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gut tinges. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY$E5.FEl)l T 10 USL F EXECUTED AT THB Ultrlra Antral ^.1 rutting (Dffict, 15, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MOJT BOOK-PBINTING, BUSINESS FORMS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, REPORTS, &c. 32, COMMERCIAL ROAD, NEWPORT. NEWPORT and PILLGWENLLY LO,\N X 1 and DISCOUNT Office. Sums advanced from C2 upwards returnable by weekly Payments, or otherwise, as agreed. [48 YTTR.MATTH!VS and CO., TEA and TV < COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. BONDED AND FREE STORES FOR SHIPE. II TOBACCO MANUFACTURED IN NEWPORT. GEORGE FOTHERGILL, 68, CO MM EE CI A L STREET, NEWPORT, jiox., BEGS to announce tint he has OPENED the above Pre o ?es as a TOBACCO AND SNUFF MANUFACTORY, £ d he hopes by punctual attent: ir to all orders entrusted to his care, and supplying a first-rate article at the lowest Possible prices, to merit a share of public support. Importer of, ami Deiler in, all kinds of J ANCY SNUFFS, Havana and other CIGARS, &c, [28 MISS HORNE begs to inform tlie Public that she has OPENED a branch of MUDIE'S LIBRARY at her ESTABLISHMENT. Berlin Wool Repository, 63, High-street, Newport, Mon. 43 H. P. BOLT, Contractor and builder, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, TTAS FOR SALE a large assortment of JCLGLAZED STONE-WARE DRAIN PIPES of the Pest Staffordshire Clay, varying from 3 inches up to 18 ll*cW with all requisite Junctions Bends, and Syphons. f Also', a fine assortment of TERRA COTTA GOODS ornamenting Pleasure Grounds, &c. Do \ro. 42, HIGH-STREET, BRISTOL, <. SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1858. The Only Manufactory in England for the MOULDED ^UTTA PEROHA BOOTS AND SHOES. The Moulded Gutti Percba Boots and Shoes are the Hit and cheapest made. Twelve Months trial before the ^ttblic has proved them, for durability, style, and com- V, to excel all other kinds MANUFACTORY, 42, HIGH STREET, BRISTOL. AGENTS: JOSEPH HAWKES, 103, Commercial-street, Newport. W. HODG-SS, Bootmaker, Abenlare. J. Cox, Guernsey. r Bctles, Shenton Mallet. CBOTT, Rhymuey. [31 THE ONLY ABERTHAW LIME in Mon- j* mouthshire tr.ay be obtained of JOH\T EVANS, BURNER, Pillgwenlly, Newport, at the Lowest possible terms. [60 MH. JAMES, ANUFACTURER of the Improved White Glazed STONE WARE SPIRIT JARS- rL*l?<X STONE and RED WARE SEWERAGE a LAND DRAIN- PIPES, BRICKS, I'lLES. &c.^ Cocnx-Y-BELLA STEAM POTTEBT Newport, Mon. [21 R. THOMAS WILLIAM S, 1.. HERBALIST, VIO-YE COTTAGE, 182, COMMERCIAL ROAD, NEWPORT, MON. [2 aENTLEMEN who desire a superior FIT and FINISH should try C. MILNES, TAILOR AND TROWSERS MAKER, 15%, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. [9 DR. DE JONGLPS (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, ) t^GHT-BSOWN GOD LIVER OIL. Ascribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the c as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for SfSUJIPXION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, RHMTMATIKM, GOUT, GEVEIiAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OF TIIE SKIX, jKBTS, XSPASTILE WASTING, AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTION'S. ^.r- Be Jonoil's Oil is the raost efficacious, the most palatable, HQ from its rapid curative effects, unquestionably the most eco- Ov?1 Cal of all kinds Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority every other variety is established b\ innumerable sponta tto?°s testimonials from Physicians. and Surgeons of European Nation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:— d BATiOIT FOUaUIEB. Qfessor of the University of Paris, Fhyskian to his late Majesty, TjOuis Philippe i i -1 Krt +L^vou have rendered an erai- Uht openly acknowledge tna«. y>^ _or<s __U1_ ^auc s?rvice to science by acquainting pr<actit t5u' fretlllent irregularity in the effects therefore' >;t, greeting their attention to a proper caoice. I > fcf&io neatest pleasure that I pay my tribute the successful efforts of the learnecIphysi v*1 s,rr;I 5C„ 1vhose researches after truth have cost Inin s ? tiii, 1"'J*nd who has shown us the way of rendering ■fc-g the administration of one of the most powerfulmedlcrnes are acquainted with." I,. LETHSByTEsq., M.B., F.L.S., P*sor of Chemistry wul Toxicology in the JMical Cctl'f- otthc ^°n^on Hospital, Medical Officer of Health to the City of bon • 1*1 > < £ '< all cases T have found Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil P0^- lhe same set of properties, among which the presence compounds of iodine in a state of organic combmati Inost remarkable; in fact the Oil corresponds in all1 ''est rs with that named '■ Iluile, hriine," and described as tli '1 T^ai'iety in the masterly treatise of I)r. de Jongh." | °4r>« believe, universally acknowledged that this desenp- Oil has great therapeutical power; and, from my mves- rticle^s' ^lave no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated R. t>. EDGECXJKBE, Esq., M.E.O.S., 9 to tfie B 1 Dispensary, Pimlico, d'C &C Vih,"e USP^ Dr- do Jongh's Oil in my own f.mily with StK„ success, and believe it to be in its effect superior to every Vr, yl'k7iar^o^11' r am desirous of introducing it into the /ai .Lhspen y, iimlico, of which I am one of the surgeons. 