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PREPAID TARIFF rOB BMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. EOIJTH WALES DAILY saws.3'* ,;i fep tions in I I Daily Newj WOODS. One I Three I Six & Oiioe ia Insertion. Insertions Insertions Cardiff | | Times. J 8. d. I B. d. I S. d. I s. d. 18 Words I 0 6 I 1 0 I 1 6 I 2 0 Words 0 9 I 1 6 1 2 3 3 -6 86 Words C-I-01-2-0-1 3 0" 4 0 15 Words | 1 3 I 2 6 I 3 9 I 5 0 4 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 6 0 Eachextrivx line of t 0 3 06 09 10 9 Wards) These charges apply only to the thanes of advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for CONSSCUTIVK insertion, and PAID YOU fasvious To INSERTION if either of these conJitious is Dot complied with, the advertisement will be charged bj the Businesg scale.- APAKTMKITTS Wi.Trsa, APA »RAIB.\Ts TO LPT. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. BUSISSSSBS WANMB. HouSES TO LKT. HOCSJSS WASXEB Ilors gs TO BS hSZ. MONKT WANTED. MOKRY IO LBND. MISCBLLAKKODS WANTS. MISCBLLAXF.OCS 3AJ.ES. PARTNERSHIPS WASTBD. SITUATIONS WASTED. SITUATIONS WAKTEQ. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. Parliaxkxtary NOTICES, Government Announcement^ tnd Parliamentary Elections are charired One Bhilling jnr line for each insertion. Prospectuses oI Publie Companies are charged Ninepence per line for each insertion. Public, Legal, Municipal, Y'arochi l, and behoof Board Notices, Tenders and Contracts, &c., are iharered Sixpence per line for each insertion. Auction Kotees are charged Sixpence per line, and all other passes of Advertisements Fourpence per line per inser- tion. Sr.fcae cf ihese charges are, however, subject to ted-wtlon in accordance with the number of insertions »rdered.—Particulars may be obtained at otir Chief and Branch Offices ADVERTISSM when sending advertisements in NANA* ript, may calculate eicrlit words to a line, and 12 lines jo an inch. In charging advertisements the lines ara lot counted, but the advertisement, including large ties, daslies, and white spaces, is measured, and the ipaee occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines to tn inch. l WHttttfl. TO CHEMISTS.—Wasted, immediately, a MANAGER for Shipping and General Business. Also, JUNIOR or IMPROVER, with knowledge of tdagraphy.-Apply Yorjth and Co. Cardiff. 2301 TO CLOTHIERS.—Wanted, an experienced, energetic MARRIED MAN, wife to assist in business, to manage Branch. Security required. Members of Chris- tian Church preferred. Also, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT. Knowledge of Welsh required.—Apply, stating terms, inc., to Smith and Co., Frewchy Pontypridd. 2100 TRAVELLER for North and South Wales in Toys, Bootes, ana Stationery. A gentleman already taking this ground and calling upon general dealers and stationers, may hear of a connection already made, which might materially add to his income, by applying to William Walker and Sons, Otlev, Yorkshire. Refer- ences and small security required. 2;;07 ABBITS, RABBITS, and GAME, &c.-Wanted for &IL the coming season, a regular supply uf TRAP RABBITS and GAME. Good prices given. Also a supply 1)f MUSHROOMS at once. Bank reference -,iven.-Apply J. Wilieocks, 184, Deritend, Birmingham. 2289 WANTED SITUATION, IMPROVER in the Grocery Trade.—Four years' good reference age 17,— Rees Davies, Lamb, Llanboidy, Whitland. 47984 8767 A Good BLACKSMITH and CARPENTER wanted at Tavern spite. House and Workshops adjoining to be LET. Also large \srd and Buildings, which will be arranged to suit incoming tenants. Well adapted for Cattle Dealer, Butcher, Agricultural Implement Maker, &c. Depot for Traction Engine, Thrashing and Mowing Machines, &c., for HIRE, or any business requiring plenty of enclosed Yard space and Covered Buildings, near coal, lime, sand, &o., at crossing of 6 good roads leading to Whitland,Narberth, St. Clears, Laagharnp dine,Carmarthen, Amrothe, Kilgetty, Tenby, Pert &c., &c. —Good accommodation for Visitors, Spor or Travellers, at the "Plume of Feathers" ( Taverr.spite), or Irish Mail Coach-house from MiIf, London.—Address, Wm. Rees, Tavernspite, nea; berth, licensed brewer and retailer of Bear, V Spirits, &c. 8747 4. SERVANTS WANTING PLACES of any descril and Householders requiring Servants, si advertise in the Cardiff TIMKS. T ODGINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or !-I LET, should be advertised iq the CARDIIFF Tuu I' et. fl^O LET, SHOP and PREMISES, Quaker's Yard I lage, close to Treharris and its extensive colliery.-Apply to owner, David Evans, Quaker's r Pontypridd. ;¿;<óI. TO LET, with immediate possession, the ROYAL OAK, George-street, Pontypool. Incoming low.— Apply on the premises. 2288 LFRACOMBE.- FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Mont- pelier House. Healthy situation. Extensive Sea and Land Views. For terms, &c., apply Mrs H. Roberts. References to numerous Cardiff residents. 47498 8672 TO LET, or FOR SALE, TWO SEMI-DETACHED VILLAS, in Lueas-street, Cathays; also large Yard, Workshops and Otfice, late in the occupation of Mr Waterman, for coach-building purposes.—Apply to Mr T; Webber, Auctioneer, &c., Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 7035 M R T W B B P, E P, AUCTIONEER, 6, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. TO BE LET:- FOUR ROOMS and CELLAR, at 5, St; John's-square, and a 2-Horee Stable, Coachhouse and Loft in Mont- pomery-road, Roath, Cardiff. A good seven roomed HOUSE in Lucas-street, Cathays. A YrorSF. in Whitehurch-road. A spmi-deta.chcd VILLA in Upper George-street. sa6 HOUSES or PREMISES to be LET, should be adver tised in the CARDIFF TIMES. ffir fait. ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS from &s. Carriage free. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful. Plans and prices from Legge, Sculptor, Aberdeen. 2082 B g ILLIARD BALLS, Chalks, Cues nnd Tips, at Si HENNIG BROS.' Ivory Works, 11, High-street, London, W.C. Cheapest house in the trade for billiard- table requisites and ivory goods in general. Old balls idjusted br exchanged, and tables re-covered. Price Lists ou application. Established, 1862. 