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CARDIFF. RoACtf.—The unwn ted sight of a heap of fresh watei ö..a-t"Mc,-f"r sale \\&:1 wttue J4é.1 in Car- diff on Tuesday. Tuey were said at 2d to 3..1 per lb. NARROW ESCAPE.—Asa heavily laJen hana-e^rt «a.s proceeding alo.ig Bridge-st. eet, on Tuesday, a •iitKi, whicti wai toddling across the road. fell "neath it. an I the wheels were just. touching its face, when a woman, ut ering a shriek, rushed fur- ward and draped it out of danger. A COMICAL SCENE.—A correspondent writes:- During tll. past fe-v davs some iciterant Husa'ians, foreigners, have been patroiing the tweets inhabited by the poorer classes IIf the to*vn. Their costume, while novel, is anythiug but picturesque, and their music piayed by the two el* ier men, which is none of the be^t, is only rendered tolerable by the j absurd antics of a youth who pretenJ, to i erform a national dance. Un Tues i;«y this trio visited tile row of houses on the riy- ifc hand side of the Glamorgan Canal, near the docks, and no sooner did t ,ev lie-in their rid ic,do\1:1 perfu-mance than the whole 01 the IletergeueHlltJ iiopulatio i turned out to welcome them. Wnile the two men *o!emn-ly puffed at their iu->tiumenfcs their com- panion, by Ids grotesque dancing, aroused the sympathies of a number of wo ..eu, young and old, who f rt Mvich joined liitn. footing it featlv to t'ie *ude accompaniment of ti e foreign uiusic," an 1 the shrill sere ins of laughtet of a crowd <>i about 100 }>ersons. Ultimately the foreign gentlemen began to grow tOd fa uiiiar. and a row was only averted by the good temper of a young girl, who §romp'ly restored the good humour of the crowd by taking round the hat, and disp itching the dancing voting mantle.nan wi h d. hearty kiss. MARRIAGE of MISS RICHES. —The marriage of Miss Ka'e Riches, the el eso daughter of Mr J. Osborne Ricnes, of Baynton honge, LInndaif, to Mr William Jenkins, mining engineer, and mana- ger of the Ocean StiumCnal Company, W,1g celebrated in Liandatf Cathedral, on Tuesday, j Mr Riches is very widely k iown among min ral proprietors not only in S >uth Wales, but else- where. and he has a great reputation among com- saarcial classes generally for hia business tact and rectitude, 80 that it wa* only to be expected that considerable interest should be manifested in the marriage of his eldest daughter. There was a large Congregation at the Cathedral, wht"re the mar- riage ceremouey as iwformed by the vicar of LIm taff, the Rev. Mr Buckley, Itd, sisted by the Rev. H. Parsons, minor canon. The bride vore a rich white grcs-grain silk ■dress, handsomely trimmed with Bretonne lace ami orange bto>«oms, bound with wre th and veil and Ostrich feathers. The f >ur brides uai 's, Miss Jessie Riches, Miss Marian Riches, Miss M. Trtpii, and Miss Cnrnnck. wore dresses of pale blue earth mere, trimmed with chintz ribbons and Bretonne lace. bonnets of vale Ulue silk an i apple blossom. The best maa was Mr O. H. Riches. Among t'le guests at the wedding breakfast were the clergymen, Mr and Airs Tripp, Mr and Mra Price, Mr and Mrs Partridge -(London), Mr and Mrs Thomas Webb, Mr and Mr* Sziamper (Abervstwitli), the Misses Williams (Cefn ennar.) There was a great variety of costly presen s, in value amounting to JE700 or £800. The proprietors of the Oeean Collieries sent quite a collect on of articles, inclu- ding a bronze clock, vases, and candelabra, and a complete double set of side silver di-hes, forks, spoons, &c., besides a very handsome dinner service. The employes at the Ocean Collieries presented the brido with s. mag- nificent salver and tea and coffee service. 