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liUSinSSS X THE BEST LUNG AND COUGH X CUBE IN THPl WORLD IS- rUDOR PATENT JJALSAM OF H 0 N E Y. RELIEF FROM COUGH IN FIVE MINUTES. THK PEOPLES FAVOURITE REMEDY tor the Cure of Consumption, BronciJ.i&is, Asthma Pains in the Chest, long-standing Coughs, Sore Throats Whf -3ing in tha Bronchial Tubes, Influenza, Hoarse nOM, Blooil Spitting, Weakness arising from repeated Colùs. and all Complaints of the Lungs, Throat, and Chest. Is Cures thousands of children suffering from Whooping C ugb ami Bronchitis. All know and admit that their chief creators of cus- tomer, main musers of employment, are tile three common complaints. £ JOLDS £ JHILLS ROUGHS And this preparation is the orlly true cure for it. PHYSICIANS HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. MARVELLOUS CURE OF BRONCHITIS. My wife has been suffering from bronchitis this last II months, bot able to sleep or lie dow n in bed obliged &0 be propped up in bed by pi1l..w. Our doctor dh all be possibly could, but of no effect, and gave it up as a hopeless case. I was recommended to try Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey. which I did, and to my jl;rea.t surprise after the first Uose sùe took of the Balsam she began to mend and net better day by day. The tickhng cough and tight chest have now disap- peared now she enjoys a good night's rest in taco she is not the same woman. I would nut be witllOllt Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey were it double the price. I earnestly thank the Lord that I ever was induced to try it.—JOHN BALDWIN, Q9, Park View street, Waunllwyd. THE GREAT COMIC KINGS VERDICT OP TUDoa WILLIAMS'S BALSAM OF HÙNEY. II Havin had a very bau. cold, sore throat, and cough, in fact so ba.d that I could not sing nor speak with hoarseness, I was induced by a professional friend, whose voice had beencureli by Tudor Willtams's Patent Balsam of Honey, to purchase a bottle, and mast admit it gave me immediate ease. I have tried other cough medicines, but all in vain. I consider it a golden remedy.—Yours faithfully, N. C. BOSTOCK, Lyceum Theatre, Biackburn.—Nuv. 13, 1883," Over-one Thousand Testimonials from all Parts of the World. ONCE TRIED, ALWAYS USED. Ask distinctly for TUDOR WILLIAMS'S BALSAM OF HONEY, and see that you get the right article. Sold by :111 Chemists and Stores in la, 2 9d, and la 6d bottles. 1.)890-842 J. SESSIONS AND SONS, CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF WORKS: JOHN.STREET, CARDIFF, FOR ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, COUNTER-TOPS, BUTCHERS' SLABS, BATHS AND LAVATORIES, CAST-IRON ENAMELLED BATHS, RANGES, GRATES, RAINWATER GOODS, & GENERAL BUILDERS IRONMONGERY fOREST AND BATH STONE AND MARBLE SLABS AND SCANTLING, OUARRY-DRESSED FROM THE SAW OR WORKED TO ORDER, MONUMENTAL CARVINGS, &C. BLUE, RED, AND GREEN ROOFING SLATES. BROSELEY AND OTHER ROOFING TILES. JOINERY AND MOULDINGS. TIMBER AND DEALS. LONDON, PORTLAND, AND OTHER CEMENTS. Staffordshire Blue Brick, Crests, &c., and all descriptions of Building Materials. Large Stocks always on hand at their Cardiff Depots 12 for delivery by Water, Road. or Rail. 9509 COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS The Safest Patent Medicine ANTI BILIOUS PILLS, COCKLE'S Free from Mercury. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Oldest Patent Medicine ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, COCKLE'S The Best Family -Auerien COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Fo Liver. COCKLE'S \i ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Bile. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Indigestion. COCKLES ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Heartburn. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Acidity. ANTlBILIO C S PILLS, COCKLE'S ILLS, For Sick Headache. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Amongst ail Classes. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Eighty-nine Years. COCKLES ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Everywhere. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Safest Patent Medicine. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercury. riOCKLE'S COMPOUND ANTI- V> BIUOUS PILLS, Iu1:36 .Ei¡.htY-l1me Years. May be had thruuhout the United K ingdom. la Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Ils: and 22s 4, Great Orn1Onli.street, London. 