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PEEPAID TARIFF FOR SMALL APYEKTISEMENTS. SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. S'x IN*«R- tions m I | Daily Newi WORDS. One Three I Six & Once in Insertion. Insertions. Insertions Cardiff I 1 Times. I 1 Times. I s. d. I e. d. 1 8. d. I a. d. 18 Words | 0 6 I 1 0 I 1 6 I 2 0 n Words 10 9 I 1 6 I 2 3 I 3 0 86 Words | 1 0 | 2 0|~3 0 | 4 0 45 W ord8 I 1 3 I 2 6 I 3 9 I 5 0 6 0 Each extra line of I 0 3 06 09 10 9 Words) 9 Words) These charges apply only t., the elasses of advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly CO.1fined to thoss which are-ordered for COXSJ:CUTJVB insertion, and l'A.lli FeR rwvious TO ISSERTIOK if either of these conditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be chained itj Ute Business seale :— APARTMRSTS WANTED. Rousa TO B* LR. AP A R-KRNTS TO I.ST. MOHET WANTED. ARTICLES LOST. MONET TO LIND. ARTICLES FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BUSINKSSRS FOR DISPOSAL. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. BUSIXKSSRS WAHTSO. PAP.TNSMUIPS WASTED. HOOSRS TO LRT.. SITUATIONS WANT-TO. HOOSKS WANTEB SITUATIONS WASTED. Persous answering Advertisements In the South Wales Daily Nsies are requested to attend to the following ex- planations Address to an initial (or number) at the Office means that application must be by letter only, directed to the Initial or number at the Daily N ews Office (11.8 A. B. C., tr No 123, Daily Newt Office). Appiy at the Daily Newt Office" means that personal application must be made at the Daily -A ews Office, where the addra<s of the Advertiser will be given. PenlOl18 JU18Wer;Dg Advertisement* 1.1'6 strongly ad. vised not to send original t.eitimoni..13, but. 001'118 Peraoca sending Advertisements in Manuscript may estimate the SDace they wiil occupy by calculating Sight Words to Ii. lille, and twelv. lines to an inch. While we use our utmost endeavours to insert Adver. tisements on the datee ordered, we cannot guarantee that this will be done. Great care is also taken to secure the correct printing of Advertisements, but we cannot be responsible for inaccuracies, or for any consequences prising therefrom. Cheques and Post-offlce Orders to be made payable to P. DUNCAN & SONS, 75 & 76, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. '10 1IIhom a11 Business Communications should be ad- dressed. Letters containing Naws or LITMLAKT CONTRI- UMONFA should be addressed: TU8 EDITOR, South Wales Vailv Newt. CARDIFF," GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PA KJJAJMETTART NOTICBS, Government AaDCKmeementS, Mid Parliamentary Kleclkme are charged One Shilling per Une for each insertion. Prospectuses of Public Companies are ehmrged Ninepence per line for each Insertion. Public, Legal, Municipal, Parochial, and School Board Notices, Tern!era and Contracts, Sc.. art sharped Sixpence per line for each insertion. Auction Notices are charged Sixpence per line, and all other tlaaes of Advertisements Fourpence per line per iDecr- tion. These charges are, however, subject-to reduction In aceonlanee with the number of iDMrtiø118 Qaodere.1. —^sa-tieolajs may be obtained at oar Chief and Branch NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. XETTKUS IN REPLY TO ADVERTISEMENTS. *-■ s Advertisers art informed that t» or&er to remedy nc inconvenience that has arisen through L\s Posi Office authorities refusing to rtccU* Iftteri&dlfyetSfd )&initial*, figures, or iditious names at the various fiast-ojices, that arrangements have been fittUU for the receipt of such letters at our Cardiff, Swansea, or Newport Offices. Advertisers may, therefore, direct the replies to their advertisements to be addressed to muter our Chief or Branch Offices, as follows:— CARDIFF OyMosa 75 and 76, St. Mary-street, SwANBiA OFTICES tr Colltge-street, NXWPOAR OtTicza 10, Cheat Dock-street, ibhcrc ihey mil be retained in safe custody until called for. This convenience v. ill be entirely free oj charge, and, we believe, will greatly promote the con- venience of persons wanting situations, of employers tcanting assistants, and also of hovese-aoent«. and rtheis, llttttd, BOOT TRADE,—a Young MAN wanted for a pushing trade.—State wages and reference to C. Loxton, -30, Oolite-street, Swansei. 770 ^■^IMBER MERCHANT^.—The trieixls of a weil-edu- _|_ eated Youth, age 17, and just from school, desire t.) place him in thL busjnes<, and would be glad lor him to reside with a principal.—Apply Mr John Robinson, Back-well House, near Bristol. 463C6—8437 BON MARCHB DRAPERY COMPANY, Bristol. — Van ted, several smart, energetic YOUNG LADIES for Fancy Drapery Department. 678 OUSSKEEPElt.—WANTED, by a Lady, a SITUÃ- JL1 TION to midille-aged or e'dirly Gentleman care- ful manager excellent references.-Address, 311.1, "Daily Post," Birmingham. 702 AG ENT3,—'Wanted for .South Wales an AGENT for the Sale of Bavarian Hops. Liberal terms given. Those who mve a good connection amongst Brewers are preferred, Addre s, by letter, to Messrs B. & Co., No. 1, :-are of the" Cardiff Times." 8473 PROFITABLE AGENCY.—TEA in Paokets to SELL, JL from Is 6<1 per ib. FRENCH COFFEE, in Tins, io soli 1s 6d per lb. Prospectus anJ Pre18 Opinions p41Iit !ree.- Oliver, Oliver, and Co., Tea Importers, 231, Soudi- *ate-road London, N 45043 8297 QJEUVANTS WANTING PLACKS of any description (7^ and Householders requiring Servants, should iilvertiss in the CARDIFF TIMKS. OOGIXG^ aiKl APAP.TML'NTS WANTED, or to be LET. should be advertised in the CARDIFF TIMJSS W%tt. E^ARTH.—TO LET, FURNISHED HOUSE, 9, JL Wiuusor-ferrace. OFFICES, 4, Mount Stuart- squ:ue, Cardiil.—Apply to G. S. Stowe. 6B3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. TO be LET or SOI J), with immediate pos e-sioo, an IltON and BRASS FOUNDRY. Situate at liirwain. near Aberdare, in the county of Gla. morgan, with Fitting Shop, Pattern-maker's Shop, and other Buildings aud Erections thereto belonging. Al80 the i'lant, Machinery, and Appliances, Engines, Boilers, Patterns, Implemeuts, UUnsiUi, wd Effects thereto be. longing. The .Premise", where a good and profitable trade has been carried en for many yaars, 1IIiIJ be Let on advan- tageous term-i, with the option ta purchase. to be taken at a valuation. Foc^ttrueulars apply to James Williams, Eastland Cottage, London-road, Neath. 