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COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the nex1 GENERAL Q TJARTER SESSIONS of the PEA CE for the County of Monmouth, will be held at -he Town Hall, in TJsk, on MONDAY, the 1 si day of January. 1866, and that the Court will sit at half-pait 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and immediately proceed to administer the oaths to Magistrates and other persons desirous of qualifying for office. The Court will then proceed with all business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Stock or Rate, or any Fund or Funds used and applied in lid thereof, and make orders for payments, and consider 4nd direct the general business of the county. All bills and demands relating to the public expenditure of the county, must be delivered into the office of the Clerk of the Peace, fourteen days before the Sessions, and all Appeals and Traverses must be entered with the Clerk nf the Peace, before twelve o'clock at noon on the second day of the sessions. At half-past nine o'clock- on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1866, the Grand and Petty Juries will be called Over, and are to answer to their names, or in default, they toill be fined; and all persons bound by recognizances are to attend, as the Court will proceed to try indictments for felonies, traverses, and appeals, and transact the other business of the sessions. All convictions and recognizances, and all informations end depositions, must be delivered or transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace three clear days previous to the Sessions. All costs allowed by the County must be taxed at the tame Sessions, or they will not afterwards be allowed. CHARLES PROTHERO, Clerk of the Peace. Newport, 5th December, 1865. T9037 — mt BRECOXSHIHE SESSIONS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEIT,that the next GE-iVE,- J.. RAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Brecon will be held at the Shire ttall, in Brecon, in and for the said county, on TUESDAY, the Second day of January next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, At Twelve o'clock at Ùoon the business relating to the Assessment, Application, 0y Management oj the County Rate or Stock, will com- mence. The Court will also order and make a Police Rate, Under the provisions oftlte 19th and 20th Victoria, c. 69, (t'd of the several Acts referred to therein. .All Witnesses in any Appeal are to be ready in Court to answer to their names, at Twelve o'clock at Noon on the above-mentioned day, when all Appdlards and Res- Pondents must also attend. Grand and Petty Jurors, Prosecutors, and Wit,. nesses, must attend on Wednesday, the Third day of January next, at Ten dclock in the Forenoon. Depositions must be forwarded to the Clerk of the Peace *ven clear days before the Sessions,and in all cases arising ^bsequently, immediately upon being taken. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVEN,that all Persons having bairns upon the County must attend, with their Accounts, fe, before the Visiting Justices to the Gaol, at the Shire Brecon,on Tuesday, the l^thday of December inst., Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, when such several ,,4CCOUI¡tlJ A. And that all Costs of Prosecutions to bealloived by the founty, must be taxed at the same Sessions previous to or during which they shall be incurred,or they will notafttr- IcQrcls be allowed. And further, that all Appeals and Traversesfor Trial "'Ust be entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sit- ng of the Court, at Eleven o'clock on Tuesday. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that the Clerk of he Peace has received the Notice of which the following t a copy, and that the same wll be taken into considera- ton by the Justices assembled at the next Quarter Sessions the Peace for the said County, to to be held on the ^eeond day of January next. ,( John Lloyd, Isquire, of Dinas, gives notice that he K ill move the appointment of a (Jommittee of t/v ee mem- (( bers of the Court for the lishery District of the River lT&sk and its Tributaries, under the provisions of the 28 and 29 Vict cap. 121, sec. 7. JOHN LLOYD. Dinas, Brecon, 1865.. December." EDWARD WILLIAMS, EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. Brecon, 5tlt December, 1865. [9038 MATTHEW COPE, DECEASED. IVOTICE.—All Persona having any Claims upon (be Estate of MATTHEW COPE, late of ^ORLEON in the county ot Monmoutli, maltster, DECEASED, requested to send full particulars theieof to Mr. '^ILLIAM CJPE. of Ciierluoti, aforesaid, maltster, the Eecutor on or before the First DAY of January next. AN-1 all Persons indebted to the said Estate are requested 0 Pay all Debts to the said Executor without delay. Newport, Monmouthshire, 12th December, 1865. THOS. M. LLEWELLIIN, 07úJ Soliaitor to the Estate. THE NEWPORT HOTELS COMPANY (LIMITED). Incorporated under The Companies' Act, 1862," by which the liability of the Shareholderi it limited to the amount of their Shares. CAPITAL X20,000, divided into 2,000 Shares of £10 each DEPOSIT on Application ;Cl-on Allotment, 92. CALLS not to exceed 12 10a. per Share, nor to be made at intervals of les tban three months. It is not proposed to cxll more than £7 per Share. DIRECTORS. JOHN LAWRENCE, Esq CHAIRMAN. JFIOMAS BROWN, Esq D. HARRHY, Esq I LLEWELTN BRT-WER,E«q L- A JOMFKAY, Esq CROSS, ESQ E. M. UHDEBDovra.hsq BANKERS1 T i'liP,, PROVINCIAL BANKING CORPORATION, LIMITED, LONDON AND NEWPORT. SOLICITORS. Messrs. DAVIS and JUSTICE, NEWPORT, MON. AUDITORS. MESSRS. BARNARD, THOMAS, and CO., PUBLIO Ao- COUNTANTS, BRISTOL. SECR)TART Mr. J. G. PALLING. OFF;OFS. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, NEWPORT, MON. MANAGER. TO BE APPOINTED. PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed to supply the want of im. proved Hotel Accommodation, which has so long been felt at Newport. Arrangements have been made, in the first place, for THE purchase of the Stock, Furniture, and Goodwill of THE King's Head, and it is proposed to renovate, improve, rlf1 enlarge the buildings, and alter the approaches, as as to modernise the furniture and appliances, so tht the business may be carried on in the most approved BANNER. I A. lease for forty-two years, at a moderate rental, of •he PREMISES, together with an excellent kitchen garden, "Fj been granted by Lord Tredegar. V Baths, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms, Lavatories, i^Umlry, &c., will be added and accommodation for a RIVATE Club provided if deemed advisable. The Stabling will lie entiiely re-modelled. THE Posting Business is profiiable, and may be much Increased by judicious attention. The Commercial Del artrnent will not be neglected; "hile the Hotel may be rendered a fitting resoit for ILSitors and FUR the Nobility and Gentry of the noigh- °Jrhood. Improvements in the town will increase the already considerable business to be secured by good management, Subscribers will not only share in the large profits EAlised by an Hotel business, but materially add to the cOrn fort and advantages of the vicinity. The Company's Office will be in the Hotel. The ex feses and management will be comparatively small. It 11' intended to engage a manager, experienced in modern OtOl-keeping, and to regulate the charges by a Tariff. The Memorandum and Articles of Association may seera a the Company's office. [9072 d(h.tStti. MATTHEW JOHNS, COAL & CORN MERCHANT, CORPORATION COAL WHARF, SCREW PACKET ROAD, NEWPORT, MON. Orders received at No. 8, Morgan-street, Park-place, and 81, Commercial street, Newport. Sole Consignee for the Apps Brewery Co.'s celebrated Bideford Ale for Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, and South Wales, Private families supplied. Agent to the Accidental Death Insurance Company, and the Scottish National Iasurance Company. [8090 NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED PRICE OF MEAT NEWMARKET SAUSAGES ARE SUPPLIED AT THE USUAL PRICE AT FENNELL'S, HIGH STREET: RECEIVED DAILY I [8396 FOR THE NICEST CAKES, COME TO N A P P E P.'S ESTABLISHED 1808. [6968 INCOME WITHOUT RISK. AN AGrENCY for the Sale of the EAST INDIA CO'S TEA will, with moderate industry, insure a respectable living.