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Situations Uscant. CVMXTBT) J Lab/1"l'TII 1.00." Domestic Servant-; ..uar3.!1ted fTnployraect cy Govrn:ae¡¡: aisoiCO Railway Section tor anl »x>pi,c»i..oa fOL'TI to ell and Park, Licensed bureau. Î. ew R0nrt-s;reet. Hath. 18968 ISinrrltB. itríílTdts. &c. 3-?r>eed St urrrey-Archer Gear Gen-'v (vel latest mocel £ 6 15s, worth treble.— Q. -C". uE1. ,tr.3 See. Cardiff. 80 Jn Mtbical ikuu&irs. ECBBF.B Appliances, Kaemas, ruastt Hosisry. 4s- lists frse X'russef. Zs frt: double. 3i Od. —Actiasoc's Ksrah i**i. 10 j;=at REAIj X»vy Ser>;i», direct from Porvmauth. as ased in Ktryai %a» Is J and li Sja yard oar. paid 1)&1:11. i". iieaumunl, .41i. CJu¡r&CLOr, ¡>onm0ilb. ^JGc'TS Wiles Prop j.-iy GdZeltc.'—A Month:? tiegisr.cr o' Houses, Lauds, &c., to be L-e or bold in "^Vules, Monmouthshire. West of E;lg:!1;1d, J. t,0C\i copies ¡;;1t vnositiiu, post, tree, :0 tbe leading ;cb a bit.i.ul^ \VJ.ks:J X'onoioathshire Iz^ertioiid iree. Copies pos'. :ee from Messrs He.'u and tertwee, Ustai? Agents, Auctioneers. <tc., 74, St. Mary-street. OarChl. 2444 jp b"a a- H E if s~ TfTv i h ifiri rlA TB:LS F01: EEDS. Why htiy cammon shoddy Woci Bdd when yoa e*n get besc ENGLISH iEA.T3XKS at Sd per 'b. carriage PF>!d? Warranted drr ,¡à sweet. f'<:a.t¡:r Beds :¡,Je to order. Se 4 ioi ;;G1..¡"3 ane), price li5 :¡ H OAK l> V AND C O FI-'At'iiJ.P. MEtfCBANIs. j 6,161 WrlL:5POOL. NORTH iSli5ceUanam&. ACAbinet Pnoio Is lj, copied fro:a any c.d.v. cr cabinet vneso 6. i* c.d.v.. 0. is 6d I. is 6 i 12 Postcards,, Zs: ICia. 4s 6:1.— Send piuto aad F O. to l-raacis itad Co.. '23. bodaase Hill. E.C. 18-0i V J ATItlMONlAl, toss", seated envelope 5d. wish cir- JUL cuidr -}-i »8Muii.4heU o.'or :juaru»r of century. — g ditor. llco:-t 9 t11 14, Tn'alirx- blilgp. I.o» dor.. W.f. n Miscellaneous Msnts. 'WJ ELSH CliiiiA.—Wanted, Svrans^ii and Nautjearw *T Chi¡¡IL,8w.I'"a. and Dlllwyn Etrasoan \1/ lUe oul:, good spsoimens required; hiua pr1't.. è'l.- \èJ1i"cs, Knlio O P. Cardiff. Sanhs- TilE •HARI>G ■ C}1O3 BASE. (Est. IcTO.i CardiiT Eraoeh—7i. ST. MARY-STREET. ])[111' ches alrO at Manchester. Liverpool. f .eLd Ac., .tc Ihad O!1:Cf:S, LB. li£d: a: d-street, Strand, Loudou Q,nd 29. Sisbopsgace-strect Within, K.C. Ass- lb, ii.lJo.Z-O. Liabilities, £ 7V6,"33. Surplus, £ 3i3.461 LOANS c.t £ ;o io Ai.GCCn.ade 3n any d:¡;; of -ecurity. CEM'.lM'Kjiibl'.ailowedon urrentaccounts, DKX'Obl'i S oi £ .0 sno Lpwai .is received ai. ui-oev— •, .c.peraj»D..n.bjt<.tt0Jiri0Bth8' notice ûl witbdrawal 6p.c. „ a P-c. 12. Special term* Ol :np.rr1od l ht: Ternsinaijle Liecosit Bouds pay neiu iv 9 L',T cent., &r,d uc a i-aie 1:etHTI1@nt. c." 1).'vn6 large. dfrtdeDds to sharelioidera wa pay (/Jolr ralet of mtora-it to our U>po8il.or9, and bv o doinc hav earned the position v>e undoubtedly hólù In the pubiic c >cadence. We have bee:: 8-u.blhh",d for 6 years, ar.d our niqtle poeitiou In the B&:1kj¡, World to-Aay te8tll¡e to the tlUCCeS8 of our busi>:«&s xnetiiods and to the 3lutsta; tioo ol our custoajer3. W cite or call for Prospsctas. A. WILLIAMS ana H. TALL. Joint Mas*?