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ABC Guide to fctocii Exchange. Latest Edition A(11th).- Thoroughly explains in simple language all jperatiori3 known on Stock Exchange. How with jElO ipwards profits at rate of SCO to 1,000 per cent. per Minora may be gained.—Gratis and port free from Publishers, 12. Bank-street. Manchester. 434n 33mittsii £ ^frbsrtts. GENERAL with good character, who understands {7; plain ccoking 3 in family wa'^eH £ 16,—M. N.,I54, Dsbaldeston-road. Or>per Clapton, London. N. 346n CrabsIIurs. &c. TKAViMiIiEIiS wanted fori'E.?iand and Wales c?.l>iES on users of hyù!3.wic and steam power to take np good pay^ig sicXa lice practically no samples to carry ^ood ccmmis<-ton.—Address Frank, 276, High-street, Strattc.i'd, LoaciGn, E. 3S6 ml1 &c. FAitJIS, Estates, Country Houses re-ciicls from Ss an acre, pvica9 from £ 7 acre. Country Houses in all ermnties. Ratter's Monthly Healster cooSsins (Co paees Jf particulars DOS. tree '2 stamps.—Messrs Ilutter, 10 Strand, 1.oI)(loTl. aeveial oheap Jariua and Country Properties in Wales mitl BsrJeT Coqnttea. iifarm anfr$arlten. MOST Easterly EagliKh Nursery.—Buy staff of hardy constitution thrive anywhere: Forest Fruit .Trees, Shrubs. Roses hardy and greenhouse; any j rariety any quantity state wants Jow estimates pel" return catalogue with cheap otiers post free.—E. Gaye, Qept. V., Oalton Broad Nurseries. Lowestoft. 18025 j B emu stir ^.rtidUs. N OW we shan'u be Ions gett*-ig oeir family washing done, because we use one 1 Spenccr's Wrinfrinsc *nd Mangling Machines.—Spencer's Baby Carriage wuehouse, St. John's-square, Cardiff. Send post-card 'or price list. 536—396n THE Patent Eciipse Knitting Machine. Xhe most perfect knitter of Socks and Stockings in the world. 3imple in construction, easy to leam, and light running. -Send postcard for price list to Spencer's Baby Car- 3age Warehouse. St". Johns-square, Cardiff. 2940—898rt ilUfciral. "(,1CZEMA.—A victim who was cured after 6 yeais tZt suffering will gladly send full particulars of inex ilensive guaranteed cure on receipt of stam1)ccl ad ,ires3ed envelope.—E. L. Paciuerma, 5, SwaJlow-stre8Íi Piccadilly, London. 17937 fi AOTXEUE'S Pills, composed ofAPiOl, Pennyroyal. SJT Tansy, and Steel, supersede 301) others in boxes, ?}d. po&t free.—Sole Agents, C. T. Baldwin and Co., Shemists, 9, Electric-parade, Holloway, London. 236 iHadjittmr, (tools, &t. Alangye Steam Engine for Sale, lain, cylinder, 26in. stroke fitted witli Jonnson's automatic cut-off scar And l1y-whed. 9ft, dia. x llin. face iD good working Drder 30150 if required, a qna.ntiyof steam and exhaust piping and 3Jin. sha.fting.With hangers, plnmmer blocks &nd pulleys can be seen working at any time at the South Wales Printing Works, Westgate-st.. Cardiff. 91n FOR Saole, g, G5 h. j. high.3peed Otto Gas Engine, with special heavy 8 ton fly wheel, suitable for driving electric dynamos fitted with patent silent exhaust box and special large tank for water circulation equal to new, having done no work; will be solll. at half-price ;o make rocm; can be seen at any time at South Wales Printing Works, Westgate-soreet,"Cardiff.—ApplysSouth Wales Daily News Oflit-e. Card iff. 1307—554n 3for &jle. Irom the Manufac- I turcr at first cost. Handsome dIamond designs, "ast colours, 90in. long. 60in. wide. Everyone should 5ee these beautiful Quilts, only Is 6d each. Carriage paid on two or more.—Dawson's, Collyiuirst, Manehes- ;er. Please cut this out with order. 989 LADIES' Dress Lengths, 3s lid, carriage paid voiles, canvas, cashmeres, armures. snowflaltes, knops, zibelines; patterns free.—Hargreave's Dress Ware- hoase, Holbcck, Leeds. 392 LADIES' Biouse and Dress Materials, dainty spring colourings, <»;d varJ, carriage \:ai<t pattern free.