—Apply for Terms to the Com- pany's Wai-ehouse, 9, Great St. Helens, Churchyard, Bishopgate. [8603 H. PEARMAN, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS. ME .5 Elt CAREFULLY DISPENSED. 11, COMMERCIAL STREET] NEWPORT. [5485 HORNIMANs PURE TEA is EIGHT-PENCE per lb. CHEAPER, as the DUTY is REDUCED. fenuine PACKETS—2 oz. to 1 lb. are signed lk9:-(¡O, LONDON, Original Importers Pure Tta- /CHERRY, Chemist, 41, Coramercial- \_y street, Newport, AGENT. CELEBRATED MELTON MOWBRAY ] MEAT PIES, I AND BANBURY CAKES, Direct from Banbury, AT J. EWINS S, J UN., CONFECTIONER, 51, COMMERCIAL-STREET. [8942 SODA WATER AND LEMONADE. HENRY L. WILLIAMS, CEEMIST AND DRUGGIST, IS now sending out the above Articles, of FIRST-RATE QUALITY and PCJRITY- Also, SELTZER, POTASH, and ALL OTHER MINERAL WATERS, manufactured on tho Premises, by Steam Power. COMMERCIAL STREET, OPPOSITE THE WESTGATB HOTEL, NEWPORT." [8065 FOR THE BEST -y1."£.S, .C -a v GO TO BLAND'S. [8907 XIFF & FRY'S EICE STARCH obtained the Prize Medal at the Great Exhibition, 1862. s TIFF & FRY'S RICE STARCH. STIFF & FRY'S IIICE STARCH STIFF & l,'ItY'S IIICE STARCH STIFF & FRY'S RICE STARCH j^TIFF & FRY'S RICE STARCH. j^TIFF & FRY'S RICE STARCH. STIFF & FRY'S RICE STARCH s Works, Bedcliff, Bristol. Established 1818. (8024 "KAYE'S WORSDELLL'S PILLS. THE experience of nearly half a century proves that this invaluable Medicine is potent for the removal of DISEASE, and the restoration of HEALTH. No family should be without it, as a timely use of this great Remedy has saved thousands of valuable lives. There is no form of disease which may not be oured, if Kaye's Worsdell's Pills are taken in time. Sold by all Chemists, &o,> at Is. lid»» 2a, 9d., 841 ftad 4s. 6d. per Box. [8412 GREAT CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS. IIENRY SHEPPARD FNV ITES attention to his choice assortment of FRUITS, new, and personally selected in -B- the London Markets. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FRUITS, In Fancy Cartons and Packages. 240 CASES OF AMERICAN PEACHES. ONE TON FINEST NARBONNE HONEY. 10 CASES ASPARAGUS- 20 GREEN PEAS. CEYSTALIZED N M 11 f 9 11 M 9t if ft APRICOTS GREEN GAGES PIPE APPLES CHINOIS MIROBELLE CHERRIES ANGELICA LUNETTES BROCHETTES. &c. MUSCATELLS FIGS GRAPES ALMONDS CURRANTS VALENCIAS SULTANAS CITRON LEMONS ORANGES PIPPINS PRESERVED GINGER CUMQUATS JELLIES JAMS, ha. RIPE STILTON CHEESE. THE GOLDEN CANISTER, 141, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. [6743 WILLIAM COMPTON'S PROVISION WAREHOUSE AS for the last TWENTY YEARS proved itself to be the most noted BREAKFAST H. BACON EbTABLISHMEN C IN THE COUNTY. The Supsrior Quality of his Bacon is so well known it need no comment to recommend it to the table of the Nobility, Gentry, and Pablic in general. W. C. has a very Prime Selection of HAMS, BATH CHAPS, OX TONGUES (Dry or in Pickle), New Mild Cured BUTTERS, Fine Old CHEDDAR CHEESE, New SINGLE GLO'STER and MONMOUTHSHIRE, just arrived from the Dairies, quality good. W. C. is now prepared to give the Public the FULL BENEFIT OF THE REDUCED DUTY ON ALL TEAS SOLD AT HIS ESTABLISHMENT, 5 8, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [8297 [8297 CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. R. P. NAPPER & CO. BEG to inform their FRIENDS and the PUBLIC generally, that they have