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$arinrr?brp. A .B C. Guide to Stork Exchange, 1537 E.lttlon i27th).— Tile simplest an.1 tie". (iuitlf t-u every description of Stock Exchange transactions how to coon an ac- count with emali capita] contains highest and lowest sales for last IS years. Gratis and iostirgefrouipub- lishers, 9071 Freeborn, Fanklin and Co., 17. BariJc-street. kuy,d F:h;ln:1hester. 328a ÀgtníÍ£5,ij;randl.trs. &r. A Good Agency.—Kespectal/e Men in regular employ- meet, de«irons of increasing their income, aie ir>- vt?d to arpiy for terms ana particulars of a Spare-time Agency, by which th y can supply ciotl¡jr: boots and shoes, watches, jewellery, household r". quisites. musical intrmne!1t?" bicycles, Ac., forcasti or credit favourable terms 1.1 agent unci customer.- John MHlr" and Co Ltd., Box id, ;61. Westminster 'Bi.lgP4rcP!.(ond0n. F>nparjv a century.19137 ISiqjdes attb Crinrcbs. glc^T £ 5 59 CASIL or 15s with ordar and 10s per month, Lined frames plated rim", frsc wheel, two brakes, lamp, bell "J)ump. spanners: honest reliable machines hikil grade tyres: earring*- paid: guaranteed four years ten days' approval. Testimonials, photo, full speciti Ottlons tr)m the maker- GEORGE BEATSON. LION CYCLE WORKS, 80 MOSSLEY-3TRSET. BlitMINGKAM. 19105 iHe&ual SUnufcws. KHEBFR Appliances, Enemas, Hosiery, &j. list., Tree Trusses, -id double, os Z&. — Atkinsons' (C.,i.), Hin-strpet. Mi'idle<broo.gii. it) Jar Jfab. IFyour Boots are the Fife that's ail yoil need to know. The name Fife (re^.> is ft guarantee of quality, workmanship. comfort. LOD:! years of practi- cal bootmaJcing, experience, and conscience In the makincc are responsible for tbeirsuccess and reputation. "jTUEE Lome Boots, tackets or sprigs, stand hard Jl usage ana give long service. AJI sizes and fitting: fionest workmansiup. fh fid, 9s 6d. 10s Sd. A GR1CCLTURISTS, Shepherds, Foresters, Game- wTi- keepers and ali Outdoor Wearers. There ara no Boots for you to equal" Fife Boots at 13s 6d. TEE Farmer's I-Tiend Is undoubtedly Hogg's "Fife'' Boot* at 15s Sd and IBs M per pair built specially from finest waterproof leailiars for Country W>*r. TTiLOUOHMIiVS. Carters', Navvies', Miners', Road SZ men's. and Labourers' Boots made by skilled boot- makeri; give iron wear, 3olid comjort. 1~ jd.Ss3d, Ss &<1 ladies;. button bia,x cr I71IFR Roots for ladles, button and lace, black or JS; tan. glace kid or box eaif. 7s 6d. 8s 6d, 9s (id Shoes, ditto, 5s 6il. ?s fid, 7s od. Valueunequalled anywhere. 'TTUrK >ots for girls, button and lace, glova Jj j i'. Sises—? to 10, 3s 9d 11 to 1, 4s 9d Z,a 3d. Shoe- — to 10, 38 4d 11 to 1, 45 2d 2. 4s 8d. For boys, stand hard «7ear and Z-ar. Stzes-9.1ü. 4s 6d; 11 tol. 5s 3d 5 to 5, 6s 3d. Shoes—11 to 1, is 1d 2 to 5, 48 lid. AilGoodo sent carrlaeo paid. jJEND for my frea illustrated catalogue, covering O needs of whole family. It will save you money. T. Ho Eg. o 62. Strathmtzlo, Fife.—The Pioneer of A the Boots-oy-Post Trade. 18390 SOUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly Register of Hstiti ri. Houses, Lands, &c.. to be Let or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of gn-land, &c. 1.00C copies sent monthly, post free, to the leading inhabitants of Walegand Monmouthshire Insertions tree. Copies post free from Messrs Hen and Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers. &c, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 F EAT il-E- 10 a, E A T R B h 8 FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why bay common shoddy Wool Beds when you aan get best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 5d per lb, earriaga paid? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made Warder, 8e u for samples and price list to H HANDY AND CO., FEATHER JÐ.