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Maattb. In the Cardiff for 2i^ovdS, prepaid. \XTANTED immediately, within a mile of the Town W Hall, Cardiff, a Small House «*ceed £ 20 per annum. Address J. A., CaidiJI limes, ^fiice. \\7" ANTED, a good General Servant. Good ° Villa JV ter indispensable. Apply at Warden Villa, worth-stree-t, Roath. 2441 W I L LI A MS A N D E R S, Estate ANDUCI™ USANCE AGENT, r)X> be E^: %trfou^hmt^ri^Ta^VslTkitrret; and ^l.er of Omen's cottages on the Splotlands. Four-fifths of the Purcha.se money may be had on mortgage. Apply as abave. ————— <&0 be err I QDGINGS andAPAKTMENTB W^TED^orto JU be LET, should be advertised in the Gardes tfee Is. for 24 words, prepaid. TO be LET, furnished, a Sitting-room and Bed-raom. Annlv 7. Upper Station-terrace,_C^nhg. pARDIFF.-To be LET, a House and Shop No. 212. Bute-road. Well adapted for P°ses. Apply at the Universal Hotel, 209, B 'pcTbe LET, a HOUSE in Loudon-s.iU^r^ Rent moderate.—Also, No. 2, Cornish } lUa%r further consisting of seven rooms and garden.^ ^"ticulars, apply to Mr. John Batchelor. Lu 2439 pANAI^StRKET. CARDIFF.-OlpUSE- L;,ug lease.—Apply, Mr. John Jenkins, High 94c< 0f 13, Crockherbtown.) f ~4 TO IK; LET, with immediate possession, r*vo Well-built, and commodious semi detached t t' £ *in«d Bath and Alpine, situate in Southey-street, ?°ath.—Applv to Mr. Blake, Westprove Cottage. • J-N. Flint, Duke-street, Cardiff. Rent, £ 26 per a i*.ri(l back entrance, and garden. —miTTSF TO be LET, with immediate possession, the H and SHOP, plate glass front, late in the £ Mr. Lodwick, Draper & Milliner.—Apply to M -■ and Son, Cardiff House, Cardiff. ELIGIBLE AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS T PREMISES.. T).]1(e. O be LET, with immediate possession, No.s>-v A., street, Cardiff, late in the occupation of 1 ^W. Apply to J. T. Barry, jeweller, 9, Duke-street. TO be LET, with immediate possession, the sheaf Inn, near the. Market, Trinity-street, > and conveniently fitted up and furnishec, •JH61" and wine license. For particulars apply .I-ZR" "Ottias Phillips, Furniture Broker, Trinity-street, TTO CONTRACTORS. f O be LET by TENDER, about two mile1 ot FENCING, to be constructed on the C(>intnon the town of Hirwain, to consist of Banks ant and Specifications of the Fencing ™a^ )e the house of Mr Watkin Jones, called the 1' „ at Hirwain also at the offices of Messrs. rs E. David, Radyr Court, near Cardiff, who will gi\ e further information that may be required genders for the Work to be sent to Messrs. David on or ^fore TUESDAY, the 27th FEBRUARY inst. 2402 T 'LANDAFT\—To be Let or Sold, No. 4, LIandaff- Place, lust vacated by W. T. Crawshay, Esq con- on Ground Floor Large breakfast and dining- housekeeper's-room, large kitchen, back ditto with and pantry, and two water closets. Second Floor: jP*j«i0Us drawing-room with balcony, two bed-rooms, Four1^} (*ater laid on), and water closet. Third Floor Cellars Wfls, linen-roam, and housemaid's closet. DonbU Un<l*"r the entire building. Gas aiid water laid on. dew!' COaeb-house. two-stall stable, groom's living- and eepmg rooms Wall Fruit Garden. Good Kitchen SS!n'/vdI locked, may be had. Apply to Mr Wm. — vj<^5, Tu"" An11. Cardiff. CARDIFF —TO be LET, No. 27, Dnke-street, now in CARDIFF —TO be LET, No. 27, Dnke-street, now in \J occupation of Mr. William Jones, bookseller, *ell a(jHptefl for any business requirinc extensive premises, ^pply t>o Mr. Edwin Vachell, Cardiff. 1344 VIUTOHIA SALE KOOMS 'pHESE spacious and elegant SALE ROOMS are now op<:n for the reception of all kinds of GOODS, "MERCHANDISE. FURNITURE, and other articles ^gned for SALE. Parties wishing to dispose of Goods may consign them Mr. N. LAWRENCE, Auctioneer, the proprietor, *no will settle all accounts immediately after each sale. Mr. I, \WHENCE has SALES WEEKLY at the wove Ro TO be SOLD, one semi-detached Villa, °.*le attached ditto, situate in Dumfries-place, Carailt. ■^Pply to Mr. Thomas Webber, Estate and House Agent 32, Royal Arcade, Cardiff. TO be SOLD, or LET for a term, Eason Villa, Roath- road, now in the occupation of Captain Palmer. o J^?at, apply to S. Chittenden, china warehouse, t. *fe-street, Cardiff. [ ^0o_ TO be DISPOSED OF, in a populous neighbourhood at the Docks, a GROCERY BUSINESS, with good bakehouse attached. Stock and Fixtures at a v n- APply at 26, South William-street, Bute Docks La™ih. T^Obe SOLD^ Secoml-hand^SEWING MACHINES. 1 Bel-ravia, on Wheeler and Wilson's principle a^ |?°<1 as new, cost £ 12, to be sold cheap; ^«o» • „lngers, suitable for tailoring and heavy work. 1P7 at ^Genuine Howe's Sewing Machine Depot,Stl j^11. TO be SOLD, by Private Contract, two Houses, nine rooms in eachy and large garden, e coach-house, and a back road to the stabje and coach- P°Use lease 999 years, from June 29tli, IJ TT REE" Villa, in Clive-road, price £ 280._ One freehold «0 ln Clive-sti-eet, price £ 250. 1 wo six-room how es, tlOO «ach. Xhl. ee Houses in Elm-street, Roath, VV1 large gardens and a back road, price £ 160 each. onvvay and a House adjoining, both freehold, an ?ens, price £ 1050. House and Shop, and a a^l01n- in Roath, rent £ 43 per annum, price f^ght ^eholds in Canton, price £ 200 each ,°r sale. Two six-room houses, and large a a>ke-h«use, price £ 300. Several in lem^ vyn, J°ath, and Splotland.