011 the ..a.lV8l' there 1\S the fnllowing inscription :— Presented to Miss Riches bv the employes of the Ocear4 Collieries on the occasion of her m irri Ke to-their respected manager, Win. Jenkins, mining engineer, as a token of welcome to her aad good wishes Lor their mutual happiness and prosperity." Mrs Thomas, S-rnhorweft, presented a complete dessert service (MintonJ, auite new in design, and aaid to be very valuable Mra Thomas, sons, silver fruit spoons, &c. Mr 0.. H. Riciies, a hand-oias ciaret jug and silver i .kstand Dr and Mrs Milward, an envelope cue, inkstand, and jertfolie and tea cosy; Mr Cubitt, a ♦look, of quaint desism Mr and Mr J^artridge, of Loudon..abeatitiful'y-worked screen; Mrs Shewbtooks, silv^F saltcellars Mj" rhom is I)a<rieK, a clock Mrs Willia us, all oxvdi^d silver jlaret juar Or and Mis Price, a stand for gold- ish, and also a. silver biscuit c tsket; Mra Fred. lioweil, Aberdare, a harlequin" set et tea cups and saucers fer five o'clock tea Mr and Mis H. C. H Tries, Penarih, a pair of ormolu c tndlesticks an 'I glass v .ses, hand painted MisTiios. Jenkins, gk>ve and iiandkerohief boxes Mr and Mrs Hy. bry, a ted board Mrs I'houi.ia. AHerda' e, a con- flefce edition of Dickens's and Thackeray's works; Ir and Mis rho:npson, a tal>le (maiquetrie work). Mrs Oulliford. London, anrl t ,e Card,lf olficd sraif af the Ocean Colliery Jompany also "ent presen 8. The brideaatt bridegroom left shortly after break- fast for Paris and the Continent. T ;e trousseau was sap: lied by Mr S mnel Hall, Cardiff. Mr Williams pre-ided at the organ, aud played the "Wrtdding Ma ch. Co.xcKBT BY rHE BLIND.-T\1e blind artistee, all educated at the Wdberforce SJIIOOI for the blind. York, wiio have been irviug cencerts far IIOm6 time back indifferent parts of the country, we now on a visit to Cardiff. On Tuesday tnay tftve an excellent concert in tLe Assembly Rooms. The first part of the programme con- sisted of selections froui the WOl ks of co:iii>os«rs of sacred music sueh as Cdcut, King, Handel, Meu lels&o' n, and Farrallt; the second part was general. Turou^rhout the efforts of the artistes uere much appreciated. It is surprising with what delicacy ear and voice can be trained with- out the use of 'he eye, and to what perfectiCln the memory can bd brought, Mr Barlow has a powerful voice, so bas :\Ir Severs. By cul- tivation they have brought their singing powers to a wonderful >ta.ee of perfec ion, as we noticed on Tuesil iY night in their ci tr and correct rendering of difficult pieces. M'aa H-ath, the soprano of the eompany, and Miss Mitc.ieil, the contralto, both possess sweet voioes "f considerable r nge, and Doth were well received. Part of the pri>ce«da of this and o'her concerts are to be devoted o the reduction of the debt of JS530 on the Cardiff Blind Asylum. 'The blind artistes educated at the Wilberforce School for the blind. York. gave another concert at the Town-hall, Cardiff, on Wednesday evening. The programme On this occasion consisted entirely of secular musie. Aoi a.lre<1.,ly stated,this company are giving concerts in different parts of the country, some Sortion of the proceeds of which go towards qui dating the debt on the Cardiff Blind Asylum. ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday evening a man named Frederick Jeffries living at 67, Millicent-street, In the employ of Messrs Lewis aud Sons, cabinet Sannfacturen». High-etreet, was engage I in work- g a lift. usea for the purpose of raUiug furnitnre the upt>er storevs of the building, when, from legligenee in working the break properly, the hfe «2, aud Jeffries f-ll with it. He \\8.11 taken to the iunruary, where it was found that he had IIIItainetl a fracture of the cuilar-boue, besides ther injuries. AXTkmpt D SCICIDE.