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ftariiursbxp. A 'B 9- Gui<3e to Stock Fiiohansre. 1907 Edition (27th).— jX. 'he simplest und best Guide to every description if Stock Exchange tr Aii?a.-tinns how tocpen an ac- coniit witii small capital contains highest and lowest; ■ale.; for last Is years. Gratis and post free from Pub- lishers. 9071 Freeborn, Fanklin and Co., 17. Bank-street. Kcyal Exchange. M;nrhe<>tar. 32Sn i- JVgntois, Qi;rahtlltrs. &c. A Good Acency.—Kespeetable.Men in regular employ- ment, desirous of increasing; tiieir income, ate ip- vied to anply for terms ana oavtioulavs of a Spare-time Agency, by which tliiy can supply clotnir.g, drapery, boots and shoes, watches, jewellery, household re qnisit.es, musical instruments, bicycles. Ac.. for cash or credit favourable terms t.> agent and customer.— John Myers acu Co.. Ltd., Box ,6, 161, Westminster npariY !i ent:.ITv.191B7 ISirnrUs anD uTnctrrifs- j^lCiXL&sT" a ir OAriiL or 158 with ord3r and 10s per month. Lined frames plated rim. free wneei, t'1(J brakes, iamp. bell pnni-j. spanners: honest reliable maehiiiet; hisli grade tyres; c&rria,»o pa;J; guaranteed four years *en days' approval. Testimonials, paoto, full speciQ catlocs frDm the maker — GEORGE BEATSON, L I (I C Y C L H W o í K 14,1 óû Bli-[L";GR\1. 19103 Jlttbiral tlÙits. RCBEEIi Appliances, Enemas, Klas't ■ Hosiery, &5. lists free Trasses. 2s Ci: double. 3s 6d.—Atkinsons* (C.T. Hili-stre«t, Middlesbrough. Estab. 1870. 10 Jbx al£. IF your Boots are tlJe" Fife" that's ail you need to know. The raiue Fife (rg.) is a guarantee of Duality, workmanship, comfort. Long years of practi- cal bootaiaklctf, experience, and conscience in the tnakins; are responsible for their success and reputation. "fcMFE Lome Boot?, tacket; or sprigs, stand hard .I:' usage and glv. tonK service. Ail sizes and tittizigs. 'Honest workmanship. S'i 6,1, 9" 6d, iOs 6d. AGRICULTURISTS, Shephe-ds, Foresters, Game- keepers and ail Outdoor Wearers. There ara no Boots for you to equal" Fife" Uoots at lis 6d. rpHE Farmer's Friend Is undoubtedly Hogg's "Fife" JL Boots at 15s 6d and 16s Hd per pair built specially trom finest ivacerproof leathers for Coanvry >7ear. -nr,l> ¡-;(1 HSiE,CJ.t;:S'N,.v;¡e; Miners', Road X men s. and Labourers' Boots made by skilled boot, flnakers aive iron wec.r, solid comlort; 7s gd.as9d. 9s 61 TpiFE Boots for ladies, button and lace, black or JL tan. glace kid or box calf. 73 6d. 83 5d, 9s 6Stoes, JUto. 5s 6d. 6s 6 J, 7s 6d. Value unequal led anywhere. ■TjllFE" Boots lor girls, button and iace, glove JL1 leather, Sizes—7 to 10, 3s 9d 11 to 1, 4s 9d 2, :'s 6d. Shoes-7 to lC. 38 4d: 11 to 1, 4s 2d 2, 4s 3d. For DOV, stand hard wear and t?ar. bizes-3. 10. 4s 6d 11 «0l, 5s id i to J. 6s 3(1. Shoes—U to 1,4s 4d 2 to 5. is lid. AllGoud,; setH carriage Daid. IO END for my fres illustrated catalogue, covering o needs of whol" family. It will save you money. AT. Hou^. No. 62. Strathmi :lo, Fife.—Thi Pioneer of the Boots-by-Post Trade. 13390 SOUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly He*;inter of 13st>*t)3s, Houses, Lands, &c., to be Let or Sold in Waies, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to The leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern »nd Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, dfce., 74, St. Mary-street, C:.1rdiff. 2444 E A I H E Po S. KA ir~H E R FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shoddy Wool Bed. when yoa can jet best ENGIJSE FEATHERS at 5d per lb, carriage >aid? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made U-order. He t1 for samples and price list to H handy AND CO., FEATHER MERC HANTS. 