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jHatritnontaL IF YOF ARE MARRIED, or contemplate taking this important step. we can send you valuable information which you ought; to know. Send your address, and we will send catalogue and pamphlet free. Address H. G. Kerr, West-hill, Wandsworth, London. 559 ^xtttations !Tarant. G-ROCERy.-wanteù, single young >«an for the w<trehouse, delivering goods, assist at counter and general work.-Apply. stating experience, refer- ences, and salary (indoor), Thomas Phillips, Blaina. 814 "T AXfED. good, strong, willing General Servant; no washing, ironing, or bakmg:Apply Mrs H. S. Arnold, Cwmavon, Port Talbot. 700 WANTED, a clean, steady General Servant, about 18; country girl preferred two In family business house.—44, Stuart-street, Cardiff. 648 Oe> WEEKLY and upwards may be realised by cither sex, without hindering occupa- tion.—For samoJe, Ac., enclose addressed envelope, Evans, Watts, and Co., P 136, Merchants, Birming- Qam.—This is genuine. 772 l1a.m.-This is genuine. 772 Situations HEaitkiL 5T \'TED, at once, situation as Shepherd black ▼ V r aced stock preferred: nine years' good charac- ter from last evnplover.—State wages given, Ac., to 4. M. 126, Cltrdlff Times," Cardiff. 126 Jor BREAK for Sale, new (wia carry 12 persons and driver), with leaver break price £ 65 cash.- Cock & Barthoimew. Coach Builders, Cirencester. 510 WAGONETTE for Sale, to carry eight persons; practically new price £ 35 a bargain. Also a ditto, quite new. and very oest finish £ 55.— & Barthoimew, Coach Builders, Cirencester. 510 GADOLENE, by Fuller, of Bath; second hand; in good condition carry four; price 18 guineas Cost £ 42. Frazer, Cirencester. 510 yriARTHENWAJRE.—Seconds, assorted crates, £ 2 ,JCi well-assorted best goods, £ 3. Write for list.— Karle Works Pottery, Longton, Staffordshire. 555 FOR Sale, Soda Water Plant (small) make 50 doz. daily; £ 13 or exchange wmething useful furniture, etc.). —Hnmphrey, Raleigh, Dartmouth 561 OUTH iVALES PROPERTY A .VIo.NTHI.V REGISTER. OF KSIATKS, HOUSKS, LANDS, AC., to be LET or SOLD ill Wales, Monmouth- ihire, West of England, &e. 1,00C Copies sent Monthly, post-free, to the leading inha1)it3.nts of Wales ami Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Copies post-free, from Messrs HERN, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &e., 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 2444 g\0,000 Army Tents for Sale at 7s lid, 12s 6d, 25s, 4 29s 6d, alld 35s each also, a quantity of Marquees. —Illustrated list upon application to Wm. Pope and 5ons, Downiiam Market, N orfolk. 184 Efltigings, J\parlmtnls, &.c. gw A;'oíSEA. -Laskey's Christopher Hotel, Somerset- place. Three minutes from Theatre, Docks, and -Station. Excellent accommodation for visitors. <tc. Bath. Piano. 934 j}tiSttlIaneOIUí. FURNISH on our New Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem 3,(hpted solely by HS, whereiJY all publicity, sxposure, and Í11quiries usually made by other Colli. panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock of Household Furniture of chear and superior lluality. Ali goods sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all joods sent h01'Ue in a private van free of charge. No stamp 01' agreement charges made no hill of sale everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, and, ùeing manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to.upply furniture, etc., at 10 per -eenG. less than any price-list issued by any firm in Eleven showrooms. CaB amI inspect cur im- mense stock, ;,¡,ud eompare prices beiore purchasing elsewhere. We will supply £ 6 worth for 23 6d weekly ■ £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth lor 5s weekly £ 20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms ior larger quantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31, Ca"'tI4Nt,. (opposite the Castle). Cardiff. 12783—1105-10 ALL who suffer from 'fender Feet through perspira- tion should write for simple remedy, enclosing 6 I5talD!}«, to 64, High-street, Ashford, Kent, who was perfectly cured in a week. 812 jfSORNS atiu Bunions.—A gentleman many years Vy tormented with corns will be happy to afford others the information by which he obtained their complete removal in a short, period, without pain or inconvenience. Send address on stamped envelope :0 5. 1'. WoolJatt, Esq., Ware, Herts. 14483 j I VERY HEAD of a family should send for Harpur 1\j Tweivetrees' Illustrated Price Lists of L tundry Machinery, and Pamphlet entitled. How we Wasil at Howe," containing moss valuable practical experi- ence. Poss free.— Harpur Twelvetrees, Laundry tfingineer, 8, Citv-rcad. London KC. 14001 IMPORTANT TO LADIES.—The most wonderful medicine ever discurerect ior all irregularities and obstructions, however obstinate or long standing. Thousands have been relieved bv this marvellous remedy, and thereby saved trouble, illness, and expense. Perfectly harmless, and never fails to bring about the desired effect, as testified to by hundreds of married and single females. It is without a parallel in medical science. Numerous unsolicited testimonials. Pills are useless-only cause di sappointment. Stamped envelope for price list.-C. 1'. D' A:;mail, Walthamstow. The only effectual remedy on earth. Try and judge for" yourselves. 874 JEWELLERY, Watches, Watch Materials, Toys, Musical Instruments, Cutlery; wholesale list p08t free.-Wright, St. Luke's-rd., Birmingham. 948 SIX Cabinet Portraits, 3s three for 2s. Twelve Carte Portraits. 2s 2d six for Is 4d. Eight-inch ifnlargeinent, 3s three for os. Stamp size, 24 for ls ód; 100 for 3s 3d. Send carte or cabinet and Postal Urder, and in about ten days you will receive highlv- Jjnished copies, witii original.—Fraacis and Co., 29, Xudgate Will. London lSQCil T-' HE ONLY !dEA-¡SFORDESTROYlNGflAIR on the Face is by using Alex. Ross's ordinary "Depilatory," 3s 6d. post 3s Gd. For strong hair the Electric appliance, 35s. For thick hair the German Process, 425, and Cauterising Liquid 10s 6d, post lIs.- Alex. Ross, 21, lamb's Conduit-street, W.C. 14406 nw Ladies. Infallible Remedy for Obstruc- _1_ tions, &:c. Before trying ;},nother remedy, send stamped envelope for particulars and testimonial" 1\Iedicus, Glenrov, Fawcett-road, Southsea. 21 VTHISKERS, <tc.—Whiskerine most positively I T forces luxuriant growth in few days surprises everybody wm prove it or forfeit £ 100 post free 12 stamps J Reuny, Chemist, St. Luke's, Cork. Test ODe. 275 "V^ OUNG LADIES -¡}; 'vant to be independent, .J and make their own way ill t-he world, should write for I'ro^peetus of the S6entitlc Dress-Cutting Association. Zl2, Regent-street, London, W. Situations found for all pupils at good salaries 14001 J.1l 0 1ttl! I S. FIELDING and CO., LIMITED, continue to advance from £ b to £ 1,000 on application, with- oct delay. INo publicity no fees; low interest; easy repayments. Communications and enquiries aTe treated in strict confidence. Advances m'tde in town or country. Prospectuses free, or send stamped envelope to the Registered Office, W. Charles-street, Cardiff. 13933 IMPORTANT NOTICE.-H you want Money, send stamp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere, to )11' Pike, 43, Salisbury-road. Cardiff 14421 a fONEY LENT ON NOTE 01" If AND AT SHORT NOTICE, by a Private Gentleman, from £ 10 to £ 1, ,at 5 per cent. Why apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-c:1Jleli Companies or Banks, when any responsible applicant can obtain an advance Privately, witl^out sureties and the usual formalities of a Loan Office For the benefit, of Borrowers I am prepared to grant advances from one to ten years in any part of England or Wales, to male or female (distance no object), and if desired the in- terest can be paid quarterly or half-yearly, or as may be arranged, therefore the applicants get the full benefit of cash advanced. Apply in confidence to the actual hmder, H. HUNTER, Esq., 1135 13564 130, Westminster Bridge-road, London. JMPORTANT TO AGRICULTURISTS & OTHERS. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having a large capital at his command, is preparell to make ADVANCES in sums from £ 10 to £ 1,000 to Professional Gentlemen Tradesmen, Farmers, and all classes of respectable Householders generally, on their noft of hand alone, and a written guarantee given that transactions are not published in any gazette. Borrowers are warned against advertisers who profess to lend at 5 per cent. per annum on note of hand. Bofta-fide lenders cannot advance at such rates. I candidly admit I cannot. Such aJlnring advertisements are but traps to obtain fees. Try them, but don't pay fees. My customers can rely that no unfair advantage will be taken of them. Ascertain my terms, and then decide whether to bor- wow or not. Distance no object. Apply-D. PHILLIPS, 13756 Snow Hill House, Adare-street, Bridvend. 1293 M"~ O N E Y IKM PRIVATELY AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE. A Gentleman having a large amount of Capital i3 willing to grant advances, upon note of hand alone, for any term not exceeding lb years, from £ 15 to £ 1,000 at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town or Country. (Without loan office fonnalttitJ8 OT Btll OJ Sale.) Distance no object, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain. No genuine application refused. All communications are treated strictly private.