—Early on Tuesday morn- Sg a sailor, uame>i Jo at Jo ul, wa.s conveye I to « Carditf Infirmary by P.O. droves, suffering from a rather serious stab on tile left >i Ie. Joad. t appears, left his vessel at Leith some days since, '^»d caine to Cardiff for the puroose of s lipping on )oard another vessel. He went to lodge at 5J, ^ute-street, a boaniing.flouse, kept by a woman ;aIDed McMii.au. For the last tew days he has ieen drimcing heavily, and on Monday was in a paw v hat worse slate than usual. In the evening e got iuto the company of some women, and then leturned to the boarding-hoaae, He had his Slip- Mr. though it was very late, and afterwards had Ibiiie words with some person staying in the bouse, the quarrel, it is said, oaving reference to tome woman. While in a very excited state, he took up the c rving knife, and before tt could be taken from him, stubbed idmself severely under the left arm. The wound bled profusely, but is situated at a distance from any vital i>art. The police were c tUed io, and tu. possession of the knife, and had the wounded man conveyed to the Infirmany. Thi LATK ACCIDENT on THE TAFF VALE P AIL- yrjit.—The ndueral guard, Thomas Tno .id, of 2;i CoasteU»tiou-strcet, who ou Saturday fed from a mineral train, wheu near Porta, a".ti was fun over by the wheels ef j-everal ot the coal wagons, sustaining thereby serious iu juries, died at the Cardiff Infirmary on Tuesuay. BETHANY ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL. — The fourteenth anniversary of the opening of this chapel vvaa celebrated on Sundav, when special sermons were preached to larK6 congregations by the Rev. W. E. Winks. DIAMOND SmET LilBf.E CHRISTIAN SCHOOL- ROOM.—Tne services iu connection with lie third IHinivers.try ;»f the sch(H>lto<i»ii was hetd on Sun- day. Rev. P. Labdon, of J1 inn ton, pnai-Led Xnornini; and evening, awl Rev. W. Ijii do.v (Wes- leyan) in the afternoon. The attendance was fttr at tbe filst two serV!Ce8. III tire evening the building was crowded, aud several ch"'r8 ba. l to >be borrowed to accommo iate the oveiflo .v. The I collections W3re ahead of those taken at the Smt- My services last vear. BIBLE CHRISTIANS.—The anniversary nervices in connection wit the Bible C ri-tutn Chapel, Diamond-street, were continued 011 T iesuay. w .en • tea meeting vas held in the sciioolroo.n, and was well attended. After .ani* a public meeting Was held, under t^e presidency of Air Aiired Thona% wiio expressed hie hearty sympathy wiUi the object of the meeting. As a Noocoutor.nint he was jfiud t.. find bis f.riuoipies extending all over the world, and in no p ace more tnan iu the Uuited bt ites of America. hich he had recently had the pleasure of v^it.ng. In hin mind No cn- lorimty was a ir>t st ag iast the priestly inter- ierence between Man and ids M^ker. Toleratieu was the Ice -stone of tixir position, and so long as they kept it ltl view iu the civili.,i„,r work of Christianity, they might he snreof suCJe>s. Bible Christians ere snptxwed to have as Ut le dogma as any of the Christian chluche14. Their' dogma was embodied in the Sermon on the Mount, and with this as their code of principles, who could be ag:dn*t them ? Addresses were delivered by the iie-v. Mr Shi ini«>- ton {Wesleyan). Rev Mr Macl i»e (8-ar-sfcreet), Revs. Mr SllldiridX-e and Mr Pa-coe, the minis- tersoi the oirc at, and the Itev. Mr J vines, the pastor of the Diamond-street ch 'iicii. MrJauies reaJtae re¡iOrt, which ft ted, inter aiui, t at the attendance at the services held in the challel had feacreased during the past year, and all ad .it.iou 80 members ad been ma e to tne church. The Sunday-school numoered about 2d0 scholars and teaciiers, and tlie work of tiie ctnirch wits pro- 4pesslng very sa isfactoriiy. Tiie receipts had en. them to pay ad e*;>ense« atteiidant upon Diviae service, and left a s ><ali i> danee in hand. The choir dnring trlie evening sang at intervals » choice selection of -a'tred uu^io. MoraTSTCAUT Ho s :.