6061 WELSHPOOL. ORTH WALES. 114 JEisrellaimms. A N investment of £ 1 mav bring you hundreds. Three fx. important drawings next month,- Apply at once |or particulars to the Continental Government Securities Syndicate, Blenheim Mansions, Broadway, Westminster. London. 19193 IVrATRIMONIAL Post sealed envelope 5d. with oir. ilX cular9d; established over quarter of century.— Editor. Rooms 9 to 14, Trifalzar Bldgs, London, W.C. 11 fJPJNTING.—500 Billheads. I\lemo3, Ac., 8 1 5, for 3s JT 9d 1,000, 6 5,000, 23s C00 Cards. 4, 3. and Post. jards, 4s; 1,000. 6< bol. Samples free. Cash with order. -Herald Press, Dndlpy, Won;. S3; iEisailaiuous ¡mants. WJ ELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw TI Ciiina.Swansea and CambrianPo6tery,and Dillwyu JStrcscan Ware only good specimens required; high grtcesjUTgn.—Address Coilector. Echo Oinoe. Cardiff. Hanks- THE CRA-RING CRUS:, BAK, (Est. 1870). Cardiff Eranch-73, ST. MARY-SWIEEX. HeadOffices—23, Bedford-street, Strand. London, W.C., and 39, Bishopss;ate-stree; Within, London, E.C. Branches—Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bradford, &c. Assets, £1.607.949; Liabilities. £1.236,871: S ai- plus, El 71,078. LOANS of £30 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' notice tntownor country on personal security, jewellery. >?reclons stones, stocks, shares, ønd furniture v/ithout temoval. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. 2t PER CET. allowed on current account balances. DEPOSITS of £10 and upwards r ceiyed as under- Subject to .3montbs' notice of withdrawal,5 p.c. per tUl. 6 '1 6 II 7. Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments we are able topay rates of interest on deposits that will compare '-vourably with dividends paid 011 almost an. class of "r shareholding, inuring thesaietyof rapital. We .1 established for 37 years, and our position in iint; wOrld to-day testiiies to the success c.f ,siness methods and to the ransfaction u' ?•. • ners. Write call for r t:ospectus. i. WILLIAMS and li J. LL, Joint Managers.59n o Ire". BAT; K NUT E S .fj! O N D LOANS arranged and CASH SET BY POST. H. L s w 13 wishes to invest a U.ge sum of monev by CASH ADVANCES OF £20 TO ilO.000 on the SECURITY of your SIGNATURE ONLY. Before applying to PROFESSIONAL MONEY LENDERS 'phone, wire, write, or consult me. II, LEWIS, 27, CAARLES-STAFET, CARDIFF. PROMPTLY, PRIVATELY. THEAPLY. 45n to £5,000 ADVANCED By PrlTate Lender on Slnaole Prsmissorv Notes. I No bills of sale taken, andabsolute pr.va 'y euarantseJ. First letter of application ,e jivas prorn )t tstsutiou, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a repre- sentative, who is emrowered to complete transaction on terms mutually arranged, no charpe beintr made unless business actually completed. Special quotations lorBfcort iosns. Write in confidence to C WKLLS. CORRIDER CHAMBERS, 405n 9193 LEICESTER. JLIIELDDiGS, Old-established Financiers, are pre JJ paced to Advanoe sums from £ 20 to £ 3,0CQ at short notice on approved Note of Hand, personal or other securities. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property ejected at current rates of interest. Property Purchased. Trade Bill., Discounted. Annuities and lixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages. Apply direct as we have no agents, Hayes Buildings, The Hayes, Cardiff. 13938 MeSSRSS. HEIils il' PEirr'WEeT Estate Agents" .1.' <74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to advance from £100 to £100,000 011 Mortgage of Free. I hold or Leasehold Property, and from £ 00 to £ 1,000 011 personal security. 