«>rs ^loneu. JpiNAN'ClAL AiSISTAXCE^ JglO TO £500. ID large or «mall aroou^-s n.c<rordin? to reaulremenu ON PBOlilsSOHY NOTE ALONE. With PtiOJIPTlTL DE Md at LOWEST KATES. For Ions or short Der'.».1<«. PRIVACY GCAKANTLED. &epaymer,t,.j to 3uit conveaieace. Ca':i er'.v'r.te HI. LEWEIN A.N D CO., i". Charlesst, Cardiff. 124a—C7a I In Sams ct £ 5 and Upwaids Immediate Private Cash Advances I(ran:ad to aay ResponsIble pp¡"ons. Ocritry. Piof'ss^ion'al .leEf'mnen or Tradesmen. SD4PLY ON WRITTEN PROMISE TO BiPAT. trlote8. oiivacy. Low^.it rates. JOHN J^LQW.V 1. Peabroke-Cerraae, Cari'.S. Nat. Tel. IJOC. 32o7—359a 2C "to £ 5.000 ADVANCED By PxiTats Lender on SltaDle Proaslssor} Notes, fk> Bills o.' Saietaknn and absolute priracy puarantea-3 ITrst letter of appil^cion receives prompt attention. and lntendiag borrowers lue tIVùT1 by a reri»- tentative, vrtia ;g PTrrpowerm to i.oraplete transaction on terms mataally ••■rransed, no choree i-eing made Dùle..¡; boslnees actually ccmp;etell, L'ec a1 cjaotatloos (or short !oaa.« Write iu couifdeace t.i t C. WELLS, i345—408a COKRIDOR CHAMBERS. X. Ll-EsIES. IrlKLliCiQS. OW estaiihahed are pve I'tred to Advance hums from £ 20 to ^30C at snort notice OQ »pproT»«l Note of flaiid, r>e<^oi t' r.r otfc.-r escarlties. Charges arranged before tra: .>a.ion« are eomalesed. Mon^a^es in Pr.i-je -ii effeoteu at current rauesoT •T>iert>.t. Pioperty Purchased. Tratle Bili" T;Uconated. Annuities and fixed Incomes arranucd. Woaty aa«*B< «l on second Tr.orwat—s. — Apply ^ireci as -vt have i.o ageais. Haj&d UuUdiJitfs. Ihe Ea-es. Cardiit. 139J8 1 liSrflt>8. HKHN p¥p;i \^lTE.T.>ta(.e Asrerul .L.a -4, S>1. "rt'J prepared to adTaace hO!D £ lou to £100.000 on ."ilort^.vge of Freo- bold or leasehold Property, and iroin £:5 ) to O¡ I ^ersoub.1 secv.ri^y. 3ro. THE _b_LQ-E3TABLISHED "PROVINCIAlT" UKION ->ANK coaktauee to lend tmme.iso sami daily, from tl3 to 5.0Cû. on Note of Hand Alone, cr otter Security, as a few Cl'1!' 1)Qtlce. to a11 <:1a.88e1! m nnr cirt of ng, iacd and V- ales, repayable by easv irftalmeat^. No good applicat:on is ever refused. AH ccm;a;iaicatioas strictly private. ^Moderate iaterest. Special rates forshori periods. The largest, best known, and most bcaowrably conducted Bu^iuess ia f'.e Kingdom. Thousands of our rsf ilar •.usUamers have cypress«d t'neir satisfac- tion m Tepcnd transactions ",itl, us. 'f desired, oce elf our Oficial"- il1 arteud 11.' yonr resjf}Pnce!\t oaee wirh and carry out the advance THEBE and THEN — Caii, or wnte lie cciLfidcncei to the Manager, ilr Stanley Dowdiag, i, vueen-jqaarc, Bristol, or to the Lcuai Ageju^JDarie«; and Co.. 9í. ;t.. Mary-stxeet. CiirdiS. foS Mm"m g; y j toUG^MM | I J^AKAYS O3WP0UK0 ESS £ «C £ ^J/f iINSEED COMPOUND" i* & reliable Gki E'r.srH^h home =* remedy. It aoftcns hard pV.ejrtr; 1 pcrmimrm it, to be expectorated without st. run, soochitig the membranes and aHayirg the irriticn so coinmoalv ex- pcricaf«d." There is nothing to equal Of illJ ChcÜst." at homo and aoroad. Rif the j num.y off era}. HAT'S IN T^AMEf! It depends. A jjood narr.e is everything. So man is h¡;; in pu'b1ic e8tllna.t"n un.I?!s he has deserved it-that is. earned hi? reFltation. It t be same ai-wavs. When an art icle has obtained a good name it has always deserved it. For instance, a good oacne on a ivicqne is like coin oi tt.o realm, just as aalfi. 