0>l'r 'a ?«|PEaBIj1' Half-pints, 2?. fid.: Pints, 4s. Pd. JM^S'9V °aPWITHOUTV«Tbelled Wlth Ur" De JONGH'S stamp V all ?r'a ,1 !of" nicu NONE CAN POSSIBLY BF. GENUINE a'1 honest Cliem^to. Axi SOI.B CONs1Gn.eps HAKFOKR. & Co., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. SOLE agent AT NEWPORT MB. T. J- JONES, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, H GII-STREET 31 ACCIDENTS OF EVERY KIND, AND j From any Cause, WSre* aSa'nst br Annual payment of ^y o the ^•h;^AY PASSKKGEHS AS'SUKANCh COM! ANY, C > secures- £ 1000 at death, or £ 6 weekly for injnry. PERSON ia every FIFTEEN of ^eS(, those insured is injured yearly by accident of some ^tion. «Extra Premium f< r Members of Volunteer llifie A?orT?arge for Stamp Duty.. errns> Prospectuses, &c., apply to the Provincial ^hi8 ri^16 Ilail%vay Stations and at the Head OiBce a IDPany alone, without union or amalgamation D7 other Company, has paid in COMPENSATION £ •53,000. fcai] WILLIAM J- YIAN, n^ay Passengers Assurance Co., SecretaTV- ^ffico—3,Old Broad street, E.C. Agent for Newport F Air. W1LIJ4JJ WILLIAMS, 16, Dook-Btreet, COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. rpAYLOR BROTHERS, LONDON, from 1 tlu-ir position as the largest Manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe, are enabled to supply all kinds of Cocoas an Chocolates on the best terms. Tai/hr Brothers' Patent Lentthzed Cocoa Is pronounced by Professor Letheby ami Dr. Hassall to be superior in nutritious element to all others see their Reports printed on the Labels of each Canister. Piice Is. 6d. per lb. Also a good quality, adapted for the work ing classes, Is. per lb.. ing classes, ] s. per 1 b. Taylor Brothers' Homeopathic Cocoa Stands unequalled as an article of Diet for Homoeopathic Patients. Sold in Tin Foil Packets, at Is. 4d. per'lb. Taylor Brothers' Soluble Cocoa (Hexagon Packet), Pearl Cocoa, and Soluble Chocolate, Are articles easy of Solution, and being very moderate in Price are well adapted for economical housekeepers. Sold by all Grocers and Tea Dealers. 104 THE WORKMAN'S CANDLE. DECIMAL PALM CANDLES—CHEA- PER THAN TALLOW CANDLES, with two § PER THAN TAI,LOW CANDLES, with two k-q 8J- Per lb'' OIls wi°k> 7^1. per lb., ten to e These candles, though ugly, burn well, and without 'tterin". They are admirably adapted for all who re- ° lire one which emits a great light. For Artisans, Turners m Metal Sempstresses, Tailors, Shoemakers, for^the vv dovvs of small shops, and for persons ox weak sight, where fl ii.dit is of primary, and appearance of secondaiv im- portance these candles are incompara:de in short, one Dppimal'Psl'11 Candle, with two wicks, gives the l-Jit of three ordinary candles, and with one wick, the light of two ordinary candles, and does not require snnffin„- Sold bv Grocers, Candle Dealers, and Oilmen, and whole- JAy'JALMKB* CO. Sutton-. ««t, Clerkenw' ll, London^C. CATTLE SHOW, LONDON. THE HYGIENIC SPlUKG LATHS BEDSTEAD, (GEYELIN'S PATENT,) COMBINING the advantages of Metallic Bedste'tis with the comfort of a Spring Mattress, ,r i»aa tbn./balf the cost. Certified by Medical men as fhe hpst and most comfortable Bedstead ever invented invaluable for hot climates cannot possibly harbour ver- min. Also Patent rm nrvr TTYGIB^10 SPRING LATHS BEDSTEADS I- OLDiM. Ui £ 2 1()i_ and 4,feet 6j £ 1 10s> Hygienic Mattresses and Bedding of the Best C ass only. MAGIC HORSE-TAMING NOSE,-PJNCHERS, (GEYELIN'S PATENT.) Warranted to subdue the most vicious dorse at the in- stant. TCickin" rearing, plunging, ami running away ren- dered irnpossihh. It is simple, ornLiDeiitil,. and can be fixed to any bridle. ,„T,_TT_ THE UNIVERSAL GAS BURNERS REGL^ATOR, (GEYELI:š'S PATENT ) The only one in the world with a va] ve the flames from all buiners remain invariable under all variations of pressure. Price 3s. each, one sent by post on there- ceipt of 3s. 6d. iu postage stamps PATENT JSNDLRSS BRICK. TILE, AND SOCKET PIPE AXACHINK, The most perfect, compact, and portable ever invented- Illustrated Catalogues on application, post free.