3664 THE OLD-ESTABLISHED P K OYINCIAI C'NIO N BANK continues to lend immense suras daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000, on Note of Hand Alone, or ot.^ier Security, £10 to iC5, 000, on Note of Hand Alone, or otner Security, at a few hours' notice, to aJl classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales, repayable by easy instalments.No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly- private. Moderate interest. Special rates for snort periods. The largest, best known, and most honourably conducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance THERE and TELEX.— ¡ Call, or write (in coafiderce j to the Vianagcr, Mr Stanley •owding, X. Queen-square, Bristol, or to the Local Age^VDa+ies and Co.. 97, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. ^aUs bu Ruction. AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. Messrs FULLER, HORSEY. SOXS and CASSELL. Obsolete War Vessels, at Devonport Oct. 2 T. POWELL :,nd SON. Farming Stock, at Pentre, Abercanafou Oct. 3 » HEATH & SONS. CTSAMOPHONES, RECO RD, AND ACCESSORIES. 50LE ;V,^VRS H TETROSFYLE BECHSTEIN, -«1 PIANOD. B:BOAI>WOOD. 1 BLUTHNEK, T>IAXOLA ERARD. J PIA-NC) PLAYERS, SCHIEDMAYER, AVU STECK, OfiA-N SELF- NLUMEYE Jb PUVYLNG WALDEMAR, LC. REGANS. Also I LiNGS IN STOCK Exceptional Discount for by Cash, or Easy Termg BRETSMEA&, Arranged. COLJLAKD, FROM 1 r* KlPviCMA-V, IS I/O wmwAY, MONYKLY, XjSACH, (ts. CARDIFF, PUNTYPBIDD, ORGANS by PENARTH. aa 1 I'OICl TALBUl. JtASOS and HAMLIS, 1053—M WtLL, Kat. Tel. Cardiff—OlUi. IKJMINION, &c. Poatypridi—2L JGASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS VAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON.. DUNLOP, AND CO CARDIFF 114d THERAPION and popular *eme J. used m Continental Hospitals by iticord, Bostan, Jobert. v oipean, aild others surpases every- thing h-itherto employed tor impurity of blood, spots, blotcbe,, paIns, and swellinjjj o: joints, kidney bladder, and .iver diseases, gravel, pains in back, stone, gle.et. gout. rheumatIsm. exhaustion, sleenlessness, &c. Three lorms, Sos. i, and. according to diseases or which intended. Price ¿8 9d (particiilairs penny stamp) post tree in Great Britain, Irom the Le Clerc Medicine Co. itaverstock-ro-id, Hampstead, London, and principal J. ^pnWir ^nrnsrm^nls. CARDIFF. — E W~"RJI H I: A T R" E. JL PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF. Sole Proprietor .ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING at 7.33 and SATURDAY at 2. Welcome return of GEORGE ALEXANDER'S COMPANY in the Brilliant Comedy HIS HOUSE IN QRDER. By A. W. Pinero. I Next Week— DAVID COPPERPIELD, WITH CHARLES CARTWRIGHT, CHARLES COLLETTE, &c. Box Officeat Theatre, 1) to 5. Nat. Tel. 376. I MHEATRE ROYAL, CAPDIFF. i Lessee and Manager ROBER.T REDFORD. EVER i EVENING AT 7.30. The PowerIUI Play, i IX HOLY RI'SSiA. Next Week—THE GREED OF GOLD. 1_ ilbÍ1¡ DCittitS. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLLSHED 1857. INCORPORATED 18S3. Offices: j, H-AMiTET-oTBEET, TAUNTON. se,cretary )Ir:t A. GOODMAN BORROWING SHARES, .£63 EACH. SUMS OF MOXEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhDld-on the most equitable terms the principal and interest repayable by Monthly instalments. INVESTING SHARES, £60 EACH. realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FGLLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accu mulate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, pet annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particnlarB.jnay be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above or to 119 Mr I-IHOMAS WEBBER. District Secretary, Tower Chambers, Church-street, St. Johu's- square, Cardiff. ITNIDS, &t. LIVERPOOL. ^^ISITORS to Liverpool will find ex- rellent accommodation at Parry's Hotel (private), 34, Lord Nelson-st. Quiet, and most con- venient for all stations and principal thoroughhfares. Terms moderate. 