ŒCH..AKTS. 6061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALES. 114 .ft[ísuUant01ts. '• Tt/I"AX'F.EVIONIAL Poet sealed envelope 5d, with clr- 1TL cular 9d sstabliahe.d over quarter of century.— Editor. Rooms 9 to 14, Tr? £ ai*ar Hldg. Loodon, W.C. n :s. ^xsailatuons Mavis. WfELSS China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw IT Cbtna, Swansea and CambrianPotwr.w.d iHUwyn IT Cbtna, Swansea and CambrianPotwr.w.d iHUwyn Etruscan VV are only good sp^cfmeris required; hi; ii Jlr1oesldo.-Adùrp, Collector ;Otk. C'ir<J¡,r, 1Jaitks. j THE CHARING 0ROS'J B ÁK. (Est. 1370). | Cardiff Branch-75, ST. MARY-STREET. IdeadOffices—28,Bedford-street, Strand, London, W.C., and 39, Bishopsaate-sireet Witnm, London, E.G. Branches—Manciiesr-e*. Li-verpoo!, Leeds, Bradford, &c. I Assets, £ 1.607,949; Liabilities, £ i,256^J71; Surplus, £ 371,078. LOANS of E30 to £2.000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country on personal security, jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares and ftiriiimre ^"ithout removal. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. 2t PER CENT. allowed on current account balances. PEPOSIX3 of £10 and upwards received as aader— Subject to 3 months* notice-of withdrawal, p.c. per an. 6 It „ ,,6 It 12 7 Spectal terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments we are able to pay rates of Interest on deposits that will compare favourably with dividends caid on almost axij dass of stock or shareholding, insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for 37 years, and oar position in the banking world to-day testifies to the s access of 0\ business methods and to the satisfaction of our Write or call for prospectus. 1165 A. W uü T '\I-2:II.a:I:3,S ifioneu. x 0 T E S BMNK NoTES TO j t E N D LOANS arranged and CASH SENT BY POST. I H. L 10.: w 1 3 f wishes to invest a large sum of money by CASH ADVANCES OF £ 20 TO £ 10.000 on the SECURITY of your SIGNATURE ONLY. on the SECURITY of your SIGNATURE ONLY. BeJoreappIyiugto PROFESSIONAL MONEY LENDERS 'phone, wire, writt?, or consul: me. H LEWIS, I 27. CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF. PROMPTLY, PRIVATELY, CHEAPLY. 45n 2 to £5,000 ADVANCED By Private Lender on Simula Promissory Notas. No bills of sale taken. andabsaiuSe privacy guaranSeal. First letterofappllcatioa reaeiva.5 prornot -isssotlo-i, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a repre- sentative, who is empowered to complete transaction cn terms mutually arrange*), no charge bsir-K made unlets businessactuaiiy completed. Special quooaUons lorabortloalns, Write in confidence to C WVLLS. COKRIDER CBA)1BERS, 4Crn 9193 LEICESTER. TjUBLDINti3, Ohl-est&bllshed yinancievs, are pre JL pared to Advance sums from C20 to 93.00 at short ¡ notice on approved Note of Hand, personal or ether securities. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgaj^s on Property effected at current completed. onga;. on Property effected at current ratcbof intereft. i'roperty Purchased. Trade BilN t'tsccunted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes armnged. Honey advanced on second mcrtils-gps. Apply directsa we have no agents, Hayes Buildings, Ihe I Hayes, Cardiff. 15933 MESSRS S. HERN & PERTWEE, Estate Agents. 