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BLIND LOVE. r BY WILKIE COLLINS. lfBIC RIGHT OF TRANSLATION TS RESKBVKD.] CHAPTER XXXVII.—THS FIBST QTJAERKL. Early in the morning of the next day Lord Barry received the doctor's telegram. Iris not having risen at the time, he sent for Fanny Mere, and ordered her to got the spare room ready for a guest. The maid's busy suspicion tempted her to pat a venturesome question. She asked it the person expected was a lady or a gentleman. What business is it of yours who the visitor iø!" her master asked sharply. Always easy and (food-humoured with his inferiors in general, Lord Harry had taken a dislike to his wife's maid from the moment when he had first seen her. His Irish feelinsr for beauty and brightness was especially offended by the unhealthy pallor of the woman's complexion, and the sullen seif-suppres- Mom of her tnaaner. All that his native ingenuity bad been able to do was to make her a means of paying a compliment to his wife. "Your maid has one merit in my eyes," he said; she is a living proof of the sweetness of your temper." Iris joined her husband at the breakiaat-table with an appearance of disturbance in her face seldom seen during the dull days of her life at Passy. "I bear of somebody coming to stay with us," she said. Not Mr Vimpany again, I hope Mad trust V' Lord Harry was careful to pive his customary morning kiss before he replied. Why shouldn't my faithful old friend come and see me again ?" he asked, with his winning smile. "Pray don't speak of that hateful man," she answered, as your faithful old friend He is nothing of the kind. What did you tell me when he took leave of us after his last visit, and I owned I was glad that be was gone ? You said: Faith, lay dear, I'm as glad as you are. Her good-natured husband laughed at this little picture of himself. "Ah, my darling, how many more times am I to make the same confession to my pretty priest? Try to remember, without own telling, that it's one of my misfortunes to be a man of many tempers. There are times when I pt tired to death of Vimpany; and there are times when the cheery old devil exercises fascina- tions over me. I declare you're spoiling the ayabrows that I admire by letting them twist themselves into a frown! After the trouble I have taken to clear yonr mind of prejudice against aD unfortunate man, it's disheartening to find you so hard on the poor fellow's faults and so blind to Jail virtues." The time had been when this remonstrance 8itbt have influenced his wife's opinion. She passed it over without notice now. "Does he come here by your invitation?" she asked. "How else should he come here, my dear?" gbe looked at her husband with doubt too plainly visible in her eyee. I wonder what your motive in for sending for him," she said. Be was just lifting his teacup to his lips-be put it down again when be heard those words. -Are you ill this morning!" he asked. "No." "Have I said anything that has offended you!" "Certainly not." Then I must tell you this, Iris; I don't approve of what you have just said. It sounds to my mind unpleasantly like suspicion of me and suspicion of my friend. I see your face confessing it, my lady, at this moment." "You are half right, Harry, and no more. What you see in my face is suspicion of your friend." "Founded on what, if you please?' "Founded on what I have seen of him, and on what I know of bim. When you tried to alter my opinion of Mr Vimpany some time since, I did my best to make my view your view. I deceived myself for your sake; I pat the best construction on what be said and did when be was staying hare. It was well meant, but it was of no use. In a thousand different ways, while he was doing his best to win my favour, his true self was telling tales of him under the fair surface. Mr Vimpany is a bad man. He is the very worst friend you eoald have about you at any titne-aud especially at a time when you patiance is tried by needy girco instances." Cue word, Iris. The more eloquent you are the more I admire you. Only don't mention my needy circumstances again." She passed over the interruption as she had already passed over the remonstrance, without taking notice of it. "Dearest, you are always good to me," she gontinuedgeatly. "Ain I wrong in thinking that love gives me some little influence over you still? Women are vain-are they not?