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Sítttafums Sfacaitt WAnED immediately for *» Labourers. 1.ru;0 Domefetic Servants guaranteed •mpl^TmenS hy Government; also co Railway Section Men.—itipTyfor particulars and application -orrato Bell and Fark. Licensed Emigraticn Bureau, 7 New Bond-street. %icotlts. «ritt!rlt5 &c. B-speed SMirmey-Arrber Gear Gem,'3 C.ycle latest asoffel worth treble.—AK 880, Cfirdit? Times me.. Cardiff. aOQn ótarriagtS anb thidts. FNDEBTAKER writes-" Since I introduced Blar- U Bton's ligHt modern Fnneral Stock my tracle ha3 In creased wonderfully." 50 Hearses, Coaebes. Washing- tone equal new bar- fains; cat&iogues.—liars ton, 24, Bradford-street, ilrmlnghmn, JSU&ual • npliatices. F.nemas, Elasti" Hosiery, Ac -usses. :¡¡ 6d; double, 5s 6d. -t!tinson's Middiesbroagh. Estab- 1870. 10 Jar alt. 'EF6QiV:E¡.R., direct to yonr, du. .081'dece,. pui. i iie j& .a., name whioh .ands rør Leadership in the bo world, a leadership earned by honest production and devotion to the im- provement of footwear for COUntry and town wearers. r.1-1FE Lome Boots, tuckets or pries, stand hard C usasre and yet, re'ain their shape. Smart Sunday Boots, 8s 6d. 9s 6d, 10s 6(1. AGRICULTURISTS. Shepherds.. Fore'terGame- taeepersand all Omo-oor Wearers. -There are no Bcotg for you- too eoual-" Fife Boots at -T -7' ^flBE Farmer'iFriend is undoubtedly Ilosrg's Fife" -l BooBs at 13s M II.Isd i8a ed per |>air built specially tromftnes. waterproof leathers made. PLOUGHMEN S, Carters'. Navvies', Miners', Road- men's, and Labourers' Hoots made by skilled boot- lbalrers plre iron wear. solid comiort 36 6o. tillFE Boots for ladies, button an.d lace, black or X1 tan. slace kid or box calf, 7s 6d. 8s 6d, 2s 6d Shoes, ditto, 55 6d. 6s 6d, 7s 6d. F Iri;" B;t-¡;;í-i;-r¡s.-tùtlon and lace, glove JC lther. 2. is W. Shoes—7 to IC. 3s 4 1: li to 1. 4s 2d 2, 4r 8d. For keys, stand b*Td wear ana tear. Sizes—9, 10. 4s 6d 11 to-1, 5s2d i to a, 6s 3d. Shoes—11 to J,^s4d;2to5, 4a lid. .ENDfcr my fre: Hiustrated c!\talo¡¡ue. coverIng needs of waole family. It will sae you money. AX. Hozg. Nf>. of the Bouts-by-Post Trade. 18390 SOUTH Wales Propsroy Gazette. "—A Monthly Ksgtsfeerof E itiss, Houses, Lands, 4r to be Let or Sold in Wales. Mortmoathshire. West, of Er:II:la.i1d, &:c, 1,000 copies sent lUopUily. post free, to the leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern )td Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &-c,. 74, 64 Mary-streei. Cardiff. 2444 Jl" E A I' H EflTS~ p» E A T R i-B-S 1 FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Wh bnT coxnmon snoddy .1'!oa! Beds bea TOI1 ean fst beit ENGLISH FEAXKEF.S at 5d per lb. Carriage ttid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made 110 order. Se d for samples and price list to H HANDY AND CO., FHATEER MERCHANTS. Ø1 WELSH.PCOL, NORTH WALES. 114 iHisreI!anrons. <L C«(}»lT»t Photo. Is Id, copied from anyc.d.v. or J\ cabinet photo; 6. 3? c d.v., 6, is <V[; 1., 2s 6d 12 Postcards. 2*; ICln. Permanent Enlargement, 4s 6d.— SoMd photo and P.O. H1U. E,C.' 18m "*1 jrAXRrMONlA.L Post; sealed envelops 3d. with clr- jXM. cclar 9,t "6é¡¡:¡1\,h,t ')7' qu irter of c"nit1y.- gdltw. 9 Tr«falvar Bids?. T.n> « jKisrsUaneous Mants. WELSH Chin*,—Wanted. Swansea and NonSfrarw W China,Swanrf a and C;\mbrianPottei7,atid iJlilwyn Etrusctur Wa?e only good bpcl1JMns i 6quired: higa rP1t'esIt1TÁn.d'¡reR!\ Collector. Lclio ("('1'. Cor lii't. i. ;J;anks. rj",HE HA KING CR033 j^ANK. 1870.1 Cardiff Branch—73. ST. MART-STREET. Srircbe? al-6 at JUrcfccstcr, Liveipcol. &e.to FeBd Oflices, 28, Eedford street, Strand, Lottdun and Ass Li-aI>H-HtEofõ..G796.i8i. LOANS of £ 10 10 £ S,Ct0 made on al,y das of • ecarity. PEh CEM.lNXKltEST. allowed on current accounts. L'ttOfeilS of £ ]0sx.d nj wsrus leceived a. under— :}.c.r&:Z;I1_.tibjt'ct to mon1lls' notice of withdrawal tc.c. „ • 6 13 Special term* ^or longer periods. In; are*t paid quarterly The Ienninable Deposit Bonds paY1"earlv 3 per cem.. ir.4 ata s. afe investm-en'. Jn.cead ot Dayuig larye. dividends to 8hareholdr" wo pay fair rate j of ijitersst 10 our d..1'<I!!jt,r.