DWYRYD TEA »=- 1 delicious Sold in ParVets.
Family Notices
Births, Marriages and Deaths. d.' A prepaid charge oj Is. 6a. is made for announcements if Births mud Deaths (if a verse is addtd the charre i-t II. fd. more according to lengtfi) and 2s. M.for Mar > announcements under this Heading. In all cases the charge must be prepaid. BIRTHS LAURIE.-On January 14th, at The Fells, Cae'rgog, Aberystwyth, to Mr. and Mm R. Douglas Laurie, a daughter. p«>oo DEATHS- EDWARDS. On the 10th inst., at The Cot- tage Upton Magna, Shrewsbury, Thomas Edwards, .n his eighty-ninth year. p28,8 JONES—Miss Ann Jane Jbnes, Ocean House, Portland-street, Aberystwyth, daughter of the late Captain John Jones. Brothers, ion Wednesday morning, at the age r" of 51 years. Funeral, Tuesday, 3 p.m. p2879 JONES.—On January 15th. at her son-in-law's residence, 9, Haroldville-avenue, Dublin, Susan ah, relict of the late John Robert Joncfi, 22, Penmaesglas-road, after a long illness, pattently borne. p2856
PREPAID SCALE Bowes to Let. Houses Wanted, Situations Wanted. Situations Vacant, Apartments to be Let. Miscellaneous Wanted. Articles Lost and Found. No* of On« Three Six Nipe Words Insertion Insertions Insertions InsertionB d. a. d. s. d. a. d. 2i 13 26 40 5 0 «a 19 36 50 60 15 23 46 60 70 42 29 56 70 80 49 3 8 6 6 8 0 9 0 N.B.-If Box Number Given, 3d. extra charged for postage of repl Wedding presents, 2d. a line. Musical and other successes, 2/6 prepaid not more than 5 lines, 6d. a line afterwards. SiTUAiluNS VACANT. D v- ERTIdEmEN LT CANVASSER wanted for A CarUgaii B"y ite^oits (,ADei ystwyth, Bar- moutu Jfwuiiea ewc-y, lor a weh-lpowu uouciay guide. Liberal commission to an experienced luau. N one others need apply.-Address, Advertising iiauager, 17, Migii-btieet, SueltieiU. COOiv kkiiu i'Aiti-iO oJtt-M.xi.XU wanted; early in .fcuDruary; three in family.—->ire. Heap Cald»raiiuw, Rochdale, Lancashire. pas4a CUOK-Gii^SLitAL wanted for boauiesa Another maid kept.—Mrs. Adtfock, W ar- wick Hoibe, Bi vCon. p2871 COuii.-<jEi:> EiuxvLj wages, £ 26, and Nurse- houiemaJd, wages, 1;24, wanted im- mediately; Welsu-speaking preferred; fare to London jjaid.—Appiy, givmg references, Mrs. Thomas J<.nes, 4d, JtiaroM-road, Upper Nor- wood Lqndon. p285l DAilfi .—Young General for housework, wil- ling to atsstin shop. Wages, £ 35— £ 36; good outings; state age.—Apply, Mrs. Evans, 504's-road, Chelsea, London. p2877 D'REbSMAKERS, experienced, wanted, as second hand.-ARply full particulars, Spencers, 13, Lord-street, Southp<jrt. p2876 EMIGRATE NOW. NOW is the time to go to the new countries. Freer life, greater op- portunities. Canada, Ell 10s.; Australia, £46 17s. 6d.; New Zealand, £42 17s. 6a.-All parti- culars, "Cambrian News," Bmigration Depart- ment, Aberystwyth. FOR FEBRUARY 1st.—Cook-general, another maid kept; between 20 and 25; cleanli- ness and honesty very essential.—Apply, Mrs. W. Rees, 20, Drummond-road, Hoylake. p2813 GARDENER, experienced, wanted for Bryn Gwynau, Beddgelert.—Apply, with refer- ences, experience, and wages required to J. W. Wyatt, 1Z, Artillery Mansions, Westminster, London, S.W. p2790 GENERAL SERVANT wanted. Wages accord ng to experience.—Apply, giving reference to Jones, Eryl Daf Radyr, Cardiff. GOOD GENERAL wanted. Business House. —Mrs. Ward, 38, Great Darkgate-street, A,beryfct»wyth. p2883 OOD COOK and PARLOUR MAID re- quired for Baldock, Hertfordshire.— Write full part culars and wages required, 1);> Mrs. Clifton,, Lovesgrove, Aberystwyth p2872 METAL MINERS.—Wanted Machine Men and Labourers.—Apply nearest Employ-' ment Exchange or direct to Manager, Van Mines Llanidloes. Mont. SEAMSTRESS and General Assistant wanted ks at Barnes Home, Heaton Mersey; oom- mencing salary, £ 24, with board and resdence. —Apply with 'copies of references, to the Matron. p2881 TREE FELLERS, Labourers, accustomed round timber hauliers (with or without own horses); trees purchased anywhere. C. Mannings and Co Ltd., Saw Mills, Aberayron. USEFUL HELP, capable for household duties; aiso DnJrymaad used to cheese and butter making. Both willing to milk, as family maid kept; references.—Apply, W. Hitchen, Stanwardme Hail, Burlton, Shrews- bury. p50 iNTED.-G,eneral Servant, two in family; wages, £ 20.—Apply, wiih references to Mrs. Morg-ui Lewis Iscoed Caradog-road Aber- ystwyth. p2865 WANTED.—An Experienced General; 3 in family good wages.—Apply, Saunders, 132, Cathedral-road, Cardiff p2874 ANTED, WASTE PAPER, all kinds bought, for cash, at a half-penny per Pound. Liptrot, The Laundry, Mill-strf- t. Aberystwyth. p235 WANTED.—Shorthand Typist, in Aberyst- WANTED.—Shorthand Typist, in Aberyst- wyth; a good shorthand writer, although beginner, might suit.—Apply, Typist, Box 123, "Cambrian News" Office Aberystwyth. WANTED, a Clerk, girl or youth; must be qu ck at figures able to keep simple books, under supervision. Knowledge of short- hand or typing an advantage, but not essen- tial. Must be reliable, accurate, and quiet.— Apply, stating experience and salary required, to Box M., Cambrian News," Aberystwyth. pl238 WANTED, at once, Cook and Cooks-gen- era;, Housemaids, Waitresses for good Places. Gris booking free.—Apply, Mrs. E. A. Jones, Registry Princess-street, Aberystwyth. p2884 ANTED, at once, Good General; also Housemaid Waitress.—Apply, Mrs. Potts, Commercial Hotel, Aberystwyth. p2806 \TTANTED.