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tlo Wet.-lguaiuess$r*miies, ke.. FARMS, Estates, Country Houses rentals from 6s an acre, prices from JE7 acre. Country Houses in all counties. Butter's Monthly Kesister contains <0 pa^es jf particulars; nost free 2 stamps.-Messrs Ratter, 10, Norfolk-street, Strand, London, Several cheap Kaima and Country Properties iu Wales and Border Counties, fflO Let, immediate nossessioa, convenient Offices on X Beeond floor, 97. St. Mary-3tre«i, Cardiff; moderate rent.—Applv Sonth Walor Dp.i'v New? Offirp. Cardiff. 25n jfnr ^alr. SAFK8 by Mllcer, Perry, PhilliDS, &c., bargains,— Levy's Safe Co 55, Frederick-street, Sunderland, n SOUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly Register of Estates. Houses, Lands, &c., to be tiet or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of Sngland, &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to toe leading inhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern Estate Agents. Auctioneers, &c., 74, St. Mary-street Cardiff. 2444 -Dealers, ShopkeeDprs?, Market People, <Sc.—Not- 1 tirjghamLacefrom 4d dozen Aprons and Pinafores, '.rom 3s lid dozen; Assorted Lots, 20s.-Wm. Deaviile Ind eo.. Manufacturers, Nottingham. Jfistablished 1857. J £ P; K S, JjT ii A. X H « ■ R S MSAX'HEBS FOB BSD*. W n} fcuy common snofiuy Wool Cads when you Jt&u get iisst ENGLISH FEATHERS at 6d per lb .1' arriaee paid ? Warranted dry and sweei. Feather 734a WAtleio order. Send fcr.sa1D'Plea a.nl1:»1:I('(".lI" o H HANDY AND eo FEATHER MERCHANTS, 1006 WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALES.?, 114 THE DEFIANCE GUN?"' "K"7\3 ^JVi'OR RABBIT OR GENERAL SHOOIINO.O U )2 bore, censral lire, rlouble-burrel Breechloader, left C)holi:e. top (,1' double gripacticn. \'fltI11ever under guard, Jwis; barrels, born heelplate, walnut stwk, phtnl grip, ..1000)8 boa, rebounding locks, patent fore end, &c.: aoncdand well mfCe warranted to shoot and handle Well; price fOs, worth 80?; carriage paid do not hay :uns at II shop, d'ml direct Witl1 tile actual manufac- mrers anù save reteil prottts satisfaction guaranteed rr on oh returned beauti (u ly illustrated o'\1ía.logue full }r Interesting information concerning guns. testi- monials, &c., post free,-C. and T. J>avis, Far-Killing finD JliIanu13cliUrers. 31, Newton-road, Htratford-rnad, .irmiur.ham. 17619 r, ■ ■—■————»———— $mmstxc tichz. NOW we shan't be !oug getting our family washing done, because we use one of Spencer's "Wringing ■*nd Mangling i^'acliines.—Spencer's Baby Carriage 'Warehouse, St, Joim's-square, Cardiff. Send post-card for price list. 9187-885n ONE of the Wonders ot the Age is Spencer's New High Arm Sewing Machine with walnut cover and *ull set of aupliancea for £ 218s 6dca-h. Money returned /i not approved. Bc-t value in Sewins Machines.— ipenc-r's Domestic Machine Depot, St. John'K-square, Cardiff. Send pout-card for mice list. 9187—B85n JKisttUatttous IRauts. \\i RL3H China.—Wanted. Swansea and NanCgarw vT Chlna^wansoa and Cambrian Pottery.andDiliwyn's Etruscan Ware; only good specimens Teguired high prices eiveu.—Address Collector Echr. Office. Cardiff. » JKacipnen?, Seals, &e. FOR Sale 1 Ja Xangve's Horizontal Engine, with Jf Tanoe, Jonnson's anWmaSlc cut-off gear: can be Mien worKins at any time at the South Wales Dally Sews Office, Cardiff. 8B24 -631n illcnw. MONEY.—Mr Pike, 43..Sa.Hshury-rtt.—Sentt pos card for prospectus (returned in closed envelove tree), and you will do business with no other firm. Lll'-il MESSRS S. HERN aTpERTW HE, Estate Agents7. l' 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to Advance from S100 to £100,000 011 Mortgage of Free- hold or Leasehold Property, and from jB50 to £1.000 on •personal security. 3664 fljllELDINGS, Limited, Old-established Financiers, are JJ prepared to Advance sums from .£20 to £3,000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand. personal or other I securities. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current rates of interest. Property Purchased. Trade Bpl? Discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged, idoney advanced on second mortgages. — Apply direct a3 we have no agents, Hayes Buildings. The Hayes, Cardiff. 13938 BIVAXE ADVANCES from £5 UPWARDS, t: On approYed Note of nana. Quickly and Cheap. In Town or Country. j¡5 repayable 38 weekly or 125 monthly no „ 5s or 20K „ £20 „ IUs „ or 405 „ j¡30¡o £500 on Special Terns. Full oarticnlars call or write, THE SWANSEAlflNANCE CO. LTD, 149, Penarth-road, Cardiff, Her hart Rimer, Manager. 9 e ]Vj[ 0 E • THE PROVINCIAL "UNION BANK continues to LEND LARGE SUMS DAILY ttom JEJO to JE500 on Note of Hand alone, Von any other approved security, at a few hour3 aotice, to ail classes in aav pars of England ind Wsles. repayable by easy instalments. With and without sureties. No good ItTlpJícation is ever refused. All communications 8tricUy Dri-a1ie. This business -having been established a great IDany yeaTs. and con :1ucted in an honourable and straightforward manner has grown to be one of the bÐst known and iargest in the kingdom, the uniform courtesy and prompt atten- lion of our cfficials haying (rained the confidence and recommendation of our numerous customers. If desired 0gie of our OlÏici20ls will attend at applicant's 1..esic1enc", nitb cash ana carry cut the advance WITHOUT SELAY. Call or write to tlie Mena^er, Western Branch, Mr 8TANLE i* DOWJDING. I, Queen-square, Bristol. 332 THE CHARING CROSS BANK.—Established 1870, 9 and 120, BISHOPSGtATE-STREET WITHIN,E-C., ane I 28. BBDFORD-STREET. CHAHING CROSS. W.C LONDON. Aaaeis £512.475. Liabilities. £ 209,475. Surplus^ .£303,000.. Loans of £50 to £5.000 made on any class of seotirity. 21 per cent, allowed on Current Account Balances, Deposits of £10 and upwards received as uader :— Subject to 3 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 5 per cent. »er annum. Subject to 6 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 6 per cent )er annum. Subject to 12 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 7 per lent. per annum. "Special Terms for Longer Periods. Interest paid ¡uarterly. The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent Ind axe a safe investment. rite or call for Prospectus. 17600 A. WILLIAMS, H. J. TALL, Joint Managers. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX, gEECHAM'S pILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Cure Biliousness and Nervoaa Disorders. B^EECHAM'S PILLS 1 JiLF Cure Constipation and Sick Headache. EECHAM'S PILLS ar) Ensure Proper Assimilation of Food. EECHAM'S PILLS Arouse Sluggish and Torpid LiTera and Dispel Bile. EECHAM'S PILLS JL) Strengthen the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS JL) Cure Stomachic Troubles, such as Indiges- tion, Want of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Fulness after Meals, Vomiting, Sickness, at the Stomach, &c. EECHAM'S PILLS Gives almost instant relief. EECHAM'S PILLS Cure Restlessness and Insomnia, and gin sound and refreshing sleep. u i EECHAM'S PILLS Are suitable for both young and old. EECHAM'S PILLS JD Will make you look well, feel well. and keep well. EECHAM'S PILLS jL) Remove Wind and Pain in the Stomach. EECHAM'S PILLS J,) Are sold everywhere in boxes, Is ljd and 2s 9d, contaiaine 55 and 168 PiUs respec- tively. 17574 AN OLD SORE requires attention; but a new sore doubly so. However old the sore may be, it is bound to quarrel with DR. ROBERTS' r 1 POOR MAN'S FRIEND' OINTMENT. Overioo years it has proved itself tbe best heal. tag Ointment extant. Used in conjunction with Dr. ROBERTS' ALTERATIVE PILLS, ttwo days' treatment is warranted to convince All cases of SKIN DISEASE, WOUNDS, SCOR- BUTIC ERUPTIONS, CUTS. etc., will speedily yield to their influence if instructions are fol. '"the^' and 2/3 each, of all Chemists* OH & BARNICOYT, Lrn BFUDPORT. XXAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND £ JURES COUGH. -I Exceedingly good stuff we always have a bottle in the house. For Who ;J- irig Congh with our own children wo have found it su- perior to the medi cine sappUed by the doctor."