<. and 1w o doina bave eaxned sh8 I'jUO" we undoubtedly hold. in he put.lie confidence. We ha^e been eHiabUubcd for 7 Year. and cnr unique ipoelUonin the Bnnkius; ^orld to-day teettiie« to the luccfsso? our husii.e&s metliciis .md to the satisfac- tion of onr custftaaers, W r1t nr call for PrObpeCt\1S. A. WILLIAMS and B. J. TALL. Joint Managers. Jli ont11. j71NAXCrAL ASSISTANCE. £10 TO laIMW ^r-*mali amounts acfoidin#' to r»mlTeTn«n»» OK PHOMISSORY NOTE ALONE. "ith FttOHPTllLDE and at LOWEST RAXES, ^fBTfTXCt GrzmyfZET). aymEltlts to suit client's' convenience. Call or Write iiEWEIN AND CO., 27, Chajrles-st, Cardiff. 124 j—67 £ 1 jgo.coa rp"o~~ | END In bums ot i.5 Md Upwatds. tte friyate Casii Advances granted to any Responsible Persons, itry. Profesf-.or al (4er.tle.men ,or Tradesmen, il ON WRiXTKN PlioMISK TO- hliPAY. 6trletcfl pnvacv. T..ow"si. rates. ^JOHN I^RUWN, 1. Pcaiiroke-terrace. CarduT. 7-359D By Prlvata^Lender on Simnls Promissory Kotes, P.Hls 01 S^letakt-n and absolute privacy suaraui.ee'T :str lettero £ application receive yromns attention. »d i/itending"borTOweiM are waited upon by a ittiire- !Qta$ve, who ts>nipovrereU to complete transaction 1 terms matu;11!y Hi-ianged, no .-}\nTlZe b..lng mada iJJr8tmsl!lS artunjly complett>d. SveciaIquotatioDII >rshort loans. Write in confidence to C. WELLS, 3343—408o COKr.IDOE CHAMBKRS, LEiCKSXER. Oln estal'lislied Financier*, are pre pared to Advance *uius frum £ 20 to £ 3.000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand. personal or Qther Mearfties. C})lI.Zgs arrllo¡;el1 before tr,natlon8 are Mort¡;w!8S on Froperly etteuted ai current '&lE!1I of ite1'(.t. Pioveriy l'urchased. Trade BI1l9 l Ucoiiuted. AnnniHes and Fixed Incomes arrancert. Money advs>ri<ed on steond mortva«'s. — Apply direct as we have no agents, Hityes Lullamgs. The S. 1IEKN A PEP iTwee, Kstate Agents. lJ. 74, St. Mary-street, C.Üc\ilf, are prepateil to .4"née from £100 to £100.0v0 on Mortgage of J'ree- bom or Leasehold Property, aucl from £&J to £1,000 o ) f11 o"1 security. 3664 13,o\.K continues to Jend. lmmcnse sums dally. from -5.000, on Note of Hand Alone. or other Security, '5' notice, to &11 clAsses In any part of Eng. JI-J- a ales. repayable by easy mMa.lments.I\o good application is ever re{used. All communication* strictly private. Modezoate Interest. Special rates for short -periods. The largest, H known, and most honourably conducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands cf our regiilar customers have expressed their entire satisfac- ticn In repeated transactions ivith us. If desired, one ot our Officials will attend at yonr residence at once with Cp.õh.&JJd ("arry outthp. advance THESE and THEN. CaB. cr write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley IiQ'vdmg, 1, Queen-square, Bristol, or to the LocaJ AgeKtSv Davieg aiid Co.. 97. St. Maiy-street. Cardiff. Especially Racoramsnded — far BADt LEGS, PILEG. |gy Bruises, Boras, aod ail Wounds Nag A' IZealinf}, Cooling. Soothing Solve. DR- HOBEBTS' ALTEBATIYE PILLS. TlwMS-T for SKW-DfS^^SES-aad Cluornc C'tÜp;\tio'1.. Tey d;:i.r.[e-cl: t:H VH:m. }>r,ces-l.2":J. 1>ALb P-.õteÐt 1cine ""n<lars. "r pest fre* fron>- ^Ek|Q U'rite for Pam !tiel. rJ„ i11 — ■■ h IN A_AME ? Itdopentis. A good nwne L§ everything. No l' man ia bigb it) public estiraatroB unless he tats ¡ deserved it-tbat is. MPEutd his reputation. 