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AVE ETON & CO., MAEYLEPORT-STHEET, AyD BRIDGE STREET, BRISTOL L-XVEftTON & 00 A.VC^H AEB T** J LA^GE>T HOUS3 FURSI'SEEES AND CABINET MANU- FACTU3E&S Bv S..esm power in t^e^TofPr«laud Jt^\ and South WuldS. Hew'/I FK\-3g» A The Firm baa been 3/j IjjA A\ Kstal l" hc-d Half a 2? S c~Tv [lil «n Century, aud is £ <fr F-ff H'l favourably known as &r eCTi m% III cn bein& Ot' Wk *1* iffij ffcj MUCH LOWER IN L;i gagg* Lrfiji j/jjff PBCCFS THAN LONDON HOCRES A !ftr*e Illustrated Jr Catalogue, c jntiu: in5 nerly 800 Beiu- tl 1 Engravings of Furniture withprioes VJgj'J of fram e sf>nt poat free on application. Every article vareanted, AND EX. CHANGED IF APPROVE ">. V- 3k \TA'i\lONAL LLN» TO ■IMteAlik -O HEW YORK, WM'IB J ,Tpi LARGEST PAS8ENGEB MMmaBWMirA^, STEAMSHIPS. m. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK WM QUEENS. TOWE, every WEDNESDAY TBB queen. ..Wednesday, August 20th HELVETIA «. Wednesday. August 27th XTai Y Wednesday, Sept. 3rd ElHiLAND Wednesday, bept. lOtb. Prom LONDON to NEW YORK as follows :— HOT T IM Wednesday, August SOth ?Rixnv Saturday, August 30th t)"ln>jNr»ptt ..Saturday, Sept. 6th ^BEECE.ii"»'Wednesday'Sept* 17tb L 8«oon to New York 10,1%, and 15 gmneas, aoconiing 10 position of berth, all having equal Saloon privileges, Tickets, !44 wad IE guineas. v.Stt«rtR« ™ ^ork» Boston, Philsflclphla, anfi "Wfcijacre, £ 6. Stap«"rior aeac*n;no**r5rm %vA abnn* of cooked pro^.sione. Cheap Through Bookings all parts of the Usited States and Canada, Special **t«0 to or"xaa. Apply to the National Steamship Company, Limited, Water-street, Liverpool; or to Mesa-a. Smith, Btndius. and Co,, 33, GrMeohuroh-atyaet, London; jjkl to Messrs. J. R. Nicholas and Co., Consulate Shamhers, Bui« Docks,Cardifi i J. 0. Manning, Castle fkiley-street, Swanseai Y. ff. Gaanfc, Wifcheupmbe. Jt*eet, aberdare i Jas. S, Morgan, Postmaster. Ponty- E?ol; John Their,os, 1, Prospect-rlV5«. OeoryVoo-wn, jWegar i Benr? 1 Lewis, Newtown, Sbbw Vale; Herbert T. Ree», irrooar, Ystrad, Bhondda Valleys Jtotcaa Davies, 84, Pontmorlais, MerthjT; Ho* i^omas, Wewhousos, Bb.ina Gwenfc, Aaerfcilior# I M, 8fl. Qneaii-street Neath. -•rX AJjJbAW L I N fl J\ Bhorteat Ocean Paiuag* to AMERICA. ^iLIFAI, CANADIAN, AND UNITED STATES MAIL. r Ocwpokji* »y Tmvrs mm-QtMM VraAirax*. Jtjating LIVERPOOL every THTJBSDAY. and LON- "ONDEOEIEY every FRIDAY, for HALIFAX, wpEBEC, PORTLAND, and BAIJTMOBE. Through •Jokets to BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, to aU points in CANADA aDd the STATES, f 4JQ" Pares and exoellent Aoooncmodation. Passengers who secure their Pickets before leaving oirie are met at the Railway Station by an appointed rjf^Et of the Company, who takes charge of them til they go on board the Steamer. i The Canadian Government grants assisted Passages the Allan Line. l^rite for the Pamphlet M LORD DUFF ERIN IN Manitoba." „ _• i r A Apply to ALLAH BROTHERS & Co., Liverpool or Lon- Sjuderry- or to B. J. S mpaon, 2t Sttiartftreet, Docks, and G. Bird, 246, Bute street, Cardiff 2-C. Manring, 9. Castle street, Swansea O. Morgan, SUuria Villa, Lianwyno road. Pontypridd r< Foley, i?ley's Hotel. Neath; David Williams, Bell Vaults, l 'Sh street, Brecon; J. Price, Prince of Wales, Beiu- 1?^; E. Evans. Btationer, &o., Rhymney; F. Coombs, Market Inu, Abergavenny; John W. Francis, i}"lett, Haverfordwest; W. Milton Locke, 10, Great h°°k street, and J. Youne. Screw Packet Wharf, MOB. A. Tilney, Market street, Abertillery tTT Yo EDWARDS' w • CABDIFP and NEW YORK STEAMSHIP KWB Srat^lau Steamen ol this Liiu will sail an TO NEW YORK, FROM OABDIFT, 5HEOLA. 2.800 tone BATTTRDAY. Au«. 23 alWINI>DA 3.000 tone «. SATURDAY Bapt. 20. |,tT^ TO NEW YOBK FROM SWANSEA. "oEUBINA, 2,500 tons SATURDAY, Aug. 16 t FROM NEW YORK TO CARDIFF. ^HIWI>Jl»Jja. Irr.UOO bona 8ATU ttUAY. Aug. 30. r «JBJtOLA. 1^00 tona ,„M gAaegaPAY^aegfc. 18. Througb Bills of Lading for all otesses of GOODS llld PASCEL8 to and from the Inland Towns in St>gland and places in the Western States and Canada, IiIcJuóiDg Chicago, St. Lotus, Milwaukee, St. Paul's, Toledo, hnftale, Detroit. Toronto, &o.. &o., in oon- ionctioE witb ;-he Erie, Great Western of Canada, Lake Shore, and Michigan Southern Railway Companies. For Freight and further particulars apply to W. Y. EDWARDS, Cardiff and Newport; TURNER, EDWARDS, and Co.. Bristol; or G. F. BULLET. 51, South Street, New York. TIMIGRATION TO CANADA, ame- EICA, AND AUSTRALIA. For Grei' ij Reduc-d ??-te8, apply to T. Winmill, 66, Old Hall street, 4370c ClericaL IW CURATE Wanted, Priest or Deacon, Title for jN' Priest's Orders, Llanelly. Large Church. Welsh and English. Good Welsh preacher. W^Pend, £ 160.—Apply Rev. vJanon Williams, St. Divid'a ^"•0. 44.54 A LADY (25), experienced, desires an Engagement as Finishing Governess in a clergyman's or gentlo- family. Highest references. Acquirements on •^Plication. Salary 65 guineas. No objection to play 2f«an at church.—Address A. E. T., Hammett's Library, 4662w2l INORGANIC Chemistry taught at Richmond House, Keneington terrace, Swansea, Terms on applica- *0". 4603w20 MUSICAL.—Mr. J. Alphonse Daniels (Organist of St. Peter's Roath), has several Vacancies for J^pils for the Pianoforte* Terms One Gruiaea per J-J^ter, Pianofortes Tuned and Bepftired.—Post »' 2?^0' addressed York Home, Castle road# Boatb, **t€nded to* XXTANTED, a good Plain Cook, must have a T V thoroughly {rood character from last place.— { ^PPly to Mrs^Jvor Vachel), Llandaff. 4456wl6 WANTED, where kitchenmaid is kept, a good ex- perienced Cook.—Address 2 Y, Taliaris, Llan- 4460w!6 "\X ANTED immediately, a g00d Kitchen Servant, 4 V who understands the Dairy and Laundry, willing j Jj make herself generally useful.—Apply Mrs. Vaughan, «iU End, Coleford, Gloucestershire. 4567 w 19 WANTED, over i.ooo Se^ants-Oooks. 418to £ 40 Housemajds, 415 to £ 20 j Parl0urmaidat to Kitchenmoids, fil'* to fcl»; General Servants, £ 14 S«22- Also Nurses, *c. Increasing demand for I^elsh servants.—inclose envek>pe to Lady Superinten- Grosvenor Institute, 1U), Park street, London, W. >^he Grosvenor Institute^Ma^2ine^po8t_freet HitnattflttS tSSCantift. A^T ElTT^situationas ^CpenseTto^St^l Apply to Dr. Leigh^Aberaman, Aberdare:_w20 ,t'V tion Improver to the Trade ¡ a esteblilhment preferred. Apply David Ed.ards, ^^eher's Arms, Llandovery..— ^ANTED71TS;:tuatIonto^o^af^-plO^ and ^Cgc^WB' ° ^l6w15 :¡\!1tnrí£5, GENTS goo ;Aidrr: thing new; pays well; no exoenenc^ Livar. »OoL 411 ComP^y- -Ho-mc3 iSfllwlS BIRMINGHAM boods, for Auctioneers, keepers, Hawkers, Tea Shops, *c. AK° '• iJI^nted. Wholesale Book post free.—Address /gay (3r6), Birmingham. 43o3c__ tiACKET and Loose Toas to Sell at from ls. 6d. per gL pound. Large pr flts. No risk. The most Speral agency is that of the Asam Tea Company, 13'» £ *pper Thames street, London. Established 1844. J^iite for particulars. Agents Wanted in this dis- 25^ 4185c KA £ 6 o?poiiaU^i'iuti A WORKING BASEF.—To Lst, Stop and Bs-kehouse in the Skiving narket town of Cowhriige- Rsrt moderate. inimediflte.—Address A. JL. X., Western Kail, i*WiS. 4499wl8 TO~be Let. about 15 Act" go.?d Aftermath, oivon miles from S-^aaeea,—Apply Mrs. Benfield Glou- ^grplace, Swansea. 4631*20 pOFsale or to Let, L-.rge Yard, Y/orkahops, and l«w Offices, late in the occupation 01 f* conchbuilding. Also Two Semi-^tacaed Villa-; m JHas-street, Cathays—Arply to Mr. Tpomaf) Webber, C^ioaetr and Ettaie Agent, 32, Royul Arcade, r^dig. 41.i6c I 0 be Sold, a Lemocaoe and Ginger Beer Manu- facturing Business, situate in New Market street, Present proi<rietor doing a good bus'- fc-Apply to Mrs. Mary Holmes, Abergavenny. wl5 J.e>t, in the Civ.y of Oloucc^T. Ti^F^B^l") Puii-lioenEed Public-h JUSS, with bowling lawn, nd bo^lir^ Ealoon. Kent incderiti), Cj5?^» t>y valuaiion.—Apply W. 0. Evans and Co., oale Rooms, G'oucoster. 4l5Ivrl6 r lVERpooi/,—Full Licensed Pa'olic-housc to Let, ch,^ c'oee to priscipE'.i market and tbtJtres; ouiy long lease, reat, £5:). if 4350, portion "f Cish_ ic ij remain oil Soip Wired; sure fortune :.)t ;i basinoas party; ilinass Sj> ^lse of letting.