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.Btthiral i{£mtit5. Rt'BB:R ApDla.ncs. Enem, F.l3.sti.' Hosiery..ole. llits fre8 Truss?,. 25 C1: double. 3s 6J.-A.i,¡Lnso'I's )C.T.). HIli-street. Esta.b. !373. 10 Jur alt. r?WEEDS for Sale.—Armstrong ttnd Co.'sfa.mons tny iength; Ctrriftge pa.id.-2LDufactQrers, Hawick, Bco1ilan<l. .SOUTH 'Wa.lea Property Gazette."—A loathly j? Regiscar of E?a.MS, Hoa.ses, Lands, &c., to be Let or Sold in Wa,les, Monmonthshire, West of England, <&c. l.CCO copies sent monthly, post free, to the leaQillginhs.bitaDts of W:Jles anù. Monmoilthshire Insertions tree. Copies post free from Messrs Heru and t'ert.wee. Estate Agems. Asctiooeers, Ac.. 74, St. Maj-y-street. CajdiS. 2444 FEATHERS. F E A I H E B S FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shodày Wool Beds when YO!1 ca.o tet best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 5d per Ib. carriage noid:> Warra.nted dry:r.nd sweet. Feather Beds ma.de jo order. Se d fcr sMaplea <md price list to B EANDY AND CO.. FEAT3ER MERCHANTS. 6061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALES. 114 J)¡¡ísullauwUI liIant.s. FALSE Teeth iiouRht a.ny condtttoa cash by re- JC turu.—Post to Glasgow Co., 25. Gordon. )Hreet. _M7e ORTH somethir. t vou because worth semechin íf '9 to us. Let'isbuyycur Old False Teeth, :e'1d to B. D. and J. B. Prase! Ltd.. Desk 12.5. Princes-street, IpSWlCi1, a.nd get fua ca..sh .a.lue. or orIer, _bYe.' U! ELSHChi;1a.-Wa.niëd. Swa.iís\J&&ud Nantgarw W ChtD<t.Swtns<:&audC!tmbria.nPottery,t.nd DtUwyn Etruscan only good specimens required higlJ prices j..TÍ,ven.-Address Col\et()r. Echo 0:< CRrdit!. j!tis£zUantØus. A cn.binp': photo', 6. 59 ? c.d.v.. S. li, 6d I. Zj 6d 12 Postc.u'ds.Ss: 10m. Perma.nent Eala.L-gement.4s6d.— Send photo a.od P.O. to !ia.uo?s a.od Co.. 29. LcdRa.te HU1. ¡}anks. rpHEPHASING CROSS BANK. (Est. 1S70.) CtrdiS Branch—73. S'i'. MARY-STREET. J!ranehes also at Mar-chest..r. LiverpooJ. Leeds..te.to Head Oftces, ZS. Bedford.street. S&rlWld, London; and .Bishop¡¡gate.street Within. E.G. Ass. t.s. £1,136,2-19. L!abt!it;s.JE7$6.7SS. LOA8 of £50 to £5.000 m"d ()n any class of 'ecurity. &tPER CENT. IN TEREST. a.¡lowed on ctirrentacconnts. DEPOSITS of jEiO and upwards received a..< under— p.c. pu a.Dn bù.bject to 3 months' notice of 'p.c. 6 p.c. 12 Bpec1&1 term, !orlongerpeliodo. In&eres' paidQ.t1arterly The TermmaMe Deposit Bocda payDeajrlY 9 per cent., a¡:d a.re a Ea.fe ll1vestmen'. In'ead of paying large .ividends to sha.reholders we pa.y fair rated of !¡,teres& to our d"poshors, &Dr! by so doin!! ha.ve ea.rned the poiGlon we unào¡:bledJy hold In the public confidence. We have been e..tablhl1ed for 36 venr-, and our unique: po8iion in the Banking Worid to-day testi5e to the: IDccess of our business methods atld to the sasf:J.C. hon of our customers. Cllie or call for Prospectu3. A. WILLIAMS and H. J. TALL. Joint Manners. JROUt! TT qp yE W E I N Ir C 0. FINANCIERS. .£10 to £1,000 advg,ncp.d ac once. cheap tad pfompt, N PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE CHEQUES AKD BlLLS DISCO ONTED. LOANS KrMted oa LIFE POLICIES Md SECOND MOtHi GAGES. ArPty H. T. LEWEIS )tnd CO.. M. CHABLES-STRRET. CARDIPt. tt*t. Tel. I3U.12<5-t9a cb biUs of mie ttken or charges m)&de uniess bmineM btlls of Baje taken or cblt1'ges made unless bllllneu reaults: don't apoJy to 50-<:&116<1 banks ot." limited com- panies. which &le reítls¡;et."cd 10 oonce",1 tbe ideDI"Y cf the propriators of I coedact baztneM In my own name aDd am 'he actual lender. Write in contidence. st!l.Un¡c requiremenl" when representtttve will w&it upon you by tppotatment md coctplete transaction. C. WELLS. <28a Corrtdof ChMabera. 