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Adff& 11 A Sour Stomach


Adff& 11 A Sour Stomach Is Often the Real Cause of a. Sour Temper. That th0 condition of the digestive organs has a. marked effect upon the character or dis- position is a truism as old as the hi!]s. As Ben Johnsou wisely said, the pleasure of living depends upon the liver." and it is a fact which none may dispute that a sunny disposition more often results from a healthy digestion than from any other cause. Acid dyspepsia, commonly called sour stomach or heartburn, is caused by stow digestion of food instead of being properly digested and converted into blood, bone and musdo, it ties in the stomach for hours, fermenting and decaying, creating gases which cause pressure on the lungs and heart, I thort breath and general discomfort and irri- tation. Such half-digested food is. indeed, poor I nourishment for the body, brain and nerves, and the result is shown in irritable tempers, unaccountable headaches, and that depres- sing condition usually called the blues," but how quickly all these disappear when appetite and digestion are restored. Purgative medicines only irritate the already irritated stomach and botfels and have no effect upon actual digestion of food. The sensible course te follow is to make eseof simple natural digestives UkeStu&rt's Dyspepsia Tablets after meals until the etomach has a chance to recuperate. The natural digestives which every teaJthy stomach contains arc peptones, <Jastaae. and hydrochloric and lactic acids, and when any of them are lacking the trouble begins. The reason Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are so valuable and s-accessful in curing stQmach tronbles is because they contain in a pleasant concentrated tablet form all these absolutely necessary essentials for perfect digestion and assimilation of food. Eenry Kirkpatrick says Men and women whose occupation precludes an active out-door life should make it a daily practice to use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after meals. I have done so myself and I know positively that I owe my present health and vigour to their daily use. From the time I was 22 when I graduated from school with broken health from over- work, until I was 34, I scarcely knew what it was to be free from stomach weakness. I had no appetite whatever for breakfast and very little for any other meal. I had acidity and heartburn nearly every day and sometimes was ala-rmed by irregularity and palpitation of the heart, but all this gradu- ally disappeared after I began using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I can eat my meals with relish and satisfaction which I have not known since I was a growing boy." The success and popularity of Stoart'a Dyspepsia Tablets is enormous, but it is de- served, and every chemist in the kingdom has a good word for this meritorious pre- paration. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets may be obtained of all chemists at Is lid, 2s 9d and 4s 6d a box, or send your name and address for free sample package to F. A. Stuart Co., 86, Clerkenwell- road, London, B.C.


-----Revenue Deceit

"Insult to the Bench." I.



Fashion and Things Feminine.

n the Ftower Garden.



¡frustrated Humour.


[No title]


Agapemone Wit). .