—For farther particulars apply to J^Weleh, 151, Dale street, Liverpool, or to Mr. <Ji» Lovett, Windsor Hotel, Penarth, near Car* 467Jw21 Sale, 40 New and Second-hand Carriages, com ^°g08„ S'B £ breaks, waggonnettes, Whitechapels. ctu\ gadabouts, gigs, phaetons, coburgs, rav^- carta harness, hurdles, fencing, cheese, 18111 Wheller*s Repository and Mart, near tha y^j^tket, Bristol. 445Swl6 S^L»?a^e» sound Oxfordshire Down large Shearling *h,i^ 121b8.), 24 Ewee (averageifleeoe. 71bs ), i44tod*»* 40 La»b#.—Apply to Mr. Samuel James, twm ■I ^alga bg ^gcttotu I SALE TO-MORROW. TO CONTRACTORS, FABMEJiS, AND OTHERS. UNRESERVED SALE OF HORSES, CARTS, TIMBER CARRIAGE, HARNESS, fcc. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXIN- DEB, and CO. are instructed by Mr. W. A. Lowrie (who is giving up the business ot haulier) to SELL by AUCTION, at their Repository, Crockherb- town, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, August 16th, at Three p,m., the following HORSES, CARTS, TIMBER CARRIAGE. HARNESS, &o., viz: Bay cart mare, six years, 15.2, a gctvd worker; Hack cart mare, eipht years, 16.2. a good worker; bay pony, three y ears, 12 hands, qciet to ride and drive; three seta of staft harness, nearly new; one -sat of single harness, four hauliers' carts, nearly sew; timber oaxriage, ooe dogcart, and pony trap. Also, at thegftame timf>, the property of the erecutors of the lateltf. David Howell, that ENTIRE BAY CABT HORSE, "Young Crack Waggon," six years old, 16.3, sure foal getter, and perfectly quiet in fore and ehaJc harness. SLLE TO-MORROW. KOBSE REPOSITORY, CARDIFF. "TLC^SRS. STEPHENSON,' ALEX AN- • JjL DER. and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at their Eexiosiiory, Cardiff, on SATURDAY Next, the 16th Q* August, several capital CAST HORSES, A few well bred IRISH COLTS; also CARRIAGES, HARNESS, tc., &c. Ccxrmeneing at 2.30 p.m. 30573 UNRESERVED SALE ON MONDAY Off AMERICAN CATTLE, AT THE ROATH BABIN CATTLE LAIRS, CARDIFF. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, AL EX A.N. DER and CO. WILL SELL BY AUCTION. On MONDAY NEXT, AUGUST 18. at Eleven o'clock punctually, FORT1 PRIME OXEN, Ed ss RHIWINDDA. The Auctioneers invite the attendance of their friends and dealers generally, as this prime lot of Beasts will be sold without reserve. 30627 HUNTERS AND OTHERlBORSES. AUGUST 21,1879. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO. beg to announce that they will Sr LL by AUCTION, at their Repository at Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 2à.t of August, at Half past Twelve P'm" SIXTY VALUABLE HORSES, Including 25 first class Hunters, a splendid lot of Exmore and Welsh Ponies, several excellent Cobs and Harness Horses. This sale will inolude a number of first-class Irish Horses, wh'ch are for absolute sale. also without. reserve. The thoroughbred entire stallion Holdemby, by Lord Clifden out of Blanohe, and half brother to Petrarch. Catalogues upon application to the Auctioneers. UNRESERVED SALE OF FREEHOLD LAND AND BUILDINGS AT LLANDAFF. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO. are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 21st day of August next, at Seven o'clock ptm., all that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, Situate near Llandaff Yard, having a frontage to the road leading from Llandaff Weir to the College Lack of 60 feet or thereabouts, at the back 89 feet, and at the sides thereof about 140 feet; together with the BUILDINGS AND MATERIALS Ramaining after the recent fire. There is, in addition to the main walls ef the house, known as Templar Villa. a good two-stall stable, coach-house, piggeries, wash- house, &c., together with a capital leuce wall nine feet high, with Badyr stone coping, which are in good con- dition, the garden and grounds are all laid out with good shrubs and fruit trees, anl the house oould be re- built at a comparatively small cost. To view, and for further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. 30522 SALE OF DESIRABLE LE W3EHOLD PROPERTY IN ROATH. MR. THOMAS WEBBER has been favoured with instructions to SELL by AUC- TION, at the Hoyal Hotel, Cardiff, oa MONDAY, August 18, ISH. tt Six for Shven o'clock in the evening, the following LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES, in such lots as may be determined on at tbe time of saJe. and subject to such cODditioDS as shall be thea produced, aDd whioh may be eeen at the office ot the Auctioneer three days prior to the sale. Lot 1. All those Two Messuages, being Nos. 11 and 13, Richards' terrace, Soath, Cardiff, let at 9s. 3d. p?r wefk e",ch (oce on lease f r an unexpired term of 2J ypare). held under IOKHO from the Rev. C. Stacey and otheis for a term of &9jcais from 1877, at a ground rent of £ 6 per annum. lot 2. All these Two Dwelling Houses, being Nos. 4 ana 5, Woodland place, Wordsworth street. Roath, with large Yard. Stables, and Lott, which may be con- verted into workshops, at present yielding JE60 per am um cn!y. Held uader lease for 99 years, from 1874, from I.ord Tredegar, at the low ground rant of £ 3 i7s. 6d. per annum. Lot 3. AJI those Two Messuages, being No3. 52 and 54, Richards terrfce, Roath. Held undersepitrate liases from Messrs. Stacey for 99 years, from the 25th of March, 1873,attheannaal ground rent of IS3 19s. and £3 Is. 6d. Lot 4. All those Four Dwelling Houses, being 22, 24, 26, and 28, Cecil street, Roath. in two leases from Wm. Bradley, Esq., and others, for 99 years, from September 29. 1874, at an annual ground rent cf jE5 2s. eaoh lease. Further particulars as to Lot 1 may be had of Messrs. Danger and Cartwright, Solicitors, Bristol; as to Lot 2, of Messrs. Calder and Watling, Solicitors, Shannon Court, Bristol; and as to Lots 3 and 4. of Mr. John Henry Evans, Solicitor, 20, Church street, Cardiff; or of the Auctioneer. Auctioneer's Offices, 82. Roval Arcade, Cardiff August 7, 1879. 43353 ADELAIDE STREET. BUTE DOCES. MR. JOHN SAMUEL has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel. CardiS. on THURSDAY, the 2Sth day of August, 1879, at Seven o'clock in the evening precisely, in one or two Lots (subject to conditions which will then beiead), all thoee TWO LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, being Nos. 30 and 31, Adelaide street, in the town of Cardiff, let to respectable tenants at a gross rental of £4S per annum. The Property is held under a lease granted by the Trustees cf the Marquess of Bute, for a term of 97 years, from the 29th day of September, 1854, at a ground ent of de4 (Os. per annum. Further particulars may be had on application ti the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. Morris and Son, Solicitors, Hifch street, Cardiff. Auctioneer's Offices, Church street. 30571 "sALsToF DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE. Known as Northway Cottage, Bishopton, neAE 8w&nsea.. The House contains eight rooms, and haa a garden of half an acre, stocked with fruit trees, together with stable tterfon, held for a term of 99 years, from the 25th day of March, 1870. at a ground rent of £2 10s. per aninim to be followed by the sale of well-preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, On the Premises, On TUESDAY, August 19, 1879, To be SOLD by Order of the Executor of the late Mr and Mrs. Llewellyn Evans, deceased, by MESSRS. EDWARD ROBERTS and The Sale of'the House and Premises atEleven o'clock. The Sale of furniture immediately after. N.B.-In the event of the house not being sold, it will be offered on the following day, Wednesday, the 20th, with othnr property, at Three o clook, at the Cameron Arms Hote!, High street, bwansea. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Brown, Collins, and Woods, Solicitors, Worcester pIace, or to the Auctioneers, 40, Oxford street, Swan sea. 30590 BY ORDER OF THE EXEHUTOR OF THE LATE „ltR.ANDMM. LLEWELLVN EVAN^. SALE OF LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES IN THE TOWN OF SWANSEA, AHD AT NORTHWAY, IN THE PARISH OF — BI8HOPSTON. TLTEFSRS. EDWARD ROBERTS AND fl»i« £ ON ka™ heen instructed by the Executor of PITRI/foMrs. Llewellyn Evans, to SELL by street >tlle Cameron Arms Hotel, High EiLht Lots?