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iF EE PAID TARIFF i FOR 'SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS [SOUTH WALES DAiLY NEWS. Inser- tions in Daily News W0RD3. Oiio Three Six & Once IU Insertion. Insertions. Insertions Cardiff | Times. j 7. d. I s. d. 1 iJ. d. j a. d. is Words I 0 6 I 1 0 I 1 6 I 20 §TWord3 0 9 ) 1_6 I 2 3 t 3 0 EG Word? I 1 o 1 2 0 j 3 0 I 4 0 45 Words 1 3 I 2 6 3 9 I 5 0 54 W m'lls: 1 t) I 3 0 4 6 6 0 EnieXtofl 0 3 j 0 6 j 0 9 10 9 Words ) | Those charges app1y ony to tl1e c1ases of advertise- ment specified below, aud are strictly co.iiiucd to thosa which are ordered for CONSKCCTTVB insertion, and I-AID FOR. PREVIOUS so INSKRTIOS if either of these conllitioas is not c()[11plied. with, the advertisement wiU be charged by t; Business s( ''I t— APA°.TMBSTS WAXI'KD. IToi'333 TO BS L3T. A v. A: M EN rs TO L«. j Mossr WASTED. ARTICLED LOST. MOXHY TO LBNO. A RTICLKP EOI.ND. I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. BCSINSSSBS FOR DISPOSAL. MISCSLLASXOIS SALRSL BUSINSWSKS WANKS*. I PARTNERSHIPS WANTBD. EovsES ro LOT. SITUATIONS WANTKD. HOUSES WASTED. I SIVJATIOHS WAN-.KD. Persons answerinz Advertisements In the S01.tlJr. Waist Daily are requested to uttsiui te the following ex- ^Ai^h't'ss to an initial (or number) at the Office means lb at application must oe by letter only, diiected to tha Initial or number at the iKiily heivn Ofiice la.8 A. B. C., or No 123, Daily Xeiot DUice). Apply at thu Daily A ens L'ince mean3 that personal application must be made at the Daily ,\ews Office, whore the addre-s of the Advertiser will ba given. Persous answering Advertisements are strongly ad yised not to send original testimonials, but eofiiss •SLT. Persons semlinir Advertisements in Manuscript may estimate the soacs they wiil occupy by calculating Eight Words to a line, and twelve lines to an inch. Whda w" use (Jur utmost 6nùe:wvui"s to insert Advsr- tis(J11lent.i Oil the dates ordered, we cannot guarantee that thi will be Jone. Great care is a.180 taken to secure the correct printin of Aùy¡,¡tiselneut¡¡, but we cannot be responsible for inaccuracies, or (or any consequenc8I arising therefrom. Cheques and Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SONS, 75 A 70, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, 10 whom all Business COllJmunications should be ad. dressed. Letters containing NEWS or LITERARY COXTKI- 8VTIOM should be addressed: TUB EDITOR, South Wales pally A'eics, CAJtDXiX" GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PAJAIAMENTASR NOTICRS, Government .Announcements, and Parliamentary Elections are charged One Shilling per line for each insertion. Prospectuses of Public Companies are charged Niaepence per line for each insertion. Public, Lwjal, Municipal, Parochial, and Sohool Boalli Notices, Tenders and Contracts, Ac., are charged Sixpence per line for each insertion. 4uction Notices) are charged Sixpence per Una, and all other ,183Ses of Advertisements Fourpellce per line per inser- tion. Theae charges are, however, subject to reduction m accordance with the \lumber of insertions ordered, ÕCUJan may be obuined at our Chief and rancb OfBcea. i NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. LETTERS L'i REPLY TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertiser* are informed that in order to remedy the inconvenience that has arisen through the Post Office authorities refusing to receive letters addressed to initials figures, or fictitious names at the various post-offices, that arrangements have been made for the receipt of such letters at our Cardiff, Swansea, or ifewport Offices, Advertisers may, therefore, direct the replies to their advertisements to be addressed to either our Chief or Branch Offices, as follows:— CARDIFF OFFICES 75 and 76, St. Mary-street, SWANSEA OFFICES: 2, College-street, NEWPORT OFFICES 10, Great Dock-street, where they wtU be retained in safe custody until called. for. This convenience u dl be entirely free of Charge, and, we believe, will greatly promote the con- venience of persons wanting situations, of employers wanting assistants, and also of house-agents, and others, L. oz: JUtti1. WANTED the Situation of NURSE, of experience, by a Woman in the H ¡ghlallù". -Applicaticns as to character and qualifications to be made to Aliss Camp- bell, 72, Castle-street, Inverness. 1367 WANTED, 1,000 SERVANTS in various parts of r to £20; Parlourmaids, £18 to B22 Nrse, £1-1 to Kitchenmaids, £ 13 to £ 18 General Servant £ 14 to £ 20. Every thing found. Also Lady's maids, Attendants, seve- ral Men Servants, and others. Special Register foi Governesses and La.dy Heips; Apaitments provided. Those wishing to better themselves should communicate, enclosing stamped directed envelope, to Mrs Godfrey, 118, Park-street, Grosvenorsquare, London, W. 201 WANTED.—Every Farmer that is in want of A ricullural Impiements to apply to Evan Davies, Vicar's Mill, Clynderwen, R.S.O., for TICKETS for the Great DRAWING or Agricultural Implements. Tickets 6tu each, or a book of 22 tickets 10s post-free. Agents wanted everywhere. beml terms. 7570 4.1821 OA WEEKLY an 1 UPWARDS may be EASILY and HONESTLY REALISED by persons of either SEX, without hindrance to presnt occupation.-PMticu- lars FREE; or with a sample, 12 sta,nlp3 (return en if desired,) Address, Evans. Watts, & Company (P 137), Merchants, Albion-street, Birminhall.-1"hi;¡ is genuine. 506 OIERVANTS WANTING PLACiS of any description, and Householders requiring Sery;¡,nt3, should a. vertigo in the CARDIFF TIMES. LODGINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be j_J LET, should be advertised in the CARDIFF TI.MSS. $0 %tt. B~ AllRY COTTAGE to LET, -FURNISHED.—For fur- ther particulars apply to Irs Greer, Barry. 7658 TO be LET, a HAY and CORN STORES, with Dwel- ling-Hou e aud Yard attached, known as No.1, Leckwith-road, Canton. — For particulars apply to William Thomas, 2, Leckwith-road. Canton, 7654 BE LET, with imme liate possession, the Old- I established INK and LIQUOR VAULTS, known as tho Swan, ce:1tra.liy situated in High-street, Pershore. FlIrnitl1re, Stock. anet Brewing Plant at valuation. This Is genuine.—Apply, B. Wak, Pershore. TO LET. or FOR SALE, TWO SEMI-DETACHED VILLAS, in Lucas-street, Catbays; also large Yard, Workshops and Office, late in the occupation of Mr Waterman, for coach-building purposes.—Apply to Mr T. Webber, Auctioneer, &c., Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 7035 TO be LET, BARRY HOUSE (by the Sea), Furnished jL or Unfurnished, standing in its own grounds of pearly three acres; also a Detached COTTAGE. The Houao contains three sitting-rooms and nine bedrooms, and ha3 good offices, stabling, and coach-house, with two ro«ni3 over the latter. The whole charmingly situated within half a mile of safe bathing on the sands, and com- manding an extensive view of the Channel. For particulars Apply to Jtessrs B. Matthews and Son, Church-street, Canlifl; and to view the house, to Mrs Green, at Barry. 7603 nno LET, Wear House, Newport-road, Roath, contain- I ing breakfast, diniug. and sitting-rooms, kitchen, scullery, six bedrooms, &c., with or without stable and oach-house, with immediate pos ession.— Apply to ;')11' Thos. Webber, 32, Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 7515 H~ OUSES or PREMISES t) be LET, should be adver tised in the CARDIFF TUIES. or latt. £ CARDIFF.—Capital DOUBLE-LICENSED HOUSE 'J in business thoroughfare, doing a large and remu- nerative trade, for DIsposal; good lease; ingoing —John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, 1350 jr> I TE-STREET, Cardiff. Single Licensed HOUSE. 13 Ingoing and Rent very moderate.—Apply to John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. ,i-^i_— i 1351 PONTYPRIDD.—Double-licensed House in good posi- _ir tion. Rent and ingoing low.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1336 CANTON, CARDIFF.—Single-Licensed House, with immediate possession. Lease, ingoing, &c., £80.- John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1324 CARDIFF.—Single-Licenced PUBLIC BUSINESS in- going .£6C0; lease 19 years.- John Jenkins and Co., Pnilharmonio Cham hers. Cardiff. 1325 CARDIFF.—Very desirable Double-Licensed PUB- LIC-HOUSE for immediate disposal. Low rent; proof trade. Poputons neighbourhood. Ingoing easy. John Jenkins and Co, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1326 CARDIFF.—Corner WINE and SPIRIT VAULTS, in a busy thoroughfare. Proof trade £25 weekly, and rapidiy improving; rent very low: good lease; ingoing £900, —Particulars from John Jenkins and Co., Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1327 mo IRONMONGERS.—For DISPOSAL, with hnme- JL dlate possession, an o'd established FURiNISHING IRONMONGERY BUSINESS, in the best situation in the important Town 01 Merthyr. Stock about £1,800; Rent £n, pla.te ¡(":loSS frollt, lare shop. good fixtures easy teiiTM. -Apply to Mr R. Pardoe, Ironmjngers' Valuer, Aberdare. 1331 A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS from je5. Carriage free. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful. and prices from Legge, Sculptor, Aberdeen. 1358 mAMAUINDS.—One Cask (2 cwt.) of St Martin's for .3. SALE.—Appiv to n, Kitcheu, Ship-chandler, Docks, Cardiff. 1318 IS.-THE NEW TIMEPIECE.—13. Keeps correct time.—One shilling, post free 15 stamp3. The JnliXCH POCKET TI.