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fesimss ¡\.bhnss£s. X" oil ok Alt. roCToii, Jt MUST MY DARLING L>IE ? V THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY J TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OK HONEY, THE :\1ü:T REMAKKABLE REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, Which is Wiuniug Repute for chI" RELIEF and CURE of BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. WINTER COUGHS, COLDS, -CHIU.S, COLD IN THE HEAD, RUNNING FROM THE NOSE AND EYES. fho\;s;w,b of Children Cured from Whooping Coughs aud Bronchitis wilen all other Remedies Jail. Pc -o¡, suffering ftom Difficulty of Breathing should give it a trial. Now Cowwendeil bv burgeons and Physicians. Wonderful Cun's Dai1,: fi"t-:1nd,, of Testimonials to hand from all part-' rtf the world. iJKAD WHAT PUBLIC )ŒN THINK OF iT, I y C hiidren's Cjujoi ;Mid Krone hit is have been roiiipU'i.ely cured 011 several occasions hy the cele- Tudor Williams's Balsam ot Honey. The Uihr-breathing and pa.in in the chest and hoarseness jiit-y suffered as dreadful, hut on taking the Balsam 01 Honey they had Immerliate ease. It acts like a 3harm on them. 1 am ctortnin the U!0re [Ile Balsam ioJ fciiuvvu menioix* if will be appreciated. am. Sir, Yours trul; •' Alderman THOMAS P;;iUP WHITE. •i in: i-rr.i. .•spkak HIGHLY OF rr ALL «>VKR THE WoRLD. .\1; iC:¡,i<. BiiooK-sr., HYDE PARK, AMERICA, states Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey lives niy children immeiliatè curt; from Coughs, Cold", Bronchitis, and Whooping Cough, whell all other medi" lines iY.il. I always kee|> it L; Ute :u (Oase of a sudden etlaek ]I1Y ,.jlild1't'u are a picture of health." ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL EXPRESSION My Cough, H O;ii-se;*c:-s, and Closing of the Chest of 50 h,,ve been eompletely cured by the Huild-known Tudor Balsam of Honey.- You is sincerely. (■. r. BAUI»I-:k. 1., High-street, :\Ul.t¡)1L A CHILD"* LIFE SAVED. •• My ehiJâ, nine month.- 01,1, u-as sudùenlya.ttackeil by feioncliui. Although frulll houie at my mother's house at fl\<xun, I sent if) the nearest chemist for a bottle oi your TUDOR WILLIAMS" BALSAM OF HONEY, as [n,;u,dly do, ;¡¡, ;->, ie'.v minutes after jiving it [0 ill.Y litt!e,1nr1ing it ea>ed the cough and tightness of h. chest, and in a few days was restored to usual i-eaith. I nH1Sl SHY thai ún several occasions it has saved my children's lives.-Tours truly, Mrs JOHN Davik-, •ore'! Cottage, Itesolven. Sold by ail Chemists ;1,¡I,1 stores ail over the World in 1, 2s 9d, and4s óÜ bottle-. S^aipie bottle sent (post paid) for is 3d. 3s, and os, from tii« Invcn'or. 14<s56-?m8-3«Je D, TUDOR WILLIAMS, ME DIC AT. HALL ARERDARE. \V 0 0 L r, A T T s 0 X D KR F (J L P ILL S rl'Hj"; greatest "PL HL1C BOuN is that which a heneats all mankind, irrespective or wealth, rank, race, nr religion, is withiu tbe reach cf ill, and benefit* more especially tue Sick, sufferiug.. and Diseased. Such are these mo-t WOIlderÎu1 Piils. "V57 OOLLAl'T's Digestive, ànd ww Invigorating. "VV"OOLLATTs P'Ll.s— N>>r), strong, for üùstroate VT c.ises •'■ £ Corstioat'.c.ii. ,1/eOLJ.ATl' PILLS—No. 2. Mild, for delicate VV \1 em3Je" anù Children. 'l1(H.! ,A r J' S PILLS io, Biiiousaess, Sick Head- v V Liehe, auu Sickness. \«T PILLS for P"in and Fulness-after V V ¡"aadg, V\y*>ULLAT1"S PILLS for Uilldiues:5, Wind, .and W » fa digestion. PILI,8 for Disturbed sleep <3nd VY Frightful Dreams. •\4rOOLLAll S PFLI,8for and Xoisemthe >> Eat" "TOOLLAl"l S P(i.L; for, Lowness of Spirits and » f Nervousness. VV" Oil L ATT'3 PILLS for Female Irregularities cf T the System PILLS lor Change of Life Pimples, » Blotches, Jfcc." \VOOLLATrs PILLS for Epileosy or Pits give re, » Uet %vUere other Pills fail. "\j PILLS, For Liver Complaint siaver v use any other. ,OOLI.cUT8 PILLS for Pail1<l1ll the Shinklers, v v Back, and Sides. PILLS for Toothache, Neuralgia. '? Rheumatisin. WOOI-LAIT S PiLLS for SpittiEg of Blood r and SJeedi:,g from the