—We understand that the new Mouut-Stuart H nrse is to be of t Ie Italian Gothic style of aiciutactirre, and is to be 10<ij*ked on ei her si le by the wiugs presentlv to erecte l. The etf>-ot of thia will not, it is Relieved, have a ptoasimr effect »»n the main build* htg, which is exc i Igly ele a.itin its >1« ign. It |s oom[>uted th t it id take uot<in.r under five yetr;, aud it may pmbaUv take 10 years, to erect the new h»i e.—B item. tit. j BIBLE CHRISTIAN (,HA?BL, l)iAw«D-sTsmtT.— Iu r-onnectio wi. I» the third amrivers.tr of the Bible Clinstiin SchonVtvnn, I)i im Ki stie"t, on Monday evening, the Rev. p. LUulon tl»*liv«r d his oopiil ir lecture Oil Human I Ji»<nvncrasie«," AU sortM of Mem to utaka a W.(I, Air Bird occuided the oliair. a id tHe utteucUuoe was far. THe lecturer epoke in a siuguliriy h ippy manner of the different phrases human idiosyn- crasy assumed, and throughout—es|>eciafly in illustrative remarks—the leuture was highly ap- vreei f\ tell. THE LATE ACCIDENT AT LLANOAFF QUAB*— The l ih.'Uier. Thomas Hi ton, who oil th • 2a 1 'I inst. fell 3, the L audaff Qn«r V, and sustained a fracture of the si»idie 1 at the Caruiff Infirmary on Monday. He leaves a wife and two children. AMATEUR DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE. — The bazaar held at the Town-hall 111 aid of & fund for the erection of a temporary iron church at ( at- hays, was closed on Saturday evening, the receipts during 1 he week amounting to £:)6), Tuere are stili a lanre number of contributions left on the hands of the committee, and th sa uifl be disposed of at a future opportunity. In connection ,ith, this liazaar. and in aid of the tune ttind, the Dra- matic Societ of the Cardiff l'rop ieiory School, assisted by several la lies gave a dramatic ] er formance at the Assembly-room of the Town-hall on Monday evening. A small st:\1. ha k •" been constricted at the end adjoining the vte-roorn. Tais was fitred with scenery, foot lights, drop scenes, etc., and ma le to look as much like the st tge of a theatre as 1, o<sible. AH the front sea's were occupied by the princi 111.1 residents of Cardiff. Hand,iff. and the neighbour- hood the promenade neing crowded. The piece selected bv the Dramatic Society for performance was the cone ly by Tom Taj'lor and A. Duhourg. entitled "'New Men an i Old Acres." It is a :orne iy which req n-ed but little cnange of costume from that usually worn by those who took part in it. and this rendered it more suitable for all ama-eur jerformaocc. The dramatis personncB were as follows ;—Samuel Brmlm (a Liverpool merchant), Mr J. G. Grant; Marmn- duke Varaimir Ei7. (of Cleve Abbey), AirJ. J. D wid; Bertie Fitzurse, Mr Tom Snikey Mr Baiter (a. 8elf-n3.,la mall), 1\1r S. S. Hodge; Bert'iold BUuenbaly (a German), Mr (T. FerrHri Seeker (a lawyer), Mr F. Tiiom is M'mtnwrency (a serv int.), Mr H. L. Wait; Gantry (a butl r), Mr J. Corn wed Lady Matilda Vavasour (Mrs Fy Lilian Vavasour, Mrs Terry Mrs Bunter, Miss K. Graut Fanny Bunter, Miss Nina De Stokar. The comely throughout was c n-ied with considerable spirit. The char"acta; s of Samntl Bnnun, Marniaduk« Vavasour, Lilian Vavasour. and Mra Bunter were admirable. III cor sequence of indisposition. Miss Louie Price could not appear, and Mrs Terry at mlCp. chR.n)!e,1 her character from that of Lady Matilda Vavasour to that of Lilian Vavasour, àlrs Fry kindly umier- Utkiug the oart of Lady Matilda Vaoasour in the place of Mrs Terry. These cha ges were only made at the last moment, but the characters were all of them well sustained, and the applause at the close of c ch act must h ive convinced the per- formers that their services were appreciated. The hand of the 16ch R Sex. conducted by Bandmaster Thompson, ■■ ere stationed in the orchestra, and prior to the lifting of the curtain played an' overture, and several selectious of music between the acts. The entertainment was one hat was highly successful, and the proceeds will form a handsome addition to the bazaar fund. THE MABQUIS OF BOTE.