—Agents. Wholesale and Retail, Mr. G GREGG, il, Baker-street, close to Ma:k:ae Tussaud's Exhibition and Mr. W. II KENNEDY, 462, Oxford-street, W.C., London. [36 DONALD DUNCAN'S CELEBRATED PURE SCOTCH MALT WHISKIES. In consequence of the increased demand in England for these splendied Whiskies, DONALD DUNCAN has OPENKD an ESTABLISHMENT at -5, BURLEIGH- STREET, STRAND, W.C. ROYAL BALMORAL WHISKY, a very fine mild and mellow spirit, los. per gallon. THE PRINCE'S USQUEBAUGH, a much-admired and delicious spirit, 188 per gallon. DONALD DUNCAN'S CELEBRATED REGISTERED D.D. WHISKY, Of extraordinary quality aud age, as supplied to many thousands of private families, to the principal clubs, hotels, &c., &c in Scotland and England, 20s. per gallon. Two "allons, and upwards, of either <>f the above sent to anv part or Sample forwarded, for twelve postage stamps Terms Cash Orders from the country must contain a ^UK^Sa'sTREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.O. XHITEUB^OPBAIT fe COLONIAL WINE COMPANY. No. 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. r| MIE above Company has been formed for the I purpose of supplying the Nobility, Geutiy, and Private Families with PURE WINES of the highest character, at a saving of at least 30 pel' cent. SOUTH AFRICAN SEEHRY ■ • |lss SOUTH AFftlCAH" PORi1 & S4s The finest ev-is introduced mto this country. ROYAL VICTORIA SH ElUiY (soft, nutty, and dry) 32s SPLENDID OLD PORT (Ten years ni the wood; SPARKLING EPERNAY CHAMPAGNE Equal to that usually charged 60. per doz. ST. JULIEN CLARET (pure, and without acidity). PALE COGNAC BRANDY .52s & 60s Bottles and Packages included. Their South African Wines are not CinJy agreeable, but particularly delicate and pure, and without that loading of spirit so commonly found in low priced w Vide Morning Post, Feb. 17, 18-59. The quality of the Royal Victoria Sherry is so ncn, fall-fl ivouivd, and yet so delicate to the palate, tJat n will soon be found by the public not to be unworthy of Its Royal name."—Vide Court Joirnnl. Feb. 19, 1859. Delivered free to any London Railway Station. Terms, Price Lists sent free on application to Mr. THOMAS WALL, 20, Dock-street, Newport, Sole Agent for South Wales. [27 [A CARD.] MR. R. N. OSBORNE, SURGEON-DENTIST, 17, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT. [11 MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON DENTIST, of No. 7, PARK- S STREET, BRISTOL, attends periodically (as for the last 12 Years) at NEWPORT, the first WEDNESDAY and at "CARDIFF, the following THURSDAY ini every Month, when he may be consulted on f.ll cases relating to his profession. Air YOUNG'S next visit will occur as follows Ne^VPORT-At Mr. Wansbrough's, No. 4, Commercial- 2' ;Dako*st™pet• -gw^^Tebrn.ry 2nd. un. PARSON, niT^GEON DENTIST, of 17, Orchard- L UxvO-b^ Pvppn Bristol, respectfully acquaints O street, CollegeL^^ fnd Inhabitants of New- tho Nobility, Clergy, Gentry am lt d in the port and the King's HEAD various blanches secQm\ Wednesday in each month "7"; I, CASTM-SMEM. Cauiiff, the following ^^Termaf which .ire exlremelj moderate, mj U torn on application as above. Wedivsdav, Stli, 9 till 5- ATTF.NDANCE For. Thnrsd'\v 9tlv, 9 till 5. FEKHUARV. J Caruift, lhm„aa>, » RUPTURES. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS HUXLEY'S IMPROVED PAT EN 1 MüC- MAIN TRUSS. o IERFECTKT) BY THE WEST OR THIS OIt 10IXJ h lIOC-MAiy Lb 1 TBl^,S, KNOWN AS EVANS' PATENT, DA I ED 1b4I. THE RESULT of this Improvement is to S DISPENSE ENTIRELY with the METALLIC LEVER SPEIISTG, and, by a combination of beautifully elastic material, insure Comfort, Security, and Durability, at a little more than one-third the cost of the Original Truss. Measure required circumference—two inches oeiow the Hips. Price of Single Truss, 12s. Postage 10J Double Truss, 18s. Postage, Is. 4d. Post Office Orders payable at ''Old Cavendish-street Post Office," to Edward Huxley, 12, Old Cavendish- Post Office," to Edward Huxley, 12, Old Cavendish- i Manufacturer^of6^' The Elastic Spiral.Surgical Baltand Air Pad," for Hernia, Pregnancy, Obesity, &c, [45 &c. T. P. WANS BUG UGH, PLUMBER PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPER-HANGER, AND DECORATOR, HAS NOW ON HAND a large STOCK of PAPER-HANGINGS, and DECORA- TIONS of every description. UNEQUALLED FOR EXTENT, VARIETY, AND CHEAPNESS. MARK THE ADDRESS T. P WANSBROUGH, PLUMBER, PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER-HANGER, and 5, COMMERCIAL-STREET, Opposite the Westgate Hotel, Newport, Monmouthshire. Z EXPERIENCED WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. [20 — ■ ir^M^ WILTSHIRE, YORK, AND SUFFOLK ITAMS, r f The Finest Quality ever offered. Prices from 9J. to b. par lb. STILTON C H E ESE, TRUCKLES, AND FINEST CHEDDARS, AT COMPTONS PROVISION STORES, 58, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. C A N D~ L E ST \\r COMPTON. TALLOW CHANDLER AXD WELTER YV 5 8 HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. W. C. calls attention to his improved RED WICK DIP CANDLES, which