\1E IN'OlCATOIl (patented in l."gland and France), 100,#>0 of which were sold during too Exhibition, will denote cjrrect solar time. Same size and shape as a watch costing 10 guineas; serviceable aietal case, steel works, balanced action, enamelled dial, fhss dome warranted for two years. Two secured MCKCd for 28 stamps; three for 40.-Obtainabie onlv join the sole Agents, Godfrey and Co., Pa-k-street Oxtord-street, Loudon, Testimonials received dailv' 453 COUTH WALES PROPERTY KJ GAZETTE," a MONTUI.Y RKQISTKX UF IOSTAITS IIOUS8S.LA.VD3. oce., to ne LET or SOLO iu \Wea },ioi;- a;oothshire, West of England, &v. 1,000 Copies san't Monthly post-free, to the leading inhabitant* ot Wales and AionmouthshUe. .wertions Free. Copies, post from Messrs. JTr.'R>r. Latate Ag-ents, Auetioneerj, ki., JIasonic Hail Chamber^Caidih 2444 HOUSES and PREMISES for SALE, should be adver- Jt"i_ tised in the CARDIFF TIMES- WILL I AM SANDERS, AUCTIONEER. 4 iSdTATE AND INSL'IiAXOE AoLM, 23, ST. MARY-STRE.T, CAKDIFK, Has tho following I'liOPEHTlEo for SALE :— BLTE^DOCKS.—OnehoUie in Windsor Esplanade. ROATH. —Six hou.;cs in Pearl-street, six in Ho cn- tfvreet, six in Harold-street, seveTi genteel villa res.uenee^ ill Goicl street, and six iu Metal-street. C.VI'HAYS.—Two houses in Lily-street, and four villas in Woodville-road. CANTON.—Two eligible sites of building land, one 50 feet, and the other40 feet frontage, in Conway-road, also- 1 lots in King-road. GRANGETOVVN.—Comer shop in nromsgrove-street, corner shop and eottage in Holmsdaie-strcet, and six houses III Lud]ow.stret. A liberal portion of the purchase money can be had on mortgage. App'y as above. Uü 25 ^ERVOUS & PHYSICAL DEBILITY. gentleman, having tried in viin every advertised dy, has discovered a simple means of sclf-cure. lie to forward the particulars to any sufferer, e-jipt oi a stamped and dirctèl envc\'po,-AddrcS3 i. weU, Esq., Mayvilie, Uamaiersruith, London, W. •s 16 \tb1it &l,1tiîe$. GLAMORGA N S H IRE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE. that the next General QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace, for the County of Glamorgan, will be holden at the town of Cardiff, in and fpr the said County, on MONDAY, the 30th day of June, lb79, at one of the clock in the Aftemoon of the same day, when the Justkes then present will proceed with the General Business relating to the Public and Financial Business of the County, and also to the Constabulary. The Grand and Petty Jurors I1lnst atend on Tuesday, the First day of July, 1870, at Ten o'clock in the Fore- noon, when they will be sworn. All Prosecutors and Witnesses, bound by recognizance or Subpcena, from the several districts of Cardiff, Caer- philly, Cowbridge, Diraspowis, Llandaff, Pontypridd, Merthyr Tydtii, and Aberdare, must attend on the same day, and at the same hour; and on W ednesday, the Second dav of July, 1879, all Prosecutors and W itnesses, bound by' recognizance or Subpcena, from the several districts of Swansea, Neath, Bridgend, Pontardawe, and Gov e must attend at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. All Appea's must be entered before the sitting of the Court, on Monday, the Thirtieth day d June instant, and the same will be heard at the sitting of the Court on tl:3 following day. No Costs will be allowed unless tuxed at the s'tme Session. Depositions and Recognizances are to be delivered to me by the 23rd day of June instant. T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, — Clerk of the Peace. Bridgend. 9th June, 1879. iC53 PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY. A GRAND FETE AND GALA, SOPHIA GARDENS FIELD, (By kind permissiun of Lord Bute), IN AID OF TIIE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS FUND, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9TII. 1879. AdmiS3inn, Sixpence each. Application for Ground, aud Tenders for Drinking Booths, to be sent to the Commitee on or beiore Friday morning, 4th of July next, addressed to the Secretary, J. K. PHILLIPS, 42281-7699 S2, Long Cross-street. Roath. SHROPSHIRE AND WEST MIDLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. SHREWSBURY MEETING, 23RD, 24TH, and 25TH OF JULY NEXT. ALL ENTRIES CLOSE on JUNE 20th, after which date none can he recei\-ed. Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all information supplied on application to 1 W. L. BROWNE, Secretary. Castle Mills, Shrewsbury. 7624 ~\T"OTICE. —The FARMERS' DRAWING of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, advertised to take place at the Iron Duke Hotel, Clvnderwen, Monday, June 23rd, has been POSTPONED UNTIL FUR- THER NOTICE. 42276—7697 EVAN DAnES, Secretary. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN JL THE LARGE DRAWINGS OF CASH PRIZES, Sanctioned and guaranteed by the Government of the Duchy of Brunswick. Within a few months more than one-half of the tickets will be drawn with prize-, altogether 43,000 prizes, amounting to 9 Millions 262,010 Mark. The drawings of these 46,000 prizes take place in six series or classes. Among the prizes are capital ones of 450,000 REICHSMARK, In the most favourable case, furthermore of 300,000, 150,000, 100,000, 75,000, 2 of 50,0 0 each, 40,000, 6 of 30,000 each, 25,000. 20,000, 12 of 15,000 each, 12,000, 22 10,000 Iark each, &c., &c. The price of the tickets for the drawing, which takes place on the 17th of July next, is as follows:—Whole Original tickets, 16 SHILLINGS Half Original Tickets, 8 SHILLINGS, which will be forwarded by the under- signed to ny a.ddres3 on receipt of the amount in bank- notes, postage stamps, or by money order. To each participant I shall forward the original tickets, bearing the Governmental Seal, together with the official pro- spectus that contains all further particulars. Imme- diately after the drawing the ofiicial lists of prizes are sent to all participants, and the prizes paid to the respective winners. Orders are respectfully solicited BEFORE THE 17m OF JULY, 1873, By N. REISS, State Securities Office, Brunswick (Germany), 42199—7663 Bruchtiior Promenade, No. 10. FENFE mil FFANTRAR^. jgOROUGH OF CARDIFF. —— The Corporation are prepared to receive TENDERS for a LRASr: for Seven Years of the CANTON MARKET HOTEL, Canton, recently in the occupation of the late Mr Thoma, John, deceased. Tenders. sealed and endorsed "Hotel," to be sent to me not later than FRIDAY, the 25th day of Juiy next. The highest or any tender wiil not necessarily be accepted. By order, J. L. WIIEATLEY, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Cardiff, 26th June, 1370. 7705 YNASPOWIS DISTRICT HIGH- WAYS, "TO CONTRACTORS. The HIGHWAY BOARD invite TENDERS for the SUPPLY of ROAD METoLLING to the Distnct Ingu- wa's, as follows — No. 1 Section, Dynaspovvis Village. 2 From Culverhouse Cross Roads to Ire du4gan. „ 3 From Peterstonc Bridge to the Sycamore Tree, Bonvilstone. 4 From Old Post t > Pancross Pond. Particulars of Conditions, ispecirications, &c., may be obtined of the Surveyor. Tenders to be addressed to Mr John Morris, 20, High- street, Cardiff, on or before the 1st of JULY, 1379. The Board do not bind themselves to accept tiie lowest or anv tender. J. BARSTOW, District Surveyor, Ely, near Cardiff. 13 June, 1879. 7672 GLAMORGANSHIRE TURNPIKE \jr ROADS. (NORTHERN DISTRICT.) Person4 desirous t) CONTRACT for the Supply of LIMESTONE for OXE YEAR, from the 30th of Novem- ber next, for either One or more of the undermentioned parts of Turnpike Roads, are requeste I to send SEALED TENDERS (post-paidj, on or before day of August next, to Mr DAVID W. JONES, Aberdare, Clerk to the Northern District Roads Board, stating the number of the portion for which they wish to Tender, and the orice per Cubic Yard at which they are willing tj supply the s ms and any Person offering for more than One "Division must send for each a separate Tender. Each Contractor will be required to take away, without charge, any R)80cl Dirt that may have accumulated from Scraping, Cleaning Ditches, or Drains, &c., immediately the same is scraped, or within 12 hours after notice to that effect from the Surveyor or any of his constant labourers, excepting on the road beticeen Aberdare add the entrance to the New Gas Works, for which a separate Tender is required, together icith the Porao™s^$ between the Jtlir,e ana Groom, Doiclais, aiid Doulais Top, and between Plymouth Toll Gate, Merthyr, and the Mardy Bridge, for which a separate lender is also quid. — >_» ,_t (-t t— i-1 t-4 H* — j 57* i^. 05 isQ >-»* O O 00 C* ^~| 5 W FStaaxleO § 5 £ 3 3 =•? £ o s 2 2-d -.= 5 3 S = 3 3 2S A? s 3 £ 3 5 7'? S-3? £ SJ C A YC -.FT O §>JR^L* |STRUCT S o-* £ 0 q w o 0 to a o T St* 0< « T- S I = §SQ9. ■ .=?. ss. 3S. • 3V3S? si- S' o • ■ g § o g Si- T. a. P. 3 fS ^s; S 3 O -1 cL 1 ts: %'■ i « 3 2- $1" I ? eg ?: g: I i g: eg ?: g: I i g: ,œ o. tD. £ 2 H 5 eSa g ¿' == 51.8 a • «* £ y ■' i-s to w H to M W Kk IC i-t N5 Ci s?. *1 & Q Q O n Ui o O oi tp 'tn *„• O O C <?