—The London corres- pondent of the Leeds Mercury saysI believe that the Marquis of Bute has bought Sndhrooke Park, Richmond, and means to make it tiis resi- lience for a considerable portion of the year. The House once belonged to the Earls of Durham, and it was within its walls that the first Reform Bill was drafted. More recently it baa been a hydropathic institution. GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MONMOUTHSHTBE INFIR- MARY AYD DISPKN'SARY.—"Report for week ending May 17 :—Remaining by last week, 49 admitted since. 7; discharged, 8; died, 0; Remaining in the house, 48.—H. R. Vachell, M.D., house- snrgeon J. fcl. Brogden, secretary. The Secretary b*gs to ackno\ ledge with thanks the sum of S18 Os 3,i. the result of an Infirmary Sunday col- lection from the Wealeyan Chapel, Roath, per the Rev W. Ludlow. BETHANT CHAl"1L.-An excellent entertain. ment took place at the ab ive chapel, on Wednesday evening. The programme was as follows — Part I. — String quintet, Menuetto," Symphonv No, 12; song, "I heard Miss Rees; recitation, Rev W. E. W inks pianoforte solo, Miss Knight song, Mr A. D. Jones; chorus, And tlie glory of the LoN," members of the Cardiff Choral >Society 8ong, "My mother bids me bind my hair," Mrs W. Jones; recitation. "Mary Queen of Scots." Mr W. Waite song, "Jack's yarn," Mr James string quintet, "LaNo Meriu^tto and Trio;" Symphony No. 2; Part II.—Chorus, For unto us." members of the Cardiff C oral Society; recitation. to Domestic Asides, or Truth in Parenthesis,"Mr E. Vaugiian; song, "Kil'arney," Miss Rees; song, British Lion' Mr W. Griffiths: reading, "Th^ Northern Farmer,"—New style. Rev. W. E. Winks; song, "The lllirni Girl to her Hlrp," Mra W. Jones; chorus, "Hallelujah," Members of the Cardiff Choral Society; string quintet, "Andante hym- phony No. 8;snn?, Mr A. D. Jones; chnrllS. tVorthy is the Lamb," Members of the Cardiff Choral Soci-ty national anthem. There was a very large attendance. SERVICE OF SONG.—A service of AONG, which has recently become very popular at Nonconfor- mist places of wor-hii), was given on Wednes lay evening at the Roath-road Weslevau Chanel. The service, which was written by the Rev. W. L id- 10'.v, Wesleyan minister, was entitled "The World's Redeemer." The music was selected and arranged by Mr 1), Minty, the lea ier of the choir of the caijiel, which was enlarged for the occasion by about Ion scholars from the Sundav-school. Mr Sidney Fifoot presided at the onran, t'le solo portionsof the vocal music being taken by theMis^es Mmty, Pop", Rose Jenkins, ami Rouer. and Mr Buck. Tne narrative portion, which was a re- mai kably well written summary of th., life of Christ, was effectively rendered by the Rev. W. Ludlow, and the musical p')rtio81t. whicll con. sisted of solos, recitations, and choruses for two choirs, were given in a manner that reflected great credit on the conductor and trainer of the choir, Mr Minty, The chapel was densely cro vdfd. Before the close of the service a liberal collection was made in aid of the Sunday-school fund. SMUGGLING.—At the borough police-court on Saturday, before the M: yor aud Alderman Wat. kins, John Thomas Swaddle, the chief engineer of the steam-ship Lottei. was charged with smug- gling a lib box of cigars.