-To LET, Three large. nule ^°jns in each, and large garden, rent P?. uniirn Two Houses in Mark-street, Cardiff- J^nd for Wdding, lease 999 years.—Apply to Mr. Thomas Davies, ^^owbridge-road. Canton. T LANDOUGH ABERTHAW LIMEi WORKS, CARDIFF.—D. THOMAS AND Lime having made large additions to "'1JJrorks, 5f,i prepared to »pply their JjiME, either ground or m lump, per rail, d from' jte works. The superiority of this Lime may ve gathered the'fact of its being exclusively used 11:n tUe con- ation of the New Post-office, St. Martm sLe Grand, f^Udon, and various w.ater works, mines, 7*, col- throughout the country. Its cementrtwus ^alities are unequalled for masonry m water. W sets ;e iin Nearly equal to Portland cement. Circulars and^sti- J*<w«als with price, post free, on appllcatlon> ^ydiff. _i__ MR. PETER PRICE, AGENT TO THE SUN FIRE OFFICE. SUN OFFICE, 3, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. 115 TAITNTON AND WEST OF ENGLAND iDERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, r 3, HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. ESTABLISHED 1857. Money lent on mortgage at 5 per cent., repayable by J*i8talments, and redeemable at any time, witkout loss of £ 60,600 and upwards already advanced in Glamorgan- Its aeeurity offers a good and safe investment for de- ^^itor#. per cent, (without any deductions) allowed srinis of £ 5 and upwards, interest payable half-yearly. Investing shares may be taken also, with liberty to ^thdraw at a month's r.otioe, with 5 per cent, interest .2"hia old-established Society has no connection with any her recently started at Taimton. T, particulars apply Mr* Streae Bragg, Man- £ >*ct°< ■ Mr^o £ isa"vlfBE?1 °r WEBBER, District Secretary Royal Arcade, ^110 CaixM. t» I RINCIPA.LITY PERMANENT BENEFIT BUI LI'IN Gr SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, I860. rrrSff:iCE- -8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF- I'H3S js ^}le OLDEST and CHEAPEST Society in the fxr^o^botrhood. INVESTORS have realised nearly 12 PerCENT. PER having been paid more than £ 30 as Bonus. V RPwOWERS who have made their ful1 rel)aym«lts T, wen paid so la,rge an amount of Bonus as to reduce I-NrgJiEKT TO PER CENT. PER ANNUM. JUI °^ITS are Uken, for which 5 per cent, per an- tal-'1 ii paid without deductions.-Shares may ■nI?' a!1d rna<(e daily, at the Office as above. \VM. SANDERS, Secretary. IMS- MONEY TO BE HAD. FROM £ 50 to £ 10,000, repayable by instalments. Ap- plv Mr. Hodkineon, The Insurance Ofhce, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. IX/TONEY —A Gentleman with spare capital wishes to 1VL employ the same in making immediate advances from J65 to £ 500 to respectable persons on their own security. Bills of Sale, Reversions, Life Policies, or any other available securities. Farmers lrade^en orpart.es about to take a business will do well to send »^mpea directed envelope to Mr. C. TRELEAVKN, 7, ^k.t™, Bath-road, Hounslow, Middlesex. N-B.—SmaU mtere.t despatch, and secresy will Ire strictly maintained. 2308 MONEY' — Private Gentlemen, with a large amount ot clpitoT, i. (tesirouB of making«a; .;ons i-equin vmee»toper»m.^»i™cthe«g™ c>n be country, in sums from £ 10 to ioiw. Terms accommodated forthwith on their notcofhand lenns from 5 iier cent extending from three montfts to n\e years. Mortgages negociated at 1«;S interest s nee no obWt as nersons can repav by or cueque. py aPIJljin?' personally from 10 till 3, or if by letter enclos,pg ^amp«l envelope, to Mr. G. Dickson, 1, Brent- ford Butt Brentford, Middlesex, stating amount re- quired full' particulars will be promptly forwarded; also loanseffectedat persons own residences where inconvenient for them to attend the above address^ 2133 WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, 2 BUTE TERRACE, CARDIFF. RESIDENCE AVON HOUSE, CHAKLES-STREET, where Private or personal communications may be made. Immediate advances made on personal security, and to householders on their furniture and effecte without re- moval. at a few hours' notice, without publicity. Trade Bilk "»"0^0^ £ AIIERG, Proprietor. Money to be had on the mo.t reasonable term, on de- posit of Plate, Jewellery, Diamonds, &c. 108 MONEY LENT from £ 1"' and upwards to House- holders on their furniture and effects without removal. Also on Plate, Watches, Diamonds, Jewellery, Pianos, Furniture, Stock-in-1! rade, &c., by LOUIS BARNETT, BELMONT HOUSE, CHABLES-ST.. CARDIFF. TT'XECUTIONS by the Sheriff and County Court I paid out. MONEY ADVANCED on every description of Stc.-ks Job Goods Purchased m town or Country L. BARNETT, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. 1622 E. HARRIS & CO., LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, 220, BUTE-ROAD, CARDIFF. TMMEDIATE ADVANCES made on Personal Se- curity, and to Houseliolderri on their ± urniture and effects, without publicity or removal. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED AT EASY RATES. Advances made also on Plate, Diamonds, Watches, and everv description of Merchandise. Ail comnaunaca- tions strictly confidential. The Proprietor may be per- sonally consulted at all times.. 