+■ C o o oooooo oooooooo o cr n s £ C { ul » Z 1 S 2 S 5 I t = a Q.? The Material is to be broken sulfieiently small to pas3 by its L1rgest. dnnen8lOns throu:;1t a inch gauge, and to be perfectly free from dirt; it is to be delivered In suh quantities as may be directed by the Surveyor of the Northern District of Roads, and piled in the Depots on the road-tide (one yard in height, and either one or two yards wide), in such places as may be pointed out by the constant labourer on the spot, in readiness for measurement by the time named for its delivery on such Surveyor's Order, which order shall al- ways be sent tQ the Contractor at least a fortnight before the day named for delivering such material. The Cun- tractor must, at his own expense, remove all materittJd t) the road aft;r it i3 measured, in all cases where the portion of the road to be metalled shall exceed fifty yards from the Depot. OBSERVE. —All persons desirous to Tender must do so upon a Printed Form of Tender, whkh will bú suppJiecl (post tree) on application to the Surveyor. The Name of a Person prepared to Le:ome a Security for the due performance of the contract to accompany each tender. Fur further particu:at"3 apply to Mr Frederick Hamilton Phibips, He:a Surveyor to the County Roads Board, Neath. June. 1879. 7703 CMWATVAIT. CARDIFF. ANTO^rACADEMY, Head Master, W. JAMES, M.A., assisted by J. BUSH, B. Sc., (Lond.) ROBERTS, Pupils pre- p ired for the various examinations. 7400—40097 LIS. S. J. DAVIES'S SCHOOL REv -1. OPENED on MONDAY, 20th January. — 47 I (late 201, Charles-street (opposite Wesley Chapei), Cardiff. 5674 4C325 TAUNTON. TKDEPE NDeW COLLEGE, TAUNTON. PitixciPAT.: Rev W. H. GRIFFITH, 31,A., London. Saex>o MAi.-aa: T. POWELL, Es4, il.A., Oxou. n p Dupils prepared for the Cambridge Local and London i n iversity Examinations and also" for Commercial Life. A junior banoot Preparatory t> tho College in a separate building, uni.er the care of Mrs Milne. Terms from 26 to 40 guineas per annum. For Piospecau app y to the Principal as above or to tho Secretary, Mr AMSEKT GOODMAN, Taunton 7106 The College will re-open on FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. AT COMBE COURT, il WO0LCKESTV.R, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. The MISSES PEARCE (assisted by Governesses and Professors) R?ceive Ycung Ladies as lie ident Pupils. The establishment is a mansion delightfully situated, with ext.-nsivo grounds and gardens, and is in a most healthy and beautiful locality on the hills, near Stroud, so ihat health and education are combined. Terms-From 20 to 35 gudieas per annum. Pupils assemble after the Midsummer Vacation on the 25th of July. Prospectus, with view of residence, on application, t — 2^7 nlc by ^UCTICU. SALE OF CHOICE AYRSHIRE COWS AD HEIFERS. MESSRS STEPIIENSON, ALEXAN- ..ll.1. DER, and Co., will SELL by AUCTION, at their H(;poitory, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on SATUHD. Y, June 28th, 1870, at 2 o'clock, TWELVE LARGE AYRSHIRE COWS AD HEIFERS This Sale is held to supply the demaml for large and choice cattle of this celebrated breed. Mr John Cot- treil's skill and experienee will be exercised in the selec. tion of a choice and beautiful herd to satisfy the judg- ment of the beot connoisseurs. Catalogues will be ready in a few days. 42237 7694 NEW PLACE AD OLD PLACE COLLIERIES, PENGAM, NEAR CARDIFF, IMPORTANT AD UNRESERVED SALE OF VALU- ABLE PLANT AND MACHINERY. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- .r DER and CO. are instructed to SELL by AUC- TION, withnut reserve, on MONDAY, June 30th (and not on TUESDAY, July 1st, as previously advertised), the whole of the v:1.Juable PLANT AND MACHINERY of theae Collieries, Consisting of a superivr horizontal winding engine, 22in. cylinder, 3ft. stroke; direct acting pumping engine, 40in. cylinder, Oft. stroke; donkey engine, 5 iarge boilers and fittings complete, saw bellch engine and saws, pluner lift aull pumps, 9ft plunger, 20in. diameter; wheel pump, pit frame, sheaves, wire ropes, cages, screens and tips, weiöhing machines, iron girder bridge, about 300 tons of train phtes, sleepers, amI single-beaded rllls. bthe for turning tram wheels, 76 coal trams, amI iron. work for 40 ditto, 2 horse boxes, 50 sets of colliers' tooJs, and a quntity d smiths' ditto, engine stores, anvils, crab WillC ,es, chain3, several tons of wrought and cast scrap iron, carpenters'shop bench, together with the office fittings and furniture, &c.. &c. The Piantand Machinery will be found to be in excel- lent c(>r.d,ticn. The Coliferies are withn 15 minutes' walk of the Pengam Station on the Rhymney and five minutes of the Pengam Station of the Brecon and Mer- thyr Railways. Sale to commence at 11 a.m.. Catalogues are in preparation, and can be obtained of t,he Auctioneers. Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 7693 42077 HORSE AD CARRIAGE REPOSITORY,cIWCK. CAP.DIF1". MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DEt and Co.'s next FORTNIGHTLY SALE of HORSS, CARBIAGE" aud HARNESS Will bc herel at their Repository, on SATUH.DAY, July 5th, at Two o'clock precisely. There will be induded in this Sale, 10 capit3.1 2 year-old CoJts. Total expense on Horses offered and not sold, 5s. Entries for tUs Sale must be made on or before Tues- day, the 1st of July, or they cannot appear in the Sale Edition of the Catalogue. 42332—7706 IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS PRE- M1ES In Bute-road, substantial and newly erected LEASEHOLD VILLA RE;3IDE:S-CES in Richmond- road, Oakfleld-street, and Broadway, Cardiff. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, .ALEXAN DER, & co. will SELL by AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, 8th July, 18,9, at 7 o'clock ill the evening, subject to such..conditioDs as shall be then produced, the followln Valuable BUSINESS PREMISES AND LEASEHOLD VILLA RESIDENCES. LOT l.-A1 that valuable Leasehold MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, SHOP, AND PR£MbE8, situate and being No. 205, Bute-road, Cardiff, aforesaid. These premises are held nnder a lease from tiie trustees of the late Marquess of Bute for the residue of a term of 99 years, subject to a yearly ground rent of £ » Imme- diate possession can Le had. LOT 2. —All those Two Semi-detached VILLAS, situate in Richmon'1-road, Cardiff, ald held for a tenn of 99 years from February, 1875, at an annual ground-rent of £ 7 4s and £ 3 83 respectively. LOT 3.—AT those Two Semi-detached VILLAS, situate and being in Oaktieid-street, Cardirf, anJ held fur a term of 99 years from February 1875, at an annual ground- rent OÎ £ 7 -13 and £ 3 88 respectively. LOT 4.—All those Two Semi-detached VILLAS held for a term of 99 years, from February, 1875, at an annual ground-rent of £ 13 per annum. LOT 5.—TWO LEASEHOLD DY-ELLIG-lIOUSES, situate and bClIJgnJar the north en 1 of the east side of 111hmond-roa,1, Canj¡íf, held for the residue of a term of 09 yean, at a ground rent of £ 3 15s, with a frontage of 19 and 21 feet respectÏ\"eJy. LOT 0.—All that LEASEHOLD DWELLING-lIOISE, situate and being in Richmond-road. Cardiff, and held for the residue of a term uf 93 years, at a ground rent of £ 3 lss per annum. LOT 7.—All thoe Two VILLA RESIDENCES, situate and bein6' III Broadwav, and known as Cedar ViLa ånd Elm Villa, hell unller a lease from W, Bradley, Esq., and others fur 99 years from the 29th September, 1373, <1.t an annual ground rent of £ 7 10s. LOT 8. Ail that LEA,8EHOLD VILLA, and known as No 2, Richard's terrace, Hoath, held for term oi 99 years f1"<)lll March :5J¡, 1873, at an annual ground rent of £ 2 17 Od. Further particulars a3 to L0t 1 can lie obtainII of Messrs Merrils ami Son, Solicitors, Church-street as to Lots 2,3, and 4. Mr George Dix, Castle-road Lots 5 and 6, :\11' Joseph Brown, 24, Stacey-road Lots 7 amI 8, John Henry Evans, Esq., Solicitor, Church-street; or of the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY AT CA rIB Y'S CATIIED1:UL-IWAD, AD CANTON, CA1WIFF. Estate of Henry Raymond, In Liquidation. 1',1' ESSH.S. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- -4-T_L DER, and CO., are instructell to SELL by AUC- TION, at the Queen's Hotel, (}lnlitI, on TUESDAY, Ju1y 8th, 1870, at Seven o'clock in the Evening, anù sub- jeet to such c.mdit:ol1s all shall btJ then ami thcre pro- duced, the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY In the undermentioned Lot or Luts 303 slia'l bo deter- mined UpOI1 at the time of Sale. LOT 1.—Ad those Two DWELLING-HOn,ES, situate ami bing Xoa. Hand 45, W,>odviUe-r,)aJ, Catbays, in the occupation of :.Ir Friezer and :'11' James Johnston, "t the annual rent,.1 of £ 25 ami £ 28 respectively, and held for a term of 99 years, from 23th of January, 1875, at the annual "round rent of £ o 1Ss 6d. LOT 2.—All tlnse two DWELLIG-HOI"SES, being N< s. 1 and 3, Flora-strœt, Catbays, in the occupation c'f I Mr Walker and )11' Palmer, at the weekly rent d 68 Cd, and held lor a term of 9J vean, from the 1st or August, 1874, at an annua1 ground rent of £ 3 13s 9d. LOT 3.-AlI'those Two D';rELLIU-HOL"SES, bein6' Nos. 2 and 4, Flora-street, Cathays. in the occupation of :\11' Raymond and )11' Redman, at the weekly rent of Ga 6à, awl held for a term of 99 ye trs, from the 28th of July, 1876, at an annual ground rent of £ 3. LOT 4.-All those Three DWELLING-HOCS,S, being Nos. 11),12, ami 14, F;ora-strect, Cathays, in tLe occupa- tion or Ir Grim" Mr Westwood, and Mr Cook, :t the weekly rent of 6s 8d, and held for a term ef 9 year3 from the 30th day of Jl:I.y, 1376, at an annual ground- rent of £ 5 133 3d. LOT 5.11 th0se T,vo DWELLEG-HO"GSES, being Nos. 16 and 13, Flora-street, in the occupation oi Mr and Mr Davis, at the weekly rent of Cs Cd, and held fnr a term of 99 ye3.rs, from the 31st of Decem- ber, 1875, at an annual grotm, !-rel.t of £ i 15s fid. LOT 6.—All those Four DWELLING-HOLSES, being Nos. 20, 22, 24, and 2d, Flora-street, Cathays, jn the occupation of Ir 13rianand and others, at the weekly rent of 6s 6d, and held for a term of 99 years, from the 10th of October, 18T5, at an annual ground rent of £ 7 16s ed. ],or7.