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REDUCED RATE F03 Small Prepaid Advertisements, -):- 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENOS. Six Times ONE SHILLING. W0RDS 0NCE-mII:|™S. S, d, d d. 20 Words 6 o 9 1 0 t J30 Words 0 9 l 0 1 6 40 Words -1016 2 3 SO Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 j 4 6 *s>«be classes ot advertise- orient specified belo'r" qw.t" are strictly confined to thosa «vhich are ordered for CONSECUTIVE insertion, and PH:) ifoircsscs ?e iiiSEaTSOS: it e:ther of these eon- ditions i not complied with, the advertisement will be ".}f:\rc:,1 \)\' the Business scale JARAIRRARXTS WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SJLD, JK PARTM ION T's TO LET WONKY WANTED. ,AUT:CI.ES LOST. MONEY TO LI?yn. JARTICI.K* FOUND. MI?RF11ANKOU3 W.».NT?. T.U81NESSES FOR. DLSPOSAI, MLSCKLTANEOCS SALES. A'.PSTAIUJIW "<BAA?8»C.. PARTNERSHIPS WANT:P ?IOCSF.S TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSES WASTED SITI/VI IONS VACANT. ?IOCSF.S TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSES WASTED SITI/VI IONS VACANT. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. TARI.IAMKNTARY NOTICES, Government Announce- Clients, ami Parliamentary Elections are charged One -=-hilling i-er line for each insertion. Prospectuse3 of rill)lic -Lre per line for ac1: insert-ion. tiiblic ].en!, Municipal, Parochial and School Hoard Notice-. Tenders anti Contracts, Ac., arc charged Sixpence per line for each insertion. Aue ion Notices are charged Sixpence per line, and ail ;(>t1ter classes of Advertisements Fourpence per line pe insertion. Some of these charges are, however, subject to reduction in ccortlarh with the number of inset- "t;ion onlretl. Particulars maj be obtained at our ■Chief and Ihanch Oflicc-. .A KVHRTISERS, when sending advertisements in man- uscript,may calculate eight words to a line, and 12 lines to an inch. In cbavaini; advertisements the lines rÇ *o: counted, but the advertisement, fnclndin-r larue I lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, and t-h» suace occupied is charged the rate of Iweivs ;ia;> to *»n ;m- .fftnfrim attiaI. f MATRTJIOXrAT, flEK.VLD AND FASHION' J ADLE MAItltIA' ili GAZETTE is the re' «ogr.iscd medium for high-class introductions. Jlost desir;'ble candidates for matrimony residins 1:1 isil parts of the kingdom. Price 3d in envelope, 4d.— .Address Editor, 4'.», L unb's Uor.duic -street, London. .V. 773 t A GKNT3.—The Manufacturers of Superior Rubber, A Endorsing, and Datmg Stamps require Active Agent*.—J. H. Hamilton and Co., Hank Buildings (jadowtree Gite, Lf: ■_i'. 824 ARMY SKlUlCi- — YOUNG MKX wlshi^r -i to JOTX HER MAJESTY'S AKMV* will, «>u application at any Posc-oftice in the United 3kingdom, be suppiic', without charge, with a j amphlet containing detailed information as to the 1 onditions of service and advantages of the Armv, as to r*y. deferred pay, and pensions. Great prospects of jVomot:-). are offered to eligible young men. Applications can be made either personally of by letter to the Oiffcer commanding the Regimental Dis- trict at Cardiff, or to the nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or otter Recruiter. Recmi-s, if eligible, can be enlisted for anv arm of they nmy select. 11742 69823 BAR.-Young Man (25', respectably connected, desires situation as counterman in good class ,t ,-ado. Stea iy, sober, said reliable. Being without previous experience, would give three month". Good ,-iiaract r-G., 14, Gardiner-street, Brighton. 81 BBEWRRS—Wanted by the advertiser, a situation as Bi-ewsr good references as to character and ability. — II. M. Harding, Sonthgite-streefc, Bath. 13 CfLliKGYMEX AND GENTLEMEN of limited in- come.—In consequence ot enlarged premises, two will be received i': a well-established Prepa- ratory S0I100I at reduced inclusive terms.—Address "Mater," Cardid T.aies" 750 ANA' > ER.— The Directors of London Insurance • "I C nipany t -Nlani.,w,-r for Cardiff and Iistrict. Salary SI70 per annum, with office aliow- anee. A preference will he awarded the candidate therwise eligible) who is prepared to hold thirty share* (E2 each) fnliy paid, in the capital of the com- P my.—Address Manager, Bridge Chambers, Black- liars, London, E.C. 11911 "SLANTED FLOUR, FRUIT, SOJDA Tncl otti,r v f DAR^iEL^.— H.>1 ,-oa Sola and Dry Soao Work?. Carditi. 