44069 T-O LET," or~FOR SALE, T\VCT SEMLDETACIIED JL VILLAS, in Lucas-street, Cathays; also large Yard, Wor'cshops and Offices, late in the occupation of Mr Waterman, for coach-building purposes.—Apply to Mr T; Webber, Auctioneer, &c., Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 7635 OUSES or PREMISES t > be LET, should be adver tised in the CARDIFT T;M*S. t,r TTMLHARD BALLS, Chalks, Cues and Tir-, at 1> HEM NIG BBOS.' Ivory Works, 11, High street, London, W.C. Cheapest ho«3e in the trade for billiard- table requisites and ivory goods in R'eneral. Old balls adjtMted or exchanged, and tables re-covered. Price .Lists ou application. Established. 1862. 273 mH'f. ESTATES ROLL for APRIL eontalns I art'e'es and information interesting and valuable to owners of Lands and Houses. Alao particulars of the following Properties for Sale only. Ground Rents, House ^Property, and Farms Let on Lease and Agreement, suit- able for Trustees and others Wanting really safe invest- ments. Town nd Country Residences, Pleasure Farms and Landed Estates with immediate possession. Building Lands. Lists of Properties wanted to purchsse. It may TIE obtained. Pnce One Penny, of Messrs DOWSBTT and WOODS, Land Agents, 70, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 8453-46093 PRINTING. &C.— Why go to Bristol or elsewhere for JL your Printing, Stationery, &c., when you can be supplied at heme equally cheap and good, at T. G. Glass Awl Co: Royal Arcade I ENGRAVING, kC., for Brass or Zinc Door, Office, and Window Plates, Pure Rubier Stamps, Mono- jrrams, Jujtials, &c„ on Sliver Plate, go to T. G. Glass, and Co.'9, Royal Arcaue.. 14 160 ArERDIMN GRANITE MONUMENTS from £5. Carriage free, Inecriptions accurate and beautiful. Plaus and prices from Legge, Scu!ptor, Aberdeen. 585 "SOUTH WALES PROPERTY JO GAZETTE," a KukTHL..Raeasm of ERiiH, Soosss, LANDS, in- U> IXI Lirr or SOLD in Wales, Mon- douthsnire, Wc.t of I'ngiaad, &c. 1,000 Copies sent Monthly po»t-froc, 1. »lie leading iubabhanta ot Wales Mtd. Moiiiiinithah-t e. jsertions Free. Copies, post Iree. frvni Mossrs. IIMRK, II..wte Afentt, Aoctioncers, ke., Masonic liali Cltambers, CaidiS 144i HOirsES and PREMISES for SALE, should be adver- 'tl tised in the CARDIFF TIMBS. Wl L LI AM SANDERS, AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSUKANCE AGENT, ill. ST. MARY STREt-T, CARDIFF, lias the following PKOP £ UTlJCS for SALE :— BOTtt bOv.KS.—One house in Windsor Bsplanade. RUATH. -Six hones in Pearl-street, six in Helen- itreet, bix in Harold-Street, seven genteel villa residence! In Gold street, and six in Metal-street. CATI!AYS.—Two houses in Liljr-street, and four villas la Woodville-rond. CANTON.—Three very wen finiabed and commodious honso«. OUANGKTOWN.—Corner shop in Bromsgrove-street, eomor shop and cottage in Holmsdale-strcet, aud six kouscs in Ludlow-street. A liberal porUon of the purchase money can be had on mortgage. App y as aboye. 125 A R K O G E N i. FOR GETTING STOCK INTO CONDITION. TWO POWDERS A DAY OF SARKOGENE have in- treased ",e weight of a pig ten stone m one month: see the following testimonial: — Kitigsdown Itcctory, Farningham, Kent, Nov. 29, t87!). Mesfrj Anderson & Co.—Dear Sirs,—I gave your powders for a month to a p'g that I was fattening as usual hi Barley Meal, and 1 fully think they were very beneji- tial, for it increased in weight, and fat more rapidly than I coul J have anticipated. The increase wax judged at 8 or 10 tlfane in a month. 1 believe the powders to be well worth the attention of those who are interested ia fattening cattle.—Faithfully yours, (Signed) SAML. DEWK, M.A., Rector of Kingsdown, Kent." Prepared and sold by ANDERSON Si CO., SO, Gray's Inn-road, London, W.C, Wholesale Prices on application, Six doz. Sample Packets sent free on receipt of P.O.O. tor lis 6d. 8198 "THEY HAVE NO EQUAL." This is the universal opinion of everj body who bas tried DP. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LITER PILLS for BILIOUS and LIVKR COMPAINTS, iNDiora- tio.f, WIXQ, SPASMS, Foci. BRXATH, NKRVOOS DSPBSSSIOW, iBIUTABILiTT, LASSITUDB, LOSS 0[1 AWKTtTt, DYSrKPSIA, HBARTBURH, SoUR ERUCTATIONS, LOWXE; < op SPIKITS with lensation of fullness at the pit of the STOMACH, GIDDIXBSS DIW:N'I-S.S of the EYKS, and all those other gymj<toms vhich none but a sufferer can describe. For HABITUAL COSTIVRNRSS or for persons suffering from PILES they wiU -te found moat efficacious A CHEMIST WRITES:— 286, High-street, Brentford, Aug. 22,1879, GKKTLKMKN,—Perhaps you will be pleased to learn that lie wve of Dr. SCOTT'S FILM is increasing in 1877 I sold 13 boxes, in 1878 74 boxes, and since the 1st January fver 10J boxes. Th"y give great satisfaction, anJ as I do tot advt-rtiate any Pills myself, I sh.d: continue to recom- mad them to my customers,—! am yours. &c., JOJlN WATTS. Some unprincipled vendors, in o dtr to make st^larger trofit, will try to persuade you to buy nieJiciQe prepared sj themselves: do not do ao, but insist on having .Dr, Soott's Bilious and Lh'er PM*, wrapped in a sauare gfeen I enekage. These genuine Pills are prepared b> W. Lam- Mrt. la, Vere-street, London, W., and old in Boxes at tMid aod 2s 9d by all respectable medicine vendors, or pest free iwr It or 34 stamps. 8386. NEW THEATRE ROYAL, -LI WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. Lessee, Mr W. H. DAW. Sole Manager. Mr E. UnwER. THIS (Friday) EVENING, APRIL 16th, Benefit aud Last night but one of the celebrated Comedian ME GEORGE LEITUH, At 7.30. The Beautiful romantic Play, TWINE THE PLAIDEN. Concluding with The Lady of Munster." SATURDA Y. I A MAD" REVENGE. NFXT Mr CHARLES COLLETTE, \VFFK Supported by his own Con.ely and Burlesque Conioany. Doors ojen 7, commence 7.30. Carriages 10.30. Prices Dress Circle, 3s Pit Stalls, 2s Pit, Is; Gallery, 6d. Second Price at 9 o'clock, to Circle and Stalls only. Box Plans at Mr W. Lewis', Duke-street. 12693 rtlubUt jflfim. SYMPATHISE WITH THE BLIND, and MAKE 101lR FORTUNE.—The Art Union PRIZE DRAWING in aid ot RICHARD MORGAN, the Blind Collier, will t ike place at the Assembly Room., Bargoed, June 21st, 1880. Tickets 6d each. Book with Tickets to be had of Messrs J. Llewellyn and T. M. Jones, hon. secretaries, Bargoed, via Cardiff. 8462 rjlENBY EISTEDDFOD, 1880. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. An EISTEDDFOD will take place at Tenby on Monday, the 2nd day of August, 1880, (Bank Holiday.) The following are the Choruses:—" The Heavens are telling," Creation prize £30; the choir to be composed of not less than 00 voices. Lift up your heads 0 ye gates," Messiah; prize £10; the choir to be composed of not less than 40 voices. N.B.—All choirs must be led by local leaders. For particulars apply to HENRY WILLIAMS, Hon. Sec., Frog-street, Tenby. Tenby, December, 1379. 8299 pOP ULAR SONGS 2d. Each. i FULL MUSIC SIZE. Postage One Halfpenny for every two copies required. Ah, he Kissed me when he Mollie Darling [Dream Left me Mother Kissed Me in my Anchor's weighed Mv Heart's Best Love Arethusa Oft in the Stilly Night Au.'d Lang Syne Oh. Gently Breathe Auld Robin Gray Old Armchair Bay of Biscay Old Log Cabin ia the Lane Beautiful Dreamer Old Sexton [Water Belle Mahone On the Banks of Allan Birdie, you must never tell Pilgrim of Love Blue Bells of Scotland Pilot Bonnie Dundee Please, give me a Penny Caller Herring Poor Old Joe Campbells are Coming Put me in my Little Bed Cherry "Ripe Riding on a Load of Hay Chiming Bells of long ago Ring the Btll Softly Come, Birdie come [Darling Ring the Bell, Watchman Come sit by my side, little Robin Adair [Deep Comin' thro' the rye Rocked in the Cradle of the Cottage by the sea Roses underneath the Snow Cruiskeen Lawn Sally in our Alley [Blowing Death of Nelson [Darling Silver Moonlight Winds are Don't be angry with me, Silver Threads among the Do they miss me at home Soldier's Tear [Gold Do you ever think of me Some Folks Friar of Orders Grey Still I Love thee [Mother Gipsy's Warning Take this Message to my Orandfatber's Clock Tborn Hearts of Oak Those Evening Bells He isu't a Marrying Man Tight Little Island [Flower Home, Sweet Home 'Tis but a Little Faded Huntingtower Token I Love to Think of the Days Tom Bowling [Shining whet; I was Young True as the Stars that are Isle of Beauty, Fare ye Well Vacant Chair Kiss me, at.d I'll go to sleep Vicar o{_Bntr Kiss me, Mother, Kiss yojjj YTSlung. M^Bard I Darling Wapping Old Stairs Last Rose of Summer Watching for Pa Little Brown Jug What is honie without a Little Bunch of Roses Mother ? [poorly Little Church around the When a Man's" a Iitttfe bit Comer [Kiss Me When there's Love at Horn; Little Sweetheart come and When you and I were Love among the Roses Young, Maggie Love was once a Little Boy Where the BeecSucks LT&wn Meeting of the Waters Within a. mijfr of Edinbro' MeetMebyMoonlightAlone Wolf [Flowers Minstrel Boy Won't you Btir my Pretty Mistletoe Bough I Ye Banks and Braes POSTAL RATES.—The above Songs can be;sent 1;y Bost at the rate of one-halfpenny for every two cqpies required. "^yHITE JgROTHERS, 124, MILE-END ROAD, LONDO& fji78 ppl HIRWAUN. — JENKIN JENKINS, JU- DECEASED.—All persons having Any CLAIM rgainst the Estate of the deceased (late of 23, Trefynock- place, Hirwain) are reque3ted to send particulars thereof, on or before the 31st of MAY, 1880, to THOMAS THOMAS, Ivy Cottage, Brynmawr. 17th April. 18f0; 8484 46259 J)UBLI C ANALYST. The Justices of the Peace for the County of Glamorgan are prepared to receive applicaticm from person3 pro- perly qualified, who-desire to fill the post of PUBLIC ANALYST for the County, which is vacant. Applica- tions, with testimonials, are to te sent to me by the 31st of May nixt. ■- T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk of the Peace. Bridgend, March 30th, 1880. 8434 feute ami (Caumtrts. TO BUILDERS. ThP Justices of the Peace for the Cosaty of Glamorgan invite TENDERS for the ERECTION at Cardiff of NEW COUNTY OFFICES. Plans and Specification may be seen at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Town Hall, Bridgend or of the Architect, Mr Horace Cheston, 1, Great Winchester- street Buildings, London. Bills of Quantities will be ready on the 17th instant, and will be sent to all persons who fchall have deposited £1 with the Clerk of the Peace or the Architect, which will be returned on receipt of a bo-na Me tender. Tenders are to be delivered at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, on SATURDAY, the £ 4th inst, and must be accompanied by the names of two responsible sureties. it The Justices will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. a31 IJgANKRUPT STOCK. £9,()OO worth of BOOTS AND SHOES. CASH AND COMPANY Having purchased the entire STOCK of J. B. WITCHELL at a Large Discount, desire to effect a Speedy Clearance by offering the same at an IMMENSE REDUCTION. Please note the Address— CASH AND COMPANY (Late J. B. Witehell), 94, ST. MARY-STREET, & 20, THE HAYES, ir CARDIFF. BRANCHES: NEWPORT 9, Commercial-street. ABERGAVENNY. 48, Cross-street. SWAN SEA 13 and 14, Temple-street. PONTYPRIDD Bank- Buildings. YSTRAD MarSttttMa. TREtlERBERT TREORKI PORTH Hannah -street 8493 TO ESTATE AGENTS, FARMERS, -M- AND MARKET GARDENERS. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, As Imported, £13 per Too. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME l/J per Ton. Carriage Paid upon 2 Tons to Stations between Newport and Uantrissaat. 5s Per Ton extra upon 2 Tons to Stations-between Bridg- end and Swansea. 7s 6d Per Ton extra upon 2 Tons to Stations between Llanelly and Haverfordwest. TERMS: Strictly Net Cash, against Delivery oidR. THOS. H. HOWELL, r Iron & Oil Merchant, 46039 8459 Newport, HoII. NEW LINCOLNSHIRE FEATHER XI EEDS and EIDER DOWN QUILTS at half retai price. Hundreds of test;monWa.-8end for pribe list tel T. Smith, 15. Wine Office-court, Fleet-street, E.Ct, when specimen goods may be seen. 8134 6D, Is, 2s 6d. KEATING'S POWDER. This Powder, so celebrated and perfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, BEETLES, FLEAS, MOT dS, and aU Insects (wbil»t perfectly harmless to all animal life), is now supplied in vastly improved tins, holding a consider- ably increased quantity. All Woollens aud Furs should I be well sprinkled with the Powder before placing away. It is invaluable to take to the seaside. To "'ofd disap- pointment ir.Ï,t upon having "KEATING'S POWDER. No other Powder is effectual. 8oId only in Tins by all Chemists. TO GET RID OF WORMS IN CHILDREN.