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patrimonial. MATRIMONY.—Youn^ Orphan Lady, very refined and considered prepossessing, would like to cor- respond with a car ful, steady Gentleman, Wil0 would take the place of her parents. Means. secondary con- sideration. Advertiser has S350 per annum lit" annuity, and £9,000 banked.—Miss Everett, 14, Little Goodge-streefc, London, W.C. 328 Musical. TO Music Sellers, Travellers, Teachers. Schools.— Jt Removal Clearance Sale, several thousand Copy- right Songs. Valses, Solos. Dances, 7s 6ct per 100; oainple dozen (42s worth), Is 7d post.—Tom C. Turner and Co., Kingsdown, Bristol. 41 jliUtaiimts iterant. ~\X7ANTED, a 300d practical Platelayer, to lay sbout 75a » ™ yards of tram road. piece work or otherwisc_-Apply Jonee, Maesycuew Quarry, LianhiUeth, near CmmliD. 175 jf*2 Weekly ami upwards realised sex and occu- rs pation no hindrance.—For sample enclose ad- dressed envelope, Evans, Watts, and Co., P136, Merchants, Birmingham, 673 JUjtfims, &r. A GENTS wanted to sell our celebrated Packet Teas. /*» French Coffee in Tins, and Cocoa. Particulars tree.—Oliver, Oliver & Co., 256, Southgate-rd., London. lot Sitle. BILLIARDS or Bagatelle !—All those reqniring new or second-hand tables, requisites, or billiard work done f'hould, before going elsewhere, send for price list to Hennig Bros., 29, High-st., London, W.C. a real Russian Tail Fur Boa, very dark brown, 10 FUR Boa.—Lady Tail Fur Boa,, very dark brown, id leet long, immensely thick, soft value 75s sacrifice lor 19s 9(1 perfectly new.—Can be seen by writing P.H., Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 788 GENTLEMEN'S Riding Saddle, with fittings, 32s, bargain also double-reined Bridle, with Bits, 13>1 6d.—Timson, 62, Sherbourne-road, Balsall Heath, 'Birmingham. 281 JEWELLERY, Watches, Watch Materials, Toys, .J Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Pipes; wholesale list sent free. —Wright, St. Luke's-road, Birmingham. TARPAULIN S for railway trucks, machine engine, wagon and cart covers, in black, yellow, white Indi-n-ubbef, or green patent Willesuen canvas, horse loin cl<)tht;, nosebags, stable rugs, &c_-E. Parnall awl Co., Manufacturers, Sheene-road, Bedminster, Bristol. Telegrams-Canvas. Bristol. 14893 4266 ^OUTH Willis-PROPERTY GAZETTE,' A lO MoXTHI.Y ilKGISTEll OF KSTATKS, HOUSES, LANDS, dee., to be I.LT or sold in Wales, Monmouth- shire. West of England, &c. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly, post-free, to the leading inhabitants of Wale8 and Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Copies post-free, from Messrs HERN, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &e., 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 2444 ffli&ctllamotts. A BLESSING to Ladies.—The most Miraculous jtX Medicine ever discovered for all irregularities, and removes all obstruction. This wonderful remedy relieves all distressing symptoms, saves doctors' bills, and pneserves health. Thousands have been relieved by its use, as testified by the numerous unsolicited testimonials. Pills are ušeless, and only cause disap- pointment. Stamped addressed envelope for price list, a.nd copies of testimonials, which are guaranteed genuine, under a. penally of Sl.OOO, open to inspection and investigation. The most a.nd only effectual remedy on earth. Try and judge for yourself.—"C.T." Das- mail Walthamstow. Established 1851. 1*4343 E- VEJtY Head of a Family should send for Harper Twelvetrees' New Catalogue (90 Illustrations) of V'asliers, Wringers, Mangles, and every Laundry KA luisite, of the best, cheapest, and most modern typv Free trial. Easy terms, or 10 per cent. for Caslk —Harper Twelvetrees Laundry Engineer. 8, City-r^ ad, London, E.C. 14001 T*Mission !—The Great Infallible Remedy B lor Psroale Obstructions, Irregularities, Sick- "esa, ) instructions and remedy see Illustrated -■w ."(jg gtTjt free> two stamps invaluable information. — 'Hy and Co., Colston-street, Bristol^457 TtV t^xfxuTT T«ldy has a valuable, harmless Recipe j\ 1 iportance to Ladies.—Stamped ad- trSkJSop* fT; ParticUlaiS' Mrs E- lilder-grove, — V*tt flTiriT in 1/4 Kross ca8es 12s worth for ^siderable reduction on larger JT &•„ port free. Cfc sellers, collectors, sliop- 'sh the saIe- -Vo patent Veep«s, &C., who will JK Keniamin medietas licence requires reirTn ^7S7 Witbeford, Bromsgrove, near, »™»J^a«n. 787 OIIX Cabinet Portraits* 2s Carte Portraits, 2s 24; Six 1 -p 12 for Ls 24 for Is 6d 100 for 3s v -• Jjr3Vcla» larged Portraits, from life or>hoto. b m^'1. 3s for 6s 12-incli, 7s 6d other *fees in °P°rtion. ?, •rice list free. Send Carte or Cabinev anu Order, and yon will receive hipbiy-finisheii copies, wiiv original.—Franeis and Co., 2, Creed-lane, Lav^Sate-luLl, London (from 29, Ludgate-IiilT). Agents wanted. Katd. 1886. ^389 FCBNlSHon our New ffir~e~ST3T-em. Houses of Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publies&y, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other co*» parties are dispenaed with. We have an immanse stotaT of Household Furniture of cheap and supenor quality. > All goods sold on the Hire System at rea^y-money I prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all J goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No I stamp or agreement charges made no bill oí..sale; J everything private. Arrangements completed wii&out J delay, ana, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality, I and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10- p«f I cent, lesa than any price-list issued by a.ny firm. in I Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our lie-, mense stock, and compare prices before purchasing ttfsewhere. Vfe will suuply £ 6 worth for 2» twl weekly £ l(*«t>rtb, 4s weeMy £15 worth for 58 weeMy :S2& worth, 6s weekly and so on in proportion. Spesial terms for larger quantities. Please not# tb« Address^; SOUTH •fSj.ES FURNISH1NG COMPANTTjll, Castle-st. (oppositjo the Casfle)» Cardiff. 12783—136S-10 Jftoimr. MESSRS W. AND S. HKIIN, ESTATE AGENTS, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to ad ftJIC8 from £1\Á) to £100,000 on Mortgage of Freehold •r Leasehold Property, and from RaO to %:1,000 on per- enat security. 3664 TO LEND, BY THE SOUTHERN oW i 0» UUU COUNTIES DEPOSIT BANK LIMITED, iu sums of £ 10 to £ 500, on NOTE OF HAND ALONE, or Furniture, Farming Stock, and all other personal security, without removal, at a few hours' uotice, ill any part of the country, and to all classes of borrowers, repayable by easy instalments. No sureties required, and no good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. This Bank was expressly incorporated under Act of Parlia- me4to advance money at a Jow rate of mterest to respectable persons, and the public are cautioned against having anything to Üo with loan offices and money lenders, whose only object is to obtain fees. If desired, an Official from the Bank will attend at Applicant's residence with Cash. and carry out the advance, thus avoiding any DELAY.—Apply per- II<Jnally,-or write stating amount required, and how repayable, to the Manager, Mr A. J. Suffolk, 1, Queen- square, BRISTOL. District Agent:—Mr A. M. Bailey, Auctioneer, 8, Custom House-street. Cardiff. 2137 IS. FIELDING and CO., LIMITED, continue to advance from £ i> to £ 1.000 on application, with- eatdetay. No publicity; no fees; low interest; easy repayments. Communications and enquiries are treated in strict confidence. Advances made in tow nor country. Prospectuses free, or sen-1 stamped envetop* to thu Begist^red Office, Th Hayes Buildings (Side Entrance —near Baicheloi's Monument), the Hayes, Cardiff. