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a——n » |ui»'iiu'-«a!Jajj.A«gEta gutter, ..U .t¡;J-' WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA. R> ES 2VC A. ITRODUCEB of the SOUTH AT-UCAN PORT, SHERRY, &c., 2'>s. per dozen, bottles in.d<.d. lie well established ami daily increasing reputation of these ilea (which greatly improve in bottle) renders any comment Jecting them unnecessary. A PIN SAWIPLE Or EACH ro-I 24 STAMPS. fin" in Ca-k fonnrchi free to an" Rrli1 wa" Statin ill England. JXCELSlOR BRANDY, Pale cr Brown, 15s. per gallon, cr 30.. dozen. Terms Cash. Country orders m st contain a remittance. Cross Cheques—Bank of London." •RICED LISTS, WIT if DR. IIASSALL'S ANALYSIS FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. J-A3&0CE2S3 L. roE3I>ffiv2:.A3W, 95, Feachurch Street, comer of Railway Place, London. UIILY MOURNING. — Messrs JAY ,e achieved by I'URCH ASIX! MOUKNING at I would respe^tfLilly announce that great economy gt.ablishmont. Their stock of Family Mourning is, I-, the largest in Europe. Mourning Costume of de^-notion is kept ready-made, anil can be for- 1 in to o. n or couniy at a moment's no ice. The eisocable prices ave charged, and the wear of every e i'liarantecl The "Dr< GENERAL .iHU NINT. WAREHOUSE > ETTUEXT STREET, near the CIRCUS. JAY'S. |liV» 'xO'ded upon h the Country, Patterns sent p°* I free. S" 1 "is) i J. S J?-^ ETAI-Xa, LASTIC BOOT MAKER TO THE CUEEN, ) 308, REGENT STREET, LONDON. j ■* .ADIi'S may have forwarded by Post the best French Morocco L Shoes, black or ljro:ize, best Kid and Satin, white or black, 5s. 6d. per pair. Send outline of the foot on paper, 54 stamps 68 extra for postage, and the shoes will be sent neatly packed nv address in the United Kingdom by return of Post. JUST PUBLISHED, with 60 illustrations, price 4d. SCIENT AND MODERN BOOTS AND SHOES, by Js ',LRKES HALL, Boot Maker to Her Majesty and the Koyal fcnily, by post on receipt of four stamps. 308, Regent Street, London. CHUBB'S FIREPROOF SAFES. .•tronp wrought-iron, are all fitted with Chubb'* t the Djtcctor Locks which secure them a" n,*fP ks, street door latches, c.nh *nd deed boxei. iu"* r*ted. hit* It free. CIJURB AND SON, 07, St. Paul" ChurehyMd, London; xni at nrpool, lIanehelter, and Wolnrhamptoll. .5. OOr. BY and SON Agents, '20, Commercial street, jBwport. Monmouthshire. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. ICH WEPP! 'S SOI) A WATER. CH\EPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER. SCHWEPPE'S POTASS WATKH. JCH WEPPE'S LEMOXADE. eh bottle of the Alkali Waters is protected by a Label i-ho Cork, with their signature. Sold by all respect- Chemists, Confectioners arid leading Hotels. Manu- red at London, Liverpool, Bristol, Derby, and Mal Wells. ftLANDO JON ES AND CO.'S Original Patent RICE STARCH REQUIRES NO BOILING, lebrated for producing a BEAUTIFUL GLAZE, and ling its stiffness iu the dampest weather. IUTION-—Every packet has a label with the name ted UXDEH the Royal Arms. INCOME WITHOUT RISK. ERSONS having a little time to spare are apprised that the EAST INDIA TEA COMPANY nue to appoint Agents for the sale of their celebrated in any town and villige iu the kingdom. These are packed to suit all purchasers, in leaden canisters, one ounce to one pound. )plication to be addressed to the Company, at their es, 9, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London. [REA T S TO N E'S PATENT CON- y CERTINAS, 36s. ditto to play in all the keys, fed., ditto full compass (48 keys), 4 guineas: all are ;idel! and I,ave the doub! action. Also the new Duet certina at 31s. 6d. and 42s. wHEAtstonk & Co., 20, Conduit-street, London. BANK OF DEPOSIT, ESTABLISHED A.D. 1R14. -3, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON. •ties desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine Plan of THE BANK OF DEPOSIT, by which a high rate of in- 1st may be obtained with ample security. lbo Interest is payable in January and July. r PETER Morrison, Managing Directab FonnI /or opening Aetountt ftw an TI II THE FIRST PRODUCTION IN THE WORLD the growth, and for improving and beautifying the Human Hair, is ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, beyond by its for more, than IIALF 4 CENTURY PJUt, and wilen other have failed. e numerou. Te.tlmonial. constantly received Of its efficacy, afford the be" or «m«nv 10J. 6d.; and double tlat »iio, 21 j. c ROWLANDS' KALYDOR. Kojtllj patoronind and, universally esteemed Specific exerts tho nott iinj, coolinffj and purifying action on the Skin, eradicate. Frecklei, Tan, ilaSf Spoti, Discoloiationi and other Cutaneous Visitations, and ren4", flhi soft, clear and blooming.—Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. rHITE AND SOUND TEETH Are indispensable to PERSONA*. ftACTIOX, and to health and loneeTity by the proper mastication of fOll4. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, OR PEAUL DENTIFRICE, StreMtkta* JnproTtng; »nd iraparting Pearl-like T 1 he Gums, and tor reDdarlng the Broath sweet and P"e- j 1 hv A ROWLAND and SONS, 20, Hatton GardeBi London, and by Chemists and Perfumers. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. XTRAORDINARY DISPLAY of Costly New and Second- hand FURNITFRE consisting of upwards of 100 complete suites of new leconi-hand drawing, dining, and bedroom appendages, in every atyle suil- for the cottage or mansion, "great portion having been supplied by the eminent liouses in London, and in condition equal to new, is now offet«4 is than half Its original cost, at DENT'S New and Second-hand FUUNITURB WAREHOUSES, P 3o| 31, 32, and 99, Crawford-street, Baker-street, London, Principal entrance, 99, Crawford-street. PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN.-CROSSE PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN.-CROSSE and BLACKV.'ELL'S pure and wholesome Sauces. Pickles, and Condiments may be liad f'f aU Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen. WhM^ale at21, Solio square, London C. and B. are agents for Mons. Sover's Sauces. Relish and Aromatic Mustard. BENTLEMEN TiESIDIiift ITT THE COTTHTrY, and desirous of avnillni thcin'Ivi.^ of to N'ou..st London Fashinns, can X! pMlecttr fitted Wli HOI T I'KKSoNAI. ATTIJN IJA.SCE, by u:,iii<r tUe SCLES FOB SK5.F-M KASf It KM liNT, whielj -.viil b« Mlit post-free, tutctiier »ith ii:ittcrns of all var;ft;eN „f ]10 ui'iv.M materials. The .SV DKtlll An s, ot ;■ .r<: Vn/'iln: .^Inforills, l"s. Kd. The SVrKNJ'AM TOI-COAT, of Oie bv»l .ito-nr ol lu-avor CloUl, !s. SAMl"EL mtOTlIKUs, Merchant Tailor*. -J, Luu„;ilc Kill, London r ABRIOTT's DANCE MUSIC. f_|_ The Martha Polka The star of the Opera VaTse";3s! The Priucess Alice Valse Beautifully Illustrated by "Buand,yrd. London SEWER & Co., 23, Bisbopsgate-street U ithin. THE ROYAL ^AVAL: MILITARY, ^AST INDIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Established AM. 1237. FOR GENERAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES, 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDai. DiaECTOSS. Iajor-Gca.Sir FRFDFRIC SmTlI, K.H., F.R.S., M.P., Chairman. AS. FREDLRIIJK NUGENT DAXIKLL, Es i., D. puty-Chairman, I- cut.-General EDWARD AVYNYAUD, C.B. Archibald HAIR, Esq.. M.D., late Royal Horse Guards. -WILLIAM CHARD, Ksq., Navy Agent. Major WILLIAM LANCET, Royal Engineers. General TAYLOR, C.B.( Ea9t India Company's Service. WILUKAHAM TAYLOR, Esq. Lieut.-Colonel F. S. SOTHKBTj C.B. E.I.C.S. Lieut.-General Sir GEORGE POLLOCK G C B Rear-Admiral Michael Qci>j. Rear-Admiral SIB LAMBERT, K.C.B. Insurances are granted upon Ifte lives f &datri°.f iife-and are e 13, Waterloo-place, Undon, S.W.1X1414 M- JA11ES, Sec. i FIRST-CLASS SILVER medaT haa been awarded to NYE & Co., at th« Paria Universal Sxll-Dition, X866, for K their improved PATENT SAUSAGE MAKINQ AND J[ General Mincing Machine, H for prirate families, hotel-keepers, &«• Price £ 1 10s., £ 2 2s., and £ 3 3s. Ais0 SMALLER minces ir the dinner table, to assist digestion, loss of teeth kc. Trice 30s. Testimonials sent free. 79, WARDOUR STREET, SOHO, LONDON. TOENE, ROBINS AND CO.'S TEAS. England^1^8 °f 3°S' va^ue' carri«S° free to any part J usual artificial rn\ [P'lle °l've) ln addition to Agents appointed forUH kl1ml8ffrom13s- 2^- 4s. 4d. j Brrirr frStto^6 e of onr Packet Teas- l, BLCKLERSBUliY, CHEAPSIDE LONDON. -.#1 .r: cHmtcous. WHAT 3tI6.LI. I DO TO aET CUitED ? Is the question often asked by the afflicted. As your cnre depends upon the treatment you obtain, apply to Hit THO V! AS W ILLI A MS, VINE COITAOB, No. 182, OOMM ltci-vL ROAD, NeotoW One door irorn the new Bible < iir stian Chape » V&TH■). having devoted hia «hol- study, (or thir^ W years, to the curing of ail' ,)lseasesf(jythelast only, and from successful r.