-68' 0n wfiDNE8DAY, August 20, 1879,in Maksei Sreef E|' situato being Nos. 1,8, 9, and 11. penmiaS. Swantlta' let at rents amounting to £ 79 f 22 pe?a°X N°*12' Cradook stree^ Swansea, let at J £ i £ ?S, £ L £ Ep s—• One HOL SE, known as Northway Cottage Bishons- MSRER1 ™ DISS'S *l'OTl 70" r- f, full particulars see posters. to coaanaence at Three o'oloak. N B -lot 8, being Northway Cottage, will be offered ot ii Aviock on the premises, on Tuesday the 19th fnst" t, S, if sold, will be withdrawn on kdnosK ^jfe^lrs.jtO, Q*tord atreat' Swan8ea- 30507 ^rii^OED^TREET. SWANSEA. „iTA SALVAGE STOCK OF PIC CURES. MR DANIEL PHILLIPS has been in. + flit ri SELL by PUBLIC AUOTION, on etructed to SEL^ > Mr. Pritchatd's New tne above Premises (a(^°"> -fu^SDAY, August 19 Drapery Establishment), on A 1 w'l^RAPHs! CHROMOS, ENGRAVINGS, 4c.. X\hey we8? We SSselection, consisting of land and sea S, animals, Scripture, and a variety ot ° ThVab^nsignment being Balvage from a^te fire, some of which are slightly damaged, consequently they are to be Bold without the least reserve. £ alo to commence at Eleven o'clock m the iorouoon ane also ar, 8:x ill the Evening. < a view the cay previous to Sale, Auctioncer's Offices, 7, Dynevjr pl;tC9, 3 wan" gQg ;o PRICE'S BILL POSTING J9L J AND ADVERTISING AGENC1, (ESTABLISHED 1848). OmcM-38, WIND. STREET. SWANSEA. Mawageb.—F. S. BROWN. 67 DANIEL OWEN I: OO.'S ABO JLM RAILWAY TIME TABLES, tha only on published in Wales, yrioe Id. II. p. UDUDIoo Crt. y OOIIt. 8t 1th.rr..t!:eet. Cardifl. ■TTTTESTERN MAIL. I < WkiflWPWPASEB, Hi WAiJSg ^al^s bu Uttdiotu POBTISHJtAD DOCKS, SOMERSET. rHREE DAYS' SALE Off THE VALUABLE MACHINERY AND CONTRACTOR'S PLANT. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RES6RVE. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCUMENT. MR. RY MILL (of Barbican, London) ia instructed by Mr. Charles E. Daniel, the Con- tractor. to BELL by AUCTION, on the Works, on TUESDAY.September 19th, andfollawing days. 4 loco- motives, 6 portable engines, 6 st-eam cranes (by Dun- lop), 3 Ingersoll rock drills, powerful winding gear, 40 h. p. fixed engine, mortar mills, steam pile drivers, Gwynne's and other pumps, 2 overhead travellers, 4 bBrges, SCO tons contractor's rails. 200 tipwaggoma, au cart horses, an immense qu&ntity ot timber, iron, general plant andstofea. See detailed advertisements and catalogues, 4Wl<t • TO be Let, Two New Senu-detaohed Villas, 00. A. manding extensive views of the Vale of Glamor- gan, &nd each consisting of spacious dining, drawing, and breakfast rooms; seven bedrooms and dressing- room, with closets and linen closets, bath-room, hot and coM water; two w.c.'s; china, pantry, water laid an; large kitchen, with four spacious cupboards, large pantry, back kitchen; two small cellars and coal cellar. Kitchen garden. These very eligible resi- dences are adjacent to the market town of Bridgend, within easy distance of the seaside, and a pleasant watering place. There is good railway communication; also oacellent salmon and trout fishing Packs of fox- hounds and beagles.—For other particulars and to view apply to L. A. Williams, 30, Coity-road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. 28546d and OLontrarta. TO BUILDERS, &c.-—Tenders given to supply Roofing Slates of every description. Best Portmadoc Slates. Bef-t Old Vein ditto, specially recommended. Best Bangor, guaranteed quality, at lowest prices. Quotations delivered to any station free on application. Apply to BROADBENT and CO. Depots: Bangor, Portmadon, Mold, and Runcorn, At) communications to be addressed— 4.1&9c Head Offices, LEICESTER. (EfcuraiianaL BELGRAVE HOUSE, CARDIFF.- luiss TULLIS will be happy to RECEIVE her PUPILS on TUESDAY, the 16th of September. (_30602d IIIGH-OLA-58 EDUCATION. .1 BRIGHTON HOUSE SCHOOL, REDLAND-PARK, BRIS TO L Principal, — Mr. CHARLES BlGG, Assisted by-• Monsieur J. LAROCQUE. M.A., late Classioal Leofcurer at the University of Paris; Herr H. W. JUST, Herr MENDELSSOHN, Mr. A. E. WILLIAMS, Mr. C. WILLIAMS, Professor T. MORRISS. Piano. Singing, Theory of Music, Mrs. C. BIGG, Mrs.W. WEAVER. Thirty Boarders are received. Thorough Classical or Commercial education. Preparation tor the Examina- tions of the Universities, Law, Medicine, Civil Servioe, Army, Navy, Ac. Healthy neighbourhood, close to the DoWDS. Libttral table, every home oomforfc. Football, Cricket, and Hookey Clubs. Boys' Library. Moderate and inclusive terms; reduction made for brothers; admission at any time when there are vacancies, and a proportionate charge made. Prospectuses and re- ferenoes forwarded on application. Preparatory Department for Young Pupils. Convse of StudyFrench, German, Latin, Greek, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Sciences, Religious Knowledge, Drawing (allstylea), Musia. Mapping, Bookkeeping, Writing, General English Subjects (including Language, Literature, Composition, History, Geography, Political Economy), Gymnastios and swimming. Within the last 15 months 16 pupils have been sue- oessful in University, Legal, and other Examma- ions. Arnold PREPARATORY OOL LEGE, WOODLANDS. SWANSEA, Prinoi al, Edgar Williams, M.A. (Glas.), B.D. (Edin.), assisted by Resident and Visiting Masters. Pupils are admitted as Quarterly, Weekly, or Daily Boarders, or as Day Scholars, and are prepared for COMMERCIAL LIFE, MECHANICAL PURSUITS, or PROFESSIONAL and COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS. In addition to the usual subjects CORRESPONDENCE. BOOK.KEEP ING, SHORTHAND, FRENCH, DRAWING (Mechanical and Freehand), LAND SURVEYING, and MUSIC receive careful attention. The new buildings have been expressly erected for school purposes, on the sheltered side of Constitution-hill, which overlooks the Bay of Swansea. The Health and Comfort of the Pupils have been thoroughly consulted in the construe tion of the ftchoolroom. Dorxnitorioa, Bath-room, Lav<i*nri»fi Ac 3 338 O-fl BRUNSWICK SQUARE, ft I ) GLOUCESTER. The Misses FOURACRE receive a limited number of Young Ladies to Board ard Educate. English and Foreign Certificated Governesses, Visiting Professors. Preparation for Examinations. Many Pupils have ob- tained Honours, Prizes and Certificates in the various Local Examinations, especially in the Art Department, South Kensington, and Trinity College (Music), Lotdcn. A Governess Pupil can be received on half terms. Prospectuses forwarded on application. 4333c EDUCATION—OLIFTON, BRISTOL. —A VACANCY will occur in a High Class Ladies, School, which can be refilled on reduce-l terms. Cwo accomplishments. No extrao. £9 per term.— Addrees Misa B., 13, Park place, Clifton. 4310c AVON HOUSE COMMERCIAL BOARDING SCHOOL. BATHE ASTON, NEAR BATH (Established 1857). Conducted by Messrs. J. and H. J. DINGLE, members of the College of Preceptors. Echool Duties were Resumed on THURSDAY, July 17. Terms on application. 43090 CLIFTON —— LADIES' SCHOOL FOR RESIDENT AND DAY PUPILS, 23, HiCHMOND-TERRACE, CLIFTON. PrinCipal-Mias MINCHIN. Professors atterd. Pupils prepared for the Local Examinations. Unexceptionable references. [42440 YSTERMOUTH. — LANGLAND VILLAS ESTABLISHMENT for the BOARD and EDUCATION of YOUNG LADIES will RE-OPEN September 1. Vacancies for Two. Number limited to Ten. Resident Foreign Governess.—Address tor par- ticulars to Miss F. RITCHIE. 421170 NOTIOE OF REMOVAL EDWARDS'S CARRIAGE FACTORY la REMOVED from WESTGATE STREET to TEIGEL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY STREET CARDIFF, where every description ol Carriage is built to order and Repairs of all kinds attended to promptly. 29616 THE PUREST CONFECTIONERY -L cheaper than ever, supplied by JOHN H. CATES Wholesale and Export Confectioner, 90, High-street Borough. S.E. Town and country dealers will find no better house. Wedding and other cake ornaments cheaper than any in London. Trade price lists free by post. All orders to the amount of £ 2 and upwards carriage paid to any railway station within 250 miles of London; beyond that distance 5 per oent. allowed on invoice in lieu of carriage. One trial ot these goods always insures future favours. 