—Junior Clerk, to work under supervision. Must be accurate at figures a*»d careful and neat writer.—Apply, stating jK»e, experience, and salary required to Box 456, WCambrian News" Office, Aberystwyth. ANTED.—Girl, not under 17, for house- work family, two.—Apply, Jones, 77, JJ°rth-parade, Aberystwyth. p271 VVrANTED, immediately, a General (country girl), about 19; help given; good outings; **6 paid.—43, Ninian-road Roath Park, Car- p2796 VVT ANTED. — Housemaid-waitress.—Apply, Mrs. Rowland, Delfryn. Llanbadarn r <ui. Wp2824 ORKING Foreman, Rock men, Labourers, and Slate Makers, wanted for new slate quarry. Barmouth dstrict. Good wagee and Immanent employment.—Apply, Pantmion, ^gjirboure. p2811 V^TANJTED, Experienced Nurse for girl (aged ™ 3), older chldren in holidays; needle- good references.—Mrs Lloyd-Phillips. Castle. Milfmrd Haven. p5814 VTr ANTED.—Cook-general; housemaid-wait- ress kept; 3 in family; good wagee.— jM>ply( Mm. D. C Roberts, Awelon, St. ■w^d's-rond. Aberystwyth. a556 ANTED, a good Plain Cook.—Apply, Mrs Prph Cwm coed wig Aberystwyth. p2859 \\7^ANTED.—Good Cook-general and Houae- v! Parlourmaid for pr vate house.—Apply, Harries, G'rosvenor House, Aberystwyth. p2864 ANTED, help to assist housework and >» children: another kept.—Apply, Mils. Rio*'PS Newbrdge-on-Wye, Rads. p2855 WANTED, capable maids, one for general p.nd one f°v houso; small family, comfort- home, good wages, references.—Morgan, W"a Pi-estw:ch, Manchester. p2857 ANTED., Housemaid-waitrers for country T?"ctory.— Apply Box 445, "Camhr an OWr-e, Abervstwytb. p2834 \\TANtTED, Good Plain Cook, able to bake; tf 7 nlso Parlo^rma; d.—Mrs. FrerWick Llandre. Aberystwyth. p2830 YOTnVG WOMAN wanted for llouzo work. Oo'vl g'ven to ^uitablo person. • nax-ips ^7 Acre-lane. Brixton. London, e-Mr. 2. p2862 SITUATIONS VACANT. COOK required for business house; good references necessary.—Apply, an^no„ Hughes and Cb„ The Croes, Oswestry. p2837 TTVA1RY.—Young lady wanted for shop and 1/ housework; gkiod wages and comfortable home.-Apply, Jones, 13, Chapel-street, Hol- born, W.C. 1. London. ■TANTED, a Good General; must be fond VV of children; goK>d wages— Apply, with reference, Mrs. D. Price, Merthyr-road, Hir- wain. p2831 WANTED, a Respective Young Woman or W.dow to assist butcher's wife in tv or W.dow to assist butcher's wife in household duties; goo I home and wiges.- Peebles, Butcher Treherbert. p283Z WANTED.—Housemaid; good reference re- quired.—Apply Mrs G wynne Hughes, Glancothy, Nantgaredig, Carmarthenshre p2829 ANTED.-C,ooks, Housemaids, Waitresses, TV Useful Helps, and General Servant, Mrs. Mackenzie North-parade, Aberystwyth. p2844 SiTUATIOHS WANTED. PROFITABLE AGENCY wanted in this dis- I- trict, or collecting, auditing, or business management by trustworthy man of extensive experience.—Write Box 237, Sells, Lin.ited, loti, Fleet-street, E.C. 4. p2727- TUITION. SHORTHAND.—J. Wynn Will ams (Pitman's Certificated Teacher), Cadvan House, Towyn gives thorough instruction .n Short- hand, either individually or in classes. Pupils carefully prepared for office work. Moderate fees. n561 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY—To enable us to cater f^r the demand for Qualinen Wireless Operato r, we have, tit the request of applicants, decided to accept bv Instalments to those wbo prefer it, and snail be pleased to send Prospectus on application to:-Wireless Training College, fet Mary Street. CHrdiff. and Castle Street, Swnnmea HOUSES WANTED. ABERYSTWYTH.—Becomng vacant large front rooms, pleasantly situated in bast part of town; good cooking and attendance.— Apply, Box, 2,827, "Cambrian News," Aberyst- wyth. p2827 i OMFORTABLE APARTMENTS, w th trained C nurse su table for invalid or old lady; best part of town; terms moderates-Apply Box 446, "Cambrian News," Aberystwyth.p2340 LADY wants S.ttmg Room and Bedroom, w th or without attendance; could be away for August; permanent.—Box No. 449, "Cambnan News," Aberystwyth. p2866 ONE or Two attached Cottages, Gardens, and some Land. Isolated from other buildings. About 1 miles frorii small town on railwrtv.—Apply Box 441, Canibrian New" Office, Aberystwyi h. pt744 POLICE PENSIONER requires cottage, with Garden, w thin few miles of sea, with about 2 acres of land.—Apply, Box 444. "Cam- brian News," Aberystwyth. p2833 REQUIRED, Residence in Aberystwyth. F ve rooms, bath, and usual offices. Would take :mmedia!te possess' on .—Write H. J. Mizon, 52, Alexandra-road, Swansea. p2843 WANTED, Modern House; rent, It,30 to £45 W in or near Aberystwyth; good garden.— Apply, Surveyor of Taxes, Aberystwyth. p2783 v:o; 11 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BAKEHOUSE to be let or sold, or Baker'sH JO Double-decker Oven sold separately.— Apply, Purnell and Co.. Portmadoc. p2784 DULGELLEY, NORTH WALES.—To let, U that charming Semi-Detached Residence, C edcymmer, standing in its own grounds (10 minutes' walk from Post Office and Railway Station), containing 3 Reception Rooms, 5 Bed- roomand Bathroom (h. and c), Stable, Coach- )le, house. and garden.-Apply to J. Bonar,, Coed- cymmer. p2861 FOR SALE.—The following freehold Farms, situate in the par shes of Parcel Canol, Trefeirig, and Melindwr, Cardigitiiliire —Tlbos- goch, near Bow Street, about 1/7 acres; Rhyd- ycei'r, near Bow Street, about 67 acres; Hen- hafod Farm and Shjeo valk, r-e-ir P' ntfwyd, about 600 acraj.