1m Lelcener. £5 TO £5.000. Cash &avanced ou simp!e Dote of hM)<! without :e::J:lto payoff vres$ing credison. I Stricter: privacy f:u?r:?nteed. AdTiMtces made on Lite Policies. Second Mortgages. tnd RMversioos a.Md LUe Interests Bouht outright. Cheques cashed. CtU or write to YJLHEHS.LTD.. S72e_19. Duke-street. Cardiff IF' XPECTANCJES under WILLS. SETTLEMENTS. &o. ? ADVANCE? to &By tunount immedi&teJy &rrMged horn 4 PER CENT. PER ANNUM. for persons enthled to money er property upon the lIece&s6 of relative; ,h:. Loan and interest may re- Write ;j. cTKWART. Hilt, London. E.C. At Cl\rdi1I every Sa.:¡¡rda.y or hy u.ppointment. are pre .J.: pared to AdViIol1(:') sums frem £20 to £3.000 Dot shors tlof¡ice on approved Note o! BnG, person..l Ol' other :Secu¡:¡ties. Charges nrTangeù before trans8.Ctlo;¡¡¡ are .ompleted. MOIg&{!eS on l:'ropery etfected M ';urrer.t ittesof tcterest. Property Pcrchased. Trade Bill' Dtsconnted. Annult;es a.nù fixed Incomes arra.v.ged. direct M we have Eo eHyea. mtKN & PKRTWEE, Kxtate Apento. ?<. St. prep.).t-e<t to tdvimce from S1CO t.o B100.0JO on Mortgage of Free- tdd «)' Leasehold Propetty, ttnd ftu:M j3M LO £1,000 n-t pelS0!J :ih"Ul'Íty. 366- THE OLD-ESTABLIsÎiEDPROVIXCLtiJ rxiON BANK continues to lend immense sums da.ily, from ;i to .E5.CM. on Note of H.Md Aloue, or other Securtty. ..and and Wales. rep¡;,ya.ble by easy insta.lments. So good pplícation is ever refused. All commuaications strictly Jlrivate. Modera.te Interest. Specia.1 rates for shor. ,periods. The largest. best known. aJld most honourably ;onduc.ed Business in .he Kingdom. Thousands of our :eguJal' customers have expressed their entire sa.tisfac. tion in repea.ted transacions wiZh us. If desired, one of our Officia.ls will attend at your resIdence at once with Ca.sh. Mid carry out the advance THERE ajid THEN.— Call. or wrir.e lin confidence) to the aIt&ger, Mr ::¡¡,a.nIey Agents. Da.T'icg a.nd Co.. 97. St. Mary?treet. CardtS. V STor ONt: MOMENT. X OH. DEAR. DOCTOR. MUST MY DARLING DIE' THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY nnUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT -DALSAM OF UONEY THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER CANOPY OF REAVEN EQUAL. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. NOBILITY DOCTORS. NURSES, tmd MOTRKRS PRAISE IT. IT conta.ins PURTS Welsh Hoey <md a.n Essence ot tho Pl1:S1i a.Dd Mo.;t Effic:J,cioU3 Hcrbs, gathered oa the '3i[]9 of W:tles. I;Cin: ¡::a.thered in the prope): <e&soc. when its virtues Me ia ftdl perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE a.ra thonsauds ol children who d'e tmanajly from Bronchitis. Coufh. and Croup. u & rlloDd discovery for the Cma ot iuch complo.ints. It is INVALUABLE lor We&k-chested maa, DeUcate \Vom=;u, und ChUdren. It Cui';s when a.H other rem"dka tt<.ii. It Carea Coughs, Colds. Bron- chitis. Asthnut, of the Chest. It. Cares Thona&cda of Chi.dren of Bronchitis a.nd Whooping Conah. It CiMes for one ShiUing wh<:u Potinda have been spent in vtun. TRY IT. If you h&ve a Cotigh, try it, i! yoa have a. Cold. try it. 