are free from that offensive smell which the common Dips possess, and give a biiiliant Light. [iol COMMERCIAL HOUSE, 147, COMMERCIAL STREET. JAMES MORGAN BFGS resneotfullv to inform the inhabitants of Newport and its neighbourhood, that he will RF OPEN the above Premises on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, I860, with a continuance of the SALE READY-MADE CLOTHING, at Half the original Prices, iu order to make room for an entire new Stock of of ■ [143 Drapery. DENTAL SURGERY. General Notice to Messrs. Mosely's Patients, and those who may wish to consult them. 1%/TFSSRS MOSELY SURGEON-DENTISTS, of 30, BERXER's-STEBET, OXFORD-STREET, London lY'l EbSxvO. > tiTPTwill for the future, devote one week in each month to their practice in tL P^Tuci^p'alRy'^an l1 by "wh'i'ch means they hope to meet the convenience of their patients, and so prevent the necessity of their applying elsewhere ^"1r1Ta|r^Yal^nS^0Ceo'n Monday, the 23rd, GEORGE HOTEL, Chepstow on Their days of attendance next door to the ANGEL HOTEL, Abergavenny; on WEDNESDAY, apartments at all the Hotels. Attendance from Ten to Five. Single teeth, from 5s. Sets, from £5. Stopping decayed teeth 23. 6d. oiu0i ^f n^Mpnts. ana those who may wish to consult them, that they Messrs. M03ELY beg to ca n-ITTT V PERCH A 0r LININGS, hereby aU pressure uj)on the can now supply Artificia ee l, %■ nc,+he use of wires or ligatures of any description. They are also remaining teeth is avoided, ant en ir y ,.po? OUttED COMPOSITION, which is added to the Teeth, and the Patentees and 1 uven .ors o 10 n i 0 restores that youthful contour of countenance, so necessary in prevents the lodgment of the food, and which also ^autifuf and ns,;ful inventions may be seen, and every the adaptation of Artificial Teeth. p descriution of Artificial Teeth, from one to a complete set, at half information given, free or expense. ve > Children S Teeth attended, and every operation pertaining to the usual prices. Stopping Decayed leatii, bcaxinD, um ^™ISM^etLE°1SLATI0N' UTkRATUKE rTHE OLD-FASHrONED WEEKLY' NEWSPAPER, as' regards mere news is fast X being superseded by the Cheap Daily Press in Town and Country and in consequence. the■ ^ng-estabhshed aiid intellectual paper, the LEADER, will ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, 7th JANUARY, initiate a NEW SERIES, to be issued as the LEADER, AND SATURDAY ANALYSf. CONSISTING ENTIRELY OF ORIGINAL ARTICLES AND ESSAYS, T>v WRITERS OF THE HIGHEST ABILITY IN THEIR VARIOUS PURSUITS. The character of a newspaper will so far be abandoned that nothing will be admittetl but SPECIALLY WRIT LEIN ARTICLES, although a RECORD of the most illlporbntevents will stul be afforded, and occasionally highly im- portant and historical Documents reprinted for futni# ref«:e but nothing will be inserted that has not undergone t ■r-v- the iE-iDER «'in b«— The fearless independence of thought and. tha(. the ab<indonmeni of the mere news, and the snbstitu- tinned mth renewed and lucre, ->• ARTICLES, will not be displeasing either to its old Subscribers or i^s newsreaders^" being*new^ci^mmed^ythe^ily paper it is anticpated that they must prefer, to the unavoid- ably stale intelligence, able commentary and powerful elucidation of the topics of the week. No expense or l^ourwin btAND INFLUENTIAL WRITERS, A NLM WHO WILL ANALYSE AND ™Wr4D>ToPKSRTANT LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS, SCIENTIFIC MATTERS, AND POLITICAL EVENTS, SOCIAL OCCURRENCES LITERARY PRODUCTIONS, qf thb T>T»Tn-p T7TVFP-PNPF -ST AMPED SIXPENCE—A QUARTER—6s. Gd. per Post. PRICE FIVE E f Saturday. A Friday Edition for the Evening Mails. Publishe J ne8Cription can be, a Sample Copy of the first number of the New As a specimen is far more explanatory than any description v Series>issued on SATURDAY, the 7TH 0? JANUARY, will be forwarded on the re0 Q'°j^S6FCATHE°i11^E 'sTliEET, LONDON, AY.C. 136^ 1\/| ERSEY LINE of AUSTRALIAN PACKETS, sailing from LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE, On the 25th of each month. Pnqaoncers conveyed by Steamer at Through Rates to all ° parts of Australia, &c. Tons Ions nv, gaji Ship. Commander. T)e,r;ster. Burthen. r, ms 2300.25th Jan., 1860 Bucephalus.Ba^e LLO Feb_ 1860 Persian .„Allen 0 ^-pHALDS," of 2500 tons The magnificent Clipper Llceph.. burthen, is the packet of the 2oth Janua y. r ,j ju„ of the fastest vessels afloat, having mat.e tae extraordinary palsages, viz. :— A Liverpool to Babia, (deeply laden) 1 Pernamhuco to Liverpool. 