913,9S7 WEEKLY and upwards may be easily and £ honestly reaHsed by persons of ftf'ther sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For par- < icuiars and samples, enclose addressed envelope to Kvans, Watts, and Company (P, 136), Merchants, Bir- mingham. This is genn-n^. _n_ 43 SERVANTS WANTING PLAC ES of any description, and Hou3choldars requiring Servants, should advertise in the CARDIFF TIMES. §" O DOINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be _A J ET, should be advertised in the CARDIFF TI.MICS tKn Wtt. HOUSKS or PREMISES to be LET should be 'TIL advertised in the CARDIFF TIMES. .> ,a or *alt. 1|^>RISTOL Cotti)try Iiln, -V with stables and field at back, roadside, close to railway station. Unoppt" e l J.e'iso.-Pcl'sons with £ 300 by k-tter, R. K, 2. stanlev-torrac, Path-road, i:tol. 973 1.1 "should be < i. advertised in-the CARIUFF TIMES. 0; OUTH WALES PROPERTY O GAZETI'}"; A MONTHLY REGISTFR OF ESTATES, HOUSES, LANDS, &c., to be LET or SOLD in ■Wales, 11-yunoubbsidre, West of England, &c. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly, post-free, to the leading inhabi- tants of Wales and Monmouthshire. insertions free. < 'opies post free, from Messrs HER: Estate Agents, Auctioneers, Ac., 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 iHisrjltlfiiecus. ILI, -vr BILLIARD BALI.S, CLOTH, CUES, TIPS and all other Billiard Requisites, at Hennig Bros., 11, High-street, St. Giles's, London. W.C. Old Balls ad- sted or exchanged and Tables Re-covered, Re- fashioned. Bought and Sold, etc. Price Lists, Cloth and i qshion Rubber samples post free. Esthd. 1862. [71285 F CUTTER, Turnip Pi'.lpers, Cake Breakers ,-j .Cu) u Crushers, Horse Gears, Ploughs, Chain a.nd /.igzag Harrows, Scufflers, Weighing, Wasliing, Wringing, and Mangling Machines bv all the leading makers Price list free.—J. llibbert 16 and 17, Angel- ,t,r e-, C,-tr-,Iiff. 11335 68689 OIK* MEDICINE.—Spratt's Dog Medicines and Specialities always kept ill. stock Pamphlets post free, Dav, Son, and Hewitt's Cattle Medicines at laanufacturers' prices. Cattle Spice, Dog Biscuits, i4.\—• iiib'oert. The Agr'cultural House, Cardiff. 68689 M. X »• COiiN for Poultry, 3s 6d per bushel, spooial value. Daii, Buckwheat, Indian Corn, bailey, Wheat, Tick Beans, Grey Peas, Hemp Seel, <"a.nary Seed, Oatmeal, Hons &c.. &C.—J. Hibbert, l ife Agricultural House," Angel-street, Cardiff. 68689 ^ETtVOUSNESs, LOSS of ENERGYTand"VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain very advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means sj'lf-cure. He will be happy to forward the particu- irs to ,Iny sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed •urelope.—Address J. T. > ell i?sq., Chiswick, Middlesex. 119o2 67935 s> m rrVVORK For. THE MILLION.—Never was such a thing offered to the public before. As we e now clearing our enormous Stock of Summer Priats, ■y* wiil send free, per parcels post, on receipt of fifteen imps, fifty splendid pieces of PRINT for PATCH- WORK. Now is the time: Jr making cheap and warm, uilts for the white1. fhis is thoroughly genuine.— -iollick and Company, 11 iihwell-road. Totterdown, •iristol. 85 OUR FUTURE Seven Years, 3d; planetary fu- I tare, 2s 6d: Love Talisman, Is %i: send age. Numerous testimonials.—John Major, Esq., M.M.S., !>aventry. 3 Jlttrimi. dCAPITALISTS AND TRUSTEES.—'Wanted,lES^OOO \j at 4 per cent. on permanent Mortgage of flrst- dass Freehold and Leasehold Business Premises in ,Lr,iiff, tfte rental value under lease exceeding E500 >er annum. No commission paid.—Apply G. B. Dyer, financial Broker, A' jerc-chambers, ifigh-street, Car- diff; 72739 11971^ O-NFYL LENT WITHOUT DELAY by the l' CHARING-CUOSS BANK (Regd.). N'o, 23, Bedford-street, strand, I ondon. Established 1870. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve Fcrnd, £ 50,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upoa Approved Promissory ()'es as follows, without deductions. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of £2 5 10 4 11 8 "r 'V •- 9 3 4 Larger amounts the same m proportion Advances of £ 25 to £ 2,CC0 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mort^e f furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops,"&c vithont removal, and to assist persons into l^siness' \ls 0 on deeds, policies, 'and reversions at 5 per cent. lor one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Cali ot write. Not;c,Befoi-e applying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, auctioneer, Ac., in England and IValei knowing this Uank, and you will at once find out you are treating an oM-established (1370), safe, and bona-fide Bank. Having large capital, we do business cheaper -lian others. Responsible Traders, Farmers, and •Ihers can have money without b-11 of sale. No good loan ev r refused. Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge for keeping tcel\ .,t<, Interest at the rate of 4 percent, ailowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received at 4 per cent. er annum payable on demand. Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 6 i>er cent.. Subject to six months' notice 01 w ithdrawal, 8 per cent. Subject-to twelve months' notice of withdrawal, 10 percent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed. 179 a. WILLIAMS, Manager. E, PHILIP EVANS, M.R.C.V.S.,L., VETERINARY SURGEON, 4, FREDERICK STREET, CROCKHERBTOWN CARDIFF, lias returned home with the intention of working up a Practice. ° HORSES AND CATTLE EXAMINED AS TO SOUNDNESS. 161 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH, 79. GREAT FRE- <jr DERICK-STREET. ( A RDIFF, s the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best pri- vate bill posting stations in th" town and ziti-hbour- iieod. All work entrusted to h oi will be speedily and faithfully executed N.B.-Hi sent by post r rail will hav immediate alt r 4 WOHD to the Wise ame and cure of debility, want ot energy, an decay. In- ructions to regain health and vigor. Sent on receipt of stamps by Publishers, Fitaal an-square, Sheffield. 11900 pniutr l-unusfiuiiits. THEATRC ROYAL, CARDIFF. i LrsSEK & MANAGES. Mr EDV/ARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN. EVERY EVENING EVERY EVENING Mr Ed ward Fletcher 3 Fourth Christmas Pantomime. YE QUEEN OF HEARTS. Her Wonderful Tarts, and Ye Knave who stole them or Princess Ye Sleeping Beauty and Heme, Ye Demon Huntsman. PRODUCED ON A SCALE OF UNRIVALLED MAGNIFICENCE. — — Day Performances every Saturday at Two o'clock. SPECIAL PANTOMIME TRAINS. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. Te Ponty iidd, Treherbert, Ferndale, &,c., THURS- D4Y, JANUARY 22nd; to Pontynridd, Aberdare, &c.. THURSDAY.- JANUARY 29; h Pontypridd, Mer- thyr, Ac., TYAY, FEBRUARY 5, stopping at all intermediate stations. Leaving Cardiff at 11.10 p.m. RHYMNEY RAILWAY. THURSDAY Next, Jan. 22nd, to Dowlais and all' intermediate stations, leaving Cardiff at 11.15 p.m. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, Special^Pantomime Train, TIJURSD-AI, JANUARY 22. From SWANSEA, LANDORE. NEATH, BRITOX FERRY, porn TALBOT, BRIDGEND I.LAN TBISANT. Return Fare, 2s 6d, 2s, and Is 6d. Leaving Cardiff at 11 p.m. Tickets for the Theatre to be obtain d at stations. Ticket-holders admitted by early doors \vi hout excra charge. Doors open at 7. Commence 7.1. Stétgo T'oor a,(I St. Mary-street Entrance open at 6.15, SisWe Extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson & ShaekelTs. Crock- herbtown. 53237 PEARS C<OAP O PURE! FRAGRANT! PEERS' C10\ P REFRESHING! O For TOILET & NURSERY. PEARS' nniP EXHIBITION HONOURS. N Fifteen International Pn nct, Awards for absolute Purity EARS' OOAP and aosenr-e of Ai-tificial O Colouring. PEARS' CJ0 4.P Fair White Hands, Bright Clear Complexion, T>EARS' tJOAP a°r" HaaItlifuI Skiu- PT?4TJQ- SAAP PEARS' SOAP HiAixo W"Ar is specially prepared for the delicate skin of ladies and PEARS' OAP children, and others sensi- Jt_ tive to the weather, winter Pt? AT5Q' HOiP and summer. Prevents Red- S ness, Roughness, and Cliap- P EARS' aOAP PADELINL?rTTIwrites: K7 "I have found 1 'ears' Soap l-=>EARS' QOAP matchless for tile lIands _§_ "J and Complexion." SOAP AIPS LANGTRY writes: P MRS LANGTRY writes; EARS ^JOAP "I have much pleasure in O s-ating I have used Pears' PE \RS' U() -VP SoaP for some time, and DIO- A fer it to any other." 13SARS' QOAP ^I-ILL^J-ANGTAT. -t KJ PEARS' SOAP—Large PEARS' C<OAP scented. Tablets 1/ Smaller ^3 (unscjntei) 6d, but insist on ~B^VAT?s' r*i Ti i P havinK Pears', as vilely- injurious imitations are P- f J often substituted for extra EARS' UOAP gain. PTT4PC' nn !P Makers by Special R yal Appointment to PTTV-DC I1< P II.R. 11. The 'Prince of EARS J^OAP Wales. 