—For part culars apply to Gillart and Sons, Land Agents and Auctioneers, Machynlleth. n584 FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, the very attractive Freehold Res-'dentia) Property, "BRYNLLWYDWYN," lying about 3 miles from Machynlleth, and compr ising a charming residence on an elevated .,¡t,e com- manding extensive views bf the surrounding country as far as Cader ldripj together with about 187 acres of land, provided with a con- venient set of farm buildings in good order; also two Cottages. Gnood water upply and ssnta. tion. Kitchen Garden and Orchard, and pretty and inexpensive Grounds, with tome fine orna- mental t mber. Early possession.- -Fcr fmther part culars, apply to Gihajrt and Sons, Ltfnd Agents and Auctioneers, Machynlleth. t.b83 HOUSES TO LET, with immediate possession No. 9, Queen's Terrace, Aberyst- wyth; and Cottage ,at Penyfron, Llanbadarn; also to be let or sold, Avondale House, Marine- terrace, Aberystwyth.—Apply to Messrs. Roberts and Evans, Solicitors, Aberystwyth. TO BE SOLD, Aberystwyth, freehold houses, overlooking Castle and sea.—Apply, "M," Cambrian News," Aberystwyth. p2749 TO LETf—The Ljarae Premiss known lis the old Ddraig Goch Printing Works.-— Apply, Jones, Troedybryn, Queen's-rcad. p2805 TOWYN, MERIONETH—Furnished House, 2 Sitting Rooms. 5 Bedrooms, Bathroom, w,c., Gas Cooker, Garage; Fl per week. Con- venieint for shops. Church golf, rjvers, and, Gentleshaw. Rugeley. p2877 TO BE SOLD, by private treaty, a Modern Freehold Residence, containing 6 Bedrooms. Drawing, and Sitting Room, Hot and Cold Bath, Large Kitchen, etc.—Apply, BOK 448, "Cambrian News," Aberystwyrh. p2858 Drawing, and Sitting Room, Hot and Cold Bath, Large Kitchen, etc.—Apply, BOK 448, "Cambrian News," Aberystwyrh. p2858 TO LET, from 12tb May next, Kingston House, Nbrth-road, situated in beet part of town; every modepi conven enoe.—Apply, D. Emrys Williams, Solicitor. Abevy=twyth.p2863 of town; every modepi eonvenence.-Apply, D. Emrys Williams, Solicitor. Abevy=twyth.p2863 mo LET.—About 40 acres of land at Dolserau A for cultivation. Further particulars may be obtained from Mr. Evan Hughes, Home Farm, Dolserau; or Messrs. W lliam Griffith, Adams, and Will ams, Solicitors, Dolgelley, to whom applications should be addressed. n571 TO BE LET OR SOLD. CAERLEON HOUSE, VICTORIA TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. Faces Sea; 26 Rooms; 2 Bath-Rooms. Suitable for School or Boarding-House. Rent lowered for the duration of war. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. CHIROPODY.—Don't let your feet trouble c you, have them attended to by a Foot Specialist" for all foot ailments, corns, bunions, etc., etc. By appointment only.—D. Williams, "The Chiropodist," 3, North-parade, Aberyst- wyth. pl290 DA VID WILLIAMS, St. James's-square, Aberyswyth, buyer of Scrap, Wrought and Cast Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Z>inc, Hemp and Manilla Ropes, Ships' Canvas, Pewter, Horse Hair, Hare and Rabbit Skins, Rags, etc Best cash prices given. EELS WANTED in large quantities. Good price given.—Apply, by letter or person- ally, at ouce Bryant, Handsworth Villa, Pen- glaise-road, Aberystwyth. p2873 FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, Etc.—Messrs. IF S. Aston and Son, Ltd., Castle-square, Carnarvon, are prepared to purchase large or small quantities of Furniture, Bedsteads, and other household effects. Highest prices given. OLESKINS. -Wanted, any quantities; tip- top prices given; send for pdice list.—J. W. Greatorex, Guilsfield, Welshpool. p2800 "liyTcILQUHAM'S, Aberystwyth, want Wrought IYJL and Cast Iron, Scrap, Old Machinery, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc. Pewter, Hemp and Manilla, Ropes, Ships' Canvas, etc. Good prices given, any quantity. h830 MOLESKINS.—Hiphegt prices J)'\lo for best quality. Other grades accepted. — Gcrrard, Farriers, Edinburgh. p2743 "<- | MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. I-ETOLESKINS WANTED.—80s. per 100 Beet 1TX Large Clear Winter Skins. Any quan. j t.ty taken. Cash by return. Send at once to Department 32, W. M. Cohen, 6 and 8, Emer- aid-street, London W.C. 1. MOLESKINS, Fox Otter, and Rabbit Skins bought. Highest London market prices paid, by return of post.—M. Gordon 104, Branksome-road, London, S.W. 2 p2801 MOLE, FOX, Otter Skins Wanted. Must be stretched and air-dried. Any quantity taken. Top prices. Cash by return. Send at once to Dept. 32, W. M. Cohen, 6 and 8, Emerald-street, London, W.C.I. p2527 SCRAP IRON, Steel, Metals, Obsolete Plant, Urgently Required for Reconstruction Pur- poses. Heip your country by clearing all stocks. Thos. W. Ward, Limited, Albion Works, Shef- I field, will purchase, dismantle, and remove. URGENrfLY WANTED for Shell Shock U Hospital, new or good second-hand Ford Chassis, to replace one running ambulance since May. Nominal price.—Full particulars Wil- lingly, Mrs Rupert Mickham, Nannau Auxiliary Hospital, Dfolgelley, North Wales. n563 ANTED.-P.ano, give full particulars to TV Box X.Y.Z., "Cambrian News," Aber. ystwyth. p2818 WANTED urgently, 100,000 doz. Rabbit Skins, 1,000 Tons Horse Hair, Household and Knacker Bones, 100 Tons Cocoa Butter (competition defied), state quantities; Buyer of unsaleable stocks, viz.. Damp Tea, Fermented Milk, Rancid Fats, Sardines, Chinchards, Bags, Sacks, Syrup and other Barrels, l ed Rangoon Beans, Unsaleable Peas. Saltfish, lIrnngs, Tea Lead, Scrap Metals of every description, Empty Cases, Carbide Tins, Afaste Motor Oil. Offer me anything which appears useitss. Also all kinds machinery.