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me he MtL-Wfvmtx, wautk b OITICE.S to Let on third lfoor of Caledonian Cham- 4.1 bers, 134, St. Mary-street.—Apply South Wa1e Druiy iews OSice, Cardiff. 153C6—x25 i/VABMSi Estates, Court'ry Houses rentals {ronr6s ati JS' acre ortees from £ 7 acre. Country Houses in aH c^antieH. Ratter's Monthly Register contusing 40 pagea of carticuars post free 2 stomps.—Messrs JRnSter, 10, Norfolk-street, Strand»X»or,<lon. Srrveral cheap Farms and Oonntry Properties in \V alesand Harder Counties. jLiWK caie. Ona Force i'uznp for Boiler Feeds, ZjlB. i. danger with Un. stroke 2 Hangers ?.nd Counter BijaS wiih Sccentri tor working a pamp. aod startln? sear complete. Two Counter Shafts, length Lift. Sin. diameter 2 5-31n„ with fast and loose pulleys 2 Pulleys 3ij. 3;n. <liRZKeter taanser, 2 Wall Brackets, 4 Plumb Slocks, 2 Be7el Cos Wheels (one wood and one iron-, it ad SSarCn.s: Sear. A Brokeu "Acree" Hoist tmeasure- aaent over ad shout 4ft.square height about 2ft. 3tn.- Apply South Wales Printins Works. Westgate-street Cardiff 17164 ?972 5S3n Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly £ 3 Register of Estates, Houses, Lands, &c.,to be Let or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of rlnglaiid, &c. 1,000 copies sent morrthly, post free, to- ihe leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c., 74, St. Mary-street Cardiff. 2Wf A X' H JS Xi.S, JJI B-A B-« IEATHEB3 EOT, BBSS. Wiiy bay common swjddy Wool Bw when jQ!t' eaa gat Best iiMGLISH JTEATHER3 ai Gdo per IV; carriage -naid? Warranted dry and sweet. EeaSher; ifetia xssd^ to order. 8endfcr s.rnii!o sand vdeeMieVto H H A N D X AXD 0.0 FEVcFIER MERCHANTS, 113061 NORTH WALEH, .1l1C JEadjitum, feds, 1:2. OOKSsle, I'i horse power nominal Gas Engine,toy JL Fielding and Piatt; most economical worker con- dition equal to new 2 flywheels: can he soW.complete with y alley. wheel, and circulating tanks, gas bag, new tJHight sas aieter. ?and ail connections :-can be seengt- work repiacmK by steam; gseat bargain Jo immediate, prarobasee.—iJulawr ana Cc.. Kyeiands, Hereford. 17373 %0titt!g. TCP. '• D23FiANCK UtHS." K f\S wv WELL WOB'iH SOs. OU li bore, centra', donMa-barrel Breechloader, left i u&oite. tOD or double grip action, with lever under 'Tttard, twist tvnrel: horn heel-plate, walnut stock, 1 ionbh bolt, rebounding locks, patent fore end,&c,; sound and well made warranted to shoot aad bundle well: pric" 5C2. worth 80s; carriage said: do Dot buy ■ suns at a shop; deal direct with the actual msnufac- j torsi's and save r-2iail profits: satisfaction guaranteed! or c>vsh returned; beautlfally illustrated catalogue full of interesting 'nformation conccrainf-' guns, ta-ti- Tuonirsls, Ac., i>oat 1-ee —C. and T. i.avis»l?.Tir-K:iOinirGnn Maaufictarers, il, Xewton-road, StratfoEd-roaj,.) iiirmxpjhrun. 17329 SJa!Ui?siic M'tithz. ONKofthe V/ontlers Ojr the Age is Spencear'a New j Hish Arm Sewing !h*.d-"toe v.-iiit waiaat CBVsr and lull set of acpliances for £218Zt5d e&č)u. Money retnrnefl if not appoved. Lct value in Sewing Machine?.— .opene r' Uora^stic Jlachina Depot»^t» John's-equaro, Cardiff. Send por-!w»vd for Drice list. 5251—2C7n r Verdict of the i'afjiiols that far bgbtnsas in con- J. structr.oa. eles<tni:sin design, comfort in ri&iog, dura.bl1í ty n use and: modemioll in priœrtheJ3a.byCarri- asres sold by Spencer, the UniTersal ProrvMsr forJBabies, trenct: approached by any of his competitors. The I-SH-Mst: Stock iit the Orrited Kingdom to select from. lien,A rof:t-cafi forurice Ïiat;IJ..John's's(Il:m1:e.cal'(jH!.n .m:i$ulÜnuons Carets. an(i Namprw i v Ch!IJa.S';7a¡;s aaitCaml>rian.P01itiøn.andDillW}"Il'R ^cruscan Ware: only good specimens repaired; high prices —-W'rrsp CoMecjnr Office. CartWf?. n -AP ON ;;OTl<ûi ) 'l any part of iinsland a"(1 Wales, £ 5 TO R'-f)f". SWAXPSA FlNANCr. COMPANY guarantees )tic¡s" p/ivacy and prompt attention. to the Manager, 149, Penarth-road, Cardiff. 