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USUtESS .bàr!S5£s. I BFFORE BUYING A WATCH ANY- WHKRE, wricefor "The Illustrated Pamphlsi." >eoifree on application by tbe "LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER.'•' FIRM FOUNDED 1745. WATCHES :£1 TO £100. Sen»l voar WATCH and JBWEIXKY REPAIRS by IPost Reg-atere.l. which wii) be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates stent before (íoin the work, and I take R de and Cost or Carriage back. T. R. RUS.-ELL. MASEH TO THE Queen. CATrtliJ>jt.U, WORKS 18, CHURCH-STREET, 128SO LIVERPOOL. lloe I ESTABTsMtWISn 50 YEARS. DESIGNERS, MANFFACTCRERS, AND I SHIPPERS. I LAVERTON AND 0OMPANY I' Ju ARE AMONGST THIS LARGEST AND BEST HOUSES IN ENGLAND FOR GOOD glRVJCEABLE! SUITED FOR HOME OR EXPORT PURPOSES. UBGE ILLUSTBAXtfD CATALOGUES j .'OKWAKX) fit) G-RATiS. A1 layertos AND CO., S'IUM CABINET WORKS. BRISTOL. 8151 "THS3IE FURNITURE. ¡ ALSOP. Drawing-room FURNITURE. A L&OP. Dining-room FURNITURE. LSOP- Dining-room FURNITURE. » A LSQP. Bedroom FURNITURE. I A Bad room FURNITURE. ALSOP, 57, 58, 59, Broadniead, Bristol, Manufacturei of nigh-class a.nd medium-ciass iuruiture, in VHri>>us wood.s. by swam power, aas now eøe of the Largest Displays of Drawing-room, Dining- room. Badroom, Libiviry, Office, Parlour, Kitchen Furniture. 12804—1254 patrimonial. IV you are Mimed, or contemplating taking this im- p rtanc srep, we can seud you va"ua.bl in oraiA .on ought to OQ w. ~eud your address, and we wij s ad eata.ogue an" pamphlet free.—Address H G. Ken-. Mo»tyn-ro»d, Mertou, "urrey. 650 i Jlluskai. I rSE OLD J50L0 VIOLIN. is labelled Antonins Hieronymus from Amati Cr monen Aodrae, 1667. suit iady or professional rich powerful tone: tint; pres«rvaoK>u Aiso st.Ter-moun ed bow and rosin mats, j turn; » forte, muaio-book. mign.ticent brass-mounted locK-.fp ease. Sacrifice lot for las 6d. carnage paid anywher*. willingly returned if not approved. Vaiu»< i* bargain, but no use to owner. Inspection brrltrll. or -end eit-ty nd secure them — Ad. tress Mr Thorn** Carr, Bicycle Agon:, Eld.;a,a, C >lc ester. ZOO, HEan&ir. 4 G £ NT~~Wanted -.£26 per quarter, pai •' weekly s»l«ndid opening 5 experience unneces ary My oimeDs free.—Address Composition Works, Far- i "or. B"Iton. » G*ST (pushing) wau;ed f' r the s- le of Cattle -A Ond mem. ;good references required.~Address *TC., "South Waias Daily Naws," Cardiff..09 4 RMY SERVICE.—Young Men wishing to Join ¿ her Majesty's Army can obt-du an information as to the 0ondiwoi;s of service the advances o* Xbe *ratf o at a.ny Post-office. Great tfrOKOectei of prom-tion are offered to eligible Young Men. Appiicnt on can be made, either personally or "by lec.ter.. t.. the Officer connx-andins: the Regimen, al tttstTiCt at Car iff, or to the nearest; Volunteer fcer-eaut-^n^vuetor or other Recruiter. 1197—12619 | Va^VAS-iSg" AGEXlTwanted for T »wn.—Apply, witn rdfisrcnces, A. and G. Xaylor, Ax'caue >»srp..rt. 238 CiIViL~S £ RVICE APPOINTME5TS.—Ksds«. Ac., ✓ £8G ro £,OO ages g to 25 thorwigh prenarat on jji el^ an<> by c rrespondtjnce; certain ■.yccess; TpiiiZtaaiqr 00 -ecentiy: thirteen ami Civil Service Onii.e stnt fiee.—Mr skerry, H.M.C.S., 27, Chancery- Unr, Lcffi^on, W.C. 261 DRATKBY.—Wanwd, » voang luaa fortha general rrade CalyinisPc Metho 1st preferred.—Apply Jonn Thou' .-iberyi wiih- 135 PERSONS of either sex wanted to do artistic work JL at home. S" oa ntiug. Good pay; 2s a piece, AH materials f ee-—W. East, Southampton. b2 V. j WEEKLY and upwards may be easily and 3tr!5t' honestly realised by persons oi either sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For par ticulars o., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and Company (P. 156), Merchants, Bir. mingham. This i Ilenuille. 209 —TOBACCONISTS COMMENCING. — 11- vie lustrated Gu.de. registered '1^6 paaesi, *'xlovv to open respectably from £ '2C to £ 2,0U0." Three stamps-—H- Myers and Co., Cigar and Tobacco Meichants, 107 to 111, Euston-road, London. General Sbopfitters. Estimates free. 12754 ft* Kti. BUSISrrcPSPRH^Ii^ES (large) to Tet Lady Day j) suit; good onshing buor. trade capita, market tvwi. C-nnal Wales rent £25 —Apply E. Harding, Sliihai. 151 I 1 V U'F.f.T.TNa-H/)USK. wita suites t,f oflice-s, to Let, 1 9 in MOUIIi Stuart-quare, Cardiff.—Ap|^y_ at No' 3, G. S. stowe. jf Ol'SE and >HOP to be Let in Glamorgan-street, ]..I 0fi8E and >HOP to be Let in Glamorgan-street, JLJL Brynm wr reat moderate.—Apply at King will am, neirt door. 264 HO ITS !■ and SHOP (good) to Let, in Commercial- street modeiuce rent.—Apply 136, C"iumero al- bcreet, Newport, Mon. 234 T OOK) LOOK! LOOK '.—Shops to LetluSolot- t A road, Cardiff. Grand opening for business men. Tmckly popula.ted. 22ô OFFICES.—To bel^e two rooms oVer the jpontn Wales Daily ews" Offices, St )1a.ry.s,reet.- Ap ,v "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 1335 O WANSEA-—TO Let, tirst-dass Shop and Premi es, o now let to Ben and Sons, Liverpool Bnt' hers — Apjjly ^ackagld' Oxford-street, Swansea. 274 Jar Cklj^lNG e'erfSR. about 20 tons, for Sale, suitable for oJot boat, launched 188.-Apply J. R. Brook, A. Lomlon-street. Fleetwood.. 833 H »RES for saleln John Bland" and Co., Limited, Tiiuowr Merchants, Cardirf, 200 of £ each, fully pild caA be divided Dividend due in May —Nekda, 14, Bartholomew Close, London, KC. 195 WALES PROPERTY lio GAZETTE,' A MONTHLY R^gisteb 01. EsrAiEii HOUSES, LANDS, etc., to be LET or SOLD in Wales, Jaornnouthshire, West of England, <fcc. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly, jiost-free, to the leading inhabi tants of Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions free. Conies post free, from Messrs Estate Agents Auctioneers, Ac., 74, St. Mary-sftreet, Cardiff. Z4 WEtVE snbst^tiaUy-buntTHouses t" be Sold, to Jt. suit purchasers, in Trehanis-svreot., Roath. Two gituing-rooBis, kitchen, >cullery, three bedrooms, two grate-, three glass cupboards, large dresser, three riwvirf cup oavds in each houae—Apply to R. Soiirh, 44, Oakflela-street, H ,ath, JlisteUattetms. FDR^fiSH on our New Hire System. Houses or Apartment- completely furnished oa a net sys- teas adopted solely by us, whereby all pnblictv, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com: ponies are dispensed wiih. We have an immense a ocu of Household Furniture of cheap and superior «foality. All goods sold on the Hire system at ready- uiouey prices. We make no extra charne for credl. and in. ood.. sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made no bill of sftie; everything prira.ee. Arrangements completed without delay, ana, beintr manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and wiit undertake to supuly furniiure, &c., at 1U per cent, leas than any price-list issued by any firm In Cardiff. Kle en snow rooms. Call and ne >ect our immense stock, and compare prices bfiore purchasing eisewhers. We will supply £6 worth for 2s 6d weekly; ;£10 worth, 4s weekly S15 worth for 5s weekly £20 worth. 6s weekly, and so on m prooor^ou. Special terms for laraer quantities. Please not« the Address ounl WALKS FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 Castie-* (opposite he Castle), Ca.r\.iiff. 8.3-2491-t8e ^IO^PULENT y.—Recipe and~not^i bow to barm- ;eesIV, effecLuaJl, and rapidly jare obes ty with- >>ut MRU •starvation dietary, etc. Evtropeaai Mail. Oct. 3Jth. says, Its effect is not merely to reduce the tajioant of iat, but by affecting the sJburce of obesity to induce a radical cure jf the disease Book, 116 pages (8 statp 9), V. C. ll, Wobarn House, 27. tore- ^treet. Bedford-square, London, W.C. 12844 KET WO KiiRs"—' end fir ay catalogue over 1,000 new ilesizn*, od elegant y designed Jubilee :kei«t, 9d.—P»oL S^an-sUept, Merthyr. 214 SEKDS, FARM \jf ,¥ cDS. of boss qualify agricultural and her- HCttIturti of every descrip tionartificial agri' uituritl implements, Os-taieg ies post free.—John Hibbert, C'&tle-street, C«r^f^ 12857 ONSOCUL PURIFY AND TUE INFIRMI- J' J T1 > of MAN. Addressed specially to yo ng wen, w th advice oa Health, ami containing Kocipt* ih&t will *e-~cr& neI vo 's aiid d^bilifrited M i he f 11 powe of :\1.. 1b004. Free for the ben fit) of tli who rtesire a. safe and speedy cu: e, without the aid of Q ;acks- S^iid on Ju-^Ooray, Birmingham. 105 r 11 11 11 Post Free, with Sk. and Details for selt-Cure (1,luderc.).8ix >tamps, from JO H Jf WILLLl" P.M.V., ..leuical Publisher, 2Z, MARI-CH^ TREET, ABERDKEN. CKTI MEDICAL ADVISER. 1 JBY the SAf-treatment oj Servc-us and. Ficitction-ii AUmmtg, induetd by mnrivork, worry, txfiesaes. and Jtlur 81w-rIX1JtH¿g in mid tiicif evils. Y nu: N' w LOCAL TREATMENT. A b< on to aU desiring self-cure without recourse to nhy-vc or tfte family doctor.- >ltdi.ca.i Review. A Country,Parson writes thus:—"Your Guide haa cured myse.Jan.i many parishioners." ^nfferers should pr cnri- this handy Referee on Various Ailments, and thus a»oid doctors' fees and •Djectionable medicine.—Gazette. 1^.02 1^ V PJGESTION. — The MEDICAL RE- FCX&M SOClKT^ will forward ^HBE to iii* «m>lioantn an uceIlflnt BOTANIC CURj fot «SBt!orf, Bilious and Liv r Corcplaints.— Knch»e ad- the SECRETARY, Botaaifi insiituie, Tsottmz- :¡ l"!r" :¡. ¡ J guMii^inusrntsnis j CAiiUlVj j Q^HEATRJB ROYAL, CARDIFPT LiiSisEi; A.VD MA.Vi.GKR Mr EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGES „Mr JOHN SHBRIDAN. Of GRAND PRODUCTION OF THE NEW COMEDY OPKSA, DOROTHY! BY THE GAIETY OPERA COMPANY. TO-NIUHT (FRI )A Y), MAR 10. & TO-MORROW (SATi RDAY), MAit 11. FIRST InIB l THE PROVINCES, The new Comedy Opera, lit Three Acts, DOROTHY, By B- C. Stephenson and Alfred ijellier (as now being played with enormous success ^.t ■ine Gaiety and Prince of Wales Theatres, London POWERFUL E. Dorothy Ban'am Miss Carr-Shaw Lydia. Hawihorna :lliss G Herbert Ptjyllis Tuppitu ..Miss Webb lrs Privet ,Mis3 S ;phie L1l1gwood J.ady tty. M;ss Madge Fowler Geoffrey Wilder „Mr Redfern Hollms Harry sherwood Mr Charles Ryley squire Bantam *« Mr A Christian Joan Tuppitt Mr W. T. Hemsley Lurcher Mr Frank Thornton TomStrutt Mr Cecil Bur; The most Charming Ooe:a ever produced. The Finest and most Costly Appointments ever witnessed. Chorus of 40 well-trained Voices. MONDAY NEXT, March 1-ith. the Great Tragedian, Mr EDMUND TEA ELK. as VIBGINIUS." WEDNESDAY, March loth, Grand Masonic Patron- age,Siiake>peare's Classic Tragedy, JULIUS C^lSAR. Box Plan at Thorn son a.nd Shackeli's, Ltd. Open 7. Early uoors \i 30. Commeuca at 7 30. IOn iBuilDing ^ocirfus. j GLAMORGAN BUILDING SOCIETY, 1 Incorporated under Act of Parliament. ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTABLISED IN THS PRINCIPALITY LIBERAL ADVANCES To Persons desiring to purchase their Own Houses on Easy Terms of repavment SHAKES ISSUED DAILY. Subscriptions, 1< p r Fortnight per Share. DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM £ 5 UPWARDS. OFFICKS OPEN DAI Y, Where all information can be obtained. 10907-1052 T. A. DAVIKS, ZO, QUEEN-STBJ^ET. CABDiyg Secretary. TO DEPOSITORS IN THE CARDIFF I GAVINGS BAN K, I THE ) PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT J. INVESTMENT BUILDIG SOCIETY WlU RECEIVE DEPOSITS AT 4 PER CENT. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED SOCIETY. SECURITY UNEXCEPTIONABLE. AUDIT EXHAUSTIVE & SYSTEMATIC. EASY TERMS Olí WITHDRAWAL. The Offices, 28, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are OPEN DAILY FOR BUSINESS. 7422 I 1025 W. SECRETARY. I THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF I JL ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILD. ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1397..INCORPORATED 1883. OFFICES: 3, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. secretary MR ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHAKES, £ OJ EACH. SUMS of MONEY are to be advanced on securitv of any description of real property—freehold, leasehold, or copyhold-on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instal- ments. INVESTING SHARES, £ 60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly > Payments of Five Shillings per share. ? FULLY PAID-UP SHAKES, bearing a fixed rate oi j interest, pa\ab.e half-v early, or -iliowed to accumulate- j DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, per J annum, payable ha f-yearly. or may accumulate. J Prospectuses, or any further particulars may be ob- | tainsd ou application so the Secretary, as above, or to j Mr T. WEBBER, 5 139 94, St. Mary-street', Cardiff. i jUattttr. I IMPORTANT NOTICE.j—If yuu want money scud I stamp for prospec us, before borrowing elsewhere, to Mr Pilt,. 43, Salisbury-road, Cathays, Ctrdiif. 565 j MONEY L E NT P R iv IFU L Y | AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE.. f Gentleman having a large amount of Capital is í; willing do gr-int a tvances, upon note of ban", frdm j £ 15 to £ l,c00 at 5 per ceut., to Clergymen, Farmers, J Hotel Proprietors, l.odging-house Keepers, Tradeamen, t or any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town cr 9 Country. (Without loan ojjiee formalities.) Distance { no object, and so lung *s the interest is paid tbe capital j can remain. No genuine application refused. All com | ii unJcations are tie-ited strictly private.Apply to the 1 actual Lender, E. arr snn, E q., 87, York-road. West minstei Bridge-road, London. 1^750 MONEY.—Union Deposit Bank (Reg.), No. 17, King Wi.liam-street,tearing ro.sa.Lo id n.W.C. Canical, Reserve, £12 .000. Advances made without deductions, for short or 1 ng periods, in sums of £20 to £2,000. on personal security, furniture, stock-in-trade, reversions .iso de ds, ife policies, at Five per cent., without mortgage expe J¡e3, from one to ten ears. Prospectuses gratis, or post free on application (personal visit preferred!. First ietter of application immediately atte!1ded to. Dis. tance no object. A gentleman seat direct from the btnk to carry out ail advances. Curren accounts opened. Interest allowed, per çent. upon deposits, subject to 14 notice. 1^723—1 44 EDWARD JOHNS, Manager. MO N E Y ON EASY TERMS, PRIVATELY, in sums of £ 10 to £ 2,000, to male and female, in town or country, upon approved pro- missury notes, on the following terms, wir.uout deuue- tons £ 10, Twelve Monthly repayments of £ 0 17 11 £ 25) „ „ „ 2 4 9 £ 50, „ „ „ 4 9 7 £100, „ „ 8 17 2 Larger amounts same in proportion. Qu¡¡¡,rrly or dalf- early, or by special arrangements made for repayments, to suit the convenience of the borrower, extending over 30 longer period. ADVANCE^ made immediately, noon mortgage of furnitum, trade, and firm stock, plant, crops, farming iiuolenysnts, or any available security, AT A L WKK RATE OP INTEREST THAJV CHARGED BY OTHER OFFICES, without removal, and also to assist persons into nu iD. Responsible a.ppïcants can have the money without bill of sale. Distance no object, as loan my be pa.id by Cheque or Postal Oniers, and (ii necessary) if the interest paid the Capital caai remain. Also upon Freeholds, Leaseholds, Reversions, a.d Life Policies, without publicity, from 1 to 20 y ars, at 5 per cent. Prompt and personal attention, and no eenuine application eytJr refused; strict secrecy observed. Writè, or apply personally, for pro.pectu:5 (showing th& advantages offered) to the actual lender, Mr A. H. Savoy House, 115 aad 116, STRAND, i.CNDON, W.C. Private entrance in Savoy-street. 12877 JGASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS. MAY HOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OS BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO. CARDIFF 114 THE "GAIJ^NANTS MESSENGER' JL savs Messrs Horniman have had wonderful success with their ¡<$mOllS Tea in the Paris Exhibition; it is b0i5Se88ed of a most delicious flavour, and is unique in quality; the price, tOO, hi óuch aó to brillg i within the reach of aH. List oj Horniman's Local Aents. CARDIFF—Williams, chain- j Cowbridge—Thomas, High ist, 11, Bute- | street. street. Merthyr—Stepney, Coleman db Co., chemist. H)"n-stxeet. Chepstow—Grittitiis,Beau- „ ) fort-square. street. Mountain Ash-White. Ha.rries,43.Crock. i Pomypool-Woud, Stamp herbtown. Office. „ Munday, Duke-st Pontypridd, Key, chemist „ TreharueADuck I Roath—Hu-ucock and Co., chemists. cpeims.s.andaf Anthony, StMary Cathay s. street. „ .Tones, Clifton-st. Jlumiordjfeplott- ] Prnat, chemist. lands. °enarth—Proctor.chemisi: „ Collier. 55, James-st PJ "lardawe—Jordan, Caaton. Yorath.Post-oliice. j chemist. Vowws, Williams,chemist Aberdare— W. J. Thorns, Bridgend—Williams, i chemist. Stamo Office, j Aberaman—Jones, chemist igsci I Criekhoweli -Davies. DIFFICULT LAMBING AND CALVING. BAY. SON, & HEWITT-; "RED DRENCH" Is of universal fame for its qijjck and marvellous eSects in preventin lever and i 2'mmation JU Ewes and Cows, if dosed J. day o.-two Before and just after par- luritioa. ) he cieansjng the Ewe ana the Cow will b perfect, apd their milk will be rendered pure, copious., and wholesome idr their cfÏriIlg.. 3jq per dozeu for fc.wes; Uf. per dosen for Cows; in. wooden boxes. Should paining or heaving threaten violently, dose with the pain-ki.ling GxiSODVXS at once, and stop it. Phce os ba per bo tie. j DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S BROWN EXTRACT." S-IP to be worth a guinea a battle as apain n-tido.a for anointing the womb 111 draw ng away a Lamb or Calf. Itdra^s all mflaujed pois n- out upon he surface, heBce preven s gangrene, and is autchless for all wrunds, sores, swollen a. d broken udders in Cows and and for sore paps. per d^sen i-dovjen bos, 7s 6d. DAY, SOX, & HEWITT'S "GASEOUS FLUID'' i DEADKNS pain in an almost magic man- tter in Cows and Ewes where there i, uueasineiy, exhaustion, and dang r after parturition for it im- parts great ease, and is always given after the Red Diynchtocalm the nerves and give strength. 20s per dozen in wooden boxes. j CAUTION.—Beware of colourable imitations, and ( please note the aina— I JQAY, ^ON, «FC JJEWITT, I j 22, LONDON, W. 123J.ci BETTER TO BE BORN LCCKY THAN: RICH.—J. THOMPSO.N, 34, High-street, Swansea has discovered a new remedy in the extract of Burdock for all diseases of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kid neys. Thousands of cures have been effected by the power of ¡¡h":5e wonderful Pills fter all othr medicines have completely fa.iled-a proof that foulness of tee Uood is tne sole cause of every disease, as well'as the -ife of eTery living creature Therefore, at the spring of the year, and during the hot weather, the Great Blood Purii.er. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS, should be freely taken, as they purify the foulest .state of tile blood. A few doses cleanse and strengthen the lito raach, regulate the bowels, and remove all diseases uf the li and kidneys. Pains ill the head, and all de. rangfinfents of MJe nervous system, are speedily and effectually cured by the same extraordinary medicine. All (Sufferers are highly recommended to tary them. SeiflL by all Chomisis and Patsnt Meaicine Vendors, in fax#?}: Ijdand2b3d%120 m I. t- r. ■: —■—-—* ■ > ^bijjpina Motites. The CA AND BORDEAUX JfTIlM■ COM PAN Y'S FIRST CI..ASS SCREW VllWM~ai will sail as follows :— DOR,JOGNE CaTdiff for Bordeaux .Mar. 12 "GiUONDK"Bordeaux for CardiS Mar. 12 Witti roods and passengers. For Rates of frebd¡¡;, %!• arplv w Ier3 Jno. Whit- ham and sons, Agents, 2, Rue Lafayette, Bordeaux; and at tue Ottices oi the Company, ol. Mount itiiart. square, Cardi i,. 1071 9481 HOOPER. CAMPBELL CO.. Manager^. A lHERICAN LINE I UNITED STATES if AIL STEAMERS'. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. I b irst-eiaas, full.powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any Euro I pean Line. Passengers and goods Ian. led at Philadel- phia on ths Wharf or the Pennsylvania Railroad. This < is the shortest and best route to the West Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, <fc CO., I 17 and 19, Water-Street, Liverpool LOCAL AGESTS: — W. Watkins, Glebelnnd-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Harse and Brown, Dock-street, New. I port; G. Bird, 246, Bate-street, Cardiff; J. Morgan, P.O., Pontypooi: J. Evans, Emigration Agent, Fl'eur- de-Iis. 11867 /^r WHITE STAR LINE /P*rT^hj- vT BOYAL MAIL STEAMERS. jjggfoyp'glljVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via QUEENSTOWN. BVEY WEDNESDAY, Forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. The splendid vessels of this line are 11 unifo m in model and arrangements, and unsurpassed iu the completeness of their appointment fcr the cum- fort classes. Saloon Passa¡re, £12 to £n Intermediate, S7 Steeraae passage at low rates. Apply to Barnes, Guthrie & Co., Bute Docks; Samuel J. Davies, 9, Edwaru-p ace, Crockerbtown, Cardiff; Mrs Ann Watkins, 52, H fih-street, Merthyr Tyotvil David Evans and Son, Auctioneers, Pontypridd-; or ¡ to ISM AY, nlRIE, and CO., 10, Water-street, Liver- pool, and 34, Leadenhall-street, London, E C. 10029 B&Z ANCHOR LINE. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. 1,11 u 111,1,1 VIA QUEENS 1 OWN. EXPRESS SEBVICE. S.S. CITY OF ROME. 8,415 Tons. 12,500 Horse-power. This magnificent Steamship wil, sail from IJVEKPOGL to NEW YORK (via Queenstown) on WEDNESDAV April i3 WED.NESDAY May 11 WEDNESDAY June 8 and regularly thereafter. Saloon 25 guineas, according tuposition, Ac., of Stateroom. Return Tickets at moderate rates. I Intermediate and Steerage Passages at reduced rates Apply to Henderson Brothers. Meisey-cafambers, Old ¡ Churc.ya.rd. and 17, Wa.tar.str&jt. Liverpool or to Henderson Bros., 20L Mount Stuart-square; Messrs Morgan, Sons, and Co.; Mr S. J. Davies, Edward- place. Croc: herbtorn, Cardiff; and Messrs Apstin and Silcocks, Shipbiokerg, Swansea. 12857 5450 J ub licaiïons. PRICE, 2S 6d; POST, 2S 8d. DIAGNOSTICS of AURAL DISEASE, by S. E. SMITH, Esq., M.R.C S. Eng., Surgeon to the late National Ear Institutions, London. Author of a practical treatise entitled, "Deaf- ness and Di eases cf the Ear also The Influence of Trades up"n the Organ of Hearii g invJm-ur of an instrument for the application of gases, vapours, etc, to various organs oi the human body, nd of the electric Eustachian catheter for tne introduction of the electric current tv the middle ear, witb illus rations on wood. London: John Heywood, Faterno ter Buildings, and Deausgate, Manchester. THE PRESS ON MR SMITH'S WORK :— Mr Smith is tbe most practical surgeon of the day, and his book is the best wbch has been written on diseases of the ear.ltondon Medical Reoiew. He is the mos expert operator of any known aural suraeon.— American Medical Times." He gives striking illustrations of the great power ho possess is in tue treatment of cases Qc" deafness, more par acuta ly cases in which the speech ha. become l de e tive in oon-equeucs of the losso. hearing power," —Edinburgh Review. During Mr mith's visit to Wales be may be con- sulted trom 11 till 2 o'clock daily, at H gh- treet Arcade Chambers, Cardiff. 12875 To the Young Men of England who Sulfer from Nervous Debility. Jus" Published. THE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE JL OF AN INV i LIi>, designed as a Warning and a Caution to others supplying at the' same time the me-ins ot Self Core, by (Ine who has oured hlmSt31f after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and Quackery. ising.e copies may be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author. Arthur Dixon, Esq., Houosiow, near London. 444 120 CARDIFF DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. 1,. NELSON TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. S. H O B B S, PROPRIETOR. Darimk, Mermen, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks Shawls, and Dresses of every description Cleaned, Dyed, a.nd finished in a superier style. Gentlemen's clothes clewed and returned ia 24 hour*. 12854 I 30 31, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. g ^NDREWg" AND SON, UNDERTAKERS, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETORS. REFORM FUNERAL*CARS, SHKLLIBIERS, AND BROUGHAMS ECCLESIASTICAL PALLS. GREY HORSES FOR YOUNG PERSONS. The Trade supplied with every Requisite for Funeral Furnishing. Please note tlis A ddress— oO and 31, WORKING-STREET. 12714 66643 QUEENSLAND H THOMAS, IMPORTER AND GENERAL AGENT, NORMANTON, GULF OF CARPENTARIA. 11719 ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBRO. CATION. [ From the Mother Sa^ierior, House of Mercy, Horbnry, I Wakefield. T> HEUMATISM, March 10th, 1886. Messrs KLLISLUN, — We LUMBAGO our Universal Embro- cation in our House for SPRAINS Kheumjitism and Sprains I ;,¡.lso among the Miners it is known as well, and appre- — cía 13,1 as much, as by our. selves. Yours truly, RHEUMATISM, Tits MoTHai^uPERioR, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. Extract from a letter reo ceived from Mr Geo. Pat- trick, hon. sec. Hartlepool Athletic A-s elation. May 19 a, 1886. CJORE THROAT With respect to your j Universal Embrocation, I FROM fOLD may s&y tlvit soino of tbti me'nibtjrs « i our Hovers CHEST COLDS. Football Club swear by it, and not only us» it for sprains, contusioNS. Ac.,but rub it ail over their bodies after a match: when I te.l you our Rovers Ciub is one SORE THROAT of the best in the No>th of I' Dglaud, and that we have I' Dglaud, and that we have FROM COLD, fiva members in the County team, you will see that the CHEST COLDS. Universal Embrocation has a l'enuta.tio.. bere. Yours obediently, G. PATTRICK." TilLLI>LAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBRO- JU • CATION, Is 1-tl. 12863 YyORTH A GUINEA A BOX BEECHAirs PILLS ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A Box for fciiious aud nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick heartache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after nieuis, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, 4c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fic- tion, for they have done it iu thousands of cases. Every anrferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, aud they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX, Pills, aud they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX, For fen^Ues of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses cf them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions .and bring about all that is required. No female shuulc be without them. There is no medicine to be found te equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust I health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of f he 1 iver, they act like MAGIC," and a few dozen "'1.11 be fOW1<1 to work wou<,J.er3 upon the most important organs in the human machine. They streng- then the wnole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keeu edge oi appetite, and arouse'into action with the ROSEBUD of health the v. jjole phys ca ieiiergy of the human frame. These are jl FACTS aamittea t>y thousands,embracing all classes oi society awl one of the best guarantees to the ner vous and debilitated is. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the isst sitle of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and op- pression of the cuest, wheezing, these Pills stand unrivalled. They soeedily remove that senfe of oppres- sion and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEKCHAM'S Pitis a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time De removed. • x CAUTION. The public are requested to notice that the words BekchaM'o PILLS, St Helen's,' are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not ou, they are a forgery.. Prepared only and sold wholesale and reail, by the Proprietor, T.. Beecham ,Chemist, St Helen's, Lanca. shire, in'boxes at is lid and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. N.i>.—Full directions are given with each box. 12875 | T IS TRUE! TANNER'S DINNER PILLS are admitted by thou- sands during t o pa t F< iRTY YEARS to be a certain cure for INDIGESTION, BILLIOOSNliSS, flushings of heat, sands during to pa t F< iRTY YEARS to be a certain cure for INDIGESTION, BILLIOOSNliSS, flushings of heat, uliness aier meals, DtllVOUS disorders, ¡oS,!¡ ot a.!J}te, piles, costiveness. etc. Every sufferer is earnestly mvited to try one box of thes pills, aud they will prove them- to be a PUBLIC BLESSING Numerous Testi- monials daily received. Prepared only", and sold whole- sale and retail by the proprietor, H. E. CQlfbe, late Tanner, CHEMIST, KINGSWOOD HILT., BRISTOL. In Boxes, 13 e t- u. Trial Box post fi ea 12 stamps. Said by all Cuspaistg. 