11 you ars ▼ery ill the name of a great physician is a guarantee, too you feel «ato. It yoti are feeiow par the ::Jame of 1\ zood i.s. a guarantee, too yoo feel safs. BEE C H ,A I' S piLLS BEE C H A S piLLS gEECHAMS pILLS I aro the itreat family physician—they have a gooa name, and you know you are safe in 1UlDg them They bave earner! their reputa- tiOD. wluch is world-wide. Thousands use tbeto every day, and have done so for sixty year* If there was aa Ordpr of Merit for medicines, hke there is for men of high and true worth. BEECHAM'S FILLS would be among the first to be honoured. The head cannot be right if the stomach is wrong. BEECHAM S PILLH kef p the stomach right There ia reaily no reed tu day to catalogue their virtues as a blood puriljer, atonic for the nervous system, or a cure for JI sluggish lirer. The name on the box is all you want. They are so weli known that they RECOMMEND fjl HEMS ELVES. ¡ I MMfw! ere in boxos. Pt'v;-« V: IJJ 156 pills) itd 2s 9d (163 pHIs). I i -1 rp I K B D L N j Wlifa yy.j \r* .rf mysterious prwrip* i tt-'og »r»1 w-arv «»f vea.i»z Kleetric Belts. wr;te to me a_d t will »en<i you a J'.oo(; wi::c;i thows how every can, yooog-iad old, nay w> (Tjic!<Iv and thoroughly cured of >'HIi.VOI■ SN KSS, KXKALSTION, VAiU.CO- | CELE.and DKSlLJTY iron anv cause whatsoever. WITHOLT STOMACH MKDICINjF. r CLfcClKI CITY, i!undswl* of cxirr.a. J'ooii '»ct sral»d, port j frw>. Two niawps.— A. J. I.U'Cn, 92 Oi, <<rsat Hoaoeij-atrew*, rncresT j fJú rimriiU. 156:Q j I Jnbltt ).musemtnts. I CARDIFF. IN E w RJ^R N E A T KT"E~! i.\ JL REDFOP.D- PAHK-PLACE. CARDIFF.. KATRY i;VEXING AT 7.15, ROBZRT EKDfORD'i AND MILTON BODE'3 JJED JJIDIXG "FL000, Powjrfn: cist. includJ^j! .— MUs AXIE PTTRCELL. Hiss NO "LI A (u'Y, iliss AGNES TANDY, Mr A5N5LEY BL RIO". Mr J AY LAlTRIETt, Mr HARItY PICKLE Y, Messrs SEAT II & M^F.SOV, COLMNci-sTSLLA J.RC'UPE of 6 Lady Lancer), m-1 TEn k MAY HOPKINS. Tnrf to Kcserv d Se-K-a — private Bosei. 12 2i, £1 lis 6i, £1 1:>, Dr,».=* CiTC; 4s. Orchestral Stail Rows), 41 ober R)W3.a, vnr3ev(),l ?eats—Bai'joay, Pit Stalii, -s Pit, 13 Gaiiery, 6d. > P E CI A i< MAT IN £ Ef EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY at 2 Seirs ran no* be booed. Box Offic* from 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 373. FJPHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF 1 Leasee and Manager ROBERT REDFO&D. LVI'.RV I\T\'JNU AT 7.50. T! UGLIEST ON EARTH. Next, We-!