25 She has maintained a speed of 14 knots for several days t0Heicabins are fitted up in a style of unusual splendour, found in bedding and every requisite; the Second Cabin in the Poop will also challenge comparison in comlort with any ship in the berth. unnnrxm For terms of Freight or Passage, apply to EDMUND THOMPSON & CO., 20, Water-street, Liverpool; or to G. W. JOXES & CO., Ship Brokers, Newport J AJJ. GAWN, Auctioneer, Aberdare; TITUS JONES, Auc- tioneer, Mertbyr JENKINS and REES, 16, °™erf place Swansea or to R W. PARRY, Ship Brokoi, Card 1 HGNRFS HORSE AND CATTLE FEED HENRI'S PATENT CATTLE tLED is the most perfect preparation of the day for HORSES, COWS, CALVES, or SHEEP, as hundreds of Testimonials certify Price 42s. per cwt. HENRI'S PIG MEAL, 24s. per cwt. HFNUPS PATENT MEDICATED HORSE FEED, administered nightly, will quickly restore Horses that are sick or off their feed, into splendid and healthy condition, without interfering with their daily work- In sables where this is used, swollen legs, cracked heelA, or surfeit never appear. Boxes, containing 06 Feeds, l^s. HENRI'S FEED is the only one patented (1 boo), ana sold, with a Guaranteed A NALYSIS, by HENRI s PATEN CATTLE FEED COMPANY, Steam Mills, Hull, the so manufacturers, to whom or their duly appointed Agen orders must be given, and Post Office Oir.eis mad payable. LONDON DEPOT, 40, KING WILLIAM STREET. KPWPDRT Lloyd and JBaifoct. a" pE: »&«*»«, „ Brecon Edward V ebo, Corn Miller. Pontypooi. Davies & Edwards, Ironmongers 81 17 ROM £ 50 to £ 75 PER ANNUM IT ADDITION to INCOME.—Any respectable Tradesman or other person having a Shop or Parlour in the principal street of the Town in which he resides, such town being in this district, may realise this Addition to his Income, by devoting two hours upon three evenings per week to a matter of a very light easy character. None need apply who cannot give satisfactory references as to his past character and present position. Direct, with full name and address to E. 1. O., 159 Packington-street, Lower-road, 86 Islington, N., LonJon. Y q N K S Chemist, 5, High street, Newport, • I ff'FVT FOR HORNIMANS PURE TEA-<rf«'«^ ffood a liTœ recommends these well-known the utmost con- fidence t-lie repute iu which they aie> 11 Jd e y n thejr acquired by their very ^eas have no arti being always good aluce. Hormman and Co. s Teas n ficial covering on the surface, foi, ■_ Ves that want Spriny gathering, there are no ^seeiuetitly deficien to be disguised with a coat of colo cureci packets.t strength is never found m these Tea [100 A N Established LIFE ASSURANCE A: COMPANY, with pp<31 ^NG-8°an°"1 act,ivo, SJ» 2S district. Co'"m"sl°°0'nt Second Year Renewals and o Premiums; 10 p^. 'I'engwals. Should the Agent per cent, all ,su^ ful at the en.l of three mouths, a b° »d BOO,?S U'9 ""r0' H". Nolo need apply who cannot giv. uMicopt.onable "SZ'M i«\ru°j^.Lnds'T B,ls T1"m Camden-grove, Peokham, London, S.E. 102 ESTABLISHED 1812. 1\/]TESSRS. PROCTOR are now prepared to lYi. take Orders for their special MANURES for 1860, which they unhesitatingly a(ate are of a superior quality and charged at the lowest possible prices, viz ;— TUlmIP MANURE, WHEAT do., POTATO do,. GRASS do., BARLEY do., CLOVER do., OAT do., DEAN do. Also PERUVIAN GUANO, BONE DUST, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, &c., &c., All of which are warranted of the best quality, II & T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. [51 BURROWS AND CO., WHOLESALE JD WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL. STORES—Lime-street. OFFICES.—54, Duke-street. The Proprietors beg most respectfully to call the atten- tion of the Trade, Noblemen, Clergy, and the Public to their extensive stock of pure Wines of rare vintages. .Burrows and Co., are not disposed to comment upon the purity of their Wines, which is daily most laudably ac- knowledged by the public and eminent medical men of all countries, as the increasing patronage of the highest families in the land is a sufficient guarantee. They beg to call particular attention to their pure Tonic Wines, as being so valuable to invalids and peisons of weak stomachs. A simple case, containing three full sized wine bottles, will be forwarded to any address cn receipt of a Postipffice Or,1er for 6s. 6.1 or a dozen for 24s. It is a well-known fact that impure and adulterated wines are the greatest foes to health, debilitating the di- gestive organs; while pure wines will accelerate the diges'.ive powers, invigorating, strengthening, and bracing the nervous system. Their Tonic Wino is admitted to be most essential to invalids, beth old and young, and should never be absent from the bom1 s of the weak aad sickly. It properties are duly acknowledged and appreciated by the leading' men of the facuity both at home and abroad. To prevent imposition, each bottle is sealed with the name of the firm. All orders to be made payable to Henry Burrows. 