—Mr Furs- don, High street, Barnstaple, April '99 STOPS COLD. HAYMAN'S BALSAM 162 OF HOREHOUND. public 3\.mtts«nt2»ts. CARDIFF. rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Lessee and Uan.ager .ROEERI REDPOED CLOSED. RE-OPENING AUGUST 4th. public Sottas. /CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham- V road, London, K. W. —PAT IE NTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Fonds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 17516 Secretary, Fred W. Howell. tor auction. MALVERN WELLS, WORCESTERSHIRE. THE BLACKMORE PARK ESTATE. SALE BY AUCTION OF V ALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, Comprising the whole of the SPLENDID FRONTAGES V To the Golf Liuks and Wellc-road. MESSRS MILLAR, SON, & CO. lfL will offer for SALE by AUCTION, in a Marquee to be erected on the land, on THURSDAY. the 7th day of Auernst: at 3 o clock precisely, SIXTY BUILDING SITES, being the only land now available on the main road between Malvern and Malvern WcOo. The sites will inclnds a very fine HOTEL SITE, contiguous to Malvern Wells Station (G.W.R.). and f Bcinp the G ">lf Links. The demand for a first-class hotel in this position is very grent, and its success is., assured. No other site wiU he sold for an hotel. RESIDENTIAL SITES .4: of a quarter of an acre to fonr acres « Very easy terms of purchase. This i3 an opportunity which cannot -occor again, because when these front sites are sold there are no others available, and a=i the development of the re- maioder of the laud proceeds the values will largely increase. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be had at the Imperial and the Bellevue Hotels, Great Malvern the Hornyold Arms Hotel, Malvern Welts the Blacl-more Park Estate Office, Hanley Castle Messrs Blount, Lynch, and Petra, Solicitors, Fitz- alan House, Arnndel-street, Strand, rjondon the Auctioneers. 46, Pali Mall, London, S.W. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AT JL CORE. What Earl Cadogan say* :— At Trinity College, Dublin, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland recently said :—" I hope that every lady and every gentleman in this room will, before the season is over, make it their business, as well as their pleasure, to go and see what, in my opinion, is ODe of the most remarkable exhibitions that has ever beep held probahly in any country. It is impossible to exaggera.te the ability and the success wiLh wbich the arrangements for that exhibition have been carried out, and I am quite sure it will well reward 1\ yisit." The" Financial News says Go and see Cork and its International Exhibition and you will return from Ireland charmed." OPEN UP TO THE 1st OF NOVEMBER. Best i' 0reigu and British Bands Engaged. innumerable Side Shows. Mos:. Beautiful Scenery in the Kingdom. All information regarding spechl excursionfi and cheap fares call be had at any of the offices of Mesers Thos. Cook and Sons, or Messrs Henry Gaze and Sons. 17556 R. A. ATKINS, J.P., Honorary Secretary. Jloitas. ^MERTCAN LI NE. f' UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE. SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK, SATURDAYS, Highest class of Accommodation for Saloon, Second Cabin, and Third Ciass Passengers. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. EVERY WEDNESDAY, LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, Passengers and Goods are landed at Philadelphia. on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has the shortest and most direct route to all places lD the Western States. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., South- ampton or Liverpool, or tl) 'I'. H. Austin, 1,381, Ne8.tb. read, Hafod, J,,1.ndore; Brown and Keybyrne, 1, Friars Chambers, Dock-street, Newport: Vi. Milton Locke, 3, Commercial-street, Newport; Rev. H. G. James, 3, Grongaer-terrace, Pontypridd; C. J. Cudiipp, Castle-road, Roath; J Morgan, Pontypool; W J Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 13189 XXR ^^RRE~STAR "LINE /NFTFRRKJ- » ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. wtjg^^SB&»LIVF RPQOL to NEW YORK, via tJUEENSTOWN MAJESTIC, Wed.,July 16 I TEUTONIC, Wed, Aug. 6 CELTIC .Wed.. July 23 CYMRIC Fri., Aug. 8 GERMANIC Wed.,July 30 j OCEANIC. Wed., Aug. IS Third-class Passage;¡,t low rates, including Outfit, free of charge, to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Apply to Guthrie, He)"Woo(}. and Co., Bute Docks; S. J. Davies, 9, Edward-place, Queen street, Cardiff Charles Stewart and Co., 35. Mount- st uart-square, Cardiff D T. Dayi8: 43, Upper Thomas st, Merthyr James Roberts, The Graig Post Office, Pontypridd D. W. Hughes, Myron Cottage, George town, Tredegar; W. Hancock, 2, Downing-street, Llanelly J.D. Thomas, Seven Sisters, near Neath T. M. Jones and Hon, 1, High-street, Aberavon; B. Davies-Williams, Gorwydd Lodge, Gowerton; C. J' Cudiipp, 32, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff; Messrs Thos. G. Duncan IIond Co., Shipbrok"Jrs, Barry Dock; or to ISMA Y, IMRIE, and CO., Liverpool; 17, Cockspur- street, S.W., and 34, Leadenhall-street, E.C., London. WHITE STAB. LINE.—LIVERPOOL V f to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). SUEVIC, 12,500 tons Jnly 19 PEUSIC, 11,9;4 tons .Aug. 21 RUNIC, 12.482 tons Sept. IS AFRIC, 11,948 tons.. Oct. 23 The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms. Fares.—To Australia, £19 to £27; to Capetown, £13 13s to £19 198.. For further particulars apply to Local Agents as in advertisement above, or to Ismay, Imrie and Co., Liverpool; 17, Cockspur-street. S.W., and 34, Leaden- hall-street, E.C., London. 16812 Xtttlftittg gocieUts. THE^AUNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILD ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. OFFICES 5, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. SECRETARY MR ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, £60 EACH. SUMS of MONEY are ready to be advancad on (security of any description of real property—freehold leasehold, or copyhold—011 the most equitable terms; he principal and interest repayable by M nthly Instal ments. INVESTING SHARES, B60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rate o interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accumulate. DEPOSITS received Interest at 4 per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, or llIay accumulate. Prospectuses, or any furcher particulars, may be ob. tained on application to the Secretary, as above, or to Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, 1:9 11, St John'.s-square, Cardiff. jgASS AND co's PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS MAY HOW BE HAD INJ PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OFJ FULTON, DUNLOP, AND C30., CARDIFF 11M THERAPION. — This successful and J)L highly popular remedy, as employed in the Con- tinental Hospitals, by Ricord, Rosttm, Jobert Vepeau, and others, surpasses everything hitherto employed for impurity of the blood, spots, blotches, pains and swellings of the joints, kidney, bladder and liver diseases, gravel, pains in the back, stone. gleet, nervousness, sleeplessness, &c. Therapion is prepared in three different forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, according to diseases for which intended. Full par- ticulars send stamped addressed envelope for pam- phlet to Mr R. JOHNSON, 43, Holford-square, Lon- don, E.C. jy-ANLY MEN. Why suffer the pains and misery caused by Nervousness, Premature Exhaustion, and Wasting Weakness ? Send for my book, which shows how every man, young and old, can be thorouglùy and quickly cured without STOMACH MEDICINE or ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received, and guaranteed genuine. I cannot find words to express how thankful I am. I used to think I never would get cured. I wish I had seen your advertisement at tLrst, I should have saved many pounds.