8492 THE WORLD-RENOWNED ELIA.S JL HOWE SEWING MACHINE. Depot-45, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Machines on Easy Terms ot Payment. Instruction Gratis. Satisfaction Guaranteed. For DomosHc and ether Purposes our HAND and TREADLE M ACHiNE3 are noc to be Surpassed. Hand Machine, from — jBi 3 0 Treadle Machine, frcm 5 5 0 ILachines for Heavy Tailoring and all grades of Heavy leather Work, from 8 0 0 Elastic and Repairing Machines, from 9 9 0 P, Under Wax Thread Machine for Heavy Leather anrt Sadlery Work 13 12 0 Note the Address— EOWE MACHINE COMPANY (LIMITED), 45f ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 30178 EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY yyiLLIS'S ^ONDENSED EXTRACT jgARSAPARILLA. AND QUININE. Sent Free by £ einrn Post, with full particulars, for 2i. 9d INFALL1B1 E Restorer of Broken-down Health and Blood Purifier; Cnres Indigestion, Liver Com. Plaints, Gout and Skin Diseases;^Prevents^Consump- tion'; Restores IServe Power, and Prolongs Life. A Case ot' Extract dissolved in three yinta of wa^er forms an Essence equal to that sola at 4s. 6d. per pint or more. THE GREAT OBJECTS OF THIS MEDICINE AKE: A, To purify the system of all earthy deposits and icorbia matter, and impart to the Dlood such pro- u _Pert eH as i oruike it new, pure, and rich. -To cleanse the stomach and bùwol., of Acrid Humours, Acidity, and Mucunus Matter, wliich n eo nial>y aud fatal diseases, estali'ish a healthy and natural flsw of the So- r» cr,tJODS of the Kiduevs aud Bladder, .u. AO impart tone and strength to the Dlzestive allgthe or^Vthe fofy E-"TOcfC°MeSt Vt* Educed by th3 iUe tione. Remove all Scorbutic Ecup. F,~TPoSous9 P^?no; a11 leased. Impure, and S .from the blood, flesh, acd Ube body" eir complete expulsion from G'~T°1nTre^XliSm^Carbuil^e9 Bad Legs, Giaa- dnlar Swelungs, Scurvy, Deb'lity, Piles. Neu- ralgia, Sores ot all kinds s Ulcers, arising from whatever cause. 5 W. E. WILLIS, REGISTERED CHEMIST, NORTH GATE, GLOUCEST "T? NO AGENTS. 4346c rriHB PRINCIPALITY. A .JVS tmws j9 jia^S public$ottcts. Xb^dIff^wXtWR^W ores COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty- ninth ANNUAL ORDINARY MEETING of the Car- diff Waterworks Company will be held at the Offices of the said Company, in Charles-street, in the Town of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, on THURSDAY, the 28lh day of August. 1879. at One o'clock, for the transaction of the General Business of the said Com- pany. Dated this 14th day of August, 1879. The Transfer Books will be Closed on Thursday, the 21st day of August instant, and not opened again until after toe MeetiJMr. By Order of the Hoard, 30688 THOS. G. SOUTH, Secretary. JJEREFORD MUaiGAL FESTIVAL. 156TH CELEBRATION, SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1879. President—The Right Hon. Lord BATEMAN. ■ FRIKCIPAI. VOCAII PERFORMERS Madame ALBANZ. Mr. W. H. CUMMINGS Miss EMMA THURSBY Mr. BARTON McGUCKIN Miss ANNA WILLIAMS Mr- SANfLEY Madame PATEY Mr. THURLEY BEALE Miss DE FONBLANQUE Ma-ttme ENRIQUEZ Conductor—Mr. LANGDON COLBORNE. Sept. 9—" Elijah." Sept. lO-Purcell's Te Deum in D, Bach's Christmas Oratorio (Parts 1 and 2),Handel's Overture to Esther," Sphor's 84th Psalm, Mozart's Pignus Futtirse," and Bandel's Zadock the Priest." Sept. 10 (Evening)—Mendelssohn's 95th Psalm and Hear my Prayer," Rossini's Stabat Mater." Sept. .n-Sullivan's "Light of the World" and Haydn's Imperial Mass." Sept. 12—" Messiah." Grand Concerts in Shirehall, September 9th and 11th. Chamber Concert, September 12. Reduced fares on all the Hereford Railways. Programmes, &c., at Jakeman and Carver's, High Town. 4350c MUSIC HALL, SWANSEA. REV. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, D.D., Of Brooklyn, N.Y., WILL DELIVER AN ORATION, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1879. Subject—" THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS." J. T. D. Llewelyn, Esq will preside. Tickets. 5s, 3s. (numbered), Zs. and Is. Open at Seven. Chair to be taken at Eight. The Great Western Rail. way Company will run Special Trains at Reduced Fares from Port Talbot at 5.45, and returning from Swansea at 11 p.m.; from Llanelly at 7.1 p.m. j returning from Swansea at 11.35. Special Train returning to Mumbles at 11. Plan of the Hall for reserved seats at Messrs. Brader and Sons, and Mr. Silas Evans, Swansea. For full particulars apply to Messrs. W. Scourfield, High street, and John Watkins, Park terrace; or to the Rev. S. Higman, Swansea. 30502 FARMERS' GRAND DRAWING of JL- PRIZES (Under Distinguished Patronage.) The Drawing will take place at the IRON DUKE HOTEL." Clynderwen Station, on MONDAY, Septem- ber 22, 1879. The following valuable PRIZES will be given, and in addition several others. To be drawn in the presence of the gentlemen and farmers of the neighbourhood. PRIZES.—1. Mowing Machine, value RIB 10s. 2. Hay Maker, £18 10s. 3. One Horse Cart, £12 10s. 4. Cast Iron Roller, £10. 5. Chaffcutter. £8 10s. 6. Winnow- ing Machine, El 10s. 7. Harmonium. El 10a. 8. Sewing Machine. El 10s. 9. Wheel Plough, £5 10s. 10 Churn, M4 10s. 11. Sheep Rack, M4. 12. Pulper, £8158. 13. Cheese Press, £3 10s. 14. Zig-zag Harrow, £8 16s. 15. Saddle and Bridle, £3 10s. 16. Set of Sbaft Harness, £3. 17. Chisel Tooth Harrow, MS. 18. Horse Hoe, £2 15s. 19. Weighing Machine, M2 10s. 20. Silver Watch, £21(s. Tickets and full particulars to he obtained of the Secretary, Evan Davies, Vioar's Mill, Clyndarwen, R.8.0. Agents Wanted everywhere. Liberal terms and a bonus given. 80024 LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN AND CALEDONIAN RAILWAYS. EXCUESION "TO SCOTLAND FOR NINE DAYS, By the Direct Route, via Jtreston and Carlisle. On TUESDAY, August 19th, 1879, a CHEAP EXCURSION, for NINE DlY8, will be run to EDINBURGH and GLASGOW, Returning on WED- NESDAY, August 27th. Fares there and Back, and Times of fihartilM '<ih1 r Edinburgh and Glasgow. lBt 3rd Class. Class. r w. a. d. II. d. Swansea (Victoria) 12.30 V ki n oe « Carmarthen (Town Stn.), 12.40 j Cardiff (Rhymney) 12.10~) Newport (High street. 3.10 > 50 0 25 0 Pontypool Road 3.43 J Brecon (Mid-Wales) 1.10 > 48 0 o in Meithyr (High street) 1. 0/ v u Dowlais 1.10"\ Tredegar 1.301 xg 0 2i 0 Brycmawr 2. Of u A bergavenny (Brecon Rd.) 2.30J Hereford (Barrs Court) 5.25) 4 £ 0 23 0 Leominster 6. 0 j Ludlew 6.29 «. 44 0 22 0 Shrewsbury. 8. 5 40 0 20 0 Children above Threa and under Twelve half trica. Personal luggage under 601bs. free, at passengers' own tisk. Tickets and small bills can be obtained at the stations. Passengers may break the journey at Beattook, for Moffat Wells, and at Carstairs, for the Falls of the Clyde, but the journey must be performed within the nine days. NOTICE OF RETURN.—The Special Return Train will leave Edinburgh (Princes street Station) at 8.10 p.m.; and Glasgow (Buchanan street Station) at 8.0 p.m. on Wednesday, August 27th. BY ORDER. Eus ton Station, August, 1879. 30611 V^TEST OF ENGLAND LOAN AND |f DISCOUNT COMPANY. IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES UNDER THE NEW ACT. 1879. NO SURETIES REQUIRED. Advances from M20 to M2,OOO may now be obtained at a few houra' notice by persons of either sex, and upon their own security, or on deposits of deeds or other valuables. Distance no object. All applications m- mediately replied to. To prove the genuineness of our system of business all transactions are fully explained and completed by borrowers* solioitor or any other, and no oosts are charged unless the money is advanced. Apply personally or by letter, to Mr, John H. Eyles Manager, 44. Commercial-street. Newport Mon. 272 ALl T-B ERA G E A DELICIOUS BREAKFAST BEVERAGE. WM. SCHWEITZEE'S DANDELION COFFEE, FOR rHE BLOOD, LIYER, AND DIGESTION, Of any Chemist or Grocer, In 6d., 1s.. and 4a. Gd. fins. imoR WEAKNESS OF THE SITNE, LEGS, &C.F USE C"STLY WM. SCHWEITZER'S PUEE GEA JGALT. SEVEN POUNDS FOF ONE SHILLING, Of any Chemist or Grocer. THE ONLY CERTAIN CURE FOR FITS AND NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. JYPSS PIKE'S POWDERS. 