09 LEA & PER KINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED BY mm exxRACT of a LETTER H from a MEDICAL CONNOISSEURS GENTLEMAN at Madras TO BE THE to hi. Brother at BBM VORCESTEPt, May, 1851. "ONLY GOOD SAVCC-rag "Tell J,EA & PERRINS AND APPLICABLE TO rfllsS t,iel.t SACJCE IS highly HWKSHH steemeu in India, and is, EVERY VARIETY Q.ijgagai '»y. 0P'0", »ie most filttlSnS ^ble as ivell as the „ .cBEBTBBW nost wholesome Sauce that „ .cBEBTBBW nost wholesome Sauce that DISH. IS made." The success of this most delicious md unrivalled condiment having causcd many unprincipled dealers to apply the name to Spurious Compounds, the Public is tespeclfuliy and earnesl'y requested to see that the names of LKA & PEHRINS are upon the WRAPPElt, LA 13EL, STOPPER, AND HOTL'LE. Manufactured by LEA & PEHRINS, Worcester. Sold Ly CROSSE 4: BLACKWELL, London; and all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen throughout, the Woild. 107 USE ROBY'S celebrated WARWICKSHIRE :J SAUCE. ESTABLISHED 1827. ROBY AND CO., PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN, ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA. Sold by all Italian Warehousemen, Grocers, Fishmongers, Sc. 135 VERY PRIME SEVILLE ORANGES, For MARMALADE, &c., at Is. to b. 6d. per doz., NOW SELLING AT F -"UA N N l,' L L S HIGH STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, NEWPORT. Ill NEWPORT ROPERY COMPANY! MANUFACTURERS of PATENT FLAT and ROUND ROPE of all descriptions, Engine Virn, Hemp, Flax, dressed and undressed, Sacks, Sacking, Twine of all descriptions, Fishing Tackle, Halters, Plough i ines, Waggon Ropes, and White Rope of all qualites. 37 rjPHE LONDON MANURE COMPANY, I ESTABLISHED 1840, Are now prepared to send out the following MANURES SUPERPHOSPATE OF LUIE, of Best Quality DISSOLVED BONES, COXCENTRATED URATE,' MANGOLD MANURE, BLOOD MANURES, for Corn and Roots, COR:" MANURE, for Spring Top Dressings, PERUVIAN GUANO, NITRATE OF SODA, and every other Manure of value. Any of the above can he obtained on the best terms from Mr. PHILIP FISHKR. Chepstow; Mr. C. BUL- LOCK, Westoa-under-Penyard, Hosg; the Agents of the Company. E. PURSER, Secretary. 116, Fenchu: ch-street. 90 PONTYPOOL SODA WATER AND LEMONADE MANUFACTORY. EDWARD EDWARDS begs to inform tlie Nobiiity, Gentry, ami Inhabitants of the neighbour- hood, that he has SUCCEEDED to the BUSINESS of Mr. A. J. HOOPER, WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, Pontypooi, and trusts by stiict attention and by supply- ing First-class Goods, to merit n share of public patronage. FOREIGN and BRITISH WINES, BURTON and other ALES, also First-class DUBLIN STOUT. SODA and LEMONADE, and all other Ærated WATERS. Families supplied with Wine, Spirits, &c., either in Casks or Bottles STORES, BARRACKS YARD, TROSNANT N.B.—Corn and Flour Factor' [148 tuition. SUPERIOR EDUCATION FOR YOUXG LADIES, COMBINED WITH THE Comfort and Careful Supervision of a Christian Home 3, VICTORIA-PLACE, NEWPORT, MON. ISS- HALL, assisted by Competent Go- X < « vernesses, undertakes the complete education of YOUNG LADIES in English, French, Music, Drawing, Sinking, &c. TERMS, moderate. Prospectuses and References forwarded on application. LESSONS given to PRIVATE PUPILS. The next Term will OPEN on THURSDAY, January 19:h, lB'oO. 3, Victoria Place. 66 fTSS XAISIl'S SELECT PREPARA- itJL TORY DAY SCHOOL, for YOUNG LADIES and GENTLEMEN, York-place, Slow-hill, will RE- SUME its duties (D.V.) on TUESDAY, 24th January, I860. <J4_ EDUCATION. MRS. CHARLES TASKER will RESUME the Duties of her School at her NEW RESIDENCE, Stow-hill, on THURSDAY, the 26th instant. 119 MR CHARLES HENRY TASK Ere, ORGANIST OF "AINT PAUL'S, NEWPORT, Teacher of the Piano-forte and Singing, BEGS to inform his Friends and Pupils that lie will RESUME his Professional Duties on MONDAY, the 23rd instant. Stow-hill. January 12th. 118 MATHEMATICAL, COMMERCIAL, BOARDING, AND DAY SCHOOL. 111. F. II. ROB ARTS will Re-open the !»,! above SCHOOL on TUESDAY, the 17ih inst. 28, Llanarth-street, Newport. [77 COLLEGIATE AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. So. 32. DEVOS PLACE, GOLD TOPS, SEWPOltT, JfOS PRINCIPAL,—MR. CHANDLER, M.R.C P (Late Second Master of the Sheptou Mallet Grammar School.) TERMS DAY PUPILS (pnr quarter), from fl Is. to fl 108. BOARDERS (per quarter), from £ 6 10s. to f7 10s. Latin, French, Drawing, Music, Dancing, &o on the usual termø, The quarter commences on the day a pupil enters the School. [114 FULLANDS SCHOOL, TAUNTON. R. REED, in returning his best thanks i i i to his many friends in Monmouthshire and South Wales, for their liberal support during the past fourteen years whilst at Ottery St. Mary, has the pleasure of in- forming them, and the Public generally, that he Ins Removed his Scbool to FULLANDS HOUSE, TAUN- TON. The excellent Premises connected with Fullauds House are unsurpassed in the West of England -standing on a gentle eminence within Twenty Acres of its own grounds, one Mile from the Town of Taunton—having largo and well-ventilated School, Dining and Bedrooms, a capital and safe Bath, a dry Play-ground, and a Cricket- ground,and Play-field of Four Acres, &-o., &c.; in fact, everything admirably calculated for a First-class School. Prospectuses, containing an Exposition of the Course of Education, a View of the House and a Plan of the Estate, Terms, &f! will be forwarded on application. The SCHOOL will RE-OPEN on MONDAYS 23rd JANUARY, 1860. Fullands House, 28th December, 1859. [29 ISS VAUGILVN"^ SCHOOL will RE- ivi OPEN on THURSDAY, 26th of JANUARY,1830, Adams;iown, CaidifF, January 7th, 1860. 