545 -+- Juhlit Jlutos. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Fonda urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 18584 Secretary Fred W. Howell SUMMER Trr OLIDAYS. IMPORTANT TO READERS, THE gOUTH jyYILY "J^EWS IS ON SALE AT TITE FOLLOWING HOLIDAY REPORTS EACH MORNING: — ABERYSTWYTH. w. H. SMITH And SON ..Railway Booksft\i» W. JENK.INS.23, Great Darkga.te-strea. ,K.CLAPPERTUN 40, Terrace-road. G. I. JONES .14, Theapian-jtrees EVANS BROS.„17, Pier-strees BARMOUTH. W. H. SMITH and SON Railway Bookstall L. DA VIES 1, Belle Vue Arcadj BATH. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd, Railway Bookst.nU W. H. SMIiH and SON 15, Manvers-streefc H.SlARIGOLD .16, Green-street BUILTH. W. H. SMITH and SON .Railway Bookstall H. LEWIS.Market HaU CLEVEDON. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Railway BookiUll W. H. SMITH and Soil 10s, Triaagla FERRYSIDE. A. GOLDSMITH Neveagent HAY. > HENRY R. GRANT Castle-street J. FER.UIS High town ILFRACOMBE. W. H. SBOTH and Son Railway Bookstall W. TI. SMITH andSON High-street Min A. B. CROPP Fore-street W COOKE ..79, Fore-st., and. 27. Broad-street LLAND RINDOD WELLS. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Railway BookstaU w. H. SMITH and .IO-N .Station-creweab R. EVANS and SON hbd'dleton-otrwt THE RADNORSHIRE STANDARD COUPA-NY "hstreet LLANWRTYD WELLS. Miss WILLIAMS .Newsagent Vent LLANGAMMARCH WELLS. -.Post Oifloa LLANIDLOES. W.H. SMITH and SON .Railway Bookstall J. RO GRRS- LLANSTEPHAN. W. LEWIS .The3, tqeas E. T. DA VIES lie Emporium LLANTWIT MAJOR. W. CUMMINGS Wesley-street W. R. FISHER Bristol Housa MINEHEAD. COX, SONS. and CO. Ltd.Newsagents MUMBLES. Mrs HOWELL .Newsagent Mrs W. H. JONBS .The Dunns Post Office Mrs E. JOHN Newsagent MrsORRLX Post Office WILLIAMS BlackpiU .E. WILIGEET PORTHCAWL. D.HUTCHINSON .Newsagent Mrs J. J. THOMAS Newsagent RHAYADER. W. H. SMITH and SON Railway Bookstall Mrs E. PRICE.Newsagent SENNYBRIDGE. DAVID DA VIES .Newsagent c SOUTHERNDOWN. ;.V]F,RITY rost Office TENBY. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Railway Bookstall W. fl. SMITH and SON 15, Warren-street C. FARLEY„„ .46, High-street J .E. AR.NETT Newmagent,.rhe Library WESTON-SUPER-MARE. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd Railway BookstaU W. H. SMITH and SON, Hereford House, W alliscote-road LAWRENCE BROS.High-street W. LEVER and CO. 21, Regent-street JAMES LEVER ..47, High-street S. HALLETT Claremont P.O.,near Pier H. J-ELL IC Mead-w-streeg J^ATURE'S CALL FOR lyjEDICINE comes to us all at one time or another. It is impossible to go on-year in and year out— without the strongest bodily machine getting out of order in some respect. Indigestion, Liver or Kidney derangements, Constipation. from the consequences of too strenuous living or otlier ailments we cannot escape, and the demand for a corrective IS AXSWERED BY BEECHAM'S PILLS. An idea of the universal esteem in which these pills are held may be formed from the fact that the annual sale exceeds six million boxes. This liugo demand is the best proof of their value. The world wants them, and will liave them for it has found no other medicine so generally and uniformly efficacious. If. therefore, your appe- tite Lq at fault, or biliousness troubles you, or you feel languid, or depressed and run down, there is no other remedy you can adopt with such confidence as B F, E C H A M'S P ILL S. B E E C H A M'S P ILL S. B F. E C H A M'S pILLS. B E E C H A Al'S p I L L S-, Sold everywhere in boxes. Price Is H.J. (56 pills) and 2s 9d (168 pills). CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING, <Sv CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS 1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY .-—FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions l oi Advertising, Circular Distributing, Ac. 1 All orders promptly attended to. 132-1044 pipping Moticts. AN AD. AN PACIFIC FASTEST ror.vamntj3 aid Patnpnlej, XO Re Work and Wages. PAVlDi 1 Apply to C. P. U!y„ t 18, St. Aug us tine's-parade, Bristol: or \V. J. Trouuca and oom, Bute Docks Davies and Co.,55, Chacias-str^et Ttioi. Cook apd Son, i, Duke- street Stewart and Co., 3S, Mountstaart-square Captain Scott, 47, Cathay3-terrac\ Cathayj Cudlipp, ^2, City-road. Dean and Oaw3oa, >7, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. Young and Soni, 9, Tredegar-1 lace, New] port. D. U. Richards. Wenaiit, Aberdare. Thomas, 19, Market-street, Aliartillery. 1. Coombes, Beiuiort- •quare. Cr.spstow. Usaa Jons'}, Hizh-itriai, Rhyrniisy J.L.Atkins, oellyfaelog, Dowlais. iiorsfan. 112, st.. Mectiiyr. Thomas and Son Towll Ha.Il Chambert, and D. C.Jones, Gr,-ig Post Office, Pontypridd. West- macott, 16, iionk-street, Abergavenny. Hov/el. Bey- non, Mount Vernon. Brynmawr-place, Maesteg, Glam. J. Phill^ps, The Post Otfiee, Glanamaian. IIITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL 11 to AUSTITALLA,, calling at Capetown (South Africa). PERSIC, 11,97; roai Sept. 2S K/UNIC, 12,43^ toas Oct. 24 MEDIC, 11,931 tons Nov. 21 AI'RIC. 11,94-5 tons De«. 21 The accoinmodation on these twin-screw steamers comprists smoking, reading, aud dining rooms. Fares. To Australia, JE17 to f27 to Capetown, iCI5 15s to k22 18. For further particulars apply to Local Agentq or to Isiaay, Imne and Co., Liverpool, Southampton; 1. Cockspiu-street, fcj.W and 38, Leaden bail-street E.C., London. ALLAN ROYAL "MAIL.—CANADA and U.S. Unsurpassed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Special rates to Ontario, Manitoba, and Canadian North West. Handbooks free.—Apply Allans, "it. Pall Vfall 19, James street, Liverpool, and 103, Leadonhall-street", London or to W..1. Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks, Cardiff; CaptaiD J. A. Sco)t. 15, Cathays- terrace, Cat bays; C. Stuart, 35, Mount Sliuart- square; C. J. Cudiip. 32, City-toad; Dkvie3 k Co., 58, Charles-street, Cardiff. JUST WHAT YOU XEED. QWILYM VANS' QUININE JGLTTERS. RJIHE "YTEGETABLE rjONIC. This Preparation has now a world-wide ^a!3, and is the BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS, BLOOD DISORDERS, CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM JG VANS' QUININE TDITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. IT IS THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY. AND CONTAINS SARSAPARILLA, BURDOCK, DANDELION. LAVENDER, SAFFRON, G ENTUN, and. QUININE. THE FIRST THREE OF THESE Pl*rg ARE NOTED AS BLOOD PURLFUfSS. Q.WILYM Jg VANS' QUININE B ITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. PURIFIES THE BLOOD, FORTIFIES THE SYSTEM, GIVES HEALTH TO THE SICK, STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. G WILYM VANS' QUININE B ITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Has been tested by ANALYSIS and declared PURE and HARM- LESS. Has been recommended by DOCTORS and found to be TRUST- WORTHY and SAFE. Has been tried by PATIENTS