just received a CHOICE SELECTION of CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES from LONDON and PARIS, in the shape of CHRTSTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, COSSACKS, BONBONS, PAPPILOTTES, MAGIC FLOWERS, HANDSOME BOXES, WITH PRESERVED FRUIT, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, FRENCH PLUMS (in Rich CartonlJ). CRYSTALISED APRICOTS, GREENGAGES, CHINOIS, PINE APPLE, CHERRIE3, MIRABELLE, GREEN ALMONDS, And every other kind of FOREIGN and ENGLISH FRUIT, suitable for the SEASON. CHRISTMAS PARTIES SUPPLIED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, WITH ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON". » [9080 COMPLETION OF ALTERATIONS. RE-OP FN ING, 169, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. HTLLIP JOHN, in returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very JL liberal share of patronge with which he his been favoured for the last twenty-five years, begs to inform them that be has greatly EXTENDED his PLIEMISKS, giving him greater facilities for kefiping a larger and more varied STOCK of GOODS than he has done heretofore. 0 He has just returned from the Lon,ion Market, where, and at Manchester, Bradford, and Glasgow, he has purchased most advantageously and extensively a NEW STOCK OF DRAPERY, suited for the present season, consisting of SjHAWLS, UKE^aiiS, VBLVK'IS, S^TES FURS- FRENCH MERINOS TWEEDS ASTR\CHANS. BEA.VERS, BROA.D CLOTHS. MOLISSKINS, COUDS, 'U'L.A.NJNJSLS BLANKETS. QUILTS, SHERTS RIBBONS, RIV 8S, HOSE HABERDASHERY, UMBRELLAS ni?WQ« eutto^jo T,J TU1.HVTVRS in vaiieiy.X^RPETS, HEARTH RUGS, &c., &c. A GOOV and CHEAP PARCEL of BLACK GLACE SILKS and GROGRAINS, bought before the late advance. REAL WELSH FLANNELS, in White and Plaids a large variety of Goads suited for Charities: „ CLOTHING CLUBS SUPPLIED. Golden Key, November 23, 1865. [8996 22, H I G H S T R E E T, i\T E W P 0 R T. NUG-ENT WLLS TAKES this opportunity of tendering his grateful thanks to his Patrons and those friends who have so liberally supported him since he commenced business, and has the pleasure to announce that he is prepared to show an nuusuul SUPPLY of EVERY NOVELTY for tha requirements of the approaching EASÙN »t prioes suitable to all classes, fie begs to call attention to his LAIiGE S OCK of FRENCH JEWELLERY DRESSING CASES, WORKBOXES, TOILET REQUISITESV and an immense variety of FANCY ARTICLES, in addition to the usual Stock of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHARTS, CHRONOMETERS^ fee., &c., all of which, from the ready sale he is enablel to effect (by the liberal support for which he is so grateful,, ire modern, and in first-rate ordar. [9018 BODMERS' PATENT SrONE BRICK CO. (Successors to Messrs. BODMER BROTHERS) BEG to notify to ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, and Others, that they are now prepare^ to EXECUTE ORDERS for LARGE QUANTITIES of their PATENT STONE BRICKS, well seasoned ind in good condition. These Bricks consist chiefly of Sand and Lime, mixed in certain proportions, and subjected to great pressure in m oulds. Upon being removed from the press, the Bricks are piled in beaps in the open air, and a chemical process of nduration almost immediately commences on the surface, and gradually penetrates towards the centre of the Brick until it is ultimately converted into stone. Instead of deteriorating on exposure to the atmosphere, the Patent Stone Bricks improve, and become more durable; nor are they affected by frost, however severe, after having once become indurated to a certain extent-a property which clay bricks do not possess. These Bricks can also be highly recommended on account of their accurate shape, as well as their handsome appearance and pleasing colotir-i be latter resembling that of freestone- Hydraulic Bricks, most particularly adapted for pits, sewers, and other