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Corn Trade.


Corn Trade. We httve had a much lower range of temperature during the week now terminated than that experienced earlier in the month— indeed, since Thursday, it has been cold for the time of year, and a considerable quantity of rain has fallen. Though the state of the weather has not been such as to give rue to any uneasiness, the ab- sence of genial warmth May of itself be viewed as unfavourøbk. when the lateness of the spring, and the constquent backuardnest of the crops are taken into consideration. Etwn with the most auspi- cious weather the harvest can scarcely be expected to be early any occurrence tending to retard vegetation is therefore of importance and in so excitable a state are the holders of wheat, that very little leauId suffice to induce them to raise their pretensions. Up to the present period there a"e very few complaints respecting the appear- ance of the wheat plant, excepting that it is about a fortnight later than at this period last year; infaed the reports from all quarters generally describe its aspect as healthy and promising notwithstanding which, holders of the article have displayed much firmness, and it may readily be conceited what effect would be pro- duced on prices should the weathen hertaftjir assume a less propi- tious character. That even greaten-.importauae than this should be attached to the nitimate result s of our harvest, is principally attached to the ex- hnusted stucks tit" old wheat in all parts of Europe, mi the conse- quent difficulty which there would he to supply our wants in cast ire should really require foreign assistance. In addition to this fact, the jnaspects foi the next harvest are stated to be far from satisfactory in those countries from whence we are in the habit of drawing the greater part of our foreign supplies in scarce years, and anything like an active B, itish demand, would, in all proba- bility, cause an immediate rise to take place at all the Baltic ports. From what we have above stated, it must be apparent that holders of wheat in this country haveieason to reflect before parting with their old stocks at low rates and nothing but uninterruptedly fine weather, can, in our opinion, cause the value of the article to fall below its present level. Regarding the quantity of wheat remaining in the hands of the growers, little is definitely known but general opinion inclines to the. belief that, not withstanding the liberal nature of the deliveries, sufficient still remains to satisfu the consumption until harvest; oh the other hand, merchants, Miller s. and dealers have comparatively little to fall back upon, and the stvehs of free ftrreign wheat at the various ports are trifling in the extreme. In bond there is also less than usval in the kingdom by the official statement'just published, it appears that on the 5th inst. the entire quantity under lock ainounted to 320,281 qrt. wheat, and 233,Gl-5 cwts. flour against which there were at the corresponding periods of 1844, 411,999 qrs^.of wheat, and 196,075 cwts. of flour. though buyers have acted very cautiously since our last, prices have been very nearly supported at most of the provincial markets, notuithstanding the discoitraging reports from Mark Lane. At Liverpool, on Tuesday, holders declined selling below former terms; and purchasers paying former terms with reluctance, the operations were on a restricted scale. Later in the week rather more inclination was manifested to buy still prices were not higher on Friday. The reports from the leading towns in Yorkshire are of a firm character. At Hitit business was not brisk, and the show of far- mers' wheat being tolerably good, some difficulty was experienced in its disposal sellers refused, however, to give way, and the currency of that day se'nnight was supported. At Leeds, on the same day, the quantity on sale was moderate, and for realty fine qualities quite as much money was realised other sorts, though in limited request, also maintained their previous value. The account frm. Wakefield on Friday state lhatfine samples of farmers' wheat had been held at slightly enhanced terms. At some of the western and north-western markets rather more anxiety to realize has been manifested. By lite reports from Bristol of Thursday it appears that buyers had succeeded in getting the turn in their favour, and at Birmingham, on that day, prices were generally quoted Is, per qr. lower. At the chief shipping ports on the east roast very small supplies of wheat have this week been brought forward; and though the inquiry for free on board cargoes have n<)t been active, the local tnillers, have, it seems, taken off most of what has been offered, at former rates; and it is likely that the ai-rivals from Lincolnshire and that neighbourhood will for some time lie comparatively small. Barley, beans, and peas, have, in conseq-u&tce of their scarcity, sold at full terms in all parts of the kingdom; but the demand for oats seeats to have rather fallen off, and the upward tendency has consequently received a slight check Our Scotch advices speak very favourably of the weather aad the appearance of the country and stocks of wheat being rather im- portant