^c'ice in ^"hpthe'utm0stcer- ten years,is enabled to treatpatients vntn tn tainiy of a Cure. '.ni-pdhyThou W.s Herbal t3ills have been expenenced^ sands to be the i'ua 0 > >fervousness, Indi- Pitins in the Head, Back, is'M) Skin Diseases,&c. gestion, Loss of Appetnc,. r^];ed upon by those who The utmost attention way vviniamg_ entrustthemselvestotheoa _n thg M Attendance daily, from r« VinP till Tn-n Ten at Ni«ht: on Sundays,froni >ine till lwo. Countrv Patients n.a-t be particular in stating theii cases as that will render a personal visit unnecessary. Meriit-ine with the necessary adv ice sent to any par ton receipt of a Pos^<^riter for payable to Dr. THOMAS VVILbIAil>), JSev.-port, jNioumouthshire. (j^ut^on j-X'he public are requested to take notice ti.at Dr. Williams has no connexion with any other person in the profession and that he can only be seen on cast s at his residence, as above. B 28 CURTIS ON MANHOOD.—NEW EDITION. A EDICAL ESSAY ON NERVOUS DISEASES, &e. Just published, the 120th thousand, with numerous plates, in a sealed envelope, price Is., or sent, post paid, by the Author, for 14 stamps. MAN1IOOD the CAUSE and CURE of pre- MATURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for perfect H'torarion to Health and Vigour; being a Medical Review ofthe -i'His forms and modern treatment of Neivous Debility, to wliiuii are added Curious and InterestingCases, with the Author's Re.:i;i/ of a Preventive Lotion. Dy J. L. CUltTlS, li, Albermarie-street, Piccadilly, London whose practice, extendirg over a peri ul of "0 yea s, affords a complete guarantee to patients that the utmost skill and ex- perience will be made available in the treatment of their cases. 'CURTIS ON MANHOOD.—" It is the duty of all men to study the laws of their body, no less than those of their mind. In the pages of this work will be golden rules for regulating tic "lie and pres.-rving the other.1Iark hane Express, March 31st, 185G.. This is a t. uly valuable work, and should be in the hands of young and old.Sunù(lY limes, M»:ch, 1856. We feel no hesitation in sayin" that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful-whether such person iioid the relation of a parent, preceptor, or a clergy- mall.S,W, Evelling l'aper. Sold also by PIPER and Co., 23, Paternoster-row, London. Consultations from :0 till 3 and 6 till 8. (51 A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. Patent Office Seal of Great Britain.—Diplomc de Ecole de Phar- macie Pharmacien de Paris.-Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. The patentee may be consulted daily according to the rules laid down in the work Human Fr tilty." Sent free by post Is., by J. Allen, 20, Warwick-lane, Paternoster-row, London. He con- siders it nc-essary that, very expedient should be adopted to secure the public against Imitaticns of the Triesemar. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Oiiice of England, the Seals of the Ecpte de Pharmacie de Paris, and the tmpeiial College of Viennn, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around e ch case. Imitations of the same are liable to the severest penalties the Courts of Law can award". TRIEsEMAR, No. 1, 2, and 3, prenaied in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the wais c at nucket Sold in tin cases, divided into separate doses, as administered by Valpeau, Lalieman, llt.ux, liicord, &c" &c. rl" It I E S EMAll No. 1 is a Remedy for X RELAXATION, and all the distressing consciences arising from too long a rtsidence in hot cliniases. It has restored bodily strength and vi, our to thousands of debilitated individuals, who are now in the enjojment of health. TRIESE.vIAll No. II. effectually, in the short space of Three Hays, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disor 'ers which Copaivi and Cubcbs have so long been thought an antidote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRIES EM All No. 111. searches out and purifies the diseased humours from the blood, and cleanses the system from all deteriorating causes; it also constitutes certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the vims