—Apply to the actual Lender, U. Harrison, &sq., 87, York-road, Westminster Kridge-ro-wl, London. 12985 ESSRS W. AND S. BERN, ESTATE AGENTS, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to ad .ce from £ 100 to £ 100,000 on Mortgage of Freehold .1' Leasehold Property, and from £ 50 to £ 1,000 on per- lIOoa1 security. 3664 d 1 FORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILL5 \JT are now recognised by all as being the best¥edi cine yet d.i8covered for PILE and ORA VEL. as well as tor the following pains which, in 99 cases out of every 100, are caused by these Dainful maladies ;— Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Çolic, a Sense of Weight in the Back and J.oins. Darting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys Constipation, Pains io the Thighs, some- times shooting dowu to the calf of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and JIetention of Urine Pains ill the Stomach, and all Liver Complaints. Thousanùs have been cured by these PiUs, and many who have been pronounced hopeless have been tho- roughly restored to health by their use. One Box will eonvince the most sceptical of their efficacy. In order to suit all who may be suffering from ONE or BOTH of these Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy in the following form :— No. 1.-GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS No. 2.-GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3.-GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, froi# all parts of the country, will be for- warded to any address on receipt of astamped envolope. Sold in Boxes, Is 1-Jd and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists. By Post;, Is 4d and 3s in Postage Stamps. Every box is protected by the Government stamp. N01"1CE.-The title" PILE and GRAVEL PILLS," is Copyright, 3Jld entered at Stationer^ Hall. Proprietor—J. E GEORGE M,B P.S., Hirwaiu, Glamorgan May be had Wholesale from most Patent Medicine Warehouses in London, Bristol, Uverpool and Man clipsn- J979—326S I CURE FITS !—When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then, have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I havemade the disease of FITS. EPILEPSY, or FALL- ING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failedis 110 reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give address in full. It cost3 you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you.-Address Dr H. G, 9«>b, ZS, findsleigh-gardens. Eu £ tor->•<London, N.W pttblir J\,musmunts. 'i CARDIFF. rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May 29 and 30. Enormous. Success and last Two Nights of the Popular Actor, MR CHARLES ARNOLD. CARL'S JjlOLLY, By Clay M. Greene, Author of My Sweetheart,' Hans the Boatman," Ac., &c. QRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. To-night and during the week (Friday excepted) The successful Sensational Drama, NOBLE LOVE. Friday (by desire) H. -T. Byron's Comedy, OUR BOYS. Prices: Circle, 2s and Is Stalls, Is 6d Pit, 6d; GaJlery 3d. Monday, June 1st, and during the week J. W. Turner and his English Opera Company. Undoubtedly the best English Opera Company in existence. Each Opera produced under the personal superintenchnce of Mr Turner-a sufficient guarantee that no Mediocre Performances will be given. Monday—LILY OF KILLARNEY. Tuesday—BOHEMIAN GIRL. Wednesday—MARITANA. Thursday—MARTHA. Friday—ROBIN HOOD. Saturday—FRADIAVOLO. Full Chorus. Augmented Band. Box office now open at Thompsonand Shackell's. Notice.—No Exhorbitant Charges. Prices during this engagement only Dress Circle, 3s Back Circle and Stalls, 2s Pit, Is Gallery, 6d Emitting ^acutits. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT Jt. INVESTMENT JJUILDING SOCIETY. THE BEST MEDIUM FOR LOANS ON PROPERTIES.) REDUCED TERMS. INCREASED FACILITIES. Apply for new prospectus to W. SANDERS,f Managing SEC., 28, St. Mary st., Cardiff. AGENTS—Newport Mr E. THOMAS, 43, York-place. Penarth and Barry Mr D. H. EDMUNDS, 4, High-st., Penarth. 1023-7422 Ebbw Vale Mr J. A. DAVIES, Ida-place. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF JL ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILD ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. OFFICES 3. HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. SECRETARY MR ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, B60 EACH. SUMS of MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property—freehold, leasehold, or copyhold-on the most equitable terms; t.he principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instal- ments. INVESTING SHARES, £60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed"to accumulate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be ob- tained on application to the i'lecretary, as above, or to Mr T. WEBBER, 189 25, Queen-street Arcade, Cardiff. 20TH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. F. GRAHAM YOUNG, DENTAL SURGEON (By Examination), 37, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. PROFESSIONAL ATTENDANCE, CARDIFF AND' BRIDGEND, 1ST AND 3RD WEDNESDAY IN EVERY MONTH. NEXT VISITS, WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 3rd and 17th, and JULY 1st and 15th. CARDIFF.—At 22. CHARLES-STREET (adjoining, the patholic Church), from 3.30 to 7 p.m., BRIDGEND.—At Mr DAVIS,' CHEMIST, 22, CAROLINE-STREET, from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. CHEPSTOW.—EVERY TUESDAY, at No. 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. — No fee for consultation. Efficiency with Moderate Fees. 10582 PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degiee subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakened voice, Ac. Those. constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by uaing the Gargie prevent the uuskiness, dryness, and irritation; so frequanrtlyattendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injur; to: the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin: is- a great purifier, and so usefu as a moutli wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usu painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gurgle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6*1. Sold everywhere. EPPER'S WHITE COUGH MHT. JL TURE.—The most reliable, speedy. and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lungs ana air- passages. It is "octmng, comforting, and tranquil- lizing In its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, L> l jd and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists. CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. /"IRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes V>/ of decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. tIRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polisheù like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cra.croft',J DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &C. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of caser, seemingly incurable it has doue wonders Slight àeaill ess, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming ounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sokl everywhere CORNS! CORNS!! CORNS: BUNIONS AND ENLARGED JOE JOINTS! I CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enla1;ted,toe joints require more time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere O L LPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- ing sulpholine), is a delicately refined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skin3. Common im. perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils., frequently cause skin diseases. For- washÏD.1!: at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition. Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap no: expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LI V E It .COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BT STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DR. DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury) Act effectnely on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causmg the stomach to properly per. form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritatingdepressionattend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. BE^SUBE TO HAVE DR. KING'S TILLS.. 11 Sold r-KYE&hvhesk li £ 45 LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC £ SSS QWBRIDGE'S TONIC LUNG T UNO moNic, 5S1 LUNG JLJ M- TONIC LUNG THE MIGJ»Y HEALER. TONIC LUNG It has a power over diseases hither- TONIC LUNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you at all weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of cough now and then? TONIC LUNG "Try this Wonderful Medicine." TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear as if by magic, and you will TONIC LlfNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC LUNG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD? TONIC LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG ——— TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC LUNG ful in Whooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG ——— TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. TONIC LUNG Sold in Bottles, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, TONIC LUNG and Us, by all Chemists and Patent TONIC LUNG Medicine Vendors. TONIC LUNG Wholesale all London and Provincial TONIC LUNG 13711 Houses. 