1^-ir th« same always. When an article has obtained good name it has always deserved ¡ good namaoaa clieqtjf is I 1fke c^a of the reatm. inst as safe. If you ¡ "▼ fH- tfee-na^se of a great physician 13 a gn-4untee. you feel 1\fe. If yon are below par the Dime of a good medicine is a craotee. too you leel safe. gEECHAM'S pILLS JgEECHAM'S TRILLS pILLS m tfee fpeat family physician—they have a aood name, std you know you are safe 111 Wipl-bet11, They have earned their reputa- tion, which is Tliousanda use then eTery day, and have done ao for sixty ▼eaip»- waa an Order of Merit for naedicinee, like there is for men of high and true worth, BEECHAM'S PiLLS would be unong first to be honoured. ■The"bead cannot be right if the stomach is vrong. BEECDAM'S PILLS keep the toraach right. Tlreie is really no need to day vcatalogue their virtues as a blood purifier, a tpaic for the nervous system, or a euro for *«leggii»h lieisr. Tne name on the box is all yotf *»ant. They, arc so weli known that they -RECOMMEND rjl HE MS ELVES. ") .4. •• 89M urerywhere in boxes. ftlgB 3.s 1iõ (56 pille) and 2s 9d (163 pills), 'p- public ^mnsittunts. OARDIFF. -_0 NEW THEATRE. jL Sole Proprietor ROBERT REDFORD. PAEK-PLACE, CARDIFF. EVERY EVENING AT 7. ROBERT REDFORD'S AND MILTON BODE'3 PANTOMIME— RED DIDING TTOOD, II fx Powerfn' rast,including Miss A N IE PUK.CELL, Miss NORA OUY Miss AGNES TANDY, Mr AINSLEY BUttTON, Mr JAY LAURIER, Mr HARRY BICKLEY, Messrs KEATH & MERSO, CGLLINS-STELLA TROUPE of 8 Lady Dancers, and TED £ MAY HOPKINS. BEAUTIFUL SCENES. MAGNIFICENT DRESSES IN THE BUTTERFLIE i BALL and THE PAGEANT. Price for Reserved Seats :—Private Boxes. L 2s, £1 lis 6d £1 Dress Circle, 4s. Orchestral Stalls (Front Rows) 4s, other Rows, 3s. Unreserved Seata—Balcony, 2$. Pit Stal's, 2s. Pit ls Gallery 6d. SPECIAL MATINEES EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY at2, Children under 12 half-price (except pit and gallery) to these performances. Box Office from 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 37S. THEATKK ROYAL. CARDIFF^ Lessee and Manager ROBERT REDFORD. JL Lessee and Manager ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.3). THL POWERFUL PLAY, IN gIGHT OF gT J^AUL'S. Public fiotias. OYALTCOM'MISS IOXOX-ao RSE BREEDING. KINGS PREMIUMS THE SHOW OF THOROUGH-BRED STALLIONS. Suitable for settius Half-bred Horsp.3. Will be held at ISLINGTON conjunction with the HUNTERS'IMPROVEMENTSOCIr:TY),on MARCH Ith, 13th and Hth. 1507. TWENTY-EIGHT KING'S PREMIUMS of each are offered foi- Tbniough-Brad Stallions fonr years old and oot exceeding CO years oid, in twelve separate District Classes, in Engl nd, Wales, and Scotland. Lett day of Entry, January 23th, or for Posf. Entries, Februar-4th, 1907 Entry Forms and further par- ticulars can fee obtained of J. HERBERT TAYLOR, Secretary. 12, Hanover square, London, W. jplANCER HOSPITAL fFr^. Fulhlm Yj road, London, BY. —PATIENTS SEE?N DALLY or. their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 18384 Secretary Fred W. Howell RmlDittg Stacteitts. -+- THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF jL ENGLAND PE SPETU.AI^ BENEFIT BUILDLNS BOCiEYY. ESTABLISHED 1157, INCORPORATED 1813. Offices: 3, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. Secretary Mr R A. GOODMAN BO P. RO WIN G SHARES, .£&Q EACH. SUMS OF MONEY are reatiy to bo advanced on Security of any description of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalments. INVESTING SHARES, £(,0 EACH, realised in about 13 years snd 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accu iculate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above or to 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBER. District Secretary, Tower l;t1ambf>T9, (;:ILrcb-stn.t. St. John s- sql<aTC. Cardiff. ARE YOU RUN DOWN? IS YOUR DIGESTION POOR ? IS YOUR SLEEP BROKEN ? Worr and overwork can d., much to briny about, these con jitioas. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS CiWiLYM QUININE BITfEES GWiLYM gULNlNE BITTERS GWlLiM QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, THE BEST REMEDY FOR NERVOUSNESS, weakness. INDIGESTION SLEiiFLESSNES?, LO^oS OF Ai'PETfTE, LOW SPIRITS. GWILYM EVANS- QUININE BITTERS GWILYM QUININE BlTTEi:S GWILYM QUININE BlTTERS •GWILYM QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONT £ Testimonial. 303, Gillach Gyuoa, T"rrynrodin, Merthyr Tydfll. Dear Sir,— in May. 1901,1 became iil irom a. very severe attack of uerVUt:.3 pr03lratiou. Life was a perfect misery, is I vva3 so Nervousness depressed, "dyspeptic, and weak. 1 have Nervousness been ireated by different dooms, and Kervou&nfcss tried nearly every patent movlicinc, but derived a mere temporary relief. A few weeks ago a friend from Carmarthen advised me to try Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, aid 1 purchased a large bottle, but had no conIidence then in it, efficaev to do me any good. I am glad to say the effect has beon marvellou with me. I am now Üi almost perfect h. aith. I •hail continue its use lur a little while jóngr to prevent th Maesj returning. I can truly say that there is no tonic that 1 know of equal to Gwilym Quinine Bitter*, and you aro at perfect liberty to publish lhis ►tatemenr, a< I 1bink any 1 er-on suffering fcnm Rny nervous diseases will find a tiue irieud iu Gwilym Evans' Quinii.e BttteMifperte- ured with. I am yours, HENRY TILLER. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUI UNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUINJNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS QUININE BLTTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. Coed Taiywern, Weakness Duffryn. Weakness Genllmen T am pleased to be able to Weakness bear testimony In lite benefit 1 Itav re- ceived by taking wilym Quinine Bitters. I have had medicine trorn ■< arious doctors every spring for year, past, and was obliged to take medicine all last winter, tatas I received iitHebpncat ] r",solved to try Gwilym Evans' Quntne Bitters aDd.thoiidi I have only taken three 2s 91 bottie«, am abla already logo about. I ha.ve been suffering from Weakness, &e. Your3 trnlv. M. A. WILLIAMS. GWTLYM QUININE BITTERS GWILYM YAN: QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QlTNINE BITTERS GWILYM QUININE BITTEuS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. IndiSMtion 44, Llwydarth-road, Indigestion Maeatfg. Indigeation Dear Sirs,—Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bit.ter3 ia. n my opinion, one of the best gifts to humanity, i myself have derived the crcatost possible benefit in Ftubbcrn case; nf Flatulence,Indigestion, I,08¡; of Appetite, and Weakness. 1 have proved GWtlym Kvp.ns' Quinine Hitters on my own person to succeed when all otber remedies havehild, Yours truiv. t. POWELL. GWILYM EVENS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS- QUININE BITTERS GWTLYM QU'NINE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Beware of imitations. the name Gwilvm Evaas on the labei, stamp and bottle, without, which pons are ienmM. Sold everywhere 10 bottles 21 9d tr 4s Sd each, or will be sent, post free, on receipt oi stamps, direct fiom the sois Proprietors, QUININ E RI IT EES MA \*UF ACT UEING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. |1 I > CURE INDIGESTION, g I TRY THEM. OF ALL CHEMISTS. H lJipping justices. ^HANADIAN pACI PIC J^INE FASTEST For Sailings and Pamphlet, Tr> Re Work and Waces, r A NT A r» A Apply toC.P. Rly., CAIN ADA. 13, st. Augustine's-parade, Bristol or w. J. Trounce and Som, Bute Docks: Davie- and Co., 58, Charles-strest; Thos. Cook anc Son, 2, Duke-street; Stawart and Co., 35 Mountstuart-sq. Capt. Scott, 47. Cathavs-ter. Cathays Cudlipp, 32, City-rd., Cardiff Younf Newport; D. M. Richards Wenailt. Aberdare Thomas. 