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?n?niions. JL Patents," gratis.—Kines At;eE<y'.Ltd.165. Qaet'n 1' rec local :i {.tendance. ?iinstiDns ?arani. ?ANADA.—Wanted, FMm Hands and Domestic Ser- ?xxtr? ?nsirm!Knix. <e. Son and Pinke-. TheGreat Piano ?lerchanta. ?Bir?d?s ?& ?ri?d?s. 'f 'I 0 ?J Cash or 15s with order andlOa per month. Lion Cycles 12,000. and have thousands of testimonia.ls. Before tor years. DIRECT rRUM ?IY FACTORY ONLY. SAVING ALL DEALERS' PROFIT. SHOP PRICE PO&AN EQUAL MACHINE 18 ?8 8s OR MORE. GEORGE BEATSON. Lion Cycle Works. Moseley-atreet. _Binnmsbam_ 193] 5 '< 910 Dunlop. Palmc'r. Clincher Tyres, also Covers. 2e Wheels. Sadies. &c. Special free.—W. ?McM ?nior ?u?a. ?HEAP Motor Landaulettea to suit doctors, johmasters. gate change speed stjeei frame carrir.ge body will take oneec Stepney spare wheel and tyre lamps and horn tpom U75 each complete Charles Jan-ott. 35. Sackville-street. London. W.19928 ?Miral ?S?nt?MS. TtMPOBTANTto Mothers.—Everymothervaluing Nursery Poma.de. One application kills all nits and Eeadms. Lasiat on Pomaded 19828 .—Wonderful Medicine for Indi JL Constipation. He&dache. Back&che. Stomach 3f<n' ?!dt. exceUent bajsa.iTts m every de- ? The Bazaar, the Exchange and B'ta.rt by private <&at is no longer reonired there is no medium to equal 1!he Bazzar." Get a copy and sec. Price 2d. of all BnUdings. Drory-lane. London. tV.C.1M29 DARGADfS and superioB jD insTTuments by Genn&n. French, or American Me very cheaply obtained through <tsef)U fOD readily seUing ajiythjag. Get a. copy &nd see. Pnee 2d. of all Baz&ar Buildings. Drmy-tane. London. W.C. ttABGAlyS IN TOOLS.—A!t sorts of Tools, by best bou!dt trmjng cost through The Bazaar, the Ex- change and Mart." It is equally usefnl for selling any- pctce 2(!. of a,U Newsagents.—OBice. Bazaar Bnudings. Mary-lane, London. W.C. DAHGAINS IN Poultry Bi-eeders ia honftreds nse The Baza<n-. the Exchamge and Matt for sellmg t'.ieu- surplus birds and eggs. and con- €et a copy and see. Price 2d. of all Newsagents.—OSice, BARGAINS IN BOOKS;—For obtaining rare or choice quently dispose of the contents of their libra.ries. and bring into the market many books highly prized by don. W.C.. DAEGAINS INFUBNITURE .—Throngh no otner SEurt." It is pftuaUy useful for disposing of surplus furni- ture. Get a copy and see. Price 2d, of all Newsagents. —CMBee. Bazaar Buildings. Drttry-lane. London. W.C. DARGAINS IN DOGS.—Many persons from. one cause therefore gb).d to sell theu- pets very cheaply to ensure 2d, of all —Omce, BaiMmgs. Drury- !ace. London. W.C. JDA-&GAIN8 IN WATCHES.—Many excellent bargaina JD are oSered in The Bazaar, the Exchange and Mart "by private petaons. For sellmg any private pro- B&zaar Builduns, Draj'y-Ian&, .London. W.C. DARGAINS iN BICYCL-ES.—Ladles'. Gentlemen's, ot )vorld{6rthepu;iM9e. Get.a.cjpyandsee. Price 2d. of London. W.C. 1DARGADfS\ IN'DR.ESS.—Many exceIIenTbarKa.ins m by privn.te persons. For selling any private property Bazaar Build ings. Dniry-lLne. London W.C. 19929 ?EED;—30 packets VegetaMe or Flower Sceda with ? 200 Sweet Peat, for 8d. post free double lot Is 2d. GMdeneis' (7' Depot. Dover-road. Blackheath. ? 0 CTH M bole in ?'. ales. WeatofEnghnd.&c. Kata.te Aeenta. Auetionees.