'I yon have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens tha phlegm a.Rd promotea expechoration, produces warmth tmd comfor to the chest. a.nd gives refresh tug sleep when yoa have lost Mghta uf rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN TEE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS I feel it my duty to inform yO!] tha.t I ha.ve been Mine your Tudor Wiilta.mM'B&lsinn o f Honey iE MY ttHnily. which ia & l&rge one. for mtmy years. &nd ha.v proved 111;> eaj¡ v!}lue, haYini{ used nothing vla forCoogh durmg M'j&slca. Whooping Coagh. Mid Bronchitis. Mid can highly reconunend H t& %U p&rents for anch cctnpi&um. t!tCE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ATICLB TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONE MOST IMPORTANT. SOMAHY IMITATIONS AcID FRA 80Jd Chemiats ajid StorM in la, 2a 6d. tmd <tM betttM. biunpie botfe Mnt (poer; pai iot li. 38 ajidas trom the iofentor. bating in pu" ctMiBg e iMger eize bottles. D. rpUDOH WILLIAMS, L.S.D.E. MEDICAL HAL ABERDARE. 1117 TDASS AND GO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWMoa Y AY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES. OP FULTON, DUNLOP, AND Co., CARDIFF UM CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL \J POSTING. COMPANY. LiMtTED. OBTICES AND WORRS—l. PARR-STREET. SECRETARY 1' RANK H. SIMFSON. ProprietOM of tcePrincipa.IStationa in CstrdiO and Netghboarhood. CoHt.ractors lor nil deaeripMou ol AdvMtiBtBg. Circular Distributing, etc. 1? AH orders ptomptly attended M n't'' I hdilít ),1nU5tmttttS. r?HEATREt? OYAL,CARDIFF. -8- -S? <U LeMee and Manager.ROBERT l{EDFORu EVERY EVENING &t and SA7JRDAX at 2. M" F. R. COMPACT. TO NIGHT & SATURUAY—MACBNTH. FRIDAY—AS YOU LIKE IT. MATINEE. SATURDAY-HENRY V. BM OCiee at Theatre 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 362. mHEATRE 'DOYAL, CARDIFF. OCTOBER lat.-Important EngagemMit of Mr JAMKS WELCH In the New Fa.reica.1 Pitv— WHE KNIGHTS WEHE 'DOLD. Supported by hia Company previoat to his production of the ptay m London. Seats cø.n now be bookcd. l1UhHt ,flatí!ts. 1\/J ETROPOLITAN SCHOOLS OF r MEDICINE. (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON). 1906—19&7. A)! the fúIJowiDlz Schooia of the UNIVERSITY provide complete COUHSES of INSTRUCTION a.nd a]j the requirements for obtainicg tne DEGREES in MEDICINE &nd SURGERY. ST. BARTHOLOMEWS HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Wusc Snii6h6e!d. B.C. CHARING CROSS HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Ol&ring Cros- \V.C. GUY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, LODùon Bridge, S.E. KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Stra.nd, W.C. The LONDON HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Mile End, E. ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Paddinston, W. MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Bemers-sireet. W. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Albert Embankmeat, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Gowet-atrect, W.C. WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Carton-street. S.W. LONDON (ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL) SCHOOL OF MEDICINE FOR WOMEN. Hunter-street. Brunswck-sqaare. W C. For particulars as to the courses of tns*.rnctiLD, fees, hospital appointments, a.nd comse of ttldV advised, a.ppi!:ttiou should be ma.de to the De&u of anyone of the a.bove-mentioned Schools of the UniversIty, Particulars as to the examinationa for Internal Stadentis may be obtaiued trorn the Academic Hegis- tra.r. Univetsity of LoBQun. South Kensington, London, S. W, Date of coromcDcement of SessioDs- WINTER. OCTOBER Ist. 18SM SUMMER. MAY 1st. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free). Fulham ? roa,d. London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own applic.a.tion at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for genera.1 expeaaes and for the Research Department. 18584_Secretary Fred W. Howell j!n5nrsnM. ?TTmrFIRE OFFICE ?J??.? FOUNDED 1710. The Oldest Insurance OSice in the World CARDIFF CHDRCH-STREKT. W. EVAN LLOYD. Distrtct Inspector. Funds in i'níLùíny Orittit5. mHE TAUNTON AND WEST OF _B_ ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1837. INCORPORATED 1883. O&ces 5. HAMLET-STREET. TAUNTON. SecretMv Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, JE6C EACH. SUMS O? MONEY &re rendy to be advanced on security of any description of rea.1 property—free- hold, le;¡;¡ehold, or copyhold-on the most equita.ble termd: the principal and interest repa.ya.ble by MODthly Instl\lmellts. INVESTING SHARES. £60 EACH. realised in &bout H ye:irs and 4 montha by Monthly Pa.yments of FÜ.e 8.i:lilJings r ¡¡l1:u-e. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a nxed rate of intèrest, payu.ble hll.H-yearly, or allowed to a.ccu ill alate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cant. pet annum, payable haJf-yea.rly, or m&y a.ccnmu)ate. Prosptuses. or any fnrther particuilM, may be obtained on a.pplica.tion to the Secreta,ry. tt.sa.bove or to 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary. Tower Church-atre.et, St. Johns- square, C3.: di1f. ARE YOU RUN DOWN ? IS YOUR DIGESTION POOR? IS YOUR SLEEP BROKEN ? Wortyand o'l'en'l'orl<: can ùo much t() bring ¡,bout t]1eS.a c,1itions. G"ILY)I EVANS QLININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS'QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE BEST REMEDY FOK NEaVOUSNEbS. WEAKNESS. INDIGESTION. SLEEPLESSNESS. LOSS Or' APPETITE. LOW SPIRITS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS G'.VILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, ¡ GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS, TME VEGETABLE TONIC. Teatimon at 1C!. Gilfach OYllùL..rwynyrodyl1. MtrmyrTydill. Dear Str. In Mav. 19C1.1 becams iU trom 111 veryauven; a.aa.ck uf prostfa- tiou. Lifa was & petfect nuaary. a< I Narvnmnesa w&& so dYliptpLic,and weak. 1 hitva been u'ea.ted Dy dtScrene Neivousness doetui!). and tried ueMty evt-ry patens mcdicmc. bot derived & mere tem- porary relief. A few ago a friend hom Carma.Itnen advi¡¡ea me to try Gwn)mEva'.nd'Quinine bitters, Mtd I purcl.J30 a largs botUe. bti6 ba.d BO conndence tt-eu in Us efficacy t&domeanygood. I amctadtosity the efftcli ha.:i been mMveiionawita me. I am now In almost; perfuco heal!1. I ¡,¡hall continue its ¡¡tie tor a. I'ttic whilb longer tc prevfnt the iM- Sess returning. Icantrntysaytha.t there !3 no touic that I know of sqn&t to QwHyni Elans' Bittera. and you a.fc at perfect ttberty to pnb- hsEthia statetusDt, as I &t.lnk aBy person suSeriug uom any nacvoua diseases wjU nnd a tru- friead in G'.víJ)ID Kvans' Qninine Bitter* if l'ersev(f(ù. wlttJ. l&m. yours &c., HENRY TILLEU. GWILYM EVANS' QUINiNE BITTERS, GWILYM };,V A. S QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS QUINtNE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Tell t imonia!, Weakness Coed Tatywern. Wetknesa DnCryn. Weakneaa Gentiemen.