-and- I am no better than the rest of them. Flatter your wife'd vanity, Harry, by attaching some importance to her opinion. Is there time enough yet to tele- ttaph to Mt Vimpany ? Quite out of the question, is it? Well, then, if he must come here, do-pray do consider Me. Don't let me stay in the house I'll find a good excuse, and take a bed-room for aim in the neighbourhood. Anywhere else so long «• he is not here. lIe turns me cold when I think jf him. sleeping under the same rtof with our- Mtrsetves. Not with us! Db, Harry, not with us Her eyes eagerly searched her husband's face; she looked there for indwgence, she looked for conviction. No I be was still admiring her. "Onmy word of honour, "he burst out, "you fascinate me. What an imagination you have got! One of these day. Iris, I shall be prouder of you ihao ever; I shall find you a famous literary character. I don't mean writing a noyel; women abo can't even hem a hankerchief can write a novel. It's poetry I'm thinking of. Irish melodies by Lady Harry that beat Tom Moore. What a tift! And there are fortunes made, as I have feeard, by people who spoil fair white paper to ttme purpose. I wish I was one of them." 8( Have you no more to say to me ?" she asked. "What more should there be? You wouldn't &»ve me take you seriously m what you have just •aid of Vimpany I" "Why not?' Ob. come, come, my darling! Just consider. With a bed-room empty and waiting upstairs, is my old Vimpany to be sent to quarters for the sight among strangers f I wouldn't speak harshly to you, Iris, for the whole world and I don't denJ that the convivialdoctor may be sometimes a little too food of his drop of grog. You will tell me, maybe, that he hasn't got on nicely with his wife; and I grant it. There are not many people who set such a pretty example of matrimony as we do. Poor humanity—there's all that's to be said about iL But when you tell me that Vimpany is a bad man, and the worst friend I could possibly have, and eo forth—what better can I do than set it down to your imaeination ? I've a pretty fancy myself; and I think I see my angel inventing poetical characters up among congenial clouds. What's the matter? Surely you haven't done breakfast yet?" "Yes." Are you going to leave me I" I am going to my room." .'You're in a mighty burry to get away. I never meant to vex yoa, Iris. Ah, well, if you must leave the table, I'll have the honour of opening the door for you, at any rate. I wonder what you're going to do t" "To cultivate my imagination," she answered, with the first outbreak of bitterness that had escaped her yet. His face hardened. "There seems to be some- thing like bearing malice in this," he said. "Are you treating me, for the first time, to an exhibition of enmity! What am I to call it if it's net that?" Call it disappointment," the suggested quietly, and left him. Lord Harry went back to bit breakfast. His Jealousy was np in arms again. "She's comparing me with her absent friend," he said t3 himself, 11 Aud wishing she bad -uarried tbeamiable Mount- ey instead of me." So the lirst luarrel ended—and Mr Vimpany U4 been the catwa of it. CHAPTER XXXVIII.-la ox PARLE FRAN CArs. The doctor arrived in good time for dinner, and shook hands with the Irish lord in excellent spirits. He looked roand the room, and asked where my lady was. Lord Harry's reply suggested the presence of a cloud on the domestic horizon. He had been taking a long ride, and bad only returned a few minutes since; Iris would (as be supposed) join them immediately. The maid put the soap on the table, and delivered a message. Her mistreae was suffering from headache, and was not well enough to dine with the gentlemen. As an old married man, Mr Vimpany knew what this meant; he begged leave to send a comforting message to the suffering lady of the house. Would Fanny be good enough to say that he had made inquiries on the subject of Mr Mountjoy'a Health, before be left London. The report was still favour- able there was nothing to complain of but the after-weakness which had followed the fever. On that account only, the attendance of the nurse was stiil a matter of necessity. With my respects to Lady Harry," be called after Fanny as ehe went out in dogged silence. "I have begun by making myself agreeable to your wife," the doctor remarked with a self- approving grin. Perhaps she will dine with us to-morrow. Pass the sherry." The remembrance of what had happened at the breakfast-table that morning seemed to be dwell- ing disagreeably on Lord Harry's mind. He said but little-and that little related to the subject on which he had already written, at full length, to hia medical friend. In an interval, when the service of the table required the attendance of Fanny in the kitchen, Mr Vimpany took the opportunity of saying a few cheering words. He bad come (he remarked) prepared with the right sort of remedy for an ailing state of mind, and he would explain himself at a titter opportunity. Lord Harry impatiently askad why the explanation was deferred. If the presence of the maid was the obstacle which caused delay, it would be easy to tell her that she was not wanted to wait. The wary doctor positively forbade this. He had observed