1731 GREAT REDUCTION IN DISCOUNT MONEY LENT AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE, AT -20. CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 10fi NOTICEBONA FIDE MONEY SPECULATION. AAA STERLING may be obtained by an in- vestment of £ 1.— £ 8,000,000 Sterling guaranteed by Goveiiiment are annually divided in monthly allotments in various sums upwards to £ 25,000 Sterling. For Prospectus (which will be sent ^gratis), apply by letter to the Agency for Public Funds, Geneva, or 33, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street, London, E.C. 2219 MONEY to LEND in town or country, from. £ 100 and upwards, for a term of years, on Personal Security. Interest 5 per cent. Also several sums on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, at 3A per cent. No commsssion charged. Apply to Messrs. Be van, 10, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, London. 2440 P R 0 T E C T OR ENDOWMENT LOAN AND ANNUITY COMPANY. :U, KING-STREET, CHEAFSIDE, LONDON, E.C. 'ril^E pla n of this Company is to supply Sums of I Money, from £ 50 to £ 2,000, on the security of a borrower and two sureties, to be repaid by equal quar- terly or half-yearly instalments over three years, a plan which is specially adapted for those desirous of enlarging their business operations, or of providing against an acci- dental emergency. For particulars and forms of application, apply to-Mr. T Webber, Auctioneer, Royal Arcade Chambers, Cardiff; Messrs. T. Waite & Sons, Clarence-street, Pontypool; Mr J D Cooke, Georsre Hotel and Brewery, Aberga- venny Mr. S. T Evans, 15, High-street, Newport, Mon. Air H Venner, Llanarth street, Newport, Mon. Mr. Thomas Evans, 2, Adare-street, Bridgend Mr. G. A. Bevan. Somerset-place, Swansea—Agents for the Com- pany. 2447 ANTHONY TROLL OPE'S NEW STORY, THE GOLDEN LION OF GRANDPERE, Is commenced in GOOD WORDS for January. CHARLES KINGSLEY'S NEW WORK ON TOWN GEOLOGY, Is begun in GOOD WORDS for January. MRS- OLIPHANT'S NEW STORYI IS BEGUN IN GOOD WORDS. 2418 PAPER MILL STORES. TAMES C: GREGSON, 29 EVELYN STREET, CARDIFF. THE ve'rv Highest Price given for all kinds of Waste Paper^ (^lErivelopes, Newspapers, Brown Paper, &c., in large or small quanti i^s. N.B. -Guarantee given that they will be Destroyed at the Mills. 22-17 J. NEW TON, TAILOR, &c., 13, CROCKHEEBtOWX, CARDIFF. Liveriet!t, &e., on the f\hortest notice.. 2030 BASS & CO.'S PALE AND MILD ALES OF THE NEW BRF-NVIXQS MAY NOW BE. HAD, IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP & CO. 140 BERLIN WOOL AND FANCY REPOSITORY, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. STOCK SELLING OFF! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Must be cleared before March 25th. BUSINESS AND FIXTURES TO BE DISPOSED OF. PREMISES TO BE LET. 241.4 LEWIS HOPKINS, ESTATE, HOUSE, & INSURANCE AGENT DUNSTER HOUSE, THE PARADE TREDEGARVILLE, CARDIFF, Two doors from the Khynmey Railway Company's Offices. Agent for tfte Estate of the late Charles Vachell, Esq. A«ENT FOR THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. 2365 Justness Abbrtsr-ts. TRADESMEN'S BUSINESS ADVERTISE- MENTS are inserted in the CARDIFF TNIES—tne leading and most widely circulated paper in Wales One Shilling per inch per week, if ordered for not less than three months. OWEN DAVIES, SLATE MERCHANT, OLD WHARF, CARDIFF. ALSO Dealer in all kinds of Building Bricks and Bridgwater Brickyard Goods, Stourbridge and Welsh Fire Bricks and Clay, Baker's Oven Squares and Burrs, Bideford Clay Ovens, Ridge Tiles, plain and or- namental, variety of Terra Cotta and Earthenware Chimney Tops, Stable Paving Bricks, Paving Stones, Double Roman Treble and Common Pantiles, Portland and Roman Cements, Plaster of Paris. Slate Battens, Plastering Laths, Forest of Dean Water Troughs, Stone. ware Drain Pipes, at Reduced Prices, Slate Cisterns and Water Tanks, a large stock of Portmadoc, Carnarvon, and Bangor Roofing Slates, all sizes at the lowest price also Welsh Green Slates. Closet Pans and Syphons, from 2s. Gd. per set. Slate Hearth Slabs from 4|d. per foot super. Plain slate Chimney Pieces from 6s. each. Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces from 17s. 6d. to JE10 each. Marble Chimney Pieces from 25s. to £15 each. Good 3 feet Sawn Plastering Laths at 6s. per 1000. Good 3 ft. 6 in. Sawn Plastering Laths at 7s. per 1000. White's London Cement at 13s. per barrel. W23 CHRISTMAS, 1871. S. F LETCHER, FAMILY GROCER, WINE & PROVISION MERCHANT, •2 3. ST. MARY STREET, AND 0, WOOD STREET, CARDIFF, BEGS to inform the Inhabitants of Cardiff and neighbourhood, that owing to the increasing de- mand for his Teas, and his enormous weekly sales, he is again offering special advantages to Families and large consumers, by supplying TEaS. COFFEES, WINES, FRUITS, SPICES, PROVISIONS, Ac., At MERCHANTS' PROFITS, and of such quality as will DEFY COMPETITION. Below is a List of Prices of TEAS. Per lb. s. d. BROKEN LEAF BLACK TEA Is. to 1 4 GOODCONGOIT.—Strong in liquor and fine flavour 1 8 EXCELLENT BLACK TEA.