and proved to be > THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. GWILYM E VANS' QUININE JglTTEKS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. CAUTION. Above all, see that you get the right article, with the name GWTLYM EVANS •' on Stamp, Label, and Bottle, without which none is genuine. Refuse all imita- tions and insist upon liavin" NOTHING BUT GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Pricas 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Soid in all parts of the World. Equally suited for all climates. PROPRIETORS- QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LTD., LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 1101 A WELL-KNOWN REMEDY. HAYMAN'S BALSAM. "Forward 2 6d Bottle. BEST REMEDY FOR COLD I CAN GET.T. Bolton, Up. Halliford. CURED COUGH AND COLD FOR 36 YEARS. 4 GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. No Bought or Manufactured Testimonials 03 11 Cures Bad Arms, Hands, Abscesses, Poisoned and Swollen Glands, Carbuncles, Bad Breasts Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Bunions.' I HAVE YOU BAD L A tjs LEG With Wounds iliat discharge or otherwise, perhaps siiir* rounded with inflammation arfd swollen, that when yoti press your linger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression ? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, from which, if not extracted, yon never can recover, but go on suffer ing till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, if allowed to con.. tinue will deprive yoy of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals andhadmedicalad vice, and been told your case is hopeless, oradvised tosubmit to amputation: but do not, for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed it is no reason I should. Send at once a Postal Order for 2/8 to ALBERT. FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON for a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMEflTand PILLS which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs. I, (Copyright) N L, W P OR T OFN GKi Oi THE /SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW^ « IBusitttss 2\.ùùrtSStz w- r PROVE THIS FOR YOURSELF I *Jt\ fa Prices, stook, selection, iraiuo, terms-Ln fact, 13 TO a everything In your dealings with H. Samuel £ g Jffis «, 1 a w.la aa a personal call would soon con- § v m vince you. THe prices are right because they ara the lowest possible—almost the exact | Jfactory charges—a "lowest"' beiovs which no a W 3 oao else can afTord to sell at. H. SAMUEL'S 1 S&M k STOCK is right because it la kept fresh and B C TijY''brlffht by^ frequent renewals from the best H I T V H, Samnal's tarma ap« Hght because J y i' IH r fclQ allows a MONTHS FREE TRIAL IH! S ( With every article, and refunds i-fflffl }$? ,G,04 f&s. X •. m MOUey paid for any pur- Cj2&re that proves un. ol r, gatt9factory ocgual use. C4 I g, ISF7/6I r,, H g Dcautifuily ec- RECENT a i^'f 19 ifwrpUr""iTH £ jUfmi Mr 'Clionlaa NV-,tthins )f 14, -ritilig Jul.V bt,h, say- 'ABO F, L,EAPS A('o I A y [s A, Pi-, R. IT li is k'IN'VN /cYO^A"^ET' i C.,kN Y(-)(f SEVEN YEARS, BOLVHT Co GLI.) *N 1/1 -BE WARRANTY WITH U ACME." IF YOU PRITER TO COMPARE VALUES, IT WILL PAY YOU TO mAKE H. SAMUCms ? YOUR ;fRS, CAlf.;WZ PLACE, e£CAtJSE HRE YOU ARE FREE TO EXAMINE EVERYTm. WiTKCUT BUYING ANYTHING. WHY NOT "IOME TO-DAY? M H. SAMUEL (OF MANCHESTER), 1 1^ ? ST.^MARY_ STREET, CARDIFF. J -1- The Phvsician's Cure fór Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for =- Regular Use. A &%N M Au Esi ¿.










THE WEEK'S MARKETS. -----------





[No title]


------------GEORGE ROBEY,…