Fanny during his previous visit, and bad discovered that--be seemed to dis- trust him. The woman was sly and suspicious. Since they had sat down to dinuer it was easy to see that she was lingering in the room to listen to the conversation on one pretence or another. If the was told not to wait, there could be na doubt of her next proceeding: she would listen outside the door. ^Take my word for it," the doctor concluded, there are all the materials for a spy in Fanny Mare," But Lord Harry was obstinate. Chafing tinder the sense of his helpless pecuniary position, he was determined to hear at once what remedy for it Vimpany bad discovered. We can set that woman's curiosity at defiance," be said. "How?" When you were learning your profession, you lived in Paris for same years, didn't you?" All right I" "Well, then, you can't have entirely forgotten your French!" The doctor at once understood what this meant, and answered significantly by a wink. He had found an opportunity (he said) of testing his memory not very long since. Time bad un- doubtedly deprived him of his early mastery over the French language; but he could still (allowing for a few mistakes) make a shift to understand it and speak it. There was one thing, however, that he wanted to know first. Conld they be sure that my lady's maid had not picked up French enough to use her ears to some purpose? Lord Harry easily disposed of this doubt. So entirely ignorant was the maid of the language of the place in which she was livingj that she was not able to ask the tradespeople for the simplest article of household use unless it was written for her in French before she was sent on an errand. This was conclusive. When Fanny returned to the dining-room, she found a surprise waiting for her. The two gentlemen had taken leave of their nationality, and were talking the language of foreigners. An hour later, when the dinner-table ;had been cleared, the maid's domestic duties took her to Lady Harry's room to make tea. She noticed the sad careworn look on bar mistress's face, and spoke of it at once in her own downright way. I thought it was only an excuse," she said, when you gave mo that message to the gentle- men at dinner-time. Are you really ill. my lady?" I am a little out of spirits," Iris replied. Fanny made the tea. "I can understand that," ehe said to herself, ar, she moved away to leave the room: I'm out of spirits myself." Iris called her back: I heard you say just now, Fanny, that yuu were out of spirits yourself, If you were speaking of some troubles of your own, I am sorry for you, and I won't say any more. But if you know what my anxieties are, and share them- "Mine is the biggasfc share of the two," Fanny broke out abruptly. "It goes againt the grain with ma to distress you, my lady; but we are beginning badly, and you ought to know it. Toa doctor has beaten me already." "Beaten you already?" Iris repeated. "Teli me plainly what you mean ?" "Here it is, if you please, as plainly as words can say it. Mr Vimpany has something—some- thing wicked, of course-to say to my master; and he won't let it pass his lips here in the cottage." Why not ?" "Because he suspects me of listening at the door, and looking through the keyhole. I don't know, my lady, that he doesn't even suspect you. I've learnt something in the course of my life,' he says to my master; 'and it's a rule with me to be careful of what I talk about indoors when there are women in the house. What are you going to do to-morrow ?' he says. My lord told him there was to be a meeting at the newspaper office. The doctor says Fit go to Paris with you. The newspaper office isn't far from the Luxembourg Gardens. When you have done your business, you will find me waiting at the gate. What I have to tell you you shall hear out of doors in the gardens —and in an open part of them, too, where there are no lurking-places among the trees.' My master seemed to get angry at being put off in this way. What is it you have got to tell me?' he says. Is it anything like the proposal you made when you were on your last visit here f The doctor laughed. 'To-morrow won't be long incoming,' he says. 