—Thomas Ecrion, Govern- ment Contractor, Merthyr Tvdfil. r WANTED TO BUY.—Old Oak Dressers, Settles, and Pewter.—Apply, Cox, 6, Trinity-street, Hastings. p2798 EGGS A WEEK with Karswood Spice. Ork Then 18 eggs a week without it. Then back again to 54 eggs a week with Karswood, was the experience of a poultry keeoed last win- ter. Moral: Never leave Karswood off. Packets 2Ad., 7 £ d., Is. 3d.—E. D. Hughes, The Medical Hall, Criccieth. p2785 MISCELLANEOUS TO BE SOLD. ABERYSTWYIH.—For .named.ate disposal as a concern the Old-Established Business of General Saddlery and Harness Makers, and Dealers in Bancy Leather Goods, 1 Fish ng Tackle, etc, carried on by Messrs Hughes and Owen, at. 29, Great Darkgate-street, Aber- I ystwyth comprising Stock-in-Trade and Fit- tings and Valuable Freehold Premises in main business thoroughfare. So.e reason for dis- posal, decease of Prncip-.i-I.-Apply to Messrs Rees and Evans, Auctioneers, Aberystwyth. a578 COMPLETE LAYETTE, very good condi- C tion, for sale.—Apply, 447, "Cambrian News Office Aberystwyth. p2853 EARTHENWARE and China, Largest, Cheap- I ly est and Best Variety, Hawkers and Shops; assorted crates, C12 10s.-Lists free; Catalogue, d.-Regent Fine Art Pottery Co., Hanley, Staffs.. "ClOR SALE, Shorthorn Calves for rearing. _P James, Cilwnwg, Felinfoel, Llanelly. FOR SALE.—Black Field Span.el -Paatb Morgan, Llys Awelon, Aberystwyth FOR SALE.—Gent's Rubber Mackintosh (a« new) height 5 feet 10 inches; chest, 38; 21s. All Leather Brief Bag 16 inch 9s. 6d. Webley Mark VI Revolver, Holster and Pouch, B2 10s.; Sandow Grip Dumb-bells, 5s. Bargain. —Apply, Box 1234, "Cambrian News Office. OR SALE.-Good Fruiting Trees, to bear Jr well this year, such as Apples, Plums, Cherries, and Raspberries; also Privets and Thorns for hedging. A large stock to select from, which I'll defy competition. Ihere is a world shortage of fruit trees, so don't delay your order but send at once to W. Ewart Thomas, F.R.H.S., Fruit Tree Expert, Depart- ment 3, Nurseries, Loughor, Glam. p2797 GUN FOR SALE.—An Excellent 12-bore Hammerless Ejector Gun, by Holland and Holland, for shot or ball.—Gibson, Auctioneer, Terrace-road. Aberystwyth, aS50 GREY HAIR permanently and speedily re- stored to its original colour by using Harrison's Hair Colour Restorer. It is not a dye but by natural means acts as a restor- ative.' Contains nothing injurious and is bene- ficial to the growth and beauty of the Hair. In bottles, price Is. 6d. (postage, 6d. extra). Manufacturers, G. W. Harrison, Hair Special- ist, Reading. Agent for Aberystwyth: W. Miall Jones, Chemist, 33, Terrace-road, Aber- ystwyth. „ OATS FOR SALE.—For sale, two Nanny \J Goats, one two-years-old, djue to kid in April; the 'other twelve months old.—Gibson, Auctioneer, Aberystwyth. HENS which don't lay don't pay. Kaa-e- wtood Harmless Spice ensures eggs. Packets, 2 £ d., 7^, Is. 3d. J. Benjamin, Grocer, Castle Stores, Trefechan. p2847 FOWLS lay well in spring when insects are plentiful. Karswood Spice, conta.ning ground insects makes them lay wgll in winter, too. 24d., 7id., Is. 3d.—H. Roberts, Growr, Fairbourne. rr^. LEARN SHORTHAND.—All Pitman s Short- hand books, exercise books, special pens and pencils at the "Cambrian News" Stores. Any book supplied by post immediately on re- ceipt of order. No waiting. NOW ON SALE, the Library of the late Rev T. A Penry.—Galloway, Bookseller, 21, Pier-street, Aberystwyth a499 ONE BEGINNER made £ 2 10s. egg-profit • from 8 birds in first four months he used Karswood Poultry Spice. Everybody delighted with Karswood. 2id., 7 £ d., Is. 3d. —E. P Wynne and Son, 7, Pier-street, Aber- ystwyth. p2870 RATS, MICE, MOLES, COCKROACHES, and BEETLES greedily eat Harrison's "Reli- able" Rat Poison. Cats and dogs will not touch it. Vermin dry up and leave no smell. Prices, 6d., Is., 2s. 3d., and 3s. 8d. Postage, 2d. G. W. Harrison, Chemist, Reading. Sold by Chemists. Agent for Aberystwyth: W. Miall Jones, Chemist, 33 Terrace-rd., Aberystwyth. ALE.-Governess Cart, indiarubber tyres, as s new. Seen at Abermaide.—Captain Lewes Abermaide, near Aberystwyth. p2860 SPORTSMEN, FARMERS, HORSEMEN.— s Try our Splendid Yorkshire Whipcord. Tweed; wears like leather; showerproof; 7 yards for 35s. Pattern free.—Bradford Woollen Co., 39 Bradford. p2856 RABBIT NETTING.—Long Field Nets, lines complete, also Purse and Ferret Nets, and special Netting Twines; list free.—E. Parnall and Co., Nettmg Works, Bedminister, Bristol. PULLETS AND DUCKS, fine laying strains, March,1918,hatched; laying. 10s. 6d. each, E6 dozen. Hints and lists free.-Hummell, Stratford, Essex. p2582 THEY WILL KEEP YOU DRY!—Beacon Oilskins never fail to keep out the wet. That's why they are worn by hundreds of out- That's why they are worn by hundreds of out- door men, women, and children. You should wear them if you want real weather comfort. They aren't sticky like ordinary oilskins. We return your money at once if they don't satisfy you. The Beacon Booklet will show the style which suits you best. Men's coats from 2&s.; children's, 16s. 6d., upwards; Long Leggings, from 5s.; Sou-westers, from 3s.; Ladies' Smart j Oilskins, 28s. 6d. Send a postcard to-day for this Free Booklet of "Weather Comfort."