1' 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, art) prepared to advance from £100 to £ 100,000 en .Mortgage of Free- hold or Leasehold Property. and from £ b0 to £1,000 on persomJ security. J064 HE OLD-KSTABLISRKD PROVINCLir, CNIoN BANK continues to lend immense sums daily, from xio to £5,OCO, on Note of Hand Alone, or other Security, at a few hours' notice, to all classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales, r?x:ayabie by easy instalments. No good appiieation is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate Interest. Special rates for short periods. The largest, best known, and most horwurably conducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. If dssired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— Call. or write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowding, 1, Queen-square, Bristol, ur to tne Local ¡ Agents. Davles and Co., !J;. St. 13ry."treet. Cardiff. AT URE*S £ JALL FOR ^JEDICINE comes to us aU at one time or another. It is impossible to go on-year in and year out- without the strongest bodily machine getting out of order in some respect. Indigestion, Liver or Kidney derangements, Constipation. from the consequences ol' too strenuous living jr other ailments we cannot escape, and the demand for a corrective F IS ^XSWERED BY BEECHAM'S PILLS. An iJea ot the I universal esteem in which these pilis are held may be formed from, the fact that the annual sale, exceeds six million boxes- This huge demand u the best proof of their value. The world wants th-em, aDd will have them for it has found no other medicine so generally and uniformly etticacious. If, therefore, your appe- tite is at fault. or biliousness troubles yriu. or you feellauguid. or depressed and run down, I there is no other remedy you can adopt with such confidence as jg E E C H A M'S pILLS. gEECHAM'S P ILL S. gEECH AM'S P ILL S. gEECHAM'S P T T, T, Sold everywhere in boxes. Price Is lid (56 pills) and 2s 9d (168 pills). JgASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS ? AY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO CARDIFF U4d ARDIFF AD VE RTI SI NG7~BILL- POSTING, & CIR.CULAB. JDISTRIBUTING LOA1PANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS 1, PARK-STREET CARDIFF SECRETARY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors tor all descriptions of Advertising, Circular pisteibutdng, &c. Ail orders promptiv attended to, 132—1044 $3nIiUc Jltmisfttttttts. C.aiDIFP. E W rjl H E A T R e! FARE-PLACE. CARDIFF. Sole Proprietor,ROEERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.30. GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THE SHOW WEEK, ) THE EVEPv^POPULAR MUSICAL PLAY. I rjIHE JgELLE OF ^EW \TORK. I — Next Week— HIS HOUSE IN ORDER. Box Office at Theatre. 10 to 5. Nat. Tel.. 376. I N Ew T HEATPE, CARDIFF. i_ Sept. 16,IX MIGHTS and a MATINEE. Welcome return of GEORGE ALEXANDER'S i COMPANY in the Brilliant Comedy TJIS JJ0lTSE IN (^EDER' I By A. W. Piuero. S t'¡. t" can now be booked. THEATRE ROYALT CARDIFF] Lessee and Manacer .ROBERT PvEDb'ORD. j EVERY EVENING AT 7.53. The Powerful P av. THE KIXG OF CRIME. Next Week—IN HOLY RUSSIA. j hotels, &c. LOXDON. y^ONDON.— I^IRCH'S JJOTELT Ib:¿, STRAND. Bed. Breakfast, and Attendance from 3s Sd. j J^ONDON JJOXN'S JJOTEL. 1, CIIAVEN-STREET, CHARINU CROSS. Bed, Breakfast, and Attendance from 3s. Every Comfort. 19122 TJISITORS to Liverpool will find ex- 7 cellent accommodation at Parry's Hotel (private), 34, Lori Quiet and most Wil- venient for all stations aud principal thoroughhfares. Terms moderate. 545 Insurant. QTTM of^ice 0 w FOUNDED 1710. The Oldest Insurance Office ia the World ( ^A^DIF^ B W. EVAN IiLOYD, District Inrpector. Insurances effected against t.he loUowingnsia FIRE. Workmen's Corn- Personal Accident. pensation & Em- Sickness & Disease, pioyers' Liability, Fidslity Guarantee.; including Accidents Fidslity Guarantes. j including Accidents Burglary. to Domestic Servants, Funds in Hand, £ 2,545 328. .4 ;()niI bing 1!,ttfu5. THE TAUNTON AND WRST OF ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. Offices: 5, HASIHET-STREF.'i, TAUNTON. Secretsrv iMr R