28.. Sd., 4E. Gd., AND lie. PER BOTTLE. ANY CHEMIST. J M PORTANT NOTICE CONSULT ALLEN, FEARCS, AKD C(\, AT THEIR PRIVATE ROOMS, 10, BATH.STREET, BRISTOL, FOR ALL SURGICAL APPLIANCES. 21820 *203° gMITH AND CO. CORN MERCEANT8 SKINNER-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. 4058c WESTERN MAIL.—GUARANTEED W? public ).musmunts. CARDIFF THEATRE lyp T A L, WOOD STREET, /BgfSfoA ^ARDIFF. Leateo BBr. W. H. DAW I Role Manager.Mr. E. BTTLWEB THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, AftGUST 15. The Celebrated Company spedj^HT selected by Mr. H, M. PITT for the represeA^^pof Albery's Famous ComedjS^V TWO EOS EOT Characters by Messrs. Frank nwrifff H. Hamilton, John Watkins, C. Arnold, and J. u, flbere, Mesdames Carlotta Addison, Cuthbert, ftjMM). and Fanny Audisoo. vT NEW SCENERY by Mr. ALF BE|«'. WHYATT.. -NEXT | APPLE BL^SOMS, ■WEfiK. | FORGIVEN. Doors open 7.30. Ocmaence at 8. Carriages 10.30. » Prices: Orchestra Starts, 4s.: Dress Circle, 3s.; Pit Stalls, 2s.; Pit, Is Gallesy, 6d. Private Boxes, .1. la. to £111& 6d. Plans at Mr. Lewis's, Duie street, where Seats may now be secured. HILHARMONIO TglgA T^R B*r ST. Mar* Director A. Melville | Licensee.V.Wl. C. J. Jackson. Open Every Evening with a Succession of Novel tie?. GREAT SPECIAL NIGHT NEXT WEDNESDAY, August 20, The only appearance th's year of the most popular Comedian in the World, M B. J. L. TOOLE, AND FULL COMPANY, Irclading Miss L. Cavalier, Miss Effie Liston, Miss Kate Neville, Miss Madeline Banton, Miss Eliza John- stone, Mr. H. Westland, Mr. E. Smedley, Mr. G. Shelton. Mr. Walter Bruuton, and Mr. Jofaeph Carne. Manager for Mr. Toole, Mr. George Loveday. Y On the FLOWER SHOW NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, For the first time in Cardiff, the new Comedy, in Three Acts, by F. C. Burnand, written expressly for Mr. Toole, entitled ARTFUL CAB DS. Robert Spicer Romford .Mr. J. L. TOOLE. I (As played by him 200 nights at the Globe Theatre, London.) After which (by desire) Mr. Toole will give his Bur- lesque Lecture and Imitations of Popular Actors. To conclude with a Farce called THE BIRTHPLACE OF PODGERS. Tom Cranky — Mr. J. L. TOOLE. Doors open &t 7, commence at 7.30. Stalls. 4s. and 3s. Reserved Pit, 2s.. Pit, Is. Gallery, 6d. No second price. Stall seats may be secured at the Philharmonic any day between 11 and 1. Mr. TOOLE will appear in the same Programme at the VICTORIA HALL, NEWPORT, on THURSDAY, August 21. One Night Only. fJlO-MORROW (SATURDAY). I expect A" a large CONSIGNMENT ol t AMERICAN KILLED BEEF, at a LOWER P idCE than has ever before been RETAILED IN ENGLAND. GEORGE JJOPKJN8 AMERICAN MEAT MARKET, — THE HAYES, CARDIFF. JOHNSTON MILES. AND CO.. CARDIFF, IMPORTERS j OF AMERICAS & CANADIAN PRODL:;E :1' OFFER FOB SALE AMEEICAN BACON. Stretford Cut, 281b to 301b average. Welsh Cnt Scalded and Singed. Wiltshire Cut Scalded and Singed. New York City Bellies, 101b to 121b average. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN BUTTER. 500 Packages Finest Creamery, ex Rhiwind 1 AMERICAN CHEESE, 1000 Boxes just landed. AMERICAN FRESH BEEF. Owing to the late arrival of the ateatr hip Indiana, we are compelled to postpone the SJ: J of Fresh Beef until further notice. B i ¡ CH A B D BROTHERS,! CONDIMENTAL FOOD FOR HORSES Ts a Mixture of Prime Sound Corn and Condimi.;ats. mixed in proper proportions, suitable for all seasons of the year, consequently calculated to keep hexsea healthy and in good condition. The great advantage in using t\1e above ia, that while it prevents all troub in regulating theidi«t, it. rapidly improves the condi- tion, promotes a healthy action of the system, an l imparts to the ocat a splendid gloss. In addi. ion to this, a saving is effeoted of 25 per Cent, on the ordirar y way of feeding In using the Condimental Food, it is only necessary in feeding to mix it with chaff, slightly camped, no other Corn or Bran being required. W 3 HEREWITH APPEND ANALYSES [Copy.] WESTER* Corns TIES LABORATORY, MASONIC HALL, 1 and 2, PARK STREET, BRISTOL June 10th, 1S79. Messrs. CHARD BROTHERS, Corn Merchants, Bristol, Gentlemen, I have analysed and examined your sample d Condimental Food for Horses," and find that it is pfJrfectly free from anything that can in any way lie injurious to health, bat on the contrary is ve y nutritious, tonic. and slightly stimulating. I can 11 ■ hesitatingly recommend it as a very desirable addit u to aDY stable. I remain. Gentlemen, yours truly, W. WALTER STODDART, F.C S F.I.C., & Analytical Chemist. i.Py-] Analytical LABOBATORY, 11, SALISBDUr SQUAR-E. FLEEr STREET. E.O • London, June 26,1879. Gontlemon, I have made a careful analysis of tbe eamp'f (\f "Condimental Food for Horses" which ysu s-r. me R. few days ago, and I have the pleasure of enclosing í a copy of the results which I obtained. Your Condimental Food for Horses I find is oora- pisedof gwd and sound corn of various kinds, slight'.? flavonred by condiments, which makes it very palatal to horses. It is a"good and wholesome, readily digestible Riid nutritious food, which, I have no doubt, will mt only to horses. It is a"good and wholesome, readily digestible Riid nutritious food, which, I have no doubt, will mt only he WAch rcliahod bi horses, but a.so keep them in g oondition. Yours faithfully, AUGUSTUS VOELCKES, Messrs. CHARD EEOTHERS. COMPOSITION, ;v. Moisture (Volatile Matfcsrs) t 12-90 Oil I. 3 30 Albuminous Compounds {Flesh forming Matters) 13-87 Starch, Sugar, ar-d Di/estil-lc Fibre 60 6J. Woody Fibre (Cellulose) 5.4-i Mineia! Matter (Aah) 373 HWOO Containing Nitrogtn 2-22 AUGUSTUS VOELCKES., To ha had only of the MMufMturera, CHARj) BROTHERS, Corn Merchart", Barrs street. Bristol, in Bags, cwt., 1 cwt., and 2 cwt. eaoh, at 12s per cwti, with-directions for Use in each baf. None genuine un- less bearing their Registered Trade Mark. 30445 JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL-POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH-STREET,NEATH, AND BRITON FERRY. Circulars Addressed and Delivered. Bill-posters tc TJ19 Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, ttd the Principal Auctioneers, Lessees of the Principal poetic* Places. TTTTESTERN MAIL. T ? GUARANTEED LARGEST CIBCULATIOIf jlt mma j I 1Sní1bínq THE EQUITABLE BENEFIT .L BUILDING SOCIETY. Head Office-5, HAMMET STREET, TAUNTON. Manager—Mr. THOMAS KITE. .612,000 TO BE ADVANCED On HOUSE or LANDED PROPERTIES, at 5 per Cent. interest, repayable by small instalments, and with other important advantages. Amount advanced since 1867, £14.2,075. A liberal commission allowed solicitors, auctioneers, and others introducing applications resulting in ad- vances. For prospectuses and further information apply to the Manager, or the following Agents, viz.Messrs. W. F. Gillett and Co., 7, Nelson terrace, Cardiff; Mr. William Paddison, Estate Agent, Neath; Mr. James L. Bowen, 4, Athenaeum street, Llanelly i and Mr. Otho H. Steed, Bridge street, Newport. 29882ky SOMERSET FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Incorporated under the Companies* Act, 1862, Established, lst March, 1865. OFFICES-5. HAMMET STREET TAUNTON SECRETARY-Mr. THOMAS ITE. LOANS. The Company advances Money, repayable by instal- ments or otherwise, upon guaranteed pertonal security, deposit of deeds, mortgage of freehold, leasehold, or copyhold house or land property, bonds, life polioies, or any other approved security. The capital of the Company enable it to oomplete its transactions without delay. DEPOSITS, The debenture powers of the Company enable them to receive sums of money on deposit, payable with interest at such times as may be agreed on. Further information may be obtained at the Offices as above, or of die following Agents, viz.:—Messrs. W. F. Gillett and Co., 7, Nelson terrace, Cardiff; Mr. O. H. Steed, Bridge street, Newport; Mr. William Paddi- son, Neath; and Mr. J. L. Bowes, 4, Athenaeum street, Llanelly. 