—Remarkably strong and suitable for large establishments. 2 0 FINE FULL FLAVOURED BLACK TEA.—Highly recommended to those who like strong rough Tea 2 6 CHOICE BLACK TEA.—Possessing a richness and delicacy of flavour not to be met with in any other kind 2 8 VERY FINE BLACK TEA.—Of the choicest Assam and China growths, combining extreme delicacy of flavour and great strength 3 0 THE CHRISTMAS MIXTURE.—Being a choice and careful selection of the finest early growths, possessing extraordinary delicacy of flavour and fragrance. 3 4 Any of the above may be had in original packages as imported, containing from 121b. to 801bs. weight. As all Teas are sold at Merchants' profits, I cannot pay any carriage or allow any discount from the above prices. 2180 SEWING MACHINES, SOLD BY HENRY THOMAS, GENERAL DRAPER AND SILK MERCER, CARDIFF. Strong Treadle Machines, on the n Wheeler and Wilson principle from C4 18s. Gd. The Belgravia," on the same world- 0 renowned principle, with many patented improve- ments, by Bradbury & Co. from 7 Guineas. Elias Howe's Strong Treadle Machines, from 7 pounds. The Little Wanzer" Hand Lock- stitch Machine 4 Guineas. With Treadle 5 Guineas. Howe's "Express" Hand Lock-Stitch Machine ••• •• 4 Guineas. Howe's Swiftsure" Hand Lock-Stitch Machine 4 Guineas. Howe's Speedwell Chain-Stitch Machine V2 12s. 6d. Weir's Chain-Stitch Machine 22 i5s. The "Guelph" Chain-Stitch Machine r £ 3 Os. Also, Machines for TAILORS, SHOEMAKERS, &c. All These Sewing Machines Warranted^ and will be ex- changed after one month's trial, if desired. LESSONS GIVEN GRATIS ON THE PREMISES. CORNER HOUSE, No. 1, SAINT JOHN STREET, CARDIFF. 2101 24 & 25, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 163, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. MADAM, WE respectfully inform you that our WINTER SHOW ROOMS for Millinery, Mantles, &c., &c., ARE NOW OPEN. We are, Madam, Yours respectfully, ELLS & NEAL. October 25th, 1871.. 1003 CHARLES ELLIS & SON, SEEDSMEN, CORN, MEAL, AND CAKE MERCHANTS, 11, ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. NiTRATE OF SODA, Guano, Dog Biscuits and Greaves, I'leat Brooms, Rook Salt, Sacks and Bags, best English and American Linseed Cake and Cotton Ca-kfc. Agents to the Western Counts' Manure Cempany and Then-ley's Food for Cattle. Just discharged (ex Clara), Super-phosphate, Dissolved Bone, and Grass Manures. A Branch Establishment at Cowbridge. 370 ESTABLISHED 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. JONES'S (TREMADOC) APERIENT AND ANTI- BILIOITS PILLS, a Preventative and Cure for all Disorders resulting from disordered state of the Stomach and Liver, Ac., &e. The practical trial of the above Professor for Half a Century, with the more general test of Thirty-three years by thie afflicted public, has now -established the reputation of these Bilk. Containing no mercury, but composed of the most rare and expensive vegetable preparations of the British Phamacopseia, combined with a valuable SNOWDONIAN HERB, forming a mild, lasrative, tonic remedy, .admitted by those who hay-e tried them to be superior to all other similar preparations in the relief and cure of all diseases resulting in the disordered state of the digestive ocgans. Sold by all wholesale houses, and retailed by every respectable Chemist throughout the world, and at the Cambrian Pill Depot, Treinadoc, North Wales, in boxes, Is. lid., 2s. Gd., and 4s. 6d. each; and post ree on receipt of stamps to the value. N.B.—Afresh supply sent to all chemists in Cardiff and the Iron and Coal Districts. gvj4 MR. J. JONES, BUTCHERS' ARMS INN, PONTYPRIDD, LICENSED VALUER AND APPRAISER, MR. J. J ONES begs to inform his numerous friends and the public of Pontypridd and neighbourhood, that he is now licensed to value buildings, houses, earth- works, plant and machinery of all description, also public- house fixtures and furniture appraised. 2108 l&wmm ^Jnrtssxs. N-:O TICE OF REMOVAL. MR. JOHN JENKINS, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, STOCK, INSURANCE, & MORTGAGE BROKER, LAND, HOUSE, ESTATE, FINANCIAL AND GENERAL AGENT, HAS REMOVED FROM 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, -^CARDIFF, To MORE COMMODIOUS AND CoN*fcviE.vr OKFICES AT 20, HIGH STREET, (Fifth house from the West of England Bank.) BOOKS POSTED, BALANCED OR AUDITED. BANKRUPTCY, EXECUTORSHIP, PARTNERSHIP, and other ACCOUNTS adjusted and investigated. ARRANGEMENTS, TRUSTEESHIPS, &c., under the pro- visions of the New Bankruptcy Act undertaken. INCOME TAX CLAMS and FORMS PREPARED. STOCKS and SHARES bought and sold on the London, Bristol, Manchester and all other Stock Exchanges. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, ACCIDENTAL DEATH or disable- ment PLATE GLASS, Horse and Cattl^(Acci<lental and Disease). Hailstorm, Guarantees of Fidelity, Annuities, Endowments, and ALL KINDS OF INSURANCES effected in offices of the highest St CLAIMS upon INSURANCE POLICIES prepared, and Surrender Values calculated and obtained, LOANS and MORTGAGES on Persdhal and other Securities negotiated, with or without Life Insurance. LAND and HOUSES Let. Rents and Debts collected. Prompt Settlements. Security Given if required. SVLES or PURCHASES of Businesses, Life Policies and Pro- rJrtv of every description arranged. tlt to the Sun Fire, British Imperial Life (Dr. Farr's System), Norwich and London Accident and Plate Glass, Norfolk Farmers', Provident Clerks' and General Guarantee, awl the Mutual Provi- dent Alliance Insurance Companies, the Protector Endowment, LoaJl and Annuity Company, and the Mutual and Liberator Building Societies. THE HIGHEST REFERENCES GIVEN. NEW OFFICES—20, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. 343 GENTLEMEN'S AND JUVENILE'S WINTER FASHIONS! GREAT CONCENTRATION OF NEW WINTER GOODS AT THE CARDIFF HOUSE. THE Latest Productions of Fashions in Over- coats, Yachting Jackets, and Winter Clothing, made from Beavers, Pilots, Frieze, Elgins, Moscows, &c., of the Newest Designs, in the Leading Colours. At prices calculated to heighten our established reputa- tion for Small Profits and Quick Returns. Silk and Wool Scarves and Mufflers. Boy's and Men's Fancy Flannel Shirts. Cloth and Kid Gloves lined. Carpet Bags and Portmanteaus. Z5 Railway and Carriage Rugs. t PROPRIETORS MESSRS. W. PRICE & SONS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TERMS—For Ready Money only. 104 FOR NEW GARDEN SEEDS, includiug Early and Late Peas, Beans, Parsnips, Carrots, Onion, Leek, Brocoli, &c., &c., see Catalogue, Free, of 1872, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR HARDY ana TENDER ANNUALS, in eluding Stocks, Asters, Zeumas, Balsams, Lark spurs, Phloxs, Wallflowers, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR GREENHOUSE PLANTS of an kinds fer Winter Decoration apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. TTtOR Well-Rooted FOREST TREES, including • Scotch Larch, Spruce, Sjjvw Beech, Oak, Ash, Elm, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR Standard, Pvramid, ami Dwarf Trained AP- F PLES, PEARS, PLUMS, CHERRJES, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR well ferown PEACH, NECTARINE, A PRICOT, CHERRY, PLUM, and PEAR TREES, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR FRUIT TREES OF ALL KINDS, apply to W. TRESEEER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR ALL NEEDFUL REQUISITES for the GARDEN, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. 2372 PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS. J- LARGEST STOCK IN WALES. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PATENTEES OF THE ROYAL ORCHESTRAL PIANOFORTE. PIANOFORTE SHOWROOMS 4, QUEEN-ST., CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF; AND 13 AND 13A, GUILDHALL-SQ., CARMARTHEN. PIANOFORTES By all the Best Makers. PIANOFORTES -1" For Sale and Hire, on easy terms. PIANOFORTES At Prices to suit all Parties. PIANOFORTES X • (Old) taken in Exchange. PIANOFORTES — Supplied on the Three Years' System. HARMONIUMS -L-L By all the Best Makers. XJARMONIUMS For Churches and Chapels. XTARMONIUMS For the Drawing-room, the School-room, or the Cottage. XTARMONIUMS Warranted from Five Guineas. XTARMONIUMS > Suppled for Monthly Payments. Music half-price post free to any address. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL Were the first to introduce the now celebrated THREE YEARS' SYSTEM into Wales, full particulars of which will be forwarded on inquiry. From their thorough knowledge of the Pianoforte Business, they are enabled to select instruments with special ad- vantage to purchasers, ALL OF ISTPEHIOR MAKE BEING ENTIRELY EXCLUDED FROM THEIR STOCK. Discount allowed on all Cash Transactions. Captains and Shippers supplied on liberal terms. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, Cardiff and Carmarthen. Price List post fvee on application. 2141 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 6, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. f"J~1 L. HOWE'S Carte-tie-Visits Photo- X ■ graphs. TL. HOWE'S Cabinet and Larger « Photographs. TL. HOWE'S Miniatures for Lockets • and Brooches. To L. HOWE'S Enlargement of Portraits TL. HOWE Takes Children Instantanoousl • by a New Process. TERMS, POST FREE. 124 R. MORETTI, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, BUTE-STREET, AND 24., ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. WATCHES and Clocks carefully cleaned and repaired by experienced English and foreiiTi workmen. Largest assortment of Watches and Clocks in South Wales. Gold Watches from R-2 2s. to k54. silver ditto, from £1 Is. to £ 10 10s. Clocks from 5s. to £ 10. Gold Watch Chains from 25s. and upward. Gold Wedding Rings from 5s. each. Every description of Watch and Clock Work done f01 the trade. Also, the trade supplied with all kinds oi Watch and Clock Materials and Tools. 1585 DUMFRIES PLACE, NEAR THE DRILL HALL MRS. FOSTER BEGS to inform her friends that she has REMOVED from Charles-street to the above address. 