1305b ~x JJ C G H E S'S X~ BLOOD PILLS, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR THE BLOOD, SKIN, NERVES, LIVER, AND STOMACH. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Bad Blood. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Skin Rash. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Scurvy. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Boils. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Indigestion. HUGHES'S BLOJD PILLS cure Biliousness. BLOUD PILLS cure Headache. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS euro Rheumatism. RUGHESS BLOOD PILLS cure Constipation. HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Pits and Piles HUGrHES'S BLOOD PILLS cure Sluggish Liver Every Sufferer should take these Noted Pills, as relief is certain from thes" complaints. Thousands are cured yearly by them. Testimonies received continually from all parts of the Globe to ,heir great virtues. Sold by every Chemist and Patent Medicine Dealer at la ld, 9u, 4s fed. By Post Is 3d, 2s lid, 4s 9d from the Proplletor, JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, Venarth, Cardiff. 13454 X j X n U R 10 L E I N E THK UNBREAKABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR GLASS, AliD NON-CONDUCTOR. rjARBOHNE, A WATERPROOF ROOFING, RUBSVTITUTK FOR IRON. WARM IN WINTER. ) COuL IN SUMMER, Both Easily IMxed by Ordinary Workmen. NO HABBUTING. NO PUTT*. LENUTH, 10 Feet by II Feet. FOR SAMPLES ARPLY TO THE PATENTEES, THE NEW WIRE. WOVE ROOFING CO., LIMITED, 164, QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, E.C. (Opposite St. Paul's Station). 13810 BASS AND CO S PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS. MAY NOW BE HAD IN PR IME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTJLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF 114 Established nearly half a century. p FREEDMk AND CO., I 1, 2, 3, & 4, MARKET BUILDINGS, i DOCK-STREET, NEW PO R T, MON. j Only address in above, I and no connection with | any other establishment, j PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, CABINET MAKE n., GLASS DEALERS, BUILDERS, and others', are invited to send for samples and price list of our .:a.rge variety of English and German Moul- dings, 01 ogmphs, Chromos and Looking-glasses. The largest stock in the West of Knglanid of foreign glass, at exceptionally low prices. Samples of Mouldings, and any specimen 'Isow card, framed and returned free of cost 13396 NERVOUS DEBILITY. -Sufferers are invited to send for particulars of a new treat- ment that is at once simple, certain, economical, and devoid of quackery. Hundreds of grateful letters.- ms MOoke. LU. Iark-road. NowcasUe-on-Tyne. 7811 I iggsittgss I NEXT WEEK. I THE CARDIFF TIMES AND THE SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS or SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, WILL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A LARGE ILLUSTRATED SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1 8 » 0 (beautifully printed in colours, on good toned paper), which will be GIVEN A WAY with each copy of the Tamper. The Almanac is one of the- Largest Sheet Almanacs published in this District, while for fulness of Local Information and completeness of detail, it is Superior to any other Local Almanac. The contents comprise :— CALENDAR FOR 1390, containing a largre number cf Dates of Important Local Incidents, Colliery Explosions, and Special Events. THE TIDE TABLE FOR CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEWPORT, Showing the Times of High-water at each Port, Morning and Evening, and the Height of Tide. I A FULL AND COMPLETE LIST OF FAIRS In Sou'h Wales and West of Eneland, viz, BRECONSHIRE GLAMORGANSHIRE. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PEMBROKESHIRE. I CARDIGANSHIRE. MONMOUTHSHIRE. LIST OF LICENSE DUTIKS. LIST OF MEMBERS, OFFICIALS OF TOWN COUNCILS, LOCAL & SCHOOL BOARDS Throughout South Wales and the West of England, I POST OFTFLCE RATES AND STAMP DUTIES. Office Savings Bank. PHASES OF THE MOON, Ac &C., &C. I Price of Paper, with Almanac, ld. Post Free ld., to any Part of the United King- I dom; or for 2d. to any of the Colonies, the United States, and Continent. Agents' orders, to prevent disappointment, shoidd be sent to the Chief Oifi, Cardiff, as early as possible. ——-— ——— A NEW SERIAL STORY, Specially Written. STRANGE REVELATIONS, REMARKABE DISCLOURES, UNFLAGGING INTEREST. THE OLD HAILEY; OR, CELEBRATED