29957 PONTI PRIDD,LLANT RISANT, AND -t. RHONDDA VALLEY PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1866. Mortgage and Survey Fees paid by Society. Shares £ 1C0 each. Half, quarter, or any number of tenths of a share may be taken. DIRECTORS Mr. JNO. CROCKETT. fontypridd and Castellan. Mr. GEORGE GRIFFITHS, Park House. Cardiff. Mr. WILLIAM GRIFFITHS, Mill street, Pontypridd. Mr. JNO. MORGAN .LIantnsant. Mr. THOS. MORGAN, Y Fron," Pontypridd, Mr. JAMES RICHARDS, Treforest. Mr. RICHARD ROGERS, Pontypridd. Mr. E. C. SPICKETT, Maesycoed, Pontypridd. Mr. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Pontypridd. Mr. CHABLES BASSETT, Pontypridd. Mr. EDMUND THOMAS, Maindy Hall, Pentre. The special advantages offered by this Society are :— 1. There are no Auctions or premiums. 2. AnyEBorrower may repay a part or the whole of his loan at any time, interest on which will cease on the days of repayment. 3. The Table of Repayments will bear favourable comparison with those of any other society. 4. The Mortgage and Survey Fees are paid by the Society. Money received daily in Shares or Deposits. Interests on Fully Paid Shares and Deposits paid half-yearly. Savings Bank accounts opened for smill sums of from five shillings to twenty five pounds. For further particulars apply to the Secretary, H. S. DAVIES. Old Post-office Chambers, Pontypridd. 4121c FIYE PER CENT. INTEREST, And the SECURITY OF MORTGAGES ¡OF REAL ESTATE, is given by the BRISTOL AND CLIFTON PER. MANENT BUILDING SOCIETY (Established 1864, Incorporated 1874); Which, according to the "Parliamentary Returns, 1877," holds as guarantee a larger amount of profit and reserve in proportion to shareholders' rapital THAN ANY OTHER SOCIETY OF TWICE ITS AGE IN THE KINGDOM (see Parliamen- tary Return and Pamphlet on "Bristol Building Societies"). LOANS without deduction (if the amount exceeds jciuu;, e ot — -<•— '—— *>•«« most other societies, and covering all charges. The Bonus Return to Borrowers has been regularly Is. 6d. in the pound of the interest charged. Last Annual Report and Balanee Sheet on application. C. H. LOW. Chairman. G. W. LUCAS. Deputy-Chairman. T. SHERWOOD SMITH, Secretary. Offices, No. 30, filare-street, Bristol. Agent at CARIUFF, Williams end Williams, Church street. ABERGAVENNY, Mr. Hier Jacob, Solicitor. M770 ftablirafoms. I PTTHE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, AND JL JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. 49, ESSEX-STREET, STRAND. LONDON, W.C. Some of our Correspondents continue to address, 5, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street. The Publisher begs re- spectfully to call their attention to new address as above, and to remind advertisers that orders should be received not later than Thursday morning, N.B.—No reduction from advertised scale. 4122o "Y DIWYSOGAETH." PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. PRICE ON" PENNY. Y DYWYSOGAETH" has a very 1 extensive circulation, being either posted to Subscribers or sold by Agents in almost EVERY TOWN AND HAMLET in North and South Wales. It is not a Looal, but. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, With a widespread circulation amongst the Clergy; Mobility, Gentry, Farmers, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and the working class. **Y DYWYSOGAETH," Advertisers may feel assured, is the best, if not the only medium whereby their announcements can be simulta- neously perused in every odunty throughout the whole of Wales. All orders, sc., to be forwarded to the Publishen Y Dywysogaeth Office, Rhyl Flintshire. oi TBS GSEA1 ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOB BOUTH WALEB. THE LABGEST CIRCULATION, THE BEBT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE E E K L 7 MAIL regularly consists of 72 LONG COLUMNS, 2oatains a far greater amount of Original and Genera Reading Matter and is one of THE LARGEST WEEKLY PAPERS In South Wal»53or the Weft of England. It Is essentially the Family Newspaper par esetllvm in the District in whio" it Circulates, and is the REAT MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS Through the Counties o GLAMORGAN, CARMARTHEN, MOFMOUTH, CARDIGAN, BRECON. PEMBROKE, The CIRCULATION of me WEEKLY MAIL 11 far in txctsi of that of any other Weekly Newspaper published in any of the Counties i-uumerateii a.boVe-1 (act which Advertiserc" will clo well to bear in mind, TEE II WEEKLY MAIL" 18 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY And may be had of all Newsagents, PRICE TWOPENCE. Or will be sent to any Address in the United Kingdom, for One Quarter, on receipt cf P.O.O. for 2s. 1Id.. and to the Colonies and all parts of Europe and the United States for 8s. 3d. per quarter prepaid. All Orders must be made payable to the PnbUshet W. E. R. EVANS, at the Chief Office,Cardiff; to whom any complaint respecting any irregular delivery should be made. KEEP MOVING. EMPLOY THE STAR J^CRNITURE VANS, THE LABGFST AND BEST IN WALES. FUUiVITUKE REMOVED BY ROAD OR RAIL To any Fart of the United Kingdom. (ESTIMATES FREE. LARGE DRY ROOMS FOR WAREHOUSING FURNITURE. S. J. D A V IE SAN D CO., THE HAYES, CARDIFF. JGLFFICIENCY WITH JJCONOMY FTTOOD I ANCHOR FVRNTTORT: VANS, { WEST CANAL WSASF, BROS. I CARDIFF, NO RISK OR TEGrBLE TO OWNER, BY ROAD, RAIL, OR SEA. E W BROTHERS, coach BU-LDERS, WESTGATE STREET, CARDIFF, (Late with jMi. Waterman), Beg to intimate that they h^ve Opened Premises at the above address, where they intend to carry on all branches of the business of Coach Builders and General Bepairer?. The whole of the work will be under their Tersonal superintendence, aud guaranteed to be of the very Best Workmanship and Style. 30025 rpHE JJ^ISSES "pEDLER' .MILLINERY AND DRESS ESTABLISH. MENT, 2, WINDSOR. PLACE CARBIFF, Mourning and Wedding Orders punctually attended to Ladies own materials made up. c4024 MHB PRINCIPALITY.! A FIFIISIHSL SJSBI SATURDAY, gnsttrantg (Egmpattiis, &t. gjUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON Established 1710. HENRY F. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RELTON, Esq., Secretary. Total Sum Insured in 1878, £258,772,986. Claims paid during the last ten years, upwards of Two Millions Sterling. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society, AazMS. Cardiff Mr. Peter Price, s. Crockherb- town M Mr. Charles Cross Mr. John Jenkins, Philharmoni' Chambers, St. Mary-street. Aberavon Mr. David E. Jones Aberdare Mr. R. O. Gery. Aberkenfig Mr. William Lewis Blaenavon, near Ponty pool Mr. Stephen Barwell. Bridgend Mr. William Gladdish BrynmawT Mr. G. W. Walters. Cowbridge Mr. John Parsons Crickhowell Messrs. Lewis and Williams Ebbw Vale Mr. Tho. G. Powell Feradale, near Ponty- pridd Mr. William Day. Hirwain (Aberdare). Mr. G. T. Tuckfield Llandaff Mr. John Howe Maesteg Mr. David Davies Merthyr Tydfil .— Mr. David Price Mountain Ash Mr. George H. White Mumbles Mr. James Orrin Neath Mr. Charles Old Pontardawe..Mr. David Smith Pontypridd Mr. William Merchant Mr. William William8 Swansea Mr. Wm. Edmond, 23, Gower-sfc Mr. Frederick Tucker. Bristo and West of England Bank Tredegar Mr. Martin Harrhy Ystalyfera Mr. John Rees. 27222 ^CCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY 11 ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS provided against by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSU- RANCE COMPANY.t e Oldest and Largest Accidental Assurance Company. The Right Hon. LORD KIN. NAIRD, Chairman. Subscribed Capital, MI,OOO,OOO. Annual Income, £ 214,000. A fixed sum in oase of Death by Accident, and a Weekly Allowance in the event of Jnjuy. may oe secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing. Ml.UO,OOO have been Paid as Compensation.—Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 64, Coni- hill, London. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary, Agent for Cardiff—Mr. W. Willans, 11. Henry-street, Docke. „ Bridgend—Mr. W. E. Bradshaw. G. W. Bail 27185kt way Station. pH(ENIX FIRE OFFIOE Lombard-street and Charing-croes. London.