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—If you want Money, send Jt. stamp for Prospectus before borrowing eisewhere, to Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cardiff 14421 JLf ONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND AT SHORT JLTJL NOTICE, by a Private Gentleman, from £10 to xl,000, at 5 per cent. Why apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-called Companies or Banks, when way responsible applicant can obtain an advance Privately, without sureties and the usual formalities of a Loan. Office? For the benefit of Borrowers I am prepared to grant advances from one to ten jears in any part of England or Wales, to male or female (distance no object), and if desired the in- erest can be paid qnarterly or half-yearly, or as may be arranged, therefore the applicants get the full llenfltlt of cash advanced Apply in confidence to the aoiaal lender, H. HUNTER, Esq., 1135 136M 130, Westminster Bridge-road, London. Mr O N E Y LENT PRIVATELY AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE. A Gentleman having a large amount of Capital is willing to grant advances, upon note of hand alone, #or_ any terra not exceeding 15 years, from £ lo to £ 1,000 at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, Fanners, Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town er Country. (Without loan ofice formalities tr Bill of Distance no object, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remMu. No genuine application refused. All communications are treated strictly —Apply to the actual Lender, H. Harrison, .&w¡.: 87, York-road, Westminster BridKe-taad. Londou. 12985 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS. ARE universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA A BOX for bilious and nervous dis- jwters, such as wind and pain iu the stomach, Sick neauache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, jHzziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, •Ms of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin. disturbed sleep, frightful and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first does will give relief in twenty minutes. Every TOfferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these ■■K *ad tboy will be acknowledged to be WORT» ^"GtiINEA A BOX. fw females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, 1« a few doses of them carry off all humours, finng about all that is ^requiifed. Ko female Should lie without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BKECHAM'S PILLS for removing any ob- IItruetion or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they willsoon restore females of all ages to souud and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are insured bv their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disordersof the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, re- store the long lost complexion, bring back the teen edge of appetite, and arouse into aetion with the ROSEBUD of health the whole nhysical energy of the human frame. These are (•FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is that BEECHAM*S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent meoicine in the wcrM." BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS, as a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills Stand unrivalled. They are tho best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppres- sion and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECUAM's Cough PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, T. Beecham, St Helen's. Lancashire, in boxes at 91,4d, Is lV«d, and 2Ii 9d each. Hold by cU Druggists and Patent Medicine. Dealers N.B.— Full directions arc given with each box. 14719 IMPORTANT NOTICE. M PAINE and CO., Billposters, Aber- dare, beg to inform their Patrons that they bayevllrchased the wbole of the Billposting Business at Mountain Ash. Penrbiweeiber, and District, lately carried on by Messrs P. R. James and Son, andBilt- postizig Company. Pontypridd. All communications to be addressed to M. Paine, 61, Dean-street, Aberdaja. 1137—13590 public Jlnros^nunts. CARDIFF. rjlHEATRB ROYAL. LESSEr AND MANAGER.—Mr EDWARD FLETCHER TO-NIGHT, and during the week, Milton Bode and Alwyn Lewis's No.1 Company in LORD ANERLEY. MONDAY NEXT—Return Visit of the popular Owera DOROTHY. Box plan,now open,at. Messr« Thompson & Shackell's, Limited. Doors open at 7 commence 7.30. ^Mirations. IT IS i WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," writes the Weekly Dispatch, of CASSELL'S BOOK OF I HE HOUSEHOLD." Part 1 of the New- Issue of this Encycloosedia of Household Management is Now Ready, price Id, ;md contains a valuable W:111 Sheet of Household Information expressly prepared for this New Serial Issue. PART 1 Now Ready, price 7d, of the NEW ISSUE of CASSELL'S BOOK OF THE HOUSE- HOLD. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EVERY DE- PARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. Fully Illustrated. A handy Coloured Plate appears in Part 1. "A book so handsome and practical ought to be adonted by every well-ordered family."—The Queen. CASnELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill. London. 14971 APHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1893. —Contains Hints to Farmers arid Gardeners Birthday Information for every day of the year; the Fate of anv Child born during 18S3. When to Buy, Sell. Court-Marry, Set Fowls, Seek Employment, Sign Contracts, Ask Favours, Speculate, Hire Servants, Travel. Remove, Deal with Others, &c., dre. Weather and general Predictions. Farmers' tables. The Horrors of Vivisection [illustrated]. Theosophy. The Missionaries. The late Duke of Clarence, &c.,<tc. 112 pages. Price <=d, post free 7d. RAPHAEL'S Book of Fate. Explains the Cauls and tells the Fate of Anyone. Is. by po-t Is Id. RAPHAEL'S Book of Dreams, Is. The only true in- teroreter of drsams. Insist on having RAPHAEL S. RAPHAEL'S Kev to Astrology will enable anyone to cast their own horoscope and read their own Planet. Price ls, post free ls Id. Fouisham& Co., 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate Hill, E.C.; Webb, Lewis, or Smith, Cardiff, and all Stationers. 675 THE SHILLING HISTORY OF WALES. JL —This work has received the favourable notice of Deans Vaughan and Owou, Canon Evan Daniel. Lewis Morris, M.A., Principal Viriamu Jones, Principal Kyle, Professor Powel, Sir William Lewis, "Graphic," Liverpool Post," Sowth Wales Daily News,' Western Mail," "Carnarvon Herald." &c. London: Simpkin, MarshaU & Co. Cardiff D. Duncan & Son.. E. Dobbin. St. Mary-street; The Scholastic Agency, St. John's-square Lewis, Duke-street; Jones, Duke- street Norton, Queen-street Thomas, Clifton-street £ Roberts, High-street Arcade. 14826 Nsw Edition. Just published, poet free, 6 stamps. A TREATISE ONNER VOUSDISEASES and WEAKNESS in MEN, with a description and WEAKNESS in MEN, with a description of the most Common-sense and Scientific Treatment ever introduced. 4610 14913 London A. J. LEIGH, 92 and 93, Great Russell-street W E. V AUGliAN AND CU., STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, &c., LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 2, QUEEN^-STREET, I CARDIFF 2'W, BUTE-STREET 60, WINDSOR-ROAD, PEyARTH. S3, COMM ERCIAL-STREJST. NEWPORT 83, HIGH-STREET', MEKiHYR. 27, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. Paresis Received and forwarded Regularly to the Dye-works by the following District Assets:— A be rave n Miss Morgan, Tandlielii^p.ace Aberdare .Mrs Eschle, CommerciaPpiaco Aberkenfig MrW. H. Hitchings, Grocer Abercarne Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Bridgend Mr Woodward, Grocer, Adare-streett Blaenavon Mr J. Harris, London House Briton. Ferry ..Mr D. L. Jones, Villiers-street Cowbridge Miss Griffiths, Fancy Rapositor Griffitjistown ..Mr H. Peach, Post-office LlandiSo Mr J. Lockyer, County Press Maesteg Mr T. Davies, Grocer, Castle-street Mountain Ash..D. R Davies, Temple of Fashion Neyland Messrs Biddlecotnbe, London House Nantymoel Mr E. David, Cambrian House Pembroke-Dock M. S. Cole, 10, Dimond-street Porthcawl Mr R Thomas, Great Western House Pontypridd .Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrhiwceiber Mr D. R. Davies, Diaper Porth Mr J. H. Thomas, Cloth Hall Pentre Mr J. Hitchings, 129, High-street St. David's Mr W. Lewis, Tailor, Cross-square Treforest Mr J. Gibbou, Tailor, 88, Wood-road Tieharris Mr Lewis, London House Tondu Mr W. H. Hitchings Usk Mr Jones, Grocer, Bridge-street Parcels amountin to five shillings sent direct to works will be returned carriage paid one way. Trade books and price lists sent free on application. W E. ~yAUGHAN AND co;» DYERS, jj. CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHES AND DRESS CLB» *~NING by FRENCH PROCESS, producing per; mauei colours, a superior finish, moderate charges *nd pA vmptness of dispatch. 