A. CjOODMAN. BORROWING SHAPES, £ 60 EACH. SUMS OF MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property-free- hold, leasehold, or cop7holcV—on tho most equitable terms; the principal and Interest repayable by Monthly Instalments. ;LI'G SHARES, jE60 EACH. realised in 2' 15 years and 4 mouths by Monthly Payments Ù1 rive Shillings per share. FULL.X PATD-LT SHARES, bearing a fixed rata 01 Interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to »ccu mnlÛ1ta Dfi;OSITS received. IntereAt at 4 per cent, per P- mm, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate, x I'OsnectTises, or any further particulars, may be obtained OIl application t-o the Secretary, as above or to 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBEB, District Secretary, Tower Chambers, Church-street, Se. Johm's- square, Cardiff. JtiliUc atirts. TTF. ART UNION [DRAWING in aid of WILLIAM R.BES, PeDybank, Ammanford.— Winning: numbers will appear in the Cardiff Times on October 26th, 1907. /1ANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham Vj road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds ardently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. Secretary Fred W. H-owell I X STOP ONE MOMENT. X OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE THERE 13 VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR w ILLIAMS' Tv PATENT JJALSAM OF H ONEY. THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER THE CANOPY Ol HEAVEN EQUAL, P TRONTSED BY ROYALTY, NOBILITY. DOCTORS, NURSES. AND MOTHERS PRAISE IT. WHY1 It contains pure WELSH BONEY and all Essence of the Purest and most efficaciom Herbs, gathered on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the r proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thousands of children who die annually from Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It is LNVALCABLK for Weak-chested MeaDeiicate Women, and Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It cures thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent ia vain, TRY IT. If you have a Cough, try ft. If yon have a Cold, try it. If you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comiort to th- chest, and gives refreshing sleep I when you have lo3t nights oi rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE I COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS — "I feel it my dutv to inform YOIl that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey in my family-whch is a iarge one-tor many years, and have proved its great value, having used nothing else for Cough during Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and can highly recommend it to ail yarent3 for such complaints." SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE- I TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. MOST IMPORTANT. Sold by an Cbemlstsand Stores In 19,2B 6d, and 4s Sd bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 23, and 5s, from the inventor. Savins in purchasing the large size bottles. D. TCD0R Willia?ID.E.W I MEDICAL HALL.'ABERDARE. 1117 I THERAPION 2i' ™JS32 remedy, used in Continental Hospitals by ilicord, Kostau, Jobert. Voipeau, and others surpasses every- thing hitherto employed for impurity oi blood, spots, blotches, pains, and swellings of joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in back, stone, gleet, gout rheumatism, exhaustion, sleeplessness, &c. Three lorros, Aos. i. 3. and5, according to diseases for which intended. Price 2s Sd (particulars penny stamp) post lxee in Great Britain, Jrom the I.e Cierc Medicine Co., Haverstock-road, Hampstead, London, and principal chemists. i90ai I I?, CARD OP 1 W BIAICEYSl BOOT PROTECTORS I SSSP^ SAVES A SOVEREIGN. pi J^SIST M | UPOM HAV1KG G £ KL'i.