1500 O RENT TO PAY. 3,000,090 ACRES OF FARMING LANDS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA. A FEW HUNDRED POUNDS will enable a Settler to comfortably establish himself in a home of his own, and acquire a Freehold Farm on the lin* of the St. Paul, Minneopolis, and Manitoba Railway in the Rat) Rivsa VAIXJSY of Northern Minnesota, the finest wheat grow- ing country in the world. liescriptive Pamphlets, Ac., cm Application to MOLYNEUX ST. JOHN, Agent, St. P. Jr1 and B. Rly., 18, Tower Chambers, Liverpool. 8506 SOUTH WALES PROPERTY GAZETTE," a Mowniv. RauiftW uf. BMAtMt Hoo&at, LAUDS, &C., to d* LBT or Soto in Wales, Morv ■jouthahire, wast of Fngland, &c. 1,0C0 Copies sent Monthly post-free, t, the leading inhabitants of Wales and MenmoafhsH'.is. MMtiom Ftee. Ottpln, post tree, from MMsrs. BMtx, Agents, Auctraireerti. tc., Masonia Ilatl Chsmbiers, CulU tHk HOUSES and PREMISES for SALE, Should be adver- tised in the CARPirf Tmsa. I L L I A 19 8 A N D B R 8, WV AUTWIONFAR, ESTATE AND IKSUSAKCE AGENT, iii, ST. MASW-STREhT, CARDIFl", Has the following PKOPERTXES for SAi £ :— BUTJI; DUCKS.—One house i* Windsor EspJaawde, ROATLI. -Sit hoiusa in Peai i-streetj six ia Helett- street, six in Harold-street, seven genteel villa residencee in Gold street, and six in Metal-street. CATHAYS.—Two houses in Lily-street, and fott vIllM in WoodviUe-road. CANTON.—Three very well finished and oomnlodious homes. GRANSETOWN.—Corner shop in Bromggrove-ftreot, comer shop and cottage in Holmsdale-street, and six bouses in Ludlow-strcet. A liberal portion of the pufchaae money can be had oh mortgage. App y a» ahoye. its fffluatigttal. KINGSTON ROUSE, Abbotsfor l-road, Bristol. Miss Vick {assisted by ProfeSsers) receives a limited number of YOUNG LADIES, whose education and moral training are her special care. Pupils are prepared for Loc1 Examinations, if desired. Highest refereBOB. Ji 2823 f FURNITURE (New and Second hand), carpets, bedsteads, beddinjt, blankets, quilts, sountcrpanes, sheetings, wall papers, billiard tables, pianos, mu-ie, boots and shoes, provisions, groceries, &c., the whole at prices never before offered. The vast Stocks sbøúld be seen. All goodewsrmnted, packed, and delivered free to any Railway Station. New Illus- trated price lists ra.tÍil. Wx. WAtsu, 131 to 139, Newingtoti Butts, and National Supply Stores, Crimp- tt,n-street, London. 8728 jg MPLOYMENT. I want 1.,000 ACINTS to CANVASS for THE COMPLETE HE, RBALIST. I will give sil'h terms rnd furnith such advertising facilities that no man need make less than A-40 pei ijionth, no matter whether he ever canvassed before or not.—Address O. P. BROWN, 2, King-street^ Covent fjaid«n, London, particulars will be sent bv return POSL 80ia-D "TH BY HAVE NO B Q. tT A L. This it the universal opinion of everybody who has tried DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS for BILIOUS And LTVIR COMPAISTS, Ismeis- tion, Wura, SPASMS, FOUL BRIATU, NSBVODS DZPKSSSIOH, JRRITABUJTT, LASSITUDR, LOSS or AppsnrS, Drgptm&, HSARTBLUK. SOUR ERUGTAWOWI, E-Owmmg ow SPnITB with sensation of fullness at the pit of the STOMACH, QTDDIXBSS Dijarwras ol tho FYzg, and all those other which none but a sufferer can describe. Fot HABITUAL COSTIVSNSSS or for per-sons suffering from PILBS they will be found most effienciom. A CHEMIST WRITES:- 286, High-street, Brentford, Aug. 22, 1873. Gsmu*M*N,—Perh ips you will be please I to learn that the sale of hr. Scorr's Fjua is increasing in 1877 I sold 43 boxes, in 1878 74 boxes, and since the Is* January over 100 boxes. 'l'bPY give great satisfaction, and as I do not advertise any Pills myself, I shall continue to reesm- xaend them to ray customers,—I am yours, &c., JOHN WATfS. Some unprincipled vendors, in o der to make a largfer profit, wilt try to persuade yOti to b'ify me lieine prepared by themselves: do not do so, but insist on having Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Piili, wra^peJ hi a sauara greea package. These genuine Pills are Wrapped bj W. Lam- bert, la, Vere-street, London, W., and void io Boxes at lSJd and 2s 9d by all respectable medicine vendors, or post free fof 14 or 34 stamps. 8388. "TO TLLIAif S (POKTAKOAWB) WORM T T LOkENdKg an uuivsrsally oowtdsred thsihoit offoaivo fMnedy for ridding the hutnw) Systfctt of afl jkinds of *orm». •' sit,—I have for some liKe used jnur1 AnthalmiAMa or Worm in my family, fifld them a rsty speedy and efflcasMH* to" for aMaHfcs, 8m4 their agreeable sad cearesient ftmb ia a tfr&t rtwitt- mendation for Cbildrft-W. Hutrhhison* vicar Of How- £ «n."—8oM st 9^4, 13Jd, and 4s ftd. per hot, or Mr M at Si stamps^from 4. DAVOS, Chemist, Swansea. Aiiy of the followihj symptoms indicate wertns VfcriaWe a petite, foetid breath, add Otuctation, pains in the stomach and bead, grinding of teeth daring sieep, palerteSa of the countenance, occasional griping paMS> mofe paHicularly AJOUT IIAVEH short dry eough, and eweelsiion of the o.ian mistaken for deenne, RTO# fever ADD irregular PU'-e, soinctjnies convulsive ills—often eadsiAtr sudden tf»ith. —Sold AY most CHEMISTS M •»! 2?J|D. jkKitseu ublit UUt$ttUtutS. NEW THEATRE ROYAL, XX WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. Lessee, "fr W. H. DAW. TROLE Manaeer. Mr E. BCRIWAK. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Ausrust 13th, And during the Week, the Celebrated Comedian and Vocalist, MR JAMES TAYLOR, And the talented American Dutch Character Artist, nss ADA ALEXANDRA, Will appear in their specially-written Comedy-Drama, SIMON: Or, MORE WAYS THAN ONE. NEXT WE.K, | THE GRAND DUCHESS I WILL F03IT1VELY BE PRODUCED. Doors open 7.30. Commence at 8. Usual Prices. Box Office at Mr W. Lewis', Duke-street. N.D.-refresh- ment Bars to Let. Tenders may now be sent in. 42693 ublit tfi(t.. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. IcEfjATTA AT PENARTH, AUGUST 18TH. On WEDNESDAY, August lSth, the regular passen- ger train service to and from Cardiff and Penarth will be altered after the departure of the 2.10 p.m. passenger train from Cardiff G.W., and the following will be the train times fur remainder of that day only :— UP. Penavth Station'p.m p.m p.ro p.m p.m;p.mjp,m p.m|p,m depj2.30 8.20 4. 5 4.50 5.37'6.55 7.33 9. 0|9.45 Penarth Dock ..12.353.254.10 4.S6 5.42;7. 0)7.40 9. 6J9.50 Cardiff Station; (O.W.) arr. 2.45 3.3a 4.20 5. 5 5.52,17.10 7.50,9.iai0.0 DOWN. Clrditf Station p.m p.m.p.n^p.mp.mip.m p.M p.m p. m (3.W.) ..dep. ;3. 