— j Bradford Dress Warehouse (W e0). Shipley, Bradford.392 | 3S lid. Ladies' Dress Lengths in voiles, tiskes, scrces. cashmeres. &c., from 3s Ud per 6 yards, carriage paid.—Patterns post fjee from Herbert Jliddloton and Co., Dept. D, Bradford. 328 83 lid. —Ladies' Dress Lengths in Voiles, Plakes, Serges, Cashmeres, Ac., from 3s lid per 6 yards, carriage paid.—Patterns post free from Herbert Middle- ton and Co.. Dept. D.. Bradford. 228 SOUTH "Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly Register of Estates, Houses, Lands. &c to be Let or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to the leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern snd Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c., 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 4^AFKS.—500 Fire, Burglar, from 40s, carriage paid.— O Levy's Safe Co., rrederick-street. Sunderland. 677n rjlO Dealers, Shopkeepers, etc.— Anrons, Pinafores A from 3g 9d doz.; Children's Hose, from Is 9d doz Men's Stout Hose. from 5s lid doz. assorted lots, 208.- Wm. Peavillg and Co., Manufacturers. Nottingham. 23e j TC E A X H BEIT jjTfc A X HER 8 FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why bay common shoddy Wool Beds when you can jet best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 6d per lb, carriage paid? Warranted dry and sweet. feather Bftdfflpad o emler. Send for samples Bud price list to H. HANDY AND CO.. FEATHER MERCHANTS. 6061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALES. 114 i liUaailaiteons. EXISTENCE.—who wishes to win ios up to 20s daily through the sale of a lucrative article send ad- dress to A 351, Annoncen Barea.1I UnIon, Lad wis- strasse, 56. Stuttgart. illisttUaueouib Mania. V17ELSH China —Wanted. Swansea and Nantgarw China..Swansea andCambrianPotterv.andDillwyn's Etruscan Ware only good specimens required high prices given.—Address Collector. Echo Office. Cardiff.n iuomu. I JOIO to £ 5^)00 Advanced on Note of Hand alone, with- out ljouds, publicity, or charges of any description whatever unless buainess is done no bills of sale and the strictest privacy guaranteed. On receipt of appli- oation rq>resent3.tlve will wait upon von hy appoint- ment and advance you the amount required, repayable by easy instalment3 to suit YOUI"- own convenience. Special rates for short periods. Write in confidence to Actual Lender. C. WELLS, Corridor Chambers, Markft piace. 1906-489u Leicester. THE OLD-FjST-VBLFSHSD PROVINCIAL UNION BANK continues to lend immense sums daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000, on Note of Hand Alone, or other Security, •t a few hours' notice, to all classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales, repayable by eu.sy instalments. No good Application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate Interest. Special rates ior short periods. The largest, best known. and most honourably conducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— Call, or write lin confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowding, 1, Queen-square, Bristol. 58 ClIELDINttS, Limited, Oia-e3tai>li3lied Financiers, are X' prepared to Advance sums from JE20 to £3,000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand, personal or other securities. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current nttesof interest. Property Purchased. Trade BiJl" Discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages. — Apply direct as we have no agants, Hayes Buildings. The Hayes. Cardiff. 13938 MONEr.-Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-rd.—Send pos ¿ card for prospectus (returned in closed envelope free), and you will do business with no other ttrm.144^1 MESSRS S. mVRN~drpEH'l\\rEE, Estate Agents. 1M. 