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Ranted. SERVANTS WAITING PLACES, of any de- 2? scriptian, and Householders requiring Servants,* *ertiae in the CARDIFF TIMES. Price Is. for 24 words. — ."Wanted Kitchenmaid and HouHemaid^ -T Apuly, Mercantile Club, 122. Powell Place, Cardiff.^ \\7ANTED; a CLERKT experienced io Book- «*» » ^eeP'nS!inSle and ,10,:bl1' Cardiff. i°79 .^ntog, to Air. T. Webber, 32, Roy>l Arcade, lartiw. \X7ANTED, a Situation as FARM B^re- fp ha< hid several cars experience as a Fanner. give{l- Api y t0 "iamer' mfj lip, THE BRITJSH GUAHDIAN LIFE £ SfUR- t»: ANc!' COMPANY (LIMITED), re(llliTe^f AGENTS hr a,n(J well edu^edm^nws INSPECTORS falary South W;ie anil Bristol Districts, ilenumeratio granch f Address, Chairman of Local Bo J be %ct | *T0 be LET, SWISS HALL, Crockherbtowr, I W*LI. 'or Select Entertainments or Lectures. Apply ^^gi_32 Boval Arco.rlo, rrdff. —- T,0r>OINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, or to be LET, should be advertised in the CARDIF ^a- for 24 words, PREPAID. -= i J^°R; SALE.—A FOOT LATHE, equal to new. | r^ee £ ■•*> 10s. Mr. Marsh, CaroHne-stveet, Cardiff. SALE, a handsome Black HOBSE, about Ulafc* bands; grand action, very quiet for riding or ^Zaa 8PleDdi j Hunt?r 0 ye.rs old Apply for U WU4rs and price to Edwards »nd Sons, Coach Builders, Cardiff^ J.°pI)OUN -SQUARE. — HOUS^and^COT- TAGE for SALE.—To be SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, W»eal^e' in the rear, situat in the east lyt() llr ^Pve square. Can be bought to realize 7J per c-n ^io2 *ffies Wood, 50, Loudou>i-: quare, Cardiff. PlANb.-ForSALE,T brilliant-toned Walnut Be.jr- AGE,'check and arm escapement actien.fu • ?8 guiDeas; 38 =uineas cash- AeW ,1one^ cheap. HamJ• guineas. Several good second-band one-» |I wXh >,unis> including a large pclnl one, for Side che p.■ ^^MJuwcselier, 181, Bute-road. Cardiff. 9jL- OLD-ESTABLISHED CLOTHING TRADE. —To be SOLD, the LEASE of a most eligible Business l^e above line, in the leading thoroughhfar<3 he arrl *-ar(Jitf. Period, 14 years; rent enly £ 35 £ 0°d- y05*^auged; stock at valuation. Apply to Mr. W. Sanders, 8, Royal Arcade. Cardiff. _r_ f^ARDlFF. — ONE HOU>E for SALE, in Sett ^^ford-street. Also, several HOUSES for SALE in j-street, Roath, Garnet, and Diamond-streets, Spottlands, ana gJ*»«on-8qUare sjx houses in Emeia'c-fitreet, price £ 210 each 8ro»25 re,,t' £ 2 10s.; two villas in O^kfleid-stieet. price £ 1,3-0 rent, £ 4 10s. Cardiff. Apply to Mr. Thomas Beable, -z? and Mortgage Agent, 39, Miiliocnt-street, Cardiff. ltrJo FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT.— T^ o Houses and Shop, Tynoall-stieet, £ 850. Three Private Houses, Tyndall-stieet, £ 800. One House, Davies-street, £ 280. Three Houses in Canton. £ (500. j. One House and Shop in Bute-street, £ 7o0. » five Houses, Nelson-street, nsiderat»ie sun* can be had on mortgase at 5 per cent. -ajPjy to D. vy. Thoniaw. 24, High-si ret t, Cardiff.^ TO CAPITALISTS or PROMOTERS desiring iTj- tc make Moneys To be SOLD, a COLLIERY pOYALl Y, J" Worth Wales, close to Rail or Shipping Port: several shafts par- sank ooal fully proved of 4 seams of good house and steam an area of upwards of 400 acres of surface. It adjoins tne M^'styn Coal Field, just successfully launched seams (including Cannel) have been proved in addition to e above, so that eminent engineers-s ate that the available coal 'his Royalty mav be 88 feet thick. Present holder will arrange Sell the entire tfc an individual or company for what it has cost dividing all profit made above, which even in a normal stave the coal trade must be large, certain, and safe. ,Surye3?„„J ^lett Staffordshire and Welsh engineers have already been (*6, Address, Nil Desperandum, care Mr. Watson, 15, tenwich- ^get, Liverpool. ^— "XnCTORIA SALE ROOMS. —These spacious V eiegant SALE ROOMS are now open for the kinds of GOODS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and articles designed for SALE.. Mr N. T **rtiea wishing to dispose yf Goed# mar r*Wrence, Auctioneer, the proprietor, who will settle all accounts •■mediately after each sale. |1s Hr. Lawrence has Sales Weekly at the above room. ftADYE QUARRIES, NEAR 'LLANDAFF. SMITH begs to inform the Public generally that he eon- ^"lee to work the above Extensive QUARRIES, first opened Zr8 Unrivalled stone with which the Penarth Bocks were con- rjfticted. This Stone has now become celebrated for Monumental ^jrposes, orders for which can be executed from any design. 8t°ne may be had at moderate prices, varying from comm to stone from 14 feet long, by a feet or 6 feet wM"11 four inches to three feet in thickness, suitable f<w Do > jgrtway Works, Copings, Buildings of all kinds, Engine Beds.^c. "^arestj as above. — TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. 17 HOUSES in Canto i (very cheap). 3 do. System-streei. 4 do. Wood% ilie-i.errace, Cuthays. House and Shop, Msiuhan-i-t eet, Penarth. Semi-detached 10-roomed Viila, with large g Richmond-street. „ Six Cottages, Cecil-Btreet, SpUttlands. <ji™use suitable for Tailor, or s.uall drap >y busineos, ^wnett-street, Roath. Rent fts. tid per week. r^TREAM -J°r Particulars apply to Mr. D. MARKS, 1, COLDSTREAM i^ACE, CARDIFF. _— OARdIfF.—FOR SALE, Two Houses, Y ard, and StabliDg in CaDal-parade peveD houses in separately or in block; ei; ht rooms ei.ch ;■ pair ot s ■ j^f'^hed Villas in Oakfield-street, immediate possession, -detached Viila in Crockhfrbtown (by ^h%-Feeder), Villa, nn the Rcath-r^ad; two ^Has in Far- •e™T^c^°a^' Roalh, 12 room,« each tl)n e Villus in tjyril-cr Jotii' 50atk; four Houses in Cecil-street, Green-lane, Roath, ♦t Houses in Agate-straet, near Clift.on-street, Splotlanas Houses in Clifton-street, Roath three Houses, Yard, ana in Lily-street,. Roath nil sul stantially built, well and let to good tenants. To LET, within two miles 01 Gi.? a piece of Land, with a frontage of 2(!0 feet to the Ij.r^rgaiishire Canal; Villa Refi'lences in Oakfield-street, B-nT?6.aod Shop «n Bridge-street; Piece of Land on Glarnor- rta. Canal, within one mi!e of Caidiff: House at Canton, ■Waatly situated, with immediate possession. For SALE, »«/*1 Coal Business.—Apply to W. and S. Hern, House Agents, t^untants, West of England Fire Office, 8, Working- ^ggt^Cardiff. 