«l"SUKEYS' l| D, BE. GUUED. ? 11 Trrri » n iT» iiSln^i iflTtwilinn IIiJlMnil SfdUs Iru JluriuTn. -+- AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. Messrs FULLER. HORSEY, SONS and CASS ELL. Obsolete War Vessels, at Devonport Oct. 2 T. I'llV.' LLL snd SON. Farming -lock, at Pentre, Abercanafon Oct. 3 s" KN NY B R IDG E I Close to Dew nock Railway Station). 2,420 SHEEP, 26 CATTLE, 10 HORSES AND PONIES. rflHE ANNUAL SALE OF FOREST JL LODGE DRAFT STOCK (the property of Jlr W. S. Jlfller) will be lieid at tiie above place on THURSDAY, 19ih September, 1307. HEEP.-20 pure-bred Shropshire. Ryelaud, and Kerry ram; 70 cscetlent Cheviot and Cross-Cheviot and Cardie ralll; 1,200 strong store ewes (Cheviot, Cross-Cheviot, Kerry. and Welsh), about. 253 of these are 2 and 3 year old ewes, and raddled on head GOO wethers, mostly fat 320 ewe lambs (Cheviot, Cross-Cheviot, and Kerry), aud no wether lambs, .10. CATTLE.—26 cows aurt grand heifers (shorthorn, Ayrshire), most of which are to calve from September to Christmas, 1901. 1u HORSES, COLTS, and PONIES, various. Thrt'p 1!10ntlB' credit ou approved 8t:t"Urity lor sums over Discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per anmitc. Lunch at 11. Sale at 12.30, beginning with rams. Brakes wiii leave Llandovery Station at 10 a.m., and return after the Sale. For the convenience of pur- chasers from Monmouth aud Glamorgan a brake will leave Sermybridge for Brecon in the aiternoon to meet the 5.1U plli. Brecon and Merthyr tra.iu. Forest Lodge, Brecon, 4th Sept., 1907.. 19186 SALE OF OBSOLETE WAR VESSELSTbjTorder of Lh; Lords Commissioners oi the Admiralty. MESSRS FULLER, HORSEY, SONS and CASSELL are instructed to SELL by CI" I ON af H. \i. Dockyard, Devonport. on WED- NESDAY, October 2nd, 1907, at 11 o'clock precisely, the following Obsolete War Vessels — The twiTi-ftcrfw first-class ARMOURED CRUISER The twiTi-ftcrfw first-class ARMOURED CRUISER ACRoRA. 5,600tons displacement, and I The SAILING BRIG KLSOFISHER, ■W9 rons displacement. I The Aurora is lying at Holy Loch, near Greenock, and the K insifeher off Devonport. Dockyard. Full particulars, wit11 conditiOilS of sale, may be had un payment of Is "wit (returnable to purchasers), of .•h-?!>rs !• tiller, Kersey, and Cassell, 11, Billiter- s qua re, K.C. 19194 bíppin9 Ratios. I LLAN ROYAL MAIL.—CANADA I end U.S. UnsurVIHIf\¡od for 1st!, 2nd and 3rd clfts3e9. Bpecial ratea to Ontario, M!\Dit8ba. and I Cantk .ian North West, Handbooks free.—Apply Allans, 54. Pall 19, James etreet, Liverpool, and 10.3., LendenhaH-streeK London; or to W. J. Tronuce and Sona, Bate Docks, Cardiff: Captaiu J. A. Scoit, 15, Cathaya- terrace, Cathays; 0. Sluart, 35, Mount Smut- squaie C. J. Cudlip. 32, City-road; Davies & Co., 58, Cnartes-street, Cardiff. QTNADTAN JPACIFIC J^INET FA TEST 1 Tor-iaiiings and Pamphlet, q j Re Work and W3cej. R 1 V A ii I Appiy to (.P. Riy., AU A. |gi st. Augustiue's-parade, Bristol: or W. J. Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks; Davies and Co.,55, Cliarles-s^eet Chos. Cook apd Son, J, Duke- st r?et Stew.1.rt and Co., 35, Mcunt5tuarl;-aar6; Captain Scott, 47, Catliays-terrac-, Cathays Cndlipp, 32, City-road, Dean and Daws on, 67, St. Mary- street, Carditf. Voung and 9, xredegrar->J»ca, Newj port. D. At. Richards. Wenallt, Aber^lare. Thomas, 19, Market-street, AliartLHery. F. Coombe3, Besnfort- •iiuars, Chepstow, fliils and Sons, 171. Oxford-street, .Pvnt1cyrU1Dt!r. Rae" Jonei, Hijti-atraat, Rhymn,y. J.L.Atfcins, Geilyraelog, Dowlai*. Morgan. 