'Patience, my lord—patience.' There was no getting him to say a word more. Now, what am I to do? How am I to get a chance of listening to him, out in an open garden, without being aeeu! There's what I mean when I say he has beaten me. It's you, my lady—it's you who will suffer in the end." "You don't know that, Fanny." No, my lady-ou. I'm certain of it. And here I am as helptesas as yourself I My temper has bean quiet since my misfortune; it would be quiet still but for this." The one animating motive, the one exasperating influence, in that sad and secret life was still the mistress's welfare- still the safety of the generous woman who had befriended her and fcrgiven her. She turned aside from the table to hide her ghastly face. Pray try to control yourself." As Iris spoke, she pointed kindly to a chair. There is some- thing that I want to say when you are composed again. I won't hurry you; I won't look at you. Sit down, Fanny." She appeared to shrink from being seated in her mistress's presence. Please to let me go to the window," she said the air will help me." To the window she went,^and atruggied with the passionate self so steadily kept under at other times; so obstinately conquered now. What did you wish to say to me ?" she asked. xou have surprised—you have perplexed me," Iris said. I am at a loss to understand how you discovered what seems to have passed between your master and Mr Vimpany. You don't snrely mean to tell me that they talked of their private affairs while you were waiting at table ?" I don't tell lies, my lady," Fanny declared impulsively. "They talked of nothing else all through the dinner." Before you Iris exclaimed. There was a pause. Fear and shame confessed themselves furtively on the maid's colourleas face. Silently, BWiftly, she turned to the door. Had a slip of the tongue hurried her into the betrayal of something which it was her interest to conceal t Don't be alarmed," Iris said compassionately; "I have no wish to intrude on your secrets." With her hand oa the door, Fanny Mere closed it again, and came back. "I am not so ungrateful," she said, "as to have any secrets from you. It's hard to confess what may lower me in your good opinion, but it must be done. I have deceived your ladyship—and I am ashamed of it. I have deceived the doctor— and I glory in it. My master and Mr Vimpany thought they were sate in speakiug French while I was waiting on them. I know French as well as they do." Iris could hardly believe what she heard. Do you really mean what you say f she asked. Tbere'a that much good in me," Fanny replied; I always mean what I say." "Why did you deceive me? Why have you been acting the part of an ignorant woman f" "The deceit has been useful in your service," the obstinate maid declared. Perhaps it may be useful again." "Was that what you were thinking of," Iris said, "when you allowed me to translate English into French for you, and never told me the truth Z" At any rate, I will tell you the truth now. No I was not thinking of you when you wrote my errands for me in French—I was thinking again of some advice that was once given to me." "Was it advice given by a friend?" Given by a man, my lady, who was the worst enemy I have ever had." Herconsiderate mistress understood the allusion, and forbade her to distress herself by saying more. But Faftuy felt that atonement, as well as ex- planation, was due to bar, benefactress. Slowly, painfully, she described the person to whom she bad referred. He was a Frenchman who had been her music-master during the brief period at which she had attended a school: he had promised her marriage; he had persuaded her to elope with him. The little money that they had to live on was earned by her needle, and by his wages as accompanist at a music-hali. While she was still able to attract him, and to hope for the perform- ance of his promise, he amused himself by teaching her his own language. When be deserted her, his letter of farewell contained, among other things, the advice to which she bad alluded. In your station of life," this man had written, knowledge of French is still a rare accomplish- ment. Ksep your knowledge to yourself. English people of rank have a way of talking French to each other when they don't wish to be understood by their inferiors. In the course of your career you may surprise secrets which will prove to be a little fortune if you play your cards properly. Anyhow, it is the only fortune I have to leave to. you." Such had been the villain's parting gift to the woman be had betrayed. She had hated him too bitterly to be depraved by his advice. On the contrary, when the kindness of a friend (now no longer in England) had helped her to obtain her first employment as a domestic servant, she bad thought it might be to her interest to mention that she could read, write, and speak French. The result proved to be not only a dis- appointment, but a warning to her for the future. Such an accomplishment as a knowledge of a foreign language possessed by an Englishwoman in her humble rank of life was considered by her mistress to justify suspicion. Questions were asked which it was impossible for ner to answer truthfully. Small scandal drew its own conclusions —her life with the other servants became unendur- able—she left her situation. From that time until the happy day when she met with Iris concealment of her knowledge of French became a proceeding forced on her by her own poor interests. Her present mistress would undoubtedly have been taken into her confidence if the opportunity had offered itself. Bat Iris had never encouraged her to speak of the darkest scene in her life; and, for that reason, she had kept her own counsel until the date of her mistress's marriage. Distrusting the husband and the husband's confidential frieud-for were they not both men "?