— The defendant W8 met early on Saturday morning leaving the vessel, carrying a carpet-bag. On the bag being searched bv a Custom-house officer, a quantity of cigars were found in it.—The defendant was fined the double value and coats, £2 15s. NEGLECTING TO PROCEED TO SEA.—Daniel Hughes, a seaman belongi g to the steam-ship Ebor, was remanded on the charge of neglectinir to join that vessel after signing articles.—Patrick Boyle and Thomas Morgan, two seamen belonging to the steam-ship St Fagan's, were charged with the same offence. They joioed the ship on Friday night, and then hearing that she would only sail on Saturday morning, went on shore, and were found asleep in a boarding house after the ship sailed. The bench sent them to prison each for one month, with hard labour.— John Keenan, a seamaan, belonging to the s.s. Caerleon, was also sent to prison for otte month for the same offence. DRUNK AND ASSAULTING THIS POLICE.—JOHN Carrol, a labourer, wa* charged with being drunk and assaulting P.C. WateN. The defendant was seen bv the constable lying, on Friday morning, in a state of intoxication in Bute-ierrace. The constable lifted him un, when the defendant abused him and kicked him. Then bench sent him to prison for seven days, with hard labour. BOA-RD or GUARDIANS.—The weekly meeting of the Car.tiff Board of Guardians was held Oil Sat'ird:*y, Mr C. W. David in the chair. The mister rejKxrted that there bad been during the week 20 admissions, 17 discharges, 1 death, 1 birth, leaving 889 in the House, being an increase of 13 on the correspo di g week of hst y. ar. relieved, 41; corresponding week, 56,— The Superintendent at Ely Schools reports I that there had been no admissions during the week. 3 discharges, leaving 285 ill the house, an increase of 8 on the corresponding week. It transpired that the committee appointed to consider the memorial relative to the formation of the new central or Cowbridge union had a re -ort prepared by Mr R. 0. Jones, and on the suggestion of the I Chairmau (seconded by Mr Forre-t), who said the report had been drawn up with gre t care, it was resolved that the report and memorial should be printed side hy side, and circulated a mo: g the guardians. The outdoor relief administered to 2.8:15 persons amounted to B281 128 2d, an in- crease of 94 persons and of £11301 31 in money on the corresponding week of last year. A OESERTKB FSOtf THE MILITIA.—At the! oro. g poiice-court, on Monday—before the Mayor M • R. O. Jones, and Mr A. Hood -C. rneliut Curtin, a young man from Merthyr, was cuar^eJ with being a deserter fro u tiie Royal Glamorgan Iufimtrv Militia. Orderly-room Serseant Ellis proved that he was absent f o.n the 11st training. He came up 0[\ Saturday to atteod the present "training, when he was given into custody. The defendant pleaded that he was at a distance from Cardiff 1a.,t year, and could not travel to be pre- sent at the training. The bench fined him 40s and costs, or to go to prison for one mouth. (JRCTELTT TO ANIMALS.—John Hartwell, a drover, was charged ith cruelly illtrea i ig a bull. P. C. Rose said he saw the defendant in charge of a bull in Bute-terrace on Sun lay week. The I a.,imal was quite exhaus 0.1. It would walk for two or three yards and then fall down. Tlie de- fendant was two hours in getting the bull fro n I &t,t.errace to the slaughter housC. The &\liou1. according to Inspector Price, was 'so;'e-ftlot8 1." It had been brought to Uardiff by the Great Western Ruilw y and left in the ^oods shed. H tl it been lett till Monilay it would urob.tb'y have w Iked pretty well. The bench under the circu n- stances dismissed the chanre, considering that there was no act of cruelty ou the part of the de- fendant. but it Mould have been better to have left the b :1.,t at the 200 is shed till Monday. JFOS-MAINTEWANC*.