—Estab. lished 1782. Prompt and liberal Loss Settlements. Insurances effected in all parts of the world. JOHN J. BROOMFIELD, Seoretarf. Hotels, Ditiittjj Itooms, &t. LONDON, SHLEY'S HOTEL, HENRIETTA. STREET, COVENT GARDEN. This well-known Family Hotel, which is situated in the very centre of London and its attractions, has been re-built and newly furnished throughout, and is now one of the most homely and comfortable Hotels in the Metropolis. Notwithstanding the increased comforts and accommodation, the same low rate of charges for which the Hotel has so long been noted will be con- U LADIES' COFFEE ROOM. BILLIARDS. 29972 BRISTOL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. » GTTITDHALL oUJUJLJiiUOiAli AND FAMILY HOTEL, BRISTOL. tv FAMILY HOTEL, BRISTOL. FREE TABLE, RESTAURANT, AND DINING ROOMS. Re-furnished, Re-fitted, and Re-stocked with Finest Wines, Spirits, and Ales. Spacious Commercial, Cotfee, and Stock: Rooms. Centie of City. Replete with every comfort. Night Porter kept. 4150c 8. S. DUPEN, Manager. JKoiutart). "I A n i i t —Money to Lend in connection X V 9 U V U • with Life Assurance for Three Years and upwards, at moderate rates, from £10 to £ 1,000.—Address, with stamped addressed envelope for reply. Manager, 6, St. John's square, Caidifl. 30324 GENTLEMEN, Tradesmen, Farmers, and Others can obtain Cash Advances in sums from £20 to £1.000 at a day's notice, without surettet. No fees charged. Prospectus gratis by application, either per- sonally or by letter, to S. Blaiberg, 2, Bute-terraoe, Cardiff. N.B.—Intending applicants are reminded by applying to this office they are in treaty with a bona fid* leader, who advances more thpn anv two in the Principality.—Residence; Bedfoid House, Newport- Road. 87858kely MONEy.-£5 to t500 advancad on ea.sy terms, in town or country, on personal security or stock. in-trade, without removal, farmers or others.—Apply L. Fligelatone, 122, Cowbridge road, Canton. Cardiff. 2341 PONTMORLAIS LOAN OFFICE, MERTHYR.— JL Money immediately Advanoed, from Ba and up- wards, by Mr. W. R. COHEN. to Tradesmen, House- holders, Farmers, and others, on their Stock-in-Trade, Furniture, &c., without removal or inconvenience in any way. Repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. All applications punctually attended to none genuine refused. Intending borrowers will find this Office greatly to their advantage.—Apply per- sonally or by letter to 20 and 21, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil. S7100 THE West of England Loan and Disoount Com Ipany advanoe Loans, from .10 te aoG. with- out delay.to householders, gentlemen, formers, builders andothers, upon notes of hand, leasett.shares.homsehold furniture, and other securities; strict confidence. Repay- able by easy instalments. Trade bills discounted.— Apply, by letter or personally, to S. Blaiberg, Manager, Z. Bute-terraoe, Cardiff; or M, Com aaeauial-street, Newport. Mon. No fees or law costs 2511e lest and Jøunb. ^i"| BEWARD.—Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, from a OW J. field, on the night of th° 11th ult., a Brown Cob Horse, the property ot Dr. Timmins, about 14 hands 3 inches high, three years old. Near front foot is white, a splint on the same leg, and a small white mark on the back of the same pastern about six inches long. A white streak hardly noticeable on the forehead, and a thin close-cut 8quare tail, a slight rub ou the shoulder, and a little cut, with hair off. on inner side near hock. Anyone giving such information as will lead to the dis- covery of the same will receive the above reward.-In- formation to be given to Superintendent James. of Car mart hen. 43780 iltadjxiurE, SMs. &t., for ^al*. STEREOTYPING APPARATUS. — Casting box, {j dressing table, with planes complete, t") cast ne "s page, 26in. x 20in., with alteration for smaller size, bv Hoe, London, as good as new; four stereo beds to suit same size of pages, have been used very little; also metal pot, furnaoe, and drying press, by J. and R. Dellagana, London. The above will be sold cheap to an immediate purchaser.- For price, addreps Mr. W. E. R. E vans. Manager, w extern Mail, Carciii. 30222d CHEAP WOOLLEN MACHINERY, CARDS, ) STRAPS, RUBBERS, EMEttlES, FILLET.— Walter Kirk, Huddereiiied, Yorkshire. 4186c -=- -1 Mt&zdlmtmxs. TO be Sold, at the Bridgend Horticultural Show, on Tuesday, the 19th of August, the whole of the beautiful Collection of Stove Plants from Court Col- man. 4582wl 9 OACHBUILDERS aid WHEELWBIGHT3.— Lancewood and Ash Shafts, Spokes, Felloes, Birch Board, Ac.—Williams and Co., Meadow street, Bristol. 4068w21 PRINTING.—Tte cheipiat and best for pamphlet JL lists. posters, band bills. bill heads, &0., is Parkin Steam Printer, Nicholas street, Bristol. 1,000 cards 58 6d. Carriage paid on all orders above 10s. 3430d CHEAP FOOD FOR POULTRY.—Corn aamplM, Sweepings, Ac., price 3s. per bushel. Chaff CuttetS, Oat Btuisers. and Machinery of all kinds. Indian Corn, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Wheat. Peas, Meals, Cakes, &c at lowest possible prices,—Samples and quotations free from John Hibbert, the Agri- cultnral House," 17. Angel street, Cardiff, ETK SHILLING, Post-free FIFTEEN STAMPS. The FBENCH POCKET TIME INDICATOR (patented), 100,000 of which were sold during the Exhi- bition. Denote correct time. Serviceable metal oase, steel works, balance action. enamelled dial, glass dome. Warranted for two years. Two for 28 stamps.—Anglo- French Novelty Company. Park street, London, W. d BERDEEN Granite Monuments, from £5, carnage .oL free inscriptions accurate and beautiful.—Plans and prices from Legge, Sculptor. Aberdeen. 2686h2 "V OUtt Future, Courtship, Matriage, and all JC matters of interest. Four questions answered for 13 ,aIr 11S lifetime 30. State age and address, with stamped <nvelepe, to J. Lambert, 26, Roase street, Browni"iyd, Bradford, Yorks. rADLERS constantly on Sale, or Made to order, t-t i w. Cottreli'e Lauder Mauufaetory, 21 and 22, Barr s stroet, Bristol, 4061c imnawajnfcww inrMUiKJ BUILDING YARD, RCMILLY TEIiEACE, COWBRIDGE ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. Ginldbg Materials of all kinds a4; low ;3t pric.ss. Docis, Windows, &c., of usual sizes in sto k. Office, Shop andc her Fittings to order. Plans an t Estimates supplied. Alterations and Repairs in vario is branches. Drainage aid Sanitary Improvements ex >cuted with the utmost despatch. Agency for the I Insurance Company. 3M<Uet THE TATTERSHALL COMPANY, ..L ST, fHILlP'S MABafl.i. BRISTOL. AGENTS WANTED, where not represents *r r <->eir celebrated CONDIMENTS. Horse and Cattle Meals. Apply", i th references. 4&J0O WESTERN MAIL: TV BEST ADYBETISINQ MEDITJ i IN Jf ALJiP. r- KagteBg NOTIOE OFl REMOVAL J. G. MARSH IMPOBTI OF AMERICAN PROYISIONS, HAS REMOVED TO LONDON AND NORTH. WESTERN RAILWAY GOODS DEPOf. TYNDALL-STREET, CARDIFF. ^LJL/ FURNISH THROUGHOUT. OETZMANN & Co., 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, & 79, HAMPSTEAD ROAD, LONDON. T7U&NISH THROUGHOUT.—OETZMANN ft CO, toeet: Redding Factory. Eagle-place. London, N.W. ^rpats, Furniture, Beddktg, Drapery, Furnishing Iroo- Seery, r^inm, aiats, Pictures, Bronaes, Clock*, and trery othec requisite far completely furnishing a house OeUDusn and Co. an enabled to off* Ipe. cial Mhntattttet to country CIIItomeram delivery if goodi by their own large Paatedmicon Vans, and ifxing in pon- ben by competent persons. If desired, an expenenaed is seat to view the house note style of Architecture, Mttctt Jkh take measurements and himish TitiaatN OETZMANN & COH HAMPSTKAD ROAD, LONDON. I 1 II ft 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. Q A. STONB. UNDERTAKER, Hearse and Mourning Coach Proprietor, Ostrich plume and General Furnishing Establishment. CABS, BREAKS, Ac., ON HIRE, The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and, ever requisite for Funeral aishing. c21 •i r- STABLISHED 1850. W. TRESEDBR UNION-ROAD NURSERIES, CARDIFF. NOW READY, 10,000 BEDDING PLANTS OF ALL THE -LEADING SORTS IN CULTIVATION, COMPRISING GERANIUMS. PETUNIAS, VBE BENA8. HELIOTROPES, CALCEOLARIAS, to. 1,000 Mrs. Pollock Geraniums for Sale, from 4e, to a. per Dozen. CUSTOMERS CAN HAVE 100 AISSORTED BED DING PLANTS FOR 20s. NO CHARGE FOR PACKAGES. rot well-rooted FOREST TREES, Including Sootob lArch. Spruce, Silver Beech, Oak, Ash, Elm, 