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DISESTABLISHMENT. "osition on the Liberal Programme. SPEECH BYSIR ALFREDTHOMAS Attitude of the Welsh Party. ty#.r Alfred Thomas, M.P., chairman of the P«r'iamentary parte, delivered an to his constituents at the Workmen's h0q Ynysybwl, cm Tuesday night. The by 'J^mber arrived by motor-car, accompanied ^06th°Dne'"or ■^BV,e8' chairman of the J? Glamotcan Liberal Executive Rev. k' Caerphilly and Mr F. G. Edwards, j i^nd was met at the station by prominent Wd an^ R procension was formed. *t>»c tlle ,oca' Temperance Band. Tho j) >oo8 hall was crowded. County Councillor gj *era presided. fo{ 'Alfred Thomas said it w,\s not necessary 5?he 1 t0 detail the work of the past Session. >b|j Pnblic Press had already done that and *at.V6{' him of the trouble, though as f*r as tho (Oh-Wa* concerned there was little to deseribo. **»•■) Ponch," in one of its recent issues, la cartoon in which Mr Balfour appeared as bearing two Bheav68, marked Un- *skn(?yled Rn(* Alien." Punch genially to a' Well, farmer, and when are you going yoar harvest ? Farmer Balfour, ,n2 the sheaveB, replied, Thi3 ia. tho *•' ('bter,) All be (Sir Alfred) th6 for those mes.»nrea waa that ho hoped *0 Alien* Act might do little harm, and he 1L "M expect' much ^ood from the Uneon- Should HID latter be in any way then the, credit for it would be ftno to lI]ell 111 Crooks, wbo fought so valiantly for the toil the principle that half a loaf IS better ttI)rt:a (Applause) It was gratifyiug ""ifth rtays °* rhe irfsent Government were «titlJ?6rFd, wete it only to arrest the almost b°t 'na* waste of public money. When it wa^ »i «>a.mind that the normal expenditure, had 01 millions in 1884 to 124 millions in rca''8ec' that a5 ^is rate e*en b»U^ ritiah Empire would aoon be brought to Ctej- QP'cy. Notwithstanding this enormoua in- h Dot R 8'n"*e department in the State tle^l in any way benefited. Lord Roberts had th that after all that bad been expended »ot rmy that branch of the service was in a Sq^, Position than before the outbreak of the t African war. It was gratifying to know illrnjn m08t brilliant of our young men were ni< their attention to »oto Retrenchment, ihe best speeches delivered last Session Qe by Mr Wicaton Churchill on national and it was fnir to say that Lord Hugh Its etlua^y anxious tc see national liabili- \6 ht within reasonable bounds.(Applanse.) terf) told by expert iinanciero that the ItiUQ 5 Government wasted some 20 millious per *nd that account tho country could hope (4jj{,]Ve by the next Liberal Administration. There bad never been auuh an oppor- S8 j> Sir Alfred contended, ns at the present W°* different Governments to approach one ^ith a view ty reducing the enorrnoui Of Sq a a»d navies that were consuming the youth j>0t nations. This wan a work in which t'h^HDC' ProB'dent Roosevelt could well f Way- Sir Alfred said it bod been his kilo\\> Ottana to BPenf a month in that well- 'ted Lea't'1 'esort, Llandrindod, where be waa in, .y a leading Welsh journalist, whose was widely circulated and bad »0d pV?cl1 canvassed, boih in a friendly spirit "l8e«s W.,se'aD''be begged to thank both M criticw.- (Applause.) He was reminded i#te Dr. Parker, who upon similar treat- 'ibB "Md He was debtor both to the Greek and b*tl>arian." It was hia duty at 0 admit the accuracy of the interview, 'ter^u 8aid th6 hon* momber« he waa'much 7 tb3 attentioD si von bv 8Drue hostile !bfcy t(? that portion of the interview which 0jfc*eisted in reading as demanding the pasa- sion ^i<eBtabli8hmBnt meaBute in the first *oO°f the new Administration. Why they wers 48 he n 0n tllBt P*16 waa not quite clear to bim, "odetBtood they were not anxious for \Vjjj| Diaeatablishmcnf. {"euj6 ^ose critics w«ro so partial in their treat- was Jot perfect impattiality, and ho t those gentlemen to further favour bim lDR therewith the qualifying statement »ny erview' v'z-< I would not consent JNo* ^ber measure than an amending Edu- having precedence over Diaestablish- t "d h H-'ad they done so thoy n °1bls Ve 8ave(i themselves aome unnecessary ",on'?'1 Ht "*e c0,t lessening the ad- hig J^tt thBy had gi^en him. Parhaps some thought he bad hircaelf taken on- V?1! trouble in replying to those gentle- as be was under a little obligation to "U j demanded some