—All that hlmLlspme and sub3bntial VILLA RESIDENCE, situate in Catliedral-road, and held for a j term of 99 years, from the -0:h of July, 1878, at an annual ground rent of £ 17 10s. LOT S.-Ail those Three partly-erected DWELLING- H0L"SES, situate and being in King's-road, Canton, and held for a term of 99 years, from the 1876, at an annual ground rent of £ Further particulars can be obtained of the Auctioneers, or of Messrs Dalton, Spencer, and Corbett, Solicitura W orkin;-street, Cardiff. 7692 42301 LANBLETHIAN ami ABEé1.THI, near COWBRIDGE, GLA"!GWJA¡;SdIRE. SALE OF FREEHOLD and CUPYIIOLD LANDS, DWELLlSG.lJO¡;SES, &c. MESSRS STEPHENSON ALEXAN- 'L DER and co. ar] instructed 0)" the representa- thes of the late :\11' Jenkins, to SELL by ACCT10:'i, at tle Dear Hotel, Cowbridge, em TUESDAY, the 15th July, 1879, "t 2 for 3 o'clock precisely, the following FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD L1\:S-DS and DWELLING- HOUSES, Stiuate and being at Abcrthin and Lanbletliian, near CQwbritl;;e. LOT 1.—All thoie TWO FIELDS of Pasture and Arable land, containing uy admeasurement 5a 2r. 30p., or there- abouts, on the west side of and adjoining the turnpike- road from Cowbridge t> Llantrisant, near to the village of Aberthin, and about It miles from the tO\\ n oi Cowbridge, now in the occupation of Mr R.?es ITopkin. This Lo i" plrt Freehold and part Copyhold. LOT 2.— All that FREEHOLD IŒSlIJENCE known as Lanbletlian House, cClltaining dininx and drawing- rooms, SlX bedchambers, servants' apartments, kitc:1Cna, offices, brew-house, coach-house, six-stall stible, pig- geries, and iheds, with garden and orchard, including a cottag in tWi) tel,emellt8 and garden, together with a barn and four pieces of very excjllerit meadow bnd, three of whieh are customary hold, and containing by a:1measurement 17a It IIp, or thereabouts, the whole situte in the viliage of Lanblethian, about onc mile from the market town of CowbriJ¡.re, eight miles from Bridgend, aEd twelve from Cardiff. It is also in ûne of the most picturesque and charmingly-pretty neighbourhoods in the vale of Glamorgan, affording an opportunity to persons requiring a compact residential prorerty seldom to be met with in the district. Further particulars, with Plans and Conditions of Sale, may be obtained of Messrs Dalton, Spencer, and Corbett, Solicitors, Cardiff; Mr Thomas Rces, Solicitor, Cow- bnù; Messrs Strick and Bellingham, Solicitors, Swan- sea; or of the Auctioneers, Queea's Chambers, Cardiff. 7691— 4SZ38 LARGE AD DIPORTANT SALE OF FARMING STvCK, &e. TONDU FARI, NEAH. llRIDGEND. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DElt, and CO., are illatruclocl by :\Ir Peter Holme3, who is leaving the Farm, to SEL by AUCTION, without reserve, about the 2nd week ih July, tiie whole of the Yaluable FARMING STOCK, GROWING and other CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, &c, VIZ.. 24 Milking Cows, in and with Calf 20 Young Cattle 200 Hadnor Ewes 2GO Lambs, Cross Cotswold and Radnor 10 Cart and other Horses 150 Tons of Meadow anI Clover Ha, 3 Ricks Oat Straw and 1 Ditto Wheat Straw 90 Acres of Growing Oats, in excellent condition About 5o0 Acre" of Graas keep up to the 29th of Septem- ber next, anù the whole of the Agricultural Imple- ments. Three months' credit. C -ta.ogues will be prepared, and full particulars will appear in fnl1re advertisements. Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 7695—42172 No, 01, PART RIDGE-ROAD, ROATH, CARDIFF. SALE OF HOF::5EHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. MR LEWIS HOPKINS has been ..l't' ¡",voure 1 with ÏthitructiollS iiom a Gentleman wI, is leaving tlk town to SELL l)- PUBLIC AUCTION, 011 FRIDAY, June 2,th, 18,9, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FlJHXITU[Œ, See., At hi3 residence, as above, comprising th-) contents of drawing and din;ng-room, three bedrooms, and kitchen, &c. On viey the lIbrning of Sale. Sale to commence :1.t Two 0' 'lock precisely. I For further particulars see po;ter3. 7693 Auctioneer's Offices, 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 42297 I LIQUIDATION. ~— :Ko. 54, WOODYILLE-ROA0, CATHAYS, CARDIFF. MR EDWIN T. LUCOCK is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, on THURSDAY XEXT, July 3rd, 1379, at the residence as above; tne whole of the superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, ComprisingA substantial suite of furniture in IDa- hogany, ujJhobereJ in leather sideboard, mahogany telescope table with extra leaf. pier g'as. spJeniil Alllenan organ with 8 stnps. small table, gilt co..n: ee and pair of curtains, marble timepiece, vaSeS, Brussels carpet and hearthrug, sewing machine, about 80 volumes of books, choice oil p:1Íntings a. Dcl engravings, cruet stand, kllve3, forks, spoons, fender, fireirons, coal vase, &c" &c. DRAWING-ROOM.—Walnut suite in green rep, very hacd30me walnut cheffouniere with plate-glass doors and back, walnut oval table, large gilt pier g-bss, gilt pole. and flns, pair ot curtains, work tauIe, whatnot, gilt time. piece under glass shade, 13russel:; carpet and hearthrug, fen,1er, fire irun." coal vase, &c. KITCHEN and AN:TKIES.-Diuner, breakfast, and tea services, set of dish covers, knife machine, table with two drawers, chairs, tLliepiec/3, and the usual utensils. BEDH.OOIS,-Very handsome mahogany wardrobe, with plate dass centre chests of drawers, washstands, dressing tables, towel rail3, troll, half-tester, awl French bedsteads, palliasses, feather ar,d millpufi beds, swing toilet glasses, chairs, Brussels and other carpets, Painted chest; oi drawers, wJ,sLs;and3, tables, wardrobe, fenders, fire irons, &c. Th" Auctioneer de3ires to draw lhe attention of buyers I to the above Furniture, the whole of it tieing of the best quality, ha.vi\Jg been purchased from first-class houses, and wiT be sold without the least reserve. Oil view the dáY previous to the SÛe, which will com- mencc. ::It T1.lt.) oWo-V v. 771\'7 RAFTS' by ,H(tiCtt THE PENARTH RESTA1:H.ANT, Ko, 6, MAUGIIAN- TEltH.ACr, PENARTH. TO LODGING HOUSE-KEEPERS. PARTIES FURNISH- INU. AND OTHERS. MR MADDOX has received instructions from the proprietor, who i3 retiring from the busivess, to SELL by AUCTION, at the above addres3, without reserve, on MONDAY NEXT, the 30th instant, the whole of the very useful HOUSEHOLD 'Ft;lNITURE AND EFFECTS of two sitting-rooms, five bedroom,,>, hali, kitchens, and restaurant utensils for full particulars of which sec posters and handbill3. The Sale will commence at two o'cloc( preci;e1y, The Home (where an old-established ltchurant hnsi- ncss has been carried on ior many years) i., to LET with immeùiate possession. 7' 00 42309 For particulars, apply on the premises, or to the Auctioneer, at his 0e3, 76, St, Mary-street, Cardiff. TO FARMERS, GIL\Z¡¡mS, COWlŒEPERS, AND OTHERS. Highly Important and UnrcserV.3d Sale of GROWING CROPS, consisting of Meadow Hay, Pasture, Clover, and Wheat. PENCERRIG FARM, BONVILSTONE, situate OM and núles from Yeterstone Station, thrce miles from St. Fagans StatIntl (on the Great Western Railway), five miles ffl))tl Cowbridge, an1 eight irom Caidilf. MR MADDOX has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on the several Fields at thc above FMIU, 011 WEDNESDAY ncxt, the 2nd (hyof July, 1871), thc whole of the GROWING CROP3. Now standing thereon, and consbting of about 150 acres of meadow bay and pasture, nine acres of clover, and ten acres of wheat. The whole is now in fine condition, (the greater portion of the hay crops ùeing ready for cutting), and pnssession wiil be given from the day of sale untit 2uJ February, 1880, subject to tuch conditioils as shall be rcad at the sale. Refreshments will be served at Pencerrig Farm Housc, at twelve o'e:ock, and the sale wiil commellce punctually at 1. For further particulars, and leave to view apply to Mr W. J, G),:danl, IJ, Duke-street, C.1reliff; Mr Earl, Builder, St. Nicholas, or of tho Auctioneer, 76, St Mary- street, Cardiff. 7702 42319 TO PUBLICANS. REFRESHMENT AND BOARDING- HOUSE KEEPERS, anù OTHERS. SALE OF SUBSTANTIAL lIneSEHOLlJ FURNITURE and EFFECTS, American cooking stove, crockery, knives, forks, liit- chen requisites, aud sundry utensils. MESSRS W. and S. HERN are in- .1.tJ.. structed to SELL the above by AUCTION, at K o. 272, Bute-street, Cardiff, on SAT!; IWA Y, the 28th JUHe, 1879, at 3 o'clock p.m. Full particulars of the Auctioneers, at their offices, Masonic Hall, Chambers, 15 and 16, W orkillg-street, Cardiff. 7701—42327 AUCTION MART, COWBRIDGE. 1\ II"ES ::RS J. aud T. no WEN will hold 1.;1 their Next FAT STOCK SALE on TUESDAY, July 8th, 1679, at their Mart, adjoining the Bear Hotel. Entries respectful:y solicited. Particulars to follow. Rcsltlellce-Pnmark. 7689 ubtit SIRIMUTMMI rj10_ S U R V E Y 0 R S, NOTICE I j HEREBY GIVEN that a MEETING of the COUNTY ROADS BOARD of the County of Glamorgan will be belli on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of July, 1879, at the TOWN-HALL, NEATH, at One o'clock p.m., to proceed to the appointment of a Surveyor for the Cowbridge District of Highwavs, at a yearly salary of £ 120. Candielate3 are requested to send Testimonials, ad- dressed The County Roads B jard," under cover, to me on or bef.)re the 25th ùay of July, 1879. The nam3 anù rcsidence3 of two sureties in tho sum of £ 300, .for the due discharge of the duties, must be sent tJ me with the testimonials, or they will not be at. tended to. The Surveyor of the Highways must reside within his district, and devote his whole time to the duties of the office. If any Surveyor micondncts himse1i, he may be dismissed at the next meeting of the County Roads Board; or if from any other cause the Board ehall desire hi, removal, or the Surveyor shall be deirous of resigning office, three calendar months' notice in writing should l.e given by either party. B.Wl1AIW E. SP E:\CER, Clerk tothc County Roads Board. Cardiff, 26th JuJy, 1879. 