105 CBIUST'S CO LL EGE, BRECON. nnil E HALF-YEAR begins on THURSDAY J. the 2nd of February. Apply to the Rev. J. D. WILLIAMS, M.A., Held Master. 98 THE PRIORY Si HooL, ABEKGAVENNY. j^/JTR. RUTHERFORD respectfully an- iJJe. noYtnces the llE-OL'ENING of his SCHOOL, on TUESDAY, the 2.1(b instant. [133 CARDIFF GRAMMAR SCHOOL. P. W. BEDFORD, L.L.D, PRINCIPAL. rjpHE FIRST TERM of the SESSION, X 1860, will commence on TUESDAY, 24th January. A Prospcctus of the course of Study puisued, with Terms for Boarders and Daily Pupils, may be obtained at K o. 4, Charles-street. Cardiff, 14th January, 18GO. [137 IDctict$. MONMOUTHSHIRE. COURT OF SEWERS. Notice is hereby given, that an Adjourned General Court and Session of Sewers, for the Levels of the Hundreds of Caldicot and Went- looge, in the County of Monmouth, will be hold at the bouse of JOHN LLOYD, called the KING'S HEAD INN in the Town of NEWPORT, in the said County, on THURS- DAY, the 26th day of January instant, at the 'hour of One in the Afternoon, when ;H1 where all persons who feel aggrieved hy any presentment found against them at the Court heh on the 24th of November last, may attend and eiuer their traverse thereto, otherwise the same will stand confirmed. Dated this 12th day of Januarv, 1860. 1;;2 A. WADDINGTQN, Clerk. CARRIAGES FOR SALE. A WAGONETTE, with Roof to remove £ has Luggage Iron aud Straps, raised Backs, Splash- ing Wings, Dray, &c., complete, and equal to new. Built by R. & E. VEZEY, B-vth. Also, A NEW FASHIONABLE QUEEN'S PAT- TERN PONY PHJETON, with Head, Splashing Wings, and Curtains has a Light Rumble Seat to bind part, Collings's Patent Axles, &c., complete. Built by BARKFR & Co., London. To be Sold by order of the Executors of a Gentleman deceased. For particulars, apply to Messrs. R. & E. VE-ZEY, at their Carriage Repository, 19, Milsom-street, or at their Manufactory, Long Acre, Bath. H.B.-Carrialee Bold on commMtMa< 120 itOtUTS. LLANDAFF CHURCH EXTENSION SOCIETY. THE COMMITTEE OF THIS SOCIETY V WIN (D.v.) be held at tho TOIVS HALL CARDIFF, on FR.DAY, January the 27th, at eleven o'clock. rm TI J- O. FOWLER, Hon. Sec. lhe jJandaff Education Board will meet at the same time and place. [152 NEWPORT ATHENJEUM AND MECHANICS* INSTITUTE. TOWN HALL, XEIVTORT. THE COMMITTEE begt to announce that J- they have engaged Mr. II. J. GROVES, assisted by the folio wing artistes, to give a CONCERT, ON WEDNESDDAY EVENING, 25th JAN., 1860. VOCALISTS. MRS. WHITEHEAD MR. COCKRAM (Bristol). MRS, GOCLD MR. H. J. GROVES. INSTRUMENTALISTS. HERR PFEIPFER, AIR. J. WILLIAMS (Poat. Violin. newyddl Corllet-a-Piston- CONDUCTOR.—MR. H. J. GR JVES. To commence at a Quarter past Eight o'clock. Admission.-Members, Is. Member an 1 Lady, 2-i. Non Members, h. 6e1. each. JOHN W OOD, Hon. Secretary. MATTHEW JOHNS, Secretary. NEWPORT DISPENSARY AND INFIRMARY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the XT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Governors and Subscribers to this Institution, wiU 'ba held, by permissson of the Mayor, at the TOWN HALL. on TUESDAY, the 31st instant, at One o clook, p m., pre- cisely, for the purpose of receiving from the Directors a report of their proceedings during the lust yeir, for appointing the Directors, the Treasurer, and the Secretary for the currant year; and for transacting any other business of the Charity. J. F. THOMAS, Secretary. January 18th, 1860. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I will not be answerable for any debts contracted by my wife, ELIZABETH A. WILLIAMS. Dated this 18th day of Januarv, 1860. JAMES WILLIAMS, No. 3, Hereford-place, Caerleon-ioad, Newport. 7,000 B USKLELS OF WHITE OATS, 6,500 BUSHELS E PRIME BLACK OATS, EX HELEN" 6,000 BUSHELS PRIME OLD BLACK Ditto, EX "ISABELLA." ON SALE. Apply to THOMAS MADDOCKS. ST MELLONS BANK, Opposite William 4th Inu, Newport, Mon. o BE SOLD —"BARGAINS !—An OMNIBUS, GIG, WHITECHAPEL, and Ligbt PHAETON, in good condition. To be seen at L. ROBERTS', Coach Builder, Corn-street, Newport.- Also, a FLY, CAB PHAETON, and GIG, to be seen at the THREE SALMONS HOTEL, Usk. [144 Tl/T ONEY.