—David Evans, a farmer, residing near Carmarthen, w is summoned bv Mr Pritchard, the warrnnt officer for the Cardiff Guardian", for leaving his fat.Jer charge .ble totim Cardiff Union. Tne case was proved by Mr Pritchard, who sail th It the guardians desired, the defendant to pav 2s 6d a-wvek. Defendant alegedthat he could not Day tuat snm, having o ily a farm of 40 acres, and ith a sick wife to support. An order was made for the defendant topay 2<6d a-week.—James Evans, a cariienter in business, also residing at Pont:<rd»lais, near Carmarthen, untthersou, was likewise summoned by Mr Pritchard, the gnardnns reqifirin him also to pay 2s 6 1 a-week towards the support of his father. Defendant did not appear, but the b rnch made all order for him to pav 2s 6d a- i eek. NEGLECTING TO PKocxzo TO SEI."—At the borough iioiice-corrrt, on Wednesday—before the Miyor (Mr R. O. Jones), and Mr A. H i,— David Hughes, fireman, beloa-ing 60 tlie s.s. Ebor, was charged on areuhud with neglectinir to proceed to sea in that vessel atter signing articles. Tlie defendant signed articles on the .16t to juin at once. The vetisel sailed early ouJthe 17ch, and the defendant was sometime afterwHr.ls f"Il,1 in his boarding house a lee. — IioVrt Sc-.tt, a« .th>*r fireman belonging to tiie sima steamer, was eh«r_ 1 with the same offence. Ho as found by officer Furze in a nuhlio-house. The benoh sent them each to prison for fourteen days, the defence Wig that; tney had leave from the ouief engineer to be 011 sh M e. ROBBING AN EMPLOYER.—Elizabeth Lewis, A d m stic !lerv;wt, 15 ye.*rs .f age, appeared en a re and charged with stealing a wi isber of article ■Oi earing appnre1 from her employer, 1\fr Morris Vina. gawn,hruk«a^Moira-tArrMMk lba c ,><e was rem unled on Monday for the attendance! o: the police from A eryst uth, where she was" apprehended, A CarUi^awisliire police-constable -j fro n AberyHtwith now proved tbat Its appee- i bended the prisoner ubott threw sniles fnmi tliat pløce Oil. Thuendn. She was tiien wearing a • 1 uber of the stnlen arueles. Acting under the advice of Mr Miller, who appeared for the pri- she pleaded guilty. It waa the first offence, and the bench sent her to prison for ID davs with 11Ir.\ labour. SHOP ROBBERY.—Joseph Walters, labourer, was charged with 3 eating a coat from the shop of Mr Tope, tailor and outfitter, Bute-street. The pris- oner was seen offering the coat for sale at a second hand clothes deaWVi in Briclge-rtreei; -on Tuesday evening by P.U Allen. The pisoner replied that; he had bought the c»at from a nlan at Gloucester. An assistant nt Mr Tope's now i.iantiiie I the coat as one stolen from the outside of t e SUOD 011 Mon- day evening. Prisoner denied th >t he had stol. n tue coat. and waa committed for trial at the Quar- ter Sessions. STEALING LEAD.—Charles Breman, a man having the appearance of a tramp, as charged with stealing a quantity of lead, the property of Mr J. Osborne. The complainant has a steam yacht lying in the 01 I Canal. O11 Tuesday morn- ing- 1 he prisoner wa, seea by a man named Brooks, living n Harrowlv-street, taking soni s lead from the \ai:iif, placlIIg it in a b g, and then (going off in the direction of Bute-street. He followed the 1 prisoner, and eventllnllv gave him illto the custody of the policeman. The lead W:IS identified by Mr O -b orne as similar to that on board his vacht. The he .d-constable applied for a remand till Monday, whica was granted.





ABKuc. A v j^NNY.




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