N se. "7'OLLATT>> pm" for Bronchitis arid Difficulty of ?v r'reataing. PILLS ivr Sore a¡:<! Inflamed Eyes v f tml Bad Legs. PILLS for Piles, Eczema » V lirysipelas. ',1JO'.iJ,LATl"S PILLS fo; Palpitation çf the;Heart » v and Dropsy. \1 i" 0< >L1.A1 f S PILLS are :1. spienctid Tonic A¡¡en"lI.. Pill; btace tho Nerves, Strengthen weak Diue-sti i:, Purity the Blood, and are admitted to be, ÍJy th" thousands wb.) take t;¡rlm, the best Family Medicine of the Üay, for Children or grovrn- up persons. The Tvnie and Mild Aperient Pill in the No 2 iPiil; tht1 strong Aperient Pill, suitable for strong lIwn, is the ::O<u, 1 Pill. and can iJG had silver coated 1.11' 11' silvered, as desired. ¡ q., L T. A IT'S t J' L N T 31 E N'-T THIS r..¡ IN VALUABLE HUt CURING INFANTILE SKIN BRUPTIO.NS, JHEICKTORE ALL NUBSKS SHOULD USE IT KVisiW FOX THIt; YOUNiiEsT BABY. READ WHAT MRS G. SATUiiLEY ,A Y:S- :\1y baby had a sprayed anyi inflamed back. Had J. d .c or four months with no benvilt. Five boxes of your Nn. 2. Ointment and ilirecbjoa* completely cured h MRi; G, SATURLEY. Aibemarle-road, Taunton. ECZEMA OF THE HANDS. For nine years I tried all kinds of remedies for :1. scaiy skin, uisease 0: rhe hnntis an,1 wrists, accom. panied with intolerable itching. Your No, 2 uintlllent aud Pills completely cured lIIe aftijr folioTving your airections as o diet, &:c, HENRY PAYNE. Payne's C urt, East-street, Taunton. SKIN DISEASE THROUG H BLOOD POISONING GUKEO. Mil. W'OOLLATT, DEAH. SIR,—For twelve years I suffered from blood' poisoning riccordmg to the doctors, and could get no cure for it. I was discharged from the Taunton Hospital as incurable, LIU • went to uvpry doctor of repute I could hear of, bus all to 110 mtrpose until I tri9d your Piils and Nn, 1 Ointrnen¡¡, and witl.1in u- fortnight of usina: the OiiKmeutand :a.kiiig the Pills I was comuietly cured. Yours very truly. ADOIJPHTJS GOODING. High Haw, Langr ort, Somerset, Ocsober 2nd, 1880, ULCERATED BAD LEGS. Your No.2 Ointment and Piils CI1, ell me of. a very bad .dcerated leg which I t11\Jugbe, could never be cured, THOMA.?! BKTTY. Oath, Langr oi'J. .\11" Betty is betwe,m 60 and 70 years of age. CURE 01<' ECZEMA OF 13 YEARS' STANDING. Amelia Salter, HiUfarrauce Eczeua of the faco of 13 years' standing out-patient Oil four different occa- sions, Taunton Hospital, each time with hopoiess ('e II uits. Cured by using Wooliatt's No, £ Ointment two 01' rhree times a liay, and taking Woollatt's Nu,,2 PiUs, following tile directions to iliac. CHRONIC SKIN DISEASES AND ECZEMA. "WOOLI,A IT devotee svecial atGention to these com- plaints, ami I11Hier his care number of CfI,ses have been cure.itliat under other treacment, bad beeu thought past hope of recovery. CCR .r.SPONDEXCE PER POST SKCETVES PROMPT ATTENTION 0: RECEIPT 01<' ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. Sold in ovxe" at 13iu, 2s 9d, aud 4s bd each, ard are sen: free per pose on receipt of Po-ital Order to any address in thH United I{iugdolD, by tho Proprietor, Wi,0u,ttr, Chemist Tduiioou, if you h,1.ve any diflicutly io getting tLem, but, as arnIe, most Patent Medicine Vendors keep them r wid obtain tuein for you iree of any extm charge. L,¡¡¡don A;;enb:-BarcLtY, Farring- rion-screet; Hovmuieu Berner.- street Sanger, Oxford- sweet 1£.1 wards, Queen Victoria-street Bristol- Ferris and Co. Hodder, Bread-street Cardiff —Stranajhan and Stephens 13811 LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC L1UM! QWBRIDGES TONIC tuNG [('-N G RPONIC, TONIC LUNG JLi X. TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEAL.ER. TONIC LUNG It has a power over diseases hither- TONIC LU N'to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you U <1.11 weak-chested, or TON1C LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TUNIt: LUNG just a touch oJ cough now and then ? TONIC LU NG "Try this Wonderful Medicine." TONIC LUNG The Cou;1;h and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear as if hy magic, and you will