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to advance from B100 to £lOO.OVO on Mortgage of free- hold or Leasehold Property, and from £50 to £1,000 on personiJ security. 3654 THE CBARlNG CttOSS BANK.—KaiabUshqd 1870 19 and 120, BIBHOPSGATE-SXBEET WITHIN.E-C., and 38, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS, w.e LONDON. Assets .£512,175. Liabilities. £ 209,175. Surplus, £303.000. Loans of £50 to £5.0oJQ made on any class of security. 24 Per cent, allowed on Current Aoooum Balances, Deposits of JaG and upwards received as uader Subject to } Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 5 per cent Mr annum. Subject to 6 Months'Notioe of Withdrawal, 6 per cent per anouw. Subject to 12 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 7 per cent, per annum. Special Terms for Longer Periods. Interest Mid Quarterly. The Terminable Deposit B^nds pay nearly 9 per cent and are a safe investment. Write or call for Prospectus. 176CO TALL. Joint B. J. HEATH & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR JÔHN BROADWOOD AND SONS, By SPECIAL APPOINTMENT to HIS MAJESTI' THE KING, HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA, H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OP WALES. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON THE 1, 2, 3, Or" YEARS' SYSTEM. EXCEPTIONAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. JYJUSICAL JNSTRUMENTS BY ALL MAKBRS" GREAT "PIANOFORTE AND |RGAN SALOON, 76, QUEEN STREET, C A. R DIFF, J ALSO PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, & PORT TALBOT. 1066-2e N»t. Tel. Car ff, 01199. Pontypridd, 21 THERAPION.—This successful and JL highly popular remedv, as employed m the Continental Hospitals by Kicord, Rostari, Jobers Vepean, ana others, surpasses everything hitherto employed for impurity of the blood, spots, blotches pains and swellings of the joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in the back, stone, gleet, nervous.uess, sleeplessness, &c. Therapion is prepared in three different forms, Noa. 1, 2, and 5 tccording to diseases for which intended. Full parti, colars send stamped addressed envelope for pam, phlet to Mr R. JOHNSON, 43. Holford-square,. London, E.C. 18027 CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTIN COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS-I, PARK-STREET. CABDIFF. SECRETARY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Piopiietors of the Principal Station* in Cardiff and Hcicnboozhood. Contractors for a.U description ef Advertising. Circular Cistrlbatizig, etc. 133 All orders promptly attended to 1044 j flublu; jUmisenunts. ] i —~ CARDIFF. fJlHEATRE ROYALl CARDIFF, | Lessee and Manager ^ROBERT REDFORD. WVERIT EVENING at 730 AND SATURDAY at 2 Splendid Reception of ) MR GEORGE DANCE'S PRINCIPAL COMPANY IN í THE MUSICAL COMEDY, i THE GffiL FROM J^AY'S, from the Apollo Theatre, London. Box Office at Theatre 10 to 5. Nat. Tel. 362. CARDIFF ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY. PARK HALLTCARDIFF. GRAND EVENING CONCERT, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY lab, at 7.45, Vocalists: Miss ALICE HOLLANDER. Mr FFRANGCON DAVrES. Solo Pianoforte. Miss ADELA VERNE. ORCHESTRA OF 80 PERFORMERS. Conductor—Mr J. E. DEACON. Accompanist—Madame CLARA NOVELLO DAVIES. Reserved seats, 53 each; unreserved Beats, 2s. Admission pla.n and tickets at Mr Wm. Lewis, 22, 1")iike-street, Cardiff. Doors open a.t 7.15. Commence 7.45. Carriages at 10.10. 1874 |hiblir Jbiitts. r* AERS ALEM, PONTYBEREM. All who own craves in the Burying-ground adjoin- ing tie above Chapel to claim the same before end of February, or lose possession of them. 1800-5 T. HEWITT. Secretary, CWCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham. road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAXLY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. n977 Secretary Fred W. Howell. I$utldmg :to£Îmts. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF _B. ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT I BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. OScea 3. HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. SccretM-y Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, jMO EACH. 1 SUMS OF MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold-on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalments. INVESTING SHARES. JE60 EACH. realised in abont 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a ifxed rate m' interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accu- mulate.. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent. per I Miiim, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above, or to 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, 12, St. John'square. Cardiff. Jfttsitratta. TTN F~I R E OFFICE. FOUNDED 1710. FnnOls in Hand .£2,386.639, For all particulars apply to the following AGENTS% CARDIPF. Mr Wenfrworth H. Price, 2A, High-street, Mr'.Charles Cross. 21, Working-street. Mr John Jenkins, 12, We&tgate-street. Mr A. Nais-h, 17, Church-s.tj.-eet. Mr F. G. IhB-ze. 50, Hftmiljon-strcet. Mr R. Josei>h Yorath, Cariton. Messrs R. H. Seel & Isaa«i, Theatre Royal Chambers Messrs Williams & Son, 319, St. Mary-street. Aberirenifg.— Messrs J. & F. J. Hurley. Barry Dock-.Mr B. G. Daviea, 110, Hoiton-road, Cowbridgtx— y Mr Thos. J. Parsons. Dowlais .Messrs Edwards Brothers Gilfach Goch —Mr John Edwards. Gorseinon — Mr Richard F. Bennett. Hengoed .Mr George Seaborne. Llandaff — MrW.A.Gordon Williams — Mr F. R. Jones. Maesteg Mr David Davies Penaith .Mr J. Hodgson. 22, Albert-road. Penfcre MrT.R. Evans. 3503 Treharrte and Caerphilly .Mr W. A. Davis. 17991. Jfor HARES FOR SALE IN LOTS TO I SUIT, producing income of jE377 10s and jE360 respectively. Will pay buyer 7% and 15 pei Cent. —Address Shares, c/o Smnbs, 51, Moorgate-street, London, E.C. 17999 THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, wbenever raised and for whatever par. pose, most always command the fullest attention and respect. Whether the subject be imperial, national, industrial, or domestic, the voice of the people holds the sway. This voice it is that for nearly sixty years haa CQOsiateatly sounded the praise of JJEECHAM-S TDILLS —a medicine of which the people havo Jon" known the remedial value in BILIOUS AND LIVER DISORDER3, SICK HEADACHE, FAILING APPETITE, LANGUOR, AND WANT OF TONE. caused by depressed conditions of the Neivous System. In all snch cases it is not too much to say that the benefits to be derived from a jndicions n'e of I JGEECHAM'S pILLS ue practically known all over the world. SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOXES. Price Is Hd (56 Pills) and 28 9d (168 Pills.) N.B. JG SPECIALLY QAFE. I have used your Balsam with my two older children with great success, and have known it as a VALUABLE REMEDY for more than THIRTY YEARS. Mr R. J. Hall, School Flouse, East Markham, Jan., 1902. JJAYMAN'S JgALSAM. Hay man's Balsam has earned an excellent reputation. Tried it myself, and found immediate re- lief. Quite safe for children. —Mra BaHin, jn Baby." FOR INFANTS & CHILDREN N.B. > —— I DR. J. COLLTS JGROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, Invaluable for COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA, NEURAGIA, And all kindred ailments. This old aad tiled remedy has stood the test Of two generations. REFUSE to be put off with a SUBSTITUTE the Original can be had of aU CHEMISTS if you let h be seen that ¡ yon are not weak enough to accept an imita- tion, I COLLIS JJROWNE Is the Name; Ie lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d the prices. 