— Send now—before you forget—to Barbour's Ltd., Ill, Beacon Buildings, South Shields. (1) -j Q-| Q DIARIES.—Call to see our selection JLc/Ac/ of Pocket and Office Diaries for 1919, and purchase before it is too late. Prices rang- ing from 9d. upwards.—" Cambrian News Stores, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. SUT I LADD TYRCHOD. Ysgrifena John Pryce. Maesymeirch: Blinid ni acw gan dyrchod, cynyddent bob blwyddyn, fel yr oedd y tir a golwg ddifrifol arno, ac yr oedd arnaf gywilydd ohono; ond clywa:s fod Mr. Hugh Davies, Chemist, Machynlleth, wedi dyfeisio peth i'w lladd yn ddi-drafferth iawn. Ei enw ydjyw Molrat, m',wn packets. Is. 6c. yr un. Prynais backet a rhoddais ef yn ol y cyfarwyddyd am ben pryfaid genwair, a rhoddais y rhai hyny yn Twybr y twrch. Ni chododd y twrch mwy. Druggist. n771 • i SALES BY AUCTION. COOKE BROS & ROBERTS ——— F.A.I., Etc. ——— Agricultural and General Auctioneers, Valuers, Insurance Agents, Land and Estate Agents, and Fire Assessors. Offices: 28, Terrace-road (Old Post Office Chambers, Aberystwyth); Telephone 3 also at Newtown and Llanidloes. p156 MID-WALES HORSE REPOSITORY, NEWTOWN, Mont. THE NEXT Monthly PRIZE SALE WILL TAKE B: tCB TUESDAY, JANUARY 28th, At 11.90 im.Aa. £ 61 IN PftizEs. Early Entries Solicited. HALL, WA'/ERIDGK Sr OWEN, COOKE BROS. & ROBERTS, n564 Auctioneers, High/street, Newtown. MESSRS. Cooke Bros. and Roberts' EARLY SPRING FIXTURES Of HIGHLY-IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL DISPERSION SALES (MONTGOMERYSHIRE) February 20th..—CRAIGNANT, Llanbrynmair. and- Dead Farming Stock March 6th.—MAESLLYMYSTYN, Llangadfan. Great D.spersion Sale (including a Grand Herd of 120 Cattle). First day by order ■ J £ Mr. G. Evans. March 20th—THE GLYN, Llanidloes—Highly- attractive and extensive Sale of Farming Stock. F.rst day tJj'brder of Mr. Thomas Jones. March 27th.-y-CLODDIAU, iCerry.-Sale of Live and Dead Farming Stock, by order of Mr. R. Evans. March 28tb MAESLLYMYSTYN, Llangadfan. —Farming Stock, Furniture, and Effects. April 9th.—PENNANT ISSAF, Llanbrynmair Live and Dead Farming Stack, by order of Mr. R. Pugh. Other Important Sale Fixtures w 11 shortly be announced. Offices: Newtown. Llanidloes, and Aberyst- wyth. a577 J. PUGH & THOMAS AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Sales and Valuation will be undertaken of all kinds of PROPERTY, FARMING STOCK, FURNITURE, ETC, upon reasonable terms with Prompt Settlement Several thousand Pounds of Property for Sale or to Let Office Opened DAILY at CENTRAL CHAM- BERS, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. Messrs Pugh & Thomas Have been favoured with instructions to Sell by Public Auction, at the Lion Hotel, Aberystr wyth, On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1919, At 3 p.m. (subject to conditions to be then and there produced), the Two Freehold Cottages Known as RHIWLAS, Borth, together with Fiel at back of same; also that Most Desirable Residence known as BELGRAVIA, situate at North-parade, Aberystwyth For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Central Chambers, Aberystwyth. CUNARD LINE. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. Carmania Saturday, February 1st Orduna Saturday, February 8th Royal George Saturday, February 8th. Caronia Saturday, February 22nd LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON Via Halifax N.S. Goentoer Saturday, February 15th LONDON TO NEW YORK. Pannonia Fr day, January 31st Malanchia (Freight only.Friday, February 21st LONDON TO BOSTON Particulars of Sailings later. LONDON TO PORTLAND, Me. Valacia (Freight only) Tuesday, Feb. 25th BRISTOL TO NEW YORK. Neleus (Freight only) Sailing date later. BRISTOL TO BOSTON Oanfa (Freight only) Friday, January 24th. BRISTOL TO PHILADELPHIA. Particulars of Sailings later. BRISTOL TO PORTLAND, Me. Particulars of Sailings later. All Canadian Sailings connect with Canadian Northern Railway System General Passenger Agents for Toyo Kisen Kaisha and China. For rates of passage and further particulars, apply Cunard Line, Liverpool; 51, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2; 29-31, Cockspur-street, Lon- don, S.W. 1; 65, Baldwin-street, Bristol; 18a, High-street, Cardiff; 117, New-street, Birming- ham; or to Local Agents. CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Ltd. LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. Corsican Friday, January 24th Tunisian Friday, January 31st. Metagama Friday, February 7th Melita Saturday, February 15th Scotian Wednesday, February 19th Grampian Friday. February 28th GLASGOW TO ST JOHN, N.B. *Montezuma About Friday, 24th January .Freight only. AVONMOUTH TO ST JOHN, N.B. VANCOUVER TO JAPAN AND CHINA. All sailings subject to change. For Freights or passage apply:— CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES, Ltd. I Managers and Agents:— Royal Liver Building, Liverpool; 14, Cockspur- street, S.W. 1, and 103, LeadenhaU-street, E.C. 3, London; or Local Agents everywhere. I -C"- .t -= SALES BY AUCTION. MORRIS, MARSHALL, AND POOLE Agricultural and General Auctioneers, Valuers, and Arbitrators. ——— pERIODICAL SALES of STOCK conducted J at Montgomery, Welshpool, Caersws, Bishop's