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$artim-slnp. AB C Guide to Stock Exchange ,"l9C4~E<in ton (14th) 200 pages.How toonen an account with £ 10 upwards; ABC of calJ options: selection of stocks; fluctua- tions and profits ;averaging A B C of Stock Exchange; methods of onerating tape <i;i->lotions highest awl ^owest sales last 15 years gratis and post free.—Address fnoltshors, 12. Bank-street. Manchester. 687n (gfcucaiional. COLLIERY Managers' Kxams.. 1st and 2nd"ciass^- Tho (i.M.S. Lessens by post are the mOst successful and thorough preparation send po't-card for svllahiis. —T. A. Southern. 214, The II.M.S., Or. rdi i". 73 ^g £ itri £ s. feiUdbrs. See. A Good Agency. Hespeciable mon hi regular employ- ment, desirous of tncroafiirr* their iucooic, are invited to apply for terms and articulars of a Spare- time Agency, hy which they can supply Clothing, Drapery. Boots and Shoes. Watchos, Jewellery, Houso- hold Recmsites. Masicn.) Instrrunsnts. Picyeit-s. Ac., for cash or credit favourable terms to agent unci customer.—John Myers and Co., Ltd., IGl. C, West- minster Bridjro-road, London. Established nearly a century. 18191 bf %&.—Houses, Dand, kt. TjlAJiAIS. Estates. Country Houses renials from 6s an A acpe, pricts from £ 7 aore. Country Honw's III all counties. Hutter's Monthly Keeister contains <C Valles of Dareioalsrs post free'2 stamps.—Messrs Hutter. 10 Norfolk.street, Sn&nd, London. Several cheap 'arms end Country Properties in Wales "11" Border ('-unties. T YDNBT. Olos.—To Builders.—Land to Let for build- Ing purposes, eentre of town.-Apply H. Penrose JCerniek. Auction. Valnation. and Estate Agcnev Offices, Wellington-terrace. Carditf. 4005—744u SHctrtks, 3 £ rtctTci*s. &c. "|VJ"ABVELLOCS Bargain.—Gent's high-class Cycle, no Jl-VL use to owner; irce wheel, rim brake, Dnnlop licensed tyres, on silver-plated rims latest 1904 light -roadster; new last ID0n¡;h; highly timshed aud gllar- anteed perfect as new compete wish gas lamn, ben. Bag. <Sc. sacrifice for £ 4 12s 6d cash lowest; approval willingly.—F. House, Devon Villa. Walliscote-erove- road, Weston-super-Mare. 59.3 — 1111 "■ ■ ■■■"■" — jBmnsstic Artirus. rjTHE Patent Eclipse Knitting Machine. The mos X perlec* knitter of Socks and Stocking:; in the world' Simple in construction, easy to learn, and light running. Send postcard for price list to Spencer's Baby Car- Stage Warehouse. St. Johns-sfjnare, Cardiff. 2538—752n ONE of the Wonders of the Age is Soencer'sT'New High Ann Sewing Machine with walnut cover and loll set of appliances for £ 2 18s 63 cash. Money returned /if not approved. Best value in sewing machines.— apertcer's Domestic Machine Depot, St. John's-aouare, Cardiff. Send post-nard for price list. 5757 709n j&edtcal Ketmtiux. Fare discovered a remarkable remedy for Fits. IF yon are a sufferer and care to send me a stamped addressed envelope 1 will send you full particulars free. believe it to be an absolutely infallible cure.— Vi. flicboll. Pharmaceutical Chemist (Dept. 83). 25. nigh- street, Belfast. far £ alt. I 'CJOCTH Wales Property Gazette."—A. Monthly O Register of Estates. Honses. Lands, &c-t to be Let or Sold in Wales. Monmouthshire, West of England, dec. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free. to Ibeleadinginhabitants of WaJesand Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern tad Pertwee. Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c., 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 2444 yf R8 THE S PEC I A L Q V N A fifs 40 ENGLISH MADS THIiOCGKOUT. 4:0 12 bore, B.L. double barrels, twist, left choke, top tever, double bolt, good shooting. Better quality, superior choke bored, engine turned rib. Double grip, under lever, same pricp. OU If fitted with the celebrated B.S.A. steel barrels and tested for nitro powders Cif\^ Any (Jan sent on approval, carriage paid. DU Naw illustrated list free. ItEPAIKS AX MODERATE PBICiSS. i a T, JAMES AND EOBRRTS, 36. BATH-STKEET. I BHIMINGHAM. 