-G.F.M." I have carried out your instructions, and am now perfectly well.—J.F." Seiit post free for two stamps. H. J. LEISH, 92 and S3, Great Russell-street, Loudon, W.C. Send at once and be cured. Twelve years continuous success. 16625 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED OFFICES AND WORKS: 1. PARK-STREET CARDIFF. SKCRHTARY: FRANK. H. SIMPSON Proprietors of thePrincical StatloRBin-Cardilt and ij Neighbourhood Contractors for cJl derscrfpUons of- Advertising, Circular Distributing, See. 13200 AI ¡ r-rt'TU 't.V v ir 1 trmilnrJ to IMt NO LANCING OR GUTTING Required if you use BURGESS' pm- LION OINTMENT. TtSlnr'PjSyxBBiLmm (It has saved many a limb from a»w"<iwl8i the knife. Cured others after being Riven up by hoepitals; ITHB BEST REMEDY for WOUNDS and all SKIN DISEASES, etc. Sold by all Chemists, 7} £ d. Is l%d, etc.. or post free for tamps, from E. BURGESS, Gray's Inn-road. Lon- don. Advice gratis. 17606-B "StonfflexPcwrT be beat: I I I Will outlive iron three times O rtnfl Of! Ki OTer- Sample free from your BVVJL/ III I V| 5(1 iroDTiioager, or EwTT" o O.ANBERSOSASON,LTD., rejr i si LA»ANFBI.TWOKKS, ( J I BELFAST. EVERY jyj- A N SUFFERING from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a valuable Pamphlet ex- plftilling how nIl Nervous IInd Organic Derangements mnv be successfully treated without stomach medi- cation. The method is easy and pleasant, and will 1 effect a perfect aud parmanent cure. Sent in a plain sealed envelope, free el charge.—T. E. NORTON, 59 and 60, Chaucery-la^g, feoa4on. Over thirty years' continuous success. "R0*} fSltXtSttSB FAn AND WIDE. FAR AND WIDE. FAR AND WIDE. FAR AND WIDE bJfliEAD THE BLESSINGS OF G NILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE WORLD S TONIC FOR SUFFERING HUMANITY. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGM. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, r INFLUENZA. 1 GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS'.QUININE ^TTTFRrt, -r- There is no secret about GWILYM. EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, only Dume Nature's secrets to be found in Sarsaparilla, Burdock, Gentian, Laven- der, Saffron, and Dandelion, scientiftcailv combined with a suitable quantity of Quinine in each dose. WILL PULL YOU TOGETHER, WILL PULL YOU TOGETHER. WILT, p, TJL YOU TOGETHER. All to pieces." This is a form 0I com- plaint we often hear of—the system uut of condition, temper uncertain, so that the slightest irritation gets on the nerves —restless—no appetite—no sleep that is refreshing. Now. what is wanted is something to pull you together. Get GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BIT- TERS, and you will soon find yourself ail right again, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE ^TTTRKS Gwilym Evans's Quinine Bitters will do you good. for it contains everything necessary for fighting wasting disease. There is no doubt about it. Only taken in time it will ward off many serious ill- nesses. WHAT DOES IT DO WHAT DOES IT DO ? WHAT DOES IT DO ? It strengthens that part of the system which is weakest, or has been weakened by diseaso, and therefore more liable to colds and their attendant ailments. It purifes the bloor] and stimulates the cir- culation. It assists and promotes djges- MOD, and improves the appetite. It braces the nerves and fortifies the muscles. It rouses the sluggish liver, and thus en- livens the spirits. It removes all im. purities and obstructions from the human body, and it gives tone to the whole sys- tem. GWILYM