-she had thought of the vile Frenchman's advice, and had resolved to give it a trial; not with the degrading motive which he had suggested, but with the vague presentiment of making a discovery of wickedness, threatening mischief under a French disguise, which might be of service to her benefactress at some future time. And I may still turn it to your advantage, my lady," Fanny ventured to add, if you will con- sent to say nothing to anybody of your having a servant who has learnt French." Iris looked at her coldly and gravely. "Must I remind you," she said, that yoa are asking my '-help in practising a deception on my husband t" I shall be sent away," Fanny answered, if you tell my master what I have told you." This was indisputably true. Iris hesitated. In her present situation, the maid was the one friend on wbom she could rely. Before her marriage she would have recoiled from availing herself, under any circumstances, of such services as Fanny's reckless gratitude had offered to her. But the moral atmosphere in which she was living had begun, as Mrs Vimpany had foreseen, to exert its baneful influence. Tho mistress descended to bargaining with the servant. "Deceive the doctor," she said, "and I wiil remember that it may be for my good." She stopped, and considered for a moment. Her noble nature rallied its forces, and prompted her next words: Bat respect your master if you wish me to keep. your secret. I forbid you to listen to what my lord may say when he speaks with Mr VillJ- pany to-morrow." HI have already told your ladyship that I shall have no chance of listening to what they say to each other out of doors," Fanny rejoined. But I can watch the door, at any rate. We don't know what be may not do when he is left by him- self while my master is at the meeting. I want to try if I can follow that rogue through the streets without his finding me out. Please to send me on an errand to-morrow." You'il be running a terrible risk," her mistress reminded her, "if Mr Vimpany discovers you." "I'll take my chance of that," was the reckless reply. Iris consented. CHAPTER XXXIX.—THE MYSTERY OF THE HOSPITAL, Oa the nexb morning Lord Harry left the cottage, accompanied by the doctor. After a long absence he returned home. His wife's worst apprehensions, roused by what Fanny had told her, were more than justified by the change which she now perceived iu him. His eyes were bloodshot, his face was haggard, movements were feeble and slow. He looked like a man ex- hausted by some internal conflict which had vibrated between the extremes of anger and alarm. I'm tired to death," he said get me a glass of wine." She waited on him with eager obedience, and watcbiid anxiously for the reviving effect of the stimulant. The little irriiabilifcwswbich degrade humanity only prolong their mischievous existence while the surface of life stagnates in calm. Their annihilation follows when strong emotion stirs in the depths, and raises the storm. The estrange- ment of the day before passed as completely from the mind* of the husband and wife-both strongly agitated—as if it had never existed. All-master- ing fear was busy at their hearts; fear, in the. woman, of the unkaown temptation which had tried the man fear, in the man, of the tell-tale disturbance in him which might excite the woman's suspicion. Without venturing to look at him, Irig said: "I am afraid you have heard ba.d new: Without venturing to look at her, Lird Harry answered "Yes, at the newspaper office." She knew that he wasdeceiving her; and he felt that she knew it. For awhile they ware aii^nE. From time to time she anxiously stole a look at him. His mind remained absorbed in thought. There they were in the same room—seated near each other; united by the most intimate of human relationships—and yet how far, how cruelly far, apast I The slowest of all laggard minutes, the minutes which are reckoned by suspense, followed each other tardily before there appeared the first sign of a chaogo. He lifted his drooping head. Sadly, longingly, he looked at her. The unerring instinct of true love encouraged his wife to speak to him. I wish I could relieve your anxieties," she said simpiy. "Is there nothing I can do to help yout" "Comp here, Iris." She rose and approached him. In the past days of the honeymoou and its sweet familiarities he had sometimes takon her on his knee. He took