18174 jg B A 1 H E U S I*; A THE 14 3 FEA3BEBS "FOR BEDS. j Why fcny common shoddy Wool Beds when you can tet best ENGLISH FEATHERS a.li.5d per lb, carriage: 98014'1 Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds mad# o enter. Send for samples and price list to H. HANDY AND CO.. FEATHER MERCHANTS, ( _6Q51 WgLSHPOOL. NORTH WALES. 114 — Miuellaneonz. MATRIMONIAL Post, sealed 5d, with Circular, 6cK; established over a quarter of a centurv,—Editor M- Post. 11. Trafalgar-buildings. London. W.C." 240n iKtsallmuons HEauts. "MTC7ELSH Chtna—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw ▼ t Cbina,Swause&andCambvianPottery, and Dillwyn Etrnscan Ware; only good specimens required high prices given. Address Collector. Echo Office. Cardifi.il CAST-OFF CLOTHIN-G. TAILORS' MISFITS, BOOTS, ifcc.—Full value given -t- by Qeorge Makepeace, Digbeth, Birminghatn. Dress and Black Suits for Sale or Hire. Cash perre- turn for parcels sent. Bankers. Lloyds 5 $Toimj. to £ 5,000 AOvanced on ^ete o'f Hand alone, vrifch- cSj out bonas, publicity, or charges of any descrfption whatever unless business is done: no bills of sale and the strictest privacy guaranteed. On receipt of aDpU cation representative will wait upon von by appoint ment ?-nd advance VQU the amount requited, repayable by easy instalments to sui your own convenience Special rates for short periods. Write iikconlidence to Actual rjend c. WELLS; Corridor Chambers. Marketplace. 19Q6-489a Leicester. FIELDI^iOts, Old-established Financiers, are pre- pared to Advance sums from £ 20 to £ 3.000 at short notIce on, approved Note of Hand, personal or ciiiec seoarities- Charges arranged before transactions are cODloleted. Mor^ga^es on Hroj>ertv effected at current rates of jntiereQt. Property Purchased. Trade EiU" Dl3COUQtetL Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. I' Money advanced on second Tpvrterages, — Appfy direct as we have ro agents, Hayes Buildings. VXhL« Hayes, Cardm. 13938 TH^ OliD-ESTAELISECEB PEOVTNCIAJCJ UNION Lvx 'jnraense surm daily, from to £ 5.000, on Note of Hand Alon<* or other Secnritv it i few hours' notice, to all classes "in any part of Ene- land and Wales, repayable by easy instalments. No good Application is ever refund. All communications strictly t K SPscial rates for short periods. The lwrgest, best known, and most honourably sonducted Business in the Klsriom. Thousands of our jegnlar enstomers have express their entire satisfac- repeated transactions us. If desired cne of #ur Officials will attend at your residence IfSnce with Dash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— CaU, or write (in confidence) to the Manager. Mr Stanley Dowdlng, 1, Queen-square, Bristol. 4220 iVf ONI;jy -Mr rsuuss^^z»enu JI0H ^f_JL card for prospectus (returned in closed envelope ree), aHd yon will do business wirti no-other firm. 14421 MESSRS S. HERN & PKR-nvlsivR^te Agents 74, St. Mary-street. Caidilf, are prepaid to advance from £ 100 to £ 100.000 on Mortgage of free- hold or Leasehold Property, and from £50 to £1,000 on personal security. 3664 THE CHABING CKOSS ^BANX.-Established 1m 19 and 120, BISHOP3QATE STRMETWITHIN.E.C and M. BEDFORD STREET. CHARING CHOSS. W.C LONDON. Assets, £ 597,790. Llso!litles. £285,680, Surplus, £ 312,110 Loans of £50 to £5.000 mad. on any class of security. 2j per cent, allowed on Current Account Balances Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as uader' Subject to 3 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 5 per cent lIer annum. Snbjec; to 6 Months' XoGlce of Withdrawal, 6 per cent per annum. Subject to 12 Months' Notice of Withdrawal. 