— £ 500 to be Lent, on Mortgage of J_TJL Freehold or Leaflehold property. Apply to Mr. F. J. HALL, Solicitor, Newport, Mon- mouthsbire. [146 LoCA L GOVERNMENT ACT. 1838. DISTRICT OF B L A E N A V O N. NOTICE. WHEREAS, by an Order of her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment, dated the 11th January instant, Blaeuavon com- prising certain portions of the parishes of Hanover Llan- foist, Llanwcnartb, and Tnvethin, is constituted a District, under the Local Government Act, 1858, and the undersigned ISRAEL MORGAN, of Blaenavon, is by the said Order appuiuted SUMMONING OFFICER for the pur- poses thereof. NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with a re- quisition duly signed, in accordance with the provisions of the above-named Act of Parliament, that a MEETING of Owners and iiatepavers of the District of Blaenavon will be held at the KTNGS' ARMS INN, Blaenavon on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd day of February next, at 10 o'clock iu the Forenoon, for the purpose of considering and deciding upon the adoption of the Lo al Government Act, 1858, in and for the said District, and fur passing such Resolutions in connection therewitii as may be deemed expedient. ISRAEL MORGAN, Summoning Officer. Blaenavon, 19th January, JSGn. "A N '1^ S T O THE NEWPORT BOKQUGH CORPS- OF RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. GENERAL OBJECT OF THE CORPS. "Lives there a man. with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said— This is my own, my native Land The members are I1ssoei,tted together to aerve the causa of patriotism—to devote themselves to honor and maintain the independence of their native country-to pro: cd. their hearths and homes from the invader. Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen— it is the noblest passion that animates a man in the chaiacter of a citizen MEMBERS OF THE COUPS. A people Who cannot find in their own proper force Their own protection, are not worth saving." Every man residing in Newport, or wiibin a con- venient distance therefrom, anti who may be desirous so doing, may unite in this Corps,—but prudence suggests that those who may be more available to the regular Army and the Militia, should give a preference to those sel ViCd;, CONSTITUTION OF THE COBrs. A government nn frerdonl's basis bunt, Has. in all apes, been the theme of song, And the desire of great and godlike, men; For this, the Grecian patriots fought." The management is vested in 24 Membeis; eighteen of whom are elected by and from the general tody, ami the others consist of six of tha senior Commissioned Offieeis, OFFICERS OF THE CORPS. Eac h petty h nd Can steer a ship beaa^med; but he that will Govern and carry her to her ends, mu.-t know His tides his currents, how to shift his sails. What she will bear 111 foul, what ill fair Wfcathcrs." All promotion is dependent upon merit.. The. appre- ciation of merit is vested in the general body, whie:¡ alone has the power of election. SPECIAL OBJECTS OF THE CORPS. So work the lionev bees, Creatures, that by a rule in nature teach The art of order to a peopled kingdom.' By organization and discipline to economise means to end Bold Robin Ilood was a forester poo- To foster sentiments of loyalty and courage—and manli- ness of purpose and conduct. By judicious instruction and practice—aud by muscular exercises to produce SKILFUL AND EFFICIENT RIFLEMEN. this Corps has b en in existeuee scarcely a im.nth, and yet it already numbers upwards of 1:20 effective members. Accessions are taking place daily, aud the project of its ultimate strength is moat encouraging. Launched as a popular and permanent institution, in connection with the Borough, its career to the present time has fully justified the most sanguine anticipations of its promoters. Its laws, prepared with great care, provide for a thorough development of its principles. Drills take place in convenient premises (at the Ponty- pool Wharf) every evening, from C 20 to 8.30 (Saturdays excepted) under the instruction of two first class Serjeants of the regular service. Arms for the purpose a;e furnished, and the progrets is altogether most satisfactory. An ex- cellent Band, under the direction of HERR PFEIFFEK, is organized, and all other necessary matters ara receiving prompt and attentive consideration. The aid of the pnblis generally is earnestly solicited. The Sinews of \Var" are requited—and ill so good a. cause it is hoped the public will not be found wasting. "Our country's welfare is our first concern, And who promotes that best, best proves his duty. All persons desirous of joining the Corps, or of con- tributing iu aid of ita fuuds, «re requested to communicate with JAMES MADDOCKS, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, 20, Dock-street, 20th January, ^G0. Newport, KM