1000 J V-W ••••" toeppe^'s Tannin THROAT. I GARBLE. TuUinin Gargio sJKKdd be within the reach of all in the least degree subject to throat afflictions, whether in&ftti&BuAcry-iret ixed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged nvula, wearned voice, &c. Those constantly speaking, singinj;, or reading, by using the Gargle prevent the .Huskiaess, dryness, and irritation so frequently attend. tnt on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sus tained powers without injury to tM mucous surface of the throat. Tannin is a great pui"ifier, and so useful as a. mouth wasb in cases of di-agreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a ewe for ordinary core throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, .the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6d. Sokl everywhere. — —V — —V PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- TURE.—Tl'.e Most reliable, speedy, and aCTee- able dare for cougls, colds, asthma, bronchitis, consu mption, and all eiuestses of the lungs and air- passages. lit is soothiD* comforting, and tranquilising in its actioil, quite difierent from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose. Bottles, Is lVjd and 2s 9d each.old by all Chemists. RACROFT'S AB'ECA NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly V'sed every morning the teeth are kept in beantiful ft'der. All decaying and destructive tartar is rexHoved 1,rom the emaznel, which assumes its ivory-like appearaak-e. C RACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes of decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. RACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, andpolished like ivory. It is excee<lingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's. DEAFKESS, NOISED IN THE BAitS, &c. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of causes, seemingly incurable it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming sounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold cverywnere. CORNS CORNS CORNS C* BONIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION t PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is l%d. Sold everywhere. SULPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- ing sulpholiue), is a delicately, refined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common, im- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at ail times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, CURED BT STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, JQK KLWS DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury) Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the st<»mach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend- ing bilious attacks and liver derangements. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING S PILLS. 11 SOLO EVERYWHERE 11945 J KEATING'S COUGH TT OZENGES. 94, Commercial-road, Peckham, July 12,1889, Dear Sir,—I am a poor hand at expressing my ieelings, but I should like to thank you. Your lozenges have done wonders in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of Tracheotomy' (the same as the late Emperor of Germany, and, unlike him, thank God, I am still alive) performed at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, no one could possibly have had a more violent cengh it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus, which was very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without difficulty.—I am, sir, yours truly, J. HILL. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. Tl*e above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the benefit from using Keating's Cough Lozenges is understated. The operation was a specially severe one, and was performed by the specialist, Dr H. T. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since the operation the only means of relief is the use of these Lazeoges. So successful are they that one affords im- mediate benefit, although from the nature of the case the throat irritation is intense. WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under date Sept 8,1891, Mr Hill writes: "I should long since hav* bJen dead, but for your Lozenges—they •rc worth their weight in gold. I will gladly see and tell anyone what a splendid congh remedy they are." Heating's Lozenges are sold in tins, ls l%d each The unrivalled remedvfor COUGHS, HOARSENESS, nd THROAT TROUBLES. 1IS09 34e ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all. derangements of the Urinary Organs (acquired or constitutional), Qjavel, and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d each, by aU Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Maker, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company Lincoln. \t05 pipping ^toilets. CARDIFF AND BORDEAUX /r3W?r\j-\j The CARDIFF STEAMSHIP -inifflr"ATT17g FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAMERS will sail as follows:— USK Cardiff for Bordeaux Dec. 25 ELY Bordeaux for Cardiff ..Dec. 24 With goods and passengers. For Rates of Freight, &c.f apply to Mr A. G. Todd 1, Quai des Cliartrous, Bordeaux and at the Offices I' of the Company, 51, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. 1071 S481 HOOPER CAMPBELL & CO.. Managers. SxfyT AMERICAN LINE /f^rrhrj\±\. UNITED STATES MAIL 4sSSgg £ £ & STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-class, full-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any Euro- pean Line. Passengers and goods landed at Philadel- phia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This IS the shortest and best route to the West. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., 19 and 22, Water-street, Liverpool LOCAL AGENTS :—T. H. Austin, Neath-road, Lan dore Brown and Heyburn, 1, Friars Chambers, Dock street, Newport; S. J. Davies, 9, Edward-place, Cardiff J. Morgan, P.O., Pontypool; J. Evans, Emigration Agent, Fleur-de-lia J. Roberts, Graig Post-office, Pontypridd T. C. Howe and Co., Cardiff. 11367 "WHITE STAR LINE /^FRRRRXY ▼ ▼ ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, 4B £ SEffefcLIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via mHLiHU QUEEXSTOW~N EVERY WEDNESDAY .ADRIATIC. Wednesday Dec. 2B GERMANIC, Wednesday Jan. 4 Second Cabiu will be carried in the voyage marked thus*. Sieerage Passengers will now be carried by Special Arrangement. The splendid vessels of this line are all of the largest class, uniform in model and arrange- ments, and unsurpassed in the completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amidships. Apply to Guthrie, Heywood, & Co., Bute Docks; S. J. Davies, 9, Edward-place, Queen-street, CardiK D. T. Davies, 52, High- street, Merthyr Tydvil; James Roberts, The South Wales Emigration Office, Pontypridd; J. Thomas, Commercial-road, Tredegar W. Hancock, 2, Downing- street, Llanelly or to ISMAY, IMRIE, and CO., 34, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C., and 10, Water-street, LiverpooL 10029 SBmiMng RINCIPALITY PERMANENT JL INVESTMENT JgUILDING SOCIETY. 1 ,[ LARGEST, BE ST. and > HEAPEST In Wales and the West of England. Apply for prospectus to W. SANDERS, MANAG;NG SEC., 28, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. AGENTS—Newport: Mr J. M. WOOD. 2, Tredegar- place. Penarth and Barry Mr D. H. EDMUNDS, t3, High-st., Penarth. 1025-7422 Ebbw Vale Mr J. A. DAVIES. Ida-place. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF JL ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILD ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1S57. INCORPORATED 1883. OFFICES 3, ILAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. SECRETARY MIl. ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, S60 EACH. SUMS of MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property-freehold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instal- ments. f INVESTING SHARES, £ 60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accumulate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent. per annum. payable half-yearly, or may. accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be ob- tained on application to the Secretary, as above, or to Mr T. WEBBER, 189 25, Queen-street Arcade, Cardiff. J. SESSIONS AND gONS, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ALL BUILDING MATERIALS, IRON- MONGERY, AND CEMENT, CARDIFF. ,'r BAT H S, IN ENAMELLED IRON OR SLATE. QHIMITEY PIECES, IN MARBLE OR ENAMELLED SLATE. 