7 pec cent. per annnm. Special Terms for Longer Periods. Interest paid quarterly. The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent and are a safe investment. Write or call for Prospectus. 17600 A, WILLIAMS, H..7, TALL, Joint Managers. THE VOICE OF THE pEOPI^E, whenever rajsfld and for whatever pur- pose, most RHvays command the faHest attention and respect. Whether the sobject be imperiaj, national, industrial, or domestic, the voice of the people holds the sway. This voice it is that for nearly sixty year has consistently sonnded the p':M4:J JJ EE CHAM'S^ pILLS —a medicine of whieh the people have long known the remedial value in BILIOUS AND LIVER DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE. FAILING APPETITE, LANGUOR, AND WANT OF TONE, caused bv depressed conditions of the Neivons System. In all auch cases it ia not too much to say that the benefits to be derived from a judiciona use of jgEECHAM'S pILLS are practically known all ovef the world j SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOXES. Price la lid (56 Pills) and 28 9d (168 Pin.. fWTHERAPION.—This successful and ■ highly popular remedy, as employed in the Continental Hospitals by fticord, Rostan, Jobert Vepean, ana others, su:rpa.8ses everything hitherto employed for impurity of the blood, spots, blotches pstns and swellings of the joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in the back, stone, gleet. nervousness, sleeplessness, &e. Theraplon IS prepared in three different forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 according to diseases for which intended. Pull parti culars send stamped addressed envelope for pam, phlfifc to Mr R. JOHNSON, 43, Holford-equare,- London, E.C. 13027 CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTIN COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WOSES-1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY FRANJK H. SIMPSON. of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Nelghbonih°o<l. Contractors for all description ef A^TertiSlpg, Circular Distributing, etc. 132 Alt orawa promptly V- :1Qi4 ^public ^.wnsemfitts. | C ARDIFF. R|IHT\TRE JJOYAL, 0ARDIFF. JL Lessee and Marir «e'- ROBER T REOI10RD. THIS UVEMNG AT VO. THE J^EVEK J^TEVER I (By the late WILSOX BARRETT). IText Week- Mr Beorbolun Tree's Corrnany. THE DAItLING OF THE GODS. Box Office at Theatre JO to 5. Nat. Tel. 362 ¡ I, RJLHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. MONDAy, SEPTE^fBi;R 5th. SEX NIGHTS AND A MATINEE. MR BEERBOHM TREE'S COMPANY in the Great Japan se Play, DARLING OF THE Q.ODS, As p!ayp<; nt His Majesty's Theatre. London, Seats Can Xow be Booked. I STARTLING ^SG^ESj | t record of money ra saved by S f&s H. P ^llW'Wlililiafcg^^ i** Popular Systom gg BT of Wholesale Snuply. S S H. SAMUEL'S i @ famad WATCHES, I I 9 worn and trusted wherever the English tongue is B 9 spoken. WORTH DOUBLE AND cost HALT ANY B 9j OTHER WATCHES MADE. SEE TIIEM TO-DAY. || I 1 /C The Marvel'' real Silver if I I w IU i Hard-wear' Lever Watch, Si | handsome, accurate and strong. gj ) i Ladies' elegant real Sil- » O O ver Watches, handsomely ■ engraved cases. A pretty gift. n I I OCT/- H. Samuel's famous ffl ACME solid Silver 1 LEVER. All latest improvements §1 by ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. |1 SEVEN YEARS' WARRANTY. p NEARLY TWO M1LLSONS OF7HIS FINE WATCH HAVE BEEN SOLD, p This is how wearers speak of it:— Ij 66 ALEXANDRA P.IRS AVEKCE, BELFAST, 14 JUSTE, 1904. H TO ME. H. SAlSCEl, |S I HE D £ A2 SIJ>\—IT IS NOW SOME 16 f £ j □ -*■ YEATTS SI'CE TuPT'HCJIASI £ D ONI: OK 3$ ■ voui: i.i.r watches, AND it IS Wm WATrM KUKTIr.'O TIME AS IITK1.I. ,\s WHEN M °1 COT IT. KVEDY WATCHMAKKI! HE EVER WHO KAS SE!iN s-«r. it is THE SB — MOST PKRFECT T1IKEKEEPKI? THKV Bg HANDLED ".urotro. THI: 'AOfE" 1 c| BOCGBT VOR MY WIFE ALSO CIVT?? PW ENTIRE SATlSFttC'nO.Y. YOUBS FAXTTIFTTLLY, J. GRAHAM. Diamonds. Solid