TONIC LUNG feel a strength and power vua never TONIC, LUNG halt oefore. TONIt: LUNG HAVE Y01:: A COUGH? TONIC LUNG A nOSE WIU, RELIEVE IT, TONIC LUNG HA VB YOU A COLD.' TONIC LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT, TUNit: LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves IONIC JA'NG InstpnUj. TONIC. LLNii _P. TONIC J.L Nr The spasms or Coughing so,.drectÜ- TONIC LUNtr ful iu Whooping Lml¡!,h become less TONIC LLNC with eadl dose of rhe 1\1edicine. TOX1C LUNG — IONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, HuP. TONIC 1.L';« sold in Bottles, ls l £ d, "s 9ct 43 6d, TONIC LCSe and lIs, by all Chemists mid Patent TONIC LUNe: Medidne Vendor, TONIC LUNG Wholesale all Lontlon and Provincial TONIC LUNG 13711 Houses. 1158 TONIC ls6d (}ARDEN SEEDS, ls6d NEW. GENUINE, AND WEJLL TESTED. Ün recelpr nf Postal Order, ls M, or 20 Stamps, we wlll sew: Free t., any Address lo?,. each of Wheeler's Imperial Cabbage, Hollow Crownwl Parsnip, "White Spanish Onivn, anil Selected Carrot; Vaoz. each of Savoy, Uarh,;Í1. Eady Turnip, and Br ->coli (early and late); 1 packet each of Lettuc0,"ia-mGW, and Cucum- JJer, and 6 packets choice Flower Seeas. Abu, for 1" extra, 1 pacset eadl of \vlustard. Cress, I new large Tripoli Onion, Pickling Cabbage, Borecole or Brussels Sprouts, Leeks, Cauliflower, Golden Ball Turnip and with every 2s 6d parcel wn will send twu Gi-ana Novelties—a 6ct nacket nf :ha11?<1" Queen P* as (the hes; pea, in »;lltivatloIl. large pods., weB tilled with from 9 to 11 delicious peas), and a 6d packet, ot NeaA's 3e Plus Chra, Runuer Beans ^jroducing pods "i splendid form. 10 to 12 inches loof). Tiie above (WO parcels contain 6s 6d worth of the very best qualitv seeds. Post free for P.O. 2s 6d or 32 stamps, GROVES & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEEDSMFIN PIDDLETRENTHIDE, DORSET BY 1 T l> o CU Si', Ot)Ui. U A 1 rv & CURE UH E UMATIS \i CURE SCIATICA. G-.OUI UftE LU¡o.IBAGO- j, CURK NEURALGIA. » The excruciating pain- is quickiv *->u relieved, aud cured in 3. 1.12 IV days i ,known %s the Owat Xiemedy for the RHKUMAHJ 'I^y *hes« celebrated well- i above cornplaiat, N>.j rescxiU'i1"' '*f j J >JL:s diet dur;g1JB1i. 80M by &11 Chemists I J- at 1,: :'cd a,¡'td 2s9il per õox. 14214 j § CURE FITS I—When I say cure I do | A- no; mean merely to stop t nem for a, time and then -i.i ve them return again, t ,a radical cure. 1 jave made tbe disease of FITS, EPILEPSY, OJ, FALL- > tSG sxckjjESS é), life-long study. I warr-d.11t m* j -euiedy to cure the worst ca,ses. Because others have j -ailed is no reason for not now receiving a cu e. Send j i once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give address in full. It costs yon notiiino I or a trial, and it wiil core you. Ad/ireas Dv H. G\ 1 toot, ^8, findslcigii-gurdeus, Etoton-iti.. London, N.W d.,an i 1- ^uaittiss OONSEED BITTERS. WORLD RENOWNED and only BLOOD CURE. MOONSEED BITTERS, the only CANCER CURE j MOONSEED BITTERS stamps out Scrofula, MOONSEED BITTERS stamps out Lupus. MOONSEED BITTERS stamps out all BLOOL DISEASES. ANOTHER MARVELLOUS CURE OF CANCER To be added to the long list of persons who have been restored to health anil snatched Ùom <1n untimely grave :—"Dear Sir.—1 am utterly unable to tiinl words to express my mos" sincere gratitude to you for Lhe verj wontlertul cure which I have ckrivecl tram the use ot your great discovery Moonseed Bitters. I have been a very great sufferer from cancer in tile month. I applierJ to the Bristol HospitaL and after teing ex. amined by many medical men 1 wa" tolll, that 1 could not live many months. had other medical advice of high orùer, including an eminent physician in London, all of whom recommended amputation of the tongue, but gave no hope of permadent cure, and no medico man allotted me more than six months to live. Now, to have one's tongue cut out is a fearful operation, to say the least of it but when it is only to give temporary relief the benefit to be derived, if any, is