EVANS'QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Beware of imitations. Do not be oer- suaded to take siny substitute for it. -but in your own intreest, and for youc own self-protection, see that tho name, Gwilym Evans" is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. GWILYM EVANS' QUlNINE BITTERS is sold everywhere in bottles, 28 9d and 4s 6d each, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of stamps, (lirecb from The Sole Proprietors; 13183 THE QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC. 1101 TURING COMPANY. LTD., tie LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. _h 4- B. J. HEATH & SONS' 0. R E A T PI A N OF O R T E AND MUSIO STORES. FINEST OUT OF LONDON. MUSICAL JNSTRUMENTS BY it LL -^JAKERS At Great Reductions. Cash or Hire from 10s Monthly. Tuning- and Repairs. 76, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, & PENARTH, Manufactozy—LONDON. National Telephone-Cardiff, 01199 Ponty- pridd, 21. 9431-1066-26 -_u_- -f- THE BEST MAGGOT LOTION IS THE PRIMROSE In saying that it IS the best, we are backed up in our statement by the acfcnal experience of dozens of sheep farmers, who have proved what we say to be true. IT is NOT AS GOOD AS," but BETTER than any .other preparation for Maggots, therefore it i'j the BEST. Wyke Farm, Much Wenlock. Dear Sirs,—The Primrose Maggot Lotion i I had from you is the beat preparation for J maggots in sheep I have ever tried. Ii> kills the maggots, heals up all the sores, and does not stain the wool, and I find tt does not fetch the wool off. I have also used it with great success for ringworms on cattle. I em, yours faithfully, J. G. JONES." Sold by Chemists, or post free Is 3d (sufficient for two-gallons) from THE VETERINARY MEDICINE CO., BROSELEY, SALOP. 17518-b I POSTAL DELIVERY JT o» SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS The Proprietors of the SofTH WIJMSS DAILY NEWB beg-to amwnnce that by a special conccssion 1)[ the Postal Authorities thcy-are enabled to despatch "thei r First Edition each morning by the Mails leaving CarxBff at 2.30 a.m. and 3.45 a.m. Coantry subscriber* residing within the liin iss of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMART'IiTCNSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRB, CARDIGANSHIRE. As wet as those portions of BRECONRHlRE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within tho Tredegar and Rbyroney Valley Postal Districts, may now bam the SOUTH "WALES DAILY Nuws delivered .&t their residences daily by the same postvas thatwhich- conveys their Jjondon letters London and West of England subscribers reeeiva beir-papers on the forenoon of publication Tbe THIRD EDITION of the SOUTH WALES. DJJ1,Y NBWS is forwarded (prepaid) to residents of the •following and all oliher jrfacss wiihin tho Cardiff Postal Di8trit>iW timeforthe first morning ùelwcry;- St. Fagan's Sally :M5jchaetetoas-le Pencoed Courtyralla Vedw *S Bridcs»3U{jvi5}y Dinaa Powia Caetletown St. Nicholas Cadoxton Marshfleld Bonvilstone I Barry Penarth Peterskono .Caerphilly .landoug LlandafT JJedvras Lrsvane Radyr YstradMyna Llauishen Morganstown I P wily pant, Whitchurch Melingriffifch St. Mellon's Taffs Well Pentyrch Cefn Mably Tongwyniai? St. Andrews Wln'tTrea Bgde, PBB-JQUABTBB, POST-I'BEB 0. 9.. 9 PER IIALF-TBAB .0119 6 PER YEAB L119 0 SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS OOTICKS, Saint Mary-s tveet. Cardi iT. WORTB KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh bourhood. All work entrusted to him will bespeedily a,nd faithfnly executed. N,B.—Bill Posting sent by bottt or rail will have immediate attention. 