—! am pteMed to b< tbie '.o bear testimony to the bflnefi.) I ha.To recited by ta.kiult GwHy.n Evan' Quillin: Biútr, I hilt, I:l&d niedicine from various doctots every 8priu for yearB pasli, and Willi obli¡H,d to take medicine aU laat) Winter, but. aa I tt-ceived iittle becent. I resolved to try Gwiiym ETans' Quinine Bitters, and. though I hare only taken three 2s 9d bottles, I am able already logo about. I have been <nCerinsfrom Weakneaa. *6c. YoMa traly, M. A. WILLIAMa. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS (,¿UTNINE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. IndiRMtioa 4<.HwydMth-road. Indiseatton ?*Mte< indigestion D<M SitB.—Owilym Evaua Qtumne Bittera ia, in my opinion, ome of the best (titts given to humanity. I nay- Mifaafe derived the I!reawsti po. eible benene in stab born caaee of Flatulence. Indigattiun. Loss of Ap- petite, and WeaJMeas. limveproved Gwibm Evana Qninin* my I) "D person 1;0 s\lc::eed wileD aU ether remedies have failed. Yours truly, T. POWELL. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS GWILYM QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QU'NTNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. B£'iVllre of Imitations. See the DlI.m "l.iwllym Vl\n' OD the ¡nobcl. stllmp. andbctiCie, witttont which none tee J/eulline SoJà eTerywberc i11 botltMf 2s9do[ 43 6deach. oc will be seat, po.i6 1:(:1'. OD receip' ùl !ltR.IUPS. direc trol11 the Soie Pfoprie6«ia— QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, i LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES, bípping ,ftøtirts. TX7 HITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL "1' to AUSTRALIA. cailicg &t Capetown (South Africa). AFRIO. 11.948 tons.Oct. 25 SUEVIC. 12,500 tons .Nov. 22 II PERSIO. 11.974 tons .D.-c. ?2 RUNIC. 12,'<S2 toaa .Jan. 11 The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms. Fu.res.-To Australia., jE17 to JE27; to Capetown. JE1S 15s to £22 Is. For further pMticaIars ttpply to Local Agents or to Ismay. Imrie and Co.. Liverpool; 1. Cockspar- street. S.W and 38. Leadenhall-street. B.C.. Londoa CA..J.ADIAN PACIFIC LINE.—NEW .J EMPRESS ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LARGEST and FASTEST to CANADA. (Fuur days Open 1't. 2nd. & S:d CiMS, from Lirerpoot. EMPRESS OF BRITAIN Oet 5th LAKE CHAMPLAIN Oct. 10th Work aad Wages Pamph!et free.—Apply to W. J. TrotUtce and Sana BttwDockft; Davies and Co.. S8, Chtrtee-st.; Thos. Cook and ?.. Duke-st.; Stewart a;adCe..35,MotUttttuart-.q. Capt Scott, 47. Cathay! te: C/lthays; Cadtipp, 32. City-rd., CardiC; Weatintcot-t, 4. 1..0M rd., Aber"avenny; Ycuns and Sons. 9. Tredcsat-pt.. Newport; D. M. Riehatds, I Aberdare ThomM. 19. Market <t.. Aber- tiUery; F Coombs, Beat.fprt-aq.Chepstow; HiDa Ind Bon, 171, 0xlord-at., Pontycyrnmet ReeaJoa:s. Hieh86..Rhymuey:or C.P.R..18. St. Augustine'a- I pMade, Bristol. l<65 4?LLAN "ROYALMAIL.—CANADA .n? <nid U.S. UcsntpMS"d (or 1st, 2nd and 3rd Caca?tn North West. Uana.ihn North West. Handbooks tree.—Apply AUans. 19, James street. London; or to \V. J. Trounce &nd Sona, Bate Docks, CMdiS: !C&otain J. C. 