Gold Brooches. H 2/6; Gent?'' massive real Silver Alberts, j| S/6; handsome Four-Bottle Dinner 1 Cruets, 4/6; Oak Butter Tlishcs, 6d.; s Pieklc Forks, Jam Spoons, &c., 9d.; g •trong reliable Nickel Alarm Clocks, U EVERY ARTICLE GUARAN- I 66 ALEXANDRA P.IRS AVEKCE, BELFAST, 14 JUSTE, 1904. H TO ME. H. SAlSCEl, |S I HE D £ A2 SIJ>\—IT IS NOW SOME 16 f £ j □ -*■ YEATTS SI'CE TuPT'HCJIASI £ D ONI: OK 3$ ■ voui: i.i.r watches, AND it IS Wm WATrM KUKTIr.'O TIME AS IITK1.I. ,\s WHEN M °1 COT IT. KVEDY WATCHMAKKI! HE EVER WHO KAS SE!iN s-«r. it is THE SB — MDST PKRFECT TIJKF.KFæPF.R THKV Bg HANDLED ".urotro. THE "Acm;" I c| BOCGBT VOR MY WIFE ALSO GIVT:'5 PW ENTIRE SATlSFttC'nO.Y. YOUBS FAXTTIFTTLLY, J. GRAHAM. Diamonds. Solid Gold Brooches. H 2/6; Gent?'' massive real Silver Alberts, j| S/6; handsome Four-Bottle Dinner 1 Cruets, 4/6; Qak Butter-Dishes, 6d.; s Pieklc Forks, Jam Spoons, &c., 9d.; g •trong reliable Nickel Alarm Clocks, U EVERY ARTICLE GUARAN- I USED HiGISST VALUE. Monev S refniKi-d in f';ll >1 not approved. ri P Railway Fare Paid, can to-day. ffl I H. SAMUEL, I I 7,ST.MARY-ST.,CARDIFF. | •' I ARE YOU RUN DOWN? ARE YOU RUN DOWN? ARE YOU RUN DOWN? Is your digestion poor ? Is your steep broken? Worry and overwork can do much to bring about these conditions. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Is just what you want. It will assist Nature to build up again. It will stiinu- lats digestion It will make the blood richer. ;),nllents aDc1 business men who have rnncli brain work will find nothing to recoup the system so rapidly like this great Tonic. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. J FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCE, LOW SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Don't break clown foe the want of trying what Gwilym Evaas' Quioine Bitters will ¡ do for you. Take it, and you'll feel fresh in the morning for your div's work. Take it. and you'll feel strong in the evening wben you leave off. IT'S PURE—THAT'S SURE. IT'S PURE—THAT'S SURE. IT'S PURE—THAT'S SURE. The greatest sifts to Humanity are used in Gwilvm Evans' Quinine Bitters, a purely vegetable Tonic. A grand dis- covery was each particular virtue found in Sarsaparilla, Burdock, Gentian, Lavender, Saffron, Dandelion, with just the proper quantity of Quinine to com- plete the triumph. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Gives a fillip to enjoyment and strength for muscular exertion. You way safely pin your faith to this Tonic Stimulant. (Non-Alcoholic.) It eives st.r?upth to fight against fatigue and all worries and troubles. FIVE FIXED FACTS. FIVE FTXED FACTS. FIVE FIXED FACTS. There are Five Fixed Fa.cts about Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters :— 1st—Used by the Medical Profession. A l'llrely Vegetable Compound. Absolutely Free from Mercury. 4th- i ested for a Quarter oi a Century. 5th—The best Tonic. There are majy Medicinal Tonics onercd to the Public, but they may be classified nnder two heads—the Best and 1 Is TheBestW Evans' Quinine Bitters GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Caution.—Avoid Imitations. See that you get Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters Do not be persuaded to tfy any other See the name Gwilym Evans on the Labei, Stamp and Bottle. Then you are safe. Iso other preparation is Just m good or The same thiae." SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitterstejjold every. where in bottles, 2s 9<1 and 4s 6d each, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt ef stamps, direct from THE SOLE PROPRIETORS:-THE QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOOTH WALES. JJASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS v AY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONMTION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF 11'd WORTH KNOWING. I GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF id the OLD EST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-podung stations in the town and neigh- toiuhood. All work entmsled to him will bcspeetlily J and faithfuly executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by 5 loader r^ wiUliftveiiwetii^tfHeuliigD, 13^75 11 -IT"'— ■ mmw—, } jRaxirjs. L^HITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL v v to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). RUNIC, 12.482 tons Sept. 29 MEDIC, 11,984 tons Oct. 27 AFHIC, 11,948 tons Nov. 24 SUEVlC, 12,500 tons Dec. 22 The aceomm-.xlation on these twin-screw stcamr:r:3 I comprise* smoking, reading, and diniug rooms, Fares.—To Australia, JE19 to £27; to Capetown, | £ 1t ISs to £ 22 Is. For further particulars apply to Local Agents or to Ismay, Imrie and Co" Liverpool; 17, Cockspnr- street, S.W and 34, Leadenhall-strcet. E.C., London i ALLAN LINE. -TOCANADA, UNITED STATES. (The only Line under G07ernmCllt contracG tor I conveyance of CanadÜm Mails.) SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL :— Sept. 1, Parisian, Quebec and Montreal. Sept. 3. Buenos Avrean, St. Johu's. N.F., Halifax, and Philadelphia. Sept. 7, City of Sparta, Calcutta. Sept. 8, Tunisian, Quebec and Montreal. Sent. 10. Damara, St. John's, N.F., and Halifax. Saloon Fare from £14, Third Classfare, £ 3 Quebec, £4 Halifax. 51ge-1950 Apply to Allans, 103. Leader;hall-strcet, London, E.G., and 19, James-street. Liverpool or to W. J. Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks, Cardiff Captain J, A. Scott, 15, Catbays-terrace, Cathays C. Stewart, 35, Mount-stwart-square C. J. Cudlipp, 32, Castle- road, Cardiff W. itf. Locke, 3. Commercial-street., j Newport, Mon. T. R. W. Mason and Co.. 2. Mount- ;;tœet. Swansea Jones Brothers, Masonk Buildings, Pontypridd D. S. Thomas, Belmont House, LlandoTerv John Bovey <fc Co., Bute Docks, Cardiff. 1) al> —CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. \>J -SX- ATLANTIC S.S. LINES. LIVERPOOL TO CANADA. First cabin. £14 second, £7 10s third, JE3. S.B. Lake Champlain (tw.-scr.) .7,392 tons.Sept. 6th s.s. Mount Royal (freight only).7,064 tons.Sept. 13th Free pamphlet re" Work and WageR "-(;,1'. Ry., 18. St. Augnstinc's-parade, Bristol, or Cardiff agents, Davies and Co.. 58, Charies-st.; C'ndlipp, 32, Castle- rd. Trounce and Sons. Bute Docks: Elder, Demp- ster and Co., Bute Docks Capt. Scott, 15. Cathays- tce., Cathays David Davies, Barry Dock; orAber- crombie, Ogtnore House, Barry Island or Thomas and Sons, Town Hall Chambers, Pontypridd Jones Bros., Craig P.O., Pontypridd; or William Jones, P.O., Brynhyfryfl. Swansea. 4588 tJuhhr flaikts. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham- \J road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Punds urgently needed for general expenses and for tb" Research Department. 17B77 Secretary Fred W Howell. £ azi&uz. -.y" THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF Jt ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. Offices 3. HAMMET-STREET. TAUNTON. Secretary Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, £60 EACH. SUMS OF MONEY are ready to be^advanced on security of any description of real property-free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalments. i INVESTING SHARES. fÆO EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yearly, 0'1 allowed to accu mnlate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may bo obtawed on application tv the Secretary, as above, or to 189 Mr TE03<IAS WEBBER, District Secretary, Tower Chambers, Church-street, Rt. John s- square, Cardiff. SUN FIRE OFFICE. FOUNDED 1710. Fnnds in Hand £ 2,535,800. For all narticulars apply to the following AGENTS CAKDIFF. Mr Wentworth H. Price, 