7704 CAn D I F U N ION. EL Y SCHOOLS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Guanlj[1,ns of the Cardiff Union will, at their Meeting to Le held on the 12th day of JULY, 1870, proceed to ELECT a'SCHOOLl\IlTlŒSS for tle Infant Branch of the above Scb 013. Sdary £ 25 p8r annum, with rations, apartments, and washing an l such further sum as may bc p,y[1,ble uu- dèr thè Certificate (If the Local Government Board, npon the Report of H.M. Inspector, whose examination the listress wi1l be required to undergo. Candidates must senel applications in their own hand. writing, stating age, condition, previous employment, awl class of certificate (if any), accompaded by recent • te.3timonjals, lllidcr cover, addressed to me, and en. dorsed Infant f'chooI1nistress," ou or before the 8th of JULY ncxt. The Board will par the travelling expenses of sclecled c:\1lùiùates only, By order, W. P. STEPHENSON, Clerk. Dated 21st June, 1879. 77 JO !nuauc. "TEST OF ENGLAND FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED AT EXETER, 1807. CAPITAL, £ 600,000. TRUSTEES* Rt. Hon. Earl of DEYox. I Sir T. D. ACLAND, Bart., [.P Rt. Hon. Earl FORTESUUE. Sir J. T. E. DUCKWORTH, Bart Ht. Hon. Earl of MORLEY. SirMASSEY LOPBS, Dart" M.r. FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES etTected and LOANS granted upon approved Personal Security in connection with Life Insurance. Cardiff Mr W. Alexander Messrs W, and S. Hem Chepstow J\ír W. H. Toye lIIerthyr Tydvil Mr J. T, Morgan Swansea Mr Chas, Norton Neath Mr W. II, Rees 1364 THE LON DON ASS U RAN C E. (Incorporated by Royal Charter, A.D. 17:20.) FOR FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE ASSURANCES Heal Office No.7, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, E.C. Governor.-EDWAHD BUDD, ESQ. Sub-Governor.—MARK WILKS COLLET, ESQ. Deputy Governor.-GEOI-GE L. M. GIBBS, ESQ. Directors. H. Gough Arbuthnot, Esq. Robert Henderson, Esq. Robert Burn myth, Esq. Louis Huth, Esq. WiJliam T. Brawl, Esq. Henry J, 13. Kcndal1, Esq. Major-General H, P. Burn. Charles LyaH, Esq. George W. Campbell, Esq. Capt, R. W, Pelly, R.N. George B. Dewhurst, E3q. William Rennie, Esq. Rob2rt 13. Dobree, Esq. P. F. Robertson, Esq. Rotert Gillespie, Esq. Robert Ryrie, Esq. Howard Gilliat, Esq. David P. Sellar, Esq. Henry Goschen, Esq Col. Leopold Seymour. Edwin Gower, Esq. Lewis A. Wallace, Esq A- C. Guthrie, Esq. William 13. Watson, Esq. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN that the Fifteen days of GmC8 allowed for Renewal of Midsummer Policies will expire Otl 9th July. The Directors invite applications for Agencies for the Fire and Life Departments. Prospectuses, copies of the Fire, Life, and Marine Ac. counts, and all other information can be had on applica- tion. JOHN P. LAUR&CE, Secretary. 7û38 ACCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY!! ACCIDENTS OF ALL KIN DS provided against by II. Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Thi Oldest anel Largest Accidental Assurance Company The Right Hon. LORD KIMNAIItD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME, £ 214,000. A fixed sum in cae of Death by Accident, and a weekly Allowance in the event of injury, may be secureù at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to insurers of five years' standing. £ 1,350,000 have been paid aeJ CONDENSATION. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 61, CORNHILL, LONDJN. 716S—40139 WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Asrent: —W. WLliaJ.ll3. 11, Henry-street, ute Docks. ltlnttion,St ESTABLISHED 1735. CJnåer ths Spedal Pal1"o¡¡ag. of rler Majesty, the Govern, ment, alld Public OOius. NOW COMPILING, ISAAC ROYAL NATIONAL COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY OK SOUTH and NORTH WALES, and the COUNTIES of MONMOUTH aD I SHROPSHIRE, with the Citie3 of BRISTOL and CHESTER. ISAAC SLATER begs respectiuJJy to intimate thtlt he has cemmenccd the compilation of a new and complete Commercial, Statistical, and Topographical DIRECTORY of the: above COUNTIES. PRICE: TO SUBSCRIBERS, bound in cloth £ 1 10 0 „ Tv NOS-SUBsc!tmERS £ 2 0 0 So Money received for the Directory until it is delivered. ADVERTISEMENTS Illscrtd at the End of the Work, to be paid for when the Proof is presented. Whole Pa^e- £ 5 0 0 Half of a Page £ 3 0 0 Th ree-quartersofa I One-third of a Page 2 0 0 Page 4 5 0 I One-quarter of a ) Two-thirds of a 1\ 1'a;¡-e • 1 10 0 Page 3 15 ° FOn SPECIAL POSITlOSS-SEE SPECIAL LIST. Inserting Name, Profession, or Tr;:de, and Addres3 in Black Letter. Ona Shilling per line of Twenty Letters. Lists of other Directories post free 011 application. ISAAC SLATER, I ROYAL NATIONAL DIRECTORY OFFICE, 37, LOWER KING STIŒET, l\IAKCllE5TER. Resident Agent ■ A. WILD, 2.5, ADAM-STREET, 5:'L5 CAlWJFF 42119 Recently published DirectorÏe3, for Lancashire, North- ern Counties, Scotland, &.c. CARDIFF, SW ANSEA, AND NEW- PORT SHIPPING GAZETTE. Published every Monday Morning. Price 2111 per an- num, or by post 2511. The" CARDIFF, SW AN:,EA, AND NEWPORT SHIPPING GAZETTE" contains a complete record of the Shipping buine3s of Cardiff, Swan,¡ea. Newport, Brigtol, Neath, Briton Ferry, Burry Port, &c., and cir. culates among all the Ierchants and Brokers of tbe Britol Channel Ports, anù generally throughout the varioU3 part" of the United Kingdom, It is filed a1; Lloyd's, the Lombard, and most of the Chambers of Commerce, and is a.130 sent to the lealling Foreign Ports. CIHEF OFFICES.—75 and 73. st. Mary-street, Cardi CUNNINGHAM goo SEY' S UNIVERSAL MUSIC," TWOPENCE EACH. Catalogues Illay be had on application to COOPER. COUTTS, and CO., Setle Agents for Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire 5423 PIANOFORTE & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 50, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. THE MATRIMONIAL NEWS^ a Weekly Family Newspaper, puhlihed every Sa. turday, price 3d., post free, 3id., enclosed as a letter, 4}d., has now been established seven years. Over 10,000 already married. 300 new candidates for lIIatrimony every week. All who wish tc marry should read it. Published at 302, STRAND, LOND6N, and may be had through any Newsagent. The trade supplied on sale or return 5751 otetø M' C U~L~~L~ O C H S (LATE OF DUNDEE) FAMILY AND PRIVATE HOTEL, H, THAVIES INN, HOLBORN CIRCUS, LONDON. This Hotel is most conveniently situated for th City or WTest End. It is within five piinutes' walk of St, Paul's, Post Qffice, Museum, and the principal places of Amusement. Visitors to Londyji will find here thorough Home Comforts, combined with moderate charges. Amusement. Visitors to Londyji will find here thorough Home Comforts, combined with moderate charges. 1'¡=.=:t. Pn>->pr jn 1)n!11n, 7-575 gOOTS-SUMME R—J> O O T S. JJOYLE AND 00., BOOT MERCHANTS. 19, CHURCH-STREET & 2, IIIGII-STREET, CARDIFF. FOR THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK. jpOR THE BEST AND CHEAPEST srOCK. j^OR THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK. 'jpOR THE NEWEST STYLES, jpOR THE NEWEST STYLES,' Jj^OR THE NEWEST STYLES. FOR THE LATEST FRENCH DESIGNS. F,OR THE LATEST FRENCH DESIGNS. THE LATEST FRENCH DESIGNS. JP<OR THE PARISIAN SHOES FOR THE PARISIAN SHOES. FOR THE PARISIAN SHOES. FOIt THE SATTEEN AND CASHMERE BOOTS. FOR THE SATTEEM AND CASHMERE BOOTS. FOR THE SATTEEN AND CASHMERE BOOTS. J^OR THE GLOVE AND GLACIE KID BOOTS. FOR THE GLOVE AND GLACIE KID BOOTS. FOR. THE GLOYK AND GLACIE KID BOOTS. FOR LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS. FOR LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS. FOR LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS. BOYLE AND CO., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES, 2, HIGH-STREET, AND 19, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 7555 JpENARTH.— NOTICE OF REMOVAL. JOHN MORGAN, Late Occupier of the American House, wiaho3 to re- turn thanks to the PUBLIC of PENARTH generally for their liberal patronage for over twenty year3, and to announce that he has now REMOVED to his Commodious Premises BROOKLYN HOUSE, WINDSOR ROAD, where he has Opened with an entirely New Stock in the GENERAL GROCERY and PROVISION TRADE, together with his usual Genuine Stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Also the BAKING and CONFECTIONERY, by which he can guarantee to Supply all Customers at their Residence daily with HO.ME MADE and BROWN WHEATEN BREAD. All orders promptly attended to. 7690—42263 w fJ!HE CARDIFF UPHOLSTERERS. 00 M -< 0 ^J^ANIEL J^EWIS & <gON, a o Z ART CABINET MAKERS. H 8 ts £ HOUSES FURNISHED ON THE « o PURCHASE HIRE SYSTEM. >■ w 00 Oi CATALOGUES (ILLUSTRATED) POST FREE. 7621-4] 096 TENTS AND MARQUEES ON HIRE. JNO. SMART & CO., THE OLD-ESTABLISHED TENT AND MARQUEE PROPRIETORS, 41, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF, Have just prepared for the forthcoming season a largo and extensive assortment of TENTS and MARQUEES admirably adapted for Fiorieultural and Ilorticu'iural EhJws, Eisteddfodau, Fetes and Galas, Races, Pienies,&c.. &oc. Set, of Marquees and Tents spccl;¡í1y proviùeJ for Garden Parties. Marquees to accommodate from 20 to 6,000 persons. Distance no object. 