ever used. It keeps them healthy and they do well on it, while for fattening pigs G ip has no equal. Yours truly, C. Legg. AGENTS for GIP "—Moon and Sons, Hope- street, Cardiff, and atPenarth Walker, W. E., Queen-street, Cardiff; Gammon, HoO 186. Commer- cial-road, Newport, Mon. Mr K. K. Davis, High- street. Merthyr Tydvil. JJAS3 AND CO.' i pALE AND M1W ALES. PEASON BREWINGS if ay now be had in Prime Condition, la Casks cr Bottles, of JjlULTON DUNLOP, AN:) CO CARDIFF. mi THERAPION and3 "SK remedy used ia Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Rostant'Jobert, Yolpeau and others, s trpasses every- thing hitherto employed for impurity of blood spots, blotches, pains and Dwellings of joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in back, stone, gleet, gout, rheumatism, exhaustion, sleepless- ness, Ac. Three forms, Nos. 1,2, and 3, according to diseases for which intended. Price 2s 9d. For free advice as to suitability of Therapion write, sending stamped addressed envelope, to the Le Clerc Medicine Co.. Haverstock-street, Hampstead, London. 19460 1F F E speakinq IF F S FROM | EXPERIENCE H THE DOCTOR: Ah r yes, rextless and feverish. Qive him a Steed- man's Powder and he will soon be all right." ■ Steedman's Soothing Powders [EEJpoison f EE| 0oa«BnMnannaaanaBnii The Housekeeper's best investment, for a packet will last for a week, and provide all the time rich and npurishing gravy for joint or meat pudding. Gravosal lessens the batcher*s bill, for the delicious Gravasol gravy with vegetables largely takes the place of meat. Sold in penny packets and 4%d. glass jars. !wnnpkfne 0" mentioning tiumc address of KIMQOV Gn"r' Trading Trust the Firm behind the Boot. r Norwell's 100 66 Perth" Boots stand the wear and tear of the whole family. We are jfl country shoe makers and know exactly the boots to I make for hard wear. Get our JBSWm full Pnce List, No. it will tell you all about us and our happy footed customers. The Perth Market Farmer. 13/8 Our boots for boys and gjrl, have no equal ior wear. HORWELL'S, PERTH, H.B. JR. Pes* us your Boot Repairing, The pleasant springiness of walking on grass is yours if you use Redfern's Navy Rub- her Heels. From Boot Repairers everywhere Write for Booklet. Redfern's Rubber Works. Hyde. 1- WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE JStAi-SH & ISON, n, GREAT FREDKitlCiL.STRiifiT, CARDIFF, is th OLOKSI iiSTAULLJHKD PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who ranti thJ largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- ourhood. All work entrusted to him will > e speedily sntl laithfully executed. .>i.—Bill Posting sent ill Loac IIC luui WÜJ bave imniediate atteatioa. iM/a Jnhli, ^ctias. IPlational fliageant of v Ulalcs. OAEDIPF, JULY 26th to AUGUST 7th. PERFORMANCES First Week, 2.30 p.m. Second Week, 7.30 p.m. Two Performances on Saturdays and Bank Holiday. THRILLING EPISODES. Storming of the Castle by 200 Distinguished Footballers, including all the great Welsh Internationals. Magnificent Fireworks Displays by Messrs Brock, of the Crystal Palace 5,000 PERFORMERS. BAND OF THE ROYAL MARINES. PRICES OF RESERVED SEATS, 2/6, 5/ 7/6, 10/6, ORDINARY ADMISSION, 1/ Booking Office Now Open, A. W. SWASH, Hon. Secretary, I Pageant House, Cardiff. h- ¡:; )¡i" It's a poor appetite that will not yield to "Skipper" Sardine? I Their daintiness and their deli- cious flavour add zest to a simple meal. They almost force one to eat Ask gently but firmly for "Skipper" Sardines. If your grocer does not stock them, send us his name and address and enclose sixpence in stamps. We will post you a sample package of twenty fish post free. ANGUS WATSON & CO. (Dept.No.l), Newcastle-on-Tyne. P.K.T5- 1 2 £ T I MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS i J&jB and clinch. ■ Machine Belts and other articles PATENT BIFUR^ED^VET{>. I Of all Ironmongers, or send 1/- for Box assorted and Tool to Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd., Dept. C. T. Warrington. Foreign stamps accepted from Colon.ui u.. I readers, but ask your Storekeeper for them. Send for list, A Mend in a Minute. The Physician's B bh I k I ■ 31 jH 08 H 41 Bl Cure for Gout, ■ Ja B Ik. B K g JT* M Bheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour Eructations, Bilious Affectiona. Effective Aperient for Regular Use. AAnGnNNNESIAI .of-



[No title]

Conservator and Bailiff. .




[No title]

After the Poll. ..