1031 WILLIAM SANDERS, *T 4 AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AND INSURANCE- AGENT, 8, ROYAL ARCADE. CARDIFF, Has the following PROPERTIES for SALE t^^DIFF.—Pearston House, The Walk; 12, Coldstream- tte Cn,LT!I8es in Canal Parade, at d three „-ottages in Stahl a^i°in'ng; Grocer's Shop, in Buzzard- jtrest, with R'^nd other back premises. Four houses in Russell-street. —Four houses in Comet,-street; eijht Houses in Smerald and six houses in Diamondstreet Two houses in Topaz- AYS. ree houses in Woodville Terrace; four houses ^tty-street; alui two houses in Minister-street. 0^TON-—Eifiht houses in Halket-street. IM Two houses-in Seven Oak-street,.and 8, 9, ]9> Knolwrtrect. fcn»t "oeral proportion of the purchase money mar ~>e had on Apply as abov. 125 Cardiff.—For ^ALEl»y PRIVATE CON- TRACT, TWO HOUSES in Wordsworth-street, Roath. ?ardfns, grod frontages, eight rooms each. Price, £ 900. •nediate possession. i»J; SEMI-DETACHED VILLA in same street. Eight rooms, "ce, £ 575. lS^SEMI-DETA?HED VILLA near Newport-road. Ten rooms, garden, room for stable and coach-house if required. £ 600. o SEMI-DETACHKD VILIJ\S in Tredegarville. Ten rooms flillarage, large gardens. Price £ 780 ea«n. ?A SEMI-DETACHED VILLA in Tredegarville. Nine rooms. ^*jfe cellars and garden, Price £ 750. properties in various parts of ihe town. The above offer a *?*">" desirable investment, bting well-built,Und in gootJ posi'ion. <^I>* t" Mr. R. L. Ptice, Glyn Villa, Roath, Cardiff. 646 f^ANTON.—To be SOLD, by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, Two Houses, with Shops, in O&wliridiie-road, ^wate or together. Two Villas, 9 rooms in each, with a large jj*den, and back way; Lease 999 years; price £ 500 each. One Villa, with about quarter of an acre of Garden, in Clive- 2?d> price £ 609. One Freehold Viila in f evern-road. A p'ece of land in Severn-road. Four Freehold Houses in Clive- fJJJd, price £ 1000. Three Leasehold H- u«es, in Wyndham- price £ 500; let at about £ 50 per annum. Eight Lease- «d Houses; price £ 1,200, let for £ 114 8s. per anniifn. About Uo fes Land, situated about five in lea fr>m Cardiff. Four filsUSf3, an^ a House, Shop, and Stab. e..in Cowbridge-road price let at about £ 102 per annum. Two ^Houses piice £ 400; ^(t £ s6 8s. per annum ground rent only £ 3 10s. 8d. per annum. viardiff.—t0 let, two nine-roomed houses, £ 30 each; Two Villas, sold separately, near TredegarviHe, £ 580 Several houses in Clifton-street,piice from £ 200 to £ 2 0; f\3Ur Houses, including a corner Shop, price £ 530, let at ttafi l6s- twelve houses at £ 140 each Four houses at £ 210 W per weekNo- 17. System-street, at £ 220. Public- near the Docks for sale. Two < leventroomed Villas, in J**field:street. with large garden, price £ 550 each. Two Villas, Jir'kr Tredegairille, £ 700 each. Three Houses, price £ 400 each. 2f* Houses, price £ 140 each.—Apply to Mr. Thomas Davies, 2*°u8e and Land Agent, 34 Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 217 rr ji P, FINANCIAL AND INVESTORS' PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (LIMITED.) CAPITAL—ONE MILLION STERLING. SHARES—ONE POUND EACH. t;* or fun Prospectus, opinions of the Prfss, Forms of Applica- „0n for Shares .or Membership, and any other particulars, appiy to 679 JOHN MORGAN, 45: The Parade. Cardiff. 1^0 INTENDING EMIGRANTS. VINELANDS, New Jersey, United States, presents great Rd- aotages to persons desirous of settling up n and cultivating their Und, The climate Is mild and.healthy, the soil is ferti'e and 'adapted for fruit growing. Th*i greac markets of Phila- delphia, New York, Boston, and Ba timoreare easily accessible by Fp'> and the water supply is abundant. Religious and educa- *>onal establishments abound and it is not tro much to say that other spot presents equal scope and facilities for material and Cental improvement. Special ar angements have been made to ™°k passengers right througti from Liverpool. Freehold laud, Per acre. Full particulars supplied, wit h terms, &c., on appli- ^tion to the Vineland Emigration yud Land Agency, 12, South 'Oipton-strect, Covent-garden, London, W.C. 1W -——— $wm- j ——===—^rf^lowina SUMS arereadytobe -It/fONElThe ^11) ldfr Le ,schold Security: £ 2,000, 1VL ADVANXKD uponrreehoW and £ 100. Ap- 5 Churob-Btro., CariAJU« — 0, £ 400, £ 450, £ 100, L„d Sgmt, »■ Cowbridge-road, 't^.AV'F^—COLIJEUIE^, IRON- MORTGAGED. y^; concerns of an descriptions; WORKS, MTLLS, and „0' = unt fc;1 above> in connection j^rs, W^mernmand others ^j^e^Tobject,)8^^Hhout other Effects, in To^i or C^ ^ld( the free use of safBe allowed, removal from owner s Poises, instaimeats, m may be agreed nS5M7 £ 10 UPWARDS OH their *«$* £ ,■"&S5K ]!'SS,?,"N«,rurni. tto, O. Brt-, ^aoS-V^d., «..by BELMONT HOUSE, CHARLES STREET, vears. A'so several sums1 10 to 21 rears. No com- Leaseholds from 3\pe[,ce"t' 10 Lincoln's Inn SS»or,Serid, or by letter. N.B.- '«toe private orpenonal Residence, A*an tious^, communications may be^e. lgecurity) andto honse- hSon^'in^^ ejects without removal, at a few htSe°Bn^ discounted atg^ BLAIBERG, Proprietor, Money to be had on the most reasonable terms on Plate, Jewellcrj'i Diamonds, &c. -m VnKFY —A Private Gentleman wishes to Ad- 1\ZJ0NEX. A xi. ^bie persons in town or country, 1T_ £ vance CASH to respecta^^ i' £ 500, extendi!^ from 5 Pef.^h'f^twelve months to five years, repayable by over a penod of fro n guit the applicants easy instalments or^tlto endalolie( furniture, or convenience, on the borrow leases, or life policies, stock, without removal, ^eD'^s or further parti- 1N0 law costs; no directed envelope, and stating culars sent on W BUER, 19, London-bridge Station amount required.^to H B_ Booking. Offices, at London-bridge Approach, directlj pp t with secrecy. Distance no by PMt-office ori«», .rero^d cheque. 1 j "i* *■ ATCTTV A Private Gentleman with £ 10 to £ 500 on note of'13"d' „th„ to*five vears. Mortgages ne- cent., extend ngfro^i three 0hject, as pprlons can gjfated at less cJ auplvin" personally from 10 to 4, repay by P.O.O. or c^ a k j.mped dLc'ted envelope, stating the or if by letter, enclosing a st p Walworth-road, Lon- amonnt required, to. Mr. A. of post.-N.B.