'Stnart, 35. Mocnt StuMt-tjqatue C. J. CadHp. 32. City-toad; & Co.. 58, ChMttiS-street. CardiSf. DEECHAM'S DILLS -'L have gained such a h)gh reputation, have achieved such a cotossa) sale. that it is hard to realise that thousands of people, to-day, are martyr to sorno form of disease easily and comp'stoiy curable by that particular medi- cine. Such suSerers h&ve probabiy trieu the vanous remedies brought to their notice, and having lost bea.rb think there is nothing to do but grin and bear it." \IA.KE no further mistakes of this kind. UnreLabIe preparations wiU inevitably iand you tn deeper troubte Proceed at once to get a box of BEECH AM'S PILLS and give them a fair tr)al. You will no<. have long to wait for the tirst signs of returning v]gour. You w:U feel conscious that a positive cure is in progress. ALL the vitai functions will be improving. Appetite growing keen. Liver and Kidneys doing e3i- cient work. Nervous system gathering tone, every sense of depression an languor vanish. icg like evU dreams. The will to work and the power to do wil) pervade your daity life so that your whole carear may be influenced towards THE cause of these happy changes ia no mvstery. BEECH.AM'8 PILLS are compounded with great care of those pure vegetable drugs known to act most beneficially upon certain bodily organs, viz. the stom&ch, bowels. liver and kidneya. These organs respond immediately to the heaJing stimulus and with their return to healthy action the entire system undergoes a process of renovation. The DIFFERENCE between your physical condition before and after taking a course of BEECHAM'S PILLS will now become remarkably apparent, not to yourself only, but also to your friends. When these mqmre into the cause, you can honestly give them the benefit of your experience should they appear to need it. This is the only form of testimonial the pro- pnetor of BEECHAM'S PILLS is really proud of. Sold everywhere in boxes, price Is lid (56 pills) and 2a 9d (168 pills). SUMMER inrOLIDAYS. I IMPORTANT TO READERS. I THE QOUTH WALES DAlLY NEWS IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAY RESORTS EACH MORNING:— ABERYSTWYTH. W. H. SMITH :md SON .Railway Bookat&U W. JENKINS.Z3, Great Dark¡;¡lI.te.streea S. CLAPPERTO .4C. Tcrrace-roa.d. G. 1. JONES.14. Tbeøplan-streeÐ BARMOUTH. W. H. SMITH a.nd SON .Railway BookstttU E. Vue Arcada BATR. ,YI4AN <M!d SONS.LM.Rai)way Bookst<tH W. H. SMITH and SON .15. MMYera-strcee H. MAB1GOLT) .16. Gteen-street BUILTH. W. H. SMITH a.nd SON.Railway Bookatan ti. LEW IS.Marketi Ha.11 I CLEVEDON. WYMAN aad SOiSS. Ltd.Ra.iIwa.y Booksta.U W. H. SMITHa.udSON.10a.. Tnaugia FEBRYSIDE. A. GOLDSMITH .Newsagent. HAY. HENRY'R. GRANT.6. CMUe-atrpet J. FEHRIS .Hightown ILFRACOMBE. W. H. SMITH and SOX .RaUwa.y Bookstall Miss A. B. CROPP.Fore-stroe!! W. 6. SMITH & SON .la., High-strlJeÐ LLANTWIT MAJOR. W. CUMM1NGS .WealeT-street W. H. FISHER.Bristol Honaa LLANSTEPHAN. W. LEWIS .The Storea E. T. DAV1ES.The Emporium LLANDRINDOD WELLS. WYMAN and SONS,Ltd.Railw&y Bookstall W. H. SMITH a,nd SON .Stft-tion-ereaceut B. KVANS &tid SOK .Middietou-atreeo I GEORGE GRIFFITHS .High-streev LLANWRTYD WELLS. Miss WILLIAMS.Newsagent LLANGAMMARCH WELLS. J. DAVIES.MaJvern Houat LLANIDLOES. W. H. SMITH & SON.Railway Rooksta.ll J. ROGERS .Newsagent MINEHEAD. COX SONS. <&: CO..Ltd.Newsaganta