12787 flnblir vVr. j RUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COM- JL PANY, LIMITED. I Chief Office: HOLBOUN BARS, LONDON. SUMMARY of the REPORTS presented at the I THIRTY-EIGHTH ANN! AL MEETING, held on 3rd March, 1887. I In the ordinary branch the number of policies issued during the year was 25,567, assuring the sum of £2,7;429, and producing a new annual premium income of £125,504. The premiums of the year were £396,940, being an increase of over the year I 1885. The claims of the year amounted to The rate of expenditure of the branch was lit le more than ten per cent on the premium Income. The num- ber of policies in force was 85,089. ) An alterat on has been made in the regulations of the Company, empowering the directors in future to pay an iDternu bonu* UDon all participating policies on their becoming claims, in respect of any premiums paid subsequent to the ast distribution of profits. The premiums received during the year in the industrial branch were £2,911 ,295, being an mcrease of £116.773. The claims of the year amounted to £1,124,Q28. The number of deaths was 135,851. The rate of expenditure of the branch shows a slight reduc- tion. The number of polices in force, including 68,099 free policies, was 7,111,828. A supplement to this report will also be submitted, showing how the assets of the company are invested. The rabies of the industrial branch iiave been again revised, and additional advantages are secured to the assured, which the directors believe will yet further enhanc" the popularity of the company. I SUMMARY OF THE QUINQUENNIAL REPORT For the period endinsr 31st December, 138b. In tbe ordinary branch the annual premium income has increased from £142,732 to £407,360. The assurance fund has grown from £744,;)83 to In the industrial branch the annual premium income has increased from to £3,065.551. The assurance fund has grown to £4,937,00. The total assets o- the company have grown from £2,580.002 to £ b.811,954. being an increase of in the five years under inspection. The rate of expen- diture durittz the quinquennium in the ordinary branch has remained nearly stationary, at littlemofd than ten per cent. A reduction of seven and a half per cent. has been effected in the expenses of the industrial branch. It will be seen from Mr DeweyV report that the 3.ver14(e dura-ion Df all the policies In the industrial branch is now no tess than five and a-lialf years, a satis- factory indication of the success which is at ending the efforts of the directors to increase the duration of the assurances. Extract from Mr A. H. Bailey's report. Having from t me to time been consul-ed as to the principles upon which the valuations should be made of the outstanding liabilities of your company on the 31st December last, I have now examined the results of those valuations, the processes employed'in obtaining and check na the particulars from the records, and the methods adopted to insure accuracy in the calcu- lations. Some notion may be formed of the magnitude of the work when it is stated that the number of assurances in force, exclusive of annuity grants, is 7,196,9 7 so that if each oolicy were 011 a different life, which is probably not very far from the truth, the lives of 19'6 per cent.. or very nearly one-fifth of the entire popu- lation of Great Britain and Ireland, are assured in this company. The business is carried on under two distinct bra. ches, .the Ordinary" and the II Industrial." In the former the pren.iums are payable annually, half- yearly, or quarterly and the terms and conditions semble tho-e of the majority of the Life Assurance Companies of the country. In tbe latter branch the rates ra higher, because, without exception, tho pre. miums are pay ib'e weekly, a.n arrangement which the ordinary companies "i I not adopt on account of the heavy expense and trouble of collection, but which experience seems to show is the only way whereby the ware-earning portion of the community can be reached. For ten years the two Branches have been conducted lniie»>endentJy of each other, as if they were distinct societies separate accounts being kept, and separate investmomts made for each. Bein now, however, practically worked by the same agents, the public select which e er best suits their convenience, and con. sequently the distinction between the character of the business of the two branches is becoming less. As an instance of this it is no iceabie tha> while the average amount assured by each olicy in the "Ordinary" Branch h s diminished since the last valuation, bein now £116 a.gah,,t the £137 five years ago: in the In- dustrial Branch the average amount has slightly in. crease and is now £9 8s. ORDINARY BRANCH.—The growth of this Branch has been very remarkab e. The premium income from the assurances is £a06,852. having nearly trebled in the quinquennium, and being surpassed flY only four other Life Assurance Companies in the United Kingdom. The basis upon which the valuation of the liabilities I has been made is explained in Mr Hughes' report. It may be shortly described as f'jllow :-Tbe past experi- enccof Assured and Annuitant lives has been adopted I for the rates of mortality; 3 p r cent. for the rate of interest; and 22'7 per cent. of the premium income, which is th whole of what is called the loading, has been reserved for future expenses, profits, a d contingencies. Of the ample sufficiency of his reserve no doubt can be -ntertained, e-pecial y as it has now been resolved that the whole expenses of this branch shall be limited to 10 per cent., of the premium income. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.—In this branch the premium income has now retched the enormous total of £3,ú65,551. payable in weekly premiums, averaging about twopence each. The Mges of the lives ass red va y from 1 year to upwards of 100. fourteen cen- tenarians being found upon the registers. Th females outnumber the male. in the proportion of 1.075 to I.coo, an excess somewhat ab've that of the general popula- tion, whereas in the ordinary companies the number of male lives assured is found to be about eight times that of the females. A large number of tbe policies in force have been effected on the lives of children, tnd, if death occur during the first year ot assurance, tbe con. tract provioes, that, with sume exceptions, a deducçion shall be made from the sum assured. From these circumstances some modifications in the principles of valuation adop ed for the Ordinary Branch become necessary. >hese are expla ne" by Mr Dewey in his report, with wh¡c9 I concur. For instance, the table of mortality employed for the Ordinary Branch represents the experience of a. ult male lives only, children being altogether omitted For the Industrial Branch, therefore, Farr a English Life tables have been used, and separate valuations made for the male and female risks, the mortality of the two sexes being different. Again, the rite of mortality of children, unlike that of adults, dimisbes, from year to year up to a certain age. And therefore the risks on the lives of children not exceeding ten years of age, and those under all Policies granted during la.s year. have been treated as short term assurances, for which a nominal "reserve only is necessary. With these exceptions, a valuation on the same principles as in the Ordinary Branch bas been made on all the outstanding Policies. These iacts and figuras speak for themselves, and it is hardly necessary to add how eminently satisfactory the r..sulls of thi, elahorate investigation must be to all who are interested in the welfare of the Company. Extract from the Report of Mr W. Hughes, Actuary of the Ordinary Branch. The Valuation is as before on the net premium system, the whole of the loading or difference between the premiums payable and the risk premiums being reserved as a provision f r future expenses and profft. This loading amounts to £91.078 per annum. The num- ber ot Policies in forco at olst Dec-mber last was £85 089. assuring with Bonus and produc- ing an annual preminm income of £ 407,3 0 Bs, Of this amount £1.3,726 is re.ssured at an annual cost of £t08 7s. A feature worthy of note is the large proportion of Enllowment Assurances lately e <ected, At the last Valuation, 1881, these Policies formed 16 per cent. of the whole number in force; on the 31st December, 1836. there were 31.120 of these Policies, being no less than 36 er cent. of the whole number of Assurances. The net results of the Valuation are ss follows Life Assurance Fund. 3lst December, 1886, £1,764 600 Re-erve for Life Assurance and Annuity Contracts, Extract from the Report of Mr T. C. Dewey, Actuary ol the Industrial Branch. The Policies in existence on the 31st December, 1886 (the date of Valuation), were 7,111,828 in number, assuring the sum of £66,689,111, And producing a weekly income from Premiums of £ 58,S53, an an Annual Income of £3,060.551. The number of Free or Paid-up Policies which have been sranted in lieu of Discon- tinued Policies is now 58,099. It will be seen that the a verage amount assure by each pulicy is £9 8s, and that the average weekly premium is twopence. The experience ot the Quinquennium shows that the business is yearly becoming of a more st;S.ble character, for notwithstanding the large influx of new business during that period, the average dura ion of the Policies now in existence 1; about five and years. I believe that as Industrial A-surance becomes better appreciated it will assume an even more permanent -haracter, and that the difference in this respect between Ordinary and Industrial Policies will dis- appear. 1 can see no reason, th refore. why different nrincijflss should now be adopted in thl-l valuation of- the two clashes of assurances, and I have consequently valued pure premiums only, reserving the whole of the loading, distinguishing male from female lives. The prono,tion of the premium reserved is 43 per cent. The mortality of this Branch having been carefully recorded for many years, [tind that the English Life Table (No. 3) mast closely accords with our experience, and I have therefore adopt d that Table for every description of assurance. In all calculations I have assumed that £3 o- r cent. per annum will be realised on the investments. The result of the valuation is as follows Present 11 value of sums assured, £3 .760,509 present value of fu ure pure premiums, £28,288,658. Net liability, £4,471.851. It may be contended that the principles which are adopted in the valuation of Ordinary ssurances are not applicable to Inoustrial risks, but it must be a source of the highest gratification to you and to every. one CODnected with the company to feel that the business of this Branch will now beai u est so severe and one hitherto unknown in the history of Industrial As-urance. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET or THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, ON THE 31ST DECEMBER, 1886. LIABILITIES. s. d. Shareholders' Capital u 80,028 0 ti Ordilary Branch Funds 1,765.1^3 15 6 Industrial Branch Funds 4,937.003 4 4 Claims under Life Policies admitted. 