745 MCMKY.—r.iv Pike, -V5..Salisbury-rd.—Semi post card for prospectus (returned in closed errv«Ir>pe free;, Mid you will do business with no otherihm.l44V!l MESSRS S. HERN & PF.UI'WKE, Estate Ageats.. 74, St. Mary-sireet, Cardiff, are prepared to Advance from R100 to £ 100,000 on Mortgage of Tree- hold or Leasehold Pyoperty, and from R50 to .;e.^rrity. UJfA I'ltiEhDiSQ&tJUttRiieict, OitKeStabhshed Yxmlaclter3, are t,, Acsvancerspms from to £ 3,000-at-shart notice on approved Note oi Bamt, personal or other secu-ties. Charges arranged befcre transactions.are completed. Mortgagee on Property effected at curreat e;. ot interest. Property J^nrcfcased. Trade Bill Discomted. Aniiuitiej ntt JSized lnccmes-arransed. ■ icy advanced on second mort^a^s. Apply Üi<:cc" as we have no agents, Hayes Uuild-ings. Th. Hayes. Cardiff. 139.38 ryiHE CHABma CROSS BASS.—ISstablished lOTOv J £ 123 and 120., BISHOPSGATK-faXiiPET WI1HIS, E-C^ile J-^DFOBD-STBEB'l', CHiSING-CKOSS. W.C., LONDON. IiiabnAties»JS20v,,n5. SarpiOS. £ i05^00, T.aans-of £ i £ ) to ani cOasa otseenritjv ,r 24 per cent. allowed on Current Account Bsrtanoes, jDsdcsUs of !!Oland UUWaX(t-yaCCiVed as uacler Sabiaci to 3 Uoptila7 Notice cent., PPê annum. iiabjacc to6 ilon'.hs' Notice cfVtathdtawaJi€ per cent Deannum. Subject to 12 3Iomho' Notice'of'Withdrawal, 7. per Cent, per annual. SiDeel 'at Terms for Loirger" Periods. Interest "paid Qua;*ierly. 1'11e ierminablc De BoaUs pay neaRlT9 eer .cent aadfiro a safe i!lvt.wcnG. or call for tfrosrrecSas. 17283 Jotnt MaWger?. M 0 N E Y I THE 'riiO\TNCIAL rJ>TI0iJ BAITK continues to IjKXD LAKGK sr;M:-i DAILI from ^10 to £ 5G0 on Note of Hand alooie, nr on ui"/ ot'ior approve-J security, at a few hours1 notioo, to ail cl«jses in anv part of England ana Wales, repayable by easy instiixnents. With and without sureties. No good appiicaiuon is ever refused. All coimaanicsrtioas strictly fJrie. This business having been estr»biit,u.>d a great many years, and con- ducted in an honourable and straightforward manner. has^-ovro to do one of tne best known and largest in 1-he i.inTdom, the uniform convt-esy and prompt atten- tion of our officials hn.v:.n? earned the ccmfidenoe ana recomnrenCaUoa of oar nizmeroaacastomez3.1f desired one of our ofHcia.1;; w:u attend at applicant'^ residence with cash ana carry out the advance Vy'xTIIOUT PEI.AY. Oail or write to the Manager. Western Branch, Mr. STAKI.-ii2 DOWDING. I, Qneen-=ajaare, Bristol: or to the Local A^enti', Messrs vviiiS32tSOS & CO,. St. Johivs- sflinare. Cirri 59 -=-Â4 »ai iwwwwamauaM^w——p—wat' -J, .1 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. || E E C H A M S piLLS ,i :J EECHAIvI'S' PILLS. Ð Cure Eiliousnsss^md Kervon& Disorders, BEECHAM'S PITjLIS Care Constipation and Siek Head^che. -;I-tEF,CfLs,lvl'S PILLS -rip Ensure Pr&p?? Assimiiatlon otEood, S"PILLS i Aior.sc Sltrcgish and Torpid, Livers and :=1 BIt;. EECHA^I'S PILLS Size'intiiiea j?ie Stcmtictu^ BiliSCilAM'S PILLS Care Stomachic Troubles, sucb arlmliges- tiou, Want cf Appetite, Dyspepsia., Fulness Meals, Vomiting, Sickness at the ytomach, <ic. iiECHAM'S PILLS G'.vc?, aldose i^run.-ntrrelief. eecham;splli7S J Care KesfJessness aad Irtsonmfa, and give. sound and refreshing sleep. EKCHAM'S PILLS Ate snitable for both yenng and.Old, SSCHAM'S PILLS \v ill make you look well; feel- well. and xesp well. BECHAM'S PILLS ficmove Wind and PaIn in the Stoinach. EEOHAM'S PILLS Are saId everywhere in ooxea, la ajid 2a Sd, cont»i»3iiJ5 56 a,'id 169 Pilis reepec- tive^y. 17269 4 I XlfAYHAN'S BALSAM a'g OF HOREHOUND CtJHJ<;S ^iOUGH. \.J '•Exceedf.isi> good stoff — W £ always have a. oottie in tbe lumbo. for Whoop- ing Congh with onv own chiirlren we have found it su- perior 60 the lTIÐiH ciae-aupplied by the doctor."