SOUTHERNDOWN. I. OiBce MUMBLES. Mrs HOWELL .Newsagent Mrs W. H. JONES .The Dunus Post oaice Mra E. JOHN .Newsagent Mrs ORRIN .Post Ottica WILLIAMS .Bia.ekpiU E. E. WS1GHT.Pttrada. PORTHCAWL. D. HUTCHINSON. Newsa-eent Mrs J. J. THOMAS.Newsagent RHAYADER. W .H. SMITH & SON .Railway Booksta. MM E. PRICE New,¡a.gelltl SENNYBRIDGE. DAVID DA VIES Newsagent TENBY. WYMAN ancfSONS. Ltid.RaUwa.y Bookstall W. H. SMITH and SON .15, Warren-street C. PARLEY .46. HiRh-street J. E. ARNETT .Newsagent. The Library WESTON-SUPERMARE. WYMAN MdSONS. Ltd.8ailwa.v Bookst&Il W. H. SBiITH a.nd SON. Hereford'House, Walliscote-Ioad LAWRENCE \V. LEVER & CO.21. Regent-street JAMES LEVBB .47. High-street S. HALLETT .Claremont P.O.. near Pier H JELLY .Mea,dow-streeti J. H. ASH SI.AUred-street W. J.WASHINGTON.55. Me&dow-atraet R. J. HEATH & SONS, Soie ARMta for THE WORLD S GREATEST MAKERS PIANOFORTES by BROADWOOD. I PIANOFORTES., BLUTHNER. 'PIANOFORTES by ERARD. pIANOFORTES by 8CHIEDMAYER. ]?INOFORTESbYNEUMEYER pIA.NOFORTES by WALDEMAR. t PIANOFORTES, PIANOLA-PIANOS. A.n. }E OLIAN SELF PLAYING ORGANS, CO. MtIANOFORTES IN STOCK BY COLLABD. BRIKSMKAD. EIRKMAN BECHSTEiN ST??Y, IBACa, MTMULLER.<te. :te. FROM 15 GUINEAS CASH. OR 'Oa 6d MONTHLY ORGANS by MASON &' HAMLIN. ? BELL. DOMINION. &c.. &c. RedacedIoBta'menta 8pf«t) DiBCCtnts 76, QUEEN STREET, CARDtFF. 70, TAFF STREET. PONTYPRIDD. STANWELL ROAD PENARTH. & STATION ROAD, PORT TALBOT ftt. Tel. <- <tT<ilR \Jll:H. PoatyprA dd 21. VUt.-l. TRERAPION Tbis successful and popnlll.r tcMt<uy, L'sf<l in \O!IiIl¡elJl&l by Ricord. Ro.HIU1.Jobcl t ept'l\u, and ohen!. i>UI!)l\iieS l.I'ery- thics httharto Lmptoyid for impunty uf bioud.tpota. Metehpt, pains. Md aHeUtap of joints, kidaeT, 'bl&dd-r. ttnd liver disMa?. grftYel. pains in bllck, abone, glcet, ont, rheurtllolti:n:u, exhaustion, sleep- !e9<net:B, <&e. Three formt.Ncs. 1. 2, and 3 (price 2a. 9d). tccording to distases for which intended -FuJi pa.rticlÙlUiI send stamped &ddressed envelope to Mr R. JOHNSON, ;.3 HoUord-squBr<. London, W.C 1718 U59 I ¡¡5ÍntSS }.nrUSts. ????? &¡ ?''???'? t? ? ?? ?? PMoez. scock, selection, Vtdne, terma—in f?ot, ??? ?? & ?a-??'?? everything in your defUlngs with H. Sa=ua _? & ?L????? ?? ? right—M a. personal ca.M would soon oon- '\? ?? ?tt??S??-?;: F Vince yoa. The prices a.ra right because they t ? ? ????%t? p''??'Sj??? s.B the lowest possible—almost tha exa.ct ????? 'P?\ ?!??S?S factory charges—a "lowast" b&tow which no ?'"S ?\ '<? ?t?? ? "?? '*? ??? aiTord to Eell &t. H. SAMUEL S ??a ? ? ?LtaC?S?'N? 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Cannot be better than I am at present. It is a perfect cnre.-K.G." Book scut suded, post free, two G. LEIGH, 92 and 93, Great Russell-street. Bl:>oms- hury. London. Send at ,tlee -.lid be cured, beveiitaen Continuous 16625 ?__?)<BaaESZt???? PtGS tha-t ha.ve GIP ????Ba??'?'???. ?-P? sw.ne fevet, .-Jr' S? ?&'?S ?''?? keep t reef: dm worm', ?.f. J' tHE6tSTE!!E'5) ????tten'ra.pidly?m?le ??*??*????'??':f ? Ca:'h with order. -<u'm. Sold by all Corn .Mer- ("l:(,nL. :iannfactU1Pf, C. MAME.!M, Marcoc.It, SAt.!SBURVt .c===". >pc::1<;lly ?????? fcr 3AD LEGS, PILES, ??a ?' Bruises, Burns. f.nd all Wounds ?? Sores. u A Healingg Cooling, Soothing Saltye, DR. ROBERTS' RLTERATtYE PILLS, j ? P?"s?-2/3. '9?.d S of A?L Patent ?? ???MASH& SA?!C?T??.?"