29,72H 18 4 18 2 ASSETS. British Government Securities, Consols 1,003,325 18 7 Metn polit-n Board of Works Stock and City of London Bonds 152,443 10 0 B?nk of England Stock 29,483 6 10 I Loans an Municipal and other Bates 1,468,459 19 10 Freehold Ground Kents and Scotch Feu Duties 1,316,532 1 7 Freehold and Leasenold Property tl4,169 4 5 Indian, Colonial, and Foreign Govern. ment Securities. 234,331 16 0 Reversions ,h. 129.389 2 3 Railway and other Debentures 859,476 17 11 Railway and other Shares 20,71 2 9 Mortgages 577,740 15 1 Loans on the Company's Policies. 47,145 '4 0 Furniture and Fittings. 20,500 0 0 Loans upon P-r^onal Security 71210 0 Outstandi g Premiums. 1.45,17615 0 Cash in hands of Superintendents and Agen Balances 39,155 li 8 Outstanding Interest and Rents 65,106 4 Cash—on Deposit, on Current Account; and in band 50,326 1 11 2 EDGAR HORNE. Chairman. HENRY HARBEN, { nire,toTg PATRICK FRASER, » 1,,RET'TOR»- Ti OS. C. DEWEY, t vTor.jjp.pra. WILLIAM llUGHK5.ifManagera- W. J LANCASTER. Secretary. Mr W. GAR N KB, Superintendent, St John's chamoers, John-street, Cardiff. J. RAMSDALE, Esq.. Inspect r, 1_2=7 Cardiff. Who suffer from NFJRVOUS A DEBILITY. LOST VIGOUR, Ex. I HAUSTED VITALITY, KIDEY BO ft "NT DISEASES, <FCC A 1 reatise ex- w plaining the renownedMARSTON treatment, by local absorption, treatment, by local absorption, the only positive cuie without TU Stomach Medicines, wil) be sent in plain envelope sealed for three stamps.—The MARS- LL/L '•R0N REMEDY CO., 243*, High i-vJL Holbora, London. 12628-1207 BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Mercha»t-st. (back oi Town-hall), Corporation Sill-noater aud crier. Rents tbe principal hoardings apd stations in Newport of Town-hall), Corporation Sill-noater aud crier. Rents tbe principal hoardings apd stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. Two good bill-posters kept. Work attended to with qutek despatch. Town and j wintry. Old eaSablistod-^Bore thjtu a quarter of a centuyw |05S—J02S ClDLrnratian. CARDIFF. S~T. CATHERINE'S, CARDIFF. A FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 12703 ——— 1489 PRINCIPAL, MISS TULLIS. HARROW HOUSE SCHOOL, JT' ROATH, CARDIFF. PRINCIPALS, The MISSES MAKKS, Assisted by an efficient Staff of resident and visiting teachers. The Principals are now able to receive a. larger number of resident pupils, having increased accom- modation to offer. Boaruers have home comforts and personal supervision. Good recreation ground. Fees moderate. 10903 COWBRIDGE GREAT HOUS SOHOOL, \3r PRINCIPALS: Mrs and Misses CULVER WELL. Pupils prepared for Trinity College, Oxford Cam- bridge, and College of Preceptors' examinations by experienced teachers. Terms moderate References: Parents of pupils. 1024-783o BRISTOL CLARENDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL V> FOR LADIES, WHITE LADIES-ROAD, CLIFTON. Two minutes' walk from the Downs. Principal: Mrs MAYNARD. All the Candidates presented at the various Public Examinations (Cambridge, Edinburgh, &c.,) during the present and past years have been successful. One-tbird of all tho pupils in the Upper School obtained Certifi- cates from the College of Preceptors in June last, having succeeded in every subject taken. There is a .i unior Department for Girls from seven years of age and upwards. The Upper School is for those whose ages vary from 12 to 20.—References kindly permitted to Ven. Archdeacon Blunt (Chaplain to the Queen), Scarborough; Rev. R. Glover, Clifton; Rev. U. R. Thomas, Clifton and the Parents of past and present jupils. 12692 TAUNTON- INDEPENDENT COLLEGE, JL TAUNTON. (For All Denominations.) Principal: REV. F. WILKINS A VELING, B.Sc., assisted by seven resident Masters (University men) and two visiting :\faster¡; A Thorough Scriptural, Commercial, and Classical Education. Special preparation for the following Ex- aminations :—Matriculation aad B.A. of London. Civil Service (all branches), entrance to any of the Universi. ties and (for younger pupils) the Cambridge Local and the College of Preceptors. Liberal Diet. Twenty- seven Acres of Land, Cricket and Football Pavilion, Covered Playground and Gymnasium, Swimmiug Bath. Terms from "3D Guineas a Year. The Junior School (for boys under 11)is under the charge of Mf8 MILNE, assisted by Miss STEWART (Certificated Teacher), and the Masters of the College. Several Scholarships. Half-Term will commence on Monday, February 28th, 1887. 12413 ALBERT GOODMAN, Secretary. Jinantial. MESSRS W. & S. HERN, Estate Agents, 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to ad. vance from £100 to £100,000 on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, and from B50 to £1,000 on per- sonai security. 3664 up- wards judiciously invested in Stock Exchange securities by a. safe and reliable method is often doubled in a few days.—Full details in explanatory book (seventh edition) sent gratis and post free. Address George E\ans and Co., Stockbrokers, Greshana House, London, E.C. 12867 KEATING'S LOZENGES. .t[. Oldest & Best Cough Remedy KEATING'S LOZ NGES. JOk. Oldest <5c Best Cough Remedy. KEATING'S LOZENGES. i- Oldest de Best Cough Remedy. KEATING'S LOZENGES. ANY Doc i OR WILL TELL YOU" there i, no better Cough Medicine than KEATING'S LOZENGKS. One gives relief; if you suffer from cough, try them but once they will cure, and they will not injure your health; they contain oulytb. purest drugs, skilfully combined. Sold everywhere in 134d tiusj. CHUROHWARDEN C. E. CJESAR, Esq., wrote—Oct. 2, 1886. Dear ;ir,-A cough is ,0 dis- tressing and disturbing to all who hear it that no one should be ignorant that there can be no betterremedy than your Lozenges. I have found them perfectly effectual; both at church and meetings where coughing causes so much annoyance, every one ought to keep the Lozenges in their pocket ready for use. Please sen> i metwoboxesat once. Church .varden. St. Thomas's, 11809 Islington, N. J. j\Z[AilSH & (JOMPANY, FIRST-CLASS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT IS THE BEST FOR ALL CLASS FUNERALS. 80, ST. M KY-STREEX. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 12845 j^EALLS AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS. MANDRAKE The great remedy for Bili- PILLS MANDRAKE ous and Liver Complaints, PILLS MANDRAKE Indigestion, Piles, & 'Gravel, PILLS MAN DRAKE and the greatest Blood Puri PILLS MANDRAKE tier of the age. PILLS MANDRAKE TESTIMONIAL. PILLS MANDRAKE Mr Keall, M&indee. PILLS MANDRAKE Sir,—I consider your Ameri- PILLS MANDRAKE can Mandrake Pills to be the PILLS MANDRAKE greatest success the world has PILLS MANDRAKE ever known.—lam, sir, yours PILLS MANDRAKE faithfully, F. H. HEWSON. PILLS MANDRAKE Munday, Chemist, Cardiff PILLS MANDRAKE Robo,Chomist, Roath: Phillips PILLS MANDRAKE Chemist, Newport: J.G.Isaac PILLS MANDRAKE i lateHayman)C'hemi.st,Neatu; PILLS MANDRAKE Newberrv and Son. London. PILLS MANDRAKE Proprietor — Mr KEALL, PILLS MANDRAKE Chemist dt Dentist. 199, Hieh- PILLS MANDRAKE street, Swansea. 8076 1C12 PILLS RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORK. JLJL HOUND is the most certain and speedy remedy for all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Diffi- culty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, JJC., this Balsam gives in- stantaneous relief, and, if properly persevered with, scarcely ever fails to effect a rapid cure. It has now been tried for many years, has an estab lished reputation, and many thousands have been bene fitted by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Amport Firs Andover, May 29th, 1869.—Sir,—I have for some years had your Balsam of Horehound for Mrs B. Webster, and intended writing and tell you how much benefit she has derived. She was considered consump- tive, but the Balsam has quite restored her ana she is now quite strong. I have recommended you dozens of customers and all have been pleased with it. i am, yours, dcc., Mr Hayman, Chemist. H. B. WEBSTER. IN THE NURSERY It s invaluable, as children are fond of it and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken coughing ceases, rest- lessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tned it would ever afterwards be with out it. 152 Prepared only by A, Hayman, Chemist, Neath, and sold bv all Chemist1* Price Is lAd alld2.( 9d tier bottle' DR. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. Dt» DnotrfS ROOKiu'S j, R. BOOKBo ORIENTAL PILLS, P ILLS ■n rnnvwN^110' world- T T T ■ \R. ROOKE S Wllle repuce (or p I 1 L b JLf r»nmcK'S half a cen- K r r Q | ROOKE S tury As au aperi. pILLS. KB. ROOKE'S •gyw; Kills. f\R. ROOKE'S !lu(L pILL S. unoifK's ,Be- ROOKE'S klr „ a \R. ROOKE- oriental PILLS. pIlIlS KE. P' KE. BOOKEDS BILLS D* TionKiirs to be the « Q B. ROOKE'S mosc efficacious in ■> ILLS x» nnoKKN worl(1> »ndhaTe TT T a 1 \R- ROOKE.- pec with tbe same p ILLS. i,nnvp\ invariable success T r w 2 R. BOOKE. as has his world- f> L S. -8-/T> tenowned SOLAR T „ | iK. ROOKE LUXIu> *or a D. LLS. iJ* UJore complete des- 1-^ T T | \E. BOOKE s criptioU of this 13 1 L L S j^R. BOOKED |> I L L S. t<R. ROOKBS OILLS. Hr. piLLS. KB. BOOKE^^dC^o^; piLLS „ NOIVKE'T. £ Pills aresoidin T T T « I \R. BOO*I £ B0xei) at la lid ana P L 55 D n ROOKE's 7s fcd.sach, aud can t t t o B. be ootained of ail P — nAninr'N OaemistsandPatent ■-« T t v « a \R. ROOKE s Myotome Vendors. P 1 L 1 b I^,> UAIIJTF'S Directions for the "R^ T T T A | \E. ROOKEtreatment of all M 1 L 8 with every pILLS |AE* ROOFES BOOKE'S P ILLS 4a^ n T»f>nitR A N 1 I'L T B—k T T T O J|R' BOOKE oout&ina 172 pages, P *,i5 n n/iAirFi's &nd is an ctdnuroLbit? T T T « T\R BOOKEs>col??pencUlim p ILL& D medical sci$uco &uu ■ T T T <a | ROOKE. iaIonnacion# K?ery 13 ILLS t> sliouiu T T i 3 JXR. RCOKE.