—Mr Enra- don, ffjgb street, staple, A C'rOPS ^lOLD. .J •gnrAVMAN'S balsaj^I I 152 152 W.'kTtit & sHA<a FOlt HE Il{Y'$ WHUK. 4 p Hoys an'i C:r;3 csa io*. a MC&BI- J .A > ..ATKt) ^WATCTJ, also a CRA2K ant^ i -rASM. foy1 a ^MfniTiartraifn^ rf I C? T iTr^ Kat Piv-j^.T!r5 octi. aond ytmr Bg'lfTV'SB j "V inclmlaLz name of Conntr, I Toy ret: ;i mtu Knaw«T»infoTwa7a^eBhi1ne, I No m<ui«v I B '■ f j zzt, a HQTTOsor:, i^nfloc, S.b. BICYClES 14 18 8 ^V.arottawwWsmjtattiuuI eowsiws. Wn sell ^Cv"»^V r-E .*• *p' ^Vrat-nsy do.,T», f^eor 1 ■> » r"»r<gnfarpay* i* "J" *vC- -sr3: »• J' < ^sw -wotta* loot V <'yj ''M'iiV.' U.-Ii 1:3 of iin^urpaassi sec, ,1 l^Hyswdaoi eafcsft^ i sfatfipforcatalogUB#- Ammss: WQ^DS' L0IOT STOKES. i PJBSSX B'A« | r CARDIFF. rjlHSATRE OYAL, ^lAKMRK, E ger.- rjlHSATRE ^OYAL~ ^lAKMRK, iKsace-antf iianuEer JioBKKi BEOTOBD, TO-NIGHT at 8, TO-NIGHT at 8, Filet timeia- Cardiff, the raosu sctcceesJuJ-Farcse*#. Comedy, JN THE gOUP, asjrfsyed at the Strand Theatre,-London, Preceded at 7.30 by A HAPPY PAID, Nweek-THE BELLE OF NB-W YOKE. Box Office at Theatre 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 3S2. Hie T HEKTRE ROYAL, CAPJ>IFF. l IMONDAY-Semtember 2nd, SIX NIGHTS, I THE BELLE OF NEW YORK., I THE BELLE OF NEW YORK, MR FRANK LAWTON, The Orieinai Wtestler from tine Shaftesbury Theatre, London. SpeciaJiy Engaged. Mr LA WTO N WILL VAItY HIS SOLOS NIGHTLY. WILL VARY HIS SOLOS NIGHTLY. MATINEE September 7th, at 2. Seats can now be booked. Cfrttraixtm. BATR. OME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 3, KENSINGTON, RATH. .Principals—The Misses WILTSHIRE and MAGGS. Heathy Situation, Careful Tuition and Home Com- forts. Tennis Court, &c. Moderate Terms, Good references. Prospectus on aoplicntion.4891 Autiram Te=.Commemes 8cpteratber36. TAUNTON. rjl A U JT T O N S C H O'OT. (Formerly'Independcrrt'CoUega). H C. D. WHITTSKER, Esq.. M.A., LL.M. (Camb.),B.A., B.Sc. (Lon.)r HEADMASTER. Tenos and Schotarphrps on Application to, tile Headmaster, or to I ..17142 AIiBEBT GOODMAN, Secretary h :Jrt. THE TAUNTON and WEST" OF fTNGLA'ND PKRPRTIJAL BUNI-'FIT BIUXX) ING HOCIET?. ESTABLISHED i3o„ \ncorpoiiathd 1283. OFFIc3, HAMMET-isa'REE'C, TAJJXTON 8?xrRETAKr: Mb AlÆBRT G@CD>IA:s BORROWING SHARES, EW EACH. SUJYI.3 of MONEY are ready to be advaaced on security of any description of real pi-operl-yfzpebom leasehold, or coppybold-on-the misd equitable terms he principal: ami interest-repa-yable bv M nddy ln.^j. ment-3. INWESITNG SHARES, £50 EACH, rea.'drfsit trt aaont 13 years and 4 months by Moathty1 Pnrymeriteof Five ShiUings -per sh-,ir-. FtUXY PAID-UP SHAKES, hearing a fixed rstte-o uiterest^payable half-yearly, 01 ;diowed to acoumdate. DEPOSITS received Interest at 4 per cent..per annum ^payable h^'Jf-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be ob- tained oa application to the ai above, or to I 183 Mr THOMAS WiilKBEK, 11, St John's-square, Cardiff. _0 Insurance SITN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710. Sum in,,=ed ialgOO-excec-ded .£45COOO-,OO() For all particulars apoly to thelollQ'WUJg AGENTS:— CAEiaET. SiLr vveutworth-H. Price, 21, High-strael. Mr Charles Cross^ 21, Working-street. Mr John Jenkins, 10, Westgate-street. Mr F. E. Ftirse. Messrs R. II. SeelA Isaac, Theatre Royal Chambers' Messrs Williams <& Son, 119, St. Mary-street. Jesse Hurley, Cadoxton and Barry-Dock-Nir B. G. Davies. C awbridge- M-r Thos-J. Parsons, Dowlais Isaac Edwards. Gflfach Goch— Mr John Edwards. Gorseinon — Mr Richard F.Bennett. Hcn^oed. .Mr George Seaborne, Llandaff — Mr John Elo we, Llantrisanb Mr F. Jones. Macsteg David Davies. 