not worth the brutal UuMiiri/. My friends urged me not to undergo sueii an operation, and it wa" agreed r hat [ shouitt ta1.t; Moouseect Bitters, which I did in good form, for t took it tive times daily in foil does, and stuck to ir, regularly. not taking one dose and missing two, and 1 rejoice to be able to give my testimonial of perfect cure, which was accomplished in little over eighteeu months, iudi am now better titan I have been for years. All the above facts are known to every in- habitant of Wanstiow. from the squire to the smallest boy in the street, ami every resuler of the above can rely upon the entire truth of this testimonial. 1 therefore cannot undertake to tinswer letters ad- dressed to me on the subject it is enough that I have given it, trusting thai, you will advertise tiiis case for the benefit cf others who may need, your medicine, ami will be iJreparerl tü stick to it us I did. Again thanking you for my wonderful cure, £ am. faithfully yours, NATHANIEL COOMBS, brick, tile, and drain-pipe manufacturer, Wanstrow. Frome, Somerset.—To Messrs A. E. Powell and Co.. Swindon, Wilts, MOONSEED BITTERS is Piuely VEGETABLE. MOONSEED BITTERS is made hy Steam Power. MOONSEED BITTER-S is no QUACKERY. MOONsEED BITTERS is the Purest Medicine on Earth. MOONSEED mrTERS is the greatest Medicine on Earth. MOONSEED BITTERS stamps out all Diseases. MOON SEED BITTERS cures Wheezma. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Coughs. ] MOONSEED BITTERS cures Whooping Cough. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Bronchitis. MOONSEED BITTERS cures AsiiwiM. MOONSEED BITTER s cures Consumption. j Gives grea." force anil volume to voice and memory. All athletes should train under its powerful aid builds lip mind and bolly, stamps OUL cancer gemis and all other poisons in the blood, and is tiie ouly Wouderfn! JMidite on earth. Common Aloes made into Pills is no "wonderful melli. cine:" it will never f'ure constipation, hut will produce it. This is admitted by all authorities ôn aloes, and the only wonder i" the number of silly people wlw swallow t hem. We warn the public never to but any so-called Patent Pills, unless they are guaranteed to contain no aloes, because aloes, by their injurious and con. after effects, produce the yery mischief the Piiis here intended to cure. '!0071 seed Bitters,* pur up in :jeantifnliY-dl;,r,Taved wrapper, wici Moonseed Plant 011 label, is your remedy ¡ MOONSEED BITTERS cures Liver Complaints. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Indigestion. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Weak Stomachs. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Heart Disease. MOONSEED BITTERS cu-es Kidney Disease. I MOONSEED BITTERS cures Dr«*>sy. A CANCER CURE. Wanftrow Rector-, Frome, Nov. 19th, 1890. GE:'J1'LE'Œè'i,lr X. Coombs, of this parisi1, ha" asked me tn write to you about his cure through the use of Moonseed Bitters. I can say thai, about two years ago I saw the condition of his tongue, anil had no doubt that it was cancerous. He then went to the Bristol Hospital, where the surgeons decided that it, we* it case of cancer, aud proposed an immediate operation. This Mr Coombs declined, ami wok a course of Muonseeti Bitters, t can state thac now, as far as one can see. a perfect cure has resulted. I am quite willing to allow you to publish this letter in its entirety, and alll reftdy to reply LO <1UY cone. spondents who may think: it worth while to send ü, stamped addressed envelope for a reply.— I am. gentlemen, your ooellieu1 "ervam. Dunn, Rector of Wanstrow. ¡ To A. E. Powell & Co., s;wjprI0n. I MOONSEED BITTERS cures Paralysis and Spasms. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Sleeplessness and Neuralgia. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Nerve Tire and Fits. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Worry and Exhaustion MOONSEED BITTERS cures all Nervous Diseases. MOONSEED BITTERS The Great Brain Food. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Gout and Rheumatism. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Scrofula and Eczema. MOONSEED BITTERS cures the Foulest Ulcers. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Abscesses and Diseased Bones. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Tumours. MOONSEED BITTERS cures Full Necks. IT IS TRUE that Divine Writ says FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE But it does not tell you to Quack it by taking Potass and Chloroform. Remember that Moon- t seed Bitters is the only Blood Medicine it is ten thousand times superior to Sarsaparilla. Moonseed Bitters is compounded by steam power from the best and choicest roots and barks from all parts of the world, and prepared by the sole Proprietors in Swindon. Never take Quinine or Iron. Quinine burdens the brain, produces headache and bad symptoms. Iron destroys the teeth, sets up irritation, and should never enter a human stomach. MOONSEED BITTERS Best and Cheapest Medicine on Earth. MOONSEED BITTERS of all Chemists at 4s 6d and 2s 9d. MOONSEED BITTERS the Great Blood Renovator. MOONSEED BITTERS the Great Brain Renovator. MOONSEED BITTERS the Grrat Mind Constructor. MOONSEED BITTERS the Only Medicine Required. MOONSEED BITTERS the Greatest Appetiser. We GUARANTEE for ONE THOUSAND POUNDS that one 4s 6d Bottle of Moonseed Bitters contains more medicine than thirty-six pints of Hop Bitters or Quinine Bitters. Any novice can prove the superiority of Moonseed Bitters over Hop or Quinine Bitters by carefully evaporating a Bottle of each, and by weighing the residue. The Jlukl in either is not medicine thus you are buying a large quantity of water and very little medicine. MOONSEED BITTERS is Pure Genuine Medicine. MOONSEED BITTERS is Deprived of Water. MOONSEED BITTERS is Concentrated by Steam Power, MOONSEED BITTERS must be diluted with water before taken. MOONSEED BITTERS .will stamp out vile stuff called medicine. MOONSEED ALMANACK, 1331, beautifully illustrated, containing the Moonseed Waltz, published at 4s, com- posed by that well-known musician, Harrington- Young, for Moonseed Almanack. Illustrated songs, <Kc., postal information, important calendar, and pages for everyday reference. Moonseed Almanack con- tains the most startling revelations ever published. It teaches you how to cure consumption, bronchitis, asthma, all chest diseases, paralysis, and all nervous diseases, cancer, tumours, scrofula, and all skin and blood diseases, all diseases of the liver, stomach, and kidneys, what medicines to buy or reject. The Al- manack is cheap at a pound. Will be ready January 1st, 1891 order at once, that we may book and have addresses ready. We shall print 12 millions. Post free for seven postage stamps.—Address MOONSEED ALMANACK, Illustrated, The Manor House, Swindon, small plain Almanack, gratis and post free, MOONSEED' BITTEKS largest sale in the world. MOONSEED BITTERS of all Chemists and pro- prietary Medicine dealers 4s 6d and 2s 9d, or Post Free for 4s 9d or 3s; Is saved by buying larger size. SO0.E PROPRIETORS tE. POWELL & CO., NOR "HOUSE, SWINDON, WILTS. MOONSEED BITTERS has been a progressive medi- cine humbreds of improvements have beers made, and any M DON SEED BITTERS offered at less than fulllpriceis from old,stock, and you must stoutly refuse pit SPLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY .TE.-3SF. vy LLLIAMS and Co., Park-ball Buildings. Cardiff •JOHN !>AV IKs (jhemist 30, High-street, Swan-e.i T. ,-CORDEY, High-street, Newport. D. HUGHES, Wholesale Grocer, ltc" Ebbw Vale: Mes-a^ DA VIES, Grocers, £1<J,euavon f!¡ D. ARNOTT. Chemist, Pontypridd' W. arauKG. C. WOOD. Chemists. stamp Officc.Pontypool LUCAS, Chemist, Bridgend. PAJLMIHR FlCHARDs. 16, Lammas-street, Carmarthen. .IT G CSAAC, Caemist and Dental Surgeon, Neath. JOHN E»A VTES, Dispensing and Family demist.. 