■|p0a*»ac0py, Cir- P lhha D DnniTF's cui&tiuii, *our Mil* T T T R ROOKE & Uons Coucerni3lH p I L L b L-VE. BOOKERS'. p MS KE. BOOKE'SSK&SSSS;P'»« bQ an incalculable F" T R T « B. ROOKE .s b0ontoevery person P 1 L 8 J AR BOOKE'S read and p ILLS. -KB. BOOKE'S TOY £ F» I L L s KE. BOOKE' »» J» I L L S -KE. BOOE^AJS, P ILLS DR. BOOKE'S ;UJ: p ILL S I \R. BOOKE'S WHERE TO GO. p ILLS II Dll. ROOKE S X 1 iR. BOOKE'S HANDY n ILLS | | POCKET-GUIDE TO Jl DR. BOOKE'S' HEALTH AND p ILLS axAL1'H RESTORING f DR. BOOKK'S r> i L L s .LI Cloth Itilt, dB paes, £ DR. BOOKE'S is full of pleasing £ > ILLS, illustrations and £ DR ROOKEt useful information O ILLS May be obtained J7 BB. ROOKE* from Dr, Rooke, O ILLS. Scarborough, Eng- JL R. ROOKEV land, on receipt oi r> ILLS, a oennv stamp | I leu kOUjKE^ ORIENTAL PILLS: Jf,* 4034 103$ 'ft %mintzx 3Urdmsus. :y^rINTER ANNOUNCEMENTS? W pRICE AND SONS, MERCHANT CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, HOSIERS, AND OUTFITTRRS. THE STOCK OF CLOTHS. Special Purchases of Cloths. Suitings, and Trouserings have been made previous to any advance of prices, and these goods are now being offered at the old rates. Orders for the Bespoke Department should therefore be promptly given, in order to ensure an economical and early delivery. THE STOCK OF OVERCOATS, Of Light and Medium Textures, iu the Newest Styles, is well worthy of Notice, a.s these Garments admirably combine the maximum of protection with the mimi- mum of weight. THE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Gentlemen and Juveniles.is unrivalled for Novelty, Variety, Beauty, General Excellence, a.nd Intrinsic Cheapness. THE S roCK OF HATS Is Very Large a.nd Very Cheap and puichasers will do well to avail themselves of this advantageous oppor- tunity to make their purchases at a low price for best makes. THE STOCK OF HOSIERY Includes a Choice Selection of C Men's Knicker Hose, finger knit; ribbed Wool Hose, a job; Wool Shirts, Drawers, and Pants; Cardigan Jackets, Knitted Jerseys, &c. THE STOCK OF SHIRTS Embraces all the New Patterns in Oxford and Flannel, White and Dress hirts, Night Shirts, extra. stout caFco; Collars, Wristbands. Fronts, Ac. THE STOCK OF UMBRELLAS Is newly bou .'ht, silk, Alp ca, and Regina, in the best town markets, with turned, carved, and natural sticks, hooks and s raighis, fa.ncy mounts, paragon frames,&c. THE STOCK OF GENERAL OUTFITTING Is large and comprehensive. Ties, Scarfs, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Portmanteaus, Trunks, Bags, Rugs, and other TraveUIng Requisites. ADDRESS :— THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 60 51, ST. MARY STREET, & 46 & 47, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 104 TERMS-ONE PRICE. FOR READY MONEY ONLY. OTEATHS PIANOFORTES, QRGAHB, AND JJARMONIUMS. HEATH AND gONS rjlHREE SYSTEM IS APPLIED TO THE HIRE & PURCHASE OF INSTRUMENTS BY ALL MAKERS, FROM 10s MONTHLY. EVERY INSTRUMENT GUARANTEED. CO-OPERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH. The Largest Stock in Wales to Select from. 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. 10&6-9431 259e PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT « CARGLE. aannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least delPe subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory relaxed, ulcerated hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakensd voice, &o. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargie prevent the liuskiness, dryness, and irritation so frequantlyattendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful all a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. PEPPER^~WHITE^OUGH MIX- TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree. able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con. sumption, and all diseases of the lungs and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- liziug in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles. Is Ud and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists. pRACROFT'S ARECATNUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept iu beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel. which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. f "IRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes VV cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is eadh. Sold everywhere. pRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. VV By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory.. It is exceedingly fragraut, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, etc. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of case", seemingly incurable, it has done wonders Slight deafl ss. obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humm'ng ounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNS 1 CORNS n~~CORNS~Tl BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS! CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require move time; but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, la lid. Sold everywhere. C* L LP HO LINE SOAP (a soap contain- ing sulpholiue), is a delicately refined, chemi. cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im. perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the akin to a soft, pliable, healthy conditiop. Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS^ BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, DR. DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercurv), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desioed. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, diasiness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeably taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. 615 OLiJ EVERYWHERE. 11943 av ¡' "j'. 6 U}stl1&N YOU ASK FOB" OKCKJTLnS- BLUE, XL> >. SEE THAT YOU GET IT.' ECKITT'S BLUE Used in the PRINCE OF WALESS LAUNDRY. ECKITT'S BLUE Used in the DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRY. 12571-1166 BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIK /^ROSBY'S TJILIXIR SlROSBY'S TjUIXIR CR0SBY'S E)'IXIH. Is the only rational sub CCROSBY'S rpLIXIR stitUta for opiates, nar- J =|^rrK-T« <fcc., so 4 tROSBY'S Tj t^LIXIR. irequently recommended JjEOSBY'S 'mCQVaU- 0BOSBVS ELIXJ& /CROSBY'S TTtLIXIR. is invaluable to Travel- „,r,c, ^Wrivrp lers' Sportsmen, Emi- iPIROSBY'S TTtLIXIR grants, and others, who ,YIp have to encounter expo- ^iROSB.YS XTtLIXIB sure to the inclemency V> 4^. vyrn of iba weather. | CROSBY'S TH1LIXIR /tROSBY'S ilLIXIK riBOSBi'S T^LIXIU =-ROSRY'S ELIXIR ly l"li Works wonders in case3 iflROSBVI'S T71LIXIR 01 PULMONARY CON" Hv 17i SOMTOON, and has been /CROSBY'S iTlLIXIR used with signal success j 'i iu Asthma & Bronchitis. /"CROSBY'S T^ILIXIR /"IROSBY'S = jlLIXIB V k1YIt, CROSBY'S ELIXIR ^ROSBY'S t^LIXIL. /iitnsRV's TT^LIXIR. r«medy for all Chest £ iROSBY S Complaints. A is equally y**T>r\<tKVv. T^LIXIR efiicacious in Night /^JROSBYS Sweats, Infiuenza Quiu- J^KOSBV'S I^LIXIR 3>>&c" /^ROSBY'S, "C^LIXIR. 1 Ei DR. ROOKE S /iBOSBY'S T^LIXIB. TESTIMONIAL /iROSBY'S LIXlB D&. ROOKE, Scarborough, 1/ author of the Anti- /^ROSBY'S TJUIXIR. Lancet,' writes as fol- pj lows ;-r"1 have reoeat- €€/ CROSBY'S Ij^LIXIR. edly observed how "very L Pj rapidly and invariably it /SROSBY S LIXIR subdued Cough, Pain, and Vy XL Irritation of the Chest iu ROSBY'S T71 LIXIR cases of Pulmonary Con- JU sumption; and 1 can, ROSBY'S | iiLIXIR. with the greatest couti- dence, recommend it as a CCROSBY'S lT^LIXIR most valuable adjunct to J JLU AN otherwise strengthen- SROSBY S |J1 LIXIR ing treatmeno for this JGi disease." ^ROSBV'S JGLIXLR. ^"IBOSBY'S T^LIYIS. CBOSBY'S ELIXIR /CROSBY'S 17 LIXIR issoldinbotties, at Is1 lid, f, |1> ls9d. 4s6d, & lis each, by /iROSBY'S T71LIXIR all Chemists and Patent ■ i iii Medicine Vendors, and CIROSBY'S ELIXIR. ■ llj CROHBx, CljemiBt, acar. ^JROSBV S jgLIXIR borough, England, ^ROSBY'S BALSAM0COUGHELIXIR. I ISusitwaa 5-irirtesses. BUY NONE BUT ENGLISH WATCHES. INVENTORIES' GOLD MEDAL-HIGHEST AWARD. WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN. J. W. BEN SON, BENSON'S SILVER "No working LUDGATE man should be v without this W 4 TPTT OS sound and reliable WAIGM. cVtF tii Watch."—LLOYD'S. jgENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH. BENSON'S SILVER "Deserves tho success it has oh- LUDGATE BLS1 tain ed."—DAILY nl,.ITTV Ti.LKGRAPII Wimnrr QUALITY A good Watch at a moderate £ *f "I A price."—ECHO. jgENSON'S XV6 LUDGATE WATCHj BENSON'S GOLD "IS &1\ admira- bla specimen of LUDGATE £ t 2 1 2s wo^manship?,Ia^ c*' therefore superior WATCH. to American,Swi^s, I or country-made „ Watches."—'TIMES. ENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH. "OENSON'S GOLD English j-plaie Lever in massive LUDGATE bEi_r Sterling Silver .,tAlTTV Cases with Crystal WATfiTT QUAjjiix Glass, best London VU| make, and jewelled X* | A ~t 1,, throughout. True BENSON J-TfcS Chronometer 5 balance. J[) 5 balance. LUDGATE WATCH. Benson's Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from £2 2s, ClockSj and Jewellery, free. J. W. BEN SON, SOLE MAKER, STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, AND 2b, OLD BOND-STREET, LONDON. ——— 88:e BENSON'S CLUBS.—Applications for Agencies to form Clubs invited from Foremen, Pay Clerks, and others. Liberal terms. Bonus to Members. 