Castle, Westbury, Berriew, Newtown, Kerry, Anchor, Cemmaes Road, Llanfair Caer- einion, Llanbadarn, Craven Arms, Ludlow, Church Stretton, Knighton, Towyn. Monthly Horse Sales at Montgomeryshire Repository, Welshpool. The most careful attention Is given to Sales of Agricultural Stock, Estate and House Pro- perty, Timber and Antique Furniture. A Speciality is made of Valuations and Arbitrations of every description. Head Offices: Chirbury, Shropshire. a821 Cemmaes Road Stock Sale. THURSDAY NEXT. JANUARY 23rd, A Large Supply of WELSH BLACK and HEREFORD BULLOCKS and BARRENS, DAIRY COWS, and SHEEP. Further entries are sol cited. Sale at llo'clock. MORRIS, MARSHALL, AND POOLE, Auctioneers, Chirbury. a559 Stock Sales. TOWYN—Tuesday, February 4t.ll. CEMMAES ROAD-Thursday, February 13th. Further entries cf Stack solicited for e.:?ch of these Sales. MORRIS, MARSHALL, AND POOLE, Auctioneers, Chirbury, Sal >p a585 THE NEXT SALE AT THE WELSHPOOL REPOSITORY of Horses of All Classes will be held On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1919. £63 in PRIZES. Eariy entries solicited. FuU particulars and entry forms, etc., on application to the Auctioneers, CAVES and MORRIS, MARSHALL, and POOLE, Welshpool. n588 DANIEL I. REES & EVANS GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, ETC. Prompt PEBPONAL attention given to all Business. OFFICES (Open Daily): 4, Baker Street, Aberystwyth Talybont Mart. The NEXT MONTHLY SALE OF STOCK will be held on THURSDAY. JANUARY 30th, ISIS, Commencing at 12 o'clock, when a large supply w.11 be offered. DANIEL I REES and EVANS, Auctiloneers. n579 Llanilar Monthly Sale of Stock. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1919. A Large Supply anticipated. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. DANIEL I. REES AND EVANS and EBEN R. DAVIES, Auctioneers. a580 THE RINK (PORTLAND ROAD), ABERYSTWYTH. ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 10th, 1919, MESSRS. DANIEL I. REES AND EVANS wili Sell by Auction, as above, a large Collection of Superior Household Furniture. Cloanprising Reception and Bedroom Appoint- ments, K.tchen Lliects, etc., removed for con. venienoe of sale from ia Private Residence in the town. On view morning of Sale. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock precisely. N.B.—A limited number of Lots of Furniture can be accepted for this sale, particulars of which the Auctioneers would be giad to receive without delay, a581 PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE. PENYGARN, BOW STREET, Cardiganshire MESSRS. DANIEL I. REES AND EVANS are favoured with instructions to submit for Sale by Auct on, at the Lion Royal Hotel, Aberystwyth ion MONDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1919, At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as may be then read or pro- duced, all that Valuable FREEHOLD MESSUAGE SHOP AND EXTENSIVE PREMISES with Large GARDEN belonging thereto, known as Garn House, Situate as aforesaid. Further particulars will appear later, and in I the meantime may be obtained from the Auctioneers; or of D. Emrys Williams, Esq., Solicitor, all of Aberystwyth. a582 NORTH WALES REPOSITORY, WREXHAM. FRANK LLOYD AND SONS invite Entries for THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6th, Heavy and Light Horses. Prizes in eight Classes. Great demand and clearance at high prices at the January sales.. Entries close Thursday. January 30th. n569 South Wales Horse Sales Carmarthen. THE NEXT HORSE SALE Will be held at CARMARTHEN, On FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1919. Prizes f- 18 ENTRIES ABSOLUTELY CLOSE on THURS- DAY, JANUARY 23rd, after which no entries will be accepted. I Schedules Entry Forms and Prize Lists can !be obtained of the Auctioneers— 1AVES and MESSRS. HOWELL THOMAS, ISt. Mary's Auction Mart, Carmarthen. s522 PUBLIC NOTICE. POST OF FARM MANAGER, A PPLrcATIQNSARE INVITED for the post £ ta°l W°r^ Manager for the MonachTy Home Farm Aeron, under the Cardigan- shire Agricultural Executive Committee L*m- peter, at a salary of E140 per annum. Applications to be in the hands of the under- signed not later than Wednesday, 22nd January, 1919. L. MAIRESSE, 8552 Secretarial Clerk. To the Overseers of the Poor iof the Parish of1 Aberystwyth, and to the Clerk of the x^fg Justice« of the Borough of Aber- ystwyth> and to the Superintendent of Police of the District of Aberystwyth in the County of Cardigan; and to all others whom it may concern. T JAMES WILLIAM LORD, Hotel Manager -»now residing at the Hydro, Marine-terrace* m the Licensing D strict rf the Borough of stwy^th, in the County of Cardigan DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that it is my Inten- twn to apply at the General Annual Licens ng Meeting for the said Borough of Aberystwyth to be holden at the Town Hall, Aberystwyth in the County of Cardigan, on the 12th day of February, 1919, at the hour of 10-30 in the forenoon, for a Justices' Licence under the Licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910, authorising me to apply for and hold an excise licence to sell by retail at the premises situate at Marine- terrace, in the said parish, and known as the ttydnoi, any intoxicating liquor which may be sold under a publiean's licence for consumption on the premises, of which premises Morris and Griffith, Limited (whose r eg .stored offioe is situate at the Hydro, Aberystwyth) are the: owners, and Frank Walton, of 28 Lichfield- street, Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, Chartered Accountant, is in posses- sion as the receiver appomted (with the consent of the said owners) by Richard Henry Landor cf 53, Queen-street, Wolverhampton, in the County (of Stafford, Solicitor, and George Berwick Cope, of Tettenhall Wood Wolver- hampton, aforesaid, Regstrar of the Wolver hampton County Court (the Trustees appointed' by an Indienture dated the 18th day of Decem- ter, 1908. and made between the said owners I of the one part and the said trustees of the other part for the better securing of certain debentures issued by the said owners) and which premises were lately occupied by the said Frank Walton as a Hotel and Hydro- pathic establishment. Given under my hand this 21st day of January, 1919. A. J. and T. C. HUGHES, Solicitors, Aberystwyth. a570 J. W .LORD. Re WIILLAY JONES, Deceased. "PURSUANT to the Act of Parliament of 22nd P. and 23rd Vict., c. 35. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Credtors and other persons having any debts, claims, or demands against the Estate of William Jones, late of Nb. 7 School-terrace, Abererch, in the parish o{ Aber- erch., !n the County of Carnarvon, Deceased, who died lofi the 15th day of November, 1917, and- letters of administration of whose Estate were granted by the District Registry at Bangor of the Probate Division of the High Ctanrt of Just ce to John, Parry of "Cwm Fedw, Dolben- maen, in the County of Carnarvon, on the 5th d8V of January, 1918, are hereby required to send in the particulars of their debts, claims, or demands to me. the undersigned, the solici- tor for the said Administrator, on or before the 14th day of February, 1919; also NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN that any person or per- sons claiming as next of kin of the Deceased and ent'tled under the Statute of Distribution. 22 and 23 Car IT. c 10 to a distributive share under the intestacy of the deceased, are here- by required to send in their claims, with evidence and certificates in support thereof, to me, the undersigned or on before the said 14th day of February, 1919, after which date the sa-ld Adminstrptor. will proceed to distr'bute the assets cf thê said Debased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had rihct'ce, and he will not be liable for the assets of the sa d Deceased, or any part thereof as distributed to anV"pSrson or persons of whose debts, claims, or demands he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 10th day of January, 1919. HUGH PR ITCH A RD Of Pwllheli, n551 Solicitor for the said Adm'nistrator. BUARTH HALL. DANCING CLASSES will be held every THURSDAY, commencing JANUARY 23rd. Dancing, 7.0 til 10 p.m. Admission Is. Teacher and M.C.: Mr R. Edwards. 2828 THE ASSOCIATED BOARD, R.A.M. and; R.C.M. For Local Examinations in Music. Patron-H-B MAJESTY THE KING. Honorory Local Representative for Aberyst- wyth-J. H. Davj3s< Esq., M.A., Registrar, University College of Wales. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS—Syllabus A.—Theory, March and November. Practical, March-April. Entries close February 5th (or, with extra fee, February 13th). SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.—Syllabus B.— March-April, June-July, and October-Novem_ her. Entries close January 29th (or, with extra fee, February 6th), Syllabuses A and B can be obtained post free from the Hon. Local Representative, as bove or from the SECRETARY. J4 and 15. Bedford- square, London, W.C 1. a558 GILLART AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS. AND SURVEYORS. MACHYNLLETH. AUCTION SALES of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Ground 'Prnts, Furniture, Farming Stock, and Timber, Etc., undertaken on moderate terms. VALUATIONS made for Estate Duty, Trans- fer, Mortgage, and other purposes. SURVEYS made and PLANS prepaid. ESTATES managed and Rents Collected. Property Owners advised in regard to the Provisional Valuations of their properties under the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. Register of houses and landi to let, for Sale by Private Treaty. t980 Barmouth and District. WALTER LLOYD JONES, AUCTIONEER and VALUER. SALES of Property, Furniture, and Farm Stock conducted on moderate terms- and promptly cashed. For terms, etc., apply the Auctioneer, King Edward-street, or MT. John Roberts. Ripon House. II Just -13k -1 Your ft-rocer FOR SOUTH WA LES I JAMS & MAKMALADt. South Wales Jam & Marmalade Co. Ltd.. CARDIFF 88L.- PUBLIC NOTICE. CARDIGANSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE. APPLICATIONS are invited for a Shor4 Course in Dairy Work at the U.C.W. Aberystwyth. Applications should be receivea by the undermentioned on or before Wednes- day, the 5th February, 1919. N.B.-Those who have already sent in theiir I' nm need not renew their amlicat-idns. JENKIN JAMES M.A., Director of Education, Aberystwyth. 