19, Market-st. Aber- tiliery: F. Coomhee, Beaufort-sq., Chepjtow; Hills and Sons, 171. Oxford -at., Pontycymmsr Rees Jones, High-st., Rhytnney L. Atkins, Gellyfaeioj, Dow- iais: Morgan, 112. Higii-st.. Merthyr: Thomas and Son, Town Hall Chambers, and D. C. Jones, Graig Posi Office, Pontypridd. 4119 V HITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL IT to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). RUNIC, 12,482 tons Jan. 17 MEDIC, 11.584 tons Feb. 9 AFRIC, 11.943 tons Mar. 14 SUEVIC, 12,500 tons Apl. 11 The accommodation on these twin-screw sceMnen comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms Fnres.—To Australia, JE17 to to Capetown For farther particulars apply to Local Agents 01 tolsmay, Imrie and Co.. Liverpool; I, Cockspur street, and 38, LeadeahaU-street E.C., London ALLAN ROYAL MAIL.—CANIDA and U.S. Unsurpassed for 1st, 2nd and 3rc classes. SpecilÙl ates to Ontario. Manitoba, anc Canalian N'orth V/est. Handbooks free.—Apply Allans. 5!, Pall Mall. 19 James street, Liverpool, and 103, Lendenhall-street, London; or to W. J. Trounce and Somc. Rntc Docks. Cardiff: Captain J. A. Scoit, 15, Cathays terrace. Cnthav»; C. Stnart, 35, Mount Stuart- Bqnnre C. J. Cudlip. 32, City-road; Dkvies & Co., £ 8, Cbajries-street, Cardiff. 58, Cbajries-street, Cardiff. STOP ONE MOMENT. OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, MUCT MY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, CUT TRY fjPUDOR ^TILLIAMS' PATENT gALSAM OF HONEY. UL THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER THE CANOPY OF HEAVEN EQUAL, PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. NOBiLITY DOCTORS, NURSES, and MOTHERS PRAISE IT WHY? It contains PURE Welsh HONEY and an Espene of the Purest arl most. efficacicus Herbs, gathered cui the Hills of Wales, being pTthered in rhs proper season, wben its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thotwandsof children wbo die annually fr.un Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It » IN'VAI-UABLE for Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women,andChiidroa. It. cures when all ottier remedies t&t.. It curcs Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma,, Tightness of the Chest. It cures thousands of children if Bronchitis ;;11,1 Whooping ugh It cures for ona Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If you have a Comh, try it; if you have a cold, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth ai:d comfort 10 the chest, and cives refreshing sleep n hen you have lost nights of re3t. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS:— feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey in my fauviy, which IS Ii. large one. for many years, and liavS provect Its great value, having used nothing else lor Cough during Measles, Whcuping Cough, and Bron- chitis, and can Highly recommend it to all parents for snch comp! lints." SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOh. FATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. MOST iMPORTANT. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is, 2" 6d, and 4s 6d bottles Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is Yi. 3s, and S., from the inventor. Saving in purchasing the larger sizs bott<e3. D fJlUPOR ^TlLLtAMS, L.S.D.E.W. MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 1117 GIVE YOUR PIGS SOME GIP. C "lllllll 11'milII.. PIGS that have GIP /^U escape swine fever, £ Bf* Bj Bj keep free from worms, cramp. gripes & fits, fMwiiilfeed well, thrive, and <RS&:STEReCR fatten rapidly Sarr.pla ba¡;, 3lb" ]/6; ¡Jbs., 'C- Sold by all Corn Mer- chants. Manufacturer. C. HAMLIN, Harcourt, SALISBURY. jgASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD! ALES. SEASON BREWINGS AY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF U"d rjl I R E D -j^J" E N When you are tired of talcing myaterions prescrip- tions aud w. ary of wearing Electric Belts, write to me and I wiil send you a Book which f-hows how every man, young and old. mav be Quickly and thoroughly cured of N ERVOUSNESS, EXHAUSTION. VARICO- C hhE, and DEBILITY from anv cause whatsoever. WITHOUT STOMACH MEDICINE or ELECTRI- CITY. Hundred'! of cures. Fook tent sealed, post tree. Two stamp .