17128 Pentre Y-L Thomas Bhys Evans Treharris and Gaerphiily .MrW/m.X)owdcswell 191 HEALTHY AND STRONG. HEALTHY AND STRONG. HEALTHY AND STFONG, When you feel" run, dawji" and can't face your work properly, yon baveonlv<to taki a coarse of GWILDI EVANB4 QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWn,YM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Then yon will relish your food, ctad pick up 1 your bodily strength acid spirits .quicker than you lost thsra, THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF APPE-nTiS, FLATULENCE, LOW SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS,» CHEST AFFECTIONS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIALS. AlHmeiyd.Bh^l. Dear Sirs,—I have suffered for years from Weakness, Low Spirits, and Indiges- tion, and the best remedy I have had is Gwilym EvansLQuinîne Bitters. I take itvery year, and would nobe vrithout it for anythin.Yorri truly, t H. "WILLIAMS. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 22, Dorden-st-reet, V/'maford. Sirs,—Some time ago I had the In- fluenza, and the doctors eguld do-nie no good with their medicines, so I took two bottles of Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, and it has done me a lot of good. I think Gwil.vnC Evans' Qnmino Bitte:-s is Wonderful MeJiciae,—Yonrs trulv. L. MEtLOB. /DONE MUCH- GOOD, DONE MUCH GOOD. DONE MUCH GOOD, .33, Dmiet6H«!stteet, H^sgei^iroD. ivill YOIl be so kiud as to fonvard me three bottles of Gwilym Evans' Qnhime Bitters (12sfid) as soon. as possible ? I feetthat the bottle, which I have taken.faas done me much good, and [believe if I take three more-bottles they will get me to rights agafri. I am glad to say that Itcel much hetters.Herta-king. ,;ay errs battle,—Yortr? truly, M. MOBCrAN. ;J RECEIVED GREAT BENEFIT; RECEIVED GREAT BENEFIT. RECEIVED GREAT BENEFIT. 8, Campbell-St., Stœkiïou-:on'I.'Cé¡;. Sir?),—Having received great benefit by takiajrGwilyra Evans' Quinine Bitter^or: different occssicns, I wish my nephew, who is very weak, to give it a trial. Therefore send me, by return, of. post. a4s 6d bofttle, for which I enclose ca.h,-Yours truly, B. J, JONES. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM"EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Save -yourself from the flood rof imita. tions that fill the market. Insist on having the genuine article, Looklon the label, stemp, and bottle, and find the. name Gwilym Evans." Then yon-are safe. No other preparation is 11 jcrst as good or the same thing." SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sold evferyTfhcre ia bottles, 29 9d and 49 6d each, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of stamps, direct, from The Proprietors THE QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC TUBING COMPANY, LED, 1101 LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES, ANOTHER LEG SAVED. Mrs Hinds writes on -Jafy 2, 1892: "Ihad a very bat! I'lim ileg, and the doctors told me I shonWhaveTxry le," taken oft', tut i 11 was told abont, bhrgsss' Lion j jOixTTitKNT, nsed i s, and is con.- J ipletely cured roe." BURGESS' 'LION OINTMENT cure3 Ulcers, Abscesses, T:irnPolypi, poisoned Wounds of all i kinds, Eczema, Psoriasis,Bmgworm, etc. Invaluable for all Inflammatory LJiseaaes of the Chest aiid Throat. Of all Chemist3,from 7^4d, Is l>Jd, &c% each I per box, or post free for stamps from Proprietor, K. BURGESS, 59, Gray's Tno-coaS, London. Advice C rati; 17200 OWEN'S HEAD PILLS have for over j 50 Years^prcrved a powerfaijjeniedy for Nervous J \iind and Head Troubles. They cleaarthe Mind, allay j ratability and despondency, relieve sleeplessness, t infusion of ideas, and many other painful condi- ••'on™. Taken at iright they entirely remove by the ^orningthe worst effects o {intoxication 2s 9d per j '.j'.t.