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Lord Rhondda, in subscribing one hundred guineas to the funds of the National Eisteddfod to be held at Aber- ystwyth in a fortnight's time, has given splendid encouragement to the local pro- moters and justified them in the course they have adopted. The Government has appointed a Select Committee, under the presidency of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, to inquire into the problem of industries after the war, with a view of consolidating and developing the .Empire's trade. It is hoped that the Com- mittee will-take a comprehensive view of its functions and produce the result of its findings without delay. The Welsh representatives on the Committee are Lord Rhotidda and Stir Alfred Mond. The Women's Local Government Society, 10, Tothill-street, have published a useful leaflet explaining the Cinema Act. It sets out clearly the powers of local authorities over picture houses, the grounds on which local action may be based if found neces. sary, and also makes it clear that submis- E-ioii to the censor is purely voluntary. Happiily, West Wales has been free from the bane of the low class film, the standard of the local exhibits being fairly high. At the same time it is well that those who live in areas frequented by travelling cinemas should know how 60 deal with any- thing objectionable. The leaflet is a valu- able production and is suitable for distri- bution. The war has revealed the fact that the Government can do a great deal in pro- moting and encouraging savings by the people, not only in times of financial stress occasioned by war, but also in times of peace and prosperity. In war savings week nearly two million war savings certi- ficates and over half a million pounds worth of Post Office exchequer bonds were sold to the public, bringing the aggregate of war savings certdicatGs up to over ten and a half million and Post Office exchequer bonds to L28,650,0,00 in value. .We were convinced long before the present war broke out that the Government could do good and useful work in promoting and encouraging small savings by the artisan classes by increasing the rate of interest allowed on Post Office deposits. The great increase of saving occasioned by the issue of Post Office exchequer bonds at five per cent. has confirmed the conviction. The, Government could also do much to encourage working people to save by cur- tailing uts own extravagant and unneces- sary expenditure. It was recently stated in the House of Commons that not only do the Government pay members of Parlia- ment a salary that many of them could never earn by private enterprise, but that the taxpayers of the country have to make up a deficit of £2,000 annually caused by supplying members with food and wines at Jess than cost price. In former days the principle was gener- ally accepted that the will of the majority must prevail and the minority bowed to the position and loyalty co-operated in carry- ing that will into -effect, or at least did not offer persistent opposition. To-day every public question provides a bone of contention for partisans to wrangle and fight over during discussion and every pro- posal of the Government is criticised and debated and opposed to the last ditch; and, when the. majority has come to a con- clusion, the extremists persist in their opposition even to the threat of civil war and preparation for civil war. National unity is imperilled; concentration or .national effort is nullified; and progress is retarded. It tis unfortunately the case in .smaller things as well as in great. In Wales there are malcontents who cannot agree over the continuity of their own National Eisteddfod, though the question of holding the meetings was adequately discussed and a substantial majority decided in favour of holding the Eistedd- fod thsis year at Aberystwyth. At a meeting of the Committee, last week, it was announced by Mr. J enkyn James, the secretary, that large sums had been sub- scribed from all over Wales toward the ex- penditure, and that fact is more repre- s-entative of the will of Wales than the gratis croakings of the malcontents. The Eisteddfod will be held, and its great success will make the objectors look as foolish as they arc in fact. Under the powers of the Defence of the Realm Act the Minister of Munitions has issued an order prohibiting the construc- tion, without his permission, of any build- ing or works which cost more than L500. At the same time reports appear daily in the newspapers of thousands of pounds being bequeathed to "chanities," many of which are unproductive, many absolutely unnecessary in time of war and financial stress, aud some actually mischievious to r the independence and industry of the re-1 cipients. A short time ago we called attention to the necessity for extending » the Mortihain Acts in order to curta.il the power of the dead hand to divert in per- petuity large sums of money from produce tive industrial purposes to unnecessary, unproductive, wasteful, and pauperising purposes. A London paper has since taken the subject up and has suggested the establishment of a