—A..J. LEIGH, 92 and 93, Great Russell-street, London, W.C. Twenty years' EUCCCS,- iui results. 16625 \TOKWICH CANARIES 1 Direct from their Natve City. For Exhibitioo,Breeding, and Song, cheap ) est procurable. Also every other variety tjl (.A roentioiiable. Free List (with ea=y ffaym^nt system- post free. Largest collection of sinx- in ths world. At on approval. Patronised by Rovaltv. V\ W. IlUDD, Bird Specialist, NORWICH. -4_ >UGI1S&C0U>S( USE ||;rS2MESi!Pl Vvg|KAYS COMPOUND I J" 4 TNSEED COMPOUND0 J 9 v „ is a reliable o'd English home M 9 y~*A .remedy. It Boftens hard phlegm, I S & permittipe it to be expectorated 8 M wrthout strain, soothing the membranes and B H allaying the irritation so commonly fix- I B oerienced. There is nothing to equal it. Of I U all Chemists at home and abroad. Refute the I n many substitutes offered. Price, n sroRT FOR EVERYBODY. — Send 2 stamps — page Catalogue NSJSELESS SHOOTTBC. f of Novelties ,i,i ~r andSpecialities Jl" 1 in Noiseless Guns and Rifle«. All shapes and patterns, Folding Guns, Cyclists' Guns and Rifles, Walking-stick Guns, Air Guns, &c. No noise, no smoke, no recoil. The wonders of the BEE. Spec'al Line Noiseless Rabbit Rifles, with 100 Noiseless Cartridges, 7s 6d, range 100 yards.—BELT, BROS.. Wholesale Gunmakers. Offices, 93, Waterloo-street, Glasgow. Mention paper. 18989. .4 r, and popular THERAPIQN and popular remedy, used in Continental Hospitals by KicarJ, Itustun, Jube.rt, Vepeuii. and others, surpasses every- thing hitherto < :np.o.v-d for impurity of blood, spots, blotches, pain*. and swelling 0 loin.g, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains iu back, stone, cloet, gout, rheumatism, exhaustion,sl?eple3sness, Ac. Three lorms, Nos. 1, «, and S, priba ^s 9d, according to the diseases far which intended.—Full particular; send stam ped addressed envelope to Mr R. JOHNSON, 43, Holt'ord-square, London, .E-=1_, PAl N-E S BILL-POSTIXG J YDTCATR For Aberdare, Hirwain, Mountain Ash, and i-istnet. Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13502 Os- 1105 NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE. Unsmcss À bbrtssts. AT IL™SAMU TO-DAY fir gB —a golden opportunity for |9 « gHL all who seek to make the \< ■» v MM jBk QR(-^ ra purchase of their require- §H It -W^-l ments in WATCHES, ■ V k m JEWELS, etc., a wise and n| i' profitable investment. ONE-HALF SAVED, G j7 Everything genuinely reduced and THE VALUES Subject, as usual, to a fnc MOMTM'S FREE TRtAL. jJaN THEMSELYES. Here 0% are a few of them H j '^in Solid Real G^ld /« #A I £ 5000 IP THIS LETTER ill Broochcs -IS NOT GENUINE. I 10,6. Solid Gold and ILmS*l B«"onsfleld Chorley. fcSS J Real Gem Dress /jEf 1^ Be»p Str,—^The excellent window iH I Rin?s 3 /U displsvy of youns i noticed in pga j ivuigs .IV|V F^ rS*d *th'ocaiied 1°bold Full Length AJ | 1 0 i lm fir B- T /iffil I purchased my Watch for 25-. I Guards I £ ■ | j Hr T Me*« abetter watch have MS 15/6. GentV Solid Sii- lm jsJa ^IfWl ttme-keeping and ^nraSSuy* H f,,rk A Inert s. A IA IS tfflf-i ■< msP> PlIBil Jt 'V*" been In use every day ROB I ver curD v' 9/ £ fc IW'WM <V: I Slllm darlntf that time. It still ticks 9SH stamped every link/ Wm fO IM'MIIL, !< I SIMS aa true as ever and keeps MM J II dk l/IEM accurate time. It has done BBS ryj <;nliil C.oM Curb A IJS Bml;r Hif MW/T:7 miMfood service as well as you. Jgm j 21r* g acciets l3/o Hi M l Ybl"a you, a good season, Hand- HI 8Qmeli I AIR Ifflli# J Sale, your Train H Reai Gold Watches I l8?