—Fred Owen, Chemist, Hounslow,Mi(ld)esex.2Sl | ^JIHERAPION. ■— This fmccessfnl aad I » highly popular remedy. as employed in ujie Con- tinental Hospitals, by lacoro, Bostan, Johei-ii Vcpeau, and others, surpapses everything hitherto employed for impurity of the Wood, spats, blotches, pains and swellings of the joints, kidney, bladder and liver diseases, grave], pains in the b-(ic;'i, stone, sleet, nervousness, sleeplessness, Ac. Therapis.u is prepared in three different forms, Nos, 1, 2, and 3, according to diseases for which intended, Fuil par- I tienJara iend stamped addressed envelope for pam- phlet to Me B, JOHNSON, 13, HoU'ord-aqavire Log don.W.C. llWi I fi!nt5!ntt5. HE APE ST CONTINENTAL HOLI-: DAY.—The ABDENNES (with BRUSSELS), SPA, &c., via Harwich and Antwerp. -BOYAL BRITISH MAIL ROUTE, VIA HAKWICH- HOOK OF HOLLAND, by G.EJ{. Twin-screw Steamers, every week-day. Cheapest to Germany, Quickest to Holland. Express Service to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Combination Tickets CBnndreite System), Cheap Tours to nearly all parts of the Continent. Through "bookings from Cardiff, From London (Liverpool- street Station)at 8.30 p.m. fox the Hook of Holland, and at 8.40 p.m. for Antwerp. Bead Tourist CTuile to the Continent," with MaDS and Illustrations, 6d; by post 8d. Particulars from the Continental. jKMia.sei'. Cf-EJ:Li?CEpoot-street'Station, London, QUICK CHEAP ROUTE TO SCANDINAVIA, I Via HABWICH and SSBJ-EKG, I By the Steamers cf the U.S.S. Co. of Copenhagen, thrice weekly. Apply to TEGNEB, PRICE & CO., lCr?,.Fenchareh- i street, London or the Continental Manager, Liver- poaVstreet Station, London, E.C. 17367 hippi¡tg $lcxi £ £ z. ME R I C A N LINE. -jlllglii^UNITED STATES MAIL STFTAMEBS. SOUTH-AMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE. SOU tHAMPTON TO NEW YORK, SATURDAYS, Highe-t class oi Accommodation for oon,8eeOITd ,-Cabin, and Third G'ass PassenserK. LAVERPOOI—PHI L,VDEJ.PilLV SERVICE. EVI,"ITV WEDNESDAY, LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, Passengers and Goods are landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has the shortest and most direct rout-e to all places in the Western Ste". Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., Seutr,- I .mpton or Livel-pool, or to T. H. Au.?tin, 1,331, Neath ■ t road, Hafcd^Landore. Brown aad Heybyi-ne, 1, Friars Chambers, Dock-strdes, Newport; W. Milton Locke, 3, Commercial-street, Newport; Rev. H. G. Jaraes, j 41, Llantrisant-road, Pontypridd; C. J. Cudlipp, Castle-road, Boath; J Morgan. PoutypooI; W..1. 'froanca-and Sons, tat a Deck. ff." 11867: A/fer X wr KITE ii T A R line; /Ztflf^n /• 7 i-tOYAX, MAII^SIiaMKRS. y ^j i- 'v FBPOOL '<J NEW VOBlv, :a QUEBNSTOWM WSDNSSDAX SEItVICE. iiirDAy SEBVICil.. WSDNSSDAX SEItVICE. iiirDAy SEBVICil.. OCEANIC Wed,, Sept. 41 13 TEUTONIC Wed.,Sept.ll | CELTIC .Jri. f>cfc. 4 Third-class Passage at low rates., inpiuduig Outiit- free of charge,,to New York,. Bostw,i?3bjl»«MlpWa ler Baltimore. Apply to Guthrie, Hoyvrood, ;H& Co., Bute Docks; S. J. Davies, 9, Adw^.ru-place, Qneen^ .Istreet, Cardiff Charles Stewart and (Jr., 25. Mount- j stuart-^qisare, Cardiff D T. Davies, '!J, *Jpper Thomas „ ■at, MerthjT Jaznes Roberts, The Graig Post Office,, Pontypridrt 1). W. Hughes, Myron-Cotrage, Georgej town, Tredegar.; W. Hancock, 2, Downiog-street, Llanny; J.J>. Thomas, Seven Sl^ter.j, near Neath;, T. M. Jones and Son, J, High-stseet, Aheravois B. Davies-Wiliiams, Gorwydd Lodge, Gowerton; C. J' Cudiipp, 32, Castle-road, Boath, Cardiff; MessxsiEhos,. G. Duncan and Co., Shipbrokers, Barry Dock; or to ISALVY, DIRH;" and CO., Lwrpocl; 17, Cockspur- stecet, S.W., and 34, LeasdsniKiil-street, B.C., London. I-J-LTE STAL' L:T-NE.