11493 L O S E O.F tT I SIT. EMINENT PHYSICIANS HIGlIi.Y RECOMMEND TJIg 1^1 A G N "E T A 1 R E (Piotected by Royal Letters Pat ait) FOR THE PREVENTION, RKLIEF, AND CURE OF DISEASE. IVI R 0 N S D ALE, 2,1. E., Inveator and Patentee of the MAGNE i'AIliE,' IS NOW HE-VISITING CARDIFF, AND MAY BE 1)A I LY CONSULTED, FREE OF C NARGE, FOR ONE WEEK MORE, At his Private Consulting Rooms at MR J. LONG'S, PHOTOGRAPHER, 63. CROCKH ERBTO\VN UNTIL SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1385, Where ho will g¡'i3 Advice as to the Application of Curative Electricity, and Explain the Princi des of his Patent Magnetaire Appliances, of which he has a Large Assortment, ,nit:1.b!e for every part of the bo ly. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE:— Ten to One, Two to Five, and Six to Eight. A 52-page ?am:,h;et. contaniug Testimonials, Price List, and full part culavs, Free on application. The following are selected from a mass of testiu10n)" in possession of the Patentee — CARDIFF TESTIMONIALS. ASTHMA. 67, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, January 13, I880. Dear Sir,—For a long time I suffered from periodica! attacks of Asthma, which occurred after every slight cold I purchased your 1,gntair6" Appliance, and am thankful t, ay I am in receipt of very great benefit. I can, therefore, recommend your system of treatment.—Yours sincerely, CHAS. GOOD, Fish and Fruit Salesman. Mr R. Lonsd Ie. INDIGESTION, BILIOUS, AND LIVER COM- PLAINTS. Cardiff Rope Works, Penarth road, Grangetown, Cardiff, Jan. 8, 1385. Dear Sir,—For this last 25 years I have been a great sufferer from the above-mentioned com- plaints, and I wish to express my greatest satisfac- tion. and to testify to the henefit that I have derived from your Magnetaire" appliances which I purchased from you some weeks back, and I must say that since I have had the pleasure of wearing it I have not been troubled with my old and inconvenient complaints. I can eat -.in t digest my food with comfort, and as regards my strength it is about double. You are at liberty to make this statement public for- the benefit of others wdio may be similarly afflicted.—Respectfully yours, Mr It. Lonsdale. SAMUEL WAUGII. IMPORTANT TESTIMONY BRONC11ITLS AND HEART DISEASE. 28, Windsor-road, Cardiff, Dec. 17, 1884. Dear Sir,—For many years I have been suffering from i ronchitis and Heart l isease, and although I have consulted with several physicians, and tried many reme lies, I have received very little benelit from them. I few weeks ago I bought one of your "Ma,2:netail".J" appliances, and am glad to tell you that 1 have derived much benefit from it.—I am, yours respectfully, JOHN EVANS. Mr R. Lonsdale. INDIGESTION. 39, Croft-street, Roath, Cardiff. Dec. 18, 1834. Dear Sir,—A short time ago 1 purchased from you an appliance for Indigestion and pain in the back; I am very pleased to inform you that I have derived great benefit from it. Can now eat any- thing I fancy, and am quite free from the pain and inconvenience I felt before purchasing the Mag- netaire."—Yours truly, Mrs C. WARREN. r Mr It. Lonsdale. TESTIMONIAL FROM THE REV. R. H. DIGNUM. Neville Cottage, Pearl-street. Roath, Cardiff. November 24. 1884. My Dear Si-For the third time I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the continued benefit I receive from wearing your admirable "Magnetaire" Belt. To me its effects are simply comforting an,l delightful. I can eat and digest my tood with comfort. That terrible nervous action with which I was troubled for vea, s has been sub- dued. For months togerher I have been free from it. I also find the "Magnetaire" So!es a perfect luxury. The appliances are a blessing indeed to me for the last two years. I wish you success in your efforts to benefit suffering humanity. I shall be glad to an-wer any questi ns which anyone may desire to ask me upon the matter. With gratitude for the good I have myself received, wIth very kind regards, I ranain, Dear Mr Lonsdr'e. vours most faithfully, ROP>T. IfAYDON DlGNUM. To MrYonsdale. W EK LEGS. TMg FEET, S OLLE ANKLE, AND WEAKNESS OF THE VOICE. 