112, st., Merthyr. Thomts and Son. Town Jtlall Chambers, and D. C.JODea, Graig Post Othce, Pontypridd. West- macott, 16, Monk-stres", Abertjavenny. Howell Bey- non. Slount Vernou. Brynmawr-place, Maesteg, Glain. J. Phiilips, The Post Office, Gianamman. \JLJ HITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL II to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). PERSIC, 11,9i4 Sept. 25 R UXIC. 1,43 tens -Oct. 24 MEDIC, 11,934 ions Nov. 21 tons 21 The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms. Fares.—To Australia, jE17 to £27 to Capetown, £ 15 15s to £ 22 For further particulars apply to Local Agents or tolsmay, Imrie and Co., Liverpool, Southampton; 1. CoeksprtB-otreet, ILW and 33, LeadenhaU-street, E.C, London. GUMME ii O U I D A IMPORTANT TO READERS. THE GOUTH -YJIYALES J^AILY I^RWS IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING! HOLIDAY RESORTS EACH MORNING: — ABERYSTWYTH. W. H. SMITH and SON ..Railway Bookstatt. W JEJUNS.ZJ, Great Darkgate-streat.. G. I. JONES .14, ThespiM-atreet EVANS BEOS 17, Pier-ùtted BARMOUTH. W. H. SMITH and SON .Railway Bookstall E. DAVTBS .1, BelleVua Arcada BATH. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd. RaO way Bookstall W. H. SMITH and SON .15, Manvers-straeb H. MARIGOLD .16. Green-streuli BUILTH. W. H. SMITH and SDN .Railway Bookstall II. LEWIS.Market HaU CLEVEDON. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Railway Bookstall W. H. SMITH and Sou 10a, TRIANGLE FERRYSIDE. A. GOLDSMITH Newsagent HAY. HENRY R. GRANT .15, Castle-street 3. FERRIS .Hlghtown ILFRACOMBE. W. H. SMITH and Son .Railway Bookstall W. H. SMITH andSON High-street Miss A. B. CEOPP Fore-street W. COOKE ..79. Fore-st., and 27, Broad-stnwfi LLANDRINDOD WELLS. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Railway Bookstall W. H. SMITH and ON Station-crescent R. EVANS and SON.. Middleton-street THE RADNORSHIRE STANDARD COMPANY. High-street LLANWRTYD WELLS. Miss WILLIAMS ..Newsagent LLANGAMMARCH WELLS. W.STEPHENS.. Post Offlca LLANIDLOES. W.H. SMITH and SON „Railway Bookstall J. ROGERS Newsagent LLANSTEPHAN. W.LEWIS The?torea E. T.DAVUS .The Emporium LLANTWIT MAJOR. W. CUMMINGS Wesley-street W.H.FISHER BristolHousa MINEHEAD. COX, SONS, and CO., Ltd .Newsagents MUMBLES. Mrs HOWELL Newsagent Mrs W. H. JONES .The Dunns Post Offlca Mn E. JOHN .— Newsagent 1Irl ORRIN.Post Offica WILLIAMS _BlackplU L,E. WRIGHT .Paradj PORTHCAWL. D. HUTCHINSON .Newsagent Mrs J. J. XHOMAS .Newsagent RHAYADER. W. H. SMITH and SON .Railway Bookstall HrsE. PRICE .Newsagent SENNYB RIDGE. DAVID DAVIES Newsagent SOUTHERNDOWN. 3.VERITY Post 0fflca TENBY. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd.Ranway Bookstall W. H. SMITH and SON.„15, Warren-street C. High-streefc j. E. ARNETT Newsagent, The Library WESTON-SUPER-MARE. WYMAN and SONS, Ltd. Railway Bookstall W. h. dMITH and SON, Hereford House, WalTiscote-road LAWRENCE BROS .High-street W. LEVER and Regent-street JAMES LEVER 47, High-street I). HALLETT .Claremont P.O^near Pier H. JELL.Meadow-street -+_ HEATH & SONS, GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS. AND ACCESSORIES. EOL^AGENW ITYTETROSTYLE BECHSTEIN, OIANOS. BROAD woo a A BLUTHNER, T>IAN0LA ERARD, JL PIANO PLAYERS, SCH1EDMAYER, XALT STECK, 71? OLIAN SELF- NEUMEYER, ZJh PLAYINQ WALDEMAR, &c. ORGANS. IIANOS^lx STOCK Exceptional Discount fl) by Cash, or Easy Teruu Arranged. BRINSMBAD. COLLARD, FROM "| ,1 f* KIRKMAN, iui STEIN WAY. MON i HL Y. IBACH, <fec. £ ^?YPRIDD. ORGANS ,r PENARTH, an l PORT TALBOT. MASON and H^VMLIN, —— 10ô6- BELL, N :>t. Tel. Cardiff -OllH. DOMINION,; Poutypridd—21. PAINE'S BILLPOSTING SYNDI- CATE. For Aberdarc, Hirwain, Mountain Ash and District. .Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13502 Offices— | NEW THEATRE. ABE RDARE, _<• V ^usinens ^bStesses. frora REAL ^SILVER^ WATWE9 j d /Jf* 0 ft M t The markets of the world f,a yy/pa M a S3 have been literally ran- m J y/f Jaaf 4 « | sackod to 3ecure the «cam | cr the latest I.V.ITCH ar,,1 SA.HULI new selections follow. ■M!mk •• SABUKL'Sn!