-fAV.FRPOC)L, yf v to AX^JTBALIA,.calling at- Capetown I (SouthAfrica), SUEViC, 12;500 tons Sent..19 I PE i:SICv 11,374 tons. Oct. 17 *BUNIC, I'.bOO tons Nov. 14 11J84 tons Dec. 19 *WiiI not call at Albany. The accommodation on these twii.scrcwsteamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining room?. Fares (according to sailing) to Australia, £!4143 to < £ 26 5s, plus 10 per cent; to Capetown, £ 11 lis to £ is ias. I-'or farther particulars apply to Local Agents as in advertisement above, or to lsmgy, Imxie and Co,, Liverpool; 17, Coekspur-street, S.W.autl34, Laaden- et, E.C., London. 16S12 M A STE R S^odtfk? 14/6 NET CASH. r>rd. Nc. 369,763. v • «»«*«• 1iWAOiv'.Q ■ ^V.-KI7S <14A^ /Or'v^'v.. r«B» I k>% H t i Mk I# j The fall ontfit consists of < 20 MILE RAXGE < Field Glasses « Mirror » Compas3 Pocket Knife Beading Glass C c d ar PeL, Oil. Thewhole supplied in- green crocodile left ah si covered case and sling to match 6fl net cash i I | SENT': OH APPBO-j VAL I I i ON BE- f CEIPT 1, OF I 2/6 i h; will rend to any readc, wh,, mention's Cardiff Times,' on receipt of 2s.Cd, one pair of these hand- [ some Field and J/ariDC Glasses, price, complete, with Crocodile LeatlKa- Case and Sling, only 16 s. IF you do not np- Case and Sling, only 163. IF you do not np- prove of them, wo 1 will r3tr.tn year Dc- in fall. IF you approve of them, you send uf; lg Sd Oil receipt, and 3s 03ch month for four months—16s. BUI' should yoapre- I fsr to send the hal- ance at once, send only 12s Sd more, as j we rliow Is 6d dis- count to those who pfty C:1 "11. Catalogue of Watches, &c,, at 20 per cent, below London prices, Post Free. MASTERS, LTD. (Dept. 46c), RYE, SUSSEX. 17350_ R. J. HEATH & SONS. piANOFORTES AND REGANS BY ALL MAKERo. ANGELUS PIANO PLAYERS AND SYMPHONY SELF-PLAYING ORGANS, 5s TO 6s IN THE £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH. CARRIAGE PAID. ORGANS FROM 5 GUINEAS. TUNING AND REPAIRS BY FIRST. CLASS .LONDON WORXMEN. Grand ird Upright Piano £ orces by Broadwood, Callard, Kirkraaa, Eixr^, Pleyel, Schiedmayer, stein, Steinway^te., &e. Now is the opportunity for acfiaichig a-ssffendid instrjnieiife.a £ tiie Lowest- Possible Price, eiiher for Cash or on the approved Hire System, from iOs monthly. Cafl^-and seenreabasrgain. JS, QUEHN-STBEET, CAllDIFF;•- 7(T, T'AFF. 'STBEET PONTYPBIDD an A at- 31, WINBSOE ROAD, PENAKTH. MANUFACTORY—LONDON. 9431 2e Canvas3ers wanted in ali Parts. 106S -Kftt-; Tdep^toce Casdiff, GlE3; u Pontypridd, 21. i n b=s a 3 iu« Win a skr ss a a st. a s s a a SKxraaa s •g «!»^ »*I] a of Trading have yieWed most satisfactorv results, 8 g and.our business'has been built tip by systematic- ? a H ally keepi-ig: faith -mlh oar Customers.* In other « II words:-by fulfilling all that we promise in our and by giving- utmost value for a 3' B-money, the purchaser returns to buy again. Once r a a Customer always a Customer. Naturally our 13 bus^uess is still growinj; rliaw that happy *kna^k" of"un'iess-i II friends wherever they go. We-merely^outline their a a merits—the goods do the ivst. They are made in J a onr own light, airy -workrooms, and here ate a few of "therr gaod points they-are amply full in a a siz; (not thekimpy., slop-made rubbish of iliii, a scrupulous traders), most accurate in fit and cutr S » and THREe GO I5SEDALS have been « ■& arvarded us for excellence of make and finish. Do ° » yon wonder that our business keeps growing?" t i'hs m-ic: are so easy too, and cannot fail to k III rJ !I í M V,yhoultilik^'tosend you our PICTURS USTS OP CCSTWrJIHS. n £ PICTURK J-IST^ OK M £ *iTi,ES. at o?ICTVR OP UMaciSWEftR, S ■ JClCTWfSK i-!STS OH= EU2-VSSS, ■ a and, in fact. Picture Lists of any or all the Goods we niajmfactiire and distribute. Slav we send e Jtheaj, Post Free? Simply dron us a Postcard, » m mentioning' this ne^vspapcr an'' r-dd-c-^Ti— D f'CNJ 5_ ji A Manly EN. Why sTiffer thn pains d misery^ -caused J)y NetToasness, Premataro Exhaustion, and Wasting Weakness? Send for my book, which shows how every man, young and old, can be thoroughly and quickly cored without STOMACH MEDICINE or ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received, and mnzra.ntesd~$:?nit i n?. "I cannot find words to express how thanl^ful T am. £ i.ised to think I never wonld get cured, I wish I. had seen your tidvert-isemeati M I should have saved many pounds.