0 3.45!4.25i5.15 G 30j7.1&8.30^9.20 10.30 Penarth Dock.. i3,ll!3.56,4.3e|5.23«.41 7.20 8.41(9.3110.41 Penarth Station 1 i WT.J3.15;4. C|i.40j3.30i6.4;I;.BO,S,45jj.3o]l0.4p G. FISHER, General Manager. Cardiff, August 13th, 1S30. 8772 43031 LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN -L< RAILWAY. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1380, A CHEAP EXCURSION FOR NINE DAYS Will be run to EDINBURGH and GLASGOW, Returning on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th, Froir Swansea VrctQria.) at 12.30 pm" C.nllartl;e!;1(TQwn Station) 12.40, C'trdiff (Rhymney) 12.30, Newport (High- street) 1.35, Pontypool Road 2.13, Brecon (Mid-Wales) 1.10, Merthyr (High-street) 1.5, Dowiara 1.10, Tredegar 1.30, Brynmawr 2.0, Abergavenny (BrecoO-road) 2.30, Hereford (Barrs Court) 5.25, Leominster 6.0, Ludlow 6.29, Shrewsbury 8.5. Tickets and Small Bills can be obtained at the Stations. 0. FINLAY, General Manager. Euston Station, August, 1880. 8777 REAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On SATURDAY and MONDAY^AUGUST 21st and 23rd EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued to SIME w, gEtRy Llangollen, Wrexliatn, Chester, Birkenhead, Liverpool, Warrington, and Manchester, from Pembroke Dock at 7.60 a..m. Pembroke, 7.5,8-, Tenby, 8.30; Narberth, 9.0; New Milford, 8.40; Hav erf owl west, 9.2; Carmarthen Town, 9.55; Carmarthen Junction, 10.13; Llanelly, 10.50; Svanaaea. 7.40; Neath, 8.7; Bridgend, 8.13; Cardiff, 9.80; Newport, 9.55; Pontilewydd, 10-.11; Aberdare, 9.6; Mountain Ash, 9.15; Methvr, 8.55; Quaker's Yard, 9.86; Dowlais, 8.55 Pontyp >ol Town, 10,11; Pofitypool Read, 10.30; Abergavenuy, 10.57; and Ross, 11 ftm4 Tickets issued Aug. 21st are available to return any week day to Aug. 28th inclusive; and those on Aug. 23rd any week day to Aug. 30th inclusive. Passengers, except from stations below Carmarthen, also book to Rhyl and Abergele. On SATURDAY, Aug. 21st, EXCURSION TICKETS, available to return any week day to Aug. 28th, inclusive, will be issued to CARMARTHEN JUNCTION, Tenby, Pembroke, Pembroke Doric, and New Milford, from MERTHYH at 3.4 p.m., Abernant 3.14, Llwydcoed 3.19, Aberdare 3.21, Hirwain 3.34, Glynneath 3.51, Resolven 3.$9, and Aberdylais 4.8 p.m. Carmarthen Junction tiokets available to and from Ferryside, and New Milford tickets to and from any station between Carmarthen Junction and New Milford. 8768 J. GRIERSON, General Manager. GLOUCESTER MUSICAL FESTIVAL, SEPTEMBER 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1880. PRINCIPAL SINGERS Madame A LB AN I, "iss DE FONBLANQUE, .111 I Miss HILDA WILSON, I Miss WAKEFIELD, AND I Miss DAM IAN. -OTCK KING, I GENERAL MEETING of tn. Company will be heM at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, COWBKIDGE, on SATURI-AY, AUGUST 21st, at Eleven o'clock in the Fbrenoon, fcr tbe purpose of de- c'atihjr a Dividend up to the 12th of May last, to elect Directors and Auditors for the ensuing year, and any other business that may be brought forward. By Order of the Directors. THOMAS J. PARSONS, Secretary, Cowbridge, Aug, li, 18S0. fe779 HE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL BANK, LIMITED. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. DIRBCTORS EDWIN HENRY GALSWORTHY, ESQ. JAMES GOODSON, ESQ. CHARLES EDWARD LEWIS, ESQ., M.P. RICHARD MIC HELL, ESQ. COLONEL ALEXANDER MONCRIEFF, C.B., F.R.S. BRINSLEY NIXON, I 8 CLARE SEVVELL REA-L,, ESQ, THOMAS COLLETT SA^DARS, ESQ. LONDON AGENTS. Messrs OLYN, uL..LS. CURRIE. and CO. Gexekal JIASAGBR'. JOHN" WOOUUOW CROSS, ESQ. AUDITOR". ARTHUR COOPER, ESQ. EDGAR FIGGESS, EsQ, SECRETARY. ROBERT GARDEN, EsQ. I 'HEAD OFFICE: 7, BANK BUILDINGS, LOTRBURY, E.C. TIll: LONDON AND PROVINCIAL BASK, LI:, I rED, opens- DRAWING ACCOUNTS, upon the plan usuatly adopted by other Bankers. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.- Depo it llecaipts for sums of £ 10 and upwards will be issued to Customers and others for sums placed upun these aecounts, and interest allowed a.t such rates and fer such periods as may be agreed upon, i eference being had to the state of the Money Market. THE BANK effects purchases and sdes of British and Foreign Funds, oc Shares, and Securities —reoeivea dividends, &c., thereon-ana transacts eviry other description of Banking business All payments of the Bank are made in Bank of England Notes and Bullion. Every Officer of the Bank is required to Sigti a Declara- tion of Secrecy as to the transactions of any of its Customers. fly Order of the Directors, J. W. CROSS, General Manager. IIEPORT presented to the Shareholders at the ordinary General Meeting, field at the CSty Tjrminus Hotel, Cannon-street, on Thursday, the .th July, 1830, it Tweite o'clock at noon, precisely. T The Directors have pleasure in submitting to the Shareholders the half-yearly Statement *f Accounts and Balance-sheet to the Sfoth June tot. The gross profits for the half-year, after retaking pro- vision for bad and doubtful dobtlg-, and intruding the amount brought forward .from last account, are £ 07,937 138 5d, and after deducting all Current Expenses, Incomo Tax, r-irectqre Remaueration, Auditors' FeeK and Intere -t to Customers, these remains a balance of Le,304 63 Id. The Directors recoihmeud that this amount be appro- priated m the- following manner, vU £ X«,0W 9 0 to the payment of ft Dividend, at the late of 1per cent per annum, free of Income Tax. 2,500 Ó 6 to the Reserve Fund, nssing it to A121,150 4& 3d. 1,000 0 or bY further reduction of freehold and Leasehold Premises Account. 8,712 9 7 to Rebate oft tills, 6.001 19 6 carried forward. A Branch has been opened during the haJf-your at Abardawe, to complete the chain of Branches in that dis- trict, 16 is prtpoged that the Dividend bo payable oN and after the 7th August. 7, Bank Buildings, Lothbury, 20tik July, 1830. BALANCE SHEET OF THE LONDON AND PlW. VINCIAL BANK. LIMITED, FOR THE HALF-TEAR MDatO 30Tu JUNB, 18S0. Dr. it s. d. To Cat^tel i 235,440 6 0 45^86 410 Shares, A3 paid. Reserve Fund inveatad 10s 7tJ New 3 Per Cents.. 