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John omjm-MLMS FAIOUS HAIR 0 Eft THE TRUE HOMI CURE oft FOR BALDNESS Remarkable Offer to Readers of the Cardiff Weekly Times." i I, uistributioa of 10,000.. Free |; Jest Boxes during the next I,i ao days. Send Postcard only. The recent enquiry instituted by the London Daily Nail on the sub- ject of Premature B8.1dness, haa t. attracted attention. I address myself to the many thou- If.. sa-nds of of this to whom the subject is one of great I want every person who is actuaJly or incipiently bald to send me post-card with I name and address clearly written, and receive by return Free Trial Box of my True Hail: Grower. My preparation cnD therefore be tested at no expense to yourself, and an encouraging result can be antici- pnted if my instructions for Simple Home are observed with rea-sonable carc. I am receiving more to-day than ever J. before, yet I am advertising leEa than formerly. The reason for this Ü; the great; number sales ¡ induced by the who have ,,rown hair by the use 01 my coiiipouncl. a6 i Xi Growing Pre. -=- paratiol1 is not a6 i Xi Growing Pre. peral.ioii is not a liquid, but is of noina(I-c form. -=:==- It evinces re- ^ukI6?^1 w^en applied to the scalp. The hair which Is grown is firm, jet soft and My preparation is available equally well for persons of either sex. OROWS mm WHERE ALL OTHERS FAIL* ^Sch my numerous Testimonials I take the following extracts, the original letters,. of q (wltb full addresses, of course), can be inspeetedin my office, also theuBaa&Botf. other similar Istters. TESTIMONY OF THE PUOLID ROCK, Balham, S.W.: "I enclose for your preparation. It has been to w« by a gentleman in Stofiord- n. aen bald tl)irty years. He tells me, remedy, he is growing quite a fine JWA?* B1RKARD, South port: "I was quite r Ule result of the one box I got from you »* aK°. «-nd that is more than I could o&y Ath »^yj??ePaM,tions I hav e previously tried. "• GUY, Llanaliy; Your faw'r groweriiac v^wf.S^'l, my hair has grovm frora of ^S*WBe,s *° h»"-an-iach bynsius the one li 8HERRI5G, Stepney, E.: I J r«4h X »^mPJe a an(1 found it mora e2ectnol I Ifo I have ever used." SMPBMMl, Rather hithe: "Will orritlier boxof your hoirgXG'BAi!. is now gl" had n wonderful effect, for ipu has been qui&iUte fore part of ray bead, li* B. OODTIB, CfaMrafca^^U^'i-T be glad if yoa will «ei*^w#6!ff^55*5« yonr growing preparation, for the result ofTeven the sample tin ha* beeu very gratifying." &GlrSS BRIGGS, Wellingboro: "Will you forward me three boxes oi -your hair grower? used the sample that you sent me with most j waving results I «*"r-WiLIKS STEWART, Brighton: "I boj x> ^^ht» after using your box or pomade twelve fcto\wt' >nuch surprised to find that a new of th Is ILSWY apparent. This, after a psviod years' baldness, is truly remarkable j. "ery encouraging." Nottingham: "I am Tart *>*ir, „hi~l su.1f.c ;:sinET your hair restorer my i^sW a eetting very thin,. is now very much ,tself quUe .*• "?w, cr°P of hair is making «t* "Bible ou my heagl **s much Rockwell: It will always give *• it h*»^i pIea3UF,=,to recommend your hair grower. li done wonders for me." oe'J*' Mortlaka: Your preparation « Ve-y ali that JOU 8BV about it. I have had **owfh ,Vl moustache, and in a fortnight a new fc™"1 of hair has resulted." ^L»» GBpRQB WATTS, Blackheath: i ? ?.jy bead18 tbiokly covered with hair, and *hy v, ™' that for nearly ten years the top of **ree a!most eatii'ely baldj you will fciT 0 that is rery good," ITotir splendid hair I Iorm«J*ls saow-ing excellentrssalts. I can 4LUall using your hair (j'xuver for about three weeks, (I 7aeNv j W. aB has started cominx through," *1nni I Ru^by: Kindly send a further «« £ £ of your hair restorer. I have been bald for ^ooi- y*»rs' the hair is jbegin&ing to stow very jgyaow." WPE, M°rth*mpton; "I am elad to wliat your liair grower lias done for iUci, *s .really surprising. I have about 5-8Uis 10 b« when two week* ago not hair was j Mr. JOSEPH MoCAHH, CovmalUHi "!■>receded your liair grower. I have used about half, anoJtlia result has been wonderful. S may say thatlhava been going baldtoreigWor nine years. It-w TOta gratefol feeling that I say there is now a com £ £ OX hair all o*er«y head." Mr. HUGH BUOl ORAH&H, Aaoninornin«: i •• Your true hair grower has proved very saoces&Cul in my case. I was quite bald on the top of any :bead. The last box I had from you worked woa&BKi 1 X have now & very fine covering of hair, 1 Mrs. C. E. KaTfOSD, Brixton, S.W.t "Your nt,L: grower has dosie my hair more good iiiaa any- 1 thing, even that little bos l oad, it kegt'iny hair from falling out." 19. OUZMAH, Forest Kill: "Ytinr preparfttio™ has proved a moai wonderfuLsncoess. fiuree Med various remsdjss, but without the slightescf/taffect, i>ut aftor usiaa sow sresaaratioat'sve-ortiizaeltiHica myhair ooaetui to fail." Grirtsettihorpe: "bbm xonaa yoar bait pomng poonade a^zcat beneflt to ttiyseit and children, anoT can see the'hotristtW# SiyoiJ?"