—G.F.M." "T have-carried out your ittSiructiona, snd &ru now perfectly well.—J.F." Sent post free for-two stamps. H, J, peips, 92 and 93. GrerVu Bnssell-street, London, W.C. Send at once and becttred. Tteelvf. y/>a-rs- eontbutmts «M«<e?s. 16625 gASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS VAY tJOWBE HAD IN. PilTJIE CONBIUQN, m'l eA-5Kb Oil BOTi'LKS, OF FULTON AP û Q" cardifi? U4 A NEWPORT HAN rTELLS THE STOEY OF HIS COMPLETE CURE AFTER TWENTY Y1AEB OF TERRIBLE SUFFERING, DURING- WHICH TIME HS WAS OFTEN TOO WEAK I TO WALK TO VfORK, Veuo's Seaweed Tonic Performed the Cure. It is the Gra-Bdest Meclicins Ever Placed upon the Market. Thousands of Welshmen Hb,VQ Reasons to be Proud of this Medicine. I I I I s I v f r I -■•" f •vsft •• ff >:¿" t(.' < ø, Y.r:. .«op. /< >1;. TIIR W. FRANCIS. Mr W. Fraso's, 3, Aglnaotirs-stree! Crindao, Newport, Mon., -writes June 36 :—Mr Veno. Dea.r .Sir,—With the greatest of pleasure do I freely and honestly give my testimony to Verio's Seaweed Tonic. I suffered for 25 years with a very bad side and stomach, and great pain every day at work, and a.t last vse.3 nearly too weak to walk to work, and- had rep.t, pains in my head nearly every day. now tender you my grateful thanks for your wonderful remedy, which has perfectly cured me. I shall certainly recommend it to all I You can make what use you like of these lines. VENO'S SEAWEED TONIC has bea.ten off the Angel of Death, and brought brightness and strength to many a despairing invalid. Those who have tested it know its healing and strengthening power. They speak from experience when they say it is the only medicine that eve? made them feel well. It clears the'brasn, strengthens the stomach, purifies the blood, relieves headache, steadies the action of the heart, cures kidney and liver troubles, and invigorates the whole boiy. It is highly esteemed amongst doctors for the permanent care of habitual constipation. Far superior to pills of any sort. Price, Is lid' and 2s-gd per bottle. A valuable book accompanies each bottle on the cure of diseases. VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE stops an ordinary cough in one night, and cures chronic coughs, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, and whooping cough rapidly. Its vast superiority over the ordinary cough mixtures and the different emulsions cannot be estimated. It has saved many lives after they have been turned out of hospitals. It is a new scientific remedy endorsed by medical men. Guaranteed to cure the worst cases. Price is lid and 2s 9d per bottle. CAUTION —"When you osk for Veno's Seaweed Tonic or Veco's Lightning Cough Cars, see that yon get it. Many dealers are in the habit of trying to coax yon to take a cheap mixture of their own. You will do well to avoid their shop. Go where you can get what you ask for. See that the name Veno ■" is blown in every bottle. SOLD BY Messrs-Anthony and Co., chemists. St. Mary-street and Queen-street, Cardiff; Mr Sanders, Queen-street and Tudor-road: and 31r Hagon, chemist, Bute-street, Car difi; Mr Reynolds, chemist, Barry Dock Mr George, cheraist, Mountain Ash; E. Entry-, Evans, chemist, Aberdare Oliver Davies. chemist, Pontypridd Jenkins's Drug Stores, Merthyr Mr Richards, chemist, Llwynypia; Pryer, chemist^ Abergavenny Price and Son, chemists, A.bertillery T. Davies and Son, chemists, I 's Rhyranay W. Roberts, chemist, Pontlottvn J. Evans, chemist, Dowlaig Pritehard, chemist, Ebbw Yale and Bfaina also Boots, Cash Chemists, Newoort, Swansea, Llanelly, Aberdare, and Pontypridd and all Chemists and Medicine Vendors everywhere. 