21, High-street. Mr'Charles Cross, 21, Working-street. Bar John Jenkins, 12, Westgatc-street. Mr A. Naish, 17, Church-strset. Mr F. G. Fmze, 2, Teil^streeC. Mr R. Joseph Yorath, C Mi Ion. Messrs H. H. Seel ifc Isaac, Theatre Royal Chambers Messrs Williams & Son. 119, St. Mary-strect. Vberkenfig Messrs J. & F. J. Hurley. Birry L/Cck „JVIr B. G. Davies, 110, Holton-road Barry Mr T. J. Morgan, 'it. Parade Covi'bridge Mr Thos. J. Parsons. Dinas Powis — Mr W. A. G. Williams. Dowlais .1Iessrs Edwards Brothers Gilfach Goch — Mr John Edwards. Gorschlon Mr Richard F. Bennett. Hengoed Mr George Seaborne. Llandaff — Mr W. Williams, Solicitor, Llantrisant Mr F. E. Jones. Maestcg .Mr David Davies Peaarth ..Mr J. Hodgson, 22, Alberfc-road. Pentre Mr T. R. Evans. 3503 Treharris and Caerphilly .Mr W. A. Davis. 17991 MIDLAND GUN CO. DEPARTMENT 14. DEMON GUN WORKS. I VESEY-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. GUNS FROM 25s to £25. FA.R-KILLING GUNS AT WHOLESALE PRICES —Double Breechloaders from 25s to £10, Hammer- less from £5 to £20, Haramerless Ejectors from £8 to JE25. 5,000 Guns and Rifles usually in stock ready for immediate delivery. Send three stamps for a Price List, We ma],e- every part of a gun ill onr own works, and sell direct to the nser at one small profit. Wo Bend any gun on approval, pay carriage both ways if not satisfactory, and return cash in full. We take any second-hand gun, ccntral or pin-fire, breech or muzzle-leading, in part pClyment for a new one, or will buy any fir- .-nsh. FOR ROOKS. PIGEONS RABBITS 15/- Single-barrel 12 bore 'oreech-loadrng shot guns, converted from rifles and bored by an im- proved process for long range anil. great penetration, unequalled for rook, pigeon, rabbit, wildfowl, and all long-distance shooting, price 15/ or better qualitv and inmroved safety action, price 20, GUN REPAIRS —Guns by any maker promptly repaired, veey best material and workmanship, at about half dealers' charges. New stocks or new barrels fitted, barrels browned or bored. Gun converted from pin to central fire, and done np IlR new, at small cost. Exact price given for all repairs if desired before the work is commenced. Guns may be sent from any part of the United Kingdom by parcel post for Is. CARTRIDGES. — Rest of AH." The best Smokeless Powder Cartridge ever made, price 7/ per 100, or 500 for 33/ 1,000 for 63/- Sudden Death." The test Bke};: Powder Cartridges, 5/- per 100 or 47/6 per 1,000. Lots of 100 and upwards delivered carriage paid to any station in Englani or Wales. Everything in Guns, Hines, Hevolvers Gnn mple- meuts, and Cases at WHOLESALE PRICES. 17879 N.B. FOn COUGHS AND COLDS, December 23rd, 1903. "Aftet taking one bottle my boy's TROUBLESOME COUGH W AS COM PLETE LY CURED. I cannot speak too highly of it." —Mrs A. Chatfield, Blandford road, Beckenham. J_J AY MAN'S JgALSAM, November 13th, 1903. A VERY EFFECTIVE AND AGREEABLE REMEDY FOR COLD, as I know from experi- ence." Mr J. Benham. Croydon. QUITE gAFE FOR QHILDREN. N.B. 125 SUMMER SALE. R. J. HEATH AND SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "^yORLD-FAMED pIANOLA, NEW MEFROSTYLE AND 2EOLIAN SELF.PLAYING ORGANS BROADWOOD, ERARD, SCHIEDiiiEYER NEUMEYER, and WALDEMAR pIANOS, QRGANS, AND MUSICAL JNSTRUMENTS BY THE BEST MAKERS. The following Piano Players to be cleared at exceptionally Low Prices for Prompt Cash — Simplex, Apollo, Pi Motor. and Angelas. 76 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 70, TAKF-STREET; PONTYPRIDD. PENARTH and PORT TALBOT. Manufactory— London. National Telephone Cardiff, 01199 Ponty pridd,21. 