118,356 S „ Amount due by the Bank on Current, Deposit, and other AcCotiuts, 2,465,174 4 11 „ fealAnce of last Profit and Jboss Account £ 6,185 & 0 „ GfoSs Profltfor half-year after making provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts fi4,7al 8 5 66,937 13 5 £ -,883,208 2 7 Cr. s. d. By Ca h at Head Oæce a :d Branches, and deposited at Call and, D. short notice 639,711 14 6 „ Consols Including 24,761 tOs 3d. jll. verted as te-jnrity for a eounts of' H.M. Customs and of County and L,-cA Boar& 94C.6,37L# 7 6 New Si per Ceiit,. (Ri- eerve Fond) Ilfyj56 3 British Coloitia1 Govera- meiit Bonds .lop"" 76 Railway tftle-i- tiwe and Preference S Socks, and Indian Ct lwity Guaranteed fi.oc-s 236,181 IS II — 591,812 1? 11 By Aniotint dtto frorti Ca tomer# oil Cdrrent Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Prondssdry Notes, foe t S f'r^hoid aird Leasehold Premise* a* Ilead Otilce and Branches; also P.ank Furniture and Fittings at Head OiUce and Branches • • • 35,325 0 5 Current E*pvuses, luclndiftg Income Ti»x, Salaries-, Rent, See., at Head Office aiid Briiichp-sf Direoto&At- kian«ration, and Auditois' Fee* 28,323 13 11 It lhtereit paid 011 Current and Deposit Accounts, Ac. 14(004 13 5 jC2;a»3,20S t ? PROFIT AND LO i- ACCOUST. Dr. & d. To, Ctir-i-mt F-VW-s., aG Abby* ^8,«2S 18 11 „ laterest paid 14,004 M 5 „ Dividend at 12J pe -cent per anntlm 14,099 0 0 „ Reserve Fund 2,5K) 0 0 „ Reduction of Pretuises Aceonri* .i 1,0W 0 9 „ Rebate osi Bills not due carried to Kew Accouht: ?,71^ 9 7 BblAtice- O'lried forward 0,001 16 £ £ 69,937 13 5 Or. 4 A d. By GrMS PtoAt, tit tbOVB 68,937 1 (1 £9¡7 13 5 W. have compared tlrq above Balance Sheet with the Books ind VhUnflers at the ofhee, ild with tile certified returns ftatia tbo ikovet-di branches, and have foulltllt dofrecti (Signed) ARTHUR COOPBK, ) (Coooer Brsthtos & Co.) v Auditors* EDGAR FIrJGESS, j 19th jtlly, 1380. rpHfi REST, PORtHGAWL. TlllS INSTITUTION is NOW OPEN for the Reception of MALE PATIENTS. For inforrhatiofl agoy to the lidcal SecretasJ. at the above address. tlOt T. PICTON TURBERYILU ClMurumia, 'nlt by ltrtiO'n. I SALE OF TEN NEARLY NEW LEASEHOLD DWELL- ING HOCS£S, IN M 0 RT131E R it uA D, CA>TON, CAHDIF,f. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- 1-'tJ.. DER & co. are instructed by the mortgagee to SELL by AUCTION, at the Qtieeu's Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, August 17th, ISU, at Two f'.r 'ihree o'clock ill the afternoon, 8uhject to CünJitiolS ot Sale to ba theu produced, aud in the following, tr such other lots as may be ù.etermmed, LOT 1.—All those Four DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in Mortimer-road, Canton, Cardiff, in the occupation of Messrs Hitchings, Roberts, Stevens, ana Weekley, and lot £ t the weekly rent of 45 ud each house. LOT 2.—All those Three DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in )[ortimer-rnad, Canton, C1I.rditf, iu the occupation of Messrs Foliett, LulJ, and Williams, ana le a,t the weekly reat of 45 6d each house. LOT 3.—All those Three DWELLING-HOtTSE.S, situate in M{)rtimor-road, Canton, Cardiff, one vacant, the others in the occupatiol1 of Meisrs Thoma, and Jenkins, at the weekly rem üf 43 6J and 6i1 each bouse respectively. The- houses are recently built, and are held under leases for a term of 99 years from 5th March, 1879, at taa aunual ground rent of £ 2 10s each house. For further P;lrttculars apply to the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambe. s, Cardiff. T6 47\;73 PONTCANNA, LLANDAFF. MESSRS 8TEPHENSOX, ALEXAN- 1 VED, aud co. wiJl SELL oy AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotd, Cardiff, on TVESDA Y, 17th Auut, 1880, at 2 for 3 o'clock, subject to conditions of s:1.le to be then produced, all those FIVE FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, Situate and being N03. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 GI:\d3tonc cresceLt, OM Lla.ud:ti1'-r,)acJ, Ponte tuun. ^774 Thc whole are substantially buik anù well tenanted. I For further paitioulars apply to the Auctioneers. 43033 IMPORTANT SALE OF IDG NEARLY NEW LEASE- HOLD COTTAGLS IN THE LLYMVI AND CGMORE VALLEY, GLAMORGANSHIRE. MESSRS STPHENSONt ALEXAN- DEB, apd CO. are instruotod by the rartg¡}g,ee to SKLL by AUCTION, on TUESDAY, Augus Utn, 1880, at the House of Mt WIlliam Conybeire, situate at in the Llynvi and Ogm- re Valley, at one o cick HI the afternoon, subject to such conditions d 8e aa sh dl be then and there plodnœd. 156 VERY EXCELLENT AND .\EAHLY.NEW LEASEHOLD COTTAGES, in the following or sucii other lots as shali be deter. mined UpOi1 at tho, time of Sale LOT 1.—All those 20 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GARDENS, site and L-eing Nos. 1 to 20. Tynewydd- row, ill the repectiye occupations of Dr. Fowler, Mr J. C. W ¡lliams. aud Q{h.ers. Ù)T 2.—AH those Six LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GARDENS, situate auù being Nos. 20 to 26, Tvnewydd- rvw, all adjoining ttt Lot 1, in the occupation of :r.1r William Llewellyn, gmcer, anl others. Lor 3.—All those 26 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GAllDENSj situate nd bein Nos. 27 to 52, Tynewydd- ruw, all adjoining to Lpt 2, in the occupation of Police- Coustable Williams and others. LOT 4.—All thoóe 16 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GRDHN.S, situate and beil11lNos. 1 to 16, Cardiff-street, in the occupation of David Williams, William Francis, and others. LOT 5.—All those 16 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GAlt DENS, situate and being Nos. 17 to 32, Cardiff- street aforesaid, occupied by William Adama, Herbert Thomas, and others. LOT 6.—All those 17 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES aud GARDENS, situate and bing Nos. 1 to 17, Hill-street, iu the occupation of .\lr George Price and others. LOT 7.All those 17 LE.A8EHOLD COTTAGES and GARDENS, situate and being Nos. 18 to 34, Hill-street, Ín the occllpatioii oi Jlr Henry Mackney, schooJmõ4Ster Mr John Richards, engine driver; and others. LOT 8.—All those 30 LEASEHOLD C01"£AGE3 and GARDENS, Situate ai;d being Nos. 1 to 30, Fron-Wen- terrsce, in the occupatj6n of Mr William Thomas, car- }J6\íter; William Garland, oilier and. otl1ers. Loi 9.— All those 2 LEASEHOLD BUILDINGS, occu- pied for school puroo!¡es, situatè and being at the end of Tynewydd-road, and' portioIt ot Cardiff-street, containing by admeasurement 1 rood alld 2.percbes. or thereabouts. LOT K>.