^ V \f\MM Fare Paid (up to 30 rwilfta) ^PS'6 Handsome Sii -I if you spend 25/- or more. ver plated Dinner CrutS Cru,zts MBTH. SAMUEL I I FREE INSPECTION (of Manchester), E| and a ESOHTH'S^FHtk TPJhl with all purchases as usual. -v- Jw 1 m fl ^1 B ttjgB jK The Physician's naPiwK^ 0 k« SI lH lB W B m ■ H Cure for Gout. Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for Regular Use. Jyg GARDEN SEEDS. | NEW. GENUINE AND WELL TESTED. On Receipt, of Costal Order for Is 6d or 20 stomps, we will send, post free, loz each of IMPKRJALCABBAGE, HOLLOW-CROWN PARSNIP, MASTERPIECE ONION (Grattd Exhibition and Main Crop Variety), and Selected CARROT jo7.. each of Savoy, Radish, E-uiy Turnip, and 3 Packcts of Broccoli (early and late) 1 Packet each of Lettuce, Marrow. Cucumber; b Packets Choic" Flower Seeds. Also for Is extra, 1 Packet each Mustard Cress, Beet, Piefciins Cabbage. Borecole or Brussels Sprouts. Leek, Cauliflower. Golden Ball Turnip and with every 2s 6d Parcel w will scud Two Grand Novelties—a PncKet of Ptrless Marrowfat. Peas 13- remarkable Varietv. pods 5 to fi inches Ions, packed with Enormous Peas), and a. Par- ;et of liest of All Runner Bfsans, Splendid Variety with enormous pods, sometimes attaining 14 inches in length- The Above Parcels of Finest Quality Seeds for P.O. 5 6d or 32 stamps. FI ROVES & 81 0 N, IT o 357 SEED MERCHANTS. PIDDLET RENT HIDE, DORCHESTER. PIANOFORTES. THE SOLE AGENCY FOR CABDTFF AND DTCTRIC T FOR THE WORLD'S Gh.t!:A'j,'ESf MAKERS. BECHSTEIN, BROADWOOD. BLUTHNER. ERARD, BCHIEDMA YER. STECK, NEUMEYER, WALDEMAR, PIANOLA PIANOS. & iEOLIANS 1 HELD BY R. J. HEATH AND SONS, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH AND PORT TALBOT, Who also Stock Pianos by BRINSMEAD, COLLARD, KIRKMAN. STEINWAY, IBACH, RITMULLEL, &c., &c FROM 15 GUINEAS CASH OR 10s (d MOTTHLY. ORGANS by MASON & HAMLIN, BELL, DOMINION, Ac., Ac. Keduced Instalments, Special Discount. Nat. Tel.—Cardiff 0119). Pontypridd. 21 X)R' T C0LLTS 2R0WNES c HLORODYNE. Invaluable for COUGHS. C 6 L D 3, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA NEURALGIA, And &11 Kindred Ailments. This old and tried remedy has stood tbe test of two generations. REFUSE to be put off with a SUBSTITUTE; the Original can be had of all CHEMISTS if you let it be seen that you are not weak enough \0 accept an imita- tion. QOLLIS JgROW N E ]e the Name; it ild, 2s 9d, 4s 6d the prices. 1239 POSTAL DELIVERY Ub THE •oOUTH WALES DAILY NLW^S," The Proprietors of the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" be-, to announce that by a speciu concession of the Postal Authorities they ara enabled to despatch their First Edition each moroin; by the laib leavinj Cardiff at 2 3u a.m. and i 45 ari. Country suoscrioeri reoiding within the limits 0; GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE, FKMBROKESHLRE, CARDlGANSHJ-lvE, ss wen ag (ho-e portions cf BREC-ONSHIRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymney Valley Postal Districts, may now have the "SoTiTil WALES DAILY NEWa" delivered at their residences daiiv by the same post a3 tliav wtiicli conveys their Jjondou letters. London and West of England subscriber! receiva their papers on the lorenoon of publication. The Third Edition oi tlw "SOUTH WALES DAILY 1\1:, W8" >8 forwarded prepaid to residents of ths foUnw. in2 and all other places within th, Cardiff Postal D strict in time for the tirst morning delivery •— .St Fagaa'j Sully Michaelitone-l*- Pepcoed CcurtyTalla Vedw b t. B!i' B-Sup-E!y D ina.o 'l:'OwU Castle tow b Nicholas Cadoxton Marehfleld Bonvilstoati Barry Penartr> 1- Petejst/m Caerphilly Llandotigh Llandati Bedwas Lisvane Radyr Ystrad Mynach Llamshen Morganstown Pwllypant Whitchurch lieluugtitbth St Meilpn's Xaffi Well Pentyrch fnMably lonxwynltis St Andrew] Per Quarter, post lree. 0 9 9 Per Half-year.. 0 19 6 Per Year 1 19 0 EVERY MAN SUFFERING irom NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DE BILITY should send ior a valuable pamphlet ex- plaining how 11 Nervous and Organic Derangements and Varicocele may be successfully treated wit-Lout stomach medicines or electricity. The method is easy and pleasant, and wih effect a perfect and- permanent cure. Sent In plain seated envelope, free for 3 stamps. —C. T. NORTON, 59 and GO, Chancery-lane. London. Over 30 year.