1158 TONIC Established nearly half a PICTURE FRAME century. X MAKERS, CABINET- f-k -mi?inrTvivraivr MAKERS, CABINET T_> |^lvb.hDiVLAIN DEALERS, BUILDERS, J- • and others are invited to AND CO., send for samples and price list of our large variety of list of our large variety of 1, 2. 3, & 4, English and German Moul- dings, Oleographs, Chromos, MARKET BUILDINGS, and Looking-glasses. DOCK-STBEET, VEWPOSt, MOM. •"•Wra'ally 1«» -i-v Samples of Mouldings, and Only address as above, any specimen show card, and no connection with framed and returned free of any other establishment. cost. 13396 THE MAGIC FEMALE PILLS.—BEST* JL SAFEST, and ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY. NEVER FAILS. Cures Obstructions from any cause. These Pills are not prepared from Pennyroyal, Steel, Bitter Apple, Myrrh, or any such, useless or injurious- drugs, but drugs much more efficacious. Post free, Is 3d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s a. Box.-THOMASSO..148, Westminster Bridcs-ioftd* l/uidoo-, SowyDyrChenrista.' &M34. Shipping Motxas. CARDIFF AND BORDEAUX z £ frHrAy-X_y The CARDIFF STEAMSHIP 4 £ b§S|5&'COMPANIES FIRST-CLASS SCREW —■■Hi 1.STEAMERS will sail as follows:— DORDOGNE Cardiff for Bordeaux May 28 ELY Bordeaux for Cardiff May 29 With goods and passengers. For Rates of Freight, &c., apply to Mr A. G. Todd, 31, Quai des Chartrous, Bordeaux; and at the Offices With goods and passengers. For Rates of Freight, &c., apply to Mr A. G. Todd, 31, Quai des Chartrous, Bordeaux; and at the Offices of the Comoany, 51, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. 1071 9481 HOOPER CAMPBELL & CO.. Managers. "AMERICAN LINE UNITED STATES MAIL jmtfjgil Ui. STEAMERS. 1 LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-class, fnll-powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any Euro- pean Line. Passengers and goods lauded at Philadel- phia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This 15 the shortest and best route to the West. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., 19 and 22, Water-street, Liverpool LOCAL AGENTS T. H. Austin, Neath-road, Lan- dore Brown and Heyburn, 1, Friars Chambers, Dock- street, Newport S. J. Davies, 9, Edward-place, Cardiff J. Morgan, P.O., Pontypool J. Evans, Emigration Agent, Fleur-de-lis J. Roberts, Graig Post-office, Pontypridd T. C. Howe and Co., Cardiff. 11867_ A2&4- WHI'TETTAR LINE Olrrt\r v v ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. -L!V¡';RPOOL to NEW YORK, via QUEENSTOWN EVERY WEDNESDAY 4 'MAJESTIC, Wednesday June 3. I GERMANIC, Wednesday June 10. Second Cabin will be carried in the voyage marked thus*. Fare, £8 and B9. The splendid vessels of this line are all of the largest clas", uniform in model and arrangements, and uilSurpassed in tho completeness of their appointments. Saloon and State Room amid- ships. Steerage Passage at low rates. Apply to Guthrie, Heywood, & Co., Bute Docks S. J. Davies, 9, Edward- place, Queen-street, Cardiff: D. T. Davies, 52, High- street, Merthyr Tydvil James Roberts, The South Wales Emigration Office, Pontypridd W. Hancock, 2, Downing-street, Llanelly or to ISMAY, IMRIE, and CO., 34, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C., and 10, Water-street, Liverpool. 10029 11 bit rations. R. PARRY'S NATIONAL TUNE BOOK, LLYFR TONAU CENEDLAETHOL CYMRU. PART IV. READY. —SIXTEEN NEW TUNES AND TWO ANTHEMS. ALSO PARTS I., II., III., PER PART, O-N., Is.; S.F., ód, Of any Part 100 Copies and upwards at HALF- PRICE, for Cymanfaoedd Canu, &c. This makes 67 New Times in all metres. Other Parts to follow. This Book is the Composer's greatest effort to further Congregational Music in Wales. These New Anthems may be had separately :—I. THE LORD'S PRAYER. II. 1ST PSALM. III. A TE DEUM. IV. HOLY, HOLY. V. AM FOD FY lESU'N FYW. The New Male Chorus, THE PILGRIMS, O.N., S.F., the Chief Male Chorus at the Swansea National Eisteddfod for this year. A great success at Eistedd- fodau and Concerts. All Orders Prepaid to D. M. PARRY, CARTREF, PENARTH, CARDIFF. 1123 To the Young Men of England who Suffer from Nervous Debilitv. Jusi, Published. THE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE of an INVALID, designed as a warning and a caution to others supplying at the same time the means of self-cure, by one who has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and Quackery. Single Copies may be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed er«ve)ope to the author, ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., 972—1440—14464 Hounslow, near London. POST FREE, bo ON THE MODERN TREATMENT OF NERVOUS DISEASES and EXHAUSTION IN MEN, by Local Absorption. "Simple. scientific, effectuaL" Tribune. 14366 London E. NORTON, 249% HIGH HOLBORN. 1339 ¡ J. SESSIONS AND SONS (SHOW ROOMS AND OFFICES, CANAL WHARF, EAST CARDIFF,) SOLICIT ORDERS POR MARBLE WORK OF ALL KINDS, ] INCLUDING MONUMENTS WITH CARVING OF ANY DESCRIPTION. BUTCHEFTS' SLABS, GROCERS' COUNTERS, 5 HIMNEY PIECES OF ANY DESIGN. PRICES ON APPLICATION. ——— 9509 GOOD WORKMANSHIP, QUICK DESPATCH. } W E. VAUGHAN AND CO., STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, &c., ] LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 32, QUEEN-STREET, 248, BUTE-STREET jCARDXF*- 60, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. 53, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPOR 83, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. Parcels Received and Forwarded Regularly te the; Dye-works by the following District Agents ;— Aberavon Miss Morgan, Tandfield-place Aberdare Mrs Eschle, Commercial-place Aberkenfig Mr W. H. Hitchings, Grocer Abercarne .Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Bridgend Mr Woodward, Grocer, Adare-street Blaenavon .Mr J. Harris, London House Briton Ferry ..MrD. L. Jones, Villiers-street Cowbridge Miss Griffiths, Fancy Repositor Griffithstown ..Mr H. Peach, Post-office Llandilo Mr J. Lockyer, County Press Maesteg Mr T. Davies, Grocer, Castle-street Mountain Ash.. D. R. Davies, Temple of Fashion Neyland Messrs Biddlecombe, London House Nantymoel .Mr E. David, Cambrian House Pembroke Dock M. S. Cole, 10, Dimond-street Porthcawl. Mr 11 Thomas, Great Western House Pontypridd .Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrhiwceiber Mr D. R. Davies, Draper Porth Mr J. H. Thoma3, Cloth Hall ( Pentre Mr J. Hitchings, 129, High-street ] St. David's .Sir W. Lewis, Tailor, Cross-square Treforest Mr J. Gibbon, Tailor, 88, Wood-road < Treharris ".Mr Lewis, London House Tondu Mr W. H. Hitchings Usk ..Mr Jones, Grocer, Bridge-street Parcels amounting to five shillings sent direct to works will be returned carriage paid one way. Trade books and price lists sent free on application. W. E. VAUGHAN AND CO." DYERS, ARE CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHES AND DRESS. CLEANING by FRENCH PROCESS, producing per- manent colours, a superior finish, moderate charges, and promptness of dispatch. 1000 and promptness of dispatch. 1000 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECH AIMFS PILLS. ARE universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA A BOX for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, 8ick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skiu, distuib jd sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. < The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every > sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills,and thev will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. } For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, ancl bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soou restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved ùy thousands who have tiied them, and found the benefits which are insured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and al disorders oftheliver, they act like "MAGIC,"andafew doses will be found to work wonders U1l0n the most im portant organs in the human machine. They strenthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, awl arouse into action with the itOSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. Thase are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to tbe nervous and debilitated is that BEKCHAM SPILLS have the lareest sale of a.ny patent medicine in the world." BEECH Aft t'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS, as a remedy Îor Coughs ill general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarsens, shortness of breath, tightness an,1 oppression of the chest, wheezin6t, &c" these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BENCHES COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removeii. Prepared nniy. and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, T. Beecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire in boxes at 9:d, Is lid, and 2, 9<1 tach. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine. Sealers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 13646 KBALL'S AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS. MANDRAKE The great remedy for Bili- PILLS MANDRAKE ous and Liver Complaints, PILLS MANDRAKE Indigestion, Piles, & Gravel, PILLS MANDRAKE and the greatest Blood Puri- PILLS MANDRAKE fier of the age. PILLS MANDRAKE TESTIMONIAL. PILLS MANDRAKE Mr Keall, Maindee. PILLS MANDRAKE Sir,—I consider your Ameri- tILLS MANDRAKE can Mandrake Pills to be the PILLS MANDRAKE greatest success the world has PILLS MANDRAKE ever known.