?P°'.??? OSTAL DELIVERY p OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS." The Proprietors of th- SOUTR WALEP DAILY NEWS beg 1;0 a.moUDce that by u. special conees- eion ot the Postal Authoritiea they are enabled to despatch their Fitst Editior each morning by the Kaila leaving CardiS at 2.30 a.m. and 3.45a.m. Country nubscribera residing wlthl the hmttaof GLAMOltGA8nIRE, CIA LCMK ItTliE NSHIRP, PEMBROKESHIRE. CARDIGAN8S.IRE. aa wen M those portions of BRECONSHIRE a.nd MOHMOUTHSH.IHE eompnaed within the TredegM Md Rhymney VaDey Poat?! ?tricts.m? Mw have the "80UTH WALES DAILY NEWS "delivered at their residences dailv bY the same po&5 as liha.i; which conveys their London letters. London a.nd West otEn¡;land eubscrtbeMreceiva their paobrs on the forenoon of publicittion. The Third Edition at the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" it. forwarded (prepaid) to reaidenta of the following and all other plaeeswuhintha Oardiff Postal District in time for the orst moraine ?SnT SuUy Micha?tone-tc. ??s.sup.-Ely D?P? C?wn 8t.Nichola3' Cadc?ton ???? p?o? ?iuy ?? ? Y?dMyn.? ?en M?nstown Pw.-ly?t .??' MflUn?rinith St. MeUon a ?3 s Well Pen? CefnMabiy ?-.ew?ma? bt. AmtreW3 ? ? t?re?Hr ? '?" jE a. a. Per Quarter, post froe. 039 per !l,¡,lf.ye!l.r 0 19 o Per ycax 1 l-' NEWPORT OFFICE of th.* ..SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW3 i8, BRIDC.E-STLtF-F-e A WELI.-KNOWN REMEDY. HA Y M A, N'S HALSAM. Dec. 19th. 1903. A very good cough mixture. My child had a very bad Cold on the Cheat, but a few doaea Boon put it ALL RIGHT. Mr Austin Rimmer. St. Helena. CURED CoUGH AND CoLD OR Jt) Jl EARS, FOR 38 YEARS. 11=E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYm NO FLUMMERY. No bought or Manufactured Testimonials. %,run HAVE YOU ? BAD' A ?? LFC ?- _??( B'N??!' With Wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps sur. rounded with inflammation and swolten. that when you press your finger on the mna.med part it leaves the tmpression ? Jt so. under the skin you have po<son that denes all the remedies you have tried, iron which, tf not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suiter. ing tilt death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, of there may be wounds the disease, if allowed to con. tinue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may and been told your case i" hopeless, or advised to submit te amputation; but do not. for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed It is no reason I should. Send at once a Postal Order for a/6 to ALBERT. M. FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, and you wiR receive a box of { GRASSHOPPER 0!MTMEf<T &nd Pills, which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs,Housemaid s Knee.UIcera.ted Joints, Carbuncles, Potsoaed Hands, .md Bunions. (Copyright.) DAINE'S BILL POSTING JT YNDfO A S. For AbetdMe. HtrwtHD. Mountain Ash. Mtd Dtsttict Z. ANDKEWg, Seeramry. ]2!i?0 Of6ce3— t]05 NEW THEATRE.ABERDARE I ?LAREE'S B 4i PILLS are warranted \J to cu'-e GRAVEL and PAINS in the BACK fOnd all kindred Free from mercury Rst&btished upwards of 30 yea-i-s. In boxes. 4s 6d each ,o: .tU Chemists and Patent Mudicme Vendore tNrouphont the world, or sant for 60 atampa by tha makers, the Ijiucoln und Midlaud Contmes Drug Jumpa-tjy. ijiucolti. M SWANSEA OFFICES )? OF THE SOP1H WALES DAILY NEWS g. 52. iii(ia-r3TI-tBFw

Church Commission. .









