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gnaiittss ^blttssts. XONE FACT WORTH A X A THOUSAND OPINIONS. V THK KNOK.\I< >US INCltlSASTNG iJK.MA.NI) KOK TUDOR \VILLIAMS PATKNT 1DALSAM OF HONEY. ^AVJE YOU TRIED IT ? IF NOT. THEN TRY IT NOW MY DEAR FRIEND. T UDOR W JLLTAMS' PATENT JJALSAM OF U ONEY. Hiousaii<l*of Children have been Saved from an Un. timely Death by the prompt use of TUDOR W1LUAMS' BALSAM OF llON KY. No Mother should neglect I II keep this Infallible Renieuy in the hou.se ready for any emergency. Kenieinber that it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the i-nmmeiiceiiienk than 10 allow it ,.0 develop illto a lingering complaint. Ask distinctly for 1 udor Williams Balsam of Honey and see that )"1\1 get the right article. Thousatxts of i:|ii]<lren (/'tired from Whooping Cough Mid Ur .ncliilis when all other Hellle,lie" fail. Persons sultVrin* from Difficulty of breathing should ttve it a trial. RKAl) ON H?1W RL) BIT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable coH, nose bunged up, throat sore, >imb aching wiiii a general Feeling of smothering, a few doses of the Balsam of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away, almost oefre ji»ti know it. There is nothing like it on the market; it is thoroughly up to date it trickles into all ttesysteta A true t'i iend, prompt and reliable in it" MfUon. 'USX A MOTH Nil Wo WD. n«. n,?u.iwk °1' »e»dfor T.I.lot- Williams Paten balsam cf Honey, ilo not allow anybody to persuade you *.0 purchase oiiiekhing else. If you tio, you simply •torow oil the genuine article ami take on with a fals« MM. Wonderful Cures Daily. Thousands of Testi- Utemals to hand from all parts of the World. KKA» ON i' Uii'I'HKU. Sl'O.NTA.NKOUH TKSTIMONV. WORTHY Ot YOUH COMSIDKKAnON. wife desires me to say that your Tudor WUiiams Balsam of Honey has proved a most valu- able medicine in our large family (eight children). As Joon as a cougn or a cold makes its appearance a dose tf Tudor's Balsain is at once administered, and its jeatment is lollowed up until the cold disappears. Before using the Balsam. » our family the children aave been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses, as directed, t hey seem to sutl'e: rery little inconvenience. During the short time the ;old is upon them the action of the Balsam is liiarvel- ioUII. and the tittteones take it readily and ask for Wore.—-WALTKR J. BKKTT, (! >1., Headmaster Severn Tunnel School. March 16th, 1892. READ ON STILL FURTHER. A Cardiff Chemist states I have larger Sales for Ttiuor Williams' Balaam of Honey than any other ./ough Cure. That's the opinion of all Chemists .throughout Wales. Sold by all Chemists ana Stcies all over the World nils, 9d, and 48 6d bottles. Sample Bottle sent post paid for Is 3d or 3s, from the /a tens .t*, 14256 D tudo" W ILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALL. ABKRDARE5*7' COCKLE'S V/ ANTIUILTOUS PILLS The Safest Patent Medicine /COCKLE'S V> ANTIBILIOUS PILLS', „ Free from Mercury f^OCKLE'S V. ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Oldest Patent Medicine^ COCKLE'S V/ ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Best Family Aperien COCKLE'S V> ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Fo ) iver. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Bile COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Indigestion*. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Heartburn. COCKLE'S V/ ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, „ For Acidity COCKLEJS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Sick Headache. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Amongst all Classes. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Eighty-nine Years COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Everywhere. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Safest Patent Medicine. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, „ Free from Meicnry. f^OCKLE'S COMPOUND ANTI BILIOUS PILLS, In Use Ninety-two Years. May be had throughout the United Kingdom In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis. and 22s 4, Great Oriaond-street, Londen. 1605b ■■■ CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR 0ARDS. UNEQUALLED FOR PRICE AND QUALITY. d.1 ——— s. d. ISO Pretty Cards, by parcels post, for 1 3 00 Superior Cards, pos. free 1 2 An envelope for every Card with the following 25 Beaatifnl Cards, post free 1 2 10 Veiy Choice Cards 1 2 6 Elegant Cards 1 2 1 Card of extraordinary splendour, post free 12 rpm SWELL AND SONS, SA WBHIDGEWORTH, HERTS. 22 DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET ? T & H$M 1 T H S COFFEE jgSSENCE GIVES joy^and delight to the affairs of Íi(e, jp^ON'T be without a bottle in thb house. IT is the handiest thing in the world to use when a friend calls of an evening or for breakfast, snpper, or after dinner T. & H. gMITa & CO., EDINBURGH, LONDON, AND a. IHJKE-ST 12, WORSHIP-ST-, E C >15171-879 dERMS, BACTERIA, OR MICROBES y CAUSE DISEASE. WM. J^ADAM" MICROBE KILLER. 