12i70 G. A. STONE & FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Stands unrivalled for moderate charges, com- bined with Coffins, Cars, Hearses, Mourning Conches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Funerals of superior style and finish, and is Conducted under the imme* -diate superintendence of the proprietor. Funeral with best car or hearse and coach, pair of horses, and haning velvets to each, superior polished cofiin, metal breastplate en- graved, flannel 1iuins, mattrcss in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, hat-bands, and attendance to cemetery £ 5 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach complete 5 0 3rd Class ditto ditto 3 10 0 4tb Class <:i.tto ditto 2 15 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hat-bands, superior carriage to take corpse, and friends 2 0 0 CHILDREN'S FUNERALS. Children's Funeral, including Coffin, Superior Mode n Coach and Pair, with attendance, under one year.. £1 10 0 Under two years 1 11 0 And so 011 in proportion. CHILDREN'S ONE-HORSE CAR- RIAGE FUNERAL (including Polished Coffin, lined with flan- nel) and attendance, under six months 38 6 Ditto under one year 20 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls, Ostrich Plumes, Hat-bands, dtc., on advantageous terms. Pleasa note the Address 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. 103 1186 "YyfATCHES" ATCHES THE BRITISH WATCH COMPANY Supplv their CELEBRATED ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES DIRECT FROM the FACTORY at WHOLESALE PRICE. The Climax Watch, Solid Silver Hall marked case, Crystal Glass, capped and jewelled, at £ 215s Od each, free and safe per Regis- tevedPost. „ „ For Beauty, Durability, and Perfection of Time- keeping tbe Climax Watch cannot be excelled. Gold and Presentation Watcbes made to order. The BRITISH WATCH J-OMPANY MANU. FACTURE ENGLISH WATCHES ONLY, and guarantee each watch to give satisfaction to its owner, and bring renown to the makers. If you require a good English Lever Watch, then buy from THE BRITISH WATCH COMPANY, 1, RANELAGH-TERRACE, 253 LEAMINGTON SPA. ROYAL BELFAST A ERATKD W A T ER S. THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL AWARDED FOR GINGER ALE. LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. e -—— 12800 2676 SOLE M^ypgACTORYt BELFAST. LUNG SJ.YJS TOUR LIVES BT TJ.KIXQ TONIC LUNG ✓YWBRLDGE'S TONIC LUNG I Bvvx>AVJ-fc' TONIC LUNG — v n m ONTP TONIC LUNG T UNG » I » U JN 10, TONIC LUNG JU ,T_ TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER; TONIC LUNG It has a power over diseases hither. TONIC LUNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you at all weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LU\G just a. touch of Cough now and then? TONIC LUNG Try this Wonderful Medicine." TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear aa if by magic, and you will TONIC LUNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. rT TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC LUNG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A TONIC LUNG A DOSE A'l^ BED1IME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE II. TONIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG TT—, TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC LUNG fnl in Whooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of themedicillc. TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. TONIC LUNG Sold in Bottles, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, TONIC LUNG and lis, by all Chemists and Patent TONIC LUNG Medicine Vendois. TONIC LUNG Wholesale ail London and Provincial 'IONIC LUNG 12688 Houses. 1371 TONIC IMTORTANT NOTIOR JL FREE TO ALL. Just Published, a gratuitous Editiou of a New nd Valuable Work, ent tied HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; or, THE CONFI- DENTIAL FRIEND." Sent post free to any address on Mceiot of One Penny tamp to pre- pay postage, or by letter post three stamps This Book should be read by every one, voung or old of either sex. It teaches HOW TO AVOID DISEASE, HOW TO REGAIN HEALTH, HEALTH A SOCIAI SCIENCE. Being a Treatise on the Laws Governing Life—the infringement of which is the cause of all Diseases, Nervousness, Debility, and all their concomi- tant symptoms explained, and full instructions for every sufferer, how to obtain restoration to neaJ^n. This Valuable Work (112 pages) gives PRESCRIP ITONb IN PLAIN ENGLISH, wfth full INSTRUCT IONS for their preparation and use. Contains special Jwmarka on Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Neural.gia, E;pilepsy. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysteria, Indigestion, Lo=.a ot Energy, Mental and Physical Depression, and all dis- eases of the Nervous and Alimentary bystem. Also, a descriptive pamphleton the functions and Disorders peculiar to the female sex, by the same Author, entitled, in,rTOI.,D THE FEMALE'S FRIEND AND ADVISER, which Willie sent GRATIS to any addross on RL- IlEIPT OF STAMPED ENVELOPE. Address, Messrs BARNES and Co., 43, LonsdaJe Square, Barusbury Important TO INVALIDS.—Consult a. qualified and Reeistered Physician personally, between 11 <fc 1 o'clock laffv Consultation by letter free. ALL WHO NEED ADVICE ON MATTERS OF HEALTH, if unable to have a personal interview, should at once send full par- ticulars of the case by letter, enclosing a stamped ad- dressed Envelope for reply; this will receive immediate answer, with advice and full instructions how to obtain a perfect cure. Hnndrods of lives have been saved, and health fully restored, by correspondence only.—Address Messis BARNES and Co., 43, Lonsdale Square Barns bury London, N. 5253 THE GREAT REMEDY FOR BLAIR'S « RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, AND LUMB iGO. The excruciakng pain is quickly GN TT M relieved and cured iu a few days OUT by this celebrated Medicine. These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use, and are PI L L S, certain to prevent the disease r" attacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is 1ll and 201 9d per box. 12735 BROU'S INJECTION. — HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PRESERVATIVE. Cures promptly, without additional means, .ail recent or chronic discharges of the urinary organs. Price 4 6d p?r bottle, gold in Paris by J. Ferre (successor to Brou) Pharmacien, 102 Rue Richelieu; in London, by Wilcox Co.. 239, Oxford-street, W., who will forward it free by Parked Post to any part of the United Kingdom "n recpipt ui P.0.0 Abo by chemists. 12652 31S9 I IStrsittsss ^arrases. ———————-—————————.— IgECOND TO ONE! LADIES; and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY and UNDER, CLOTHING of every description. FRENCH and ENGLISH MILLINERY in all the latest fashions. GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, FEDORA and LACE FRONTS, COLLARETTES, in great variety. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS, STAYS, and CIUNOLETTESand DRESS IMPROVERS. A LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF LACE iRILLINQS. FLOWERS, FEATHERS. RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS, and other Millinery trimmings. We respectfully beg to inform the public that we buy and sell all our sroods for cash, aud that we have 110 hesitation in saying that our goods will be found, for genuiiie good value all round, SECOND TO NONE. ADDRESS: W. KORNER AND CO" 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. bSe 12781 2422B J £ ERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS If you suffer from Headaches, Bilious or Liver Com- Slaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, or Tie •oloreux, try KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small require no j confinement indoors, strenhens the system, anù have been tried by thousands, who pronounce thel)1 to be the best medicine in the world. TESTIMONIAL from J. BALBIRNIE, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on "Physiology," Author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c. "I have examined the Pills, known as 'Kernick's Vegetable Pills.' I certify their composition to be purely vegetable I have also tried their effect, and consider them one of the BEST APERIENT PILLS FOR CONSTIPATED HABITS THAT I KNOW OF "(Signed) JOHN BALBIRNIE, M.A., M.D." Mr CRANWELL, Apothecary, Monte Video, writing to a Master of a Vessel, says:—"Bring me a supply of "KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS.' I have found them very efficacious they cured me after many other Medi. cines had failed and I have since given them to my patients with equal success." Thousa-ds of other Testimonials, equally gratifying, might be published. "KERNICK'S PILLS" give energy to the system, need no special rules with regard to diet, and are universally declared to be the best medicine of the ever discovered.. Sold in boxes at 2s 9d, Is lAd, and 7d each, by most respecjiable Chemists and Diuggista in England and the Colonies, with directions for restoring and preserving health. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES These Lozenges are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms. Being innocent in their charac- ter, they may be taken by children of all degrees and conditions with perfect safety. They are most useful for children of delicate stomachs and pale complexion, as tliey strengthen the system by giving an appetite. If Mothers only knew the value of these Lozenges, no family would be without a box. Sold by most respectable Chemists, in 7d and Is lad boxes. FOR NEURALGIA. JONES'S VEGETABLE AMERICAN GOLDEN QIL, JP 0 R RHEUMATISM. Sold by all Chemists in Is 3id, 2s 9d, 4s M and 118 cases. 8084 Q U R W 0~M E N.J ROBUST, HEALTHY GIRLHOOD. VIGOROUS. HEALTHY WOMANHOOD. STRONG. HEALTHY MIDDLE AGE. HEARTY, HEALTHY OLD AGE. MENSTRUAL MEDICINE. NURSE THOMPSON'S WORLD-FAMED STEEL AND PENNYROYAL PILLS, A SOVEREIGN A PILL Is not half their value at each constitutional period and for all purposes they aro, in every sense, FEMALE'S FAITHFUL FRIENDS. The vigorous health of five adult daughters and myself most certainly due to their use, for which we are extremely grateful and, as woman's duty to1 woman, we freely express the value and urge the taking of Nurse Thompson's Steel and Pennyroyal Pills." This statement, from. a magistrate's wife, represents innumerable similar cases. According to tho quantity sold. Nurse Thompson's Pills are used monthly by tens of thousands of women, and disappointment is un- known in their admiuistration. In Boxes at Is 1 id, three times the size for 2s 9d. From, all Chemists, or direct from the Proprietor, post free, D. ANTHONY, 12871 PHARMACIEN, CARDIFF. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS G are now recognised by all as being the best Medi cine yet discovered for PILE ajjd GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains which, 11193 cases out of every 100, are caused by these painful maladies Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense 01 Weight 111 the Back a.nd Loins, Darting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys Constipation, Pains in the Thighs, some- times snooting down to the calf of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of Urine Pains in the Stomach, and all LiTer Complaints. •thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who have been pronounced hopeless have been tho- roughly restored to health by their use. Ono Box will convince the most sceptical of their efficacy. In order to suit all who may be suffering from ONE ?il ■ Vr of these Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy in the following form :— No. i.—GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS 1\0. GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3.—GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. T Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, from all parts of the country, will be for- warded to any address on receipt of a. stamped envolope. Sold m Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists. By Post, Is 4d and 38 in Postage Stamps. Every box is protected by the Government Stamp. NOTICE.—The title PILE and GRAVEL PILLS," is vopyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor—J.- E. GEORGE M.RP.S., Hirwaiu, Glamorgan. Ma.y be had Wholesale from most Patent Medicine Warehouses in London, Bristol, Liverpool and Man Chester 4979—3268 CJTIFF'S S'lAttCiH. Sola in ID. Picture Boxes. o Sold in 51b. Packets. grays STAKCH. (STIFFS STARCH. JSS kJ7 F«r Collars. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. lor^cZpt" KJ For Cuffs, CMIf'S STARCH. JgJSSi. OTIFF'S STARCH. k_7 For Table t'loths. STIFF'S STARCH. Ask for Stiff's Starch. Note tbe Caution Label O TIFF'S STARCH. Marii Sold by Druggists. CJTTFF'S STARCH. K.-HI.^DiB18_ O wholesale— CI TIFF'S STARCH. s'JlKi-' & GO.. O ™ R^D(M,1FF.ST..BBLST< I "T IVERPOOL EXHIBITION, 1886. Messrs TYLER and CO. have gained the Highest Awarded PRIZE MEDAL for South Wales Fiann *is, the Dim-tanu atto (or' UnshrinkableShirtinsr), Stock- ines, and Ya.r.sIa.!Jyn :MIlls, LIalldy:>:sil.1273S 1908 M A R V E L L oT~U S~ MEMORY—NEW DISCOVERY. ^°r-UnC^^r.lVrT\^PHVSI0L0GICAL AKT OF AM) CURE OF MIND WANDERING; wholly uulike Mnemonics any book earned in one reading important to students and all others. Prospectus post-free, with scientific opinions, etc.-Prof, LOISETTE, 37, New Oxford-st., London, W.C. 12736 CAPIFb ADVERTISING. HILL V-/ PObTLNG. AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES CASTLE CHAMBERS, 21. CASTLE-ST CARDIFF. SECRETARY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Perauuibnc Posting Stations in Cardiff and JNeignoournood Contractors all descriptions A'1ümn Circular Distributing Ail oniers uromutiv atseiidx*! 'o. 1044 "[EMPLOYMENT. I WANT 1,rOO AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. I will give such terms and furnish such ADVERTIS- ING facilities that no man ased mllke less than 4,30 per Mouth, no matter whether he ever canvassed before or not. Address FREDK. W. HALE, 61. Chalidos-street, Covent Garden, London, .and full particulars will be sent by return post. QLD PAPERS AND PARCHMENTS. WASTE DEPARTMENT. CHARLES T. JEFFEItlES and SONS (Wholesale Stationers, Redcliff-street, Bristol), are prepared to give a very high price for any sort or old payers for re-1 manufacture into papei. Upon receipt of instructions sent to Waste Department," bags will be forwarded. Their present prices will be found much in execs.; of that usually given by the dealers and others. /"VNE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 FILLS V-7 is warranted to cure ail discharges from tho urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional grae4 and pains in the bacs. Sol. in boxes, 4s od each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or sent to any address for 60' stamps by the makers, Tne Lincoln and Midland Counties' Eras Company, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and ooiu, London, anri an th < wholesale non>!e" 13 MEN WHO WISH TO MARRY AND BE H APPV should see the MAGIC MIRROR, sent free to any part of the world on raceiptfof Post Card, wi h name and address.—8, Sheffield. Don't delay., seud at ouce, it costs you nothing. 3d23—380 Snstngss ;¡I.i)i)res5C5. ¡ ■ ) t I JOURNAL FIOTl I I GRATIFYING ANNOUNCEMENT, A N™ ST0RYi j A rjlHRILLING gTORY, A jgRILLlANT gTOKYi BY THAT QUEEN OF EW SPA PER JjMCTlOiSi I MISS BRADDON Author of" Lady Audley's Secret," "Dead Men's Shoes," "Cut by the Cou ity," Take" at the Flood," "Weavers and Weft," "One-Tbiff | Needful," "Mohawljs," Ac. | THE QUEEN OK THE CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. J THE World STYLED MISS BRADDON, AND OF NEWS* f I PAPER FICTION,' WE MAY NOW ADD—HER LEADII"' WORKS FOR MANY YEARS PAST HAVING FIRST .tJ}. PRESENTED TO THE PUBLJO IN THIS FORM IS NO* ENGAGED UPON A NEW AND POWERFUL. STORY PUBLICATION IN OUR COLUMNS. The Title of the NEW STORY BY MISS BRADDON is LIKE AND UNLIKE AND ITS PUBLICATION WILL BE COMMENCED ] N TUB CARDIlfF TIUES AND gOUTH ALES WEEKLY NEW;; ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26TH, 1337. The new Story by Miss Braddon, as the perusal of th* earlier portion of it amply justifies us in saying, will Ù" as clever and as exciting, as bold and as remarkable. }):4 charming and as absorbing, as anyth 11 this richly gifted Author bas produced since the day when" Lu'W Audley's Secret" came out and astonished the world- Miss BRADDON has rivals in some walks of Fiction > but she is without a rival in the wonderful mastery l,t the tender passions; ot love and jealousy of fathew less affection and bewitching fascination the kce" pangs of ill-requited admiration, or the bitW aversion, which are ever manifesting theinselve* in that composite thing we call Human Nature. No living writer can penetrate and depict the tortuous ways and startling turns of A Cross in Love like BRADDON. In the Story we are now announcing MiS* BRADDON exhibits all the marvellous fertility of resource, all the wealth of imagination, all the fresh- ness of fancy, all the power of enthrall. 115 the Reader's mind and heart that have made her famon in the field of Light Literature, and given her popu- larity wherever there are Readers who enjoy a good sensational Story, a. fame that will not be diminished, but will be enhanced, by the publication iu our column* of.the NEW S TOR Y, BY MISS jgRADDON, ENTITLED LIKE AND UNLIKE The first chapters of wnich will appear in the CARDIFF TIMES AND gOUTH WALES EEKLY ON ■ SATURDAY,, MARCH 26XH, 1887. Few great writers, living or dead, have come so fre- quently under the scalping process of the Reviewed as, and none have borne the test more successfully thau. Miss BRADDON. Some forty Stories have pro. ceeded from her pen, aud aU Lave endured the fiere* light of criticism, and left her with a reputation vi ever-increasing skill and fascination. The Press Notices of her Works are now so numerous tijat even a selection in brief of the most important wouitf occupy more space than wa can appropriate. but fice it to say that the criticisms of her most recent works are as full of admiration and enthusiasm at any tht were ever written. How it is that Mui RADDON s inventive powers are not exbausteii," ex. claims Truth, is a perpetual mystary to me." £ ocitt$ declares uhau instead of exhausting the resources 01 her talent by her unceasing production of Fiction, Miss BRADDON seems of late with each successive work to discover new fields for its exercise." Touching the same phenomenon, the JForiel observes, It mus. be £ rare thing in the History of Fiction to find a writer producing, after so many years of continuous labour, work so much better than its predecessors." She knows the way to the hearts oi her readers," wrote the Daiy Telegraph, in reviewing hawks," and added Painters like Frost, R.A.. and Novelists like the author ot Audley's Secret,* are not to be taught their business." A eood plot, a lively succession of incidents, and a specially bright dialogue," according to the Athtnceum, charac- terise all Miss Braddon's novels. The Morning Post says-" The One Tiling Needful" belongs to an lorder of Tales which, written as Miss Braddon has t!J6 secret of writing them, will never fail to charm Lovers of Fiction. III a burst of rapturous eulogy, the W/site* hall Review declares that admirers of Miss Braddon's works are "countless as the grains of sand on the sea. shore while the stately Court Journal gives the assurance that "to announce the advent of a New Work by this very popular Authoress is to ensure uni. versal rush for its possession." Similar notices of Press Opinions might be adduced from many other leading English Journals, also front the most influential Irish, Colonial. American, and Continental Newspapers, but we forbear, simply re- iterating our assurance that high as have been the encomiums upon her past work, they will be fully sus, tained by the JJ" E W gTO-RY, ENTITLED LIKE AND UNLIKE BY MISS BRADDON, The early chapters of which will appear in the CARDIFF TIMES AND £ OUTH l^yALES '^EEKLY NEWS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26xa, 1887. ■*——■_ < 11 Printd and Pbli"!11 by the Proprietor?. »UNCAN & SONS, ai. their Steair OrintinS Works-, 75and76,St. Mary-^treet *ml Wes6gate-st.-«e5 in the town of Cardi.f, com „v of Gi»mor**»