-No Sne"o^SCS"«S™ B»m4 ■» CT«Sr 1841. Secrecy with despatch. nUMORGA? C0MPANY, Capital, £ 10,000, fully subscribed OFFICES 32, KO| A. on MONEY in Sums f^om £ 20, ^Zld,or Copyhold Houses, personal securitj, other approved securities Lands, Bonds, Life Policies, o h deductions, and may All advances ^f^Ca^rly Instalments, or in one t2!o7^^ °ther information The present rate of Interest on Deposits is 5 per cent. 'l'HOMAS WEBBER, Secretary. Applications by Post should contain stamped envelope for free postage of reply. 209 rflHE GLAMORGAN FINANCE COMPANY X (uniTspy 3^. ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. CAPPIXAL £ 10,000 FOLLY SUBSCRIBKB. M ner cent, per Annum is now given on all sums from £10 upwards DEPOSITED with the WKBBeB, SeerataTy. PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILI)ING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED I860. m?WTCE ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. pafd w large an amount of Bonus as to Reduce their Interest to 3d P^^Jl^^taken' for which 5 per cent, per annum Interest made daily, at the Office as a ve. gANDERS, Secretary. 124 WM. SANDERS, Secretary. CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. SUMS of £100 to £3,000 ready to be ADVANCED on Mortgage °f■SeTems°ofLLending have been reduccd under the advice of the ^Intending Borrowers should send in applications for advances by the First day "l of Rules, Actuary's Report, 'All further f Sfd dailv at' the Society's Office, Balance Sheet,, «c., ma3 of of the Society's Agents. 8, Crockherbtown, Cardxn, peter PRICE, Secretary. 655 ^tamorGAN BENEFIT BUILDING /^LAMORG society. CARDIFF. FROM £5 TO £2,000. DFPOSITS RECEIVED DAILY, D E P U AT FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST. Payable Half-yearly. if R. EMERY, Secretary, BRITANNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. 166 15th August, 1874. 166 AUNTON AND WEST 0]' ENGLAND ^Tut^ON^AND" WEST OF ENGLAND EsTABLISHED AT TAUNTON, SEPT., 1857. IlEAD OFFICE :-No. 3, liAivlMET-ST., TAUNTON. ment, investing can be paid off at any time in diito 10s. per Share. Mortgag B(jtice, or allowing one this society, by ?'.vin^f ^tice No interest charged beyond this, month interest m lieu of not yed bearjng interest at the DEPOSITS of £ 5 uPwar^f„ navable half-yearly at Midsummer mm* applicationVt the aboveroffice. or by^letter 68 tary, at his tary, or to Mr. THOMAS ™LMi, Distnc c^ambers> effice daily, 32, Ro>al o'clock. Newport, W'ednesdaj sand Fntwyi^ G00 £ )ilANN, Secretary. m JONES, CARDIFF MONUMENTAL A • WORKS, PENARTH ROAD ENTRANCE, Has a large Stock of TOMBS, CROSSES, HEADSTONES, c., m the newest designs to chose from.. DESIGN AND ESTIMATES ON ATPLICATIOy. X UPRIGHT, CORN, FLOUR AND SALT 'wHARF-STREE™, BUTE-STREET. S 'A L T Delivered to any part of the Town and Railway Stations. March 17, 1870. 120 ipi OUT AND RHEUMATIC MIXTURE. THOMAS'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC„eumatism? certain cure for the following Complamts Go j.,0,aI(jers Lumbago, Sc.atica, Tic D.-loreux, P.uiis m the ^'S .oalcters, and Les?s. T he most tfficacious meaicme ever L ™ )OU"ort benefit from ane Butt e of your Mixture than from all the other Medicines put together.—ISAAC WILLIAMS.' Thousands of othex Testimonials. t,_v4-«i Wholesale Houses: London, J. Strange and song; rristoi, Collins and Roper and of all wholesale houses.. prepared only by E. M. THOMAS, Dispensing Chemist (by examiuation). 121, Commercial Street, Newpoit, Mon. Agents for South Wales—Caidiff, Wil iams, Bute-street-; Joy, Coleman. Ab rdare Watkin J. Thomas. Pentre: B. A, George. Merthyr Griffiths, and W. L. Daniel. Portypndd: Bassttt. Llandovety: Giiffiths. EbbwVale: L. P. Jones. Dowlais: J. Evan?. Swansea: W. George. Carmarthen: Smith and tons. Ll&nelly J. Hughes. Neath: Hayman. Br.'dgend A. J. Price. Aberayron W. Griffiths. Cardigan: Jones, t^ontypool: Roaeriek, Rhymney Dix n and all respectable ( hernias. Sold in bottles, at Is l £ d., 2i. 9d., and 4s. 6d. ea?h. 42o ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, SCURVY, JtL BAD LEGS, BURNS, SCALDS. &c., ARE CuuBn DIRECTLY BYfHB EGYPTIAN SALVE.—The mo t wonderful application f»r every kind of Sores. Bad leps of above twent> years completely cured by it in two or three weeks It subdues inflam- mation in a few hours, and soothes pam very qu ckly,^ disappears as if by magic ""der itjj mflwnce, aiid al uptioi s 06 the skin. For Gathered B eaa s, Inflamed Eyes, Ringworm, Ulcers, and Wounds of every kind it is unequalled, and is recom- mended with thorough confidence by the proprietory who are con- stantly receiving the most gratif. ing proofs of its as a cleansing and healing remedy. Prepared only j5-^ Chemists, Wolveihampton, and sold m pots at 13Jd- and 2„. 9d. each, by all Chemists. Sold by Anthony, Joy, and Williams, Bute-street, Cardiff. 2"4 I justness ^ddrcssg^^ gg ST. MARY-STREET. R. HEITZMAN, JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER, Has one of ;the largest Stocks in Cardift of Articles expressly suited for WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, and COMPLIMENTARY PRESENTS, AT PRICES SUITED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL It would T e impossible TO give a list of all the articles submitted 01 inspection at his establishment. A VISIT IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED 32, ST. MARY-STREET 6068 Where the clock projects from the houae.) 184 pOWELL AND CO.'S PACKET TEAS A e gaining a high reputation wherever they are known. old in 2oz., qnarter and half-pound Packets, at 2s. 6d. and 3s. 4d. Trade Mark-THE MICROSCOPE. Wholesale of POWELL AND CO., ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF, 219 jjjDWARDS AND SONS, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, ST. MARY-STREET, PARK-ROAD, AND WEST WHARF, CARDIFF, Beg most respectfully to announce that they ave been awarded A PRIZE MEDAL, By Her Majesty's Commissioners of the International Exhi- bition, Kensington, 1878. 228 THE CARDIFF FISHMONGERa I ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF SEVENTY YEARS. 