1066-26 PAINE'S BILL POSTING Jr SYNDICATE For Aberdare, Hirwain, Mountain Ash, and District Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13520 Offices— 11 NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE CLARKE'S B 4l PILLS are warranted to cure GRAVEL and PAINS in the BACK ttid all kindred complaints. Free from mercury Established upwards cf 30 years. In boxes, 4sj!6d each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors I throughout the world, or s ant for 60 stamps by the makers, the Lincoln Diu [ W9 s | Business }.âùtzzs£z. L > For lHraNTS & INVALIDS j 1f? /$% 1'# Jr| j j > I'm 1 f#, P M jJW^^ Food; r HAS FOR SOME T!MF. BFEN USED !N The RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FAMILY. B "HEAVE'S FOOD contains flesh and bane-forming constituents above tha average of the > best purely farinaceous foods, so that when it is prepared according ts the directions given < ( with eaeJ) tin, it makes a PERFECT FOOD for INFANtS." i MRS. ADA S. BAIXIN, Eclitress of "BABY." i BEST and CHEAPEST. One ShHlingø ( I ^E WATCH^T^ £ 5.^ P la Silver Caaes. T^yless' Three-quartor Plate ENGLISH € 4TLEVEB. WATCH, Chronometer Balr,nce, all 3 P ^sst ™provemeiita, Crv«tal Glass Cases, in §1 W (| Silver, £ 5, or in strong 18-ct. Gold Cases, £ 15. || 03 AT THE SAMH price M I on '"C|jE Cfates ""T1 P r ) in8 m M6NTHLY PAYMENTS I | l|p At CASH Prices. Jg j r "If ,'vl'1 Ai, "WATCHES and JEWELLERY sent Free at SJf k pqq of the world for Gash Jj P 'ï\ Old Watches & Jewellery taken in Exchange. from !&!?/ I in all ( parts ot the GOLD CHAINS (London HaU-Marked), T World. Z3 to 420. 1 AGRL A ( 10,000 RINGS £ ?»!: m Ss £$g@s°i3 g F Pearls & Rubias, 28/- MAKERS' CASH PRICE3. SAYING Brilliant, Rubies, or 1 J i -■ BCYEBS ON Hi THIRD. Sapphires, £ 2 .15*. A f ILLUSTRATED BOOK of Watches from35s., I k Clocks, Chains, Rings, Brooches, "Imperial" R Plate, Cutlery and Bags, POST Frke. 1 F Briilsacts and SUvsr English Levers, London Made, a Ruby or Sapphire, from £ 3 10s, Singlo-stone A Sj £ 2.10s. Diamond Rings Si I w:e BENSON■ ] f 82 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, £ LONDON, E.C. BWIltat. ««.«»' J' A The PI ysician 9 Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and GraveL tUniversal Remedy for Acidity of the r;^stMa^ mos^ Sir.mach, Headache, Heartosra, Indigestion, T_f 6 pJ!Je or -,«r 5SS '1., and the I Sickness of Pregnancy. f .-„. Sickness of Pregnancy. MAGNE-61,A- A THEV TiUSi the LIVOt "sJfCAfiTES'S JypTTLE r-oR \b »■» ri i headaohE Bra ■■D.2Z.NE88 Sttg | H g» m 1 TORPID LIVER Mm flg| r*l E.L9 J 1 CONSTIPATION n-Y^^TrniTi A ^CT SALLOW SKIN *W- THE COMPLEXION J9 K PILL. Ba iKey ape Senulne I DOSE. Carter's Little Liver Pills, in blue and white wrapper, aaaiH* PRICE. Look for signature— — -r All Ciiemists, Character j British Depot: 46 Holborn Viaduct, London. w STOr ONE MOMENT, OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, MUST MY I DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE I BUT TRY rjlUDOR ^yiLLlAMS* I PATENT' I JG A L S A M OF JJ 0 N E Y THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER CANOPY OF HEAVEN EQUAL. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY, NOBILITY DOCTORS, NURSES, aud MOTHERS PRAISE IT. WHY? IT contains PURE Welgil Hoaev and all I Essence of the Purest and Most Efficacious Herbs. gathered on the Hills of Witfes, being gathered in the proper season, when its virtues are in fnll perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thousands ot children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Congh, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the Cure of such complaints. It is INVALUABLE tor Weak-chested men, Delicate Women and Children, It Cures when all otner remedies fail. It Cures Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It Cures Thousands of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Coxuih. It Cures for one Shilling when Pounds have been spent in valn. TRY IT. If you have a Cough, try it if you iiave a Cold, try it if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refresh