< NO WEDDING DELLS KOR TTETl. ^lubiir Jlctirfs. /"CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham V read. London, S.W—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on thn^r o'/ra appi'ation a! 2 o'clock. Fuuda urgent'y needed for ^ecerai expenses and for tue Rceeai-ch Department 18524 Secretary W. Howsli %itilding 3>onmcs. THE TAUNTON AND WET OF ENGLAND PERPETTAL BENEFIT HULLDL>"a SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1357 Officcs: J, HAMilET-bTREET. TAUNTON. Secretary Mr It. A. GOODMAN BORROWING SHARES, £60 EACH. SUMS OF MONEY r" rea-àv tAJ b advanced on 8ecnrlt.v ol any description of ieai property-f.ee- bold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable term1; tobe principal and UItres repayable by Monthly Instalments. INVESTING SHARES, £ 60 EACH, rea.1i1<ed in about 13 years aut', 4 uviuths by Monthly Payments oi Fivl; Shillings per sunre FULLY PAID-UP &HARES, i>earinp a fixed rate of mteiest, payable half-yearly, cr allowed to accu initiate. DEPOSITS received. Interest II. 4 per per annum, payable hÁlf.yel.r:y. or may accumulate. Prosoectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secreiary. as above or to 13 Mr TEOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, Tower Chambers, Chiirch-strest, St. Jean s- 8qU8;. Ca. ARE YOU RUN DOWN ? IS YOCH DIGESTION POOR? IS YOGH SLEEP BROKEN ? Worry and overwork can do mach t. 1rin about thesj condition*. G*\ILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS GWlLYM EVANS QUININE BITTEtiS GWILVM EVANS' QUININE BITTEKS GV.TLYM EVANS' QUJMNE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE ljJuSi V i UJ4 NERVOUbN^si, ^.Aii-NLii, ^.MjiGLiTiON, ui AlJi-t 1TT^ isi'iiUi'i. GWILYM EVANS'QUININE BITTERS (j;\ïLYJI EVANS QUININE BI ITERS, GV.iLYil EVANS' QUlNINE BITTERa, G WILY21 EVANS QUININE BITTERS, VEGETABLE TONIC. Teatixaoaiai. Giiiauu ijyaoa, Twyaradia, aici tuy; xyoiii. rear Sir,— iii iiay, 1301, I became 11 (rom 1J. ver, ¡;,tfa< ù: lJervou proetrauox waa j p: uusery, ao> l vai sj 5ervcu»no!J ceprcsseu, iiyspeytio aau wea<c x uavj y -.r. i l L-csti treu-tca jy ..i^ic., Goctori, <tii 1 oiuaaii trie,- neari>' every patea^ lnediciati, uut ..err, ell a Utuporary ietiai. A lew 11' ago !£lWlu uow \a.rma.r:Jlo.. ■ uvaed uid to try GwUym i±v<un' Quiuias X'¡U£:rJ.4 .L [: i.lru.w;J. i ^9 uoootj t ut uau DO LUUU iu \1" CWI.Wj vo t.lu W6 auy good, i a..a s'iau wj J ci!m. i.een :t..uan-:L1Û\.L 1(,r; nJ"- i am uOW ill ,.HUV3' ¡>,>ca; L.;r.J;J, tuaa coatinuj itu LUJ .0: a hiiie wtuis .¡;èC U) pravtut the illiitJM retuioiQ^. 1 ,toU truly bay tua; .Ü,> u DO umio U)3, 1 i-tovr 01 tqtiai lu o .vtlym Evauj' V'iiiiUJ LlWeri, and you are at pcnco: Lberiy to pubiisn sUttemeut, ai i Ufm& any person guiierui_; auy uar- voiu Wioe, wu. LLUU i1 lrtW ineua u. j CwLjUi i^uuiuid liiltcij U peri4- with. i am youra, HENRY TTLLEfL G\yiL\'M EVANS QUINiNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS QUININE GWILYM EVANS QUINiNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERA THE VEGETABLE TONIC, lestimocijl. Coeu laiy wcrti, ITeaknnn DoJrytj Weaknasi GfnUemen,—I r.rn pleased to be aols to V, eaknaii I ear testiujoay to toe ueneiit 1 nav9 re- reived by taidng Gwilym Wuiou»« Litter.?. 