her on his knee now, and put his arm round her. Kiss me." he said. With all her heart she kissed him. He sighed heavily; his eyes rested on her with a,trustful, appealing look which she had never observed iu them before. Why do you hesitate to confide in me?" she asked. Dear Harry, do you think I don't see that somethi ng troubles you ?" Yes," he said, there is something that I rearer." "What is it?" Iris," he answered, I am sorry I asked Vim- pany to come back to us." At that unexpected confession, a bright flush of joy and pride overspread his wife's face. Agaiu the unerring instinct of love guided her to dis- covery of the truth. The opinion of his wicked friend must have been accidentally justified, at the secret interview of that day, by the friend himself I In tempting her husband, Vimpany had said something which must have shocked and offended him. The result, as she could hardly doubt, had been the restoration of her domestic influence to its helpful freedom of control— whether for the time only it was Dot in her nature, at that moment of happiness, to inquire. After what you have just told me," she ven- tured to say, I may own that I am glad to see you come home alone." In that indirect manner she confessed the hope that friendly intercourse between the two men had come to an end. His reply disappointed her. Vimpany only remains in Paris," he said, to present a letter of introduction. He will follow me home." Soon ?" she asked piteously. In time for dinner, I suppose." She was still sitting on his knee. His arm pressed her gently when he said his next word, I hope you will dine with us to-day, Iris ?" Yea—if you wish it." "I wish it very much. Something in me recoils from being alone with Vimpany. Besides, a dinner at home without you is no dinner at all," She thanked him for that little compliment by a look. At the same time, her grateful sense of her husband's kindness was embittered by the prospect ot the doctor's return. Is he likely to dine with us often now 2" she was bold enough to say. "I hope not." Perhaps he was conscious that he might have made a more positive reply. He certainly took refuge m another subject—more agreeable to himself, "My dear, you have expressed the wish to relieve my anxieties," he said, "and you can help me, I think, in that w-ty. I have a letter to write—of some importance, Iris, to yonr interests as well as to inine-wixich must go to Ireland by to-day's post. You shall read it, and say if you approve of what I have done. Don't let me be disturbed. This lotter, I can tell you, will maks a bard demand cn my poor brains-I mast go and write in my own room." Left alone with the thoughts that now crowded on her mind, Iris found her attention claimed once more by passing events. Fanny Mere arrived to report herself on ber retmn from Paris. She had so managed her departure from Passy as to precede Lord Harry and Mr Vimpany, and to watch for their arrival in Paris by a later train. They had driven from the railway to the news- paper office—with the maid in attendance on them in another cab. When they separated, the docto« proceeded on foot to the Luxembourg Garden^ Wearing a plain black dress, and pro- tected from close observation by her veil, Fanny followed him, cautiously keeping at a sufficient distance, now on one side of the street and now on the other. When my lord joined his friend, she just held them in view, and no more, as they walked up and down in the barest and lone- liest part of the gardens that they could find. I Their talk having come to an end, they parted. Her master was the first who came out into the street, walkiDg at ,t rate and looking most desperately upset. Mr Vimpany next appeared sauntering along with his hands in his pocket8* ■ grinning as if his own villainous thoughts were thoroughly amusing him. Fanny was now more careful than ever not to lose sight of the doctor. The course which he pursued led them to the famous hospital called the Hotel Dieu. At the entrance she saw him take a letter out of bis pocket, and give it to the porter. Soon afterwards a person appeared who greeted him politely, and conducted him into the building. For more than an hour Fanny waited to see Mr Vimpauy come out again, and waited in vain. What could he possibly want in a French bos- pital ? And why had he remained in that foreign institution for so long a time? Baffled by these mysteries, and weary after much walking, Fanny made the best of her way home, and consulted her mistress. Even if Iris had been capable of enlightening; her, the opportunity was wanting. Lord Harry entered the room with the letter which he had just written open in his hand. As a matter of course, the maid retired. (To be continued.)
















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