^ sci^ons'fonow^ t-M /Ar Ing his recrnt Stock-taking Sale. The m r!§\ JyyCf V •? enormcus demand has Jed to incv«ased sav- O lugs, the whole of which H. SAMUEL ia la j*0—distoihaiing to his customers in im- m Quaiity and reduced prices, M „ »■ SF^oflusc | R«1 c'dTnd.m. I £ f 'LttCKY' WCDBWW RUMS £ 9 9 0 Bow B W I Free Gift of spiradid'soHd I three RaWes and ffij] "f 7 jj| I GoM/,cPe>. fuut DiamonJs. W 1 I S| SOLid Gold. I Hrooc^°M | H. 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Handsome »] You get a MONTH'S FREE TRIAL or *ny article you buy, and Present. ffi vonr money haei« if yon regret yonr purchase. COULD i SAYING SIDNEY BE MAI>E EASIER? CALL TQ-DAX. Tr»in ?jre PaU jf y0l) | H. ST. MARY-ST.. VA The Physician's Cure for Gout, Gout and Gravel. The Unirors^ Remedy for Acidity of the 0*4 Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for 'MgMggfcgk Regular Use. -.c: JUST WHAT YOU 'ED. Q_WILYM jg VANS' QUININE B ITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. This Preparation has now a world-wide 3a!a, and is the BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS, BLOOD DISORDERS, CHEST AFFECTIONS- QWILYM jmVANS' QUININE TITERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. IT B THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY, AND CONTAINS SARSAPARILLA, BURDOCK, DANDELION, LAVENDER, SAFFRON, GF.NTlAN.and QUININE. THE FIRST TIIPEE OF THESE PLANTS ARE NOTED AS BLOOD PURIFIERS. Q.WILYM VANS' QUININE gITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. PURIFIES THE BLOOD, FORTIFIES THE SYSTEM, GIVES HEALTH TO THE SICK, STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. QWILYM -prVANS' QUININE B ITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Has been tested by ANALYSIS and declared PU KE and HARM- LESS. Has been recommended by DOCTORS and found to bo TRUST- WORTHY and SAFE. Has been tried by PATIENTS and proved to be THE BEST REMEDY OF THE I AGE. QWILYM "pyVANS' QUININE g TITERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. CAUTION. Above all, see that you get the right article, with the name '• GWTLYM EVANS •' on Stamp, L^bel, and Bottle, without which iionaisgenuine. Refuse all imita- tions and insist upon having NOTHING BUT HWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Prises 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sold in all parts of the World. Equally suited for all climates. PROPRIETORS- QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LTD., LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 1101 -+- _k_ FACTS BETTER THAN FICTION. OVER FIFTY YEARS Of Public Approval, accompanied by a CONSTANT DEMAND Is a Pruof that KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Are what they profess to be, viz.. The finest medicine for Sick Headaches, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney Com- plaints, even Kheumatism and Tic yield to Them. Thousands take no other Medicine. IvERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS may be obtained in 7id, Is 1 £ d, and 2s 9d boxes, through any Chemist or Stores, or mailed direct !>y Keruick and Son, Ltd., Cardiff Ask for KEKNTCIL'S and see that YOU get them!" i8521 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT VJT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BIT.], POSTER, who rent the largest nuinber and be.4 private bill-posting stations ia the town and neiKh- bourhood. All work entrusted to him will bespeeaily and faithfully executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by bgntror rail wilt to** iramrlifUe atteation. 12675 f'


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