1 hava meaicme irom arioiis doctori every sprins ior yearj j aot, and was oo'aged to take medicine iii last winter, but as 1 received ttlo beoehs 1 resoived to try Gwilym Evans' yuuuas Bitters, and Uiou_i i have ouiy taien Uire« 2s. Jd. potties,, am abid air-.xiy LO 0:;0 about. 1 Uev" been .WlII&Wo; iroia ft tikaea, iVt. ioufi truly. hi. A. WIIXIAM3. CT^ILYM EVANS' QriXINE BITTERS. GttiLYM EVANS QUININE BITTEKS. GWILYM EVANS QQININE BITTERS. GWILYM EV.ANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. IndlsreHoi Liwydarto-road. isiigestioa J, iPrtiy«wLif».i Dear Sirs,—Gwiiym E-Ii .J.IB y,uinin» Bitten lA, ji my opuiioa, cm v, me gi»U given to !iican;ty. i tnyieL ,iarj derived the greatait josiihls benea:. ;a itubbora .aaEH IIi i latulem-i, tnuijfestioa. Loss o. Appetite, ¡¡üe, eII.¡.:D8¡J¡. 1 uav Uwiiyrn v'Jiuinj iiiUen 111. tuj" owu perjoa to succeed who- Ml wtusr .-ewe. have ¡&il.;j, XHifj i.l'OWEL'j. GWILYM EVANS QUTNINE BITTERS GWILYM QUININE BITTERS I GWILYM EVANS' QU.NINE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS HiE VEGETABLE TlJlC. Beware of imitatioa- See the narno tvaai" oa ¡j) ;abet. d.u.:ip.. s&d iiottie, without whioa nons arc reoujia. Jold everywhera in bottijs .23 yd cc 4s "1 euh, Wtl, JJ beat, r03: ire.) (J., :I!(;ipt.t; at-xiaoi, direct .roui Uid iUU A ropriocoti. I QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. PIANOFORTES. THE SOLE AGENCY !"0!l r\IMilFF AND DISTRICT FOU THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAKKRS. B E CHST I: IN, BROAD WO 0 D. BLUTHNER. ERARJ > SCHIEDMAYER. STE< K. NEU ME Y E R. WALDE MA R, PIANOLA PIANOS. & -EOLIAN3 IS REID BY R.J. HEATH AND SONS, CARDIFF. POXTYPRIDD PENARTH AND PORT TALBOT, I Who also Stork Pisnos by BRINSMEAD, COLLABD. KIRKM VN. ¡ STEIN WAY. IBACH, HITMULLE: &c.. &r, FROM 15 GUINEAS CASH OR 10a id MOTTHLY, O.EGAX5 bv MASON I HAMLIN, f BELL, DOMINION, Ac.. Ac. Keduccd Instalinenls'. Special Discount. I Nat. Te1.-Ca.-ulfi 01199. Foul y;>rK;<l 21. GIVE YOLT. PIGS SOME GIP. j PiOS that have OIP it A ■ e -oape swine fevc IeS IS^Q^kfcepfreefrrni woi !!• ^LM II jMEp crain».. gripes <t fir.- j?* y jBSfesfetrd well, tlirire, aod | j £ (WCIlTmCi fit-ten rapidly Sample -.r;r; ba, 3 lb,. 1'6; Ih¡; Cash with orJer t — Sold 1-y all rorx: AJer- ■ .i,ir.tH. Mani.f-rr.u i C. HAMLIN, Marcourt, SAulSBURV. ('■«ARDii'J- AD"> ERIi.->iN^. i/i^L i j wll.Su A J", u Lj-l'.CL LA-. uii> \j Xi.y j ili'AN Hjili LO, or nCE" AND woiu">-i r AitK-siREEr LAitXiiFi'. rtC'KETARY: 1RANX IL tlMTSO.S. Propne^rj A the Principal Matioos u, *<? acd agjibournood. Cor.tracoo. io. -X. ofHyn,Uorc>. Aavot"Uaa; Circular Dt;uibutiai £ •-»' Ail ardea prom;>uy a"ea S.M j dipping goitres. (;AADIA.