of disease, and expel it with the insensible perspiration through the medium of the ports of the skin and urine, and is a never-failing remedy for that class of diso: dcrs which unfor- tunately, the English l hys:cian treats with Mercury, to the in- evital>l» destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the wo. Id cannot remove. Priee lIs., or four cases in one for 33s, which saves lis and in t5 cases, whereby there is a saving ot £ 1 To be had whole- sale and retail in London, of Darby and Gosden, 40 Leaden- hall-street,(opposite the India House); Alessrs. Garrett Brothers, Drug-gi,ts, Ncwp rt, Mon.; K. fl. Ingham, Druggist, 46, Market- street, Manchester; Raimts and Co,, 40, Hanover-street, Liver- pool; Powell, bookseller, 15, Westmorelan.l-street, Dublin Evans, chemist, C'arditf. HUMAN FRAILTY; a Popular M dical W ork, on N ervous- ness, Loss of Strength, and General Decay of the Faculties, price 3s., post free beautifully illustrated with >00 Engravings. This work contains, in ¡¡bin and sympathising language, practical remarks on various disorders, and recommends it slf as a safe and unerring guide to the restoration and permanent preservation nl'health. Piper and Co., 23, Paternoster Row, and from all Age-its for the sale of the 'Triesemar.' (23,3 PRICHARD'S AROr/TATIC STEEL PILLS. Are the only acknowledged specific for pain in the face and heed nervous and geurral debility. They give energy to the muscles and nerves,and strength to the stomach.speedily impairing vigour to all constitutions weakened from illness or shattered by the cares and V » *■« Th#te piiu-arn Absorbed by the blood, and thus circulate through the whole system, so that no part o/ the body can escape th-ir truly wondeif»l iniiueifce» In boxes, 2s. H I., 4-. iid., and Its. only by Mr. Prichard, 65, Charing Cross and may be (obtained of all medicine vendors. Agents.—Newport: Phillips, chemist; Pontypool Wood, che wist; Pontypridd; Bdssett chemist Tredegar: Crowe, chemist; Hryi.mawr George and Son, chi-mists Usk Clark, bookseller Ross Carry, Cox, and lloper Abergavenny Wntkins, chemist; Cardiff: Kernick, clieinist Dowlais J. James i Merthyr Tidvil Smyth. chemist; Monmouth: Cossens, chemist, and Farror, bookseller. Du Ü, STOUBEIIG'S VOICE LOZfc^GE, is acknowledged after Ten years' trial as he best specific for mprovinjr the v ice, and removing all allecuoiis of the Throat, Strongly recommended to Clergymen, Singers. Actors, I ublic Speakers, pers subject to relaxed Throats, and to all persons desirous of cultivating their voices, and ensuring a good and clear articulation. They have also been found highly benefieiil those ainicted with Nervous, Hysleric" 1, or Stomachic Coughs, be had in boxes, at Is. 2p. 9d.,and4s. 6d.each, of every Medicine Vendor in the kingdom. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, Farringdon street, Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard; W. Edwards, Newberry and C, Sons, St. Paul's Churchyard Dieirichsen and Hannay, Oxford- street; Sanger, Oxford-street, and Retail by all respectable Chemists in the Kintrom. NERVOUSNESS—A Clergyman of the Estab- lished Church, who had suiiered a martjr iom for twenty years from low spirits, melancholy, giddiness, pains in the head, loss of memory, sleepless: ess, indigestion, and all the fearful symptoms of nervous and general debility, and who had spent hundreds of pounds in physicians' fees and quack medicines, all to no purpose, was speedily cured byoi simple remedy prescribed by an eminent Surgeon. All suilerers are welcome to this inva- lunble remedy, which will be sent, free by post, ready prepared in proper doses, with instructions for use and diet, ic., on Aceipt of three penny postage stamps, by the Rev. F. itussell, 13, Ar- lington-street, Camden town, London. This medicine is distri- buted from benevolent motives only, and it is believed that there is no complaint the human frame I, liable to but will be relieved by it, as in very many hundreds of cases in which it has already been used, no failure is known. (21;0:> Sent free by post, price One Shilling (in Stamps) 64 pages. rpHE EASY SELF-CURE without ME- I DICINE, Inconvenience, or Kxpense, of all Sto- mach, Nervous, Billious, Pulmonary and Livor Com- plaints, by a