13675 CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure GRAVEL and PAINS in the BACA and aJl kindred complaints. Free fr om mercury Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes, 4s 6d each. of all ChemiHts and Patent Medicinc VendoriJ throaghout the world, or sent for 60 stamps by ths makers. The Lincoln and Midland Counties DrlJV Company. Lincoln 138 lOG3 NE W P ORT OFFIC E S OF ZHB STTUXH "WALES DAILY NEWS,, 1 ST BE FT r l^usingss "gEKsai's CORONATION <&j^~ ENGAGEMENT lIIIost Sssfserit Stock. RINGS. Ciash Price. <&m BENSON'S IFTFRNM WORLD-FAMOUS warcK Best London Make. Three-Quarter Place Enalish Lever. Made in 3 Sizes. In Sterling Silver Cases, £ 5 5s. (any /'8ize^; or in i^-et. Gold Case, £ 1212s. w MONTHLY PAYMENTS 111 x At same Cash Prices. W\W W J GUIDE BOOK TO THE PURCHASE OF J- 4 J WATCHES, RINGS CHAINS, &c., FREE. STEAM FACTORY: 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. r Ml fti T CLOCKS, JEWELLERY. >■ In II 1 S* BAGS, can be had upon '"THE s iO '.< ..Rife AbsWulelyCure WS.. i' If" ;t. BILIOUSNESS. HH I \M EB 19 M SICK HEADACHE. W £ M F| W £ « II 1 TORP,° L,VER' .K| M v-% wmMW furred TONGUE. bHH HBI M 1 INDIGESTION. MMWM CONSTIPATION. fi DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN. rhejfa"O U 0 H the LIVER Small OQM! I Small Pri««.' C m mt w .4e q-,4rp they are '9: & INVAUDS > j Food\ HAS FOR SOME TIME 8FEN USED IN The RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FAMILY. I ) "NEAVE'S FOOD contains lyesh and bone-forming constituentt above the average of the 1 best purely farinaceous foods, so that when it is prepared according to the directions givei) { | with esteli tin, it makes a PERFECT FOOD for INFANTS." F MRS. ADA S. BALLIN, Editress of"BAB K" (best and CHEAPEST. In 1-lbTTins, One Shilling. 1 BOTmim > Police Station. Treforest, Cardiff, | ACME MM Dear Sir,'—The Watch I purchased"Vrom | SA»UEL LEVER W you some time ago has proved an admii-able R „ Timekeeper. On the 8 £ h inst. I rescued a B TO-DAY! SbS/— drowning man from the canal. Your watch I F..VAnv Jit!! was dimply Soaked in Y/ater, but is still 1 FACTOrf* ySggmJ feajSa keeping^Splendid Time and is as reliable as | PRICES! could have come through sii^ch^an ordeal. I HALF'SAVEO LUCKY WEDS3I?!^3^K^KGS PROM ii plate LKVKR move- Iwlymdumi' N Half-marked Sold' by Weight "J IexchVdinl'cap. dCon- I ::|f I till: FREE GIFT with cacli Ring v/O tains our LATWST IM- j r, v J «/Q Real Silver Massive Curb Alberts assuring accuracy & V'||| lj*Bisg9g Bw| is 7 every link halluiai-ked. lasting weai', SKVJ.CN i?3'j ,,r^ YEARS' WAEKANTY £ 1\ &&tBffi-'ESHSKas S/S RSAL GOLD BROOCHES. I — vVf,N\ «* stamped.| nwu MONTH'S Vi KTB & Srol I^S JLL Real Gold Hallmarked Diamond Ring's, VAYJG* A MlmimMZS! IPM set with choice stones. FREE TRIAL RAILWAY FARE PAID to all purchasers ef fiALL fa sjoods value 28/- and upwards, within a Bal radius of30miles. j. TS"S«ir Ha _n_ "mo tE-\ "—————————— f 'U'SED W THE ROY A L ,i /V 41 R S.E n & mIf A EVERYWHERE gB Mm———< 1 The (' Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout, and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Aciditv of the Safest and most i. Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Ind'igestion, Gentle Medicine for, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections! Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and the 'j &L!' Sickness of Pregnancy. IL a ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS. May convey to some the idea of old- fashioned methods s«id of antiquated remedies, but it is a that Kernick's Vegetable Pills hnve long been the pioneer of Small Pills and Small Doses, whilst they snrpasH in medicinal value many of the most modern prescriptions. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS j Are most carefully prepared, and are recom- mended for all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, and Kidneys, Headaches. Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Tic, etc. Thousands take no other medicine, and declare them to be a I COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST, Which should be In every Household 7&dt Is ljd, and 2s 9d per box, of All Chemist* and Stores, 17406