similar works, are made to order but even the ordinary Patent Stone Brick remains uninjured on bein4 immersed in water. The popularity these Stone Bricks have now obtained from their neat and pleasing appearance in public buildings in Newport and elsewhere, renders it unnecessary to dwell upon their acknowledged superiority over all other Bricks. PRESENT PRIOES AT THE WORKS-NET CASH. PLAIN BRICKS 27s. per 1000 ORNAMENTAL DITTO (of several pleasing desigDs) 50g, All communications to be addressed to the Managing Partner. Mr. MATTHEW JOHNS, at the Works, Court-y- bella Terrace, Pillgwenlly, Newport, or to CORPORATION WHARF Newport. N.B -This Estblisliment c'ogei at, 2 p.in. on Saturdays. [8485 LIEBIG'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. ''PHIS Article of Diet is prepared from a formula recommended by the celebrated Chemist, JL BARON LIEBKO, and since its introduction used with great success iu Germany. The proprietor having been impressed, as an eye witness, with the beneficial effects resulting from its use, has been induced to bring it before the public, and thus supply a want long felt and acknowledged, viz., a Food that shall form the most fitting substitute for the nutriment of those children who are by circumstances robbed of their mother's milk. It differs from all other Foods now in use, (which although undoubtedly possessing the elements of nutrition.) yet fail to nourish and make flesh, from the fact of their imposing too great a strain upon the weak stomachs of infants, which are unable to assimilate their nutritive properties. These serious objections aie obviated in the preparation of this Food, which, when made according to the directions jiven, will form a soap or liquid food, which, to quote Liebig," contains the double concentration of woman's milk." It is highly recommended as a light and agreeable article of diet for invalids suffering from dyspepsia, indigestion, find other derangements. ° PRKPARED AND SOLD BY HEXRY L. WILLIAMS, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, MEMBER BY EXAMINATION OF THE ROYAL PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, 3, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, (OPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL,) old in Tins, 6d., Is., and 2s. each. [8061 BROWN & POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR. PACKETS, 8d., TINS, is. WARRANTED PERFECTLY PURE. Recommended for CHILDREN'S DIET. CORN FLOUR to be appreciated should be genuine families who give a preference to this unequalled quality are respectfully invited to refuse other kinds offered instead of BROWN and P0L80N's. To obtain extra profits by the Sale, similar articles are sometimes fraudulently substituted. JOHN BROWN," JOHN POLSON," is signed by the Makers on each Packet. [8902 ATTLE DISEASE AND ITS RAVAGES CATTLE DISEASE AND ITS RAVAGES EFFECTUALLY PREVENTED BY SIR WILLIAM BURNETT'S DISINFECTING FLUID, Recommended and used by PROFESSOR SIMONDS, AT THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE, DURING THE LAST TWENTY YEARS. The Hon Col. TALBOT, in writing to the Times, says- That he has a Farm with 100 Cows only six miles from London, and has not lost a single animal. He attri- butes this to the precautions he has taken in thoroughly washing out his cow-sbeds night and morning with SIR W. BUR!qFTT's DISINFECTING FLUID." Sold by all Chemists, and at 18, Cannon Street, London. In Bottles of various sizes, or at 5s. per Gallon. EACH GALLON MAKING 200 GALLONS, When dilated with water. See Directions on every Bottle. fl.B,—This Fluid is a certain cure for grease in Horses, also the tcab and rot in Sheep, [8444 STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.lt.n THE PRINCESS OF WALES. AIIENFLELD PATENT STARCH. Used in the Royal Laundry. rPHE LADIES are respectfully informed L that this Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, And Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried Wheaten,Pice, and other Powder Starches, She has found none of them equal to the GLEN FIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON. Any 9WiV){. Pe[son wbo ma7 be desirous of becoming possessed of the above-named Annual Inpome, are re- i a- ? an ^^ateapplication, enclosing a stamped directed envelope to THOMAS GRAY, Esq., f„nD.?ry ^.London, W.C., who will furnish, free! the fullest particulars t>j letura of po»t, [9071 < gUlfeSfS. | P It I N T I N G OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY 4 EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE itterliu Enteral ^ruling (Dfficc 15 COMMERCIAL-ST £ E E T NEWPORT, MON BOOK-PRINTING, BUSINESS FORMS, ACCOUNT BOOKS CIRCULARS, CARDS, REPOKTS, &c FOR REALLY NICE CAKES, GO TO BLAND'S, 33, COMMERCIAL STREET, AND 17, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [6656 MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, CUKGEON DENTIST, of No. 7, PARK- STREET, BRISTOL, attends periodically (as for the last 16 years) at NEWPORT, the first WED> ESDAY and at CARDIFF the following THURSDAY in every Month, when be may be consulted on all cases relating to his Profession. Mr. YOUNG'S next visit will occur as follows :— NEWPORT—At Mr. Wansbiougb's, plumber, Commer- cial-street,— Wednesday, Januaiy 3rd. CARDIFF—Mr. Perrott's, No. 15, Angel.StTeet-Thurs- day, January 4th. [5212 MR. PARSON OURGEON DENTIST, of 17, Orchard street, College Green, Bristol, respectfully acquaint the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of New port and Vicinities, that he may be consulted in the various branches of his profession, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport, the second Wednesday in each month, Terms, which are extremely moderate, may be known on application as above. AT1JANUARY::)U } Newport, Wednesday, 10th, 9 till 5 I The Duty Reduced, I 0 R b jPXJRE TEAS A.. RE •Eight-peace Cheaper. > fea formerly 3s. Id., ^.Qlueed to 2s. 8d. | 'lea formerly 3s. 8d., Rodliced to 3?. Od. I Tea formerly 4s. Od., Reduced to 3s. 4: f Te formerly 4s. 4d., Reduced to 3.5- 8d. [ Two-ounce,Quarter,Half & Pound Packe ts All eHSHUIKE PACKETS are signed, J/o?7U 771/171$f(pO, LOXDOV. 1 Oriyinal Importers of the Pure Tta. I AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT ABEKGAVEjfNr Gosden. Watkins, High st. ABEBSVOHAN Wood. BLAKEXEY..Thilpotts. BUYNMAWR—T. & C. Williams, chemists CIXDEP.FORD. Cordwin, chemist CRICKHOWEI.L..Christopher. CARDIFF..Kernick, 23, Duke-st. Ditto ..Ja.mes, Bute-street CHEPSTOW.. Taylor, Bookseller, COLEFORD,. Williams.—Hough' DOWLAIS..Evans—Hancock MONMOUTH A lien,confectioner Cossens (LYUXET ..Hathiway NK vVPORT.. JONES, 5, High st CHERRY, 41, Commercial st WILLIAMS, 3, Commercial- i street J WILLIAMS, 145, Dock st G. PmcE, 23, Commercial street, ch'-mist J TIIILLIPS, 92, Commercia 5t chemist PEMYDARREV..Evans, N*)■:wsiiaif.Fryer, Draper. POXTYPOOL Wood, chemist PONTYPRIDD.. James, USK.Ed wards (5822 THOUSANDS NOW USE ,f o b, ii so ii, Johnson&Co's E N* —M<t PlJRE TEA it is better in quality than all others The Prices are all now reduced KSHT-PErieE PER POUND. l HÜ i t éÜø [; The 3/4, is Reduced to 218 The BiB, is Reduced to 3/. The 4/ is Reduced to 3/4 7 he 4/4, is Reduced to 3 8 The 4/8, is Reduced to 4/. f~~ ^ee that the name of Johnson, Johnson & Co is on each Packet. Sold in Packets hy Agents in every Town. LOCAL AGENTS. NENVPOITT D. TTIOllAS, Confectioner,170, Commercial st. »» J. T]IONIAS Confectioner, 129, Commercial st. PILLGWENLLY.• 1- AIJLKNTKR. Chemist, 81, Commercial road Abersychan.Martin, chemist Hereford Guy, chemist Aberdare Tiionias, chemist Broad street Brynmawr Jones,Beaufort-st Monmouth ..Spencer^Agincourt Bristol ..Huntley, 105, Red- square cliff street Mevthyr .Edwards, George Clifton .Huntley, 7, Carlton Town. Pl;:ce, M-ill. Nantvglo Allen, Tost office Cardiff Drane. 