89 ST. MARY STREET. R. ASHTON Begs tr- inform the Saint MarT-street, to the above address, and taken to the business MS^A continuance of the favours so long bestowed on his pre- DEADA°ILY supply of Severn, Tivey, and Wye Salmon, and all kinds R*ASLITON1BUYS^ILL"hisfish for ready money, direct from the fishermen, and not through middlemen, thus securing to his customers the full benefit of the ready money system, the fish trade being essentially a ready-money business. Hotels and private families waited on, and all fish delivered to any part of the town daily. WENHAM LAKE ICE. 254 rpHOMAS JONES AND CO., PAPER BAG MANUFACTURERS, WHARF ST«E*rrr-CA3SDI*T. Grocery Bags and Papers, Ironmongery Bags and Papers, Drapery Bags and Papers, Printing Papers and Bookbinding, Mill'd and Straw Boards. 1006 UMBRELLAS! UMBRELLAS!! UMBRELLAS! Extensi e stock of Ladies' and Gents' Silk Zanella, and Alpaca UMBRELLAS, By the best London Makers, now on Sale at W. KORNER & CO.'S. HOSIERY and Gent's UNDER CLOTHING of the very bes Qualities!! NEW STOCK OF SHIRTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! COLLARS, FRONTS, WRISTS, GLOVES, &c. Largest Siock of SCARVES and TIES in South Wales. Hand-Knitted SOCKS and STOCKINGS, Good and Cheap. BRACES, BELTS, GARTEKS, SOL1TA1RKS, STUDS & LINKS. CARDIGANS' DRESSING GOWNS AND TRAVELLING RUGS. tDIGk Choice Assortment of Wool SCARFS and MUFFLERS. All Goods warranted genuine quality and fresh from the Makers, having just returnsd from Leicester and London, Shopkeepors and Skippers supplied Wholesale. Terms, CASH" W. KORNER & CO., THS CARDIFF HOSIERS, 27, 29, & 31, ROYAL ARCADE, AND J 802 182. BUTE ROAD, CARDIFF. 4305 j M. HAIME, COAL MERCHANT. LARGE HOUSE COAL, THROUGH-AND-THROUGH DITTO, LARGE LANTWIT, SMITH'S COAL, LARGE STEAM COAL, NUT STEAM COAL, SMALL STEAM COAL, No. 3 COKE, Belivered in any Quantity AT the Shortest Notice. Omcs: BRITANNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. RESIDENCE: No. 1, EAST GROVE, TREDEGARVILLE.' Order received at above addresses immediately attended to. 140 w. T R E S E D E R, UNION-ROAD NURSERIES, CARDIFF, Has JUST RECEIVED a Found and well-selected consignment of BULBS direct from Haarium, comprising the following:- HYACINTHS (double and single), many of which are specially Slapted for early blooming. TULIPS (double and single) of various colours Cr cuses, Jonquils, Narcissus, Snowdrops &c. The present stock of BULBS are REMARKABLY FINE, and the prices are LOWER SI any which can be FUNDED by any house GOO^SCINTHS FROM THREE SHILLINGS PER DOZEN, Other Bulbs equally reasonable. FOR Wen-rooted FOREST TREES, including Scoteh Larch SoR^tondanl\VPj^M^d Dw8'Tr™'ned'APPLES' PLtJMS> FOR well grown PEACH, NECTARINE, APRICOT, CHERRY, 1 PLUM, and PEAH TREES. "POR FRUIT TREES OF ALL KINDS. T^LOB ALL NEEDFUL REQUISITES for the GARDEN, apply t0 WILLIAM TRESEDER, UNION ROAD NURSERIES, CARDIFF. 207 POTATOES, POTATOES, POTATOES. — MORE ARRIVALS. TTTOT ARRIVED, and now DISCHARGING at the Top of the jubr AKiu.v £ if, aiWESjT bute DUCK, Ex St. Gufflaume. PONT L'ABBES. Ex Plainaise PRIME PERROS BLUES. S Noma PRIME FRENCH CUPS. Ssrfendid" IRISH ROCKS. v Witless ST. BRIEUX WHITES. SGS ST. BRIEUX ONIONS A WHITES. PONT L'ABBES. Also a Large Stock of PRIME BLUES On hand. Each of the above Cargoes are in good condition, and axe of excellent quality. Apply to J. H. ENGLAND, ST. MARY-STREET, or WEST EUTE DOCK. T> IRDS AND ANIMALS PRESERVED SCIENTIFICALLY. Animal Skins and Furs dressed, Rugs Lined and made up. Hand and Fire Screens, &.c., by J. CORDING, NATURALIST, 10, ROYAL ARCADE, CABBIFF. f Glass Shades all Sizes for Clocks, Statuettes, Sec. 101: justness GENTLEMEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER. MESSRS. W. PTfCE AND SONS would dircct public attention to their NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK for the present season, and as every Department is now full of the choicest clothing, they can with confidence invite a personal in- spection of the same. THE STOCK COMPRISES: DOUBLE-BREASTED OVERCOATS FLY FRONT OVERCOATS ULSTERS AND HARNESS CAPES YACHTING JACKETS SCOTCH TWEED SUITS TROUSERS AND VX&FS TO MATCH SEALSKIN CAPS AND VESTS WATERPROOF COATS AND LEGGINGS KNITTED CARDIGAN JACKETS FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS WHITE AND DRESS SHIRTS SILK AND WOOL MUFFLERS CALF AND LEATHER GLOVES LINED SCOTCH AND LEICESTER HOSIERY RU3S AND PORTMANTEAUS CARPET AND LEATHER BAGS HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS. TSRMS :—DNB PRICE. No ABATEMENT. READY MONEY. ADDRitSS: THE CARDIFF BOUSE, Corner of Caroline-street, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 104 WAVERLEY FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL W TEMPERANCE HOTEL, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. T. S. HUNTLEY, PROPRIETOR. T. S. H. begs respectfully to inform Commercial Gentlemen, Tourists, and others visiting Cardiff that he has opened a. NEW HOTEL, as above, and solicits their patronage. The situation is very central, being midway between the Railway Stations, and close to the principal business streets. This Hotel will be found replete with every comfort. Hot and Cold Baths. 883 S CHITTENDEN, CHINA AND GLASS • ESTABLISHMENT, 8, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. (Opposite the Town Hall). ALL KINDS of GLASS, PLATED GOODS, and TABLE LINEN LENT on HIRE for BALLS, DINNER, and PRIVATE PARTIES. 144 MRS. BLENKINSOPP, -L'-i- (Late Gaisford, Church-street.) FRENCH STAY AND CORSET MAKER, 1, VICTORIA-PLACE, HAYES, Begs to thank the Ladies of Cardiff and the Neighbourhood for heir liberal support during the last seven years; and hopes by trict and prompt attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage. All orders by post attended to with despatch. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS ON HAND. Note the Address 1, VICTORIA-PLACE, HAYES, CARDIFF. 150 NOTI CE OF REMOVAL. -A- I A. WILDE, GROCER, CONFECTIONER, &c., LATE car 44, CROCKHERBTOWN, Begs to inform her customers and the public that she has REMOVED TO 35, BRIDGE-STREET, Where she trusts by strict attention to business and moderate charges to merit a continuance of tho support she has hitherto received. 35, Bridge-street, Cardiff, Nov., 1874. 923 5254 TP RIMELL, STAR TEA WAREHOUSE, XL* 1, vmese, CAJUMTF. H.