5 « v lestr"ys ?nd removes them, purifies R M K 8 « b!ood and Strengthens the con- R M K MK stitution. It is perfectly ha i mless RMK » il I; the system, so may be given to RMK; I' j youngest child as well as to R M K » ir I ?it8" Numbers < i Cardiff's in- RMK v .a tantH have testified to its cura- RMK 5 Si 5 live powers. Amongst others, Mr RMK 5™5 Joshua Harry, 10, Brunei-street, RMK 5»5 Riverside, Cardiff, Diabetes," RMK » M £ "1 have snflfered for e^ght years RMK W TS Iery SEVERELY- • Have been tre ted R M K » M ?R y doc';o^^ a,ul physicians, yet RMK! 5 nothing of theirs seemed to do me RMK M ir !injr K°°' • • • ^'onim«iiced M. K. RMK 5 5 j' After taking three jars was well R M K 5 M v e"0u8^ to return to my work.' RMK g w K K M K B H K Mr Jos, Heiiard, 32, Llandaff-road, R 1\1 K 1» iw *? Canton, Cardiff. My boy, aged RMK; n 2 Ir I?.ur ye»r<. had a serious case of RMK Wiptneria. I used M. K., and in RMK w m three days the child was entirely RMK R M K well." R 1\1 K RMK RMK K m £ .Mr w- E- Davies, 9, Tynant- RMK 5 2 uPPer Orangetown, Cardiff. R M K 5 2 S ™>T 'wo children were both RMK » w r?-7,n Wlt^ Scarlet Fever. Microbe RMK a m ir I,,er eurcd both." R M K ft S ir x. „ RMK £ M v ?„1 particulars, with Testimon- RMK I ft M v of' ?°sted flee to any address. RMK 8018 A«ent '"or sale in Cardiff, New- RMK » 3 £ port' an<1 the Val'eys, RMK M ■,= r. LOVE, RMK 5 vr £ 15. Q«een-street A rcade. and *33, RMK a it* tr Arran-street, Ro-,th, Cardiff. RMK « M Night arid Sunday Address. RMK ft M rc ni M Hfa(' 0ffice 15176 RMK w ln' Oxford-street, f^.nuon, \V. R M K A LUXURY FOR THE BATH AND TOILET nOPLE SUFFERING FROM RHEUMATISM |* SCIATICA, Ac., » t:3E OUR ANTI-SEPTIC TOWE LLING ONCE TRIED WILL USE NO OTHER. Sample Parcel (Assorted) win be sent carriiige id to any address on receipt of P.O.O. value 5s —F. Tpford and Co.. A'ldenslnw, Manchester. 15131 £ T WORTTT KNOWING. StJRGE NAISH SON, 79, GREAT taBadlREDERICX-STREET CARDIFF, i5k,,DEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL ■ who rents the largest uumbto and best 'posting stations in the town and neigh- All work entrusted to him will be speedily y executed. N.B.—Bill Posting gent by j tII have immediate attention. 1367& ] 36usiuess ^tijirisa^s. JJUGHES'S BLOOD pILLS. FOR FOR FOR BAD, BLOOD, HEADACHE, SKIN RASH. FOR FOR INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION. FOR FOR FOR BILIOUSNESS, TORPID LIVER, NERVOUSNESS. Jtyfhey Cure when everything else Fails. REDUCED TO A SKELETON. Sir, -I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Headache, and General Debility, and have almost been reduced to a skeleton; had a great loath- ing for food. Your Hughes's Blood Pills PROOF. have done me more good than any medicine I have ever taken. They are mild and gentle, yet sure in their action. I recom- mend them to all sufferers. 20, Ann-street, Bristol. VVM. BALWELL. THE BEST BLOOD REMEDY IN THE WORLD They Cleanse the System from all Impurities. Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine Venors at Is l%d, "8 9d, 4s 6d or send direct to Maker, JACOB HUGHES, MANUFACTURING CHBMIST, PENARTH, Kncloaing S amps. Get a. Box at once, and MIND that yon see the Trade Mark (Shap« "t Heari >, which is on every Genuine Box. 1.1454 J^JORWICK'S PONVDLAR. I BORWICK'S POWDER. BEST BAKING BORWICK'S POWDER. POWDER I JORWICK'S POWDER, JL> IN THE WORLD. j^ORWICK'S POWDER. JJORWICK'S POWDER. B ORWICK'S POWDER. BORWICK'S POWDER. WHOLESOME, BORWICK'S POWDER. PURE, AND BORWICK'S POWDKR. FREE FROM ALUM. B ORWICK'S POWDER. BORWICK'S POWDER. 15172 D. T nqi Makes Boots and Harness t m A Li Jit o t waterproof as deck's back, D and soft as velvet. Adds three times to the wear, and allows polishing. RINT TI TTTT?TK A T 16 Exhibition highest awards. UUJJU Mi!iL»ALi Tin. 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s 6d, of al Bootmakers, Chemists, Merchants, or any size free, Dtr T „ two stamps extra. Manu- U B B I N factorv, East Dulwich, Lon- don, N.E. 15197 DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. D This pure Solution is the best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach. Heartburn, Head acne Gout, and Indigestion. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. D The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitu tions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. Sold throughout the World. 14983 CARDIFF DYEING AND SCOURING \y WORKS, 1, NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFF. J S HOBBS, PROPRIETOR. Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks, Shawl s, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, and finished in a superior style. Gentlemen's clothes cleaned and returned in 24 hours 13337 TEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea Five years'warranty. GOODMAN AND Co., 41 Duke-street, and 56, Queen-street, Cardiff. 13041-1114 uroo Hatt for Classification. WANTED, a good useful Cart Horse price not to exceed £ 3o.—Appiy, with full particulars, to F. S. Lock, Builder, Cardiff. 479

Family Notices









Dynamite Plot int .Montreal.…








The Coal Strike.I


[No title]






■ ' ■ —. g-' AN UNSEAWORTHY…




[No title]