at some of the principal towns, less firmness has been dis- played there than at the southern markets. Edinburgh letters of Wednesday, state that the quantity of wheat brought forward by the farmers had proved more than equal to the demand, and that sales had proceeded tardily at a decline of 1<. lo Is- 6d. per qr. Bailey had maintained its previous position; but the value of oats had fallen 1;. to Is. 6d. per qr. since that day se'nnight. At Glasgow no material variation occurred in quotations on Wednes- day, but busmess was extremely dull. From Iretand the accounts of the weather and the crops continue very satisfactory, The enerallll flourishing aspeet of the country. and the dull reports from this sicij. had not been without influence on the trade in grain, www at jeveral of, the leading mar- liets been sold at rather reduced terms, and even oats had slightly receded. In the western parts of the island the stocks of the latter grain are still, we believe, rather large, and sooner or later the bulk of what is held there willfind its wav ac-oss the channel. The arrivals of wheat coastwise into London have bee-n good for the time of year, 8,071 qrs. having been reported up to this (Satur- dall) evening. The quantity exhibited at Mark Lane by land-carriage samples from the neighbouring counties has, however, been small. On Wednesday there was scarcely anything offering bttyond the few r mis left over from Monday and on triday there was little alteration either from Kent or Essex. On the former day hardly a transartion took place, factors being unwilling to accede to any further reduction, and millers refusing to pay previous prices. The wet, cold weather on Friday imparted a little more activity to business; still the transactions were unimportant, and no portion of Monday's decline could be recovered. Holders of free foreign wheat have, throughout the week, displayed, great firmness in no instance have we heard of lower terms being taken indeed, fine qualities were. if anything, rather dearer at the close than at the commencement of the week, its consequence of wkieh. none but needy buyers Mere disposed to purchase, and the operations were on a strictly retail scale. Until Friday, whea4 in bond was wholly neglected; then, however, there was a slight inquiry for the ar- ticle, and ij sellers had been somewhat mort reiisonable in their pretensions, a few bargains might have been closed. The terms asked were evidently considered too high by the purties inclined to invest, and we did not hear of a single sale being c<mcluded. The averages have again begun to recede, the 4,,L weekly return for the kingdom, (47s. lOd.) being 4d., and the London (iih. 9d. ) is. lid. per qr. lower than the returns for the pre ceding week it will, therefore, require a decided impetus to be grven to prices to reduce the duty below the maiimum paint. Holders of bonded parcels seem, however, to consider this by no means improbable, and very little has latterly been ettteredfor home consumption. The stock under lock in the port of London con- sisted on the 5th inst., of 96,845 qrs. The demand for flour has been tardy since our Zalt. millers have, nevertheless, remained firm. and neither town. nor country- made have been sold at all cheaper this than the preceding week. Some of the recently received Canadian flour have been ofi-ered at 26s. to 27s per barrel, but has not met with buyers at those r.ates. English barley has continued to come forward in very small I quantities, and the arrivals of foreign have also at length be:un to fall off. This grain has, consequently, been held a trifle .above '• previous prices; so little inclination has, however, been manifested i to purchase, that factors have found it impossible to establish. any 'j advance. The duty is now 9s.per qr., a rise of Is. per qr. hatt ing i taken pidee on Tuesday. This must put an effectual stop to fur- 1 ther entries for home consumption. 1 The inquiry for malt has been of the same retail character asfm- < some weeks past, and no variation requiring notice has occurred en ,< quotations. 1 With English and Scotch oats the market has been scantily ctsp- S plied; having, however, received 32,662 qrs. from Ireland, amd 4 16,287 qrs. from abroad, the display of samples has proved fuftUf J sufficient to meet the demand. Really fine corn, whether of home jj or foreign growth, has been held very firmly at late rates biet the 5 dealers, in expectation of further Irish arrivals, have not b. jught freely. Some of the foreign cargoes, particularly those not in good ) condition, have been more pressingly offered; and in cases where vessels were coming on demurrage, f actors have consented to accept 6d. per qr. lees to get the ships cleared. Of English beans so few have come to hand t hat buyers have been j compelled to pay very high terms. In foreign there has not been much passing either free or in bond. On Thursday week a fnorther fall of Is. per qr. in the duty may be expected to take place. Peas of all descriptions have become scaree, and though ther e has been little demand except for feeding purposes, late rata have- been steadily maintained.—Mark-lane Express. ill

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