11, Butest. Pontypool.Edwards, George Cliepstow. Ilowell, ell ii fee ti)r. tr. et. Gloucester ..Jeynes, Mercury Tredegar .Crowe, Post office office WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE: 17, BLOMFIELD STREET CITY, LONDON. [850 TAX OFF T K A m\y HIMALMAj PUREk iMTORfl^OtOURB \{ 'X\ IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. FOR PRICE AND QUALITY UNEQUALLED Th only i/ncofared Zed. AGENTS IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD. ABR,RC, A VIP N NY-NN'yke,Clieniist AF-ERSYCIIAN Wood, Stamp Office CAILDIFIO- Coleman Chemist James & Williams do Greaves, Chemist Rusher, Stationer, &c "t Diivies, Confectioner CHEPSTOVT—Harris, Bakei,&'c n.iwi.Ais—Thomas, stationer, vc EBBW VALE Williams, Tea Dealer, &c. MONMOUTH —Marshall, Chemist .NEWPORT—Clements, do. Jones, do. Bowman, Baker, &-c POKTYPOOI>—Roderick, Chemist Por; TYPHlDD Smyth do. USK—WILLIAMS do. VALUABLE AGENCIES STILL VACANT, Foi I particulars apply to THE HIMALAYA TEA COMPANY aT A, St. Mftrj AXP, London, E.C. I r (I d TAMES LEACH O BRASS and TRON" BEDSTEAD DEPOT W HOLKSALE and RETAIL FURNITURE WARE HOUSE, 117, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT A large assortment of DINING and DlL\ \YIG ROOM FUR Nil URE in ROSEWOOD, WALNUT and MAHOGANY, and the largest and most va'ied stock of BRASS and IRON BEDSTEADS in SOUTH VV ALES. 1 uruiture bought to any amount, or taken in Exchange. ALL ARTICLES SOLD ON THE VERY LOWEST TEIOlS FOR CASH. [4064 J. M. CLEMENTS* CELEBRATED BOTTLED ALE, ST O U T, P O R T E R, V E IIR Y AND CIDEIt Can be obt ined from ail respectable Hotels, Licensed Victuallers, and Refreshment Rooms, upon its being especially asked for. s N.B.-NOTE THE NAIIE ON THE LAB!I"L A' D CORK. [6078 BEWARE OF SPURIOUS LIME THE BEsT LIME IN THE WORLD FOR WATER WORKS, THE ONLY ABERTHAW LIME in Mon- mouthshire, may be obtained of JOHN ETANS LIME BURNER Pillgweully, Newport, at the Lowest possible tei ins. 61 LLDAY'S 1IORSE AND CARRIAGE XX REPOSITOI; Y, COLLEGE STREET, BRISTOL. (ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF A CENTURY.) For the SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES. HAR- NESS, SADDLERY, AND HORSE CLOTHING llv COMMISSION, DAILY, aui by PUBLIC AUOilON every TH UR>DAY,throughout the year. "99U GEO. W, ALLDAY Auctioneer. O A L—li U IJ S if TTe A :\L, and SMITHS'. PIT WOOD-LARCH, FIR, and HARD. SLEEPEUS —NINE, SEVEN, and FOUlki. D- HALF FEET. HAY-TRUSSED and TIED. Apply to WATTS and RICHARDS, Peuncr V-Iiarf, Newport. [8312 BENSON'S WATCHES. LOCKS, J K WELL ERY, SILVEl:, and ELECTRO PLATE J. W. Benson, L'ID 'ATE Hill, London, E.C. (Established 1749), Watch aud Clock Maker by Warrant of A;ipoii.itnieut to H.K.LI. the Prince of Wales, has fitted up extensive workshops with steam machinery, for the production of Clocks aLd Time- pieces of every description. WATCHES Adapted for every class, climate, aud country. Wholesale and Retail. Chronometers, Duplex, Leveia, Ho iz >nt'al. Repeating, Centre Seconds, Keyless, and Chrono.r, phi at £ 2 10s. to 20C Guineas- CLOCKS; Drawing, Dining, and Bed-room, Bracket, Carriage, Church, Turret, Stable, or Office, at £ 1 Is. to 1,000 Guineas. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The moveme ts are of the fioest quality which th" art of horology is at present capable of producing. Ii"iS' tinted London News, November 8, 1862 Some of tbem are ot great beauty and if the ENGLISH watch-trade only follow up wiih the same spiiit aiitt success this filst attempt to compete with foreigners in ,Iecorative watches, there seems to be no reason'why we a),.oulti not GET the trade entiiely into our own It Times, June 23, JS02. BENSON'S 4 GUINEA LONDON-MADE Pa'ent Lever Watch, Capped aud Jewelled, strong Silver Cases, made in four sizes, from IF to 2 inches iu