2360 24, ST. MARY-STREBT, CARDIFF. SPECIAL NOTICE. GENTLEMEN, HAVING PURCHASED OUR WINTER STOCK of WOOLLENS, both in the Gar- ment and in the Piece, before the unprecedented Advance in Every Description of WOOLLEN GOODS, we are in a position to OFFER them at OLD PRICES. Being one of the LARGEST PURCHASERS of WOOLLENS for Cash in South Wales, we are confident we cannot be equalled for QUALITY, DURABILITY, and CHEAPNESS. The LARGE INCREASE we have made in EVERY DEPARTMENT of the TRADE enables us to give INCREASED FACILITIES to our CUSTOMERS in pur- chasing. Remaining, Gentlemen, Yours obediently, D. JOTHAM & SON, WOOLLEN MERCHANTS AND OUTFITTERS 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF 1733 FREDERICK W A R E, (LATE WARE AND SONS,) TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURY, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. South Wales Establishment:— DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 145 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. R. H E I T Z M A N, JEWELLER, WATCHMAKER, &c., 32, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Now replete with a magnificent NEW ST O C K Of the most varied description. THE LATEST DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY, iN GOLD GUARDS, GREAT V VARIETY ALBERTS, ( AND NECKLACES, VERY CHEAP. SILVER WATCHES FROM ONE GUINEA. SILVER KEYLESS WATCHES FROM 52s. 6d. GOLD WATCHES EQUALLY CHEAP. DRESSING CASES, WRITING DESKS, AND JEWEL CASES. ELECTRO PLATED GOODS BY THE BEST MAKERS. A HALL-MARKED WEDDING RING AND A KEEPER FOR 14s. Gd. 2073 CROSS'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS, A MAGICAL CURE FOR ALL RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS, Chills, Nervous Affections, Colds, Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Toothache, Lumbago, Headache, Pains in the Limbs, Loins, Faceache, Joints, &c., Rheums, Gout, Ague, &c. NO person should be without these Pills, the effect of which in giving tone to the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys, freeing the system of all humours, swellings, and unhealthy accumulations, and inducing complete cir- culation in the blood and nervous currents, is astonishing. Price Is. Ild., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. To be had of 2 WILLIAM CROSS, CHEMIST, CORNER OF HIGH-STREET & DUKE-STREET CARDIFF. 2054 TO FAMILIES REMOVING. W. H. DAVIES & CO., PBOPRIETORS OF THE "STAR" FURNITURE VANS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. THE Largest Furniture Van Proprietors in South Wales, and the only Firm in Cardiff who own RAILWAY PftNlTUIlE VANS, undertake the REMOVAL OF FURNITURE IN TOWN, OR TO OR FROM ANY PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, BY ROAD OR RAIL. All Orders receive our Personal Attention. Careful and Experienced Packers, and Cabinet Makers if required. Orders received at the Office (as Above)- 25, SAINT MARY-STREET, and 5, BRIGHTON- TERRACE. ROATBL 147 J. HOWELLS, TIMBER MERCHANT, PITWOOD, SLEEPERS, AND WHEELWRIGHTS' TIMBER ALWAYS IN STOCK. YARD-WEST BUTE DOCK, CARDIFF. 1523 MR. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SURGEON DENTIST, 1, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. TEETH, the best that can be obtained, from 4 £ to 25 Guineas the complete set. Twenty-two years' experience. Established 1852. Re- commended by the principal Physicians and Surgeons in Cardiff and neighbourhood. No charge for consultation. Attendance daily, from Ten till Four. Teeth extracted by the aid of Nitros Oxide Gas, which he guarantees to give perfect freedom from all pain in the extraction of teeth, and is not in the least dangerous. 133 THE HOUSEKEEPER'S BEST FRIEND. Excellence with Economy. Delicious Home-made Bread, Pastry, Puddings, Pancakes, &c., saving eggs and butter. Sold universally. yEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER. X Delicious and Nutritious Bread made expeditiously, in large or small quantities. Adopted by the War Office and the Navy. Bread made with YEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER is highly nutritious (see report made by the Government Chemist, the Lancet, &c., &c.) THE HOUSEKEEPER'S BEST FRIEND. Used in Her Majesty's Kitchen and by the most prominent families of Great Britain, Clubs, Colleges, &c. Specially adapted for Pastry. Light and wholesome bread made at home in a few minutes. • yEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER; X Sold universally. Excels Baking Powder and German Yeast. Never spoils by keeping. The greatest culinary success of the age. Packets, Id. and 3d. Tins, 6d. and k Family Tins, 2s. 6d. and 5s. DEPOT-119, NEW BOND-STREET. WHOLESALE AGENT Joseph W. FLINT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Provision Merchant, Duke-street, l Cardiff. 2314 BRANDY. 0. D. V. HENRY BRETT & CO.'S EAU DE VIE PURE BRANDY. 38s. PER DOZ. 38. 2(1. PER BOTTLE. BOTTLES INCLUDED. This celebrated Brandy is exceedingly free from acidity, extensively used in Hospitals, recommended by the me- dical profession, and fery superior to the recent importa- tioRs of CogHac. AGENT. THOMAS PRITCHARD, No. 10, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. HENRY BRETT AND CO.. OLD FURNIVALS DISTILLERY, HOLBORN, LONDON. 113 ROYAL LOCHNAGAR WHISKEY. JOHN BEGG, DISTILLER TO HER MAJESTY AND H.B.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. BALMORAL. Licensed from Her Majesty the Queen. All the Royal Palaces solely supplied for upwards «f twenty years. The only Dis- tillery on the Royal Estates, or for 50 miles round. WIN ST ONE & SON. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF. W. & SON avail themselves of this opportunity of introducing the following articles, which have been carefully selected with regard to quality, and can with satisfaction be recommended for family use, and at such prices that way deserve a share of public support WINES. PER DOZ. pORT-Very superior old, in bottles, and very fine do. 18s., 8C s., 36s., 42s., 54s. SHERRY—Very superior old, choice pale or golden, and an excellent dinner sherry. 18s., 24s., 82s., 42s., 54s. CHAMPAGN-E-liest brands 86s., 48s., 54s. MoKELLE—StUI or sliarkling 48s., 55s. JJOCK 86s. to 55s. CLAitET—10s., 12s., 14s., 16s. In pints, 6s., 7s., 8s., its. per doz. SPIRITS. PEa G-ALLON. BRANXIT—Fine Cognac, pale or brown. 18s. to 24s. WHISKT—Fine old Irish 18s. „ Fine old Scotch (Lochaagar) 18s. to 19s. RUM—Old Jamaica 18s. GIN-Sir R. Burnett's, the best London Gin 12s. to 14s. COBDIALS • • 10s. to 12s. APPOINTED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR ALSOP AND CO.'S BURTON ALES. Supplied at Brewery Prices, 21s., 24s., 27s.; and East India Pale Ale, 80s. per Kilderkin. Burton Ales and Dublin Stout in Pint Buttles, from 2s. 6d. to 4s. per dozen. Lemonade, Soda, and other Mineral Waters. Bottles charged at prime cost, allowed for when returned. OFFICE—Station Terrace, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 1826 B LA C K L I ON HOTKL, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, FHESH. ALE BREWERY. ABRAHAM SMITH, PR6PRIETOR. rpl-ils Hotel has just been rebuilt, and is now replete JL with spaciens DINING AND SMOKE ROOMS. BEDROOMS AND EVERY ACCOMODATION AT MODERATE CHARGES. WELL-AIRED BEDS. SOUPS ALWAYS READY. HOT DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 TO 3 O'CLOCK. 13!1 JITTER L -E (SEASON BREWED) IN FINEST CONDITION, Is. 2d. PER GALLON, FREE TO ALL RAILWAY STATIONS In 9, IS, 36, and 51 Gallon Casks. JOHN BIGGS, TRINITY STREET BREWERY, CARDIFF. 2343 WM. YOUNGER 4 CO.'S EDINBURGH, INDIA PALE. & DINNER ALES, Sparkling, refreshing, nourishing, and economical. IN CASK—PER IS GALLONS. IN BOTTLE. P"^n<VVeVi Str ) From 3s. India Pale Ale ••• v to Mild Edinburgh Ales,23s. & 2, s ( 7s. per doz. Strong Edinburgh Ale o3s., 39s., & 4os. J To be had of the principal retailers. Observe Trade Marks, as other brands are frequently substituted. Breweries, Edinburgh. Established 1749. London Stores, Belvedere-road, S.E. —- DISTRICT MANAGER, iWM. PURNELL, DOWLAIS, To whom applications for agencies may be addressed. J VISITORS TO LONDON WILL FIND THE ROYAL OPERA HOTEL, BOW-STREET, COVENT GARDEN. THE Cheapest, most Central, and most Comfortable House in London. Within one minute's walk of all the principal Theatres. Breakfast, from Is.; dinner (joint, vegetables, and cheese), 2s. luncheons, Is. supper, Is. beds, 2s. Private rooms for large and smalk parties also, a Ladies' Coffee Room. Public and private billiard rooms. A good smoking room. Joints every day from 2.30; also on Sundays. A Porter up all night. The Cab fare does not exceed Is. 6d.. from any station. 116 W. NOAKES, Proprietor. CONTINENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY. MR. E. P. LEE, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, 9, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Appointments are necessary for being photographed by the new process. 132 WILLIAM E. VAUGHAN'S STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, 248, BUTE-STRKET, CARDIFF, 77, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, AND 87, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. BED and Window Curtains, Shawls, Mantles, Dresses, Table Covers, Feathers, Gentlemen's Clothes, &a, Cleaned or Dyed. AGENTS ABEKDARE.—Mrs. Dance, confectioner, Commercial-street. BRIDGEND.—Mrs. Thomas, grocer, Nolton-street. COWBRIDGE.—Mrs. Stibbs, confectioner, Ivor House. 118_ COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, 13, CHURCH, STREET, CARDIFF. JOHN DTTHOMAS, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AGENT, VALUER, AND APPRAISER, BEGS to announce that his SALE ROOMS at the above address are NOW OPEN for the Reception of Goods of all descriptions for ABSOLUTE SALE. VALUATIONS CAREFULLY MADE, AND ALL BUSINESS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. AGENT FOR THE GREAT BRITAIN LIFE AND THE QUEEN FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICES AND SALEROOMS:— 13, CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF. 1927 insmss MESSRS. FULTON, DUNLOP & CO., DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to the undermen- tioned articles, all of which have been carefwlly selected expressly for family use, and can be confidently recommended to the Public:— x>^T»m v. WINES. PER DOZES. PORT.-Very superior, old in bottle ..60s. Superior old crusted 48s., 54s. Very fine ditto 36e., 42a. Good, from the wood 28s., 32s., 3613., 42s. Ditto, ditto I8s_ SHERRY.—Very superior old 60s. Superior old soft Pale ^s. Choice Pale or Golden 48s. Choice "dry" Pale 48s. Very fine Pale or Golden .36s., 42s. Excellent Dinner Sherry .24s., 28s., 32s. Ditto, ditto 18s. CHilIP AGNE. Madame Cliquot" 72s. Moet's or Ruinart's 63a. Other qualities 36s., 42s., 48s., 60s. kLE.