—I am, sir, yours PILLS MANDRAKE faithfully, F. H. HEWSON PTT.Tia MANDRAKE Munday, Chemist, Cardiff. PTlli MAN DRAKE Robb, Chemist, Roath Gar- PILLS MANDRAKE rett Brothers, Newport; J. PILLS MANDRAKE G. Isaac (late Hayman), Che- PILLS MANDRAKE I mist, Neath; Newbery and PILLs MANDRAKE Son, London. PILLS MANDRAKE Proprietor — Mr KEALL, PILLS MANDRAKE Chemist & Dentist, 199, High- PILLS tMANDRAKE • street,.Swansea. 80761012 PILLS ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS": ) is warranted to cure all discharges from the, Urinary Organs in eit her sex (acquired oroonstitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from- Mercury. Soldfn Boxes 4a 6d each, by all Chemist* and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the wotli- or sent to any address for sixty stamps by-theMakera r £ THE IIPFIGLA, A4TFL»'MF<NFTNTFEQNURTIES^DRPG^C!GNTGY Y ¡\udíatt. MESSRS JONES AND CO.'S ROOMS, PONTYPRIDD BANKRUPT STOCK OF SAFETY MACHINES. MUST BE SOLD. NO RESERVE. MONDAY NEXT, JULY 1, 1891. GREAT SALE BY AUCTION, COMPRISING 100 NEW SAFETIES, BY FLRST-CLASS MAKERS. MR C. H. SATURLEY will SELL by AUCTION at Messrs Jones & Companv's Rooms, Pontypridd, on MONDAY NEXT, Junel, 1891, a Bankrupt's Stock of about an mp s 100 NEW SAFETIES, By the best makers. Every machine has ball bearings throughout, with cushion and solid tyres. N.B.—The Auctioneer begs to call attention of the public to this sale, as it offers an unusual opportunity Go purelmse a machine at half the ordinary price, a3 they are consigned for absolute sale direct from the manufactory. On view morning of sale, and the auction will com- mence at 2 in the afternoon. 6816 public Jlfftitts. QOUNTY BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. ST. MARY-STREET NEW MARKET. NOTICE. This MARKET IS NOW OPEN for the Sale of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Provisions, Vegetables, and Miscellaneous Goods DAILY. Hours.—On Saturdays, 3 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on at her days, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. By order of the Property and Markets Committee, W. HARPUR, Borough Engineer. Town-hall, Cardiff, 26th May, 1891. 14511 2724 J IMPORTANT TO JglSTEDDFODWYR. THE BRIDGEND EISTEDDFOD Will be HELD ON MABON'S DAY (JULY 6th), WHEN ABOUT B200 WILL BE GIVEN IN PRIZES. Special Trains. Programmes can be had for ly^d (stamps) from J. G. JENKINS, Gen. Sec. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, 1891. FIRE PROTECTION OF MANSIONS. WATER SUPPLY TO ALL CLASSES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ORGANIZATION OF FIRE BRIGADES (Public and Private). Full particulars of the above may be obtained at MERRYWEATHER AND SONS' FIRE STATION, in the grounds of THE BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, AT BATH, whieh is under the protection of trained Firemen [picked men, formerly with the London Fire Brigade), in charge of Captain J. H. Cleaver, late chief officer of the Croydon Volunteer Fire Brigade. MERRYWEATHER AND SONS' FIRE-ENGINE WORKS, 966 GREENWICH AND LONG ACRE, LONDON. IN EVERY FACTORY, WORKSHOP, POST-OFFICE, MINE, &c„ <ftc., in Great Britain anÜ Ireland where, say, 50 hands are employed, wanted an energetic Person—foreman, timekeeper, or reliable man- to introduce a Watch, &c., Club, for the City of London Watch Club Co., thus securing for their members reliable Watches and useful articles. Respon- sible persons can have by post our Catalogues, 1,000 illustrations. Please say where employed, and number of hands.-Address Henry E. Peck, Manager, 8, New Bridge-street, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. Mention paper. 14490 Œbu£attan. COWBRIDGE. GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPALS—MRS AND THE MISSES CULVER WELL. 1024 7833 TAUNTON. INDEPENDENT COLLEGE, -B- TAUNTON. Principal: Rev F. WILKtNS AVELING, M.A., B.Sc. 'Exhibitioner at London University; Pye Smith Scholar; Entrance Scholar at University College, London Dr Williams Divinity Scholar; Scripture Prizeman at London University, &c. Author of "Light and Heat," Greek Syntax," "Free Trade," "Church Principles. &c.), assisted bs Resident and Visiting Masters. A Thorough Scriptural, Commercial, and Classical Education. Special preparations for MatricHlation and B.A., of London, Civil Service (all branches), entrance :0 all Universities, and (for younger pupils) the Cam- bridge Local and the Cambridge Preceptor Examina- tions. Liberal Diet. Twenty-seven Acres of Land, Oricket Pavilion, Covered Playground and Gymnasium, Swimming Bath, Carpenters' Workshop. JUNIOR "CHOOL (for boys under 11); Lady Superintendent, Miss RUDD, assisted by Certificated Lady Teacher, and ,he College Staff of Masters. Several Scholarships. ferms from 32 Gumeas a Year. 12413 ALBERT GOODMAN, Secretary. PIANOS, ORGANS, TPIANOS. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Pianos from 10s 6d monthly, Organs from 5s monthly. The Public are invited to inspect JEJ E A T H AND g ONS Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, &c., As Pounds will be Saved by placing their Orders with them. Erery Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tune one year free of charge. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. HEATH AND gONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 9431-5-1066 MORELLA, The strictly Non-alcoholic Wine Still and Sparkling JAMORELLA (with stones); MOREL LA MARMALADE? (without atones). The Most Delicious of all Preserves. THE THOUSANDS OF PEitSONS who have found^ 3ifficulty in obtaining the above Charming Products ot, She FAMOUS KENTISH MORKLLA CHERRY will. be glad to know that the following AUENTS have been] Mpointed by THOMAS GRANT and SONS, lWIAID.1 STONE. Applications invited for Grooud uncovered. AGENTS Aberystwyth T. Poweil andJCo. Barry Evans an<f Co. Bridgend W. PoWell. Cadoxton Evan* anu Co. Cardiff — Evans and Co. Cheltenham T. R. Jackson. Chepstow B. Thomas alld Son. Gloucester W. Minchin. Haverfordwest Ellis and Co. Neath J. D. Llewellyn. Newport E. Hall. Newtown ,.G. H. Ellison. Penarth Evans and Co. Swansea S. Arthurs and Son. J. Gale. Tafl's Well EvansandCo. 14228 QOLDSBROUGH'S TDREMIER EMBROCATION. HAS NEVER HEEN KNOWN TO FAIL in the curs )f SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, PARALY. SIS, BRONCHITIS, and simiiar affections, also UN- EQUALLED as a HAIR RESTORER, invaluable for ATHLETES IN TRAINING. Maybe had from the. Proprietor, 29, Great Russell-street, Bradford, and from raylor's Drug Stores, Co-operative Society's Stores, and, Cbemlsts everywhere. In bottles at 9d, Is, and 2s 6d each, post free at Is, Is 3d, and 3s each. See Testimonials. Please name this Paper. 14102 DR J{,OOKES QttlENTA-L; piLLS. DR. ROOKE'S DR ROOKE'S trills ORIENTAL PILLS £ DR. ROOKE'S have been of world J3ILLS. wide repute for nearly § DR. ROOKE'S half a century, as an TJELLS. aperient & alterat ve X DR. ROOKE'S medicine they are un- TRILLS. rivalled. Jc D-R J^OOKE'S QRIENTAL pILLS. DR. ROOKE-S Cleanse the Stomach l T>ILLS 1 )R" ROOKE'S ?n°hmeafthyn°a^umuLd P11^' t>R- ROOKE'S W Kr. ROOKE'S LeCttiddinlish'S:nd t>^ !)R- ROOKE'S aJSUSU?bS p^- |-|R. ROOKE'S SrssUSyorHlart- burn, Drowsiness, 4»n,o | JR- ROOKE'S Dimness of Sight, Of- 1^ D"„ ROOK-F'S fensive Breathy Piles, ^RRJA R. ROOKE S etC ) etc. For FEMALE COMPLAINTS they {vnt £ l T \R. ROOKE S atand unrivalled, and 13H* have NEVER been rvrrTo DR. ROOKE S known to fail in re- U)ILLS. „„„ lieving or curing the J~^R. ROOKE S mostpainful Diseases. ^3ILLS. DR JJ,OOKES oRIENTAL pILLS. R. ROOKE'S Arc prepared only by TfclLLS. Charles Rooke, M.D., j DR. ROOKE'S Scarborough. The T>ILLS. Pills are sold in Boxes j DR. ROOKE'S at Is lid and 4s 6d XJILLS. each, and' can be ob- i DR. ROOKE'S- taiued of all Chemists T>ILLS.; and Patent Medicine jT DR. ROOKE'S- taiued of all Chemists T>ILLS.; and Patent Medicine jT DR. ROOKE'S Vendors. Directions PILLS. for the-Treatment of _§_ J^R. ROOKE'S, aU diseases with every* jpiLLS DIBSCT EROM DR WKE, gCARBOROPGH, » IBusnuss JUitiwsses. OO'LLATT'S ^YO^NDERFUL JPILLS. rnHE greatest "PUHLIC BOON" is that which X benefits all mankind, irrespective ot wealth, rank, position, race, or religion, is within the reach cf all, and benefits more especially the Sick, Suffering, and Diseased. Such are these most Wonderful Pills. WOOLLATTS PILLS—Tonic, Digestive, and Vw Invigorating. WOOLLATTS PILLS—No. 1, Strong, for obstinate cases of Constioation. WOOLLATT'S PILLS—No. 2." Mild, for delicate* TV Females and Children. WOOLLATT'S PILLS for Biliousness, Sick Head- v T ache, and Sickness. WOOLLATrS PILLS for Pain and Fulness after tV Kating. WOOLLATT'S PILLS for Giddiness, Wind, and Indigestion. WOOLLATT'S PILLS for Disturbed Sleep and W Frichtfnl Dreams. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Deafness and Noise in the Ears. WOOLLATTS PiLLS for Lownes3 of Spirits and W Nervousness. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Female Irregularities f TV tile System. WOOLLATT'S PILLS for Change of Life, Pimples, W Blotches, &c. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Epilepsy or Fits give re- f" lief where other Pills fail. WOOLLATT'S PILLS, For Liver Complaint never use any other. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Pains m the Shoulders, Back, and Sides. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. WOOLLATTS PILLS for Spitting of Blood and vV Bleeding from the Nose. WOOLLATTS Pills for Bronchitis and Difficulty of f" Breathing. ■TOOLLATTS PILLS for Sore and Inflamed Eyes W and Bad Legs. \\l OOLLATTS PILLS for Piles, Eczema f" Erysipelas. WOOLLATTS PH.LS for Palpitation cf the Heart "f and Dropsy. WOOLLATT'S PILLS are a splendid Tonic vV Aperient Pill; brace the Nerves, Strengthen weak Digestion, Purify the Blood, and are admitted to be, by the ilioutlands who take them, the best Family Medicine of the day, suitable for Children or grown- up persons. The Tonic and Mild Aperient Pill is the No. 2 Pill; the strong Aperient Pill, suitable for strong men, is the No. 1 Pill, and can be had silver coated or not silvered, as desired. YY OOLLATT'S OINTMENT. THIS IS INVALUABLE FOR CURING INFANTILE SKIN ERUPTIONS. THEREFORE ALL NURSES SHOULD USE IT EVEN FOR THE YOUNGEST BABY. READ WHAT MRS G. SATURLEY SAYS;- My baby had a sprayed and inBamed back. Had a doctor four months with no benefit. Five boxes of your No. 2 Ointment and directions completely cured her. MRS G. SATCRLEY. Albemarle-road, Taunton. ECZEMA OF THE HANDS. For nine years I tried all kinds of remedies for a sealy skin, disease of tbe hands and wrists, accom- panied with intolerable itching. Your No. 2 Ointment and Pills completely cured me after following your directions as to diet, &c. HENRY PAYNE. Payne's Court, East-street, Taunton. SKIN DISEASE THROUGH BLOOD POISONING CURED. MR WOOLLATT, DEAR SIR,—For twelve years I suffered from blood1 poisoning according to the doctors, and could get no cure for it. I was discharged from the Taunton Hospital as incurable, ani I went to every doctor of repute I could hear of, but all to no purpose until I triad your Pills and No. 1 Ointment, and wiihiii a fortnight of using the Ointment and taking the Pills I was completly cured. Yours very truly, ADOLPHUS GOODIHG. High Ham, Langport, Somerset, October 2nd, 1880. ULCERATED BAD LEGS. Your No. 2 Ointment and Pills cured me of a very bad ulcerated leg which I thought could never be cured. THOMAS BETTY. Oath, Langport. Mr Betty is bstween 60 and 70 years of age. CURE OF ECZEMA OF 13 YEARS' STANDING. Amelia Salter, Hiilfarranoe; Eczema of the fac" of 13 years'standing out-patient on four diffeient occa- sions, Taunton Hospital, each time with hopeless re 8 ults. Cured by using Woollatt's No. 2 Ointment two or three times a day, and taking WooUatt's No. 2 Pills, following the directions as to diet. CHRONIC SKIN DISEASES AND ECZEMA. WOOLLALT devotes special attention to these com- plaints, and under his care number of cases have been cured that under other treatment had been thought past hope of recovery. CORRESPONDENCE PKR POST RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION ON RECEIPT OF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. Sold in boxes at 13 jd, 2s 9d, and 4s bd each, and are sent free per post on receipt of Postal Order to any address in the United Kingdom, by the Proprietor, Woollatt, Ctaenust, Taunton, if you have any diflicutly in getting them, but, as a rule, most Patent Medicine Vendors keep them or will obtain them for vou free of any extra charge. London Agents—Barclay, Farring- don-street; Hovenden Berners-street; Sanger, Oxford- street Edwards, Queen Victoria-street Bristol- Ferris and Co.; Hodder, Broad-street; Cardiff —Stranaghan and Stephens. 13811 TENTS, MARQUEES & PAVILIONS JL ON HIRE. JOHN SMART AND COMPANY, 2, WELLINGTON-TERRACE, CARDIFF, Beg to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and the Public at large that they have the Largest and Most Magnificent Suite of Marquees in the Provinces (not surpassed in the Metropolis), every style and variety, suitable for Horticultural Exhibitions, Galas, Bazaars, Tea Gathering's, Coming of Age Festivities, Wedding Breakfasts, Evening Parties, Temporary Boll- rooms, £ i»teddfodau, Ac., &c. Flags a.nd Banners. Shields, and Decorations in Great Variety, at Charges that will Defy Competi tion. Distance no object. Estimates on application. 2453 14501 FOR UPWARDS OF 60 jjf YEARS these Pills have been iknown as the most perfect remedy for DROPSY and diseases of the 'CHEST, LIVER, and BOWELS land they are without a rival to-day. I If you are suffering, give them a trial. They are quite safe for any constitution, and small a,nd easy to Dr> take. Directions with each box. Mrs Price, Floral-gardens, Minety Wilts, writes, April 5,1887 :—I beg to record my testimony to the im- to record my testimony to the im- mense benefit I have derived from taking your renowed Tye's Pills.' Some five years ago I was suffering dreadful pain from Dropsy, Hearts .■in « land Liver Complaints. The doctor I Jh o gave me up, saymg there was no JL hope of my recovery. Noticing your advertisement in the North Wiltt Herald, I sent for a box, and before I had taken them all I began to get better. The third box cured me. Make what use you like of this letter, as it was reading a testi- monial of your Pills and trying them DROPSY, that I am able to pen this. My husband has also found great bene- fit from them for various diseases. Mr Charles Clutterbuck, of 15, Montgomery street, Bedminster, Bristol, writes, March 1, 1882 :— My wife's mother was cured of dropsy by taking three boxes of "Dr Tye s Pills," procured of Mr Hod- LR IT IMP der, Chemist, Broad-street, after A v i!jrv, be;ng pronounced incurable by a physician in London and at St. Bartholomew s Hospital, also a home near London. We took her to the Bristol General Hospital, but they could do her no good. We had another doctor, who tapped her 12 un times and took óO gallons of water from her, but all of no avail. It was by your Pills only she was cured. Mr William Yeatman. 17, Green- street, Canton, Cardiff, writes, 31st TTTT\rn May, 1886 :—Just before Christmas YV last my wife was taken very ill with • Inflammation on the Lungs and Bronchitis, attended with Dropsy. She was given up by two of the lead- ing medical men in Cardiff, who could give her no hope, and ad- vised her to prepare for another world. Three boxes of your "Tye's Pills" quite cured her, after being PILLS. in bed four months. JL PREPARED ONLY BY S. J. COLEY, Chemist, Stroud, Gloucestershire, and sold in Boxes at Is iy2d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. Free by return of Post for Stamps. or Postal Order Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. CARDIFF^TESSE WILLIAMS & CO.. QUEEN-STREET. 1111185 ROSBY'SBALSAMIC COUGHELIXIR rf^ROSBYS- TjILIXIR >C -BALSAMIC COUGH JJJ ^^IROSBY'S ELIXIR JDLIXIR ^ROSBY'S J2S £ SSSrf%S £ & pILIXIR. /ROSBY'S ™h' ^ignaf^ success in "OLIXIR ^ROSBY'S Asthma and Bronchitis^ ><ROSBY'S BALSAMICCOUGHIE™1 /CROSBY'S ELKIR T71LIXIR is an almost infallible ROSBY'S remedy for all Chest Com-1 T71LIXIR. fy plaints, and is equally Jfjj /Crosbys efficacious m N'sht t^LIXIR. Sweats, Influenza, Quin- Ijj ^ROSBY'S zeys, &c. T^LIXIR. i 1 ROSBY'S TJ^LIXIR \J BALSAMIC COUGH JCJ 0ROSBrS ELIXIR JgLIXIR /rROSBY'S This medicine, which is, T71LIXIR. \j free from opium and( Jjj />( ROSBY'S squills, not only allays (71LIXIR. the local irritation, but JQi /CROSBY'S improves digestion, and OLIXIR, strengthens the constitu- IJJ /^ROSBY'S tion. Hence it is used T^LIXIR. with the most signal ROSBY'S success in T^LIXIR. V ASTHMA, /^(ROSBY'S BRONCHITIS, f^LDCIR. ^ROSBY'S jjuHR ROSBY'S INFLUENZA, TJ1LIXIR. \J CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT JDj /^ROSBY'S SWEATS, "OLIXIR. J^EOSBV-a ""SU, E™- jjHOUBCT.. ^-S^SuGli, /ROSBY'S and all Affections of the T71LIXIR. Throat and Chest. J_U ROSBY'S jglLIXlR. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH jgUXIR. 'ROSBY'S ELIXIR fjlLIXIR. • I dasoldrin bottles at-la 12a, .Jfy ROSBY'S..1s19d, 48 611, and Us each TTOLIXIR. 1 j fby all Chemists and Hi ROSBY'S' ^Patent Medicine Vendors, "J7JLIXIR. fiy jor direct from Bli ./■WRITS DLL ROOKE. E™' TJROSBY'ST SCARBOROUGH, JJUJXIR. ^^ROSBY-S ENGLAND. J^LTXIR. v Uusiiuss jkiftxesBts. SUMMER NOVELTIES. JOHN LANCE AND CO. (THE GREAT HOUSE FOR HOME SHOPPING) ARE NOW SHOWING THEIR 0OMPLETE COLLECTION OF SUMMER OVELTIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. The Stock, over £30,000 in value, represents one of the Largest Collections of FANCY & WASHING DRESS FABRICS To be seen out of London THE NEWEST MANTLES, THE CHOICEST MILLINERY, THE MOST CHARMING COSTUMES, &c., At all Prices. SKETCHES, ESTIMATES, OR COMPLETE SET OF PATTERNS POST FREE. CARRIAGE PAID ON ALL PARCELS OVER 10s. IN VALUE. 