—All those 4 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and GARDENS, sit.u:1.te and beJ. Nos. 1 to 4, Commercial- street, in the occupation of D1>.lÍd Joues, collier John Da. vies, collier and others. lhr 11.—Ah those 4 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES and Piece of GROUND, 3Ítu:Jíte nd bein Nos. 1 to 4, RiveT- street, in the occupation of Joan Richards, mason; John Jenkins, collier; and others. All the Houses are situa,te, at Tytewydd, close to the Collieries of the Linyvi and Tondu Irou and Coal Co. (by whose workmen they are chieffy occupied), and also Dear to the Ogmore Colieí'Íe3'of the Ocean Steam Coal Co, l'her ate well and substantially built of stone, and slated, and have been well maintained and each house has a Garden. The approach is by good roods to well laid out rows nd streets. The supply of water is free and ex- cellent; The whole is held for a term of 99 years, from the 25th December, 1871, at a nominal ground-rent of £ 1 Os Od per innum. ""his Sale OffeTSltll unusually advantageous opportunity the investmem of capital with the prospect of a rative return, as the proximity of the Houses to the lieries in the ncig11Dúurhood an advantaged great 'Ortance to such undertakings-may be said to ensure ir continuous occupation at fair rental, the ground- i being merely nominaL ans, Particulars, aud Conditions of Sale, aTe being ¡arelI, and wiJJ be rady for distribution in a few In tho interim, further information may be ob d upon application to the Auctioneers at Cardiff; ick Peck, Esq., solicitor, 57, Lincoln's Inn Fields, OD, W,C, or of Thoma9 Stockwood, Esq., solicit0r, end 47 41—87.17 RTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD HOUSE AND ■fD, IN 1'HE PARISH OF WENVOE AND IE HOLD GROUND RENTS -A NO LEASEHOLD KLLING-HOUSKS, AT CANTOX. JWFESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- i-v SL DER, and CO. are instructed to SELL by AUC- TION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on TCE:SIJAY, 17th August, and at 2 for 3 o'c)ouk iu the Afternoon, subject to CQnditioroi of Salø to be then produced, and in the following or such other lots as may be deteriJ1Îned, the following vahhole FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. FREEH"LO. PA.IU8H OF WENVOE. LOT I.-All thCLt Piece c)1- Parce] oi rich FREEHOLD PASTURE LAND, aljoining St. Lvthan's Down and the Oiù Road from Caruitf to St. Nicholas lJy Twyn-;r Odin, numbered 23aud 23a, in the award of the lnc1cS'lce Com- missioners 01 St. Lythan's Down aforesaid, and contain- ing by admeasurement 7a 3r 9d, or thereabouts, togethcr with the convenicnt eight-rooracd Dwelling-house erected thereon, and known as New House, distant about 5 miles from Cardia aid lk frum St. Fagans Station, of the Great Westel n Ha.i1way. PONTCANNA, PARISH OF LLANDAFF. LOT 2,—The GROUND RENTS, aUlOunt;ngto £ 20 per annum, arising out or Eight Houses, situate in Annie- street, Ponte mnn, demjseJ ry four leases for 99 yean, from 25th December, 15*76, with the revtrsiou expedänt 011 the detertn'n ition of the Said le8.es. LOT 3.—The OKOU N f) RENTS, amounting to £ lf> per twmuiu, arisjutr oui- of 5 Houses :ituate lU Glad,tone. cresent, vlu Llan iaff-road, Pontcauna, dembed by 2 leases for 99 year from 25tA» Deœ»lb(tt, 1878, WitJl the reversion expccUilt on tbe determination of t1;o said 1 caSes. LEASEHOLD. PONTCANNA. LOT 4,—The jmpnweu GROUND RENT of £ 12 per annum, arising out of 8 Housel situate in Conway-roud, Canton,, and OlJ Llainlaff-road, held for a term of 999 years from 25th March, 1872, at the yeady rcn of £ 8, and sub-let for D9 J'eals by 3 under-leases at rellts amounting to £ 20 per annum, with the reversion ex- pectant on the determination of the 3jd under-leases. Lor5.—Ail those Four DWELLING-HOUSES, NoS, 15, 17, 19, and 21, POH\cC\lIna.-terr-è.(,e, Calltofip held under lease for 99 years from 2nd February, 189, 11;' the aprnrtioned ground rent of £ 6 195 2d, anù let &t weekly rents of 5s Cd each house, Loy 6.—Ail those Four DWELLIXG-HOUSFCS, NGs. 16 18, 20, and 22, M0rtiJ".r(Jad, Caritcn. held under lealle for f;9 years from 2nd February, ls.59, at the yearly ground rent of £ 9 10s, and let at weekly rents of 7s each house. The houses comprised in Lots 5 and tJ have lately been put into thorough repair, and htwe all the private im. provements completed. S758 For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers to Messr. Groyer and Grover, Solicitors, Cardi3 also, as to Lots 5 and 6, W Jir Wakircn, S9Ii<;itor, Cardi,f. 47883 -NO. sa,. WINDSOK-PLACK, CARDIFF.- \/|"E855RS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- J_TJL DETT, and CO. are instructed by the proprietor, who is leaviug Cardllf, tQ SELL by AUCTION, at tho Royal Howl, Cl1IràiíI, on THURSDAY, 10th Atl;Z'U6t, Igs, at 4 o'c oak in the &fternoon, aU tlu.1I wsli-ananged and commodious me iSU\e.. or DWELJ..lNG.HOtJSE, SitUat* and be:ng No.. 3 I, Cardiff, ad- joining the grounds of tbe Pre3byter;,m Chwch. and uoW ill tte occupation of the owner, lIr W, Eo Kock. It conta.Î.œ cellar, kitefaen, larder, scullery, entrance bail, breakfast, dining, and drawing-rooms* fi V6 bedrooms, bath-room with het and cold aupply, liuen cup- board with hot-Water pipe, a large room suitable for a schoolroom or workroom, numerous and convenient t11pboards, and a lar gratittti. The property i. held \1nder lease tór 99 years, frm 29TH September, 1865, at the annual around rent of £ 5 73 6d. Immediate possession may be had. Fot" furtht particulars apply to the ,Auctioneer" Q6enr8 Chambers, CartHff. 47927—3760 SALE or A VALUABLE. LONQLEASBHOLD ItE8rDENcg IN CFIARLES-STREET. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- £ DER and CÖ, are instructed to SELL BY AUC- TION, at the Royal 1fotel, Cardiff, od THURSDAY, tlie 19th day of AU!tu¡¡t, 1880, at Three for Four o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to eonditi6ns of aale b6 then produce4h aü tba voty substantial, Sp8dOWl, and COOP modious MESSUAGE on DWELLING HOUSE, known a8 ALBERT HÓUS And Irituat3 No. 38, Chai les-street, Cardiff, now in tire occupation of Mrs MILE*, and held under lease for the residue of a term of 999 years, at the low annual grouriu rent cf £ 5 10». Tbe Mouse conta.iøø-On BASEMENT, Two Weil-lighted kitchens, larder, and beer cellar. 