135] PAINE' S BILL POSTING t. SYNDICATE For Aberdare, Hirwain, Mountain Ash, and District Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13(20 omces- u NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE I WORTH KNOWIJVU. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLl £ BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best I' private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh bourhood. AU wort: entrusted to him will be speedily nndfaithfuly executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by boat or rail will hare immediate attentMn. 13675 Notices. 1 ALLAN LINE—TO CANADA, UNITED STATES, RIven PLATE, AND INDIA. I SAILING FBOM LIVERPOOL. Feb. 4—IONIAN Halifax, N S. Feb. 9— RHENANIA.„St. JoUn's, N.F., and Halifax, Feb. 11—CITY OF BENARES Calcutta. ) Feb. 11—SICILIAN Halifax and St. John's, N B Feb. 1J— ANATOLIA. Monte Video & Buenos Ayroa. OCEAN BATES.—To Canada, 8aloon from £ 11; Second Cabin, £7 10s, Third Class, £5 10s. To India, t37 10s and JE27 10s. Fer full particulars appiy to Allans, 103, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C., and 19. James- street. Liverpool. 18013 WHITE STAR LINE^LIVERPOOL VV to AUSTRALIA, calling at> Capetown (South Africa). AFRIC, 11,948 tons Feb-11 SUEVIC, 12,500 tons Mar. 10 PERSIC, 11,974 tons ADI.7 RUNIC, 12,482 tons May 12 The accommodation on these twin-screw HW1IDJerS comprises smoking, roading, and dining rooms. Fares.—To Australia, &19 to f:}.7; to Capetown, £15 15s to £22 III, For further particulars apply to Local Agents or to Ismay, Imric and Co„ Liverpool; 17, Cockspur- street, S.W and 34, Lessee haU-atreet. B.C., London. FIT)P -CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. « KJ JT -XI- ATLANTIC S.S. LINES, LIVERPOOL TO CANADA. First cabin, jEll second, jM 10s third, £5 10s. s.s. Lake Erie (twin-scr.), 7^50 ions Feb. 16th. tt.s. Lake Manitoba (twin-ecr.), 8,8.52 tons»„Misx. 1st, Free pamphlet re" Work and Wages -C.P. Ry.. 18. S6. Augnstine's-parade, Bristol, or local agents, Messrs Davies and Co., 58, Charles-street. Cardiff. 15ly ations. New Edition, pp. 324, cloth, In, postiiree. TTOMCEOPATHIC FAMILY JLJ INSTRUCTOR. By Dra. R. and W. EPPS. Describes fully and prescribes for general diseases. London James Epps and Co. (Ltd.), 4$, Threadneedle-gtreet, and 170. Piccadilly. 17992 ¡ NOW IS THE TIME. I NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. At this Season of the Year no one should be without GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS I. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE BEST REMEDY FOR WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. LOSS OF APPETITE. SLEEPLESSNESS. LOW SPIRITS, NEURALGIA, CHEST AFFECTIONS. INFLUENZA, IMPURE BLOOD. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOSUE. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is a Pre- paration extensively taken throughout the country by patients suffering from debility, nervousness, a.nd general exhaustion, and it a.ny value be attached to homan testimony the efficacy of this Medicine has been suc- cessfully established. Its claims have been tested and proved by the medical profession aad others, and corroborated by the written testimonials of eminent m!Il. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bietere contains not only a suitable quantity of quiDine in each dose, but the active principles of the following weil-fcnown herbs: sarsaparilla, saffron, gentian, lavender, burdock, and dandelion. The use of quinine iOJ well known, but it has never been satisfactorily combined witb these prepaiations, until, after over. coming considerable difficulties, the pro- prietor was able to secure a. perfectly uniform preparation, combining all the essential properties of the above plants in their greatest purity and concentration. It is now