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1'1, I I. | INDIGGIVEES RISSE TO TION |IB LIVER AND KIDNEY DISORDERS, |i WEARY, WEAK FEELINGS, II HEADACHE, BACKACHE, II SLEEPLESSNESS. v ■ II When your Stomach is in Good Condition Almost B1 Every Function of tho Body will be Perfectly Performed. 11 Good Digestion means Pure Blood, Proper Assimila- Bfl tion of Feed—Perfect Nutrition of Bone, Muscle and Nerve. 8 fi £ =■ THE STOMACH <==% LIVER and KIDNEYS ]] Almost invariably work_in harmony—they ails generally all three SB right—when the stomach is right! or all three wrong when the BH stomach is out of order. BB Nothing keeps a man or a woman down like indigestion or liver H ■ trouble—nothing lifts them up so quickly or so surely as a course BB of Mother Seigel's Syrup. It braces the nerves, purifies and B n enriches the blood, creates appetite, assists digestion. B8 —= MOTHER SEIGEL'S s a = SYRUP = .Ç1.f, IS THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY FOR ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. |j » -c- I WOMAN'S TESTIMONY I § For many years while suffering from indigestion I ,1 1 tried various preparations suggested to me by friends, H I but without good results. I felt weak and low, with a H 1 distaste for food, which at times amounted to nausea. || I I had pains in the chest and back, and slept so badly H S | that I used to get up tired every morning. But my H| 1 worst torture was headache. This went on year after Mm | year, till about two years ago, when I became very ill KB a and began to throw up blood. The doctor said I was || 1 suffering from ulcerated stomach and had burst a blood- ■ 8 I vessel. and for some time I was under his care, but he 91 | did not relieve my indigestion. When everything had || I failed I thought of Mother Seigel's Syrup and began ■■ i using it. I soon felt better the pains left me I could ■ £ § eat without fear and steadily gained strength. I am IS 1 now as well as ever in my life." Mrs. Eliza Slowgrove, IIH fl 31, Dean Street. Brightlingsea, Essex. ) M THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE 8 ——— GIVE TESTIMONY OF ——— B QUICK AND LASTING CURES. I I PRICE 2/6 AND Uitf PER BOTTLE. || I The 2/6 bottle contains three times as much as the 111 size. raffl i -4L CHINA 8 PLATES FRE. Sker Oats Plates are of their name. They are of e^l chba-thin but strong—made$L^ especially porridge but always | 1 >1 attractive shape convenient size-da.i«y and artistic-graceful new | 5 in rich colours—gold edge—in every way fit for trie most perfectly appointed table. 3 READ THIS FREE OFFEP- I I §5 TE I Coupon gS^S i*S £ re" | TU. sp,pi C^n | ^8 5 Wil 1 11 5 eo ( this *Wh -pat* J f balance of Squares as § J ^Oi|Ki_ f- Ji1 ft Full number of sauaree Is • jt 3 | 0, quantity of squares I be sent at one time. I stated W Our offer. | ui|"ea from 1-lb. Backets. Us. JJS# !»<• -time. o. 3 5 3 If you have not required number of V/hite Squares, send as a | Only one Coupon will | i cPoSit 2/- for a Plates, or send 2/0 for cyPi*«s. « ft. accepted for each | before October 31st, 190G. 8 I h r'te your address plainly, giid w -11 iour request. 3 JYaws 3 I P. QUAKER OATS, Ltd..». >' S<*U*r*' L°n<,0n' F"C- 1 | £ S'lIMPORTANT NOTtCE.-wrwtt^{^ to™Sbtei" 5 I fc Pa'fcePled i'T free Plates at «ame»al* t>«!icious new Biscuit, write us, » 5 K«nn jackets, if your grocer does no", stoc/ • 193 A ihal^yon are supplied. I' r- —— :4 '¡(J) FEEDIW; (§2y She was such i sufferer that my wife thought it would be I happy redea.se iff she <were taker.. Wl< Doris Miriam Farrow, whose p?'-4iiu live ft H?, High Slneet, Gor esimi, C.reat Yarmouth, had lo be lb^ reared iSficiallv dike so many others), and the great difficulty of getting her j. J l^S anythr /she coulJ down «broiignt her parents to despair and Doris Juiatn alni°sl to death's Scott's Emulsion vnaD *d and th# results (Mr. ijMW -Farro,w Wote us the 18th of lau.-i ^ril wftre "t^ost wonderful." !n a day or two she kept her food | tlowii arnd from Ahat time b«gan to thnvc. "She is now a very fine and healthy child Pure cod 1|M 'iYer mads digestible and gfo. g f pleasant 4»^ «riynal, unique Seott process is the most nourish- 38M iAjy bg food « baw# C*'iiavc. AIwaTB tho Emui- babies take it well 1 'vSk and begin to -sari Mroto jion with tMi mart— itie \'ery hrst dose. Scott's tJUw { has often succ When nj^^seort^process evei"ythjng else has faiied. Send to us /foi free sample bottle and the beautiful child's picture-book, jfjr l ^^4. "The (Wi>od-Tiiae Garden" (euclosiag 4d. for postage aud tnetationins; jW^EivSPn this papyri SCOTT Stonecutter bt., London, E.C., J .1. V .r_ 1 <M! A NOURISHMENT FOR GENERAL USE. AC Me* A complete Food, pan- ofj^sassaj3.tiisa; adding boilif.t trrntu \\¡¡¡sf 'lcceptable to aU <IS alight diet it is espi'ii¡ 1 y helpù¡ to Invalicls, :Cys- peptle3 and the Ated The" Allenbur}' Diet IS for Adults and is d¡tinct from the" AlJenbul"}"S Foøds for Infants. .¡"J1 at liS nstl 3/. of Chemists. MC. A large sample posted on receipt of 3 penny stamps. & HANBliRYS Ltd., tomtoaril Street, LONDON. „. „ „„„ ,„ I k.


Sir Marchant Williams Interviewed.




--_-_._-_--------FATHER AND…

__ ■ -----• 1 ■ RODOAM ABANDONED.


Swansea Child's Death.

-------------WEAKtY FROM BIRTH.




------Perilous Cargoes.


-----------.---FOREST OF DEAN…

---"-----------------THE LATE…