}'continuous success. WORTH KNOWTMJ. (1EORGE NAISIi & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- bourhood. All work entrusted to him will bespee&ly and faithfully executed. N.B.Bill Posting sent by boat or rail will have immediate attention. 13675 /CLARKE'S E 41 PILLS are warranted V J 'to (.UPJ GIIAV EL and PAINS m iln BACK and aUkindredaonipIaiats. Free irom merenry. Eltab- ,lshed upwafftsof ^0 yean. In boxes, 4s rd each,of all Chemists and Patent, Medicine Vendors thoughout the world, or sent lor6J itampi by the makers, ths Lincoln and ATfcland Counties Dru^Company, Linsala TO ADVERTISERS. The South Wales Echo Is GUARANTEED tn have a Larger Circulation [ than that of ALL the other Evening Papers of South Wales I II and Monmouthshire added to- gether. FACTS BETTER THAN FICTION, OVER FIFTY YEARS Of Public Approval, tccompanied by, a CONSTANT DEMAND Is a Proof that KERNICK'S I VEGETABLE I PILLS Are what they profess to be. viz,. The finest medicine for Sick Headaches, Bad Blood, Bitiousnesj. Lfver and Kidney Com- plaints, even Rheumatism and Tic yiold to Them. Thousands take no other Medicine. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS may he obtained in 71d. Is lid, and 2s 9d boxes, through any Chemist or Stores, or mailed direct t-y Kernick and Son. Ltd., Cardiff. Ask for KERNICK'S and see that you get them!" 13521. A WEljL-KNOWN REMEDY. H A Y M & N's Balsam. Dee. 19th, 1903. A very good cough mixture. My child had a very bad Cold on the Cbest, but a few doses soon put it ALL REG HT. Mr Austin Rimmer, St. Heleas, CURED (JOUGH AND COLD FOR 36 YEARS. f THE SREIT E&iGUSH REMEDY. n U 1. NO FLUMMERY. No bought or Manufactured Testimonials. HAVE F YOU I J BAD A LEG IVith Wounds that dischargeor oflierwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves "the impression? It so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, from which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffer- ing till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be woudds; the disease, if allowed to con- tinue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may havsattended various hospitals and had medical advice, and been told your case i« hopeless, or advised to submit te amputation; but do not, for I can cure you. I don't say perha. but I win. Because others have failed it is no reason I should. Send at once a Postal Order for 2/6 to ALBERT, 73, FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, and you will receive a box of < GRASSHOPPER OINTN3EJ4T and PHI*, which is acertain remedy for thecure of Bad Legs,Housemaid's Knee,UlceratedJoints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. (Copyright.) I WEAK MEN. | Suffering with Weakness, Lack cf Vigour, Pro I mature Decline, Varicocele, Atrophy and B Debility should send at once for partibulars of a B speedy cure to | HENRY FOSTER, 1 The Chemical Laboratory, Brighton, England. f Nama thl3 Paper. 139301 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS—1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY—FRANK H. SlMPSO. Proprietors of tliollrincipat Stations iii Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Advertising, Circular Distributing, &c- All orders promptly attended to. 132-I.C44 E W P 0 R T OFFICES N E VV P 0 R 0 F l!' 1 C E S iOUTlH WALES DAILY NEWS," 8. BRIDGE-STREET; SWANSEA OFFICES £ 5 OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, NO. 52. H1GH-STBEBT/

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