\T PACIFIC LINE. l Af>Tr ST or Sailings tiI Pamphlet, re Work .p(y land VVages. apply 10 Canadian Pacilic CAN 4 its (Railway, IS. SL Aucustine's-parad?, 'I Bristol, or .oca- agents. STAlt LINE. -LIVERPOOL t to AUSTRALIA, caiang at Capetown (South Mricj, totis Jan. 17 MF.Plr. 11,S84 tons Feb. '1 Affile, U48 tons Mar. 14 &CEYir. I?.509 tons .Apl. 11 The accommodation OD these twin-screw steamers ,:ornpÜ3/ jiiEokmg, readi:1/r, and dining roouis. Fucs-To Austra-ia, to £27; to Capetown, 15s to £7..2 It. For further particulars apply to Loeal Agent* or to Ismay, Inane and Co.. l iverpool; 1, Cockspur- street. S.T.V an i 38, Leadenaall-ssrt-et B.C.. ondo A liOYAL :\IAIL.-CAKADA ft. and C S. i'usurpass'd for ht. 2nd and 3rd cia»*es. Speeiai • at rs to Ontario, Manitoba, a.nd Cfciiaiian North v.tv Handbooks free, —Applv Allans, St. Pall Mall 19, .!¡:mes ;;tt, Liverpool, and ICS, Leadenh&lUstreet, Loudon or o U .1. Trounce awl Sunil, Bote Docks, Cardiff: Captain J. A. ScoH. 15, Cathays- terrace, C.tb:v C Stuart, i5, Mount Stuart- sqnure C J Cud.ip. 32. City-road; Db.vies de Co., "8. Charles-stieet Cardiff. RTOP ONE MOilEXI'. -\r A Cil, DEAR. uOCTOR. MUST 1lY I' DARLING DIE: THERE IS VFfty LITTLE HOP ji BLf TRY I EDOR 1LLIA PATENT B A L S A 31 U F H 0 N E Y. iULLL IS NO REMEDY UNDLR THE CANorV OF HEAVEN EQUAL. TATRONISLD BY KOYALTY. NOBILITY; DOCTORS, NURSES and MOTHERS ITLA-ISE IT. IT ntaio.1 PURE Welsh Konev and an Lisenaa of tlio l'uret and moei efScacjous :*aLnered on the H lis o: WJea, b, in athel ii, the proper reason, \Jeu '^irtuti* are w juit p^iiectiou. BRONCHITIS. THERE f thon,->ands children who lie anmially Uoin Broncaui-. \">'hoo;.irn; Loug.i, and Croup, i t.i, i. 3 grand discovery for ttie curs oi sucn com plaints. It a INVALCABLL or \S•ai-ciicsted Men, Delicat> Women and ctmdren. it cure., uiiea ad otaer remediei laii. it HIM. Cou nj. COIOJ, liroiicluti Asthma, i ghtr.nsi 0^ -t: hesi. ] currtj Lioiiiiaiids of 4Jdreu Jl Bro.-cuia> aud Wbocping Cough, it curoj tor one Khiiii;i; v Lta fouiids Lavd oeen spcat ui TitY l'l. U von Mvei Cou^h, tryi". you ha to ncold, try 't- If vou iuv: Bro.ich.tb. try It It loosens the phlegm and promote* expectoration, produces wanath and wUliort tù 41.: cnest, and IV; rt:Uw tleon \.beo yuh uavu lW w.L&L.t oJ. rw A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IS THO COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN '1 feel it rn" duty to inform yon thai I havebeea csin' ludor Willumi' Balsam of iloney in my ;ami!y. ivuich is a lar £ cr many years, and have proved tf, rreat value, '.iavui™ used nothing cbo lor Congo during ..ltI. W h00p,Dg Cougn, and liran- ci.itii, and can highly iteuiaiiiLud it to ail parenu iW fcUCU COUipi-liiiii- SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICL3. lUDOit WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSA. OF HONl^T, MOST IMI'ORTANl'. SO MANY IMITATIONi AND FRAUDS fold v- all Cliemistn and Stores in 2,. 6d., <S. 2d. bott-hl. Sample bottle (post paid) for 13.3.[ is., and ;i irom ths u..V";U4 bavins in purchati ■» the larae* size bottlei. cO JY RJLUL OR ^RILLIAMS, L.S.D.E.W, MEDICAL UALJU ABERDARE, 1111 I Also POWDER & LOZENGES S | CURE INDIGESTION. 