011 Ground Flogr: Entrance haJJ" noble dining-room, 33 ft. by 17ft. divisible by folding dctofs ibto two rooms; chiiia pantry, kitchen, scirtlefy, and. offices. Gardeu with back entrance. On First Floor: DfawinjJ-rooihj 24 ft. by 16 ft., best bedroom, day and night nurseries, w.e., Ac. Second at1d Third Flours Six. bedrooms, landing, cup- boatJs,&e. This property offers an- excèlJent opportunity tor in- v6Swnent, bt1inz 8Ïtu ,tell in • good street, leadia g direct \0 A main thoroughfare within A short. distance of aU the railway stations, and containing all the accommodation to be desired in a fir.-t*class residence. For further particulars apply to We Auctione ers, and to view on the premises between the hours of rour and • Six p.m. 859 47882 6, ST. JOHN'S-SQT ARE, CA1U)lFF. MR WEBBER'S SALE on SATUR- I DAY, August Htb, at 7,3'), will include SAUCE- L'ANS, !ettles, iron horse fe r cIHk. jars, 61 tei, roasi- ing j..é&, Dutch ( vns, jam jåts and bottle3'. Elman anti large coffee mills, stair carpet aud rod-, scaJeø and wefyhts, J erambulator, &c., .\{o. 034 lin8 ^ITj. G. MADDOX will SELlT by PUBLIC AUCTION, «r the Angel Hote'. Car- dilf, on THURSDAY, the- 1Jth day of Aug\JEt.lè80, at 7 o'd:óck p.m. (ilOIÍlêcJ itcly after the sale of property in Iticltm(,D4Í aád Castlc roitds), subject to Conditions to be Cfeett produce I, ali that »r;s8UAE ór 1>WELL-lNG.nOnSJi:, coiiteirning 1 r",OUI6, witb GARDEN and outbuildings, b&:i"g o. 10, Earl-street, Lower Granjfetown, held under LEISE /OR 99 ) ears froUl Lo d Wi.ødsor¡a.t, anø.liunal ground rent Of £ 5s. The" property is let to a respectable TEN-ANT (Hr J. at £ 21 fler armum. A portion of TBE j>L#De)1 may RERUAVRE oR N ortgase. FOR further PURBHIUI ^rt apply. t., THEE A-Qeth)ll,eer, at his oBlc:sr 76, St. Mary-street, Cardiff &701—47683 1."tt BHE.WEW3, AND 01'HEltS. A.NU RIOHUOJSD-KOAD, CARDIFF. \/|R J. O. MADDOX is instructed to AjJL SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the AngeA Hotel, Cardiff, on 't'HURSDAY, Ule 13th Oåy of AUgl.b!t, 18«TK, at í o'clock p.m., subject to couditlons then produced, the following eligible PROPERTY .— All ttí&t EEASSHOLD !tI.EUA, ()trnn1IT.DtQ!'f, aøti PHEMlSESi sitU;4* at tbs jllueUol1 d Uwhffuttitt- road and Givsilis-ro-jd, (.:aFtWf. especially ,e¡ec:tI¡,j f. hotel, comprieiiig iipaduUö bar.* (;J3ft. PI 13ft. Stboiung- ronius, large club-room (24ft. bj 18ft.), parlours and other rooms, numerous te iroOms, bath-rooms ao There is 3.1\ ex el\:si\"è yai J "t the rear, w,th s:rle ILl1tt back mJl.Itfl elU RiciMtfoiiii-iond, AND t.f.<e LIGHT of erecting stab;eoi aud cuach-bllU8U thereon. The Property i3 held (or a term 0( 9i YEARS under lease fHIJt C. U. Williamj, Esq., and other-, a an annual ground reut of £ 10. Tlle-e is a Gvtit foruslrg tire Premises as zn Hvtoo1. tt¡1.Q paying Mi FCIITKIVIIAL lemc. The- Siiuatieu is very ihi[TORTANT oa-, TIETFIG at itle JNTIOTIHN øt several tliOioiylriaie > whore 1i46 TFASI ia oaiiy ¡ncre.¡¡ill¡{. aOO UI tiie illlwooiate 1I.:IJ,ur there are" larg number houes be IN,' erected, aHd the poj uhltfon is thereby rapidly ififereSi-in This- i8 A FAVORABLE upportoiilty fur II to ETRIUIRO A«A/E tnd IJUNSATELY prnth:vlÄe itWeøÐMæll\& Tor farther particulars .plv tv T4TO Aq"tio,øelJr. ø.t hh Ottkes, 76, St Caraiif or to libe VENDER"* Soiicitor, Mr JOTTN IFKNRY KVANTS, 4783T—37I82 20, .:l5 RIRTABMSII AO 1867. R C. LEAOH. Bill-Poster "Hi A • ti-žng Cr, 17, W'()IYÙ.arreet, Cardiil. IITSJTS aU tht P. iUioipal .n.1 moat Prokuneat Posting STA* "11 Cardiff, Uintou, aud iWaWa. lltt:J by urticn. TO WHEELWRIGHTS, COACH BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. MR LEWIS HOPKINS is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Warehouse at Hannah-street Wi.ari, Glamorgan Canal, Cardiff, oil TUURSDAY NEXT, August 19th, 1880, sbouf 1,500 ASH FELLOES, of Folandid quality 1,500 OAK SAPLING SPOKES, of good lengths; 1,500 HEART OAK SPOKES, Which will be put in Lots to suit the trade. Sale t ) commence at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon. The entrance to the Warehouse is in Hannah-street, Cute-rood. For further particulars nr>y>lv to the Auctioneer at his Offices, 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 48017 8773 SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY ( IN TI1K TOWN OF SWANSEA. MESSRS EDW^RD ROBERTS AND SON have been instructed to SKLL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cameron Anns Hotel, High-itixet, Swansea, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST the 18th, 1880, in such lots asiliall be determined upou at the time of Sale, the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY All thut PUBLIC HOUSE and PREMISES, known as the "Plough Inn," situate at the coiner of Gower-strect aud Portland-street, Swansea, close to the Tramway Terminus, containing spacious bar, bar parlour, and other usual rooms, now, or late, in tbe occup itiou of Mr William Durke. Held for a term of 90 years, less three days, from the 9th day of February, 1824, at an appor- tioned ground rent uf £2 per annum. All that SHOP and PKE'vliSES, adjoining the Plough Inn," situate in Gower-street, now let to Mr Thomas Jones, as yearly tenant, at the rent of iC42 ICs. Held under the same Rase as the last premises, at an ap- portioned srrouiad rent of 41 12s per annum. All that DWELLING-HOUSE and PREMISES, situate and being No. 59, Hafod-terrace, Neath-road, now in the occupation of Mr George Gear. Held for a term of 99 years, from the 39th September, 18CC, at aground tent of £5 14s per anuum. All those f)ux DWELLING-HOUSES and PREMISES, situate in Lamb-street, Waunwen, Swansea, together with the large Yard with arched entrance, now in the occupation of Messrs Davies, David Jones, Henry Haw- kim, John 'l'ippings, and George Huxtable. Held for a term of 75 vi,ars from the 214th Septeinbsr, 1S67, at a ground refit of 2-7) 17s 4d per annum. All those Four DWELLING-HOUSES and PRE- MISES, situate in Waunwen-terrace, Swansea, near the Red Cow Inn," now in the occupation of Messrs John John, George Osborne, John White, and Wm, Samuel. Held for a term of 75 years, from the 29th September, 1864, at the ground rent of kfi 19s per annum. All those Three DWELLING-HOUSES and PRE- MISES and SHuP,adjoining, situate Courtuey-street, Ventre, Swansea, now in the occupation of Meesrs Blanch, Evans, and Gihburn. The shop is let to Mr Hughes for a term of 93 years, from 23th March, 1574, less the iast four days thereof, at a ground rent of £2 58 per annum. Held for a term of 99 years, from March 25, 1874, at the ground rent of L5 lis per annum. Sale to commence at Three o'clock p.DI, For further particulars apply J. Ivor Evn, Esq., Belle Vue Chambers, or to the Auctioneers, 40, Oxford- street, Swansea. 