&1 GoodSoundCongou 2'0 Splendid Tea .26 Very Choice 3 0 Twcpence per pound less on 6 lbs. and upwards. A daily supply of good Fresh Butter. Sugars at Market Prices. 240 ENERAL ENGRAVING AND PRINTING G OFFICES. FOR FIRST-CLASS WORK, GO TO GLASS AND CO., ENGRAVERS, DIE, SINKERS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE AND GENERAL PRINTERS. ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Every description of Engraving and Printing executed. A trial order is respectfully solicited. 169 CARRIAGE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 19, BROAD-STREET, BATH. Second-hand "Siamese" PHAETON and DOG-CART FOR SALE, The property of a Gentleman leaving Bath. 642 g O O K B F~N D ING. J. B. THO MAS SON, BOOKBINDER AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTURER, 74, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Machine Ruling, Binding, and Account Book Making for the Trade. 169 MORETTI, WATCH AND CLOCK • MAKER, 266 & 267, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. Watches and Clocks carefully Cleaned and Repaired by experi- enced English and Foreign Workmen. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF (WATCHES AND CLOCKS IN SOUTH WALES. Gold Watches from ie2 2s. to £ 54; Silver ditto from jei Is. to £1010s. Clocks from 6s. to £10. Gold Watch Chains from 25s. and upwards. Gold Wedding Rings from 6s. each. Watch Repairing in all its branches done for the Trade. Also the Trade supplied with every description of Watch and Clock Materials and Tools. 729 E. E MINERAL AND METAL BROKER, 33 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, BIRMINGHAM. Also Agent for Sale of Mineral and other Properties. 612 pISTONS AND AIR-PUMP BUCKETS FOR LAND AND MARINB ENGINES, Fitted with Patent Elastic Metallic Packing, more than 7,700 of which are in daily use. IMPROVED VALVES AND TAPS, IN IRON AND GUN METAL, For Steam, Water, and Gas. Prices and particulars on application. MATHER & PLATT, ENpINEERS, SALFORD IRO WORKS, MANCHESTER. 273 THE RHYMNEY-COAL COMPANY. LANTWIT (GWAIN MISKIN) RED ASH AND OTHER COALS. QUANTITIES of Three Tons delivered at WHOLESALE PRICES, as per Wagon. ORDERS received at their Offices, 66, Crockherbtown. Also by their Manager, JOHN MILES, 15, Great Frederick-street Cardiff. 200 ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER-OF-A-CENTURY. MAT HE W SAN D SON, COAL MERCHANTS, NORTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. All orders received at their Coal Wharf, North-road, or at 3, Paradise-place, will receive prompt attention. 175 BASS & CO.'S PALE AND MILD ALES OF THE NEW BREWINGS MAY NOW BE HAD, IN PRIME CONDITION IN CASKS AND BOTTLES, PF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., t' CARDIFF. 114 SAM U E L D Av V I S, s SLATER AND PLASTERER, Begs to inform BUILDERS, DECORATORS, &c., that he has OPENED a CASTING SHOP-secorid.to none. One Hundred CENTRE FLOWERS of the newest designs always in stock. A large selection of enrichments for CORNICES, TRUSSES, &c. Decorators will do well in giving a call, as most of the Flowers can be fixed perfectly dry by means of screws and a patent com- position in two hours, without inconvenience or mess. MODELS supplied to the trade. Prices moderate. BESIHESCE—No. 11, JAMES-STREET, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH. 1 WORKSHOP AND SHOW-ROOMS ADJOINING 7 justness Addresses. MISS PHILLIPS, DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER, 7, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. Miss PHILLIPS has had twenty years' experience (eleven of which she had in London) with first-class bouses. Two Apprentices wanted, and a vacancy for an Improver. Good references can be given. No. 7, DUKE-STREET (ENTRANCE-PASSAGE BETWEEN THE SHOPS OF "MR WARE AND MR. W. JONES, STATIONER.) 774 JgiSTABLISHED FOURTEEN YEARS. ISAAC EXTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ENGLISH AND FOREIGN FRUITERER, COMMISSION AGENT, &c., 42, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT FRESH DAILY. Shipping and Hotels supplied on the most reasonable terms with Fruit, &c., of the best quality. All orders in town and country punctually attended to. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 922 CONTINENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY. MR. E. P. LEE. ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, 9, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Appointments are necessary for being photographed by the new process. 113 J. SESSIONS AND SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATHS, CISTERNS, And all kinds of SLATE or MARBLE WORK. DEPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASHES, AND FRAMES. RANGES GRATES, SPOUTING, and [all Description [of IRONWORK. CANAL WHARF EAST AND JOtlfq-STREET, CARDIFF. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. 180 LARGEST FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND. C. & W. T RAP N ELL, DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, 39, COLLEGE-GREEN, BRISTOL. SPECIAL FURNISHING GUIDES, SHOWING UPWARDS OF 100 ESTIMATES FOR BEDROOMS, DRAWING-ROOMS, DINING-ROOMS, LIBRARIES, &c. &c. And ontaming 19 Complete Estimates for House Furnishing Totals from £21 18s. 6d. to jE788 13s. 6d. 870 ILLUSTRATIONS. POST FREE. SELECTIONS FROM GUIDE. Estimate. £ a d. ,)io. i. v • Pttowiyn* Tmi No. 2„ Kitchen, Passage and Stairs, Pdrlour, and S Bedrooms 54 5 9 No. 3— -Kitchen, Ban; and Stairs, 2 Sitting-rooms, and 3 Bedrooms 67'14 2 No. 6. Kitchen, Hall, and Stairs, Breakfast-room, Dining and Drawing-rooms, and 4 Bed- rooms. 125 17 0 No. 10. Kitchen, Scullery, Hall, and Stairs, Study, Dining and Drawing-rooms, and 6 Bed- rooms 266 3 6 No. 14. Eleven-roomed House 433 4 0 No. 17. Modern Mansion 547 6 0 C. & W. TRAPNELL, HO [USE FURNISHERS 39, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL. Honourable Mention for Good Design and Workmanship, 3268 International Exhibition, 1862. 256 DEFENSIO NON PROVOCATIO. rTHE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' TEA X ASSOCIATION. OFFICES & WAREHOUSES: SOUTHWARK STREET, LONDON. BANKERS: NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAN AND BRANCHES. SECRETARY AUGUSTUS FOLKARD, To whom all Post Office Orders, Cheqes and Bills are to be made payable. The Licensed Victuallers' Tea Association, founded in 1867 and owing its origin to the irregular competition of the Grocers in the sale of Wine, is now supplying through the following appointed Agents in this County, its unequalled Teas, in sealed packets of I-lb., I-lb., ,L-lb., 2-oz.