ing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS :— lieel it my duty to inform yon that I have beeu using your Tudor \Villiau> Balsam of Honey in my family, which is a large one. for many yefu-s. and have proved its great value, baling used nothing elao for Cough daring Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and can highly recommend it to all parents for such complaints. SEE THAT yoy GET THE GENUINE AltTICLE TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAld OF HONEY. MOST IMPORTANT. SD MANY IMITATIONS A ND FRAUD. Sold by all Chemists amd Stores in Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 6-1 bottles. Sample bottle sent (post nai for ls 3d. 3s and 5s from the inventor. Saving in pur- chasing the larger size bottles. rjTUDOR ^ILLIAMS, L.S.D.E.W MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 1117 THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING COMPANY, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. Bill-posting and Advertising in allots Branches throughout the C acuities of Carmarthen, Pembroke and Cardigan. M: JAMES, Manager Newport OFFICES of the H SOUTH WALES DAILY NiiWS' 18, THE SUMMER REASON AND EARLY AUTUMN Conduce to certain conditions cf the body, that require special attention. Light and easily digested food should ba the rule for the hot season. Intern- perance in any form must be avoided. In case, ¡' however, of Stomachic or Liver Troubles, Bilious- ness, Constipation or Renal Complaints, the remedy is a simple and inexpensive one. within the reach of all. We refer to Jg^ERNICK'S lyEGETABLE pILLS. They are a unique medicine, combining the cooling qualities of a saline with the tonic attributes of the "finest vegetable extracts. Sold by all Stores and Chemists in 7$d, 13id, and 2s 9d boxes, with directions regarding health, or Sold by all Stores and Chemists in nd, 13id, and 2s 9d boxes. with directions regarding health, or direct from I KERNICK & SON, LIMITED, CARDIFF, on receipt of stamps. 18074 Jjl R E E TO E N When you are tired of taking nauseous and mys- terious prescriptions and compounds, which do you no good, but only ruin your digestive organs, write to me and I will send you a Book which describes a Quick and Certain Cure for lost strength, wasting weak- ness &c., from whatever cause arising. NO STOMACH MEDICINE. NO ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received and guaranteed genuine :— It is an excellent system, and I have scrupu- lously followed the instructions, and am better man than 20 years ago.—O.G." Cannot be better than I am at present. It is a perfect cm:c,-K.G." Book sent sealed, post free, two stamps.—A. G. LEIGH, 92 and 93. Great Russell-street, Blooms- bury. London. Send at once and be cured. Seventeen Years' Continuous Successes. 16625 Bad Legs, j«25iaalSEw»y IPoisoned Ulcer*, Wounds,Cats, Abtce iaes, —I'uns, Stingn, Turnouts, ffljin-Disoases. Polypi, Pile-. "-J Bvor.chitisr. MLANCfflC OR CUTfWC iF ftEssRemEdiea tro used. OF all Chemises,or posh free For Postal Order from E. BURGESS. i59,Grayfe Inn Road. London, W.C. ONE, TWO, OR THREE. according to age and constitution, may be taken of DR. KING'S BILIOUS & LIVER PillS (Guaranteed without Mercury) These Pills have been prescribed by Medical njen 1 for over 100 years, are still ahead of all Liver Pills; gentle in their action, restore tone to the generateystem, and are the safest and most reliable family medicine for nil ages, and absolutely cure the symptoms of Torp3d Liver, such as UNPLEASANT ERKATH-WINIII — GIDDINESS — DEPRESSED SPIIUTS — lND!QBSTtoM — BACKACHE — SPASMS—;ROUGH ToiqGLTz- ACIDITY AND CONSTI PATION-and stimulate the Liver itself to con- tinued healthy action. I Sold everywhere-lifil 2/9 and 4/6 per tox. BORViiCK98 BAKhVG PHHfllH i ruwiJCil.


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