* tried 8«verat'othen., but namSto !"r' HESHISi(H«ajh4oni!e.89rinJ:inl have used a box of,yonr hair gi-owrnsprepiiratioE, and I find it; does as yon say." Mr. CAE<YIH IHJIG. Brechin: Your formula.haa undoubtedly proved itself to 00 wha.t you advertise tt—& true hair grower. I amnow the happx DOBBeaso? of a soil yet arm growth cf hair. Mrs. J. H. SO WE, Llmerlc'r: "Your hs.ir grower has given ne great eatis/aclion, and I will scron^y I racomj-iiend ii: to all iiiy -frienus. It ilesorvea evary success possible.7* Mr. J. ALBERT, Jersey: "I must tell you that2 have used your box of Sde. and I am ivcll 07D pleasedAvith its results. My baby's t!ME was fallirijf off in patches. I was afraid at film to nsc it, intl then I made np mymind to try.aliitle afts time; and I must say that I am well pleased thatl hnvedone 80." Am.plesced to say tuat I have fotmd your hair grower |s<inJta wnat you represented, nay hair is growing aaiwiflst bestl havo.oirer trie<T." MKH», Bolton: "Kindly sand>rae tuiee -±iote fens of your preparation, it has provod ifflen a true hair grower." Mr. JOHN WZE, Govan: "I have used «boii» e boxes of your pvaparatiou, and found; your statements regarding it true in every detail. My nvsA we.a I had frrietf many preparaiiona bno nono of taeoi har3 made any paxtica!arimnrove» meat in tha growth or my hair. I will recommend it to my mends, Its I believe that its merite onlv require to be known." IIr. JOHM WILLlJUmON, Leith: speak too highly of your hair growing prepanMrRsa, it has uono my aaie a great deal of geoC* vwr hgat growth of new hair has anoeared Mr. THOMAS WICKSOH, Wmpwood: «your true hair grower is all that you chshn itto bo. I g,iven Hp,f.u ho?e« of regaining jiiy hair, which iiad been falling out for several yeirs, whembr caanco i saw an account of your true bare growon My hair is now growing aioely." WRITE FOR FREE BOX *Wi0'u,wiH notic« some interesting features about my testimonials. The writers nm «ftf parHo^a^es. wlx0 consider ib business policy to see their names aad Yk°' • be noticed' usually recommend not only hair growing fluids, bufc ^er articles. My customers are tht>se who sincerelv, genaineiv and as cin C^.r 1X10 0 say voluntarily what John Craven-Burleigh's hair growing eoinHo inrf Vh yL°fay rXrn. a teSt °f my ^Mch will JOHN CRIOTEM-BURIiEIGH, 27V, Cs?aven SSousie, "0, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, LONDON, W.C. ¡;¡p SAMPLE J]S TRjBil TIO NT THE OXIEN KESVlEDiES. "or a limited period only, the people of J^rdiff and vicinity will be supplied with gial Packages of THE OXIEN REMEDIES *J*Ce of charge. It will cost only the price *K a. P°siage stamp to write to us and secure free package by return post. Full instrae- tlollS for the use willbe given, and bona. fide tecords of cures will be included. I OXIEN already has several hundred users Cardiff. It should have more. THE OXIEN REMEDEES are not new, yet they are the 20th Century'cure for INDIGESTION. "TSPEPSIA, constipation, catarrh, 'SfUT DISBA8E, NERVOUS PROSTRA- ^ION, BRAIN FAG, INFLUENZA, oRONCHITIS, COLDS. COUGHS. KIDNEY *^l*LIYER DISEASES, RHEUMATISM,! *J<GRAL«A, SCROFULA, SICK HEAD- *«HE, IRREGULARITY and kindred! '"■eases. .OXIEN gives vigour and vitality to the system. OXIEN is sold under guarantee being free of all poisonous drugs. Hence 111* are permanent. Don't be weak and Give THE OXIEN REMEDIES a chance OXtwn? 3[ou- With your system purified by LEN, the ravage of weather and contagion 1 effect upon you. OXIEN makes ( *i. T- D^len and women who are able te fight c battle of life successfully. i testimanials make interesting reading to afflicted pwople. Each letter we publish n oe produced—every one is genuine. Here ] • «wo examples. A REMARKABLE CURE. "A, CABlilSLK Stueet, CARDIFF. DKAB SIBS,- I wish to let you know the ife. wonderful good your T Oxien Tablets have ,t done me. They have I V UpTi mude me a different v man. Before I started taking your Remedy I V^i- could not lie down at u'gbt without being V^i- could not lie down at night without being propped up in bed as +i!g as ^our Pillows, for the severe palpitation (j&r\ '4§SEFBm<%f\ Pr«*ented me from >\V ")]^leoPing for about an (1 tifour* I am glad to say ( \v I /L '!ow only require one \J V ?\ Pillow, and I am soon F^vv VrX?r»2^-asIeeP' I wish to let everyone know Oxien a woaderful Yours gratefully, H. SPENCE, WORKED WONDERFULLY. Mr. GRUDGE, of 69, Canbrook Street, Cathavs Cardiff, writes:—"I flin pleased to say your Oxien Remedies ha.ve worked wonderfully with me. I iiad beeii laid up the iMttwe.ve weeks, but thanks io your Remedies I am able to work again. I will 10 my best to make Oxien known in Cardiff and listrict." CDCC Write to The Giant Oxie Co., S"B™C> (Dept. 76 A.A.), 8, Bouverie Street, London, E C., for the Free Trial Treat- ment. At least give it this trial. You will be satisfied. Sold by all Chemis^k Tobler:5 HIGH CLASS (\ILK CHOCOLATE NOBLER;°1BCP BERNE* ^w^r,an<^ I Ageat: v W. BURGE, CLEVBDON (SOMEKSET). |


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