-Procure ° "KEATING'S WORM TABLETS." This uuique medicine is certain to cure, and may be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child. Price Is lid, of all Chemists. • 8014 WORTH KNOWING. riEORGE NAISH, 79, GREAT FRE- VX DERICK-STBEiilT, CARDIFF, Is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL Pd&TERi who rents the largest number and best ing wt-wou in the town and neighbourhood. All work wU1 speedily and faithfully executed. —H Posting seat by post or rail will- have imme- diate attention. HTrade Mart. ("Mandrake Pills.") ribglster«<L OW ARE YOU 1—If you suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, GMiflineaS, Paint fn the Head, .Pains in the Bock arf^between tin Shoulders, Griping Pains in the Bovfldfc; Wimd, aad Swelling of the Abdomen, take THE AMERICAN MANDRAStlS PILLS. INDIGESTION and aU its train of dtsfeomfort* are removed as if by magic, and the Patiettt is restored from. life of nervous despondency to appreciate the blessings of full health and vigdur. If yon saffer from PILES, Take the American Manlrake Put If you suffer from GRAVEL, Take the American Mandrake Pills. If you suffer from DROPSY, or any Disease of the KIDNEYS, Take the American Mandrake Pilfo. son will not be disappointed, for their e Tect is certain. &td in Boxes, Is ljd, 2s 9d, 48 6d, and lis each. Great ■aving by taking the larger boxes. Sold by all Chemist! everywhere^—F. P. KEALL, Chemist, 199, High-street 8wansea. Free by Post by the Proprietor. Sold at Roath by Mr Robb Cardiff, Messrs Colemai and Co. Newport. Mr J. Young; Neath. Mr Hill Llanelly. Mr Jacob Hughes Pontypridd, Mr Bwteett, Cardigan, Mr E. C. Evans; London, Messrs F. Keftrber} <tn,i S"" SOTQ-1COS6 TT7ILLIAMS (PONTAKDAWB) WORM fl LOZENGE3 are universally considered the most effective remedy for ridding the human system ef all kinds of worms. 8ir,—I have for some time use# your Anthelmintia or Worm Lozenges in my family, aal and them a very speedy and efficacious cure for MearMet, and their agreeable and convenient form is a great, rfcom- mendsMMt lor Children—W. Hut^hinsen, vicar of How- dba.Md at Md, 13fl, and 2a 9d, per tox*; or for!4 or j-Mstafi, from J. DAVID. Chemist, Swansea. AM of I the following symptoms indicate worms :—Variable ap- I petite, fcetid tteath, aeid eructation, pains terttbe stotnach ( Vid head, grinding of teeth during sleep, pSleness H the countenance, occasional griping pains, moreSparticularly abovt n»vel, short dry cough, and emacfotion ox the body, often mistaken for decline, slow fever and irrefcutar pulse, sometimes convulsive fttø-often causing *riddea aeaU^—Sold by most Cbwirts at 9id., and ||^gd. cfnleg. by ^wrtiou. IMPORTANT SPECIAL SPRING STUD SALE, AT THE CARDIFF HORSE REPOSITORY. MESSRS STEPHENSON ALEXAN- DER and CO. are honoured with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at their Repository, at Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 22ud April next, about SIXTY VALUABLE BORISES. The properties of Lord Tredesrar, Col. the Hon. F. C. Morgan, M.P., J. Samuel Gibbon. Esq., M.G.F.H., C. H. Williams, Esq., M.R.H., Thurston Bissett, Esq Lieut. Col. Ballard, and other gentlemen resident in the district, the greater number of which have been regularty hunted during the past season with the Tredegar, Glam- organshire, and Roath Hounds. 1 Catalogues may be had ou application to the Auction- eers. 8477 46 63 Tuis Sale will also includc some good Welsh Cobs and Ponie3. KINGSTONE HOUSE. RICHMOND TERRACE, CARDIFF. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- J3'-L DER and Co., will SELL by AUCTION on the premises on MQNDAY, April 19th, 1880, a large portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, the property of A. H. Kiehl, esq„who is leaving the coun- try, consisting of mahogany glazel bookcase and chef- foniere, dining table with two insertions, couch, two easy chairs and 16 other chairs uphol-tered in Utrecl.t velvet, coach, easy and 6 chairs in American cloth, large and handsome pier chimney and other glasses, mahogany and iron bedsteads, painted wardrobe and 2 linen presses, washstands, dress- ing tables, gilt timepiece under glass shaùe, shaped gilt window cornices and poles, rep curtains. 2 chandelier- 2 hail lamps, kitchhn tables, dinner and other ware, together with the usual kitchon requisites, &C. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock precisely. Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 8487 46257 GREENFIELD HOUSE, 10, ELY.IiOAD, CARDIFF. SALE OF SUBSTANTIAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND} EFFECTS. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO. have reeeived instructions from Mrs French, who is leaving the town, to se:1 by AUC- TION, on the premises, on TUESDAY, April 20, the whole of her substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Consisting of walnut couch and six chairs, spring- seated, and upholstered in green damask: two pair rep curtain3 W match, with brass poles and rings; mahogany 6 ft. pedestal sideboard; loo, occasional, work, and paper mache tables, sofa and eight chairs in hair seating, easy ditto in leather cloth, box ottoman in rep and worked wool cover, gilt pier glass 48 by 36, ornaments, several oil paintings, engravings, prints, 4c., birch hall table and chair, iron hat and umbrella stand, barometer by Kern, Swansea, tapestry carpets, Venetian stair carpet and brass rods, gasalier, hearthruó3, fenders and irons, 8 day dial, by Hack well, Cardiff, birch half-tester and other bedsteads, palliasses, mattresses, feather beds, blankets, sheets, and otbar linen, large painted deal wardrobe, washstands, dressing tables, towel horses, night commode, one pa'nted and two mahogany chests of drawers, toilet glasses, cane- seated chairs, deal kitchen tables, chairs, copper scuttle, kettle and preserving pan, breakfast, dinner, dessert, and tea services, glass, E.P. cruet stand, candlesticks, &c., together with the ordinary kitchen requisites, garden roller, tools, I1ghts, wheelbarrow, ladders, &c., &c. Sale to commence at Two o'clock precisely, The House to be let with immediate possession. It has a good garden well stocked with fruit irees. Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 8483 46242] AUCTION MART. QUEEN'S CHAMBERS, CROCK- HERBTOWN, CARDIFF. TO CONNOISSEURS OF OLD LHINA CURIOSITIES, AND ARTICLES OF VIRTU. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER. and CO. are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at their Fine Art Salerooms, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 23rd April, 1880, a specimen Collection of • ANTIQUE PORCELAIN, ■_ consisting of genuine exanj>les_^ Worw^^ Derby, Liverpool, _WedgWQoa, Swansea, Nantgarw,' Spode, Bristol, Lowestoft, Salopian, Chelsea, Sevres, Dresden, Berlin, Oriental, and various. CURIOSITIES aud ARTICLES of VIRTU, COISS, SPECIMENS of ANTIQUE BRISTOL GLASS, ILLUSTRATED and 0 HER BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of DICKENS, THACKERAY, and other*, HIGH-CLASS CHROMOS. published by the Arundel Socieiv, framed and unframcd. PHOTOGRAPHS OF PICTURES, A large and handsome Musical Box, and other eSecta the whole being the bona jiM property of a gentleman who has devoted many years to the formation of this interesting collection, but is now leaving the neighbour- hood. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock precisely. Catalog-uea may be had on application to the Auctioneers. 8489 46196 SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, SITUATE IN CANTON, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO. have, received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, April 27th, 1880, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, all those Two LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES, GARDENS, AND STABLE, Situate and being Nos, 16 and 17, Picton-place, Canton, Cardiff, in the respective occupations of Mr William Jones and Mr Robert Owen, at tne weekly rent of 8" and 6\J respectively. The property is 3Sf\ wide, and 98ft. 6in. long, it is bounded 011 three sides by roadways, aisd held for a term of 99 years from the 23th of September, 1855, at a yearly ground reut of £ 3 123, Further particulars can be obtained of the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambers, or of Messrs B. Matthews and Son, Solicitors, Church street, CVrdiff. 8490 4C247 TILE HOUSE, LLANMAES, near COW BRIDGE. UNRESERVED SALE of FARMING STOCK, CROPS, and IMPLEMENTS. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, & CO., and Mr JOHN THOMAS have been instructcd by Mr John Rees (who is giving up part of his Farm) to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, April 19th, 18b0, the following valuablo STOCK, CROPS, and IMPLEMENTS:— Consisting of 75 COTSWOLD SHEEP, viz., 20 ewea and lambs, and 55 'yearlings. 29 HEAD of SHORT-HORN CATTLF, viz., 7 fat cattle, 20 store catle, and 2 cows in full milk. I HORSES.—Bay horse, 6 3ears old, 16 hands 2 inches; a superior bay cob, 5 years old, 14 hands 2 inches, good in^harne. 8 and taiale, and an excellcut hunter also a few good c3rt horses, anù several superior colt?. CROPS, &c.—2 mows of gocd meadow and clover hay rick of wheat, the straw suitable for recJs; [wood and stone rollers, scuffler, single aud double ploughs, horse rake, mincer, chaff cutU r, scales and weights, useful cart harness, saddles, &c. Three months' credit on the usual conditions. Refreshments at 12 Sale at 1 p.m. 8485-4û304 LLANDAFF YARD, NEAR CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF A LEASEHOLD PUBLIC- HOUSE AND PREMISES. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER and CO" have received instructions to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, April 27, 1880, at Six for Seven o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, the undermentioned PROPERTY, Viz.:— An that Lsasehold Pl1blic-honse and Premises, known as the RAILWAY INN, in the occupation of Mrs Eliza Brookman, with the Garden and Appurtenances belong- ina- thereto, situate in the parish of Whitchurch, held under leases from Miss Harrirt Diana Arabella Mary Richards, and the Right Hon. George Rice Baron Dy- nevor, for the term of In year.3, from the 1st October, 1855, at the annual rent of £7 113 3d, reserved by each lease. Further particulars can be obtained on application to Messrs Mo-gati and Scott, Solicitors, Cardiff, or to the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 5491-46248 LLANTWIT MAJOR. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, HORSES, &c. MESSRS STEPHEX^SON, ALEXAN- Di R, and CO., and Mr JOHN THOMAS, are favoured with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at Llautwit Major, the residence of the latej Mrs Wilkins, on THURSDAY, the 29th April, 1880, part of the valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. &e., he.,— DINING-ROOM, &c. —Four sweep-back chairs covered in crim-on velvet, sofa with extracuahion,,¡ to match, mahog- any sideboard fitted with cellaret, mahogany dinner waggon, mahogauy occasional'table, tapestry carpet :2Ilt. by 14ft., and hearthrug, fender and fireirons, butler's tray and stand, &c, brass poles (70 inches) and rings, with crimson rep curtains, Brussels carpet 15ft by 12it, fender and irons, 2 china candlesticks, mahogany table, green table cover, mahogany cheffonniere, 4 Ecane-seated sweep- back cham; part of a handsome dinner service, white, green, and gold; dessert service to match t- ditto; cut glass decanters, wine and other glasses. HALL.—Oak table with marble top and hat pegs attached, 2 mahogany chairs, lamp and bracket and 4 door mat*>. THE BEDROOM FITTINGS consist of Spanish maho- gany 4-post, half-tester, iron, and other bedsteads, several mahogany chests of drawers, Spanish mahogany wardrobe with plate-glass centre panels, mahocr^ny and other wash-stands with marble tops, toilet tables and glasses, toilet ware, qane-seated and other chairs, Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, several very good feather beds. bolsters and pillows, blankets, counterpanes, and various lots of bedding, towel rails, &c. The'CULlNARY DEPARTMENT contains deal dresser 7ft. 2in. by 6ft. 6in. with cupboazd. large deal table, small ditto, oval oak table, six Wind- sor chairs, eight-day clock in oak case, scales and weights, sundry blue ware, tea kettles, pre- serving pan, plate warmer, copper coal vase, sauce- pans and other kettles, barrel churn, cheese press, milk tins, vats, two pails, trendle and prints, sundry lot of jugs, glasses. YARD.—Cream-coloured horse, 15 hands high*; wen bred chestnut mare, good in barney and saddle; lady's hack, four yeara old, quiet to ride and drtve; Victoria phaeton, by "Fuller," Bath; dog-cart, by "Fuller;" double set of silver-mounted harness, single ditto, lady's sadt11e, gentleman's ditto, and various other stable tit- tings; iron pig-trough, 18 iron hurdles, iron roller, lot of garden tools, flower stands, small] mow of hay, hay knife, &c., &c. Terms cash. Sale to commence in the yard at Twelve o'clock. The furniture may be viewed the day previous to the I sale, between the hours of Eleven and Four. 8486 SALE OF CHOICE AYRSHIKE COWS AND HEIFERS. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at their Repository. Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, May 1st, 1880, at 2 o'clock, 13 Larg9 AYRSHIRE COWS and HEIFERS, with Calves anù close to calving. Tlrs Sale is held to supply the demand for large and choice cattle of this celebrated breed. Mr John Cotterell's skill and experience will be exer- cised in the selection of a choice and beautiful herd, to satisfy the Judgment of the best connoisseurs. Catalogues will be ready in a few days. 8492 46243 ESTATE OF THE LATE MR ANDREW CUMMINS THE HAYES, CARDIFF. TO HAY AND CORN MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. MESSRS JOHN JENKINS and co. will SELL at AUCTION, in the Yard adjoining the New Inn, the Hayes, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, April 27th, 1SSO, THE HORSE, TRADE UTENSILS, and EFFKCTS Of Mr Andrew Cummings, deceased, Corn and Hay Mer- chant, comprising strong useful bay cob, about 14A hands high, capital hay wagon (by Anstee), spring cart, hand and sack trucks, set of trap harness (nearly new), set of cart ditto, 5 horse-power STEAM ENGINE And fittings complete for chaff-cutter and corn mill (by Nicholson and Soli). in very good condition; chaff-cutter and fly-wheel (by l'icksley and Sims), a quantity of sacks, patent scales, weighing machine and weight", steelyards, wheelbarrow, corn measursf, tarpaulin, iron safe (by Milner), 26in. x 2O:n. x 20in.: office and other utens'b, and about 3 tons of bay, 40 bushels of be ns, and 12 ditto of maize. The Auctioneers solicit an inspection of the foregoing, which will be found in good condition. On view the day previous from 9 tj 4. and on the day of sale from 9 to 2 o'clock, when the Auction will punc- tually common -e. Auctioneers' OiHcei, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, April 13th, 1880. 8483 About 140 Tons of prime OLD HAY to be sold at an early date, of which due notice will be given. 4.273 SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 p.m., APRIL 17th. MR. WEBBER'S SALE by AUCTION, at 5, St. Johu's Square, will include BOYS' SUITS, MENS' TROUSERS, WELSH BIBLE, and BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROQRE S. NEW and SECOND HAND FURNITURE, &c. MR~ E,J*:E v A N s. AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, 1 MORTGAGE BROKER, CHURCH-STREET CHAMBERS, CARDIFF, Has several SUMS of MOKRY to invest on good Freehold and Leasehold Properties, at 6 per cent. Also small sums upon Personal Security. 45311 FARMING STOCK SALES OASHED. 8130 N by §Utrtian. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, CARDIFF. WIN1>SOR-ROA1>, PKHAHTH, AND COG AN PILL. GLOSSOP-KOAI) AND LILCUMOND-RO^ L>, CARDIFF. THE SALE of these Properties at the -i above Ho,el is POSTPONED till THURSDAY, the 22nd inst., at 7 o'clock p.m. Full Part;culai\iu Posters, or of' J. G. MADDOX, Auctioneer. 76. St. Mary Ireet, Cardiff. HG5 4C197 LLANWENSAN VACH FARM (adjoining Park Coedmarclian Farm), PETERSTONE-SUPER-ELY, NEAR CARDIFF. MR MADDOX is favoured with instruc- tions from IIrs Morgan, of Llanwell5:\I1, to 1 E r by AUCTION, at the above holding, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of April, 1880, at 11 o'clock a.m., all that noted valuable feeding land adjoiniilg to hcr residence. The land is well supplied with water and 8hade, awl is worth t :e attention of Farmers, Graziers, and others, Further p rticulars oi Mrs MOr<ran; or of thc Auction- eeer, 76, St, Mary-street, Cardiff. ° 8400 R! J~. G1 MADDOX, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT, (20 years' experience in conu3ctiolJ with s"me of the principal Estates in South Wales*. Agent to the Queen Fire ana Life Insurance Compa.ny and other offices. A laige extent of Building LanJ to Let on Lease, upon advantageous terms, in the Rhondda Valley, adjacent to some of the principal Collieries. OFFICES-SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. > 8494 AMERICAN MEAT MARKETS. l I I 35 & 36, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 9, BRIDGE STREET. CARDIFF. 32, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. 5, STEPNEY STREET, LLANELLY. SPECIAL SALE. a i. CHEESE, GOOD QUALITI, AT FOUIiPENCE PER POUND. NEW GRASS BUTTERS (Selected from the Choicest Dairies),' FRESH ARRIVALS 041LY. AMERICAN FRESH BEEF AMERICAN FRESH MUTTON. 1 t AMERICAN BACON. AMERICAN HAMS. R. STEWART & CO, PROPRIETORS. 41544 LAMPLOUGHS PYRETIC SALINE. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES, AND USE NO OTHER This is the true antidote in Fevers, Eruptive Affec tions Sea or Bilious Sickne611, having peculiar and exclu- sive merits. For the protection ot the public against fraudulent imitations, I have applied tor aud again ob- tained a perpetual injunction, with costs, against the defendants. Observe the GENUINE has my NAME and TRADE MARK on a BUFF-COLOURED WRAPPER. 113, HOLBORN-HILL, LONDON. 8443-45935 Established 1866. BILLPOSTER TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. JAMES RICHARD CARR, BILLPOSTER AND ADVERTISING AGENT, 6, VICTORIA SQUARE, BANESWELL, NEWPORT, MON. Private Stations, Town and Conntrv. 8057 SESSIONS & SONS, CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF, AND DOCKS, GLOUCESTER. MANUFACTURERS OF Enamelled Slate and Marble Chimney Pieces, Baths. Railway Station Urinals, Hall Tables, Mouldings, Skirtings, Architraves, Donrs, Sashes, and Frames, Bricks, Pipes, Latb e, &c. IMPORTERS AND FACTORS OF Roofing Slates, Slate Naba. Chimney Tops, Stone- ware Sanitary Tubes, Encaustic Tiles, Fire Goods, Blue Staffordshire Goods, Cement, Plaster, Plasterer's Hair, Timber and Deals, Flooring Boards, Grates, Ranges, Spouting, Slate and Lath Nails (copper, zinc, malleable, and cot), and all kinds of Builders' Ironmongery, Iron Ceiling Centres. MANUFACTORIES AT-r- STEAM SLATE WORKS,JOHN STREET, CARDIFF. STEAM SLATE WORKS,DOCKS, GLOUCESTER. BRICK & TILE WCEKS,SANDHURST, NEAR GLOUCESTER. ALBION STEAM JOINERY WORKS, GLOUCESTER. 7733—A pAPBR HANGINGS. WHOLESALE DEALERS AND BUILDERS Will do wet! to select from TtfE LARGEST STOCK IN SOUTH WALES, Containing over Quarter Million Pieces, COMMENCING AT 2Jo. PER PIECE, AT JAMES MOURE, 7, BUTB-STREET, CARDIFF. 