d;air:eter. This a'ch is suitable for everybody, and is without doul,t the best, cheapest, and most accurate Watch manufactured in this cuuntiy. BENSON'S E2 10s HORIZONTAL WATC'T Jewelle(l. &c,strongsilver Cases, 1J to 2 inches in c'.i ,'M' ter a. sound and useful watch. BENSON'S 5 GUINEA LADY'S GOLD WATCH, Hoiizontal movement, Jewelled in four holes, ariii nil the late improvements, combined with a rich artistically- engraved case and dial, making it a moiiel of eie-'ui,c«» BENSON'S 6-GUINEA GEN'l'LE.JIAr\) GOLD WATCH, Horizontal Movement, Jewelled in four holes, ARVL a'! the late improvements, with a pure white euauielled dial and elegantly-engraved or engine-turned case. 20,01)0 OTHER WATCHES n stock, for prices of which see the pamphlet. The above Watches are sent free and safe by post lo all parts of England, Scotland, Wales, or Ireland. If to India or the Colonies 5s each extra. A PROFUSELY-ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET of NVatches, Clocks, and Chains, descriptive of every construction of AN-ateli made with their prices, pest. free for 2 stamps, from which buyers can select. Also a CATALOGUE of Silver and Electro Plate, containing 300 illustrations post free for 6 stamps. J. W. Bemon, maker of the Great Clock for the Exhibition, 1862, and of the Chronograph Dial, hy which was timed" The Derby" of 1U62, 1863, 1854, and J86-=. Prize Medallist, C:a.<s 33, and Honorable Mention Class 15. LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. [7245 STARCH MAN U FACT URE RS TO IT.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, Used in the lloval Laundry, r|^IlE LADIES are respectfully informed J_ that this Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL L UNDRY, And Her Majesty's Laundre,.R says, that although she has tried Wheateu, Rice, and other Powder Stare e, She has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH See that you get it, as inferior kinds aie often substituted WOTHERSPOON K CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON- DUBLIN EXHIBITION, PRIZE MEDAL, 1865. {HOMYOPATHIC 0 0 0 A FRY'S SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE. FRY'S CHOCOLATE FOR EATING, in Sticks an,1 Drops The supeiior quality of J. S. FRY and SONS' Aiticleg has beeu attested by uniform public approbation for 1. FRY and SONS, Bii,tl :,Pd upwards of a century. J. S. FRY and SONS, Biistol and London, are the ONLY English House in the traie to whom a PRIZE MEDAL w is awarded 18G2. [8870 r IAYLOR'S CONDITION BALLS. To be had | of all Chemists. Six tolls, 3s. Three balls, Is. 9d. rpA YL OW C O N D I T ION BA L L S _|_ Read opinions of the Press. Ty L-C)ri> S CON D I T ION B A L LS. They possess extraordinary merit." Bell's Life. rjTAYL OK'S CONDITION B aTiTls". Try Taylor's Condition Balls." The Piikl. rip A Y L O II' S CONDITION innTTs | Opinionji of the following eminent trainers. r\N A Y L O RRS CONDI TTOITITALITS. X "I am still using your Condition Balls. Scott- TTY L O 11' S CO N DITI()N BALLS T An invaluable medicine."—Jt jm Osborne. RR AY LOU'S C ON D IT ION B A I. I, S~ JL JSend me a dozen pack- ts."—Joseph Dav*$on. r r AY LOir S~cT7n1) I T I O N BALLS. _j_ "I have rdeied niy m in to use riotliin^ else."—Jns. Mason. r iA AlM^lFs^CONDI T ION B A 1, LS^ _L There being difficulty in giving some horses balls, the same ngredients are prepared in the form of Powders, bv asking for TAYLOR'S CONDITION POWDLRS. _i In boxes eight powdeis, 2s. 6d. each box. Prepared by T. Taylor, Veterinary Surgeon, Burton-on-Trent, 8950 OURTFUTUHE HUSBAND or TRUE CARTE DE YISITE-LEVER E, the Celebrated French Astrologer, will send the true Carte de Visite of your Intended, with Name, Age, and Date of Marriage, for Sixteen Stamps. Three questions answered for 2S. 6d. State age and sex. Send stauiyed directed Davelope.-Addreas M. LEVERE, O, JOBI)-SUC«T, Edge- ware-road, Londoo, L9036