&c.. 74. St. Mafy-street:. CMdi&i83 ?ts?UattMms. T ADIES. Mrs Woods's Unbreakable Belt Corsets reduce. ?TDiycO" GAS MANTLES. as the best Ymcompa.rabte WATCH COtTPON SUPPLIED WBTH EACH MANTU1. etorea. FIFCO." Ltd.. 25. Thonms-sta-eet. Mamdteeter. Wtite tor Booklet on Gas Mantles aopplied gT&Ha. 19881 ?Tse?UKiMmt ?KtHtix. ir ComMnga Bought ? beet price ? HetbMt. 27j Bute-street, Cardin.464 ?tTELSH Chia&.—Wanted. Sw&Me% and NantgMw VV Chm&.Swanset and CanOtianPotcerT. and DiUwyn ptieea CoUectot. Echo Omce. 24 ?an?B. [)ANE: CaTdM' Btamch—73. ST. MARY-STEEET. Bead (MEcea—28. Beafotd-street. Strtnd. London, Bramt-hes—Manchester. Liverpool. Lee'ds. Bradford. &c. ABSBt&. n.,607.949 LOABS-<!f S30 to ?2,000 giamted at a few hours' notice pzeoonsstcmes. stocks, shares, and furniture (without. ttmova!. Stocks itnd ShMes bought and sold. DEPOSlTSof iEIC and upwards received as BcMectto 5 montha'notice of withdrawal. 5 p.c. per am. ? ? I' ? ? 7 ? <htdng to the nature of our investments we are able to Str with (Hvtdends paid on almost any class of stock or eettttlished tbt:41 yeats. and our position in the banking ?OtM t<>-day testifies to the success of our bu!Hnesa methods and to the satisfaction cf our customers. Write crcaJI fot prospectos. A. and H. J TALL. Joint Managers. ?CMg. TO ?5.000 ADVANCED. By Private Lender on Simple Prondssory Note. NbbiUs of aaJe taken, andubsolute privacv guaranteed., 'actually completed. Special quotations for short loans. Write in conMence to— C. WELLS. 264n 16. CLARE-STREET. 7455_ BRISTOL. f)nHE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION CO to ?5.000 on Note of Hand n.lom; or other security, at ttew hours notice, to a! 1 classes many part of England .Moderate: interest. Special rate? for short conducted business 'in the kingdom. Thousands of our tegular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction and carry out the advance THERE and THEN. Call or write (m to the Manager, 'tr STAN- LEY DOWDING. 1. Qocen-aquare. Bristol, or toMr.WM. JAMES. L68. Richmond-load (top of City-road). CardiC. ?ASU Acconnnodation, .E10 to ?1?00 mt&rcat 23 6d in ? ? ??? ? ????' )ow rates .fail dealing.—County JBL Credit Co.. Ltd. Agent, W. 1'. Thomas. Abertillery. LEADINGS.Oid-estabiished Fmanciers. are pre- J)' pared to Advace -ums from S20 to ?.OOC at short Mcariti'M arr.j.ngeri before transactions are Mtea of interest. Property Purchased. Trade BiUa Money advanced on Fecond mortgaged—Apply direct. Mwe have tm agente.—Hay&i BttUdings. TCheHaye?. S. HERN & PERTWKj' Estate Agsnts. 74, JTW St. Mary-street. CajdiS. are to advance trom S100 to ?ISQjMO on Mortga.ge of FTeeiiotd or Property, and tod.000 on personal _MS4 Tt/rANF'CTLNESS.—An iateresting and ttt instructive Hook can be had FREE describing tt)aio. and ?dentine System whiea im3 beeu Meetcfr ?ithoveri.uuj iestimor.ialagivtni; tTOfM that the severest casea o. NEH.VOUS EX- ?AU?TlON.i.'J'.CA? OF V HALFORCl!WASTING. \Vl!.AK.N.bS3 been PER. MAiS WimoUT Stomach Aiediema- meetricity. Diet or iiabit.9. 'iimejr Otcupatiou. <A lorcnaf writer:—' It.m made nuaaeh-iitrae),. 'uhlir J\mustttttnlJí. C'AIlDIFF. NEW rjUHEATRE. CARDIFF. SoIePropr'etot .4..ROBER:r REDFORD EVERY EVENING at 7.30 and SATURDAY at 2. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF ?7 EEDON ? ROSSMITH, ?V ?jr Sapportea by Miss RUTH MACKAY And the Criterion Theatre Co., m the Originat Farce— MR PREEDY and the COUNTESS, By R. C. CARTON. Preceded by A BALL OB A MOTOR. NEXT WEEK— THE LATEST MUSICAL PLAY- DEAR LITTLE DENMARK. Box OfRce a.t Theatre, 10 to 5, and during the Por- mance. Nat. Tel. Cardiff 376. ??. 'nhlir :tlnticts. rpHEROYALINSTITUTEOF JL BRITISH ARCHITECTS. TO ARCHITECTS. The Council of tb.; Royat Institute invite practising Archftects or qualiRed assistants to app!v ior nomina- tion to the new class of Licentiates, which wilt only be open to candidates for twetve months from 25rd March, 1910. domination papers may be obtained c.n applica- tion to the undersigned, or to the Honorary Secretary of uny Society aiiied with the Roya] Institute. 600 IAN MacALISTER. Secretary RJ.B.A. 9, Conduit-street, Hanover-square Locdon, W. CANCER HOSPITAL (Frep), Fulham- ? road, London. S.W. PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for genera) expenses and ior the Research Department. 19615 Secretary, Fred. W. Howell. .,1 lJí,píl1J ,f!.atiUS. A BERDEENT-INEFROM. ii. LONDON TO AUSTRALIA. Via PLYMOUTH, TENERIFFE, and CAPETOWN. MARATHON (tw.sc.) MILTIADES (tw.sc.) Apri] 13 Jnly S *SALAMI3 May 14 *MQRAVIAN.Jmiy30 'Carries third-c!a6s pMsengera oniy. Snperior accommodation for sak-on and Ulird-etass passengers at LOW RATES to SOUTH AFRICAN AUSTRALIAN, aad NEW ZEALAND PORTS? Return Tickets intetchaDgeaMe with Lund's Btno Anchor Line. Apply to GEO. THOMPSON and CO., LTD., 7, BUtiter-square, E.C. or to Lecal Agents. WHITE STAR LINE—LIVERPOOL. V t to AUSTRALIA, caning at Capetown (Sooth Africa). SUEVIC, 12,531 7 PERSJC, 11,974 tona -June <I RUNIC, 12,482 tons MEDIC, 11,984 tons.July 28 The accommoda.tion on these twin-screw steamers compri::es smoking, reading, and dining room.. Fares—To Australia, &17 to Capetown' S5 15s to £24 3s. For further particu!aja apply to Local AgeDts-or to Ismay, Imrie and Co., Liverpool, Southampton, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W., and 38, LeadenhaH-street, E. C., London, mAKE TT SERIOUSLY. Consider for yourself whether a. Pre- paration whMh has a Reputa.tionm.its own country and among its owu people, everywhere should weigh with you.-as a proof oi its True Value and Cnratrve Properties after twenty years of Growing Popularity, or an alien medicine, pBepared by unknown foreigners, giving no name to itB-oom- position, and only. mystery"to.guide youf THE QUESTWN OF HEALTB This ta a matter which concema you surery at one t.bne or a.nothet especiaDywhen Influenza.isso.prev.alent as it is jost now. It is well to know wha-t to take to wa.rd off an attack of this most weakening disease, to combat it'whilst underitsbalefnl inSoenee, and after an attack, for then the,gystem is so lowered as to be liable GWIL Y:M E VANS' QUININE TWITTERS Is acknowledged by all who bAYe.gnten it a fair trial to be thebestxspeenic remedy for dealing with all its varioos stages, beinga.Prepara. tion sMIfoUy prepared with Qoimne.' and accompanied with other Blood. g a.gentE."suit&ble for the Ijiver, Digestion, and aJW.hose ailments requiring-Tonic strengtheaning and nerve increasing properties. It is- invaluable when suffering witb.Colds. Pneumonia, or any serious ilmes&or prostration caused by sleeplessness or worry of any kind, when the bodyhaa a general feelings of