—Still or Sparkling 42s., 48s., 55a. 24s-> 36s., 42s., 4Ss. 55s. l/LAKir,—Good ordinary 12s., 16s., 20s., 24s. ■RTTTfr1 TTYiw classe<l Wines 30s. to 60b. Y?4 PY T" • xl • V 30s. to 68s. MARSALA. —Ingham £ 90K. BRITISH WINES '[.S T*T?AX~TW SPIRITS. PE&GALLOH. BRANDY. Finest Cognac, Pale or Brown 26s. Good ditto 20s., 24s. WTITSVV r or 168., Ba. •"■lS-lv i. r inest old Irish, matured in Sherry casks 19s. Good ditto 17s. Finest old Scotch {Islayj Plain ditto Malt 17s. RUM.—Fine old Jamaica 18s. Good ditto IGa. HOLLANDS. -Best old 18s. GIN.—Best London .14s. Good ditto 12s., 13s. GINGERETTE and PEPPERMINT m- SHRUB 'S BRANDY. -Martell's or Hennessy' finest old per doz. case 60s. ditto ditto fine «ld 4Ss. 54s. Good new jn- HOLLANDS.-Anchor brand' 112 ME. HUGO HAS REMOVED HIS SURGERY FROM 13, Royal Arcade, to 177, Bate-road, Cardiff. Hours of Attendance-From 9#.m. to 4 p.m., and from 6 to 9 p.m. 476 J. UPRIGHT, CORN, FLOUR, AND SALT STORES, WHARF-STREET, BUTE-STREET. SALT Delivered to anv part of the town and Railway Stations, March 17, 1870. 166 RADYR QUARRIES, NEAR LLANDAFF. WM. "SMITH BEGS to inform the Public generally, that he continues to work the above EXTENSIVE QUARRIES, first opened for the UNRIVALLED STONE WITH WHICH THE PENARTH DOCKS WERE CON- STRUCTED. This Stone has now become celebrated for MONUMENTAL Purposes, orders for which can be executed from any design. STONE may be had at moderate prices, rarying: from COMMON WALLING TO STONE FROM 14 FEET LONG by 5 feet or 6 feet wide, and from four inches to three feet in thickness, suitable for DOCKS, RAILWAY WORKS, COPINGS, BUILDINGS OF ALL KINDS, ENGINE BEDS, &c. Address as 123 WINDSOR HOT ITL^ BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. FW. ARMSTRONG having recently refitted and • newly furnished the above nan <M Hotel, which contains eleyant suites of rooms, comi: ulious and lofty bedrooms commanding extensive vifw. of the Bristol nf p1 t,l« Skippiny going i: nnd out the port of Cardiff and Penarth and bviug situate close to the Landing Stages of the In^ B„^l a,(, .Humham steam packets. Omnibusses pass the Hotel t-. «JI the RAILWWR stations, and to the Penarth Docks. It is especially con- convenient to Ship Owners, Captains, Travellers, and Privat(i Families. First-class Billiard-room. Good Stabling, and Coach-houses. Ordinary daily at 1.30. Price Is. Gd. OLD ROYAL HOTEL, TRINITY-STREET, CARDIFF. PROPRIETOR-S. DIMOND. ——— QAMUEL DIMOND, late of the Penarth Hotel, and previously of the Windsor Hotel. Bute Docks, begs to inform his friends and the public that he has TAKEN THE ABOVE HOTEL, and trusts by strict attention to business, with moderate charges, to merit their kind support. Cardiff, January, 1872. 2315 NOTICE. -CARDIFF. ROBERT ATKINSON, T ATE of Neath and Aberdare, begs to inform Com- iT~^ wercial Gentlemen and the Public generally that he ha^ TAKEN the SPACIOUS PREMISES, late the 9ffices> situated in CROCKHERB- vt 'I^i1 k?,18 now having thoroughly Renovated ana Furnished with every comfort, and hopes by the 1st January to be ready to )TEN.CodC, IAL and PRIVATE BOARDING HOTEL, and trusts to merit patronage. Cardiff, Dec. 1st, 1S7L 2060 FOR CHEAP PETROLINE AND BENZOLIXE LAMPS, GO TO D. R. AMBROSE, • FURNISHING & GENERAL IRONMONGER, 19, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. AGEXT FOR \YEIE'S 55s. SEWING MACHINES. 2367 T. JONES, CARDIFF MONUMENTAL WORKS, PENARTH ROAD ENTRANCE, HAS a large Stock of TOMBS, CROSSES. HEAD- STONES, &c., in the newest designs to chose from. Design and estimates on application. 495 MESSRS. W. & S. HERN, ESTATE, HOUSE, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, BEthat they™ Merehants> Tradesmen, and others^ COLLECT TRADE and OTHER DEBTS at moderate commissions. References and security given, if required. OFFICES 8, WORKING STREET. CARDIFF. 2249 J. AND T. ROBINSON. (ESTABLISHED 1842) SUPPLY Manures of the highest quality on the best S terms. CORN MANURE, For Wheat, Oats, and Barky contains in addition to other fertilizers, a fair quantity of Ammonia, and a large portion of Phosphate of Lime, nearly all rendered soluble PREPARED BONE. For Permanent Past-are, containing, with Ammonia and Soluble Phosphate, Insoluble Phosphate derived from finely-ground cattle bones. PREPARED BONE, For Mowing Grass highly soluble, quick in action, and producing heavy Crops. SUPER PHOSPHATE. Dry, finely broken down and containing fully 25 per cent. of soluble Phosphate of Lime, with a portion in a precipi- tated form. MANGOLD MANURE. Ready for the field, containing a high per centage of Phosphate, mostly; soluble, with Ammonia, and other fertilizers in whicii this root Juxuriatt" it i" un- surpassed, too, for the Swede or Turnip on soils at all heavy. ALSO SPECIAL MANURES FOR BEANS PEAS VETCHES, CLOVER, POTATOES. & HOPS NITRATE OF SODA, &c. From the Crushing Mills LINSEED and COTTON 1 CAKES are still sent out, made from Seed as imported without admixture. APPLY TO J. & T. ROBINSON, ST. PHILIP'S MARSH, BRISTOL; The DOCKS, GLOUCESTER or to their Agents, 2188