-each packet having the price, trademark, name and address of the Association, without which none is genuine. The Trade Mark is registered according to law to copy or imitate which is forgery. Licensed Victuallers and Wine Merchants only are eligible as Agents to the Association. A Sample parcel of Eight Pounds forwarded Carriaje Free to any Rtilway Station in the Kingdom on receipt of Post Office Order. TEA. TAE-PING, Good Strong Black 2s. Od. per lb. „ The Finest Strong Black 2s. 6d. „ „ The Finest Souchong Black 3s. Od. „ „ The Finest Mixed 8s. Od. „ „ The Fine t Green. 3s. fid. CARAVAN An Exquisite Tea 3s. 6d. In Sealed Packets of 1- b., t-lb., !-1b., and 2 ozs. COFFEE. Good Strong.. 1 6d. per Ib. The Finest Granular 2s. Od. „ In Tins of I-lb. and t-Ib., and Packets of i-lb. AGENTS FOR WALES. GLAMORGANSHIRE. CARDIFF Beard, R. L. (Old Dolphin Inn), Church-street „ Davies, W. (Hoie and Anchor), Adelaide-street. Durkee, L. J. (Du!, e of C ornm-all), Hayes Lewis, D. (Crown Hotel). Old, G. (North and South Wales Inn), Louisa-st. Richards, E. (Hastings Hotel), Herbert-street. „ Stelfox.C.(MarquisofBute),Bute-street. „ White, G. (Alma Hotel), Margaret-street. EBBW VALE (Mon.). Crook, J. (Victoria Hotel). „ "White, Mrs. A. DOWLAIS Lloyd, J. (Prince Albert Inn), High-street. MERTHYR TYDFIL Mon gdiieiy, J. (Bell Brewery). PSNARTH J. nes, W. G. (Penarth Hotel), Penarth. SWANSEA .Beaven.H.. 41, Cattle-street. „ Clark, C 8, bt. Mary-street. „ Mills & C0., 9 Castle-street. „ Morgan 2, Castle-square. „ Stock, E. (WaterooStores), 3, Waterloo-street A NGLESEA. AMLWCH Hughes, J. (Castle Hotel). HOLYHEAD f-mith, William (Marine Hotel). x Humphreys, C. (Victoria Hotel), Menai BRECKNOCKSHIRE. BRECON Gibson, C., Wine Merchant. Prosser, Sirs. N., (6 Bells Inn), Ship-street. HAY Harris, J., Wine Vaults. BRYNMAWK. J. Davies, Kins's Head. CARMARTHENSHIRE. CARMARTHEN Bright, E., Wine Merchant, Dark Gate. LLANDOVERY Berry, C. J. T., (Clarence Hotel). LLANELLY Frith, J., (Gate Hotel), Vaughan-street. WHITLAND Thomas, J. T., Wine and Spirit Merchant. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. ABERMALE Watkins Mrs. J., (Ab rmale Inn). LLANDUDNO Lloyd, Thos. H., Mostyn Buildings LLANIDLOES Benbow, Thos Great Oak-street. „ •. Jones, E., Queen's Head Hotel. NEWTOWN Morgan, C (Wine Merchant, Depot). WELSHPOOL Humphreys, J. (Buck Inn). PEMBROKESHIRE. PEMBROKE DOCK White. H. (Brewery). MERIONETHSHIRE. DOLGELLY Evans, L. (Wine Merchant). PWLLHELI(N. Wales) Boardman, G. (Refreshment Rooms), CAERNARVONSHIRE. BANGOR Williams, John (Prince of Wales Hote. COLWYN-CONWAY Porter. John (Pwllycrochon Hotel). LLANDUDNO Hayn, H. (Adelphi Hotel). CARMOAXSHIRE ABKRYSTWITH Rea, J. White Horse), Terrace Read DENBIGHSHIRE. ABERGELE Armstrong, C., Danfair CLYDACH Morris, Miss (Clydach Inn). LLANELLBRN Nobbs, Mr. E. FLINTSHIRE. BHYL Heather, Wi i lfams (Birmingham Hotel). 340 TOWLE'S CHLORODYNE, renowned foi COUGHS, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS s. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Also, Towle's CHLORuDYNE LOZENGES and JUJUBES, o Chemists. 1094 rpHE USE OF THE GLENFIELD STARCI Always secures Th Delight of the Laundress, I The Admiration of the Beholder, 014 And the Comfortof the Weare § ASHLESS J^TASJES. JOHN ROBINSON AND CO., (ESTABLISHED 1842), Manufacture MANURES Of high quality, which are sent out in good condition, and at moderate priees. SUPER-PHOSPHAT E. MANGOLD MANURE. CORN MANURE. GRASS MANURE. And other kinds for Special Crops. Also, LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON and Co., BRISTOL; Or to their Agents. 1^55 GOOD SUPPLY OF FOREST AISO FRUIT TREES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO BE HAD CRE.1 P AT STEPHEN TRESEDER'S, ELY ROAD NURSERY, NEAR CARDIFF. 1077 ENGRAVING ENGRAVING! E ENGRAVING! JAMES BICKERTON, GENERAL PRACTICAL ENGRAVER AND PRINTER, Brass and Zinc Door and Window-plate Manufacturer Silver- plate Monumental Brasses. Stencil Plates, in Copper, Brass, or Zinc. Old Plates restored like new, at half price, First-class workmanship, at lowest price. An inspection of Specimens is solicited. 46, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF. 615 Why bum bad oil when you can get GTRANGE'S A-I CRYSTAL OIL, the finest Oil produced. There is none equal to it for— COLOUR, SAFETY, FREEDOM KRQM SMELL, AND BEAUTIFUL WHITE LIGHT. Be not deceived by traders pretending to sell A-l CRYSTAL OIL, but see that you get "STRANGE'S" A-l CRYSTAL OIL. AGEXTS FOR CARDIFF. Cross Brothers. Ironmongers. NEATH Thomas Andrews.. Iron and Oil Merchant. SWANSEA W. R. Thomas 21, Castle-street. HAVERFORDWEST.. S. Green. High-street. BRECON J. Edwards Nott.. Ironmonger. WHOLES ALE ONLY. S. TUDOR AND SONS, WHITE LEAD MANUFACTURERS. 17, COLLEGE HILL, LONDON, E.C. 624 DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET v What is it? A Handy Guide to Domestic Medicine Every Household should possess.a. copy. R. ROO.KE'S ANTI-LANCET. All Invalids should read the Chapter on the functions of Digestion, showing by what process food is con- verted into Blood-aow blood sustains the whole system—How Nervous Power influences all the bodily organs to perform their allotted fnnctions- Principles of Life and Death unfolded-D. ring seldom accompanied with pain-Mental vision amplified prior to the death of the body-Immortality of the intelligent principle. ~P)R. R (To K E' S A N T I L A N C E T. •MS TThe Nerr»ug. the Dyspeptic, or th« Hypochondriac, should read the Chaper on the Origin 01 aU Diseases from Depression of Nenroos or Vital P«w*r—How ..wi.—ii Jpw«i«au.fifhata at the Mind em the Body~ Effects Excessive Joy—Anser—Grief and Suspense —Sudden Surprise and Fright—Hard Study—Hot Relaxing Fluids—Intemperance in Eating and Drink- ing—Spirituous Liquors-Loss of Blood—Impure Air. R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. Read the Chapter on t,he Destructive Practice of Bleeding, illustrated by the cases of Lord Byron, Sir Walter Scott, Madame Mali bran. Count Cavour, General "Stonewall" Jackson, and other public characters. R. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. All who wish to preserve health, and thus prolong life, should read DR. ROOKfc-'S ANTI-LANCET, or HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE, which can be bad GRATIS from any Chemist, or Post Free from Dr. ROOKE, fccarborough. Concerning this book, the lute eminent author, Sheridan Knowles, observed :—" It will bean ncalculable boon to every person who can read and think." R.IP.OOIKE'S ANTI-LANCET. D A Clergyman writing to Dr. Pooke, under date July 15th, 1874, speaking of the ANTI-LANCET,"says Of its style and matter I can judge, for I have been an author on other themes for thirty years. None but a master-mind among men could have conceived or written your introduction. It is the most perfect de- lineation I ever read of the human frame, and the links between the material fabric and the spiritual unison of body and soul." R. ROOKI^STANTI -LANclsT OR, HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Can be had GRATIS of all Chemists, or POST FREE from Dr. Rooke, Scarbro'' T\R. ROOKE'S A ISTTT- LANCET. -MS Ask your Chemist or a copy (GRATIS) of the last edition, containing 168 pages. ^ROSBX'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. ("CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. c Opiates, Narcotics, and Squills, are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs, Colds, and all Pulmonary Diseases. Instead of such fallacious remedies which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs, and thus increasing that de- bility which lies at the root of the malady, modern scieBce point!! to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy. /^JROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR" c Dr. Roou's TESTIMONIAL. Dr. ROOKE, Scarborough. Author of the "Anti- LQncct," says:—"I ha.ve repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain and Irritation of the Chen, in cases of Pulmonary Consumption; andlcan, with the greatest confidence, recommend it as a most val able adjunct to an other- wise strengthening treatmeut for this disease." ipjROSBrs BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXiR. c CLERGYMES, S.NGERS, and PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find it the most effectual safeguard against Hoarseness, Chronic Bronchitis, and all affections of the vocal organs. F^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR TRAVELLER?, SPORTSMEV, EMIGRANTS, and others, exposed to suuden changes of temperature, easterly winds, fog, wet c cthing, &c., may. by a few ti-ely d)ses of thin medicine, ward off all unpleasant consequences. • RIROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. c PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. To those who .are suffering ,nder this malady the medicine will be found of inestimable service as it almost instantly relieves t'e most distressing Cough, Pain in the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, &c. For the Night Sweats, so fearfully wtakening in this disease, it acts as a t-pe. ific, invariably checking them in ths course of a few days. R^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. This medicine, w:ch is free from opium and squills, not only allays the local irritntiou, but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution. Hence A onTRu 1 18 U8ed Wlth 1116 most signal success in BSS'ITIS, i m<iHT SKA™, INFLUENZA, WiNTER COUGH, And all Affections of the Throat and Chest. (^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Vy Is sold in bottles at Is. 9<1., 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by all respectable Chemist?, and wholesale bv JAR \T CROSBY, Chemist, Scarborough. J (^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR (^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR ^KY°,UR JPIE'FIS' for the New Edition (GRITIS) of Crosbys Prize Treatise on "DISEASES OF TRF LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS," full 2d plain instructions for the relief and cure of these diseases, of Post Free from JAMESlM. CROSBY Chemist, Scarborough. (^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH F.T.TXRR Can be obtained of all Chemists 748-473S JYNNEFORD'S FLUID MAONESLI For Thirty Years the medical profession have approved of thii A J-ITT. pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE GOUT, AND INDIGESTION; ? n[1'14 aperient for delicate constitutions, especially j adapted for ladies, children, and infants. When combined witl THE ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which it f aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons aad warm climates this simple preparation when taken regularly, has been found highly beneficial. I DINNEFORD AND CO., CHEMISTS, &c 172, NEW BOND-STREET, LONDON. Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the world. C }.UTION.—See that" Dinneford and Co." ia on each bottle, "an :r 1 1 ed libel over the eork. -rjgj Jjttshtts, Addresses. ESSRS. • FULTON, DUNLOP AND CO.. _DOKE-STR|ET, CARDIFF, respectfully invite attention to the undermentioned articles. h ,carefu"y selected expressly for family use and can be confidently recommended to the PuDlic PORT.—Very superior, old in butSe' PER Superior old crusted «>;• j?rl ■Very fine ditto 0?^' Go^m the wood *28* & 8&, £ SHERRY.—Very supeii r old i? Superior old soft Pale Choice Pale or U olden Choice "dry"Paie TJS Very fine Pale o r Golden or'" TQ? Excellent Dinner Sherry Sis taL Ditto, dif.o 18, CHAMPAGNE.—" Madame Cliquot" 728 Moet's or Kumart's e:iI8 Other qualities aiL aoL' iZ MOTEU,E.-3tmor1„»,kl«S CLAKET—Gofld ordinary 'J"" S*- Good classed Wines BURGUNDY- 30s. to 60s MARSALA.-Ingham's to 68s- BRITISH WINES.. 209 BRANDY.-Finest Cognac, pSSown PER GALLON. BB.ANDY.-Finest Cognac, Pale or Brown. 26s. Good ditto o British or Jersey 20s.> 24s. ynmlS £ t&<M St Finest old Scotch (Isiavi H8 Piain ditto Malt.. RUM.—Fine old Jamaica ^7s Good ditto HOLLANDS.-—Best old [ GIN.—Best London Good dittn •_ and PEPPERMINT V. DlliitJi> *• iW» HOLLANDS.