weakness and laasi-. tude. DELAY. Co.NS IDE R JT N°W. Send for a copy of the pamphlet of tes- timMniats, which carefully read and consider-weBL, then buy a botUe.aty.omo nearest Chemist or Stores, but see when purchasing that the name Gwilym Evans" is on the laJbel, stamp, and bottle, for without which none are genuine. QOLD EVERYWnERE. Q OLD Tj< VRRYWHERE. In bottles, 2s 9d and 4s.6d.. each. Sole Proprietota— lon QUININE BITTERS MANITPAC- TURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. C. BECHSTEIN. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN, ELM. THE LATE QUEEN VICTORIA. HJtI. THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY. HJM. THE CZAR OF RUSSIA, BLM. THE KING OF ITALY, H.M. THE KINQ-OF SPAIN, &o., &c. MY SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE ACEENT8 FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT ARE R. J. HEATH & SONS, Who are also -Sole Agenda for BROADWOOD, BLœrHNE STECE: SCHIEDMAYER, NEUMEYEB, WALDEMAR, THE ORCHESTRELLE CO.'S PIANOLA.? IANOS AND ORCHES. TRELLES, &c. 76 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 7CTAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD; PENARTH ajid PORT TALBOT. Nat. TeL—Cardin, 2199 Pontypridd, 21. GRAMOPHONES & ACCESSORIES 1010 _Ie CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL. <t7 POSTING, & CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMFANV. LIMITED. CfBcpa and Works— 7. PARK-Si'REET. CARDIFF. j!anacer—FRANK U. SIMPSON. rropTtetors ot the t'rincipaj Stations ia Cs.r(!!Cand neighboUl'húod. Contractor:> for áll descriptions of Advertisins, Circuiar Distributing, <&c. AH ordcra promptiy attended to. M05 Jusnranu. IH£l'n1tuart!. 1710-1910. QTTM MRE OFFICE ? ? FOUNDKD 1710. The Oldest Insmrance Oilice in the World. CARDIFF BRANCH—H. WINDSOR-PLACE. W. EVA.V LLOYD. District Inspector. Inznrance'! effected on the foUowmg riska :— FIRE DAMAGE. Resultant Loss of Rent and Promts. Emp)oyers' Liability¡ Persona)'Accident. <& Workmen's Corn- Sickness <& Disease. pensation, inc!udihgJFidetity Guarantea. Accidents to ¡Burglary. Domestic Seryants-iPtate Qtass. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES M15 'V STOP ONE MOMENT 'V OH, DEAR DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE ? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY rpUDOR WILLIAMS' JL vv DALSAM OF TTF 0 N E Y It is an essence of the purest and most efnca- cioms herbs, gathered on the Welsh BRIla and Valleys in the proper season, when their virtuea are in full perfection, an(L,c<Mnbined with pure Welsh Honey. All the ingredienia are periectly pure. nnUDOR WLLIAMS' -DALSAM OF TTTONEY i3 tl Curea Cougha. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, W'hooping Cough, Croup, and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and-Longs. It is invaluable to Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women, and. Children. Wonderful Cure for Children's Cough after Measles and Whooping Ccmgh. It succeeds where aU others faiL IT SOOTHES WHILE IT CURES. Thousands of people.ha.v.ewritt.en to "us testify- ing to its marvellous curative propei'tMa. For Vocalists and Public Speakers it is a Real Blessing—it prevents boat'senesa and. soro throat, and keeps-the voice as c1ea.r asa.beU. Try it. You wiR not regret, it. ITS HEALING POWER IS MARVELLOUS. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. No House Should be Without It. See < that You Cret the Genuine Article. So Many Imitations and Frauds. Sold by all Chemists and Stores, la, 2a-6d, and 4s 6d bottlea. Great saving in purchasing the large bottlea. Sample bottle sent (postpaddp for la 3d, 2s 9d, and 5s, from the Inventory D. Todoc WiDiams.R.S.D.L. This preparation is not a quack Medicine, but of36ycats' standing, prepared byScientino Chemists and Druggists. Manufacturer TUDOR WILLIAMS. M.R.P.s.. AJ3.Apth.. London Analytical and ConsuIting-Chemiat and Druggist by Exa.mina.tion. Medical H&li.Aberdate. 1019 AS A FAMILY MEDICINE nothing has yet been put before the puMic to b& compared with Bcecha-m's PUls. For over ha-H a cent-ury this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless house- holds, and the na.mea.nd fame of Beecba.m's Pills have spread aJI over the world. The reason for the enormous p :>pularity of this remedy is not far to seek. Experience has shown that there is nothing better for derangements of the stomach and digestive organs generally. Taken in accordance with directions, Beecham's Puls give quick relief, stimulate the organs to healthy actxon, and have a. tonic effect upon the whole system. They are compounded of the best and purest ingredients, and there are very few peopie who would not feel bettcr'for an occasional dose of DILLS. If you have not tried them and have any doubt as to their real value and emcacy, get a box and .}udge for yourself. You wul nnd Beecham's Pills a valuable aperient and uneqpaaHed in regnia-ting the stomach, bowels, liver, and kidneys, ajid restoring the powers of digestion. A periodical dose will enable you to keep well and nt," ready for work or play. By eliminating impurities from the system Beecham's Pills increase the appetite, promote assimila- tion of food, and establish good health. No household should ever be without a box. Many thousands have proved the worth of Beecham's PUls, and there is no doubt at all that they A RE TIŒFA VOUíUTE DEMEDY Sold everywhere in boxes, price Is Id (56 pilla) amd 2s 9d (168 piUs). ?atna??BaB???B?MEBanaB! FS* S N f? r F j SPEAKtMQ t t' tr' ?JL? ? ?? EXPERIENCE THE Ah! yes, restless aŸfeari.h. eiTehim & Steed- tMm a P0.4er aad åew:iJ1 s<en be ttt right." Stern's Soothlng Powders '? CONTAIN f?'? LL?POISON?tj? 2 MoIlf'R£Y Boota, Soita, Costnmes, Skirts, Babies' Ont&ts, and General Drapery supptte& on Payment of Deposit. Balance after receivm!; goods.—Write for'terma, THOMPSON BROS., 265. Barkiitg-road, Ea.st Ham, London. 19S9t -DASS AND COo'S -pALE AND MILD ALES, SEASON BREWINGS May Bcw be bad in Prtme Condttion, !n CMka ot .Bottles, of plULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO.. CARDIFF. _U4d FREE OFFER. To prove the superiority of ELLIS'S PIUS over old-fashioned remediei3, I will send:\ trial packt't. post-paid under cover, to anyone mentioning paper. Thousands of testimonials frolD those who bave tried other th ings lI"elessly. Made from celebra.ted l'f)cipe. Advice free. hnageress. EI..LIS PILL CO. 27. Surrey- )aue. B3.ttcrsea, London. Interesting Guide (50 illus- trations) tree with each box. tSiH&

Shaking 8km,1 .

A Master of Figures.





Newport Trams. .




Nsmtymoe) Uproar. .