214, Pearl-street, Roath, Nov. 17th, 1834. Dear Sir,—Some yens ago I had an attack of cholera, which left a thorough weakness in my legs, numbness in feet, and swollen ankle, causing pain and greatly inconveniencing me iu getting about. I am pleased to tell you that after wearing the Belt and Soles I purchased of you during your last visit a few hours I began to feel an improve ment, and after a week's trial the change was won- derful; my legs were altogether stronger, the ing of ankle had gone down, feet free from numb- ness, and the circulation restored through my body. I found a great improvement also in my voice, which was very weak; can now speak stronger, although it is ten years since my voice broke down. I am highly satisfied with what your Appliances have done, and shall always recommend them with confidence in any similar case.—Yours truly JOHN TAYLOR Builder Mr R Lonsdale. CRAMP AND RHEUMATISM. 157, Bute-road, Cardiff, Nov. 1 1884. Sir,—In answer to your inquiry about the Magnetaire that I purchased of you during your last visit to Cardiff, I am glad to say it has done me great good, especially in removing Rheumatism and Cramp, and soothing the several complaints that come with age. I also have known several who have worn the Magnetaire," and in every case it has relieved or cured them. If a rich person or two were to club a few stray sovereigns together and purchase some of your appliances, and give them to the poor and needy, who cannot buy such earthly blessings, they could say hereafter, ''They were sick, and I visited them." If any person wishes te know more about t'e appliances they may cA on me, and I can give them some practical experience. Respectiully yours, GEORGE SADLER, Artist. Mr R Lonsdale. MR LONSDALE HAS NO AGENTS. THE APPLIANCES CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS IN CARDIFF, AND ARE STAMPED "MAGNETAIRE." 71996 LONSDALE AND CO., SOLE MANUFACTURER*, 11905 447, WEST STRAND, LONDON QLD PAPERS AND PARCHMENTS. WASTlt DEPARTMENT. CHARLES T. JEFFERIES and SONS (Wholesale Stationers, Redciiff-street, Bristol, are prepared" to purchase any sod of old papers for re manufacture into paper. Upon receipt of instructions sent to Waste Department," one of the Packers will attend with Bags and remove the same. 11920 11 PAINE. BILL POSTER, DIS- _iXL TRIDUTOR, <fcc., 25, CARDIFF-STREET ET ABERDARE, begs to inform the public generally that he rents ail the largest and principal Bill-Posting Stations in Aberdare, Aberaman, Hii waiii, and all out. ying districts. Contracts made weekly or yearly li-B. -Note. -At Paine's Temperance Hotel and Board mg House, at above address, tobacco, cigars, and refresh ments 01 all kinds may be had at any time, and good accommotlation for travellers, A-c 1059—44Uo7 w A N S E A O F F I C E OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE STREET r orders irom NEWSAGENTS will receive tuomot retention, and Kc executeu ur>on the same terms as from the Chief The DAILY NEWs delivered to Subscribers ear y every morning in any part of the town. ADY ERIISEMENTS received up to Seven o'cloi. will secure insertion in the next morning's issue of the AILY Zl- INV Im ^uriton. A AT THE CARDIFF AUCTION AND STORAGE COMPANY'S SPACIOUS SALE ROOMS (adjoining Messrs Frost & Reed's picture shop), 24, 25, and 26, HTGH-STR MET, CARDIFF. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARTIES FURNISHING OR REQUIRING A MARKET FOR DISPOSING OF SURPLUS FURNITURE SIOCK, OR OTHER EFFECTS, MR M ADD OX begs to announce that arrangements have been completed for con- tinuing to hold SALES by AUCTION of all classes of NEW and SECOND-HAND GOODS FURNITURE or otherwise forwarded from the manufacturer, or from private sources, for absolute sales at these rooms EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, COMMENCING AL- WAYS at 2 O'CLOCK'PliECISEr.Y. All entrtes for purposes of lotting arrangb g must be made by 12 o'clock the day prior to eiilicf of the sales. Goods on view mornings of sales..72527 fhiMtc |Mtces. rjlAFF VAIÆ RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NINETY- EIGHTH HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of this Company will be held at the Royal Hotel, College Green, iu the City of Bristol, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of February Next, at One o'clock in the Afternoon. And NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that the REGISTER of TRANSFERS will bo CLOSED from TUESDAY, the 27th day of January, until after the holding of the said half-yearly meeting. JAMES INSKIP, Chairman. JAMEs G. NICHOLSON, Secretary. Cardiff, 10th January, 1885- 11970 THE LOCAL BOARD for the PONTY- JL PRIDD URBAN SANITARY DISTRICT are prepared to negotiate a LOAN of £ 760, to be secured by a charge on the rates levied by the Board in their district by virtue of the Public Health Act, 1875, the repayment to be bv equal yearly instalinenti extend- ing over a period of 30 years, the interest to be at a rate not exceeding E4 per cent. per annum, payable on the principal monies for the time being owing.