7539 41695 TANGYE BROS. AND STEEL ENGINEERS, NEWPORT (MON) AND SWANSEA, Makers of HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ENGINES FOR HAULING, WINDING, ANn GENBHAL PURPOSES, STEAM AND HAND CRANES, CONDENSERS, STEAM TRAPS, BOILERS. COUNLSII, VERTICAL, AND LANCASHIRE. ^ANGYES' PATENT HIGH-SPEED GOVERNORS, FOJl ALL CLA&3ES OP ENQINB3. FANS, AND CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, SHAFTING, AND PULLETS, Steam Fitting3 and Boiler Mountings of ail kinds, GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTORS, GUN METAL AND CAST-IRON HAND PUMPS, SPECIAL STEAM PUMPS, VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL 1 (OVER 20.000 IN USE. HYDRAULIC LIFTING JACKS. GREATLY REDUCED PRICE?. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. ANTI-FRICTION WHITE METAL FOR BEARINGS 1 Weston's and other Pulley Blocks of all descriptions. GEARING, HOISTS, TRAVELLERS, Sorew-lifting Jacks, Crabs, and Lifting Machinery, LATHES, SAW-BENCHES, AND SCRKWIXO MACHJXES, ALSO ST.-AU, GAS, AND WATER TUBES OF CAST AND WROUGHT IRON, STOCKS AND DIES, RACIIET BRACES, TUBE EXPANDERS, ANVILS, VICKS, FORGES, TO>TGS, ÅD SMITHS' TOOLS, Hammers, Sledges, and Spanners, SCREW COUPLINGS, BOLTS AND NUTS, RIVETS, And all TOOLS and MACHINERY for Ironworks, Collieries, Tinworks, Gas and Water Works. Railways, Sw :\1:113, Foundries, Steamships, &c., &c. Details and Prices on application. Estimates free. MACHINERY ERECTED BY CONTRACT BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, AND REPAIRS to MACHINERY of every description. Contractors for ERECTING OF CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS, IRON BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, &c. Iron Roofs have been crected by T. B. and S. at DOWLAIS STEELWORKS, PAN ^EG STEELWORKS, TREDEGAR IRONWORKS, &c., &c., and many Works in South Wales. „ 7541-41712 TANGYE BROTHERS & STEEL, NEWPORT (MON.) AND SWANSEA. J T. HANDY, M.R.C.V.S., (Successor to Mr George Bodington), Late Inspector of Privy Council, and Veterinary Surgeon to His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, Adjoining the Western 1bil" Office, ST MARY'S STREET, CARDIFF, And 34, ALBION-ROAD, CANTON. N.B.—Professional Attendance and Medicine contracted for either by Month or Year. 7431—41247 C. AND O. H0WELL' WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CARDIFF. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST BRANDS. BASS'S ALE and GUINNESS'S STOUT In Superior Condition, 111 Cask and Bottie. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. All Orders taken at 1, QUEEN-STREET. WHOLESALE STORES-ADAM-STREET, BOTTLING STORES-GODFREY-STREET, 7615-41960 CARDIFF. BEST SUMMER J^/JEDIOINE. J^AYE'S ^YORSDELL'S pILLS. Theae Vegetable Pills are THE BEST SUMMER MEDICINE, Acting as a mild aperient and purifying the blood. "1 THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold everywhere. Price Is lid, 2s 9d, and is Gd 7193 per box. 40217 ( THOUSANDS can testify that the "EUROPA INFANTS' POW Ixrn 1 TLTmoi DERS' are styfer and more actira NFANTS than any yet introduced. For all ■< diseases of Children they are invalu- able—They are free from OPIUU or POWDERS anvthmg injurious to tho youngest bate. Packets, Is lid, by all AJ-VQQ 5QIOT Chemists, or from tho M&LCCR. OT A« ^GEORGE, Peutre, Pontypridd, I DESTROYER OF HAIR*-—Alex. Depilatory removes Hair from the Face without injury. His Hair Dyg.gives immediate colour to Grey Hair or Wbisk^f^ "His Oil of Cantharlues produces Hair on the IVce or Head. His Skin Tightener removes Furroyw and iwks under the Eyes. His Bloom of Roses ctfvi^tes pXcc$sive Pallor. Each of these articles Ss 6a, Or sent secretely packed for 54 stamps. Alex. Ross s Ear Machine for Outstanding Ears his Nose Machine for pressing the Cartilage of the Nose into shape, each Ms 6d, sent for stamps.—21, Lambs Conduit-street, Holborn, London. Letters Invited, Had through Coemists. 7632 42020 !1t,$int,$ SUITED. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. EDWARDS'S CARRIAGE FACTORY Is REMOVED from WESTGATE-STREET to TEIGIL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Where every description of Carriage is built to order, and Repairs of all kinds attended to proinDtly. 42174 -< C VENNING, 31, EISTEDDFOD". STREET, (Late URIAH SMART), IE NT AND MARQUEE CONTRACTOR. The Oldest Established Finn in South Wales. No conueelÍ0n with any other ljous. TENTS and MARQUEES for Flower Shows. TENTS and MARQUEES for Eisteddfodau. TENTS and MARQUEES for Dinner Parties. TENTS and MARQUEES for every purpose. Cn bc cnctcd on the shortest notice. Anyone re ¡u¡r:II, Tenti or Marquees will do well to IIpp1y as early a possilJle to avoid d"mpp,)intlne:1t. The excellence and extent of our Stock has established a re- putation second to none out of London. 41751 Special Pavilions erected to hold 10,000 persons or more. _J 7556— LAYTON'S FRAGRANT PERSOONIA jLj( BALM, Fur rendering the Skin delicately soft anù white, aml removing anù preventing Roughness, Redness, Erup- tion, Freckles, and Tan, Dcjghtfully fragrant and refreshing for thc Toilet. Sold in Bottles, Is and 2s 6d each, by COLEMAN AND CO., CHEMISTS, IIIGII-STREET, CARDIFF. 577S rjlOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! I INCONCEIVABLE VARIETT. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED IN 43 HOURS. JOHN OWEN, WHOLESALE TOY DEALER, 49, Shudehill, Manchester. Overflowing Stock of Continental and British faney goods, Croquet, Archery, Cricket, Badminton, Lawn Tennis, BÛls, Bats, and Wickets. Novelties of every de3eription in workboxes, desks, dres8in caeo, tea-caddies, cutlery, jewellery, hair- brushes and combs. Owen's collection of glass orna. ments, lustres, vases, and shades is unequalled Enchant- ing Christmas Presents, ladies' companions, &c. Every variety in purses, bags, albums, perfumery, and soaps. Noah's arks, doUs, drums, tops, building tricks, and puzzles of all kinds. Terms, Cash. Cases of goods always packed up to suit any trade, from £2 to £5, and £10 to £1&, well assorted, of all kinds. THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE 49 and 51, Shudehill, opp site Thomas-street, Manchester. JOHN OWEN. PROPRIETOR. 7300 jjji I T S C U R E D7 PROFESSOR BROWN'S GREAT PRESCRIPTION FOR EPIPLESY, HAS NOW BEEN TESTED IN OVER 10,000 CASES, Without a failure. He has made up his mind to make the ingredients known to all sufferers free of charge. Address Prof. O. Phelps Brown, 2, King-street, Covent Garden, London. 7509-A, "OLD DR JACOB SARSAPARILLA. THE BLOOD PURIFIER. This extraordinary Medicine has a singular influence upon the blood, which it enriches and purifies. It re- moves all pimples and blotches, purifies the system, and act; like a charm. As a sustaining ami purifying tonic it is invaluable, and highly recommended in long- standing cases of indigestion, nervousness, coughs,colds, scrofula, gout, dropsy, and wasting of fle.3h. Sold by all druggists. Caution.—Get the red and blue wrapper, with the Doctor's head in the centre. No other genuine. In bottles, 2s 6d, 4s 6d, 7s 6d, lis. THE OLD Da's SARSAPARILLA PILLS are the most popular Medicine known for all bilious affections, liver, stomach complaints, anù indigestion, as proved by thousands. ALSO THE OLD DOCTOR'S ALL-HEALING OINT- MENT, the great soother of all sores, burns, or scalds, coughs, colds, or affections of the chest. Each in boxes, Is 3 id, 28 9d, and 4s 6d; by post 15, 36, and 60 stamps. 7675 THE GOOD RESULTS PRODUCED BY USING 0 UPI S S'S ^CONSTITUTION jgALLS. Mr P. S. KEARNEY, of Milton House, Clonmellon, writes :— My celebrated Bull, Sir Cupiss Ball,' had that name given to him owing to your CONSTITUTION BALLS haYing, in my opinion, saved his life. When a calf he was in a most delicate state, but after giving the BaIIt a short time he began to thrive, and I had no difficulty in rearing him, and never had an animal ca3ier to kcep in condition. I exhibited him four times, and he obtained Six First Prizes—that is, four first as best of his chss, and two first as best Hereford Bull shown." Mr W. ARMSTRONG, late of Fairfield, Kendal, the Proprietor of the two famous Horses, Cashier" and Banker," which have gained so many First Prizes at thc Royal, Islington, and other Horse Shows, writes :— "I have used Y)11r Constitution Balls for the last ten years, and found them the best Medicine for Horses aud Neat Cattle I could procure, particularly SCOURING IN CALVES. I had one so affected that my Veterinarian gave it up and ordered it to be kiTed, but I tried Balls and in Nine Months after the Heifer sold for £29, being then one year old." The Constitution Balls are prepared by the Proprietor FRANCIS CUPISS, M. R. V. C. S. DISS, NORFOLK. Author of the Prize Essay on the Diseases on the Liver of thc Horse. Sold by a11 Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in packets with directions, at Is 9d and 3s Cd each or 7 large packets for One Guinea, or 7 small for Half-a-Guinea. Any .Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Pro- prictor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, post :tiù. 708! MIDLAND R A I L W A Y ——— THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND THE MIDLAND COUNTIES, NORTH OF ENG. LAND, AND SCOTLAND. Third Class Penny per Mile by all Trains on tht Midland Railway. NAY,187.h UP TRAINS WJJKK DAYS A A B~|A A I" a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. in. a. m, a. m Edinburgh (Way erley) dep. 4 25 9 20.. u 10 30 Glasgow, (St En- c och) dep 5 0 9 15 10 15 Carlisle. 