retaliation. To u' oh-a°^8 "BDd conatitaents, he wished to say 10 66 be bad in view in submitting himself D3Q ciot of the iototviewor was to record his position, and what ?.Wed to be that of tlie majority Dj'* colleagues on the question I^Ddof^t&blishmeot. (Applause.) At Llan- «*et a numbnr of leaders of Noncon- ^e*i'u8,0^ 'nv,M['iB'bly, after a question as to '1 e inquiry they pat to him was, tis our sttitaleali to Disebtablishment ?" same gllestlon had been put to bim per- .y for some years, he thought the time when be shonld diaestabliBh the, ^ar^ber plying bim with such an in- ,t, and also, in view of AD urly dis- be took the opportunity to inform all SQJIl^y that be—and be believed bis col- *fcli iTWoa'c' °°t sllow the question of Dia- §f4|»ito Dt t0 t,kbe a back Beat in tho pro' biiju °'. the incoming Liberal Government. '«j hostile critics he would say e head and front of my offeDding • extent, no mere." n8 red from public and private sources that bad given great satisfaction. One !N to* Congregational minister paid, "Yon W th at yonr bstck." He bad always known ?Hjj eR'eat majority of Welsh people were very » disestablishment, and recent events e the deBire ^oc rel'Rions equality »qSe to a passion. (Lond applause,) Rell- SQa.litv was the. bed-rock of Welsh politics, th thoir stalwarts were displeased with described as the inactivity of Welsh 'n the House of Commons with regard Nirfab,i8hraeDt- Few, if any, outBide the 0«° ?6, Stephen's coula appreciate the diffi- hlrpr'vate members in bringing great qnes- tooj8 tlla* a93embly* I* was only through th at Fortune of the Ballot the ttitn ors were enabled to do no, and it was lSrrn fortnne for his ban. ftiend, Mr William hl^tio aec.ure a nlpbt to debate the ^Church M°W()wn." The hon. member introduced hia tif9o$nlll.an eloquent speccb, one of the most (lOom. 1 ^el'yeries oa the subject in the House Had theirstaiwart frienos attended *'8. they would have been satisfied with rtanco gtpoa the question by both great '? (Applause.) Other members lu brought the question before (pH&S ^0ciHe, but coming after other ques- |S9b adequate time was not allowed to *be measure. Some of hia English J'tjjr ^ere mnoh alarmed at what they called J! thev^' lo r8V0^- Now, he liked revolt as little lb aa^ 4be beat way to avoid political "a8 to bave 14 clear nnderctanding before At ..e °f action airived, and an nuder3tanding Diao3tab!i?hment of the Church of hl^4t • 'n Wales shonld be treated aa a measure 'tiiportaoco. to be brought in at an early h- t'le Dext Liberal Administration, would ls a"e?{iance. Tho question was ringing °Rt the Principality, TIow long moat j.4*si for Diseatablishment V" Hia reply ti4"' ia 'ongcr than the first opportunity, and b,.011. l';e threshold. Wo are going to take 0 'ore'°ok oh tbid occasion." (Ap- ) tli\ed' The first meaaaia passed by the States Congress some 130 *i 'he ai*° was Disestablishment State Church, and not in a e'f-^overning Colony m our Empire waa an anomaly. (Applause.) Qnr linn were about to put themselves ^th the great Republic of the West; would enjoy perfect religious -at t},e moat aignidcant omen of ull, |j' the signs of tbe times, was that of v j Russian Cbnnopllor, who had Rf ^ocatcd the liberation of the Greek State cantrol. (Applause,) To J5at Rnasia, of all countries, shonld give iifci a 'eElson in religions freedom I Many LH I?- the EHtabJished Church believed V^ci j,estabH8hment would not prove Jtc a« to their communion. but tbut Mainly not .the opinion of the 8 Diseatablishod Church of e a*ter some 35 years of freedom from ^bC'"rol. (Applaaae.) In his opinion Dis- --to01005 ^'a'eB woa'c' pro\e more bene- Cbufch than to,Nunconformity, 'lilf '"bment would enrich' Walea by" en- Natiopalists, «a tlie Iiishop of aD<S other lilte mindod clergymen, lo *V ioi ^'ow conntryroeti of otl\er creeds to l^ity "^tber for tho ^zood of the whole com- little Walea, a country that had "• still making, ouch saciifices for ^Hgions lilerty, should be in such a


---.----Corporal Punishment.…

[No title]

-= ; J u m ped from the Pier.…

---_..._--..;.-"..-. STRUCK…

-.. ------------A RHYMNEY…





---Training of the Child.…







Cardiff New Dock. ..-.-.r-


------"WELL, I'M OFF."






IUpset by Propeiler. .




--------.--DEATH OF AN M.P.




Cardiff Mayor's Salary .