125, 126, 127, 128, HIGH-STREET, /CHELTENHAM. Vj 14389 WATCHES Bl 10 0 wItchII 0N RECEIPT OF A P.O, O. §88 WATCHES Bl10 0 WATCHES fOB 303" Bl 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES -m /r-pQQ-RC! rT £ 1 10 0 WATCHES (\/| |-| £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £ 1,10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES £ 1,10 0 WATCHES «T>XR'IR<TMIJR A xr E, CSR»XR £ 1*0 0 WATCHES REE DM AN & SON, £ I 10 o WATCHES JL £ 1 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES £ 110 0 WATCHES JEWELLERS, £ i io o WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES « P aqttx' QrP'R^5,^5',T, WATCHES '» CAtSlLllj-felKEEl, £ 110 0 WATCHES Bl10 0 WATCHES CiWA"N"SF.A 10 0 WATCHES £ 110 0 WATCHES £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES Will Forward One of their Solid Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES /-NTTVW-R £ 110 0 WATCHES >SAij V £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £ 1 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES n ENTLEMAN'S £1100 WATCHES I TT ° £1100 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES WTATCHES, si 10 o WATCHES y y Bl 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES T „ ,A £ 1 10 0 WATCHES Jewelled in 10 actions, key £ 1 JQ o WATCHES winding, crystal glass. The £1 10 o WATCHES cases are very stout, guaranteed £1 10 0 WATCHES s°lid silver. It is of handsome 10 0 WATCHES appearance, and should it fail £ i jo 0 WATCHES III Its action for a penod of Five fyy 10 0 WATCHES Years they will repair it free of ih 10 0 WATCHES charge. £1 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES NOTE — If not approved Bl 10 0 WATCHES of within One Week, Money Bl 10 0 WATCHES returned in full. Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl10 0 WATCHES ——— £1100 WATCHES Bl10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES Bl 10 0 WATCHES NOTE THE ADDRESS! £1100 WATCHES Bl10 0 wtSSS 7 CASTLE-STREET, g.J88 WATCHES • vy Bl 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES QWANSEA. £ 1 W o WATCHES 1^17 WATCHES 101' £ 1 10 0 WATCHES £1100 WATCHES Established 40 years. Bl 10 0 WATCHES £1100 JJENSON'S •* J^UDGATE WATCHES Are the Cheapest, the Best Value, the Strongest, and the most Durable English Watches ever made. Made in thousands, on an Improved Interchangeable System. They are not liable to failure, but possess Extra Strength, greater freedom from accidents, and Higher quality than any other Watches sold for Double the money. JgENSON'S "TT UDGATE" WATCH Is the Modern Three-quarter Plate make, not the ordinary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other makers. In Silver Cases. In 18-ct. Gold Cases. £5 5S £12 12s' Best London made THREE-QUARTER PLATE English Lever, Jewelled, 13 actions, in rubies, Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band, Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value, of any £ 5 5s Watch yet made. A Neat and Elegant size For Gentlemen and Youths, or in Extra Small size for Ladies. Also Extra- Strong and Full Size for Work- men and Artizaas, and a Special Extra Large Size for Railway Men and Miners. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with Extra Strong Crystal Glass, any size, £5 5s. In 18-carat Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen"? size, B12 12s. Lady's size. in 18-carat Gold, £10 10s. JW. BENSON will send any of the above Watches, together with Warranty for correct perform- ance, to any part of the world free and at his risk, on receipt of P.O.O. payable at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Cash. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the house, of every kind t) in great variety and of the newest designs, from BltoB500. The largest and newest stock in, London. Pre:!8ntation committees invited to view the Show Rooms, or to send for photographs. BENSON'S CHURCH and TURRET CLOCKS. Estimates and advice free. Just completed, the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town-hall, Ashton- imder-Lyne Parish Church, Faversham Church, Trow- bridge Town-halJ, Lockerbie Town-hall, &c., &c. BENSON'S STABLE AND FACTORY CLOCKS. Silent, BIS Striking, £50. Best quality, with brass wheels, steel pinions, 2ft. 6in. dial, with all need- ful lines, weights, &c. BENSON'S Turret Clock Factory is the largest in JL) the City of London, and only the best quality is made. BENSON'S JEWELLERY and CHAINS in Fine Jtjt Gems or Plain Gold of best London make. I Many thousands of novelties at manufactures' prices. The Largest and Newest Stock in London. Selections sent to the country on receipt of a reference. BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, of special and exclusive designs, in endless variety, set with the finest selected Gems, and of best London make, Speciality" Brilliant Rings, at £5, £10, a.nd £20. Selections free on receipt of reference. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of J[) its kind, containing over 200 pages of Prices and Illustrations of every class of WATCH from £2 2s to £500. CLOCKS, CHAINS. JEWELLERY, PLATE, and TURRET CLOCKS, new edition just out, sent post free on application to J W JgENSON, [Established Maker to H.M. THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, The ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, INDIA OFFICE, etc., etc. THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE-HILL, NORTON HOUSE, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, And 1, BOY-COURT, E.C. 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, <6, WEST-END HOUSE, 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.—These clubs were first W originated by J. W. Benson over 40 years ago. Applications invited for Agencies, which form a con- siderable increase to income. Full particulars post free. 145C9 KEATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATING'S POWDER" J[\- Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles EATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. This Powder, so celebrated, is Derfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with the Powder before placing away. It is invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment in- sist upon having Heating's Powder." No other Powder is effectual. Sold only in tins, 6d, Is, and 2s 6d. Beware of imitation. Don't be deceivel1. -+ WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, are easily, surely, and with perfect safety got rid of by using KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. Nearly all children suffer from Worms. If suspected, do not wait, you can with ease cure the child (has no effect except on worms). Sold by all Chemists, in Tins, Is l^d each. 11809 BLISS HIPPING NORTON rjWEEDS. These Celebrated Tweeds may be obtained DIRECT FROM CHIPPING NORTON, Also their Royal Navy Blue and Rlack Suiting Serges. Patterns post free, and any length supplied by ALFRED MACE, Chipping Norton Tweed Warehouse, Chipping Norton, Oxon. 14505 jpARMERS, SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO CLOTH from Is 3d to 2s 4d per yard. Blankets from '.Is 2d to 2s 6d per yard. Flannels from 9d to Is 6dper ryard. Stocking Yarn from 9d per lb. Patterns for- t Warded to select from. Carriage paid to and- from the Mills on all ordersof over £ 2. TYLER AND COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, (I 13607 SOUTH WALES. 1*39 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES: CASTLE CHAMBERS 21, CASTLE-ST CARDIFF. SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best '.Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and, Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions ■ or ^Advertising, Circular Distributing, &c. 4 c 411 ord«T8 j?roajptt5^attended;to.:999'1044 im-i ftenuss ;A.bbrtS5ts. R I Z I N E. In the next order to the Stores, send for a Packet of Rizine, and judge of its merits on its merits. Ignore high-sounding, overdrawn advertisements. Rizine relies upon the great British public to proclaim its merits from mouth to month-the surest test of worth. If you see a bonny, healthy face in the omnibus,'de- pend upon it Rizine has had a big share in pro- ducing it. A hungry man is an angry man Place a good Rizine pudding before him, and watch the effect on his countenance. "DINNER A DELIGHT."—Yes, if a nice Rizine pudding is included, which makes satisfaction a cer- tainty. Less animal and more farinaceous food such :as Rizine would be better for your health. How to reduce the Butcher's Bill. Use Rizine on every dinner table. Ask your medical man what he thinks of Rizine. The horrors of Dyspepsia are unknown to those who take Rizine as part of their daily diet Indigestion has no terrors for me, because I almost live on Rizine in one form or another. It never palls on the palate. The oftener you take it the more you like "BiziNE." Like as water unto wine so are all other Foods when compared with Rizine. A Lady in North Devon writes My youngsters simply clamour for Rizine." Wise youngsters Head and shoulders above everything in the way of; Foods stands RiziNB. The Dyspeptic martyr cries aloud there is no pleasure, in this world. My friend TRY RIZINE. 14500—1955-278e rpot BUILDERS AND OTHERS. JgEALYHAM QUARRY, WOLFS CASTLE, R.S.O., PEMBROKESHIRE. This QUARRY is now PRODUCING a CHEAP SLATE admirably suited for Workmen's Cottages. The SLATE for Metal and Durability is SECOND to NONE. 14481 BASS. AND OO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS MAY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF 114 GIVEN AWAY! g pEACH AND jgONS' LACE CURTAINS. DIRECT FROM THE LOOMS AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. Ol POPULAR PARCEL FOR 1891. £ >1 /W JLS. Lot No. 841 Carriage Paid. /W J-S. Containing 1 pair of magnificent Drawing-room Cur- tains, superb design, elegant and lacey in effect, 4 yds. long and nearly 2 wide, taped edges 1 pair handsome Dining-room Curtains, copy of Point I/ace, 3%yds, long, 56 inches wide, taped 1 pair of Breakfast-room Cur- tains, 3 yds long, 50 inches wide, taped edges, floral and fern, delicately shaded; 1 pair beautiful Bedroom Curtains, 3 yds. long, 43 inches wide 1 lovely Anti- maco-ssar, imitation Swiss 1 Laced-edged Hanker. chief 12 yds. trimming Lace 2 Lace D'Oyleys. Ecru Curtains sent if desired. One Long Spanish Lace Scarf GIVEN AWAY with every Popular Parcel. Only by the large sale are we enabled to give this un- exceptional value. The Curtains made exclusively for the Poptilar Speciality, and comprise all the Latest Patterns for 1891. MONEY RETURNED IF NOT APPROVED. 