8 40 lie Newcastle g 7 811 2o 1 3210 512 50 Sunderiand „ m 6 4010 55 9 £ 512 0 Durham „ Sf 7 35 11 47 10 3211 26 Darlington, a 8 1812 27 2 2511 10 1 41 Stockton.. „ 6 7 4°1 10 45 12 53 3 7 01 11 0 1 20 ork >» 9 38; 1 55 C 50 12 50 3 15 Hull .§ g 50 5 5010 30 Blackburn § 5 53 11 1311 i3 Rochdale.. 3 6 57 9 17 7 18 U 4812 45 Halifax cJ 7 25,10 15 7 42 12 10 1 40 Huddersfield Z 8 10J10 23 8 1312 0 2 6 Wakefield „ a 10 20.11 20 9 o 1 10 3 5 Lancaster 2 5 33 7 47 11 SO Bradford.. a 10 35 2 25 8 15 12 50 3 55 Leeds >( "g 11 30j 2 25 8 50 1 20 4 30 Bamsley.. „ 0 151 9 15 1 2a 4 15 Sheffield „ -g 12 34 4 25 7 010 10 2 30 5 46 L'pool (Rane- £ 5 laghst) „ 10 40 9 012 0 4 0 Manchester L pool (ltane- 8 laghst) „ 10 40 9 012 0 4 0 Manchester (via Mat),, U 30 7 0 9 50 1 0 4 50 Lincoln „ 8 10 „ 9 45 1 10 3 40 Newark „ 8 381 10 20 1 41 4 17 Nottingham „ 11 43 7 5011 0 2 45 5 50 Derby 12 35 1 45 6 4 5 8 4011 35 3 40 6 55 Burton 12 53 2 7 7 15 9 511 56 4 1 7 15 Tamworth „ 1 18 2 20 7 46 9 2711 25 4 20 7 34 Yarmouth „ 4 5 6b010 20 Norwich „ 5 0 j soil 15 Cambridge „ 5 55 11 30 2 15 Peterboro 7 45 11 5' 4 10 Leicester.. „ 11 22 8 10 2 55 6 50 Birmingham B (New St),, 2 45 2 45 8 4010 512 40 4 45 8 5 Worcester „ 3 43! 4 2 9 45 11 29' 1 46 5 56 9 24 Gloucester arr 4 36. 4 53 10 42 12 351 2 37 6 51 10 25 Chepstow „ 6 57 12 20: 2 32^ 4 58' 8 59 1 40 Newport 7 30 1 5 2 57; 5 3S; 0 30| 2 8 Cardiff. „ 7 55 1 37 3 21 6 5 9 57 2 33 a. m. jp. m.jp. m.^p. m jp. m. a. m. E ] E V B a- m- a- mJa- m- p- m.lp. m. p. m. p. 111. Cardiff dep. 5 5b 5; 9 4012 39l2 15 4 5 6 5 Newport „ 0 16, 7 3^10 10: 1 6| 1 Zb 4 35 6 30 Chepstow „ 6 42 8 15,10 52; 1 S2] 2 12j 5 17 7 3 Gloucester 7 4011 30,12 50 2 51 3 40 6 45' 8 23 Worcester prr. 921220203416089916 BirniinghamNew I street „ 10 40; 1 2", 3 35 4 50 6 25 9 4310 IS Leicester.. „ 12 33, 3 57{ 1 44 2 501 6 43 110 251. Cambridge 4 30j 8 50 .12 55' Norwich „ 6 40 2 0 Yarmouth.. 7 50 3 0 Tamworth „ 11 14 1 58 4 53; 5 31 7 2 11*51 Burton. „ II 37 2 22 5 28! 5 52 7 23 11 22 Derby „ 12 5 2 45 6 0. C 15; 7 45 11 45 Nottingham „ 1 0 3 2-3 0 58: 7 11 8 35 1 25 Newark „ 2 41 5 0 9 2! 9 2' 4 30 Newark „ 2 41 5 0 9 21 9 21 4 30 Lincoln 3 18 5 43 9 40! 9 40| 6 0 Manchester (via Mat) „ 2 50 4 55 8 15 8 15 9 45 5 10 L pool (Rane- laghst).. „• 3 45 5 45 9 5)9 510 351 6 0 Sheffield 1 21 4 2 7 38 7 33i 9 23! 12 46 liarnsley „ 2 15 4 55 8 40 8 4010 I5I ^eed» 2 40 5 25 9 15 9 1510 33 2 15 Bradford. 3 15 6 5 9 53! 9 5311 0 2 40 Lancaster „ 6 25 9 5 8 38 Wakefield „ S 8 5 7| 9 0 9"o' 5 4S Huddersfield,, 3 45 6 2510 010 011 7 6 40 Halifax „ 4 5 6 3;210 2110 211.. 7 30 Rochdale.. „ 8 2 Blackburn „ G 16 9 16] 8 52 HulJ 6 5 8 5,11 1511 1512 25 4 32 lork „ 3 5 6 45il0 2010 2011 50i 3 36 Bcarooro' „ 5 10 9 20 II 7 30 Stockton „ 5 26 10 812* 6 15 Darlington 4 23 9 43,11 4311 43- 4 44 Durham „ 4 58 10 5512 1812 18 5 24 Sunderland,, 6 18 Newcastle „ 5 23 U '2012 4512 45 2 43 5 58 Carlisle 6 15 5 0 Glasgow (St Glasgow (St Euoch) „ 9 10 „ „ ..8 0 Edinburgh (Wav- erlev) 8 55 7 45 p m. p. m. a. m.la. m. a. ni. p. m. a. in ) THIRD-CLASS PASSENGERS ARE CONVEYED AS FOLLOWS I— A —Third Class from Midland and North-Eastern Stations shown to Chepstow, Newport, and Cardiff. B.—This train does not run on Monday mornings. c. —Through Carriages are run between Gloucester and Glasgow, hy train leaving Gloucester at 8,58 p,m" and that leaving Glasgow at 5.0 p.m. D.—Runs from Yarmouth on Mondays onlv. I.—Third Class from Cardiff, Newport, and Chepstow tc Midland and North-Eastern Stations shown.. F—Third Class from Cardirr, Newport, and Chepstow to Midlanù iitations shown. H A Third Class Trair leaves Birmingham at5.20 p.m., and Worcester at 6.50 p.m., arriving at Gloucester at ,r 8.5, Chepstow, 9.23, Newport, 9 50, and Cardiff at 10.15 p.m. PASSENGERS DESIROUS OF TRAVEL. LING BY THIS ROUTE From Cardiff, Newport, and Chepstow, are par- ticularly requested to ask for Tickets to travel I by "Gloucester and the Midland Railway." 12T JAMES ALLPORT. General Manager 'MAGNETISM V. DISEASE. A SIGNIFICANT FACT: For quite a hundred years strenuous efforts have been made to prove the curative power of animal magnetism, and notwithstanding the fact that its value has been demonstrated ill thous,m1s or instances, the opposition of the medical profession has been so determined (though there have been many honourable exceptions on the part of individual practitioners) -that, spite of its potency, it is comparatively litt'o known as a remedial agent. The books and pamphlets written against it have been almost legion. With mineral magnetism the case has been altogether different. During the past seven years, we have circulated hundreds of thousands of pamphlets, and during thc past three years, delivered hundreds of lectures upon the subject in various parts of the United Kingdom, yet we have never met with any work controverting our views. We are fully aware th t many medical men sneer at magnetism as a rcmedial agent, but it is a most significant bet that no member of the profesian has had the cour- age to commit himself to the task of writing down minrral magnetism. There must be an inner con- sciousness among medical men that there is, after all, something in magnetism. When, however, magnetism has m:1.de still further progress, some representative of the profession may bo daring enough to publish an anti-magnetic work, but it wilI not be long before he will regret his rashness. Much wiser, though less honest, is the plan now generally adopted when patients make enquiries of their medical advisers. Yes; m3g-uctism is no doubt useful ill many cases, but it will not suit you." This uatnrally has thc effect of alanning the poor sufferer, win has almost dcdllel to try the remedy that has brought relief to countless thou- sands. Do those medical men, who are so unenlight- ened as to act thus, think of the terrible responsibility they incur ? Before speaking with authority, they should at least give the subject fair consideration. The time cumot be far distant when not only mineral but animal magnetism will be recognised curative agencies. In that brighter future, we shall not hear so much as we now do concerning physical suffering. THE AGNETICON. EDGAR WETTON'S PATENT MAGNETIC APPLIANCES FOR THE CURE AND RELIEF OF DISEASE, AND THE PREVENTION OF SEA-SICKNESS, IMPORTANT CAUTION. Before purchasing Magnetic Appliances, patients should apply for pamphlet, containing local testimonials, and make personal enquiries of those whose names are mentioned. Great caution should be observed on this point. The MAGNETICON" Curative Appliances can only be obtained in Cardiff at 66, CROCKHERBTOWN. The Sole Right of vending these famous Curative Appliances in the West of England and South Wales is now vested in MR. GEORGE BAKER (MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN), 14, PARK-PLACE, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, Who has, therefore, taken over the practice so success- fully carried on by Mr G. Hunt Orsborn. and arranged to be with one of his duly qualified assistants in AITENDANCE DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, At his New Consulting Rooms, 56, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, To give advice as to the application of Curative Magnetism, and explain the action of the "Magneticon" on the system. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. CONSULTATIONS FREE. PATIENTS MAY BE VISITED AT THEIR OWN HOMES (BY APPOINTMENT) FREE OF CHARGE. The following MEDICAL testimony is the result of careful investigation, and is appended in corroboration of the above statements :— "Marlborough House, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 28tli August, 1874. Having since 1872 tested the efficacy of your Magnetic Appliances, by trying them upon many of my patients who suffered from complaints which the orditliry remedies failed to cure, I can speak much more Dositivelv as to their great curative properties than I did in my previous testimonial. It is therefore with every confi- dence that I recommend your • Magneticon Appliances to the notice of the Mcdieal Profession. E. RUSSELL WOODFORD, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for Ventnor." Acacia Lodge, Oxford, October 4th, 1876. II For some two or three years past I have Jbeen pre. scribing Magnetic Appliances, aud find them invaluable in Chronic Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, in Affections of the Spine, and other nervous disorders alld I have witnessed some remarkable recoveries after wearing them for some time. I am happy to find that Magnetism is making its way, and is held in such good repute in Cheltenham. "ARTHUR GUINNESS, M.D., F.R.C.S." From the late Dr. CHARLES LOWDER. "tLandsdowne House, Hvde, 9th August, 1876. The success which has attended your lectures in the Island pleases me much; increasing experience of the value of Magnetism as a curative agent, as the Analogue of Odic force, gives me the conviction of there being a great future for Magnetism, If disease be essentially a disturbance of Nervous or Odic force, we require an agency to rectify such distur- bances, and to supply what is deficient, and thus restore the balance of nervous