established as a family medicine, and is in- creasing in popular favour the more it is known and tested. THE FAMILY MEDICINE. THE FAMILY MEDICINE. THE FAMILY MEDICINE. Gwilym Evaus' Quinine Bitters is recora- mended for— (1) Indigestion its different forms, such as j sick headache, heartburn, cramp, fiatu- lenoy, sense ot fulness and oppression after eating, drowsiness, and pains in the region of the heart. (2) It is without exception the best remedy for Depression of Spirits and Melancholy. Being a vegetable pick-me-UD," is strongly recommended for nervous diseases, such as undue; anxiety, despon- dency, fainting fits, neuralgia, and nerve pains generally. (3) It has successfully treated, after all other known preparations had failed, severe cases of affections of the chest, such as cammon colds, bronchitis, asth- matic colds, shortness of breath, in- llu6nza., &c.. (4) It purifies and enriches the blood, and is a healthy and safe tonic. It should be taken by all who are delicate,as it streng- thens the system, and by so doing assists I nature, thereby promoting good health. (5) To children growing, and to people suffer- ing great weakness, either after an ill- ness or through long confinement in ill- ventilated rooms, or any other cause, it is mcst valuable. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Bewire of imitations. Ask for Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters,and see that you get it with the name" Gwilym Evans" on the Jabel, on the stamp, and on the bottle, without which none is genuine. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Gwilym Evans Quinine Bitters is sold every- where in bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d each, or will be sent, on receipt of stamps, carriage free, direct by THE SOLE PROPRIETORS:— QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELL Y, SOUTH "WALES. WELL-FIN rSHED REAL NICKEL- SILVER WATCH FOR ONE DAY S WORK, FREE. We send this medium-size Lever .<)mx Watch, tested and warranted, or a R e It ] Go]d BlnR. or II. Sweet t.oned Melo<leon, whichnoer you prefer, to any. one for SeYCll bea.uti- ful artistic novelties at Is 'ea.ch. Sterltng value. Send your full name and ad- \t<JMF dress (postcard will do) and we send yon the goods post paid. We deal Honestly with you. W. have hundreds of eenaine testimonials to prove what we state. Goods sent at our risk. Send us the money that you get for them and we will send you whiehevei present you prefer. Send to-day.— Address UNIVERSAL PREMIUM SYNDICATE, t9. Vimlico-road, Belgravia. S.W. 18029 C W FOR f/ ICOUGtfekOLDSi J USE V 1 '"£N5EEÓ COM POUND" v/ is a reliable old English home c remedy. It softens hard phlegm. permitting it to be expectorated without strain, soothing the membranes and allaying the irritation so commonly ex- perienced. There is nothing to equal it. Of all Chemists at home and abroad. Refute the ■ many substitutes offered. Price,9id., lilt. 2/9. ■ NO LANCING OR CUTTING I ->,u* ,Inquired if you use the World- iflttA, (Renowned BURGESS LION SiLtffcflWc. OINTMENT. It has saved many la limb from the knife. Cured toVnern after being given up by ■ ^Jwawaamip1 Ihowpitalp. THE BKSTREMEDY or WOUNDS and all SKIN DISEASES, A Certain Cure for Ulcers, Tumours, Abscesses, Eczema, etc. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold oyaU Chemists, 7> £ d Is lj&d. etc.. per box, or post free for tamps, from Proprietor, E. BURGESS; 59, Graces lan-road. Loudon. Advicegratis. 17963 SWANSEA OFFICES OF tftw. SOUTH WALES DAILY NSWS. Ht. 62, HIGH-STEEET ¡}uftiuess Jiitihrussfs. CALL N HIM || HE WOULD LIKE TO K^OW VOUI M II ,T HEAKS SWE9! HIGHEST VALUE AT LOWEST WHOLESALE P!H8!S! H 1| Y0UR SELECTION WILL BE MADE FROM THE LARGEST AND FifiEST H CHOICE IS THE KIN80Q&? f COMPLETE SATISFACTIgH 6UARAKTEEB fCT^- H OR MONEY RETURNED IH FULL WITHIN ONE iONTH OF PURCHASE' M -■ COMPARE MY PRICES WITH ORDINARY RETAILERS! >«ii Solid 6*ld Hallmarked J HEAL SILVER t 1 Him SEM BIHSS' "S H /f ISk Diamends, »r I II M § M lllllk USUAL RXTA1L PKICQ, 25/- WATCH BffTi« f||| III <9 Sterling SILYER-PLATBD Ko*am«at,CS«a!