0HATES AND RANGES" WITH OR WITHOUT TILES. r 1 MONUMENTAL AND BATH-STONE WORK. NEW SHOWROOMS, PENARTH-ROAD. 9509 EORGrSE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS are now* recognised by all as beiny. the best Medi- cine yet discovered for PILE and GRAVEL, as well as for the follcmtne pains, which, in 99 cases out of every; 100, are caused by these painful maladies ;— Pain in the JAvck, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of Weight in the Back and Loins, Darting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys, Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, some- times si-.>oting down to the calf of the. Leg and Foot Suppression and Retention of Urine Pains ill tb**Stomach, and all Liver Complaints. Thousands hawp been cured by these Pills, and many who have been pronounced hopeless have been thoroughly restored to health by their use. One Box will convince tlve most sceptical of their efficacy. In order to siflb all who may be suffering from ONE or BOTH of tbtne Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy in the following form ;— NO. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. NO. 2.-GEORGE'S GR AVEL PILLS. N6. 3.-GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Inva&de, from all parts of the country, will be for- warded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. Sold4n Boxes, 18 l%d and 28 9d, by all respectable Chemists. By Post, Is 4d and 38 in Postage Stamps. Every h'x is protected by the Government Stamp. NOTJds.—Tho title PILE and GRAVEL PILLS" is Copyrigl t. Proprietor—J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, Glamorgan. Sample testimonial of what the post daily brings. Please reaii and judge for yourself, Merthyr. Dear Sir,One of my so &s went out to Canada last May, and settled down ire the neighbourhood of Oil Springs, Lambton, Ontario, having taken to the farm- ing business. Some monthe ago he wrote home saying he had been on the sick lis c for several weeks suffering fearfully from piles, which had rendered him too weak to do any manual labour. Immediately I received his letter I went to Messrs Peglsr's and ha.d a supply of your pills, which I forwarded to him. Three weeks ago he wrote home saying that your pills had done him some wonderful good. Beforahe had finished one box he was able to start work again. Last night I had another letter from him, stating that to all appear- ances the disease had left him, and he was in his usual health. Having accidentally heard that a man living in the same neighbourhood had been a great sufferer from piles for over twenty yeJirs, my sou sought him out, and gave him half of the bo)C he had. Within four days the man was jumping with joy from the good effects of your pills. Having received so much benefit from your pills personally, and witnessing their good effects on the ma.n referred to, my son is very anxious that other sufferers may know",f them, and receive the same benefit from them as he had himself.—Yours faithfully, JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Publisher of Tyst a'r Dydd newspaper and Cenad Hedd magazine. Mr J. E. George, M.R.P.S., Hirwain. 4979 ¥ T^ERNICK'S VEGETABLE pILLS. IF YOU SUFFER rBOM BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHE INDIGBOTION QQK. PLAINT, ORJMBURE BLOOD TRY XTERNICK'S pILLS. They a.re easy to swallow, being very small, require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. ELERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS strengthen the System, Brace the Nerves, Purify the Blood, and are universally declared to be the Best Medicine ever dis covered. They are specially recommended to Female of all ages. Sold in 7%4 18 l%d. and 2s 94 Boxes. 14866 KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM ;L03ENGES. NO MOTHER SHOULD BE WITHOUT THEM. Sold in 7%d and 13¥2<l Boxes, with full directions. Sold by all Chemists, gtofws, Ac, or direct of L. P. Kernick and Son, Limited, Cardiff. 3610 WORTH KNOWIMi. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT V* FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POo rjSR. Tyb o Tents the largest number and best private pill-posting stations ip the town and neigh- 1 .A11 worfc entrusted to him will be speedily I and faithfully executed. N.B.—Bill Porting sent by I post or rail will have ifiBBefiiate attention. 13675 public Jltrtos. To CATTLE DEALERS, FARMERS, JL AND OTHERS. The following NEW FAIRS for HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP. SWINE. and other Animals will be held at CANTON MARKET, in the BOROUGH of CARDIFF, on the following dates in 1893 —2nd January, 6th February. 6th March, 3rd Anril, 1st May. 5th June 3rd July, 7th August-, 4th September, 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December. By Order, J. L. WHEATLEY, Town Clerk. 1 Town-hall, Cardiff. 5446 j £ JOMMITTEES NEEDING FUNDS. KNOW YOUR OPPORTUNITY. { GRAND NIGHTS OF ORATORY, MUSIC, AND j SONG. j Patronised by Royalty and innumerable Institutions. Mr POWELL THOMAS, Great WELSH and ENGLISH ENTERTAINER. "This Cambrian star of oratory and music hM no parallel at the pr»sent time."—London Times. "Brilliant and complete entertainer, an orchestra in himself.EdinbttT.1h RemMc. Greatest success in raising funds for all purposes. ADDRESS TWICKENHAM, LONDON. 14970 FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 163 ACRES IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH WEST, AND MONEY BONUS TO SETTLERS. REPORTS OF THE. BRITISH TENANT FARMERS' DELEGATES, 1890, And other newly-issued illustrated and authentic Pamphlets, Maps, and Full Information respecting MANITOBA, Or any other part of Canada—its Resources, Trade, Demand for Labour, Wages paid. &c., supplied free on application to Mr JOHN DYKE, Canadian Government Al1;ent, 15, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 14948 I (Btriiraiicit. COWBRIDGE. GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS PRINCIPALS- MRS AND THE MISSES CULVER WELL. 1024-7833 SW ANSEA. IRLS' BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL, JT BELLE VUE, SWANSEA. Principals, the Misses PHILLIPS. assisted by resident English and Foreign Governesses and visiting Masters. The bonso is plelLSantly situated in its own grounds, on a hill. and overlooking the sea. 14580 TAUNTON. INDEPENDENT COLLEGE, JL TAUNTON. A HIGH CLASS PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Principal: Rev F. W. AVELING, M.A., B.Sc. A Thorough Commercial, and Classical Education. Separate JUNIOR SCHOOL (for boys under 11) Lady Superintendent, Miss RUDD. Several Scholarships. Fees from Bll per term. ALBERT GOODMAN, Secretary Next Term commence January 20th. Three entrance Scholarships to be competed for on January 16th, 1893.-For particulars apply to Princi- pal. 12413 STROUD. UTROUD LADIES' COLLEGE, o BEECHES GREEX, STROUD, GLOUCES- TERSHIRE. PRINCIPALS.The MISSES HOWARD. HEAl) MISTRESS MI^S ROBSON, Formerly of Rnehamnton. Second Mistress, Miss Croft. B. A. Language Mistress, Mile. Devenoge. As- sisted by other resident mistresses and attendant Pro- fessovs. Applications for entrance nfter Christmas should be made early. First Term, 1893, Jan. 23rd. 14899 WM. IUDAM'S MICROBE KILLER POSITIVELY CURES CONSUMPTION, BRONCHIAL AFFEC- TIONS, CANCER, and all DISEASE by removing the cause— MICROBES. lry Cottage, 82, Keppoeh-street, Roath, Cardiff, August 22nd, 1892. To Radam's Microbe Killer Co. Gentlemen,— My experience is as follows :—In May last I was taken ill with inflammation of the lungs, which brought on a severe attack of bronchitis, and on the 14th of May my life was in great danger. A friend of mine, who had called to Ree me, persuaded me to try a Jar of your Microbe Killer (No. 3), which I did, and took it in half-pint doses every two hours, and also applied the same outjardly where I had the pains, and I found relief after I had taken the first dose. In conclusion, I should advise anyone wbo suffers from my complaints to try your Microbe Killer. I remain, yours truly, THOMAS JONES. P.S.—I shall be gla.d to answer any inquiries about my case. T. J. Full particulars, with testimonials, posted free to any address. Agent for Sale in Cardiff. 