48032 8775 R. J. G. MADDOX, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT, (20 yoori experience in connection with some of the principal Estates in South Wales1. Agent to the Queen Fire ana Life Insurance Company and other offices. A laige extent of Building LanJ to Let on Lease, upon advantageous terms, in the Rhondda Valley, adjacent to some of the principal Collieries. OFFlflES-SOOTH WALBS DAILY HEWS CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. 8494 AMERICAN MEAT MARKETS* 35 & 36., COMMERCIAL-STREET. NEWPORT. 9, BRIDGE STREET. CARDIFF. 32, HIGH STREET. SWANSEA. 5, STEPNEY STREET, LLANELLY. AIEf I JAN PRESERVED FRUITS APPLES PEA KB CHERRIES APRiCOTS. PEACHES PLUMS PINE APPLES GREENGAGES STRAWBERRIES EGG PLUMS GRAPES TOMATOES APPLES PEARS CHERRIES APRICOTS PEACHES PLUMS PINE APPLES GREENGAGES STRAWBERRIES EGG PLUMS GRAPES TOMATOES ALSO, PICKLED OYSTERS PICKLED LOBSTERS ROAST TURKEY 110AST CHICKEN MARROW PEAS .w- ASPARAGUS EL STEWART & CO, PROPRIETORS- 8S25—4«4«0 LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE. HAVE rr IN YatM ROUSES, AND USE NO OTHER Till is the true antidote in FeverSj Eruptive Affec tions Sea or Bilious Sickness, having peculiar and exclu. sive merits. For the protectioa oi the public against fraudulent Imitations, I have appUed for aud again ob. tainted a perpetual injunction, with costs, egainet the defendants. Observe the GENUINE has my NAME aod- T&ADE MARK on a BUFF COLOURED WRAPPER. 113, ilOLBORN-LLI-LL, LONDON. 8443—40935 JAMES jyj T7 N N" (Late of thef Firm of MUNN and KENNARD), RECEIVER AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY. ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER JSTAR LIFE OFFICE, S, PIERCEFIELD-PLACE, ROATH, CARDIFF. 47239 N.D.-Instrdctioils ty post invited E ?PS-S 1 JL2j CUOCOLTE, JJJSSENCJE 1121 CARDIFF: Ifltchell, Balder, Singer. product of a Special refining pro- cess. It if Chocolatedevoidid uf its pyer-richte" and substantial- ity." Sugarless, and, when made, of flu cousMftnee of coffee. An afternoon Chocolate. E*cto paekat is abelled JAMES EPPS and COM Chemists, London. Stronaghan, Davies, Pugh, P.iole, Sû3t-471.)3 ILL-POSTING IN ABERDARE. ii. L-ti A L, ti BILLPOSTER AND TOWN-fTHRR. „ t CAKPIFF'STRKtiT, AHERJ>ARB, i wi ut" principal and most pmisinenl BILL-POST* N 'D Afcerdare-and district. mM^Ai]gidcrs should be sent to the above wldreaa aloy. DOING GOOD. REV. E. J. SILVEHTON wilt send his book, price 6<1, free to the readers of this paper, on Affections of the Eye and Diseases nf the Eat, showing koto immediate relief and ultimate cure niAy be obtained i t lioth. Mr SilvertnD has bFetiabilftblt4 for years past to make the hearts of msfliy g>d by his mothod. of, tieatw moz.t- llie most wonderful results have fol'owed the use of the Remedies, and no oni o 7Kht t« de.-ijiair until he has p*Used the pasre* Of thl* boolt, of \Vhicti nearly 20,066 copies have I ir,-ti igatito. It cohtHin* a sefinon road lt his ROYll flight*% the Priiiee of W.tHo And an eiisrt*avi»ig 0< Mr Silvtrtftn's beautiful Pia f Worship AddtS**— Albeit Mottet, i-ark-ste", Jiotiinghftrrt. c"8tI, ^YHIStCERS AND MOV STAICIIES. air DttfeOI»»e^<M parties .ti Of httt WohdefM I piepaitdidfi' for pfxiachi^ tlie ill>o\t. tmod! Ob el smoothest face in less than a tsautll,-A"-ose Ik Dubois. 43. Foulden-read( libudtxi, < ufuess {tdrt.'¡ts. SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, '1879. PRIZE MEDAL FOR ENAMELLED SLATE & MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATHS, & SANITARY GOODS, WAS AWARDED TC J. SESSIONS & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, CAHDIFF AND GLOUCESTER. 8(584 TEEfn.-F. OWEN & CO., SURGEON JL DENTIST, from London (Established 30 Years), 4, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA (Three doors from Temple-street). Consultations Free Daily. Painless Dentistry. Ada' mantine Teeth. Obtained Six Prize Medals. For Eating, Articulation, and Comfort, they are equal to the Natural Teeth. From 3s each a Set, 35s. Can be fitted while waiting. Warranted to last < lifetime. 8639-4i178 E R B E R T BARRY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER, 49, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. TRAVELLING "TRUNKS,~ BATHS, CUTLERY, BRUSHES, LAMPS, OILS, &0. BARRY'S HOUSEHOLD PAINTS, 8746 MIXED READY FOR USE. 47902 POSSESSING- ALL THE PROPERTIES OF THE FINEST ARROWROOT. BROWN AND CORN FLOUn HAS TWENTY YEARo ,"OBLi. REPUTATION, And is Unequalled for .Uniformly Superior Quality. 89587 GEORGE PLUMBLY, SWORN STOCK AND SHARE BROKER, 9, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C.—Every class of Security dealt in at the closest prices, either for cash or for the fortnightly settlement.—Cheques to be crossed City Bank," order G. Plumbly. 8690 EASE YOÚR FET, BY USING A PAIR OF GOOD SLIPPERS, Which can be bought cheapest and best at E. OSBORNE'S, THE BAY WINDOW SHOP, 5, CROCKHERBTOWN. ——- 8734 An immense Stock from Is 2d per Pair. 47779 BINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- bum, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient ior delicate consti- tutions, L,die, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS, 8232 AN ALARMING DISEASE AFFLICT- ING A NUMEROUS CLASS. The dissase commences with a slight derangement of the stomach, but, if neglected, it in time involves the whole frame, eaibracing the kidneys, liver, ra.ucrea, and, in fact, the entiregJandular system, and the afflicted drags out a mistrable existence, t nil death gives a relief from suffering. The disease is often mistaken for other complaints; but, if tbe reader will ask himself the following questions, he will bi able to determine whether he hilnself is one of the afflicted Have I distress, pain, or difficulty in breathing after eating? Is