1 || TRY THEM. OF ALL CHEMISTS. j§ POSTAL( DELIVERY ••SOUTH WALES" DAILY NEWS," The Proprietors of the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" bus to annonni-e That hy a special concessi^a i f th Postal AuiborHics they are enabled to despat^ij their First Edition jiornin; by th; Mails leavin? Cardii: at .'C nid S 45 a.m. Country subscriber! residing the IimH, n '.LAMOKI.ANSRIRK, CA H MAE ."UENSHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE. CAP DIG A N'SHIR E, 3.. portion; oi BRECONSHIRE and MO.VMOT~TBv>RTR.L Omprijed .wsthrn the Tredegar inri Rhymn<»y VnJIey Postal District- may now have th* "SOU fii WALES DAILY E.3" delivered at U-,PU residecxes riailv Iw th same po^t a:; Mia' winch conveys their London letters. Londoa 1.101 "I Kntrland subscribers receiv) their paners on th'1 fc.renooa oi publication. The Third Edition of the "sOUTtl WALES DAILY NEWS'' is forwarded prepaid •«» or tr1' ioilc.v- and all other within th Cariilt 'Costal Ut. nd in tune for the first morning delivery — M. J apan's f-'ully Michaelstone-te- Percoed f'curtyralla Vedw > Bride's-snp-ElyT'inas Cas^letowrt Sr. Nichol.M i adoxu t Marshtieid Bonviljfoua I'.jrrv Venartii JMent^n CaerpruJy Ibtidou^h Llandatf nedwa Lisvan? radT Ystra Myrjarh Ilani«hcn Morga.nito'w-n Mellinerifhth I tiffs t'CvTch Cefii Mably '[()i1-ynl. Sv Audrew- W'ln't TieeBridgs Per Quarter, post iree a ? ? Per Half-year 0 10 Per Year 1 19 0 DR. J COLLIS ¡ HLORODYNE, Invaluable for ( 0 t CHS, COLDS. BRONCHITIS, I A S i II M A NEURALGIA, And aii Kindred Ailments. I This rid ind tried remedy has stood the test of two g< r rations. REFUSE to be put oil with a > ■ HSTITLTE: the Original can bo had of 11:: (Tr h'MISTS if you let it. be seen tbat you arc t 0, wtai» enough ',0 accept n Imlta. tion. ^OLLla Jj u 0 W N E Is the N n 039. I If Hd, 25 9(1 .f' '<1 tim prices. 1233 I .icus——«—n— P! SuSTinjf w:th Weakness. l ack of Vigour, Pre | niafur- L-ccline, Varicofele, Atrophy and | iWEAK MEN, 1 Debiluy shtiuld send ,t oncefor partibuiarj of a | speedy cur;: to B HENRY FOSTER I Tuc Chemical Laboratory, Ungh'ua, England. i Naiuj tUu Pa^e. 18930; 9 r CANARIES l-hrect from their Natve City. 'J- Eii-ifcitioa, Breeding, and Sone, cheap yl' e3' procurable. AUo every other variety rl mentionable. Free list (with easy payment »ist«.gi' unt free. Largest collection oi sing- :n? .Rn^tiei in tly; world. A1 on approval. _4 £ 2r Pairooued by Royaltv. YV ^jJRljDI), Bird Speciali.it. NORWICH. PA I N E S BILL POSTING! JT M. I A 1 L. j: ALcrdar*. iiii wajn, iiountaiu As i, r.nu Duui •&. V. ANDREWS, Secretary. NEW THEATRE,' ABERDARE. E W P O T R OFFICES: JL v of the -SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," la. BKlDiE-STREET. 1 -L- ISitstnfss tlrtSStSi. 0 Id for astonishment and delight at tho^ffciL^uW Wmf v&lufi and ail-round satisfaction HTSAMUEL'S^I TS?