^8MlfSiv8, amd M U CRUETS. bsanjlfal in ay^ea?ane«. j ||| 1 |||| nE UNLIMITED S2E.ECTSOM! Complete with IfKBE GIFT of a i Q/A mabtbl CLOCKS in rS*°H»ei,«*BSI,T wUh j «iaEST SHEFFIELD GUTLERY! SILYKR MOygLTIES I iff 1 KaE STK0H6 MiCKEL CLOCKS, SiLVBR-PLATKl) JELLY DiSHKS! Ml! #lfW&Mm hBB TEA ADD COFJTES POTS, JAM 8POOH8. PIQKLE FORKS, *c., 3d. A j&gjSSoSM 1 FREE BONUS PHIZES ASK FOR YOURS! Thjgjffy B RAILWAY FARE PAID! CALL TO-DAY A j | N.SIIIiELj I ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. j +, JRT E 's ¥ ^^ITTI F Absolutely ILIOUSNESS. n m ICK HEADACHE. Jg||| I \f is ORPID LIVER. a W lm \| I FURRED TONGUE. g||§ n r M INDIGESTION. H S^l LL3^ $M CONST'PATION DIZZINESS, SALLOW SKIN B S S 3g*'aa Small Pill. They TOUCH .*e LiVclH £ 5 °°Z Genuine Wrapper Printed on ■— WHITE PAPER, BLUE LETTERS. Look for the Sliaatu'-e, Nea»|i; » HAS FOR SOME TIME BEEN USED IN The RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FAMILY. I "NEAVE'S FOOD contains tfe,h and bone-forming constituintt above the average of the I be,t purely farinaceous foods, so that when it is prepared according te the directions given < with each tin, it makes a PERFECT FOOD for INFANTS." 1 MRS. ADA S. BALLIN, Editress of'BAJt F." BfegT and CHEAPEST. In Mb Tins, One SMImg. I- 'W{;- n@^ BEST WMTGHES are S Unequalled for Accuracy, Durability, and Strength. a Boy of the Actual Makers and Save OKT3E5 THIRD. H In Silver Casaa. la 18-ct. Gold Cases- AH ■ {*■ B c/bm A BENSON'S I =fc^iaBGrTE' |; Hi Ill yCT1 and STRONGEST, London Mads raj I #/> ll| B THREE QUARTER PLATE English | fl mi Wg. Lever Wa.tch. H H Jn Jr\\ 1^ Chronometer Balance, all Latest Improvements, M a Iwii „ u-P Silver Cases with Crystal Glass. jf i lif&T* nkfll Made in Three Sizes. at c a i ■ IIH In Massive IS cfc. Gold Cast with Crystal Glass, ■ B M* /A OantleiQGn's. £ 12 12a- Ladies, £ 1010s. 9 8 WJJjJmf o. •• Ci)t Cimes" T" I I SVIOIIHLY PAYMENTS I B same Prices as for CASH. B 1^9 I iwft GEM RINGS. I, 1 10 non ALWAYS IN STOCK H 1 ? AT MAKERS' CASH PF.ICES. i i; M ILLUSTRATED BOOK of Watches, Clocks, | f B „ Chains, Rings, Brooches, "Imperial" Plate, H Ji g Sar^jhire" «2.10s. Cutlery and Bags. POST FREE..Brilliants, £ 4.4s. 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Safest and most The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the /Gentle Medicine fof Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, infants, Children, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Pregnancy, I I I gASS AND OO'S PALE AND MILD II ALES. SEASON BREWINGS MAY HOW BE HAD INIPBI^E CONDITION, IN CASKS,ORFBOTTLKS, OFJ FULTON,^DCNLOP, AND 00.. OARDIF3T U4d ■pi R E E TO JE N When you are tired of taking nanseons and mys- terious prescriptions and compjunus. which do you no good, but only ruin your digestive organs, write to me and I will send you a Book which describes a Quick and Certain Cure for lost strength, wasting weak- nesa, &c., from whatever cause arising. I NO STOMACH MEDICINE. NO ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received and guaranteed genuine It is an excellent system, and I have scrupu- lously followed the instructions, and am a better man than 20 years ago.—G.G." „ Cannot be better than I am at present. It is a perfect cnre.-K.G." „ Book sent sealed, post free, two stamps^—A. G. LEIGH. 92 and 93, Great Russell-street, Blooms. bury. London. Send at once and be cured, Seventeen Tears' Continuous Successes, 16625





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