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-—————————-...''' MRS. CAUDLE'S…



DUBLIN, July 17. 1345,


DUBLIN, July 17. 1345, Tf.I1MrNATJON OF TilE I:\Qt'EST AT BALLINIIASSIG. This protracted inquiry terminated at an advattcedhom on Tuesday, having occupied eight days. After the last wimess for the defence, George Buichell, a police-conslahle, hdd been examined, The Coroner proceeded to address the jurv. After a few pre- liminary observations, he proceeded to comment upon the evi. dence adduced on the inquest. It is shown you, continued he, that the police took the prisoner into custody, and that after they got into their barrack there was an attack of stones it is then prover'. that the police discharged iheir fire-arms. Now is tIle time for me to tell you, geoilemen, that you must weigh well in ) our minds whether there was sufficient lesislance given to the cousUbulary at that time to warrant them in firing those shots. If sufficient violence ivas txerrised. whereby the lives of the people were endangered, or themselves put in grievous bodily ,h!\rm, then they were justified in firing; but, on the other hand, if you think that there was not that violence, or, in fact, that there was no occasion for them to fire- that they did it wantonly and unnecessarily, you must find a verdict against them. After explaining the law of the case. the coroner proceeded—If you find that the police were justified in FILING at the time. you will return a verdict in their favour and if. on the other hand, you believe they acted unjustifiably, you will bring in a verdict against them. The police are a body of men established for the preser- vation of the peace, and as long as they do so, the law protects them. Gentlemen, one word before T have done. Your verdict is of great importance, both present and prospective. It is im- portant as regards the Lves which were lost in this transaction but it is of much greater importance when yon consider its futuie result. By your verdict is to be settled the questions— I are the people to be unnecessarily and wantooly shot down—A re thepetice to be protected in the honest discharge of their duties, I or put in dread of their lives. anrl placed in this predicament, "atn I to neglect my duty, or be tried as a felon by my country ?" The Cork lieporter gives the following descriptfon of the ex- traordinary scene that followed "A most confused and noisy I discussion here ensued as to the construction of the authorities relative bodily injury and 'grievous bodily injury.' It would be impossible to give anything hke a leoort of it from the I tumult that prevailed—some lawyers pitted Ru se!) against Roscoe, while others asserted that Nur,n and Welsh were higher authorises, or contra, that Jervis, and a host of jurists, who were cited 10 sustain him. Amid this scene it was impossible to hear a word of the passage which the coroner endeavoured to read from Roscce. One juror called out. For God's sake let only six speak at a time and we'll get through «.' The counsel, coroner, and Jurors, began to pull the law books from each other some insisted (hey had a right to get them to read, while others were equally vociferous that they had no business with them at length the coroner pushed all, except the ju:ors, out of the room —the only intelligib.le phrase amid the babel din, being the voice of the coroner, catting cut, 'Anti had no other weapon." After waiting until nine o'clock, expecting every instant to receive some Intimation Ibllt the Jurors had ag;et I to a verdict, a message WAS received by ihe coroner from the jury, when tbdt functionary, accompanied by the counsel, agents, and the re- porters. entered the jury room. After some conversation between the coroner and the foreman of the jury, the jury-room was agam cleared, Bnd the profes- sional gentlemen, clergy, fiiends \>f the deceased, and a large assemblage of the neighbouring population, who were asitmbiet) in the mill y"rd from an early hour of the day, remained there anxiously awaiting the issue of the proceedings. The almost breathless suspense was put an er.d to at three minutes PA- T ten o'clork, when it was anuounced theft the jury had agieed to the verdict. Immediately on this being inrimated, a tush was made for the steps leading to the apartment where the jury were, which was instantly thronged, its occupants being generally in a very ex- ciled IOtate. '1 he coroner Gentlemen, have you agreed to your verdict 1 Foieman We have. The coroner then took up the printed paper and reaifit. The finding was to Ihe following effect, and NEATLY in these woids We nnd that Corneliuq Forde came by his death in consequence of a gunshot wound inflicted on bim by a patty of police, who attended the fair of Balliniiassig on Monday, the 30th of June last, and that the said shot was fired on ihe above-named dny undfr the order of Sub-inspector Kelly, who commanded the said party, and that in the circumstances he was placed he WIS ill. juslified in giving such oider, and that, therefore, the death 01 the said Cornelius Forde amounts to justifiable homicide." Mr. O'Connell wished to know if the twenty-three jurors were uoanimolls iD Ihal finding 1 Mr. Fiusimon You. Mr. Coroner, can take the verdictol twelve gentlemen, and you have nothing to do with a greater or lesser number. Several jurors here loudly and warmly expressed their dissent to the finding, and announced the names of those who did not "oncur in it, and would have relumed quite a contrary verdict. They were as follow :-Daniel Lombard, foreman, William Hallinan, James Donegan, Richard Dennehy, Engine McCarthy, John 0 Leary, James Patten, John Hormbrook, Thos. Sullivan. The other fourteen jurors signed the verdict of justifiable homicide. Mr. Walsh I wish to guard myself from being thought to approve of or adopt anything said or done in this inquiry from a certain stage of it to a close. !\lr. O'Connell: Why, the verdict was publicly known an hour ago in the vatd outside. I pledge my word, I beard it an hour ago on the steps outside. Coroner Peihaps so, while the jury were signing the neces- sary docemenls. The jury have returned similar verdicts io Ih6 case of each of ihe-»tb«r deceased persons, hod J NOW DISCHAIPE iliem from further attendance. [Slight hisses, TAD expressions of marked disapprobation in the crowd.] Our reporter was then informed by one of the jury, that after a very animated and protracted discussioo, they divided three times—first, on the question of justification infirinff^Out of. the dispensary, which was carried in the affirmative. RJRHE justifica- tion was carried on this division by a majority of [P to 8. The next division was on the question ot justification for the firing after coming out of the dispensary, which was lost by a majority of 14. A third division was then taken, as to a justificaiion for the firing down the hill, which was carried by a majority of 17. The final question was then put, and cariaed thus :—For a verdict of justifiable homicide generally, and in each case, 14; against it, 9.


---------| DINNERS TO MR.…

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Corn Trade. ! i

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