5400 I @517?: ASVAHTABES 1 I" CF H. 1 I .V PEHJT ilETKOB OF DiHECT SUPPLY. 1 gH TECE AY -V 30-SATO MONEY AND OBTAIN THB HiGHIST POSSIBLE /M\ J fe) K s P,F,TTT3N FOB YOUR MONEY. f/«- I ONE- i 1 >:■ ix -srisKTc [V !,$&! | H. SASvlUE'. S p| L_| Si, vi- Q8EAT jv^L p|| lis syiia /I -au ^SALE^J Sj Jt- A^AYWspiatAL^mS -i/f i 311 Batches, DIA- c, W'f/ k i; Bi?90CliES. CUYiLSRV, Arucles ^g/- | I 6LEeT8S-PlATU, 1 P w- TKC'OSAKDSOPSr-ILKJAUT /JA h, i P |f 'r*j> if.m BEAOTJFVJj BABSAINSj f'JK 1 W.an§,'if | A? ALMOST IKCBBDIBIIIJ J |\ Jk | -14* k W £ *<<. 3 fpRjoBS. YOU CANNOT j vWfeJ f | ^rthoZYATC WHOMSALS BATHS. CHANCE OF A f H. | | A MONTH'S FEES TRIAL ALLOWED H SA35USL ^YSRAILWAY 31 I OR MOSSY BETUBJTBD M FULL I? J FARB Oi? 1,7:5/ l £ le0vahl9. | 01 S<VTlS?ACKOH IS NOT G-ZVEN. r> XO j —p i |"SsT*vvituih a< ,-<r -A"- I jJLj&F OT »•, -rl "W I CALt» j • ifSB^wTwiBi 8 J f (XA) Fr.cc'.Sfl Har.fl-5 K r, Z\. r''1 P Ej Solid. Gold Hau-racurlced Brooca, _Eear5 < r> iv i some Hnll-raarked I p'n)fl gi is Centre, sat vrtth Pearls, a spiendid 8 lO^a/Al* i Keener. Ifaoirt •• »pe^, Q 1 Fresont, 9/S. P ga]e *ce | i M. £ Si imt ST. MAIiY-ST., CARDIJ?F» JIANCHEsfsE. i I :=;== > ( | fS P230TO IN i .cCCT,{r:? -è" !!(901.} (I ) I | vi •JJ i 1 ^ssr ,{ ) IF 89, YM WANT A £ W tg&rE FffiM ttS-i ( The Gleam's-" Great £ 3(5 Mate 'Sshejse. Absolutely the Tiinif-k'gt plan ever deyisetl lor patting msasy into the pockets ot ths people, | All yoa have to do is ia drop a to^ The Gies^j"' w^h J j yons* usme and address. Tlist is ALL, C this week's Gx,ea:.i you will see the Portraits of several people- The^fuii f ) | name una address of. eacii-of these persons-is now-in the possession of the iitLiitor i i & of Thi?. GLEAM." The individnahi themselves are personally unknown to him of s to an\rR;ember of his staff". s i Each person depicted is living in the United Kingdom at the present moment.* A <v ^10 Bank of England Note is awaiting each individual, and will be immediately g 5 d'cinatehed by The Giteam on their simply sending their-name and address, £ I The Portraits, anew batch of which will appear each week in The Gleam, arg i, those Oi people—men, women, and children—in every station-of life. # £ One of'tliese Portraits maybe yoar own, or perhaps that of a friend pi'-relative, Therefore, don't delay. Secure a copy of this -wce/i's GLEA.M" at eu^, or g ) You Mfsy Miss a Ten Pound Bank of England Note, J> The Olearrj," the Great New Connc and St.o;-y Paper. The most iucesssful$ popular paper of the day, Buy it to-day, Enjoy the splendid storiesi and sgream J, at the antics of that irresistibly comic creature, WaXtsr the £ ?0C0i4«' ON SAM EVRYWtlEe. QNg PNNY, WEEKLY, ] OP -7- n ■.■ ■jggga»L 'Thsre'sTSECURITY jn ■ •' kS -r* '>1" .m* r ^inrSoSi ,• Afesoftitely OtTv* •/ > 83LIOUSNESS. 4 .1 ^"1? I- G!CK HEADACHE. P.- '>4 y W-. v TORPID UVER- •' a M^dtohsue m iriDfGnSTSO^ "TSi CONSTIPATION. f W W D2ZZ5NESS. -•< • 'i{j. Õ J. SALLOW SKIN- |F"B »«•««*. fhey the i»«i i sma» Dese. | ;m..n t"1' ftf "if SilJ'J! ihsy or* *WX-' «• j €~AKDmi' A»-TOtU!ISINO, BILL,I rOKTi^tJ, AND CIBGoLAK iMSTIillilJ'CT^a comply, MMTEM OPFIOBS ANDwà CAKDXPi' bF)C.c::¡¡T¿dtV. i JiXtANK 3, Sf£J1.O,N. P ossietars of Uic Vli/icigpil SbaMoQ& find Neighjmufhoni 'Cpntraesorgior all jlgagsiptians of ¡;2GO 3K41 r« ? a SgQii ixce of ctawse to any. | | 1 Cyclist, !R R A E M I INt D ^9 I' HANDBOOK, 1901. YQ(jf Bjbjunguak Bu&iiii Asms Co., i Saw* Beats, mmxKORAM. i


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[No title]