31, High-street, Swansea. i Mr J. n: FOWLING. Chemist, Diamond-street, Pembroke Dock.. And Retail of Messrs DUCK & SON, I' St. John s-square, Cardiff Andjull Chemists and Proprietary Medicine Dealers. 6809 IfositUSS J\.bbrfS5fS. gIR JOHN BENNETT (LIMITED), WATCH, CLOCK, AND JEWELLERY Manu- VT facturers to Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Observatory, the Board of Trade, Foreign Govern- ments, and the pnnclpal Railway Companies, 65 and 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. —BENNETTS Workman's Silver Keyless W'atch. £ iy —BENINETTS Workman's Silver Kevless O Lever- J^ADY'S Silver Keyless Watches, £2, £3, £4, £5, "J^ADY'S Gold Keyless Watches, JE5, S6, BS, B10, &e 4* f —SILVER KEYLESS ENGLISH LEVER 3õi,;D., WATCH. A tine Plate English Keyless Lever, jewelled in rubies, chronometer balance, crystal glass. The cheapest watch ever produced. Air, dnmp, and dust tight. t* "J In return for £ 10 note, free and safe per ,^1V. post, a LADY'S GOLD KEYLESS LEVER WATCH, perfect for time, beauty ami workmanship, w~rh keyless action, air, damp, and dust-tight, in strong crystal glass hunting or half-hunting cases. <*1 -GENTLEMAN'S GOLD KEYLESS d^JLO-HUXTiNG or HALF-HUNTING LE VER fully jewelled "4-ptate movement, a sound and relhhle timekeeper. Ditto in Silver, S6. OO CT —A tiii; rii (iOUD KEYLESS Opiate, half-CHRONOMETKR WATCH, accurately timed, for all climates..Jewelled in 13 actions. In massive 18-cara* ^ase, with monogram /'1' crest richly emblazoned. Ditto in Silver, £15, ^HBC^WRAPHsliFaUlci^^ J Scientific, Engineering, Medical, unit Racing pur. poses also Chronometers, Repeaters. Calendar, and Clock Watches of the highest quality.—SIR JOHN BENNETT (Limited), 65 and 64, Cheapside, E.C. •IEWELLERY OF EVERY DESCRii'TlON. Ladies' Gold Necklets, Guards, and Albert Chains from £2; Gold Brooches and Earrings fromfil. Gentle- men's Gol,1 Albert Chains, in all patterns and qnali- ties, from £3. Gentlemen's Diamond and Signet Rings, A'c. (1 LOCKS. -THE ;FINEST STOCK I.N ) LONDON. Drawing-room, Dining-room, Hall, Library, Office, and other Clocks, at prices lower than eyer. M irble Cloeks from £ 1 10s. Estimates given for Church Turret and other Public Clocks. A large stock of Carriage Clocks, Hall Clocks, to chime on eight bells, in oak or mahogany, from £25. Silver and Electro-plated Goods in Great Variety. ILLUSTUATMT) CATALOGUES POST FREE. Presentation Wutdie*. £ 10, £20, £30, S40, £50, to £250, Arms and Inscriptions emblazoned to order, Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired on the Premises by experienced \V orkrnen, SIR JOHN BENNETT, LTD., 65 A.VI> 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. 14368 J, gESSTONS AND S ON8 (SHOW-ROOMS AND OfFTCF.s. CANAL WHARF, EAST CARDIFF,) SOLICIT FOR MARBLE WORK OF ALL KTNDS. INCLUDING MOXOREXTS WITH CARVTXH OF ANY DESCRIPTION. EUTCHURs SLABS, GROCERS COUNTERS, CHIMNEY PIECES OF ANY DESIGN. PRICES ON APPLICATION. ——— 9509 GOOD WORKMANSHIP. QUTCK Pr'PATCH. Si AL T REGAL O "il.-s attained.'1 iiM> 1'er.utation."—Tht> Analmt. QALT REGAL O Is a most valuable remedy for dyspeptic symp- toms, and one which we commend to sufferer from in- digestion generally. The ozone which it contains gives tone to a debilitated constitution.—Pvb!'c Opinion. SALT REGAL Prevents and relieves DIPHTHERIA,CHOLERA, INDIGESTION, FLATULENCE, HEADACHE, and all other stomachic irregularities. PURIFIES the BODY, imparting NEW LIFK and VIGOUR to the entire system. CI ALT REGAL (O Possesses marvellous RECUPERATIVE Proper- ties, is invaluable in RELIE VlNG and SIIMULATING the overworked brain, and RESUSCITATING EX- HAUSTED VITALITY. CJALT REGAL k5 BRIGHTENS and CLEARS the COMPLEXION, corrects all ERRORS of DIET, eating or drinking, is a most pleasant pfferVeScll'2:morning drink, STIl\-IULAT- ING the APPETITE, giving TONE to the entire system, and is highly veeommended by the Medical Profession. 2s 9d of ail Chemists, or by Post from the MANAGER, Salt Regal Works, LIVERPOOL. 