14861 E. LOVE, 15, QUEEN-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF. HEAP OFFICE—111, OXFORD-ST., LONDON. W. COUG-HERS SAVED FROM COFFIN There is probably no country in the world that loses so many of its population by CHEST DISEASES as Great Britain, aftd yet the scourge still rages on, con- signing thousands annually to untimely graves. It seems as if the constant presence of danger-renders us insensible to it, and people .who are obviously, possessed with a consuming regard for their money chests, wantonly neglect a chest of far more import- ance, and continue to do so until they discover, to their horror, that its contents have been ruthlessly rifled by the burglar—DISEASE, and consigned to his grim receiver—DEATH yet, what a slight cost would have averted this catastrophe had but an infinitely small portion contained in the money chest been de. voted to the purchase of KERNICK'S VEGETABLE ESSENCE, J Only 13d and 2s 9d per Bottle everywhere. A WORD TO MOTHERS. The best and safest medicine to give to children in difficult teething is K)-;RNICK?S MOTHER'S FAVOURITE" TEETHING POWDERS, and it is surprising how great and perfect a change will be brought by their use in the case of fevers, convulsions, diarrhoea, and other alarming symptoms. Whenever the teething of a child is difficult, give immediately one Mother's Favourite" Teething Powder (see directions on each packet), and keep the bowels regular and the blood cool with one, two, or three powders a week, as the child may require. If the skin is hot and dry, give the chid a warm bath at bed time and a Mother's Favourite" Teething t'owder. In Is and 2s 6d Boxes, containing Hints to Mothers," at all Patent Medicine Stores. Have yon been in a. collision, or thrown out of a trap, or fallen on the ice, or in a football match, or been in any other accident where contusions are common ? If so, try, JONES' AMERICAN GOLDEN OIL. It cures "prains and bruises in half the usual time. and is a remarkable remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia. farCuring complaints of long standing when all other medicines have failed. In 131hd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d bottles. TO CONNOISSEURS. KERNICK'S DANDELION COFFEE It is needless to take up space to prove the high standing of this old established preparation. Suffice it to say if you want a thoroughly high-clasa article, ask for KERNICK'S and don't take any other Sold in 6d, 10d, and Is 6d Tins by all Chemists and Grocers. Roasted, mixed, and ground at tW works of Kernick and Son, Limited, 12, New-street, Cardiff. ..» » ■■i mm -j PREVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH BY TAKING JJAYMAN'S JJAXSAM OF JJOREHOUND ON FIRST APPEARANCE OF CHILL OR COLD. STOPS COLD. GIVES PROMPT RELIEF. CURES COUGH. INVALUABLE IN NURSERY Extracts from recent unsolicited Letters 'ILL WITH ASTHMA I can say it saved my life.' USED IT FOR 30 YEARS none to equal it yet.' 'MOST HEALING Cough Mixture I ever tried.' ESPECIALLY with children; used with marked good CURED MY COLD at once,heartily recommend it." •COUGH HAD GONE before I finished the bottle.' STRENGTHENS VOICE, nothing so much as it.' Prepared only by A. HAYMAN <t CO., London, E C Sold everywhere. 13 1%<1, 2s Sd, 4s 6d per Bottle. 152 KEALL'S AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS MANDRAKE pittas The great remedy for Bili- PILLS ousand Liver Complaints, PILLS Indigestion, Piles, & Gravel, PILLS MANDRAKE and the greatest Blood Puri- prr.T.s MANDRAKE fieroftheage. piris MANDRAKE Sold in boxes Is l%d, 2s 9d, PILLS MANnRATTP 4s Ht anf Jlk Free by post PILLS by proprietor. pj ls MANDRAKE pjT- T q MANDRAKE Munday, Chemist, Cardiff. PIT.T.S MANDRAKE Robb, Chemist, Roath; Gar- PTLLX MANDRAKE rett Brothers. Newport: J. PTT.T.st MANDRAKE G. Isaac (late Hayman), Che- PIT,i s M^KnTjfvi- Pis\ Ne,fth! Newbery and PILLS MANDRAKE Son, London. i>r. t MANDRAKE P7tt« MANDRAKE Proprietor —Mr KEALL. PH.TS MANDRAKE Chemist A Dentist, 199, High- PUTS street, Swansea. 8076101* PILLS PILL BASS AND GO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS MAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF ii4 Tp A R M E R S, SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO T)L2?? 1(5 M ™ yaTd" Blankets from M to 2s 6d j. er yard. Flannels from 9d to ls 6d per yard. Stocking Yarn from 9d per lb. Patterns for- warded to select from. Carriage paid to and from the Mills on all orders of over £2. TYLER AND COMPANY MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL 13607 SOUTH WALKS 1139' fBnsitttss Abbrtsstz. CHRISTMAS CARDS, from 4%d per C dozen to 2s 6d each. BOOKS for REWARDS and PRIZES. CHRISTMAS CARDS.—Greatest Variety C in Cardiff. "Y^TRITING DESKS, ALBUMS, &c. I CHRISTMAS BOOKS in Great Variety. DOUND POETS.-A Large Stock. J ™ Perfumed Note Paper and Envelopes. CHRISTMAS ANNUALS, Diaries, Al- C manacks. The Cardiff Scribbling Diarv, Is the cheapest in the market. 8)3e 1257 THE SCHOLASTIC rpRADING CO., 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF, AND BRISTOL. FJ1HE NEW YEAR'S NOVELTY. (Just Patented. Ready on January lat.) JJUSS'S JJIAMOND LINEN E NAMEL. For Glazing, Preserving, and Beautifying SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, etc., EQUAL TO NEW, Without the use of glazing-irons or bird labour. The LINEN-ENAMEL saves time and money and ensures the perfection of appearance, longer wear, and the utmost durability. In Bottles, ls each of all Grocers. Wholesale of the Manufacturer, CHARLES H. HUSS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Huss's Linen Stain-remover and Huss's Flannel Anti-Shrinker, in preparation. 14962 756e R J. HEATH AND SONS, HAVING INCREASED THEIR SHOW ROOMS now place before the Public a. PERFECT DISPLAY of ALL KINDS of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JpiANOS, KUANS, g_| ARPS, By all the leading makers, both New and Second Hand at the lowest possible prices. PIANOS. By Broadwood, Collard, Erard, Kirkman, Brinsmead, Steinway, Schiedmayer, &c., from 10s monthly SOH; AGENT FOR Mason and Hamlin Organs, Bell, Smith, Kara, Doherty, etc., Organs, always in stock in great variety from 7s monthly. JR J. HEATH AND SONS, 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 9, NORTH-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 34. TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD. Manufactory—Peel Grove Pianoforte Works, Cam- bridge-road, London. Tuners visit every parts of South Wales. Catalogues post free on application. Special terms to Teachers, Schools, and Places of Worship. Canvassers wanted in 'istricts where not yet repre ented. Liberal terms. S431—Ze MH THOMAS BURT, M.P., Secretary to the I'oard of Trade, writes I and my family have used DR WHITE'S KOMPO for more than nine years, with the most sat-isfac- factory results. It is not only a first-class family medicine, but as a pure and healthy stimulant I consider it unequalled. When well sweetened with sugar it is very palatable, and a capital substitute for tea or coffee. In travel- ling long distances in cold weather I ha' e used it with great advantage it gives a glow and genial warmth to the system of a much healthier and more enduring kind than any- thing else I have tried." KOMPO A valuable remedy for Colds, Influ enza, Sore Throat. KOMPO For Quinsy, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Relax, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Disordered Stomach, Headache, Cold Feet, Cold Sweats, Bad Circulation of the Blood, Giddi- ness, &c., Ac. 0 m P 0 KOMPO Is not only a Medicine but a Bever- age.—See directions How to Make aTempe ance Cordial." KOMPO Is a pure and healthy stimulant far superior to brandy or any other in- toxicating drink. All teetotalers and temperance advocates should recommend it. KOMPO Can be taken in either Hot or Cold Water, Tea, Coffee, Milk, or Cocoa. ASK FOR DR. WHITE'S K OMP 0, And do not be persuaded to take a worthless substitute. O M P O FOR COLDS. KOMPO Is registered Trade Mark under tho ten Designs, and Trade Maiks Act, 1883, No. 43,220. Any oerson or persons using the word will be prosecuted. KOMPO FOR COLDS. KOMPO Is sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. ALL PERSONS EXPOSED TO COLD WEATHER SHOULD TAKE DR WHITE'S Kompo- HOW TO MAKE A TEMPERANCE i-JL CORDIAL. Take three quarters of a pound of lump sugar and one quart of water let it boil two or three minutes; when COLD. add two or three tablespoonfuls of Dr WHITE'S KOMPO and it is ready for use. A wine-glassful, neat, or the same quantity with hot water, makes a very agreeable drink, and a good stimulant for all persons exposed to <?old weather. By many it is used as a substitute for tea or coffee, and instead of brandy or such liquors, after dinner or supper, who find it much better than those stimulants, and without any of the bad effects intoxicating drinks produce. K OMPO FOR COLDS. DR ^THITE'S KOMPO Sold in Bottles at Is i%d and 2s 9d each (the 29 9d bottles contain three times tho quantity of the Is l%d one), by all CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS. Post free J. F. WniTE &Co., Benson-street, Leeds. 