7838 GEORGWS PILEAND GRAVEL PILLS VJ are now recognised by all as being the best Medl- eine yet discovered for PILE and GRAVEL, as wet! as for the following pains, whiuh. In 99 caaes out of eTMy 100, ani caused by theM painful maladl. Pain in the Back, Flatuleue*, Griping, Colic, aBenM of Weight in the Back and Loins, Oarting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys Consti- pation, Pains in the Thighs, sometimes ahoetJng down to the calf of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of Urine; Pains in the Stomach, ami all Liver Compk.Lits., Thousands havebeen cured by these Pin., and many many who have been pronounced hopeJors have been thoroughly restored to health by their use. One Box will convince the mMt sceptical of their efficacy. In order to suit an who may be lunering from ONE •r BOTH of these Maladies, ths Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy In thtf following form :— NO. 1.—GEO SOS'S PIJ.E AjfQ QBAVEL PILLSL NO. I.—GEORGE^ &RAVEL PILLS. » NO. S.—GEORGt. 8 PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonial* from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, from all parts of the eoudtry, will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, Is lid and 2< 9d. by all respeetable Chemists. By Post, Is 4d, and 31 in Postage Stamps. I Every box is protected by the Government Stamp. Nones.—The TiLl." PILE AND GRAVEL PILLSL" Si Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. Proprietor—J. B. GECRGE, M.R.P.S.,Hirwain, Gla- May be had Wholesale from troit Patent MediH-e Warehouses ia Loodaa, Bristol, Liverpool, and Man- shsetsr. <M9_MM MICHAEL PAINE, BILL-POSTER, TOWN-CRIER, &c.. 17, Dean-street. Aberdare, begs to intonn the and Tradesmen tliat he 1.:18 commenced business at the above address, and is ready to nce've orders for A'serdare and vicinity, and execu<e onehortedtnotioo. Contracts made, l'rice list on appli- cation 8..64 6UJC.'l.. L CHARLES D. pHILLIPS, NEWPORT, MON., SOLE MAKER OF PHILLIPS' IMPROVED WATERPROOF COVERS, FOR ALL PURPOSES, And as supplied to HER MAJESTY THE QUETN." H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALE3. £ a d Bad 5 ft. by 6 ft., 0 11 3 "12 ft. by 10 ft., 1 10 0 8 ft. hy 6 ft., 0 15 0 15 ft. by 9 ft., 1 13 9 9 ft. by G ft., 0 17 6 16 ft. by 10 ft. 2 0 0 10 ft. by 7 ft., 0 19 6 18 ft. by 12 ft. 2 14 0 12 ft. by 9 ft., 1 7 0 18 ft. by 15 ft. 3 7 6 PHILLIPS' IMPROVED EXTRA DRESSED HORSE LOIN CLOTHS, 9s 6d, 10s 3d, lis, 11 9d, and 138 each. PHILLIPS' BEST CANVAS RICK SHEETS, Price List on Application. PHILLIPS' IMPROVED WATERPROOF COVERS are made from BEST ALL LONG CANVAS, Hand Sewn, not to be surpassed for quality and workmanship, and are WARRANTED NOT TO STICK OR CRACK. DELIVERED FRISE TO ANY STATION. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. QHARLES D. pHILLIPS, SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES roB. THE BRISTOL-WAGON WORKS Co., LD. FARM WAGONS, MILLERS' WAGONS, WAGONS JOB ALL PURPOSES. FARM CARTS, BUILDERS AKD CONTRACTORS' CARTS, LIGHT. SPRING CARTS, TRADESMEN'S DELIVER X" CARTiJ, SPRING TIPPING CARTS, hi SUPPLIED TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. CARTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FOR ALL PURPOSES. g^ES 4 J>HILLIPS SOLE Aa&tf T tfOU RANSOMES, SIMS & HEAD, IPSWICH. FIRST PRIZE PLOUGHS FOR LIGHT LAND. FIRST PRIZE PLOUGHS FOR MIXED SOIL. FIRST PRIZE PLOUGHS OF ALL DE. SCRIPTIONS AND FOR ALL PUR- POSES. FITTINGS FOR ALL PLOUGHS IN STOCK. RANSOME'S, SIMM'S, AND HEAD'S GENERAL CATALOGUE FREE BY POST ON APPLICATION. CHARLES D. pHILLIPS, Supplies at Best Prices, and on most favourable Casn Terms:— CHAFF CUTTERS, CORN MILLS, TURNIP CUTTERS, AND PULPERS. CHAIN HARROWS, ROLLERS, DRAGS, CULTIVATORS. SEED AND MANURE DRILLS, HORSE HUER. AGRICULTURAL AUD HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. EVERY REQUIREMENT OF THE FARMER, SEND FOR PRICE LISTS FREE BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS. 8371 45539 RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. tfset in the PEIHCI OS WALM's LAPNDRT. EECKlTlWS PARIS BLUE. Use*; in the DUCHESS OP EDINBURGH's LAUNDRY. RECSrfT'S PARIS BLUE. IS used by the pooresi on account of ita cheapness, And by tho richest on account of Its Beauty.7599 l BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. JLP WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Merchant-street, behind the Town-hall, Corporation bill-poster and erier. Rents the principal hoardings and stations in Newport and Neighbourhood. T^RO good bill-posters kept. Work attended to with quick dispa.tch. Town aud country. Old established—More than & quarter of & century. 34063 8058 SEVEN PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. Ci OODALL'S VT HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. R^OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. VX THE MOST DELICIOUS SAUCE in the WORLD. This cheap and excellent Sauce lD4kes the plainest viands pulabable, and the daintiest dishes more delicious; and to chops, steaks, fish, _soup, &E., it is incomparable. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen,'Clieitiista, in boUles, <)d., Is., and 23, each. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., Leeds. OODALL'S BAKING POWDER. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The Cheapest, Because the BEST, and indispensable to every household, and aD. inestimable boon to housewives. Makes delicious Pudding's without eg-jjrs, Pastry without butter, and beautiful Light Bread without yeast.—Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, and Chemists, &c., in Id packets, Cd., Is., 28., and 5s. tins. Prepared by GOODCALL, BACKHOUSE & CC., Leeds. QOODALL'S QUININE WINE. Tbe Best, Cheapest, and most Agreeable Tonic yet in. troduced. The Best Remedy known for Indigestion.Loss of Appetite, General Debitity. Tie, &c.; restores delicate Individuals to Healtb-end Vigour. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, Oilmen, Ac., AK 1/ 1/1 A, 2/ and 2/3 per bottle. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., Leeds. QOODALL'S CUSTARD POWDER. For making delicious custards without eggs, in less time and at half the price. Delirious to Plum Puddings and Jam Tarts. Delicious to Stewed Rice and all kinds of t ruit. Delicious to everything. Delicious alone. Give it a trial.