—Appli- cations to be sent to me, the undersigned, on or before the 21st January, 1885. 72729 11969 HENRY LL. GROVER, Clerk to the said Board. T 0 MA N I T 0 B A. The comoletion of THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (which is the ONLY DIRECT route to the Canadian North-West) to the summit of the Rocky Mountains, has thnwn open to settlement some of the finest Agricultural Lands in Manitoba and the North-West, of which the Dominion Government offer 160 ACRES FREE. For further information apply to any Steamship Agmt, and for new maps, pamphlets, and the fullest particulars about the country (free of charge), as well as the new tourist guide, "From Quebec to the Rocky Mountains," when published, ripply either per- sonally or bv letter to ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific Ra;lway Offices, 11S43 88, Cannon-street,London, E.C. EA T 0 N H U R S T PREPARATORY ILIA SCHOOL FOR THE SONS OF GENTLEMEN. For terms, & address Lady Principals, Eatonhurst, Itewstoke-road, Weston-super-Mare. The ensuing Term will (D.Y.) commence January 21st. 749 t!JaI atí(£5. rjlHOMAS WOOD JEN KINS, IN THE MATTER OE-BERTIE LEIGH THOMAS, AN ILLEGITIMATE PERSON, INTESTATE, DECEASED. INFORMATION IS REQUIRED by the under- signed relative to the existence, residence, or decease of the above-nam d, Thomas Wood Jenkin'. In the year 1359, Thomas Woo l Jenkins v/as a clerk in the employment of Messrs Waterlow & Sons, Law Stationers, at 24, Birchim-lane, City ot London. lIe is supposed to have continued in that employ- ment until the year 1868, if not later, and afterwards to have entered the service of Messrs Witherby & Co., of the same City, Law Stationers. WILLIAM LANE JOYNT, Treasury Solicitor in Ireland, 43, Merrion- 72523 square, Dublin. I 23ril December, 1834. 11941 E N S O N S NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, SILVER GOLD £ 5 r> £ Vl 12 ISA "SPECIAL STRENGTH' SILVER ENGLISH LEVER, MY BEST LONDON MARE, WITH TI1RE fl-QUA TITER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT. CHRONOMETER BALANCE, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, IN MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT WINDS & SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK, MAKING IT A BETTER WATCH THAN ANY £ 10 WATCH IN THE MARKET, ITS. ADVANTAGES, OVER THE OLD AND FAULTY FULL PLATE BEING ENORMOUS, AS THE "LUDGATE" WATCH WILL LAST ONE HUNDRED YEARS, IT NEVER BREAKS, AS IT CANNOT BE OVER. WOUND, AND NEVER NEEDS EXPENSIVE REPAIRS. IS A BETTER TnnjKEE('ER. 13 A BETTER WATCH, AND IS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OTHER WATCH SOLD FOR B10 IN TOWN en, COUNTRY. WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE OF ALL KINDS, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH AND EQUALLY SUITED FOR WORKMEN, RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, GENTLEMEN, noys, AND ALL WHO REQUIRE A PERFECT WATCH OF EXTRA STRENGTH FOR HOME, INDIAN, OR COLONIAL USE, MADE IN THREE SIZ ¡.:S, AS UNDER: WORKMAN'S, LARGE SIZE. MINKR'S & RAILWAY MEN'S, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, AND FOR GENERAL WEAR, MEDIUM SIZE. SENT FREE AND SAFE AT OUR RISK TO ALL PARTS FOR E5 5s Od. CASH, OR P.O.O., PAYABLE AT G.P.O. PRICE IN 1S-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES TWELVE GUINEAS. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BESSON is the only Maker cf a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for £ 5 6s, and that our Patent "Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through, or of any Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceede against. A Bo ek explaining the advantages of th s Watch over the Full Plate English Watches 80'Ù by all other makers, will be sent Post Free on appli- cation, to J'. W. B 12 N B 0 N- WATCHMAKER TO H.I.I. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE-HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from £2 to £500, Gold and Siiver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime, and Turret), and Musical Boxes, free on application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS.-FOREMEN, SECRETARIES of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from B5 to £ 10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others in the market. 11963 LEA In consequence of Imitations & of Lea and Peia ins' Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the PERRINS' Public, LEA and PERRINS Beg to draw attention to the fact SAUCE that each bottle of the Original and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce bears tneir Signature on the labeL LEA WORCESTERSHIRE & SAUCE. PERRINS' Sold Who!e sale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, London Sv TT'TT1 and Export Oilmen generally, "-li" Retail by Dealers throughout the 71892 World. 11895 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs in either sex. acauired or constitutional, gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes. 4s 6d eaoii, by all cnamists and patent, medicine vendora or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the makers The Lracoln and Midland Counties' Drug Comoanv, Lincoln" Wholesale Ageuts, Barclay Sons, Loudon, and all tae wno'Bsaie house.. 9 133 R ECKITT'S BLUE Largest Sale in the World. I "OECKTTTS BLUE ———_ Largest Sale in the World. X> ECIvITT'S BLUE Largest Sale in the World. RECKITT'S BLUE 1.697-69363 Largest Sale in the World BOROUGH OF NEW-PORT WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 12, Lower Merchant street, behind the l'owr.-hall Corporation bill-poster and crier. Rentfi the nrincipal hoardings and stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. Two good bill" posters kept. Work attended to with quick de^atch Town and country. Old established—mora than quarter of a centurv 8058 34063 rpOWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL JL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly ccrrect all irregu- larities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the 3ex. Boxes Is lid ana 2s 9d, of all chemists Sent anywhere on receipt of stamps, by the Maker, E T Towel, Chemist, Nottingham 31801 Uluziuè55 Aùùtezses. £ 6,0 0 0 IN p E I Z E S GIVEN TO SUBSCRIBERS EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS A PRIZE. This offer holds good until March 16th only. The proprietor of the well-known and popular Weekly Paper, THE GULDEN ARGOSY, being desirous of in- troducing their paper into every home where it is not now taken, have decided to throw off all profit this year, and give away to all who subscribe before MARCH 16th, 1885, F,6,000 in Prizes. BEAD OUR GREAT OFFER: FOR ONLY TWO SHILLINGS We will enter your name on our subscription books and prepay THE GOLDEN ARGOSY to you regularly for .Three Months (Thirteen Numbers), and immediately 'send S "minted numbered receipt, which will entitle the holder"to or.C of the following MAGNIFICENT PRESENTS: PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. 5 Cash Presents of EIOO elich £ 510 5 Cash Presents of S50 each 50 JO Cash Presents of £ 20 each .7~ 200 10 Cash Pi esents of £ 10 each rv.T;. ICO 10 Cash Presents of E5 each.i. 50 3 Elegant Uptight Pianos, B50 each V. 150 5 Elegant Cabinet Organs, £ 20 each 100 20 Gents' Solid Gold Watches, ES each 160 20 Ladies'Solid Gold Watches, £ 5 £ a.ch .j. 100 20 Beautiful Diamond Rings, £ 6 each ,Tit; ~l2d' 20 Ge-,it,' Silver Watches, £ 3 each 60 30 Boys' Silver Watches, i:2 eieli 60 20 Gents' Solid Gold Alberts, E4 each 80 20 Ladies Gold Necklets. ES each 60 10 Elegant Bicycles, B17 ea,-h 170 5 Silver Tea Sets, :E20 each 100 50 Gold Pens and Holders, 8s each" 20 500 Extension Gold Pencils, 4s e-ach 100 500 Magic Lanterns, 4s each 100 500 Boys' Pocket Knives, 4s each 100 500 Ladies' Pocket Knives, 4s each 100 1000 Oil Pictures, 4s each 200 bOO Solid Gold Rings, 8s each 200 1000 Athogi aph Albums, 4s each 200 And 95,227 other useful and valuable Presents, ranging in value from One to Four Shillings each, making a grand total of 100,000 Presents to be given to the first one hundred thousand subscribers received. Every- one gets a Present. All of the above presents will be awarded in a fair and impartial manner, full particulars of which will be given hereafter. THE GOLDEN ARGOSY is a Weekly Paper for the Mother, the Boys, and