14944 50SQ FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, AND NEURALGIA. DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in court that Dr J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.- See The Times," July 13, 1864. DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO DYNE.—The Right Hon. Earl Russell com municated to the College of Physicians and J. T Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet," Dec. 31,1868. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE.-Extract from the Medical Times, Jan. 12, 1866 :—" It is prescribed by scores of orthodox Iiractitiouers. Of course, it would not be thus singu arly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place. BTX COLLIS^ROWNE'S CHLORO- DYNE is the best and most certain remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheu matism, &c. J. COf44S BRPWNJTS CHL0BO- JL/ DYNE is a certain cure in cliolera, dysentery, diarrhqsa, &c. DR J. cdttlfe &ROWN&S CHLORO- DYNE.—CAUTION.—None genuine without the words "Dr.I. Collis Browne's Chlordyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer, J. P. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-terrace, Blooms- bury, London. Sold in bottles, ls l%d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. 4943-14926 Established nearly half a I century. P. FREEDMAN I AND CO., 1, 2. 3, & 4, MARKET BUILDINGS, DOCK-STREET, N EWPORT, MON. Only address as above, and no connection with any other establishment. any other establishment. PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, CABINET- MAKERS, CABINET DEALERS, BUILDERS, and others are invited to send for samples and price list of our large variety of English and German Moul- dings, Oleographs, Chromos, dings, Oleographs, Chromos, and Looking-glasses. The largest stock in th West of England of foreign glass, at exceptionally low prices. Samples of Mouldings, and any specimen show card, framed and returned free oi cost. 13396 BETTER TO BE BORN LUCKY THAN RICH.—J. THOMPSON, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea, has discovered a new remedy in the extract of Burdock for all diseases of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Thousands of cures have been effected by the power of these wonderful Pills after all other medicines have completely failed-a. proof that foulness of the blood is the sole cause of every disease, as wel as the life of every living creature. Therefore, at thl spring of the year, and during the hot weather, the Great Blood Purifier THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS should be freely taken, ItS they purify the foulest state of the blood. A few Closes cleanse and strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels, and remove all diseases of the liver and kidneys. Pains in the betd, and all derangements of the nervous system are speedily and effectually cured by the same extraordi- Barymedicme. All suffereis are highly recommended to try them. Sold by all Cbemirtsand Parent Medicine, Vendors, in boxes 9d Is l%d and 2.s each. 3120' ISnsiiuas J\.bbrt.5st5. nn H E' "Y EGETABLE rp 0 N I O. Fortify your System, to enable it to resist the attacks of Winter Ailments, such as ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS, As well as Colds, and other complaints prevalent at this season of the year, by taking a course of GWILYM jgjVANS' QUININE TWITTERS. This preparation is Purely Vegetable; and contains the active principles and curative properties of Sarsa- parilla, Burdock, Lavender, Dandelion, Saffron, Gentian, and other remedial agents, combined with a suitable quantity of QUININE n each dose, and is unanimously recommended b y al who have tried it for all symptoms of NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, LIVER DI-ORDERS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, And all kinds of WEAKNESS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS IS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. Has been tested by ANALYSTS and declared PURE and HARMLESS. Has been recommended by DOCTORS, and found to be TRUSTWORTHY and SAFE. Has been tried by PATIENTS, and when Once tried has always been recommended. Has proved successful when all other medicines failed to give relief. Has proved permanently beneficial when other pre- parations at best only gave temporary relief. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. RECENT TESTIMONIALS. 61, Gilkes'-street, Middlesbrough, •>une 15,1892. Dear Sir,—I am happy to be able to bear testimony to the beneficial effects of Givilym Evans' Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by its use. It has improved her appetite, and greatly strengthened her. Please send me a fresh supply. Yours truly, (Rev) T. JONES" GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Affections of the Chest, Use Gwilym Evans' Bitters. For Debility in every Form, Use Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. For Liver Complaints, Use Gwilym Evans' Bitters For Nervousness and Weakness, Use Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. For Depression of Spirits, Use Gwilym Eva.ns' Bitters. 14, Montague-street, Edinburgh, December 1,18-2. Gentlemen,—Please send me by re- turn a 4s 6d bottle of Gwilym Evans'' Bitters. I took four bottles last winter, and derived much benefit from it. Yours truly, S. JAMES. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS. We are particularly anxious to caution the public against the attempts of some members of the Trade to pass substitutes or even counterfeits of our prepara- tion. Ask plainly for GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, and see that the name GWILYM EVANS is on the label, stamp, and bottle. Every bottle sent out of tho laboratory is prepared according to his recipe and under his direct management. Sold by all Chemists in 2s 9d and 4s 6d Bottles or direct irom the Proprietors, carriage paid bx Parcel Póst. QUININE BITTERS CO., LLANELLY. AMERICAN DEPOT: MR D, R. WILLIAMS, PHARMACIST, 1122 PLYMOUTH, PENN. 13e A N EXCELLENT OOOD THING" -XTA. for ACHES AND PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S, Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS. — ELLIMAN'S. Universal Embrocation. FOOTBALll—Forfar Athletic Football Club — Given entire satisfaction to all who have used it STRENGTHENS THE MUSCLES From "Victorina," "The Strongest Lady in the World It not only relieves pain, but it strengthens the muscles. Jj^LIJMAN'S for Rheumatism. |^LLIMAN'S for Lnmbago. JgJLLIMAN'S for Sprains. JjlLLIMAN'S for Citfs. JgJLLIMAN'S for Bruises. JgJLLIMAN'S for Sore Throat from Cold. JgJLLIMAN'S for Chest Colds, Bronchitis. LLIMAN'S for Stiffness, Cramp. ACHES, SPRAINS, AND STIFFNESS. A.F. Gardiner, Esq. A.A. A. ;L.A.C., (Spartan Harriers* Official Handicanper), writes After exercise it is invaluable for dispersing stiff- ness and aches. No athlete or cross country runner ahouldbewithoutit." BRONCHITIS. Mr R. J. Callis, Hendon, writes, January 26th, 1891 '— My two children (two and four years old) were attacked last November with bronchitis. They are both well now, and I have no hesitation in saving through using your splendid Embrocation." ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S. Universal Embrocation, AND IT I WILL HAVE, OR T WILL HAVE NONE." if: 13871a ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROcT- TION for Rheumatism. Lumbago, Sprains Bruises, Cuts, Sore Throat from Cold, Chest Colds' Stiffness, <tc. Is iy2d and 2s 9d. Prepared only bv E^LIMAN. SONS, & CO., Slough, England. 