TRIALS RETOLD, BY HARRY BLYTH, COMMENCES XJT THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, THIS WEEK. In this Remarkable and Startling Romance, inciden crowds on incident, and several of the sensationa occurrences of the present generation are ingeniously worked into the narrative. Opening with the outbreak of Fenianism in 1867, this absorbing Story taies in:— THE ABERGELE ACCIDENT, ILLNESS OF THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, THE SHAH'S VISIT, THE TICHBORNE TRIAL, THE LOSS OF THE NOKTHFLEET, THE BALHAM MYSTERY, and other incidents which in tura absorbed public interest. These are skilfuliy worked into the plot, while, too, the veil is withdrawn, displaying the poverty, the vice, and the passion of the great city. LIFE IN MODERN BABYLON has not been so skilfully pourtrayed since the issue of George K.Sims' sensational disclosures in his Roes and Vagabonds.' Mysteries which haVI1 baftiell the police for yeau are revealed, and fact and tic..ion are so kilfully blended as to make the story of consider- able historical value. All conditiolls of life, FROM PEASANT TO PRINCE, are dealt with, and the whole forma a sensational eshibirJon of LOVE, ROMANCE, and ADVENTURE. Do not miss the Opening Chapters of TIlE OLD IGALLEY, OR CELEBRATED TRIALS RE-TOLD, Which will appear in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7TH. PRICE ONE PENNY. To be had of ail Newsagents. Order Early. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. A NEW FEATURE. In addition to the SERIAL STORIES by Popular Writers which have been so much appreciated by the readers of the Cardifi Times," arrangements have been made for tce Publication of a Series of SHORT COMPLETE STORIES, ALL BY FAVOURITE AUTHORS. The first story, complete in itself, will appear in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21sT, And the Stories will be Published Regularly. A COMPLETE STORY EVERY WEEK The contributors to the series staud in the first rank as writers of fiction, aU being author* whose w .tlts are always in demand. Among those whose stories will appear m this series are :— B. L. FAKJEON, G. MANVILLE FENN, DORA RUSSELL, R. M. BALLANTYNE, FLORENCE MARRYAT, JOHN STRANGE WINTER, G. A. HENTY, WILLIAM WESTALL, F. W. ROBINSON, GEORGE R. SIMS, MONA CAIRD, an others whose names afford a sufficient guarantee that the series will consist of HIGHLY INTERESTING STORIES, of a powerful and absorbing character. No. 1. THE MURDERER'S CONFESSION BY B. L. FARJEON, Will appear SATURDAY, DEC. 21st. No. 2. VAUGHAN OF BALLIOL. BY L. T. MEADE, Will appear SATURDAY, DEC. 28th. The others following Week by Week. Remember the Date and Paper :— THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21sT. PRICE ONE PENNY. To be bad )1 all Newsagents. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER THE BEST in the WORLD. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER LARGEST SALE in the WORLD. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER FIVE GOLD MEDALS AWARDED. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER 600,000 PACKAGES SOLD 13778 WEFTKLY J^INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, This pure Solution is the best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Head ache, Gout. and Indigestion. J^INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate consti- tutions, lAdies, Children, and Infants. StfTJond-street, London, and all Chemists. 13614 I iSusnuess ^M«552S. I THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER or THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS WILL BE ISSUED SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21ST, AND WILL CONTAIN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS LITERATURE, INCLUDING THE MURDERER S CONFESSION, by B. L. FARJEON, Author of No. 119, Great Porter- Square," Christmas Angel," &c. ONE CHRISTMAS EVE; A Local Story, by ELIZABETH M. MOON (Leslie Gilroy), Author of to Dorothy," Paul Hennesvy's Daughter," Professor Stuarr," &c. THE MAID OF CEVN YDVA An English, man's Version of the beautiful Welsh Love StOlY, by FRANK FREELAND, Author of Trial and TriulIJpb," New Refuge," &c. CHRISTMAS GAMES, or How to Enjoy our Christmas Holiday. AND OTHEll ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS LITERATURE. ORDER EARLY. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY, DEC. 21. PRICE ONE PENNY. THE ^TLAS JPURNLSHING £ JOMPANY, CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, 5, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. JjlURNISH ON E ASY T El RMS, OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. THE ATLAS FURNISHING COMPANY CONTINUE TO SUPPLY FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Householders, Lodge, Mechanics, and all Classes in any station of life, on their well-known JJIRE PURCHASE J^YSTEM, The Liberal Terms of which are Acknowledged to be undoubtedly the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS EVER OFFERED IN CARDIFF OR ELSEWHERE. The Furnishing Department comprises EVERY HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE, INCLUDING SHBETS, KNIVES, KETTLES, BLANKETS, FORKS, SAUCEPANS, QUILTS, CRUIT. FKINDERS, FIKELKONS, PBRAMBULATORS, &c. The ever-increasing Business of this well-known Firm, ve -Inere and the very considerate manner in which they treat with all their Patrons, has made this Company the most deservedlv popular in the trade. TERMS. 23 Weekly Payments Is 6<1 B20 Weekly Payments 10s £ B „ 2J 6d £ 50 lbs E, 0 4s 0,1 i 2100 „ 20s £ 15 „ 6, 0(1 1 E260 40s £ 20 „ 7s 6d | ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID within 200 Miles. PIANOS ON EASY TERMS. BATH CHAIUS, INVALID, BALIY CARRIAGES, Lent out on Hire by the Day or Week, And witli optioa of Purchase. CHAIRS LKNT Foil EVENING PARTIES. ——- 9391 PROSPECTUSES AND PRICE LISTS POST FREE ON APPLICATION. BOYLE AND CO., THE OLD-ESTABLISHED JgOOT p E 0 P L E, c A R D I F F. AUTUMN AND WINTER. THE STAFFORDIA" BRAND OF BOOTS Are High-cl;is8 Ladies' smart, stylish Boots, and are always as near perfection as possible to imagine. Price 10s ba, 13s od, lbs fed, lbs 6d, 20s. WIDE-FITTING BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL SORTS. A Splendid STOCK at Moderate Prices 5s 6d, 6s lid 7s lid, 8s lid, 10s fed, and 13s 6d. THE PORTLAND BOOTS FOR LADIES AND GILTLS. Are Fashionable, Durable, Cheap, and Comfortable. Made in Lace, Button, and Elastic-side. Price—Ladies', 4S lit1, 5S lid, 7s £ d, Bs lid, 10-s bd, 12s 6d. Girls' Lace and Button, Anglo-French Shape Price- 41 6d, 59 6d, bs 6d, 7s 6d, 8s bd, lUs bd. HARD WEAR SCHOOL BOOTS, Made with the well-known plugged soles, almost ever- lasting wear; Price-2s lid, 3s bd, 3s .1(1, 4s lid, 6s bd, 8S fed, 103 od. These special brands of boots can only be ob- tained from us, and we hold ourselves responsible for the good wear of each pair. BOYLE AND CO., 19, Church-street, 28, St. Mary-street, 2, High-street, 1, Bute-street (Hayes Bridge). 10, Church-street, 24. Custom House-street. 13897 Wholesale Warehouse, Womauby-street, Cardiff. 8327 LEA AND JpERRINS' SAUCE. LEA AND OERRINS' SAUCE. JL Purchasers should see that the Label on every bottle of the original Worcestershire Sauce bear, the signature. LEA AND JpERRINS. LEA AND P>ERRINS SAUCE. JL Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester. Crosse & Blackwell, London. Retail everywhere. LEA AND npERRINS' SAUCE. X 1375 15834 THE NEW FRUIT » CASCARA- PYNE.—NATURE'S REMEDY FOR CONSTIPATION.—Pleasant to take, certain in action. Tue NEW FRUIT not only acts on the bowels, but the charm of its action is tiiat (from its invaluable great tonic properties) (from its invaluable great tonic properties) it at once gives tone and energy to the muscular coats of the stomach, gradually restoring to Nature its long-lost power, d g: by all Chemists in Is lid and 2s 9d boxes, or *3 g direct from T. O. OA.NDELL, West Kensington. w TEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea Single Tooth. 2s bd. Five years' warranty. Re- models, repairs, &c. Painless Dentistry, Uas, &c,- GOODMAN AND Co., 1, Old Dock-street, Newport, and 5) Queeu-s Cardiff. 13041 1114 Gloo lait for (Kiassiticaiton. .HRENOLOGY.-For Health and Success consult t. Professor Oldham (of the Liverpool Phrenological Institution), now at his Temporary CI insulting Rooms, 13, Tudor-road, Cardiff. Delineations, with practical trustworthy advice on every subject embraced by the science. Fees Is, 28 bd, 3S bd, 5S, and upwards. Hours, 10 to 1, 3 to 5, and 7 to 9. 520 WANTED, A Working Hailitt on pasture farm, with knowledge o; stock to live in the house comfortable home Welsh preferred.—Apply, with full particulars, John, Stocklanas, St. Fagan s. 4-io

Family Notices




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, The Stanley Expedition.








--__-----.-DEATH OF AN EBBW…


The Tithe Agitation. _._--_.-.

------------MR ALFRED THOMAS,…