110. For Standard, Pyramid, and Dwarf-Trained APPLES PLUMS, CHERRIES, to. For well-grown PEACH, NECTARINE. APRIQOT8 SHERRY, PLUM, and PEAR TREES, For FRUIT TREES of ALL KINDS. For ALL NEEDFUL REQUISITES for the GAB DEN apply to WILLIAM TRESEDER, UNION-ROAD NURSERIES CARDIFF, W. E. VAUGHAN AND CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF, BBUTCH ESTABUSHXRORTST rmmw/ 77, Crookherbtown. CABDLTi 1248, Bute-street. NEWPORT 52, Commercial-street, MERTHYR 83, High-street. SWANSEA Lower Goat-etreot, Orden reoeiv and Parcels forwarded to Works Ion riagefreebythefoUowng^ Aberdare Mr. Eschles, Commercial-place, Blaenavon Mr. J. Harris, London-house. Bridgend Mrs. Woodward, grocer, Nolton-streek Brecon Mr. Bodmin, Wellington House, Bui wark. Brynmawr Mrs. Hioks, Beaufort-street, B'sina Mrs. Collins, High-street. Briton Ferry Mr. D. L. Jones, Bookseller, 2, Villiert street. C)wbridge Mr. Rogers, Fancy Repository, Chepstow Mr. Daviegj26, Welsh-street Cickhowell Mr. Pugh, High-street. Haverfordwest Mr. Ellis Jones, Maxiners-square, Llanelly Mr. John, 6, Market-street. Ltandilo Mr. Lockver, County Press. Neath Mr. Matthews, at Queen's Hotel. Pembroke Dock Mr. Narberth. Stationer, Dimond. street. Rhondda Mr. Harris, Hannah-street, Forth. Tenbv Mr Brice 4. Julian-street. STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING j WORKS, 1, NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. S. HOBBS, PROPRIETOR. Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks, Shawls, and Dresses of evesy description CLEANED, DYED. and fau> W it a saoe.ior 8TYLE. Gentlemen's .,¡.wt;es cl^witrd andr eturned in 24 houra, 3405s HALEWOOD CLOG AND SHOE MANUI ACTURER, BTU ART-HALL AND | 32, CAN ON -STREET, 6, BRIDGE-STREET, I AKVTir.iKv CABDIFF. I ABERCABE BTATION'ROW Y8TRAD AND FERNDALE. SACKS SACKS I I SACKS AND BAGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, WATERPROOF CLOTHS, and :Every Article in the Trade. Purchase direct from the Manufacturer, and thereby obtain them at the Lowest Possible Prioe. JOHN B. CHAMPICN, RELIANCE WORKS, DURSLEY. GLOUCESTER SHIRE. 3752o j L ESTABLISHED 1852. pALMER'S UNDERTAKING AND FUNERAL FUR- NISHING ESTABLISHMENT, 10 FREDERICK-STREET CARDIFF. J. P., In returning thanks for past tavonra, begs to assure the Public that he shall endeavour to merit a continuance of their Patronage by the most unremitting atten- tion and economy. Hearses, Mourning Coaches, Ostrich Plumes, ko., on Hire, t N.B.—Funerale conducted in town h oo^ » 1 "Tj—~ I PERKIN8 gRoi-j-i^sr GENER ^v ^'r- MATIY STREET, CAR' >TFP# 1 IPOltot EURNI8H1NG. ilANT VAliiONERS AND IMPLEMEN ^jENTS. ar nounce that they have jus ^moleted the ct tlie whole the valuable A^. wofi selected ^TOCK of E. Williams, comprisi kinds of rraveiling Trunks, Bonnet, Deed *>.d gat Boxes, Toilet Wares, etc., Cutlery, Nails, via. Varnishes and Colours of every description. N.B.—Experienced workmen ke on premi8a8. 4480c Vl/ESTERN MAIL. ff THELEA»Jlf«DAIT IN WALI-10 t TTNRIV jeiLLlcD BARGAINS. LAVERTON A CO.'S CrEQCAULT!T) 10 GUINEA UNIVERSAL CHALLEXC3 SUITES FOR THE DINING-ROOM AND DRAWING. ROOM. Verr Nice'y t tniehfd, in Cretonne, Damask, or Leather Cloth; Trimrted Silk Gimp and Cord, or Brass Nails; Spring stuffed, with beet Copper?D Springs comprising One COUCH, Six CHAIRS, and Two EAST CHAIRS, In solid Mahot-any, sMid Oak, or solid „ < Walnut Wood, A Marvel of Cheapness, Warranted Strong, Well Made „AND Serviceable. Drawings, with Patterns for Covering, free per post. ADDRESS, laverton AND CO., STEAM CABINET WORKS, MARYLEPORT-STREET, A BRIDGE-STREET BRISTOL. Apply for the New Illustrated FURNISHING CATALOGUE, oontaining Engravings and sun»ron8 Estimates—the Largest and Best Guide is THE King- dom-Free by Post for IS stamps. IhtSWSI 2U^re5ses. BOOTS BOOTS gOOT9 IMPORTANT NOTICE, Great and Permanent Beduotion in the Prioe of Boots and Shoes at Go Q L I V E R'S, THE LARGEST EETAILEB or BOOTS AND SHOES in the United Kingdom. G. OLIVER begs to inform the Pubiio of the follow ing Towns and districts that, in oonsequenee of his EXTENSIVE BUSINESS, I Ho is enabled to purchase al articles oonneoted witt is trade at the BE MARKETS, at the LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH, The benefit of whioh he gives to the Pablia. AU goods eon be purchased at my Branches hilly 20 per cent. Cheaper than at any oike* House in the Trade. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS SWANSEA M 30, Oaitle-street. SWANSEA 93, Oxford-street. SWANSEA M M 237. High-street. CARDIFF m. 20, St. Mary-street. CARDIFF M. 291, Bnte-atreet. CARDIFF ^.3, Duke-street. NEWPORT w 42, High-street. NEWPORT OommeraU'Street# NEATH M M Wind-street. BRIDGEND^. 16, Caroline-street. LLANELLY m. «. vaughanstreet. PEMBROKE DOCK 7, Bnsh-etreet. PONTt PRIDI. 80, Tatr-ltreei, TREORKY Bote-street. YSTEAD m Near Railway Station* GLOUCESTER 15, Nortlwate-streeti HlitOUB M 2, Kendriok-street, CHELTENHAM M 340, High-street. WORCESTER M 74, High-street. WORCESTER 48, Broad-street. HEREFORD 80, Ei&n-stroet. HEREFORD High Town. BARROW Market-plaoe, LOUGHBOROUGH Churoh-gate. WILLENHALL Market-plaoa. OAKENGATES Market-street. WELLINGTON Market-square. WREXHAM ^NOE-STREET. ^^OTegate-street. CHESTER I MANUFACTORY HALFORD-STREET, LEICESTER. 276923 S P E C.I A L NOT ICE. 27, 29, AND 31, ARCADE, CARDIFF EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN PRICES IN ALL FANCY GOODa SCARFS AND TIES, Comprising all the Latest Novelties in Handkerchiefs, Wrappers, Mufflers Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Brame. Belts Garters. Wrists, Fronts, Cuffs, Collars, Studs, Links Solitaires, Pins, Rings, Ac., Ac. OXFORD FRENCH PRINTS, HERCULES AND WHITE DRESS SHIRTS IN EVERY VARIETY AND QUALITY. The Best Selected Stock of Gents'.Under Clothing in Every Material. Best London Manufactured Umbrellas. Ladies' and Gentlemen's. All Qualities and Prices. HOSIERY in Merino, Cotton, Wool, Cashmere. MAIZE and Indian Gauze. THE LARGES STOCK OF SCARFS IN SOUTH WALES. Ties from One Penny to 3s. 6d. each. ALL GOODS OF GENUINE QUALITY PLEASE NOTE THE OLD-ESTA LISHED ADDRESS As we have No Connection with any New Shop in the .Arcade W. KORNER AND CO. THE CARDIFF HOSIERS 27, C9, & 31, ROY AL ARCADE, AND 182, BUTE-ROAD, .PLEASE COME AND SEE THE PRICES. D ENTAL NOTI0B. MR. KEALL, DENTIST, 1199, HIGH -STREET, SWANSEA Begs to inform his Patients who reside at a Distance, that with IMPROVED APPARATUS he can PRODUCE a PERFECTLY FITTING SET OF TEETH in ONE CLEAR DAY. The Very Best Workmsaxahip Guaranteed. APPOINTMENTS NOT ACT TALLY NECESSARY BUT PREFERRED. 25071 CHAMBERLAiN, POLE, and OO'S (SPECIALLY PREPARED) OATMEAL, pure Scotch, Packed. COLOUR, patent self raising, JO Sold by all Grocers, and Wholesale ot CHAMBERLAiN, POLS, and ('/). CORN AND FLOUR MERCHANTS. BRIS" AoNd p A P E R H A N G I$Q 8 WHOLESALE DEALERS AND B TTT Will do well to select fro JI THE LARGEST STOCK IN F JUTH WALES. Containing over Quarter Mi" COMMENCING AT 2JD. T ADOU PieoOB- AT JAMES MO o E' S 7, BUTE-STREE ° ^DLFF. T LA 82870ey STIFF'S STARC' BTirrB staboh is wasi D Av ^ntid rum »BO* £ K> Messrs. 8TI1F STIFFS SW fje their manataoture. aa» less the Box or Packet STIFFS r [bears their Trade Mark. iTARCH i" Queen Bess." Dc.ARTHUB HELL K AS SmTTTI has Analysed onS TIF cjrn A unH i^tarch, and reported it jig STAi*ja be «, '•pure, genuine* and • -f'.l'-I!:UU\dli.otUred article, »r equal in even respert ^VF'S BTARCtl tne Bast k. Stiircsh h* ever examined. V Tbe semrsii of tela bJrlt h' I .U's 'V' inarec^inr d^ 75 tad lor M.* Bianr„'v»a*s A 1 STIFF A co., gTlFFc cXAIiC;H. » A^iFFgi^"t XTERYOUS AND PHYSICAL, UU;- J3I BILITY.—A gentleman, having tried in van* every advertisad remedy, his discovered a simple means of sell-cure. He will be happy to forward tba particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address J-T» Sewell, Esq. May- ville, Hammersmith. London. W. rpilWT.TC'a PENNYROY AJj HTMBla 1 PIILS FOB FEMALES quickly correct all i^guSJs and reheve the totr^ng s^gto« ijo vsssrsa I the Ms her. E. T. TOWLE. Chemist, Nottingham. Ukl ESM(§gn^>ILmedium; t JKMf 181M 0P- w WALES.