14235B /COCKLE'S VV ANT1BILIOU5 PELLS The Safest Patent Medicine ANTIBIHOUS PILLS, COCKLE'S Free from Mercury /COCKLE'S V_ ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Oldest Patent Medicine /COCKLE'S \y ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The jJtst Family Aparien COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Fo ] iver. I COCKLE'S V-/ ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Bile COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Indigestion. COCKLE'S ANTIBILieUS PILLS, J For Heartburn. t ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, CACKLE'S ANTlBILIOUS PILLS, Fer Acidity COCKLE'S ANTIBILIO U S PILLS, For Sick Headache. ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In V se Amongst all Classes. ANTIBILIOUS PiLL" COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In Use Eighty-nine Years. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Everywhere.. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Safest Patent Mec'icine. *'« CIOCKLE'S J ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercurv. COCKLE'S COMPOUND ANTI- BILIOUS PlLLS, V In Use Eighty-nine Years. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, I In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lls; amt22.s 4, Great Ormond-screet, London. 1305b CLARKE'S "JDYRAMID" NURSERY LAMP FOOD- WARMERS. By their peculiar construction-the glass1 chimney conducting and concentrating heat to the bottom of the water vessel—they give a larger amount of light and heat than can be obtained in any other lamp of the same class, Withtptt smoke or smell, All Lamps are fitted with CLARKE'S NEW REGISTERED PANNIKIN. By this invention any liquid food can be poured out or drunk without scum or grea.se passing through the spout, and prevents spilling when poured into a feewng bottle, so unavoiilltble with aU other Panni- kins. These Pannikins will fit all tha old "Pyramid" Nursery Lamps, and can be purchased separately. CLARKE'S "PYRAMID NIGHT LIGHTS are the best in the world, and the only ones suitable for burning in the above, and for lighting passages, lobbies, &c. N.B.—No paraffin or other dangerous material used in their manufacture. Price of Lamps, 2s 6d. 3s 6d, 5s, and 6s each. Sold everywhere. If any difficulty in obtaining them, write to CLARKE'S "PYRAMID" and "FAIRY" LIGHT COMPANY, LIMITED, London, N.W., for nearest agent's address. Show Room, 31, Ely-place, Holborn Circus, and 484, Collins-street, Melbourne. 14388 F A-RM E P. S, SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADTE/INTO CLOTH from Is 3d per yard. Blankets from Is 2d per yard. Stocking Yarn from 9d per lb. Caniager. Paid both ways on all Orders of over £ 1. Patterns forwarded to select from. rjlYLER AND QOMPANY,, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL,. 13607 SOUTH WALES. 1139 DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the' best remedy for Acidity of the. Stomach, Heartburn, Hea.d-, ache, Gout, and Indigestion. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitu- tions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. Sold throughout the World. 14356 TEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea Single Tooth. 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Re- models, repairs, &c. Painless Dentistry, Gas, &c.— GOODMAN AND Co., 56, Queen-st., Cardiff, and 23 B, High street (Market-lane), Newport. 1304 11141 tf iARDIFF DYEING AND SGOUEINGi \J WORKS. 1. NELSON TERRACE. CARDIFF. J S HOB B; S PROPRIETOR. Damaski-Moreen, auul Rep Window •Cuitains^i'Silks, Shawls, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, and finished in a superior style. GenUemenfr^clotbesscieaBed and ^returned"in 24 boors. B557 Hasuwss J-b&msBs. COUNTY JGREWERY CO., JpENARTH TOOAD, CARDIFF. MILD AND BITTER ALES Now ready in SPLENDID CONDITION, In 41/2, 9, 18, 36, and 54 gallon casks. lOd, la, l-, 2d, and Is 4d per gallon. ¡ Dealers supplied. I For further pariietilar-, a,-)plyit the Brewery. 