the Girls. It is one of the most Beautiful, Useful, Entertaining, Instructive, 'and Popular weeklies published. It is Beautifully Illustrated, and its readiug matter is all original, from the pens of noted authors. Its regular subsctiption priee is Two Shillings for Three Months: Four Shillings for Six Months Eight Shillings for Twelve Months, without present or premium but in order to secure 100,000 new subscribers at once, we m dee the Following Liberal offer I^OR TWO SHILLINGS or 25 Stamps, we will send you The Golden Argosy, weekly, for Three Months, and one numbered receipt, good for one present. For Four Shillings we will send The Golden Argosy, weekly, for Six Months, and two number receipts, good for two presents. For Eight Shillings we will sand The Golden Argosy, weekly, for One Year, and four numbered receipts, good for tour presents. Write your name and address plainly. Postal order preferred. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FREE, if you will Cut this Advertisement Out and show it y. ur Iriend3, acquaintances and neighbours, and get five to subscribe for three months, and send us Tea Shillings, we will send you your subscription Free, and One numbered receipt get ten to subscribe, send 20s, and we will send you Two numbered receipts and the Golden Argosy for Six Months; get twenty to subscribe for thi-ee months, send 40s, and we will send you the Golden Argosy for One year and Four "numbered receipts, good for Four Presents. A little work will give a Subscription Free and a chance to win one of the most valuable prizes, Sample Copies 2d, post paid, of all newsageuts. LIST OF THE AWARDS will be forwarded to all subscribers immediately after March 16th. Remit by P.O., Registered Letter, or Stamps. Address—The Golden Argosy Co., E. B. Lewis, 13, Salisbury square, Fleet-street, London, E.C. Romember, the above Presents are given absolutely free to our subscribers and Agents. Cut out this aud show it to your friends, neic.hbours, and acquaintances. 11972 REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, The Oldest, Safest, and most Effectual Remedy. R EYNOLDS GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR GOUT. i-I EYiNOLDs' QOUT SPECIFIC, FOR RHEUMATISM. REYNOLDS GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR SCIATICA. It EYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC, FOR LUMBAGO. JJEYNOLDS GOUT GPECIFIC FOR ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINTS. Dr. BREWSTER (for many years one of the leading Physicians iu Paris) writes I have prescribed 'REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC" in ALT, cases of Rheumatic Affections, and find it an INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I have always had great pleasure in re- commending it, and consider it a safe and INVALU- ABLE medicine. J>EYNOLDS' QOUT gPECIFIC ESTABLISHED 70 YEARS. Sold in Bottles, 2s Od and 4s 6d, by Messrs Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringiloii street, E.C.; and all Chemists. 11070 Possessing all the properties of the finest arrowroot RROWN AND OOLSON'S v r CORN JjlLO UR HAS A WORLD-WIDE KEI'LTATION. 226 NOTE.—Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist on being supplied with BROWN AND POLSON'S. It is distinguished for uniformly superior quality. 39557 £ JOLMAN'S MUSTARD. 13545 6582-5 DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. DTNNEFORD S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gen- tle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 11954 BORW^ICK SX>AKING POWDER, JD Five JL) Gold JL Medals OR YVIC K~S T> A KING T>OWDER, For JL# Wholesome ~l_ Bread BORWIClv' S T> AKIN G T> OWDEU, For JD Puddings A aud Pies. T»WDER, JD For -S3 Plum JL Cake. B~0RWICK'ST> A KING pOWDER, For JD Tea, Cakes and Scones. "BOR.WICK'S-DA!IKG IDOAVDE f- For D Norfolk A Dumplings. 723:9 11827 A NEW SERIAL STORY By the Popular Writer, MISS DORA RUSSELL (Author of "Footprints in the Snow," "Beniath the Wave," "Out of Eden," "C:cesu, Widow," &c., &c.), COMMENCED IX THE CARDIFF TIMES åJ SOUTH WALES T FE, E, KL Y NEWS ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, And v/fll be continued each week, 1 he New Story is entitled JAINIES DAUNTON S FATE." The Story commenced in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 3.


Family Notices

1Uqjti-0 of the (Meek.