15th January, 1919 British Red Cross Society, CARDIGANSHIRE. OUR DAY FUND, 1918. I ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS. £ s d Tregaron, per Mr. Powell Evans 20 0 < Eglwysfach, per MI'S Pugh. Cwmerau 3 4 0 (Total 23 4 < Total forwarded to Misf. Mary Belman, Organ- iser. 10. West Bolton Gardens, London:- f s d Prevous Statement 185 6 2 Above 23 4 9 Grand Total 208 10 2 R. T. GREER, a573 Hon. Sec., B.R.C.S. Re THOMAS RICHARD JONES, Deceased. PURSUANT to 22 and 23 Victoria, chapter 35. notice is hereby given that all per- sons having any claims against the Estate of Thomas Richard Jones late of Woody-He. Pen. glaise-road Aberystwyth, in the County of Cardigan, and of Numbers 29, 29a, 35, and 37, Terrace-road, Aberystwyth, aforesaid, Draper Tcarrying cn business as T. Ellis and Ch.), who djed on the 22nd day of November, 1918, and letters of administrat on of whose estate were on the 7th day of January, 1919, granted by the Principal Probate Registry t.) Mrs Sarai Jane Jcjnes, the widow of the deceased, are hereby required to send written particulars of such claims to the unders gned on or before THE 28th day of February. 1919, after which date the Administratrix will distr.bute the assets of the deceased among the parties ent tied, HAVING regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. Dated this 21st dav cf January. 1919. JOSEPH DAVIES and SON. 4, Baker-street, Aberystwyth, a575 Solicitors for the Administratrix. MINISTRY OF LABOUR. Branch Employment Offices. APPOINTMENT OF BRANCH MANAGERS For Work connected with the RB-SBUTLEMENT OF MEMBERS OF H.M. FORCES IN CIVIL EMPLOYMENT and with UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. TME MINISTRY OF LABOUR are prepared to receive applicat ion from responsibte persons to undertake during part of their time the duties of Branch MaSSigers of the Employ. ment Offices at the following r'la".s Caersws, Carno, Llanbrynmair, Llangadfa.4 Dim as Mawddwy, Montgomery, Llanb sterT Llanilar. Llanrhystyd, Abergynolwyn Beguildy. Branch Managers &10 required to prov DE and maintafci an office for the performance of their duties, which will include, ambngst other things:— (1) The keeping of a register of all membere of H.M. Forces returning to the district on demobilisation, taking steps to place them in employment and paying out-of-work donation to them when unemployed. (2) The annual issue of unemployment booka to workpeople in the trades insured under the National Insurance (Unemployment) Acts, and the payment of benefit- to such workpeople when unemployed. (3) The payment of out-of-work donation to any workpeople who may .become entitled thereto. (4) Placing persons unemployed in touch with employers requiring workpeople. It will not be necessary for the offices to be open for the whole day or to be used solely for the purposes of the Branch Employment Offioee. Licensed premises cannot be used. The remitoeration attaching to the respec- tive Branch Employment Offioes is as folln-s:- Ar'nitional payment per annum per annum 2 s d 2 ad Borth 7 10 0 15 0 0 Caersws 7 10 0 10 0 0 Carno 50 0 500 Llanbrynmair 7 10 0 7 10 0 Llangadfar 5 0 0 7 109 Dinas Mawddwy 5 0 0 7 10 0 Montgomery 5 0 0 25 0 0 Lianbister 5 0 0 10 0 0 Llanilar 5 0 0 10 0 0 Llanrhystyd 7 10 0 10 0 0 Abergynolwyn 5 0 0 7 10 0 Beguildy 5 0 0 7 10 0 The additional payments will be subject to revision after 14th July, 1919. In addition, such war bonus will be paiõ as may from time to time be sanctioned by the Treasury. Forms of application and further Information may be obtained from the Divisional Office. Ministry of Labour, Employment Department, Law Courts Cardiff, t;) which they must be returned by the 25tb January. 1919. U The envelope should be endorsed Branca Manager." A568 TENDERS. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, HAULIERS, AND OTHERS. THE CARNARVONSHIRE Education Com- mittee are prepared to receive tenders FOR one of the following:- (1) Felling and sawing timber in the Wydd- grug Plantation, Madryn, R-car PwU- heli, either in the form of a -ump sum contract, or at so much p6r acie; or (21 Purchase of entire Plantation outatht, or at so much per acre; or (3 Hire of suitable Plant for doing the necessary work of felling and sowing. Tenders should be sent to Mr. E'lis H. Jones. County Land Agent, Carnarvon, not later than February 5th. J EVAN S. DAVIES, { Secretary of Education. Education Officee, Carnarvon, January 21st, 1919 N £ 87 Pianos. WONDERFUL BARGAINS now on effer by TV well known British makers 4n p'ift.cally new condition, returned by hirers !r,,ie to the front. List free.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 125, Queen-st., Cardiff, and at Swansea, New- port, Bristol, Pontypridd, Bridgend, Ehbw Vale, Bargoed, Chepstow, Llanelly, 23, St. Mary-st., Cardiff This OPPORTUNITY should not be lost slO POTATO DISTRIBUTION SCHEME. WARNING TO GROWERS. The attention of Growers !s dr.Awn to clause 36 b] of the Potatoes [OonsolidaMon] Order, No 2, 1918, from wtrch will be sean th* nr> sla'na for compensation can He considered unless the Grtirer the F oi Cn-jrnller that due -care wa« exercised In constructing the aid in tha cCJ"li¡t:(m of its c^nt«»nts from time to time. The whVc que-tion A itself into one of ad»q«y-e ion, and Gro -ers must take every preMuMoi to lee that, their are pr.ip»r]y ventilated. The farmer ahoald inspect, M<* eUmps oeriodically. -ii if ii- finds them heatinsr be should remove the evrth on eweh of the pit from the top to tho bottom of the pit for a width of about 6iu for every 10 yards of the pit and he covers d up with straw to prevent the pit AettiTlgfrozen ,.11I)w¡D the heat to e<r;*pe. iLS34