14350 8276-124e A D EMARKABLE Pt ELVLEDY. THE COLTSFOOT CHEST PROTECTOR I (REGISTERED) HAS CURED THOUSANDS OF SEVERE CASES OF COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &0. It is Tonic, Strengthening, and Healing to the Lungs and Throat, thus Affording the Best Guarantee of it Perfect Cure. ) ADAPTED FOR ALL AGES, FROM THE INFANT TO THE ADULT. Price, Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per Bottle. PREPARED ONLY BY ORCAN W. JAMES, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, LL A NELLY. SOLD BY CHEMISTS AND MEDICINE VENDORS. STOCKED BY ALL LONDON WHOLESALE I HOUSES. 14349 ¡ X U U G H E S'S X JG L O O D JP I L L S THE GREAT REMEDY FOR THE BLOOD SKIN, NERVES, LTVEK, AND STOMACH. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS care Bad Blood. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Skin Rash, HUGHES S BLOOD PILLS cure Scurvy. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Boifs. HUGHES'S BIOOD PILLS euro Indication HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Biliousness 1 HUGHKS'S BLOOD PILLS cure Headache. I HUGHESS BLOOD PILLS cure Rheumatism., HUGHESS BLOOD PILLS cure Constipation HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Fits artd-Pilc-fi HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLScureS'.usreishLiver Every Slifferel' sbould'take these Noted Pills, as relief' is certain from these complaints. Thousands are cared yearly bytheM. Testimonies received continuallyfrol11 allpartsof the be to their great virtues. Sold by every c' onust and Patent Medicine Dealer at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. By Post Is 3d, 2s lid 4s 9d from the Proprietor, JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth, Cardiff. 13454 X X 5T Aiki k SPLENDID SILK -g S HANDKERCHIEFS. X Wonderful Bargains. Must 'oe cleared without delay. Send 10, Postal Order and stamp for one, or 2s 8d for three. In order to clear quickly we will give a PRIZE of £ 2 to the person who forms most words from "VALENTINE.' Send List and Order before Feb. 17th. t-L One Shilling will be returned with Handkerchief to first 20 Applicants. 14385 X. SAMUELS & CO., 20, Newgatc-st., London, E.C. ^00 late for Classification. GRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. I FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY, FEB. 9TH, 1891, and POSITIVELY TERMINATING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH. MESSRS L IVERMORE Jg R O T H E R S' JLF W orld-reno wned COURT "J^JINSTRELS "en COSTUME," GEORGE U. 30 STAR ARTISTES 30 In a New and Original Programme Replete with Novelty. SUPERB DOUBLE CHOIR OF VOCALISTS CHARMING INSTRUMENTALISTS UNRIVALLED COMEDIANS INIMITABLE DANCERS NEIMAN, the World's Premier Ventriloquist. EDGAR AUSTIN, Lightning Cartoonist. THE ZENTOS, the most wonderful Trick Bicyclists and Champion one-wheel riders of the world; also the renowned LIVERMORE BROTHERS at each Performance, altogether forming the Greatest Combination of Minstrel Artistes ever brought together. GRAND MID-DAY PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH. equal in every respect to the evening. Doors open at 2 ;J commencing at 2.30. Doors open at 7.15 commence &t 8 carriages at 10.10 An early door will be open at 6.45 (to avoid the crowd), 6d. extra to all parts. 514 ART-MISTRESS.—Wanted, by a certificated Art- A Mistress, Ex-Student in Training at the National Art Training School, South Kensington, a position as Assistant-Mistress in a School of Art, or Mistress of an Art Class, or Drawing Mistress in a High School.- Apply to Miss Burrows, Dunkirk, Devizes. 542 A STRONG, active Girl wanted as General Servant; must have reference.—Apply 9, Duke-street, Cardiff. 624 RIBBONS, various colours and stripes, lengths of 26 inches, 2 inches wide only Id patterns.—H., 37, Upper George-street, Luton. 611 COMFORTABLE {Furnished Apartments to Let: C nicely sheltered, south aspect, close to station, church, and sea.—Elm Villa, Oxford-st., Burnham, 533

Family Notices









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