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A, RHONDDA TRAGEDY. REMARKABLE REVELATIONS. ltlraa bleak evening that a few miners and f gathered round a cosy fire, aa {Hielv W6r.e wont t0 do, to recount amongst Jkfctearftu*'le'r m0Bt thrilling experiences and escapes deep down in the bowels of Mr Eastment, was a miner of heavy powerful physique. There °* a(*miration in the others as they -bJlQ quietly pulling out an old clay and 8laL.Qt° t^le ^atnes t^xat danced merrily in He had not plied pick and shovel for Wajg ta-^8 w't^°ut getting into a tight corner %• No that ugly scar on his upper ^Wa t i^ e mar^a dangerously near either fe^don' a ta'6 their own. 4 want t° brag," began he after re- .5^ day pipe, about what I've been 'ough I daresay if I tell you the whole just little surprised. Well, you Wen j s'ick up there, that stick reminds me of Was nearest death in all my experience. %(j j j Perilous affair and I almost wonder, in- am alive now for you to hear the 0111 my own lips. Let me go back six 01 S. had been working in the face for and it was a very ticklish part, Aa r m°re than mere dampness and foul Htjj crouched or laid down to do my .work, °thf.a Dn^er ma and over the top of me. I knocked over by it; but I persevered kVs months. I had noticed before how "Oderrainiang my constitution, but now I wn entirely. I lost my usual vigour and 8tiength, so that eventually not only ^Gtjl« nDable to do my work satis- down in the pit, but could 0"' .< hJ^tiw8 al°nS on my feet in the open fc^om,8,8 a3e^ to* ^at brisk elastic step of t* wKer days was gone, apparently for ever. I ^t,^y and exhausted with the least thing. I aPpetite. I had no stomach. Down in the times I would take up my box, ex- Mr Eastment, holding UD an oval tin, Ver7 miner is familiar with," and take off this; and I should just simply' JjUoo^ain and not have a bite all day. It was !• 'or Jt WOD^ bave made me sick. w? W home at night i t was just the same. Jjltj bere, tried me with grapes and other fruit, bat my stomach at times even against me. Si]e ? Wattstown Colliery, where I am now, is a m bere, and I remember it always took to two hours and a half to go, and even St4^retarn- ^own tbe bill to the station is yards. I did that in half-an-bour, with f spells by the roadside. Now, you h?''Wand.' 'n the first instance, why I had to st*ck- As the neighbours saw me stoop- j NO crawling along they pitied me. My > was pitiable. At home I have started j a.cross fck0 fl°or and fallen down in a J lilt 8 "eaP in the middle, and they have had Hi1116 UP Put me into bed themselves. J y face was the colour of driven snow my V,T0Ple 3a'd, bad no longer any lustre, the bto,jjPart in the middle turning grey until the h]C°n^ not t°l^ f^om the outer portion, "tttii Was t0 blame. I UBed to lose a lot, i^col 31,11 ,eft me 'a my veins wa3 exactly j w Ur of water. If I cot my arm, it came out J *»i{,ater; and the wound, instead of healing: Nw»*S *n people withDlenty of rich, red blood, | Y festered and ended in a great sore. In the I it were always getting scratches and cuts, It car,,e in particularly nasty for me to have I aQd arms all disfigured in this manner. W^was, I gay, owing to the weak and impuire I Wlk body. Before very long I began to j fed with a haskiness in my throat, and felt as if about to choke. I had a Na #!k'n £ Pa'n in my chest, and sense of heavi- Wftp ,ut the heart. All night through I was Jjjj? ^ide awake with agony, and a nasty back- which sometimes brought up blood. *l»|j jt0ctor said it was asthma and bronchitis; Cn not l°nK before I realised how serious ^U-tion was. As the result, too, of the VkQea8 in the pit I developed bleeding piles, 5'bk Caused me more agony at times than pos- t^le other ailments put together. I lost blood that my wife feared I was going to 8o^t° death. I could not sleep for weeks, ft, « I was in too much pain to lie flat at 4 ] to be taken downstairs and remajn "Waning posture on the couch. I was once J^^ted upon, bnt that only made me worse. ^'lrrient went on from almost the very fir3t. off I was a martyr to the piles for seven ^7, My condition grew more and more acute, ihflD two years afio my legs became swollen H^aaied, until the stockings I have on now 'hfyj > 'et°hed to twice their size. Now and %jj~ bad a pain across my back—a tomCb of aWsm, I suppose—but with all my other 'i A1.0*8 took little notice of that as a role. *H(j first I was off and on work a good deal, had my sick benefit from the club. Soon the beginning of my long illness I was weeks at a single stretch, and re- half pay for it. For those six months I to ot a 8tr°l £ e 5 then I worked for a month, ill again for eight weeks. So 1 went on ciqjj became such a drag on the funds of the i^tn 1 waa re^nce^ to quarter pay. I asked g^^uager one day to find me a light job and ^*3a' '° be did so willingly. But I ( to follow it properly, not able to do The manager took pity on me and on. Many days I would have to eit could do nothing. Every now and was off work, until the truth forced itself V^™that I was fit for nothing.

-----'-1 ^ Hardy Ferns. j


United Kingdom Alliance. .







[No title]


----• ~:r- - 1^Jl;'1;? NO…


-_.__.__....----' LORD ROSEBERY.