2JEBRA QRATE pOLISH. BRILLIANT BLACK POLISH, IN HALF THE TIME, AT LESS COST, WITH HALF THE LABOUR 1 RL* OK LEADS. 14924 22ND YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. F. G RAH AM YOUNG, DENTAL SURGEON (By Examination), 37, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. PROFESSIONAL ATTENDANCE, CARDIFF AND BB.IDGEND, 1ST AND 3RD WEDNESDAY;]^ JSyERY MONTH. NEXT VISITS, WEDNESDAY, January 4th and 13th, and February 1st and 15th. CARDIFF.—At 22, CHARLES-STREET (adjoining the Catholic-Church), from-S.^OjfcpTrjxsnjr -1 BRIDGEND.—At Mr DAVIS, CHEMIST 22 CAROLINE-STREET, from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p m CHEPSTOW.—EVERY TUESDAY, at No 1 BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m No fee for consultation. Efficiency with Moderate Fees. 10582 Epp S'S I GRATEFUL, COMFORTING. BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. 14868 3675 THE "1% /TAGIC SUPERSEDES 1VI ALL OTHERS. Unrest T71EMALE Sale X? NEVER of any FAILS. Female Medicine in the World. DILLS > Acknowledged leading Remedy. | CORRECTS ALL IRREGULARITIES. REMOVES OBSTRUCTIONS FROM ANY CAUSE These Pills are not made from Steel. Pennyroyal, Bitter Apple, or any such useless or injurious drugs, but drugs far more efficacious. GUARANTEED SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER ADVERTISED REMEDY. QUICKEST TO ACT. PERFECTLY HARMLESS to the most delicate constitution. Boxes, post free, Is 3d and 2s 9d. 14002 L. THOMASi-0,148, Westminster-bridge-road, London. EVERY MAN sllfferingfrom NERVOUS andJ»HYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a valuable pamphlet explaining how all nervous and oi^anic derangements may be success lolly treated withou,t stomach medication. The method iaeasy and pleasant, and will .effect a perfect and per- manent cure. Sept, scaled, post free.—Address E. NORtON, 2491,1, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, Wcl 18usitttss ).bbrt5sls. THE A TLAS JPURNISHIN G COMPANY, TT IMITED, THE COLOSSAL FURNISHING PALACE, THE HAYES BUILDINGS, I CARDIFF. GRAND ARTISTIC DISPLAY OF NEW PRODUCTIONS IN F U R N I T U R E THE LARGEST BUILDING IN THE PRINCIPALITY. Devoted entirely to the Furnishing Trade THE VERY LARGEST, BEST-SELECTED, AND NEWEST STOCK OF FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CARPETS, PIANOS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, LINOLEUMS. TOILET WARE, .BEDDING, OFFICE FURNI- TURE. FITTINGS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ORNAMENTS, I &c., &c., And all Household Requisites in any one Establish- ment out of London. All Goods made and finished in our own Workshops, under our personal supervision Work, make, quality, and finish guaranteed. We shall esteem it a pleasure to show visitors, if purchasers or not," over our Extensive New Premises, Work- shops, &c., so that all can see Furniture in its various stages of manufacture. All Goods Delivered Carriage Free within 100 Miles. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST HOUSE FURNISHERS IN WALES OR WEST OF ENGLAND. Special Low Prices for Cash or on our New Hire Purchase System. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES POST FREE. TLAS "piURNISHlftG COMPANY, f IMITED, THE HAYES Butldings' CARDIFF 14772 0 CHARGE HATEVER I HEREBY UNDERTAKE TO REWARD JOHN SMITH AND YOU, AND EVERY OTHER READER OF THE "CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS," BT 7'fex GIVING v AWAY GRATIS, f" .t XpREELY AND UNRESERVEDLY dur- J- ing the next few days a handsome AURANIAN GOLD LONG GUARD or NECK CHAIN. This chain is a marvel of workmanship, made and finished in highest style, strong and serviceable, and a most desirable and attractive specimen of the jeweller's art. The Guard is FIFTY INCHES in length, with spring swivel complete, and consists of over 400 SEPARATE LINKS. When in wear the Guard gives an UN- USUALLY BRILLIANT EFFECT, which is not surpassed by real gold chains costing B10 each and upwards. I am presenting this valuable free gifc to all who, during the next 'I en Days, send applications for ply Illustrated Price List, and intend becoming purchasers of some article, no matter how small. The Chain is sent along with the Catalogue (gratis), and I want it to be the means of placing this marvellous book in the hands of every reader. The v.\lue I give in all goods is so- great that everyone ought to know the Immense Advantages they are able to effect by sending their order direct to me, as no Ordinary Rataller can possibly sell at anything near my Prices. I HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELLERY IN THE WORLD. MY WATCHES ARH WORN BY l\lOH.E'flf:AN. MILLION PEOPLE I Tfave bad to enlarge my Factory, and we are frequently working night and day to dispatch Orders to all parts of the Svorld. The Wonder Watch at 7s 6d Splendid Chains from 1«. Tlie Handsome Long AUltANIAN GOLD GUARD which I present free, may be worn in several ways, as, for in- stance (1) a Long Guard, round the neck (2) a Double Albert, from pocket to pocket; (3) a Single Albert, with four or six chains; (4) a Necklet for a lady. A little manipulation is all that is required to carry out these changes. I will give one of these Splendid Guards to every Reader sending an application for a Catalogue within ten days from this date. THE CHAIN IS GIVES ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT ANY CHARGE TO YOU WHATEVER. H. SAMUEL, Lever Watch Manufacturer, 97, 99, and 1 1, Market-street; and 1 and 3, Marsden- square, Manchester. P.S.-Write your Name aud Full Address clearly, and send for cost of Catalogue. Expenses of Packing, and Postage of the Freo Gift—Nine Stamps. DON'T SEND. FROM CURIOSITY ONLY, unless you are likely to become a Purchaser. 14968 LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC LUNG TONIC Kg QWBRIDGE'S Tgmc ■Stung m O N I C, Sgggj LUNG JL TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. TONIC LUNG It has a power over diseases hither- TONIC LUNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you at all weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of cough now and then ? TONIC LUNG "Try this Wonderful Medicine. TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear as if by maftjc, and you will TONIC LUNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC LUNG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A 'COLD? TONIC LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC LUNG fulia Whooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG I suffered with a severe head and TONIC LUNG chest cold, a most painful cough with TONIC LUNG burning sensation, and symptoms of TONIC LUNG Lung Congestion. My voice had lost TONIC LUNG all ring and power, and the slightest TONIC LUNG exertion of the chest and throat gave TONIC LUNG great pain. I had tried two or three TONIC LUNG remedies without success, when I TONIC LUNG saw your advertisement. I tried your TONIC LUNG Lung Tonic, and used your Embroca- TONIC LUNG tion. I was ast-onishedat the result. TONIC LUNG After two bottles I completely re- TONIC LUNG covered. TONIC LUNG F. W. FREEMAN. TONIC LUNG Theatre RoyaI,Halifax, March 18th, TONIC LUNG 1891." TONIC LUNG Prepared byW. T. OWBRJDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. Sold in Bottles, Is TONIC LUNG lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11&, by all TONIC LUNG Chemists and Patent Medicine Ven- TONIC LUNG dors. Wholesale all London and Pro- TONIC LUNG vincial Houses. 1158-13711 TONIC ROBINSON AND CLEAVER'S IV CAMBRIC POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. Per doz. I Hemstitched. Children s ls 3d I Per doz. Ladies' 2s 2d Ladies' 2s Hid Gents' 3s 3d Gents' 38 lId •The Irish Cambrics of Messrs Robihsoft and Clearer have a world-wide fame."—The Queen v AIPLES POST FREE. N To the Queen and Empress Frederick of Germany. ROBINSON and CLEAVER, BELFAST 14890 STEINA.BR,ONOI-ITTIS.I,NFLIJF,N,ZA Jrx. COLDS, COUGHS, and all CHES r DISEASES CONGREVE'S JJALSAMIC ELIXIR THE FINEST MEDICINE in theWORLD -1- Bottles 1/1%. 2/9 and 4/6 of all Chemists. 14963 5294 /CARDIFF DYEING~ANeTSCOURING WORKS, 1, NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. S. H 0 B B S, PROPRIETOR. Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window Curtains. Silks, Shawl s, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, and finished in a superior style. Gentlemen's clothes cleaued and returned in 24 hours 13537 JJ^ADAM JpRAIN;s7 ALB., FAMOUS FEMALE MIXTURE, The most powerful and effective on earth. •F°1', th.0 most obstinate cases. Will not injure the most delicate. Price 7s 6d (strongest Us bottle). Post free 6d extra. HERBAL INSTITUTE, ie, Hackney road (opposite Shoreditoh Church), London, N.E. Send at once stamped directed envelope for particulars and proofs. I will forfeit S100 for every testimonial that is not genuine, and they can be seen at, any time, 14897 flARDIFF ADVE RTISIN G, BILi: KJ POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED) OFFICES: CASTLE CHAMBERS 21, CA8TLE-ST CARDIFF., SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and n■ lghbtjurhood. Contractors for all description" of Advertising Circular Distributing, &c. 10VI13200 All orders promptly attended to. Hasinas OH, MAMMA, WE'RG GOING INTO THE DARK-* THE little girl stood on the seat of a first-class compartment on the London underground rail- way, looking out of the window. The writer of these lines sat on the opposite seat watching the child, who was taking huge delight in what she saw and heard at the station where she and her mother entered the coach. Presently the train started, passed through an open space or two, then plunged into the tunnel. As all outside objects vanished, and the window became a mirror in which she could see nothing but the dim lines of her own sweet face, the little one cuddled down to her mother's side, and said, with a note of anxiety in her voice, Oh, manima, ivc'.re goi?uj into the dark I I don't like the dark, do you ?" No, dear," answered the mother, her words being accentuated by the mourning dress she wore no, dear, nobody likes the dark, but we shall see the light again at the next station." There's nothing in that," do you say ? Possi- bly you have followed the sun around the earth and never been in the dark. If that is the case, this trifling incident about the child in the tunnel ha.s no significance for you. But it goes straight to the hearts of most of us, for we are men and women who have known what it is to wait long for a morning that has been slow, so slow, to come. I have before me now a woman's letter, in which she tells the simple story of an illness. All my life," she says, I have bean subject to racking headaches and bilious sickness. Almost every week I would have an attack, with a dreadful pain at the temples and a weight over the eyes, so that I could scarce sea." Multitudes of women will understand this. These tormenting headaches, accompanied as they commonly are, with great nervous prostration and distress of mind, have often driven good women to despair, and not infrequently to suicide. It is going into the dark, indeed. She continues At these times I felt so dizzy that I was obliged to lie on the couch constantly, and but for the necessity of caring for my family, should have been confined to my bed. In the morning in particular my mouth tasted badly-a disgusting metallic taste that often made me shiver with the loathing I had for it. With this there would be a thick, tenacious phlegm or mucus which I rinsed out as well as I could with water. I ate next to nothing, because I had no desire for food, no appetite. Still I took some- thing, of course, to sustain life. yet even that often made me so sick that I thraw it up again." Now, the fact that this lady's experience is the experience of millions doesn't make it any easier to bear in the case of an individual, does it ? When you burn your fingers at the tire the pain isn't a bit the less because it is an everyday occurrence with somebody. Dpath comes to some human being evsrysecond, yet death remains a terror to all. and will, until there is not a breath- ing man or woman in the world. You admit, this. Well then, read the rest of the letter. At times," says the writer, I threw up a, quantity of green fluid, and had a heavy, dull, sinking pain in the right side. After every sue- cessive attack I felt still more weak, languid, and tired, and had an increasing difficulty in getting about. This in substance was my condition fOI years, during which time I underwent medical treatment, and also took many medicines that were recommended to me but I grew worse nl spite of all. One day in April, 1890, I happened to read in a pamphlet of a case like my own havinf been cured by Mother Seigel's Syrup. All the symptoms Wbre so fully described that I felt very hopeful, and procured a bottle of the., medicive from Mr John Beckett, the chemist, atMonkjatf, and after taking it but a short time, to my sur- prise and joy the headache and sickness left rto and I never felt so well. It was like coming into the daylight after a tedious night.—(Signed) ELIZA WARE, 65, Newboro'-street, York. April 23rd, 1891." The ailment which so long destroyed this woman's health and happiness was indigestion and dyspepsia, from which, sad to say, very few of her sex are free. Imagine the bulk or mass of suffering they endure, with its evil consequents pervading all thmr relations with others. Why may not the remedy which cured her do the saiue for all bar pain-stricken sisterhood ? IS will,; it will; and is doing it daily. It helps them out of the dark tunnel of disease into the brightness oj health and tiiturill usefulness and enjoyment. HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY JQR. T ALOR'S JPHOSPHODYFE FOR THIRTY YEARS Has maintained its world-wide reputation as the best and ONLY SAFE, RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CUjtE or Brain Wreckage, Sleeplessness, Harassing DrEAn.4, and all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the system caused by the Deficiency of the Vital FojCe; D R T ALOR'S JpHOSPHODYNE Supplies the Blood with its Brain, Nerve, and f>one- foranng element—Phosphorus, and by its tonic ft-tion on the Nervous System, stimulates Heart-, jungs, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach, to the healthy perfor- mance of their several functions. THE EFFECTS OF jT)R J^ALOR'S J>HOSPHOD?NE In Nervous Debility and its Kindred Evils is im mediate and permanent, all the Miserable feelings and Distressing Symptoms disappearingwith a tepidity that is REALLY MARVELLOUS. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parts of the world, and from the highest Jledical Authorities. J)R. JQALOR'S JpHOSPHOPYNE Is unsurpassed as a Tonic after Influenza atld all Debilitating Diseases. Sold in bottles, 4s 6d and lis each, by all chemists ADDRESS— DR LALOR'S PHOSPHOPY^E LABORATORY, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W. 14882 -VADr-, S GOUT AND RHEUMATICÎ PILLS. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK, THE PAIN AWAY. TTIADE'S PILLS. 2, College-park-villaS, Kensal Igreen, London, W., 1891. ■TIADE'S PILLS. Dear Sir,—I feel it .my duty to _fiji tell you I had RheuiH-itic Gout -ffJIADE'S PILLS. twice, and had to stoP at home JfJ for three weeks. I canjiot describe the pain I suffered. I read your advertisement, and looked upon it as all others. A brother signalman said, "Try them." I did so. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY in a few hours, and I was able to resume my work. No one need be frightened to take them. I Ilave recom- g~^ OUT. mended them to all whom I have \JT hernl complaining oi Rhemnat- "jj> HEUMATISM. ism, Gout, Lumbago. Neuralgia, XV I hope no one doubt my OUT. statement.—Yours sincerely, ITT JAS. PETTELGALL. )) .RHEUMATISM. Mr G. Eade. TRADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. iTi Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Goswell-road, London, E.C. and Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is l'd and 2s 9d. EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION IS j £ AD-E*S ILLS. ..They quickly sempy* the imt#^on ai$.feverish state of the STOMACH, correct fbs luorbid c^ildition <>i the the s^st^nfimjflirrties, fnifcfh fry circulating in the blood, injuriously affect the ac ion of the KIDNEYS, and, by removing the causes of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of body and mind. JgADE'S ^NTIBILIOUS JJILLS. Sold by all Chemists in Boxes, 15 l%d and 2s 9d, or mailed Free on receipt of remittance liy GEORGE EADE, 72, GOSWELL-ROAD, LONDON, E.C. EADE'S a NTIBILIOUS A Jr 1480db