power. We want for curative purposes bar magnets of suffi- cient size and power to produce speedy results. "Wishing the 'Magneticon' success, yours very truly, "CHARLES LOWDER, M.D." CCFalsgraye, Scarborough, 23rd August, 1876. "I have attended your lectures on Magnetism and Health, and was much interested in them. 1 have also carefully examined your Patent Magnetic Appliances, and find that they are constructed on sound scientific principles. I am satisfied much benefit will result from their use, and shall be pleased to hear that residents and visitors in Scarborough are availing themselves of the opportunity of your brief visit to study a subject that promises to prove one of the most invaluable of curative agencies —I remain, Sir, yours very truly, "THOMAS F. PIERSON, M.D." e< 35 Upper Park-street, Clifton, Bristol, Feb. 5th, 1S73. I have great pleasure in stating my opinion of your improved Masrneticon,' which I believe will be found to be of great service in many diseases arising from im- paired and weakened nerve force. «< S. SMITH, M.R.C.S.E. and L.S.A." "Having devoted considerable time to the study of the curative properties of Magnetism for diseases of the nervous system, and taking great interest in the deve- lopment of the same, especially the Magneticon' Appliances, I am in a position to bear testimony to the successful results amongst my patients, and shall cer- tainly recommend your Magnetic Appliances to 10se of my patients requiring such aid for the relief of their ailments, being pleased with the convenient and improved method in which you have adapted,the properties of Magnetism to the restoration of health. R. CUTMORE, M.D, M.R.C.S, L.M. Eng., 70, Earl's Court-road, Kensington, London, W." CI Bursledon House, Villiers-road, Southsea, "27th July, 1878. "I have had some experience of tho benefic al action of Magnetic Force in cases of defective nervous power, chiefly in regard to cases of hepatic and gastric derange- ment, and can confidently recommend the use of the Magneticon to those labouring under disorders of the nervou; system, and of ailments dependent 011 defective impaired vital action. "JOHN STIRLING, M.D., M.R.C.P.L., Deputy Inspector General H. M. Navy." Belle Vue Lawn, Cheltenham, „Ti. -4, "14th Jan.' 1878. It is with much pleasure and gratification that I cer- tify to the great benefit, comfort, and reHef derived from your Magnetic and Electric Treatment in Rheu- matio and Neuralgic Affections. A larty, 11ela. In tbe highest esteem and affection ill my family for twenty years, suffered for nearly two years with the severest form of rheumatism in the shoulder, arm, and hand, anti for the last nine months excruciating neuralgic pains beneath the coilar-bone, extending down the arm to hand, rendering it quite useless. The most eminent medical men were consulted, strong medicine punctually taken, and the most painful embrocations assiduously persevered with but all in vain. The incessant pains night and day told upon a good constitution. Sleepless nights, loss of appetite and all energy, depression of spirits, and fear that she would lose the use of her arm for ever, produced a fearful effect upon her health. After an absence of six months from Cheltenham, we re- turned with the determination of trying the Magnetic and Electric Treatment at your Establishment, first con- sulting Mr Cottle regarding it. A very cleyerly cut out Appliance to wear on the arm, shoulder, and collar- bone was advised, and worn with the most beneficial effect. In a week all pain had ceased. After visiting your Magnetic Rooms three times a-week for nearly three months, thanks for the great skill of the atten- dants, a perfect cure has been effected, the arm now being restored to its usual strength and use. The lady begs me to add that to science and your Magnetic and Electric Treatment she owes an everlasting debt of gratitude. j. DAVID, j" M.D., M.R.C.S.E., L.S.A. A Pamphlet containing numerous acknowledgments of CURES effected in cases of ASTHMA, BRON- CHITIS, and many other Affections of the CHEST and THROAT, INDIGESTION, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCI- ATICA, NEURALGIA, SPINAL DISEASES, NERVOUS or GENERAL DEBILITY, &c., and PREVENTION of SEA SICKNESS, together with price list of, and full directions for wearing, the "Magneticon" appliances, can be had on application, or will be sent post free by MR. GEORGE BAKER, (MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN), 56, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF BRISTOL 14, PARK-PLACE, CLIFTON t 13ATH ASSEMBLY-ROOMS,"and 7579 NEWPORT 114. STOW-HILL, 42246 J$ineS GSiUvmn._ GEORGE HOPKINS, AMERICAN MEAT MARKET, HAKES, CARDIFF, OFFERS FOR SALE TO-DAY (FRIDAY) AND TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), 20 Qrs. ^MERICAN JgEEF, In Splendid Condition. 10 AMERICAN SHEEP. 20 W^83 JJAMBS- VEAL & MUTTON. Y TV 34372 EFFICIENCY WITH JgCONOMY. ANCHOIt FURNITURE VANS, WOOD "F>I'OS. ) WEST CANAL WHARF, JL> j CARDIFF. 5826 ——— 34650 NO RISK OR TROUBLE TO THE OWNER. O B E R T S CARVER AND GILDER, PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURER, 7644 25, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 42104 A. J. P R ATT, FIOAL AND COKE MERCHANT, CARDIFF. ADDuss-EVELIN HOUSE, RICHMOND ROAD. 7202 40263 ESTABLISHED ISGr. RC. LEACH, Bill-Poster and Adver- • tising Contractor. 17, Wood-street, Cardiff. Rents all tht Principal andmost Prominent Posting Sta- tions.in Cardiff, Canton, and Roath. SUMMER DELICACY. JJROWN AND pOLSON'S CORN FLOUR WITH STEWED FRUIT OF ANY KIND, WILLIAM MORRIS, DEALER IN WELSH FLANNEL. INSURANCE AGENT. Parcels delivered in town and country. 7, CLYDE-STREET, ADAMSDOWN, CARDIFF. 7659 JgORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, F OR PLUM: PUDDINGS and CAKE. JgORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, -ID jpOR BREAD and LIGHT PASTRY. JL' JgORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, AWARDED FOUR GOLDMEOALS. 700.000 PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY. 41855 INVALUABLE ON BOARD SHIP. 7595 RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNST FOR THE PAST WEEK. 187 J 1878 In. De je. £ South Eastern 3652-5 88352 — 2037 London. Brighton. & S. C 31373 35434 — 10 >1 Lancashire and Yorkshire 67074 — 4983 Rhymney 2690 202:2 70 — Midland 114314 99200 — Metropolitan 106)3 105S5 18 — Metropolitan District. 6275 6060 21) — Tad Vale 8752 879.;> — 41 Peuarth Harbour. &.c. 1901 17C0 231 — Pembroke anù Tenby „. 504 580 76 Brecon and Merthyr 1291 1504 — 213 London,Chatham, & Dover 21325 23254 — 1909 London & North-Western 172000 17S242 — — London & South Western 47158 57222 — 10364 Great Western 131273 1:3201 — 6928 Gre:1t E;tstern. 50o87 4610 5 4232 — Mid Wales 655 713 60 10TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.—-Orders for the wsek commencing June 30th, 1879.—Monday, company drill, uniform with caps, 7.30 p.m.; members ire requested to muster punctual, for should the weather permit the parade will take pllCe out of doors. Wednesday and Friday, guard mounting- and recruit drill, Wednesday and Friday, cass firing from three p.m. Members desirous of join ing the camp will give in their names at onee to Sergeant Lloyd, orderly-room clerk. On duty for the week" t Lieutenant J. A. Jones. Seigeant Howells, Corporals Lewis and Simpson, Bugler Briscoe.—(Signed) W. H. MARTIN, Captain Commanding UJrps. 16TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS.— Orders for the week commencing June 30th, 1879 Monday, battalion drill. commencing at 7.30 p.m. Uni- form, with glengarries. Officers, undress. llanJ to at- tend. Wednesday and Friday, company and recruit drill at 7.30 p. m. Prolllotions-C Comp,my-Corporal G. Howell to he sergeant, vire Jephcott, resigned. To be lance corporals Pdvate W. Picws, No. 2-15; Private T. EKvard, No. 226 Private A. Sanson, No. 206; Private H, Windsor, No. 261. Class firing, Thursday from 6 p.m., and Saturday from 3 p.m. until dark. On duty for the week, Lieutenant Spiridion, Sergeant Mahoney, Sergeant Hardage, Sergeant Way, Sergeant Meyrlck, Corporal B. Brown, Bugler Allen.—(Signed) J. H. SLADEN, Captain Commandant. i" TN WYTlI NOS OL. Y GOLOFN GYMREIG YN T CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, Don OlygioethDAFYDD MORGANWG (MrD. W. Jones, Hinvain), Awdwr "Yr Ysgol Farddol," Hanes Morganwg'' Yr Ysgol Gymreig" efce. Bydded i'n Gohebwyr Cymreig gyfeiiio eu gohebiaethau ir Golygdd. Yr ydym yn addaw gwneyd Y Golofn Gymreig" tnor ddyddorol i'n darllenwyr ag sydd yn ddichonadwy. NEW SERIAL STORY, ENTITLED "HARD TO WIN," by the popular author, G. MANVILLE FENN, appears weekly in the CAEDIFF TIMES SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS SERIAL STORY by WILKIE COLLINS in preparation, to follow. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA: A SERIES OF LETTERS TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. BY THE REV JOHN DAVIES, PASTOR OF THE CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, NORWICH, CONN.. U.S., Is now appearing EACH TUESDAY in the SOUTH WALES DAILY NETVS, AKD EACH WEEK IN THE CARDIFF TIMES. The writer is entirely unconnected with any steamship, railway, or land company, and contributes the articles with the sole object of advising such of his fellow countrymen as would be benefitted ùy emigration, Rnd of deterring others who would do best by reImtining at home;

Family Notices


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