there a dull, heavy feclfng, attended by drowsiness? Have the eyeè a yellow tinge ? Doe3 a thick, sticky mucous gather about the ghms and teeth in the mornings, accompanied by a disagreeable taste ? Is the tongue coated ? Are thel e pains in the sides and bac1;: 1 Is there a fulness abom the rulit side as if the liver were enlarging? Is there costiveucss ? Is there vcrtico or dizziness when rising suddenly from a horizontal position ? k e the 8cretion8 from '.he kidneys scanty and highly- coloured with a deposit ajier standing ? Does food fer- ment soon after eating, a^omp .nied by a flatulence or a. belching of gas from the stomach? Is there frequent palpitation of the heart? These various symptoms may not be present at Ole time, but they torment the sufferer iu turn as the dread.ul disease progresses. If the case be one of long standing, there will be a dry hacking cough, attended after a time by expectoration. In ve-y advanced stages the skin assumes a dirty brownish ap- pearance, and the hands and- feet r.re covered by a cold, sticky perspiration. A3 the liver and kidneys become lUoreand more diseased, rheumatic pains appea"t-vnd the usual treatment proves entirely unavailing against the latter agonising disorder. It i3 most important that the disease should be promptly and properly treat3(} in its first stages, when a little medicine will effect a cure, and even when it has obtained a srong hold, the true remedy 8hould be persevered in until every vestige of the disease is eradicated, unttt the appetite has returned, and thedigestive orgavs restored to a healthy condiiioni This disease is called liver complaint, and the sure stand most effectual remedy for this distressing complaint is "Seigel's Curative Syrup," a vegetable preparation made ia America, and fold by A. J. White, H, .Farling- don-road, London, E.C., and all Chemists, at 2s Sd and 4s (id per bottle. This Syrup strikes at the very founda- tion of the diliret\8f1, and drives it root and bumch out of the system. The following testimonials wiil show the wonaerful re. sults iu a severe case of Dyspepsia :— Brampton, February 28th, 1S80. It is With great pleasure that I can testify to the good Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup has done for me. I have suffered much 4t times for years from Indigestion; after si severe aitaok some time ago I was told I must fcU°ferso long as I lived. 1 was oersuaded to try some of the Syrup, which 1 rather rcluetanly did, not having the slightest faith in it. After taking a few doses I found great benefit, and Ml truly thankful ever since. I can safely say it seems to gite tI new lile..As a ftnuly medicine, too, I can speak very highly of it; two or three in my family derived benefit from Jtt and I find it carries off the effect of a pold better than auything I can give them. I have recommended it to many people, and feel sale in doing 11", *31 speak from experietioe." lam, Sir, respectfully yours, & Allbs." CoWper-atreet, Califbrtia, Ipswfch, "July 27th, 1878. .4DilA Si*,—I have much pleasure in informing you that after taking Mother Seigers Curative Syrup I aID quite restored to health, after suffering for fonr years from the most excruciating pains. At times I could not mofe in my bed from Rheumatism and Dropsy, but U W, alttiough I am 63 years of age, 1 am able to walk free from pain. I send you this thit you may let any of my fellow-sufferers know the great benefit 1 have received after taking your valuable medicine. I found great re- lief after taking it tor two days, and I sun sure no one could have been a greater sufferer than myself.—Yours truly, CUAKUBS Slatu. J « Mr A. J. White." DISCHARGES nOM TBS ISFlRJIATv? AS IHCCRABUL West WyUn4-terrace, Pru J ho J ou-Ty ne. July 3rd, 1S79. DcAtt SIR,—Enclosed is a P.O.O., and I may inform you that the Caratii* Syrup I got from you is no stranger in my house. My wife has taken two for liver oomtdah t, aad it hM done her a great deal of gool; 1, a far more wondWful cure than any I know of is that of one of my son?, a lad age l is yean, who is a litiiig witness to its efficacy. For eleven years he was in a fearful state from running ulcere aboot the neck and chest. I had him in the Infirmary at Newcastle, and be was discharged as ineuvabje, and I feared thit b..wou!4 lire but a short and misetable Hie. 1 was persuade 1 to give him your medicine; amend- ment was rapid; and after taking four bottles, the uiceia had entirely disappeared, and his Skin, one rough and scurvy, is now as clear aa4 healthy as anyone could wisi to see, You are at liberty to publish this, as my Mn can be seen any day at work, auub a wonderful medicine and such cures cannot be too Widely known* Thankieg you for yout kindness^— i ftntaia yours truly, JAKHS GlBSOf. rc To Mr Wright, Chemist, Byteer, Newcastle-on Ty ier -r- We could go -on atad enumentte hundreds of similar casei where the most wonderful results have been- ob. tained-by uslner thiø numty. Should sufferers require further evidence of the efficacy of the Syrup, it will be cheerfully furntsfied upon application. 8749 MICHAEL PAIKB, BILL-POSTER, TOWN-C&IBR, ice* tt, AIJe beg; U> inform the Fvftii* and XmimmMa tbat he 10.. ooinmenced business at tbe-above address^ sod is rMdy. to nceiYe orders far Ahenkoi and vicinity, and exeenie on shortest BtttkJe. CektfttH ihftd*. Prtee ligt on appU- eMfat>• #tOw LFJt pBRRINS1 glCCE. Lea A "OERRINS' pt SAUOE. 4H fit eonaMiieftee of Imitations of ttic Worcestershire S&tli-e, tthd PERRINS Beg u aly that the eHtfitHtf fitaft their SKgiHUUre on tlielabel. for whiek the puraliv^Br should look to StiCurfe the genuine WØROESTERSHIB8 SAUCE. Sold Wko'-esaje by the Proprietors* Woreefcteri Crbsse atid fcl ukweil, London; fcrtdSvt>on Oihden gettmny. SftaS bf Dealer* throughout tfav Wnslii. am L,< -¿. uShttSS dth.ttS. B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER. FOUR GOLD MRTI.VLS. 1">OR.WICK-S BAKING POWDER. .5 > FOR WHOLESOME BRKAD. BERWICK'S BAKING POWDER. FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDEII. JLP DOR PLUM CAKE. BERWICK'S BAKING POW~DER. FOR TEA CAKE AND SCONES. BÔÜwTOf{!SBAíciG -FOWDEIl.- 'y 44448—81-20 FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS.


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