central Government department for the control and organisa- tion of all money gifts. The suggestion is a. good suggestion. At the present time every penny is wanted for the prosecution -of the struggle on the fields of battle in which the very existence of the empire, as well as of international righteousness, are at stake. When that struggle is over. every penny will be wanted to finance new industrial enterprises and to pay interest on the immense war debt; and it should not he in the power of any dead hand to divert the capital of the country to friv- olous, wasteful, and mischievous uses. At a meeting last week of Merioneth Education Committee Dr. Richard Jones, of jJlaenau Festiniog, declared that the re- parts of the County Medical Officer (Dr. II T. Edwards) on the medical examina- tion of school children were nullified be- cause the recommendations were not. acted on in the majority of cases through lack of means an the parent., or indifference on the part of parents to the welfare of their own children. It was stated that inspec- tion of school children cost the county £ 1,000 a year, and yet in no fewer than 5CO cases reported on absolutely nothing was done. The matter is one that calls for the serious attention of all who wiish to see the health of the coming generation improved. In many cases defects of the eyes, ears, and throat will yield to treat- ment if dealt with early, but if neglected are apt to become chromic and to impair the effectiveness of the future citizen throughout the duration of his life. That' parents who can afford to provide remedies should neglect to do so seems incredible! and it seems to be equally incredible that means cannot be provided for those who are said to be financially unable to carry out- the Medical Officer's recommendations. We fear that indifference, and not the absence of means, lies at the root of the trouble. It is hoped that the suib-com- mittee which was appointed will be able to devise means for bringing about better conditions affecting the welfare of children. However high Germany may stand in re- search and the application of science to practical purposes, the negociations pre- ceding the war and conduct of the war since its outbreak prove that the Teuton is a miserable failure as a student of human nature and of national character. If he seriously calculated that +he sinking of the "Lusitania," the killing of women and children in Zeppelin raids, the shooting of Nurse Cavell, the deliberate fill-treat- ment of British prisoners, and the recent murder of Captain Fryatt, would divert the Allies from their settled determination to put down once and for all Prussian militarism, then he has made the mistake of his life. The Hun has made his innate character patent to the world, which will tell against him when the war is over; and his acts of barbarism and his utter dis- regard of international obligations during the war will steel the Allies in their endur-I anco and in their determination to make it impossible, for generations at least, for Europe to be again deluged in blood to satisfy lust of power and to bring home to the perpetrators of present barbarities a more drastic fate than that which befel Attila or Napoleon. The war has put many questions into the:r right perspective, and among them the question of the maintenance of un- necessary' schools. Owing to the dearth of teachers, due to teachers, kke other citi- zens, being called away for military train- ing, Merioneth Education Committee finds a difficulty in staining rural schools. At last week's meeting the Committee dis- cussed the advisability of closing one school where two exist and where all the pupils can be accommodated in one seh JOl and one staff made to serve a whole district. Any reasonable man from a country where con- ditions of elementary education such as exist in England and Wales do not exist in"gllt think that amalgamation could easily be accomplished now that economy of money and men is imperative. There is in England and Wales, however what is called the "religious difficulty" that has for years stood in the way of an efficient education system in this country and will nmr stand in the way of amalgamation uf I small schools, however wasteful duplicated small schools may l,e. The spirit mani- fested by Ir. L. J. I)allil" .,f Llanuwch- JJyn, is the right spirit. Though a staunch .Nonconformist, he stated at the meetin- that he is prepared to transfer the pupils of unnecessary Council schools to Church schools, if certain safeguards are provided and if pupils of Church schools were in ferred^'to"^tliat as more advisable, tiins- ould b! JT fWOh- Th* Wtion could be settled in fiVe minutes by a couple of \T7nf fayme" 'Vith0Ut tlle saerifice iota 0f pnmiple one side or the sistence on an ",sm" will wreck the "o'Tto'th de. miSerable Squabb,e -i]1 h° thf detriment of education and wit.h"othei° ligations'with" s COn,?etitio" what Child in the battle of life.



Criccieth Council.

[No title]

Arthog Hero

Summer (School.



[No title]

Death of Mr W. J. Watkins

!Towyn School.

[No title]

[No title]

Local War Casualties.


Call to the Cloth.