- °IS'° where Watches and Jewels of finest quality and Mi IW £ IT« Yni rn WORTH can always be obtained at about H PUIiCHASE. READ I Mr, Dodd, Hardd. COME 1¡y, r. Cardiff, MATT[R WiMTrOUp. ONE-HALF THE USUAL RETAIL PRICES. (in JUDO :¿:¿rsu AND 1S,J5, sây& SEE Somë 2" eari4 ag0 r FOR with 011' 'If Yt, 9 YOUR- ,:ir En lig. 1::is P,.Ved ir, 0 bf, an e-< SELF 'len t tirnek-ceper. it TO-DAY I fc'i 'recommend' ^vtnr So!M Gold Bracelet, very massive, ^9 SB vv.i'c'ies tii niv frie'iVig exi^.isuely engraved, and set ihtee g IQ g K P.UUI':S and two Dlolmonus. MONTH'S FREE M NEW ANY ARTICLE. YEAR GIFTS WONDERFUL -j* I SjO <"1'ver Brooch, VARIETY \1« uith Gold orn*mer.tat;on. *«n»C! >. 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Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, B m m ^en^emen'3' ^12:12. Ladiea', £ 10:10.) 9 I «• «• Che Cimcs" "Z" I OF I MONTHLY PAYMENTS I 51 jSa t.ofw«trb»«,Chain*.| At same Pploas as fou CASH. B H ILLUSTnD ) I k Im-116/. Depoeit with Order, 9 successive Payments of 10, each for B H BOOKS per.ei plat*" end Bag*, the £ 5:6 Watch. For Gold Watch, Monthly Payments of £ 1:1. H "0 -r"- 4!11' | A WFJ I -KNOWN REMEDY. H A Y MAN'S B A L S A M. Boc. 13 th, 1903 A very good couch inixtnre. on the Chest, but a few doses soon pet it ALL RIGHT. j Mr Auctiu Rimrner, St>. Helens. I CURED Cot:gh and COLD For 36 Ykaks. .I FACrS BETTER THAN FICTION. I OVER FIFTY YEARS Of Public Approval, accompanied by a CONSTANT DEMAND Is t Proaf that KERNICK'S VEGETABLE 1 PILLS Are what the? profess to be. viz.. The finest medicine for Sick Headaches, Had Blood. Biliousness. Livsr and Kidney Com- plaints, even Rheumatism and Tic yield to Them. Thousands take no other Medicine. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILL.4 may b,3 obtained in 7id, Is Hd, and 2s 2d boxes, through nnv Chemist, or Stores, or mailed direct by I Keraick and Sou, Ltd., Cardiff. Ask for KERNICK'S and see that you I get thein 18521 GASS AJITD CD'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS AY OW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR UORRLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF llcd iKd WORTH KNOWINO. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GRJEAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF. is the OLDEST F-STABIA;SIIED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents ibe largest rumbei and best tirivule bill-posting stations in the town, and neigh- bom hood. All \rork entrusted to fcim will be.speedily and faithfully executed. N.B. -Bill Posting sent by bout or rail will have immediale attention. 13675 /CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS arc warranted i tc cure '.Ml AVr.L and PAI.VS in ih-j BACK and all kindred ciiiiplaiats. Free irom mercury. Kctab- oll kiadrd cÖl.Orlal::¡t.1. Free irom mercury. Kctab- f ^0years. In boxes. 4s 6d each, >1 all Chen5 aod PaT!m Medicia ■ eudor3 ihou?hout the world, ,»r srut lorS3 stamps by rh<? tnafeeri. the Lincolnatid Midland Counties OruiCompauy, Lincoln SWANSEA OFFICES OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, o. 52. HIGil.STK.EET..



---.-.---------Man of Many…

----__---------.--. THE REV.…

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