—Sold in Boxes, 6d and 1/- each, by Grocers, Chemisw, &0. Prepared by GOODALL. BACKHOUSE & Co., Leeds. nnn A T.T/S GINGER BEER POWDER. Makes three gallons OF the best Ginger Beer in the world for threepence. Inva.uable for producing a deli- cious and invigorating beverage, possessing valuable medicinal properties, thereby rendering it the most wholesome AND perfect t'everage ever discovered for both whiter and summer USE, is easily made, and acknow- ledged the beet and cheapest!! Sold iu packets, 3d and 6d each, by aD Grocers, Cbemists, &c. Prepared by GOOOALL, BACKHOUSE, and CO., Leeds. OODALL'S "MUSHROOM KETCH- UP, confidently recommended to all true lovers of tho Pure Mushroom. PF5pareJ,by a Special Steam Process, from the PUKE JUICE* poaueing; a Fun. AND RICH FLA- VOC&LD KETCHUP, unrivalled for its GREAT STRENGT H! PBR. peer PORITT and UKstTBPAfl8ED FLAvoua !—Sold in Bottles at 6d, Is, and 2$each, by Grocers, Oilmen, Ac. Pre..ared by GOODALL. BACKHOUSE, aud C')., Leodg. OODALL'S BRUNSWICK BLACK foj Panting Stoves Grates, Iron, Tin, &c. This in- valuable composition » superior to atty yet offered to the public, possessing great brilliancy, and thoroughly protecting uie article*'IT IS applied to.—Sold inBottte.) at &1 and Is each. Prepare 1 by GOTWALL, BACKHOUSE, and Co., Leeds. E, GOODALL'S fSGG POWDER. Acknow- ledged to be TA& only real substitute for eggs yet discovered its actios en Cakes, Puddings, &c., resem- bles that of the egg in'every particular, cnricbing th«M in colour and flavour^esndermg them most wholesome and nutritious. ON<»Y*>NY packet will go as far as four eggs! aad one sixjieniar tin as far as twenty-eight! Sold everywhere, in Id Partita; <HL and IS Tins, by Grocei J, Oilmen, CHEMISTS* V Proprietors, 300D*LL,_BACKHOUSE, & Co., Leeds. GOODALL'S JILANC-MANGE POW. \jr DER is acknoHedged by all to be the most conve. nient and econoniical.jWeparation ever introduced, as by its use a mOBt. rich ami dellCluus Blanc-Mange may be produced in A FEW arfuutes at a trifling cost. It is rapidly coining into GENERAL use, uisplacing entirely the ol<» method of prepsrfijj them, and may be bad of varioul flavours, i.e., RASPBER#, Strawberry, Lemon, Almond, AND Vaait a. A singlvtrial will suffice to pronousce it more than SATISFACTORY^- Sold in Packets, twaud Is each, by Grocers, Oilmen, Chemists, &<•. Prepared by BACKHOUSE, & CO,, Wlute Horse-street, Leeds AGKTTTS IN WALES. Fvans and Co., T, H:j$Hetrest, Cardiff. Webb and Co., Bute »cks. Cardiff. Arkell, H., 161, Buto-rOad, Cardiff. S:nnaffhaii and Stephens, Angel-etreei. Canti& John, W., John-stre^ Penarth, Cardiff. Williams, John, 16, TBFE Hayes, Cardiff. Sankev, J. and C., Wowfng-street, Cardiff. Bndgett, H. H. and Kelson-street, Bristol, Leonard and Co., JUWMF^TREET, BristoL Northam, J. G. and CO* High-street, Bristol Ackerman, T., Redclifle-hill, Bristol. Phillips and Sons, CJrttesqjuare, SWEIWU Taylor and Co.. SWANSEA. Arthurs, 8., Walter'E-read, Swansea. Fraxer and OFC, 34, DCTFK-street, Newport, ilea, Jones, L. P.. Kbbw VaI& Harris, E. W., U8, High-street, Merthyc, Lewis, Augt., Supply Stores, Burry Port. Bamlall, L." Yaaaafan-straet. LUnetor. 8013- NERVOUS & PHYSICAL DEBILITY. A gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-euro. He will be fiappy to FORWARD the particulars to any sufferer, on rcceipt 01 a 6ta.lupertand direoted enve1ope.-Addreø J. T Soweu. Eaia.. Mkvville. Hammersmith, London, W. T62Ii gjiu3im3 POSSESSING ALL L'HE PKOPER' IBS OF THE FINEST ARROWROOT, gROWN AND POLSON'S JL CORN FLOUR JLI HAS TWENTY YEAR6 "'ORLo .VIDd REPUTATION, I. And is Unequalled for Uniformly Superior yuulity. 226 39587 ESTABLISHED 1807. RC. LEACH, Bill-Poater and Aclver- • tisin^ Contractor, 17, Wood-sireet, Cardiff. Bents all tht Principal and most Prominent Posting Sta- tions in Cardiff, Canton, and Roath. NorrICE OF REMOVAL. THE RHYMNEY COAL COMPANY, C. H. EVANS AND CO. REMOVED FROM No G3 to 16, CROCKHERBTOWN TO P P O S I T El" 200 THE OLD SEED WAREHOUSE^ T No 6, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. WILLIAM THOMAS, (Late J, S. Matthews), NURSERYMAN, FLORIST, AND SEEDSMAN. FRUIT AND FOREST TREES, SHRUBS, &c., POTS. and ORNAMENTAL WARE, and all requisites for Garden purposes. WEDDING, TABLE, & OTHER BOUQUETS Ctff TO ORDER At the Shortest Notice. 8667 DlNNEFORlYS MAGNESIA. D This pure Solution is the best remedy for acidity of the Stomach, Heart- burn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA? The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate consti- tutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 8232 LEA la conspquence of Spurious it Imitations of Worcestershire Sauce T>ERRINS' .AN(I Y&R^INS f hare adopted NM, A LABEL, SJAUUli bearing their Signature, which is placed U on every bottle of L-CI A WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, and without which none is genuine. PERRINS' 30,(1 by the Proprietors, irttXVliSO Worcester Crosse & BlackwelL London; Ba TT/TCI and Export Oilmen generally. AUi/Ja. Retail by Dealers througbouj^$he World. 7732-42422 SORWTCK'S BAKING POWDER. FOUR GOLD JliDALS. "OORWICK'S BAKING POWDER: ITORmfQIffO^E BRB^D. f> OR WICK'S J^JNGIWMR: FOR PUDDINGS AND PIKS. ORWIOK'S 0 x B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. B OR WICK'S BAKING POWDER 44448-8120 FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS.— Orders for ;the week commencing April 19th, 1830.— Monday—Recruit drill only, 7.30 p.m., plain clothes. Wednesday—Light Infantry drill. Uniform, capsand waist belts only, 7.30 p.m. Friday-Recruit and squad drill, 7.30 p.m. Plain clothes. Members intending to compete at the County Prize Meeting, and who are deeiroua of having private practice, will attend at the Orderly-room on Monday next for instructions. Bugler Wyndham will report himself on Wednesday next, in uniform. Recruits not having their uniform complete are requested to apply to Messrs Parry and Baker without delay. On duty for the .week—Lieuten- ant W. Scott, Sergeants Holtham and Ilardess, Cor- porals HJbart and Coleman, Buglers Briscoe and Wynd- ham. -(Signed) W. H. MARTIN, Captain 2nd Glamorgan Rifle Volunteer Corps. 2ND GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS. — Orders forthe week commencing April 19th, ISSO.—Mon. day—Battalion driilat7.30 p.m.; uniform with glengarries; officers undress band to attend. Wednesday and Friday -Position and recruit drill at 7.30 p.m. On duty for the week-Captain Guthrie, Sergeant Etowcll, Corporal J. Lancblin, Bugler Williams.—(Signed) J. H. SLADSN, Captain.


Family Notices



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