1891 Lace Curtains Price List post free. P.O O.'s and Cheques payable to S PEACH and SONS, LISTER GATE, NOTTINGHAM. ESTABLISHED 1857. 14442 J^IPLEY'S QVAL BLUE VERSUS RECKITTS' PARIS BLUE. Everyone who uses Blue should try a very interesting experiment which I witnessed to-day, and by which the strength and purity of different makes can be tested and compared. The operator took equal quantities of RIPLEY'S OVAL BLUE and Reckitt's Paris Blue, carefully woigliin^ them to Ùi) curtain that he had no more of the OVAL than the Paris Blue. These he dis. solved in clear water in separate basins, each basin containing a pint of water, and then took a glassful of water from each basin, and compared them In a good light. The colour of theOVAL BLUE solution was so much DEEPER and PURER than that of the other that the ex- perimenter called for another pint of water to be added ta the OVAL BLUE in the basin. The glass was again filled and placed beside the other, when, ALTHOUGH THERE WAS DOUBLE THE QUANTITY OF WATER, the colour was stillpurer and more intense than the other. Give MR RIPLEY another pint of water cried the Analyst. It was done, anll. once more the solutions were held up to the light, when, to the astonishment of everybody, RIPLEY'S OVAL BLUE, WITH ITS TRIPLE QUANTITY OF WATER, was even then of a richer and stronger hue than its competitor, and presented a bright, clear solution, proving its absolute purity and complete solubility. The result of the experiment is to show that RIPLEY'S OVAL BLUE will colour at least three times as much water as Reckitt's Paris Blue, and that it is—as the manufacturer declares it to be—the purest, strongest, and best in the world. Those who use it should remember that one block of RIPLEY'S OVAL BLUE is as good as three of the other, that it is therefore the cheapest as well as the best. W. P. FISHER. February 19,1885. 14454 ACHES and PAINS.— ELUMAN'S J*TL Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS— ELLIMAN'S 1: Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S J"TL Universjil Embrocation, ACHES AND PAINS.— ELLTMAN'S Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S J*TL Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation. STRENGTHENS THE MUSCLES. From "Victorina," f' The Strongest Lady in the World." "It .not only relieves pain, but it strengthens the nerves and muscles." "I^LLIMAN'S for Rheumatism. J^LTIMAN'S for Lumbago. "• JgJLLTMAN'S for Sprains. JGJLLIMAN S for Cuts. JGJLLIMAN'S for Bruises. jQLLIMAN'S for Sore Throat from Cold. JgJLLIMAN'S for Chest Complaints. Jj^LLIMAN'S for Stiffness. LUMBAGO. From a Justice 01 the Peace. "About a fortnight ngo. a friend advised me to try your 'Embrocation,' s'nll. it? effect has been magical." ELLIMAN.S UNI VERS AITEMBROCA- Jld HON. 13871 Is Hd and 2s 9d. Prepared only by KLLIMAN, SONS, and CO., Slough, England. SPRING MEDICINE JQR J.TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, THE BLOOD PURIFIER. JL Dr C. R. Huxley writes: "As a high-class re- storative, I consider your preparation unsurpassed. That it is a valuable purifier of the blood I am assured." Mr Hugh Kelly, Registered Chemist, Kingston Apo- thecaries Hall, Gloucester-street, Glasgow, writes: I have been selling a good many of your famed Old Dr Jacob Townsend s Sarsaparilla. People say that it s purer and more effectual tnan any other." SORES, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS. KJ This old-established remedy acts direct upon the blood. Cures blood and Skin Diseases. Cures .Sores of all kinds on any part of the body. Cures Pimples or Pustules on the Face. Cures Boils, Scrofula, Scurvey, Salt Rheum. Cures Gout, Rheumatism, Piles, Blotches. Cures Eruptions and Itching of the Skin. Expels all Morbid Matter from the System. Fills the Veins with Pure Rich Blood. Makes the skin lustrous, sweetens the breath, creates appetite, and imparts a tone of vitfclity to the whole body. DR J. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA contains nothing but purely vegetable ingre- dients known for their Tonic, Alterative, and Curative properties. May be taken by both sexes. Children like it. Very agreeable to the tasto. The genuine has the Doctor's Head in the centre of a blue and red wrapper. Have no other. Bottles, 2s 6d. 4s 6d, 7a 6d, and lis. A great saving in buying the large sizes. Also Dr J. Townsend's Pills, specially pre- pared for Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Disorders, a mild aperient, in boxes, Is l%d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, of all Chemists, or sent to any address, same prices, carriage free, from the Depõt, Dean, Steel and Co., 39, Theobald's-road, Holborn, London (late 131, Fleet-street, E.C.) 14452 TG A N T A L MID Y. These tiny Capsules are superior to Copftiba, Cubebs, and astringent liquids, and will cure the same diseases in forty eight hours without incon- venience of any kind. Each Capsule bears the name MIDY. Paris, 8,. rue Vivienne. Price, '4s 6d, of all Chemists. Or post free from 'WILCOX & COMPANY, 2W, OXFORD-STREET, LONDON. W. \J553 JNFLUENZA.—J^A GRIPPE. —— < We have for some time heard rumours that this dis tressing and depressing malady has reappeared in this j country but it has now been proved beyond a doubt ] that it is much more prevalent than is generally 1 known. j When, about a year ago, we heard of La Grippe on the Continent and elsewhere, we were disposed to treat the reports of its ravages not over gloomily; indeed, an allusion to La Grippe was almost invariably treated with levity. Since its appearance, owever, amongst < us some twelve months ago" and since we have observed its baneful effects on the constitution, we j regard its recurrence with special dread, as hundreds, if not thousands, of patients have not yet (if they ever will) shake off its evil effects. During the period Influenza raged in Paris and else- where last year it was conclusively proved that Quinine is the only (specific. Reports by Messrs Beral Roberts, Rue-de-Ia-Paix; Swann, Rue Castiglioni; Dr Hogg the Champs Elysees, and other celebrated Parisians demonstrate this beyond a doubt. It was also gener- ally admitted that Quinine, exhibited in the form of Quinine Bitters, was by far the most pleasant and efficacious way of taking it. GWILYM EVANS' i QUININE BITTERS. THE BEST SPECIFIC FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA.. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE BEST SPECIFIC FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. FOR INFLUENZA. As a preventative we know of nothing equal to Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. A few strong doses taken in time will often prove effectual in warding off attacks of this malady, and always succeed in miti. gating their severity when a patient is under their nfluence. These beneficial results of a prompt use of the Quinine Bitters are due to the following causes :— 1. The QUININE BITTERS give tone to the whole system. 2. They fortify the constitution. 3. They brace up the nerves and muscles. 4. They purify the blood. 5. They remove all obstructions and impurities in the human body. 6. They strengthen and fortify those parts which have been weakenedby disease, and are consequently more liable to the invasion of unhealthful influences. By these means Gwilym Evans Quinine Bitters assists nature to expel or repel the attacks of disease, and prevent it settling in the system. When suffering from an attack of influenza, the Quinine Bitters should be taken in double doses and twice as often as are prescribed in ordinary cases. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS is the best tonic for those who have been down with influenza. À few doses drive away the sense of extreme helplessness and feeling of misery and weak- ness felt after a severe attack. It revives the spirits and soon restores the strength. The greater the success of QUININE BITTERS the more numerous are its imitations. Wo warn the public against unprincipled and dishonest men who devote their little talents to copy the productions of others in order to reap benefit to themselves and defraud others. See that the name of GWILYM EVANS is on stamp, label, and bottle. Any preparation offered under the title of Quinine Bitters, and which is not sold in bottles, as above described, is not genuine, and the Quinine Bitters Company repudiate any such preparation, and are not responsible for it. The genuine article may be obtained of all Chemists in Bottles at 2s 9d and 4s 6d each, or it will be sent carriage paid for the above prices direct from the PROPRIETORS QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY,. LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. jyj- U N D A Y S "y IRIDINE" (Registered Trade Mark No. 36998. THE C U R E THE C (mE FOR CORNS. I FOR IV. CORNS PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. THE This infallible remedy introduced by CURE J. MUNDAY has obtaineda world-wide FOR reputation. The efficacy of "VIRI- COR"N"S I DINE' may be judged by its having *JC Curetl Corns of over 50 years' standing, S-KT TT ri which had resisted all other remedies. § i U In Jb It succeeds where all Plasters and VV FOR Caustic have failed CORNS IN removing BOTH HARD OR THE yOFT CORNS AND WARTS. CURE. TESTIMONIALS. FOR CORNS ILFRACOMBE. THE I feel I owe an acknowledgment to CURE >'ou for supplying me with your wonder- F0_ ful Viridine. l«or years I suffered a /NABW Q ,great deal of pain from a very obstinate fl "vJ-Ki-IN ;corn, but since applying your remedy THE it has entirely gone. I let one old man CURE have a bottle, and lie said if he had 100 FOR GUINE;4.She would give them to you fOl (*fYR"\rc! the relief he had. Pier Hotel. A.W.CAMPBELL. -> THE CURE SUNDERLAND. FOR I want you to send me two bottles of /ORN'iJ Viridine for a friend of mine. I have 8 + tried it myself and have found it to be TT £ » -n an excellent cure for corns I may say J I U R E I have had it out to Brazil with me, Vy FOR aud found it to keep in warm climates CORNS remarkably well. B. BURGESS, THE 13, Avenue-terrace. CURE CAUTION.—As there are several FOR imitations of this preparation, the pub- /~10RNS lie are requested to ASK FOR PUBE MDNDAY-S V FOR "VIRIDINE," CORNS And SEE that MY SIGNATURE is on the THE end of eaclypackage. CTT o rp By ordering Corn Cure you may AV ■LJ receive one of the many so-called "remedies which only give relief | lUKiNjp or some worthless imitation of "Viri Vy dine." IN BOTTLES, PRICE Is, BY POST Is 2d. PREl'ARED ONLY BY J. M u D A Y- CHEMIST, 1, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. 14000 SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. 7e CO L E MAN'S (LIEBIG'S) EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE Or WINCARNIS," (New Name Registered to prevent fraudulent Imitations) la a delicious Beverage lnlll Tonic made from Port Wines, Liebig's Extract of Meat and Kxtract of Malt Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Fiesh-forming, and Hi»altbful-restoring suitable for the Robust in Health as well as the Invalid. Strongly recommended by the Medical Faculty. Hundreds of Testimonials have been received from Medical Men. Important, unsolicited Testimonial from T REGI- NALD JONES. M.K.C.S.. LL.M., K.Q.C.P.I., drc. OVER ONE THOUSAND Have been received f om Mt-dical Men. lIaniiUo:i-qu^ret Birkenhead, 21st Septe » ber, 1P88. Gentlemen,—I desire, in view of certain statements made by another firm, to express to you how highly pleased I am with your preparation nf Meat and Wine. I have over and over again witnessed its effects with my patients, for whom I always order it. In many cases it hit. aeted like a charm, and in a way that ordinary Wine (I mean Wine without Meat) could not do. Not only so, but 1 use it niysoJf when I feel low or wearied by over work, and 1 never knew it fail. I remain, Gentlemen, yours sincerely, T. REGINALD JONES, M.RC.'v, L.L.M., K.Q C.P.I., &c. Sold by all Druggists, Wine Merchants, and Patent Medicin" Vendors in the United Kingdom, in Kottles Is, 2s 9d. and 4s 61 each. A=k for COLEMAN'S LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINK, or WINCAKNIS," and see that you get it. If there is apy difficulty in getting the wine, write 'direct to the nwnufacturer*. who will forward Sample Is. Flasks free by Pos on receipt of 14 stamps. „ Pint Bottle" „ jt 33 „ Dozen „ 30s Sole Manufacturers, COLEMAN & CO.. Limited, St George's, Norwich, and 3, New Lond..n-*treet, London, E.C. SoleOPrornietors of OSMAZON," the New Beef Tea Sold in Dottles by Grocers aud Chemists Everywhere. 13746 MR g. T. CONGREVE On the Successful Treatment of CONSUMPTION KJ ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, &c., With the New Appendix, containing 226 Cases of deep interest, with recent letters, showing the PERMANENCE OF CURE. POST FREE, ONE SHILLING-From the Author COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, S.E.8048 1312 14496 BILL POSTING AT ABERDARE m (ESTABLISHED 1875). M. PAINE, Bill Poster, Distributor, and General Advertising Agent, Rents all the Posting Stations throughout Aberdare and District. Contractor for all description of advertising, distributing circulars, &c. Also Agent for Guion and Co.'s Miul Steamers.— j Address 1?, Dean-street, Aberdare. 13590 1137 ) "i ■ IBnsitttas JV&irrcssfis. WHO SCOFFS AT WARMING PANS ?- In the trial of the breach of promise case ;o funnily described in the PIckwIck* Papers." Serjeant Buzfuz, for the plaintiff, reads a note from Mr Pickwick to Mrs Bardell, in which that lady is told not to trouble herself about the warming oan. "Now, your lordship," cried the Serjeant to the Judge, "whoever does trouble himself about t J. warming pan ?" The Serjeant's question was careless and shallow A warming pan is a valuable thing in its way,and should be used oftener than we fear it is. If it were universally employed, Mr Patrick Cain, of 3, Birkland-street, Bulwell, near Nottingham, would never have written the following statement: "In 1882 I was taken ill through sleeping in II iamp bed. Up to that time I had been a strong, tiealthy man. I was then serving with the South Staffordshire Militia at the annual training at Whittington Common, Lichfield. We had been at Lichfield only a week, when I war seized with inflammation and stoppage of the bowels, and sonfined to the Barracks Hospital during the remainder of our training time. Getting a little better, I returned to Bulwell, I where I soon had another attack of a different nature, My appetite left me, and when I did eat, the food gave me great pain, filling me full oj wind. I had severe pains in the back and side, my stomach swelled, and every now and again I had dreadful attacks of cramp the pain nearly made me scream. During these spells a doctor attended me, and I was poulticed back and front, and rubbed with liniments until my wife became exhausted with the labour. Off and on I went on like this for seven years' the attacks growing more frequent and violent. I am sure I was off my work twenty times for a few days at a time, and this was a great loss to me, and kept me down. In the March of this year (1890) I had a worse attack than usual; and becamejSO weak and low I never thought I should get over it. I said to my wife, Fm afraid I ami going to leave you, for I think it is my last time roimd.' About this time I heard from a fellow-work- man, named William Napp, about Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and I got a bottle from Mr Bloor, chemist, Austin-street, and after taking four or five doses I felt relief, and by the time I had used three bottles I was cured, and have never lost a day's work through illness since. I suffer no more pain, can eat anything that is put before me, and never ail anything. My wife had suffered from dizziness and iudigestion, and seeing what Seigel's Syrup had done for me, she took some of it, and was greatly benefited. In the first week of November my little boy, three years old, was taken with convulsions, and we thought he would not live. Thinking the boy was dying, my wife wanted to fetch the doctor, but I said No, I will give him a dose of Mother Seigel's Syrup.' I did so, and in an hour and a half the twitching ceased, and he fell sound asleep, and has been well ever since. (We advise m such cases that a doctor be called.) You are at liberty to publish this statement." Now what had the damp which Mr Cain slept in eight years ago to do with all he suffered after- wards ? The answer is plain and easy. He took what we familiarly call a "cold," which means that the nervous system is in a weak and depressed condition. As the stomach and bowels are full of perves the attack became localised there, and developed finally into chronic indiges- tion and dyspepsia. The reader must remember that it is not overeating alone that brings on this malady. Any cause which overthrows the balance of the body or mind almost invariably settles in the stomach, and the result is indigestion and dyspepsia, with all its fearful consequences. A damp bed did it for Mr Cain; something else may do it for you. In any case the demonstrated remedy is the one he at last employed—Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup. J N- F L U E N Z A". An ALMOST INFALLIBLE REMEDY to ward off or cure Influenza, Colds, &c. Hundreds of cases cured during the previous epidemic. From the recipe of a, well-known Londsn Physician. Write, enclosing stamped addressed envelope, and P.O. for Is 6d (N.B. No further charges), to Mr PERKIN, Login, R.S.O Carmarthenshire. /^AKDIFF DYEING AND SCOURING c WORKS, 1, NELSON TERRACE, CARDIFF. J S HOBBS, PROPRIETOR. Damask, Moreeu, m l Re;) Window Curtains, Silks, Sbawls, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, and finished in a superior style. Gentlemen's clothes cleaned and returned in 24 hours. 13337 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT x FREDERICK STREET, CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- bourbood. All work entrusted to him will be speedily a d faithfully executed. N.R-Bill Posting sent by pistorrail will have immediate attention. 13(;7&