—Anchor brand • • 42a. £ 4» E L L I S .WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, No. 14, ST. JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF, Begs to call attention to th^j following List of Prices: From the wood Psr Bottlv, s ■■ h **■ Bottled 368. 42s. 3s. of¡; Sø. M. do very choice old V. & & 7^ t £ Sf' Tarragona, or Spanish Port 18a. & 2lt J." ti & SHEKRY. SHERRY. Pale, a good dinner sherrv Bot- Pale, fine dinner wine .v. 80s if' «, Delicate, with full flavour jje9' „ 6d- D^, high flavoured, very pale 42s'. p. Pale or Brown ,.48s.&54s 7. 4g. &fti. n r- xrj FRENCH WINES. Claret, Fine Medoc i«K Do., Superior. S"' So0:; El'S11.. 36^ •• •• -• ^^cd 2fi8" "• |5- „ GERMAN WINES. Hockand Moselle Still. 36s & 48s. 3s. 2d. & 4s 2d >, "Sparkling.48,548. 64s. 4s., 48. td., 68 Third Quality CHAMPAGffEs. <>* ^"ous Shippers. ^nd SPIRITS. Brandy, PaJe or Brown 24sPaend2^Cn' PerBot Do do. (very old) 80s w?'k 74(verjoiu)159^d 138 "28 Bfej'^S(v«rjiM) -Sf- -"rt-i Hollands nsandlRa Gin, best London island 15s 2s 4d nd CASED BRANDY Hennessy s or Martell's 54s, 60s. and 66s r. »- CASED GENEVA. De Kuyper s 34s Burton Ala Is 2d, is 4d, i8 6d, & lg 8d per ni. Ditto Pale Ale is 8d. In Chsks of 41, 9, 18 gals., ftc. a AXP 1XUBUV MW'S a VMM Ale A DD, 4 4g M Ditto Stout 5s fid. T In not less than Three dez. WILLIAM ELLIS, 14, ST. JOHN-STREET, CARDIF o- PURE TEAS -s SOd, n* »d ««drdr ,b., ta, < lIb, Jfc, JJè 2lb, SIb., 61b. and up\\ard3. Discount to Purchasers of Slbs. and upwards. 30S T~)YER'S WORKMEN'S WATCH CLUBS — Watch Clubs, which enables members to at ijiai rKlCtS, bis celebrated Silve'r WatrhM v. „ ae low a sum as Is. weekly. The advantage ta irl t others of obtalll1111." Ilood watches on such easy terms is fnDy recogniscd by the numerous Clubs which are and have beeo. Vict, afhodmTa1!i abro^ ^^rie^e Ser" to establish and conduct them, and any paitv wL^n^ the management of a oinh i wishing^ to obtain boon to of the as tending to encourage pro- vident ha.bits anè enabli,ng them to obtain valuable Watches without trouble or to 237 -P ORE A.N D MOOR& Three Years' System from 2k Guineas per Quarter. All Instruments Carriage Free. Illustrated Price Lists Post-free on application. Pianofortes returned from hire for sale at lew prices. jyjOORE AND MOORE'S HARMONIUMS. Terms trozi Half-a-guinea per quarter, including carriage. Illustrated Price Lists Post-free. W arerooms, 104 and 105, Bishopsgate-street Within, Lonr'on. E.C. PURE~ "— UNCOLOURED fpEAS AND CASSELL'S COFFEES. 5S £ S2SSS? £ 2r -=^5"^ a CASSELL'S COFFEES maintain the high celebritv for n,v>; k they have been distinguished durinS^h^tenemS?- mey possess great strength and full flaveur ftx-tviT!: form good quality is ensured. by thelr use um- CASSKLL's PURS UNCOLOURED TEA, 2s. to 2s. 8d. ner >h FINEST QUALITIES, 3s. to 4s. per lb. ib* CASSELL'S COFFEES, Is. to Is. lOd. per lb CASSELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE. 2S. per lb.' e Canisters and Packages, 2 oz. to 1 lb. Sold b> Agents, Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, &c., throvurh- Anv-KTnv out the Kingdom, OOFFV^tfDtS 816 for CASSELL'S TEAS COFf EEfc. m everj neighbourhood not yet fu-lv sun rur .teTrms> apply to CASSELL, SMITH, and n-» go KenJtt < eot. London relKal TZ" EATING'S CODGH LOZENGES. :~med'ca} Testimony states, that unquestionably no re- medy exists which is so certain in its effects. ASTHMA, wiNTNt COUGH, DIFFICULTY eF BREATHING, alike yield to its influence. OM Lozsnge alone gives the sufferw rehef Many remedies are sold that contain Morphia, Opium/^r violent drags, but REATISG'S COUGH LOZENGES posed only of the purest simple drugs, and the most delicate^, health may use them witn per;ec: eonfidencp CWGH LOZENGRSare preparS >,y TlXasKeatin^S aBd 80ld by ail Chemists>iB ——— ——— IMPuRITIES of the BLOOD, Skin Diseases TMPURmES of the BLOOD, Skin Diseases J- and Rheumatism are effectual-v cuvpi he t? t. Sulphur (Registered). This splendii pu «^the bSH tarns all the purifying virtue of the Milk of Flowers cf^TilWh^ th e It'nn1 I?*? C°nCentrated ] <iuid which is ve^efie £ • t quick corrects a morbid condition of the htatu! wardly cleanses the skin, and removes Scur^ Bto > so^of al\ kfSh Fo°-nphe faCe;.G:andular Sellings, BoiKd relieving nain ?klifuina^1"in 11 ls of extraordinarj-vahie, Plete mrp For ar.i speedily effecting a comL J, F°r Bad Legs, Ulcers, »nd Wonnds it is hirhlv t*>- frnnf1? u~e<1 w,th tlle celebrated Egyptian Salve' a« Pr^r^ri i KlgD ?tS' 11 hafite"8 th« care verv wonderfulK* J L ^rothers' Chemists, Wolverhampton, an** oldin.^ttles, 2s. 3d. and 4s. 6d. each, by Messrs. Anthony jm andWidiams, Chemists,tBuive-street Car(tiff. A 4s. (id. bottle Bent per rail on receipt of 54 stamps. London; Sanger. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, r B RONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA. DEv J- i30LLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. tort thatDr ? Co.^ R W- Page W°3d *teted PuWidy Z Browne was undoubtedly the inventor oT Chiorodjaie, that ihe whoJe story of the defend&ot Freeman waa ?• m"true'~ a,n4 be regretted to say it had been fiwdrn to. ► —Seethe "Times," July 13,1864. °?V: is^wneWTuLaKOmT^i;. -fT £ rar' ^nssell communicated to the College of Physician* aS venPort> that he had received information to the' ^5^ "at tlle oniy remedy of any service in cholera wis Chlorodyne.—See "Lancet" Dec. 31, i86?. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. Extract from th* Medical Times, Jan. 12, 18^6 ig prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. Vf course, it would not be thns, y singularly popular did it'nj.t supply a want, and fill a place." h T"hR- J- Collis Browne's CHOLOSODYNETh the haat JLJ certain remedy In coughs, colds, a neuralgia, rheumatism, &c. DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORQDYNR ja A cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, colics, Ac. R. J. Collis Browne's CHLQRojyyNB- nAi:i if>>; genuine without the words, "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Oblc- rodyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medico testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufacturer J. T. id DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bloomabury, LoIwieD. sold in bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and Us. 1070