Natural, Pleasant, Sate and l'ffecfual means, which saves fifty times its cost in other remedies. Supported by testimonials from the celebrated Professor of Chemistry, Dr. A ndrew Ure, L'r. Shorland, Dr. Iiarvey, Dr. Campbell, Ur, Gatiiker, Dr. Wurzer, Dr. Ingram, Lord Stuart de Decies, the Dov ager Countess of Castle- Stuart, Major Gen. Thomas King, and many other re- spectable persons, whose health have been restored by ti after all other means of cure had failed. London Barry Du Barry & Co., 77, Regent-street. [1688 1VTEW and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOURED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, just published, price, (ree by post, One Shilling, a Medical Work on the P ysical exhaustion and decay of the frame with obser- pa ions on the obligations of marriage, directions, &c., vy K. and L. PERRY and CO., who may be consulted as by Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; •ii* r' 'eadenhall street; and J. Allen, 20, War- wick-lane, London. P ART THE First treats of the anatomy and physiology of the human frame, illustrated by Eight Coloured En- gravings. PAllT THE Second treats of mental and bodily weak- ness, nervous excitement, &c< jt illustrated by Three Explanatory Engravings. PART tub IHIRD treats of the diseases resulting from the consequences ot early neglect or of mistreatment, entailing broken health and a miserable existence. This section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured En- §rpAuf THE FOURTH is devoted to the consideration of m The* CD 11 DIAL "b ALM OF S™AC™ ^ressly employed to renovate the imPair^prP?j^e-inviJoratin* action is purely b.lsimic; its p hilities arising'ro the frame in all caces of nervous debilities arising ,rom 'rame in an c.uts ui unvarying success excesses, has been demonstrated b>i or m thousands of cases, rnce lis- quantities in one for 33s., which sav^s lis. The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE E^-S ,» a remedv for purifying the system, and is rec or eruptions on the skin,blotches on the head ana MUB, ^c. Its action is purely detersive, and its benencia a^'ence on the system is undeniable. Price lis. and i»>. PF Ts ii a S;,ving oi lis. anSY,S PUliH' YINa SPECIFIC PILLS constitute 4s Gd j^me(^y'n all cases of debility. Price 2s. 9d., 1nd°Gosbdyei5af^,y.an^X^ons' Farringdon-street; Darby in Bow-church -^denhall street; W. Sutton and Co., Bow-churchyard _W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's chuich- ri otrifhsen *6"? ^r'r 1?0, °xf°rd-street Hannay and ph^anside J Ali o'ree'' B^ler and Harding, 4, r?w"pr,ou'J„d^™;JVriol;'r,a!e;rs,e'- f'ffm i'tumis*' MU4,i' K.S"h.' D Itlv* phpmist *#»o i J streett Manchester J. piswUattWMS. II 0 R S E S TAYLOR'S CONDITION BALLS, to be T bad from all Druggists, in p.ckets, six balls 3s., three bails Is. Oil. unequalled for worms, swelled le^s, gieas", impaired appetite, conghs, colds. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "These Balls, manufactured by Mr. TAYLOR, Veteri- nary Surgeon, of Burton-on-Trent, possess extraordinary merit PS aids in bringing hunters and other horses into condition. The Balls are highly spoken of by John Scott, John Osborue, Sam. Rodgers, Joseph Dawson, and other eminent tramel's." Bell's L Ie ill London, 0" 1:21/¡. Try Taylor's Condition Balls they are very good."— rite Pield. N.B.-Any gentleman using the Balls may consult the Proprietor gratuitously, either personally or by letter^ HEREVISIA ANG LIC ANA; c or, ENGLISH HERB DIET DlnNK This very old established Medicine was discovered and most beneficially prescribed Ii1 an extensive practice for 50 years bv JOSHU A WEBSTER, M.D., m.R.C.S., London; The celebrated Botanist, and Inventor of Dr. James' Powders, who was consulted in the last illness of His Majesty George II, and died in his 95th year, A.D ISUI. ———— The Medicine has proved eminently successtui in cases o DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. INCTPIEST CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA OB SCURVY. INFI.UF.NZA, ASTHMA .V COLDS EKYSIPELAS & SKIN DISEASES. LIVER & BOWEL COMPLAINTS RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS. ABSCESS and TUMOURS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. WH Of >PING CO UGH, &C., J'C. Highly approved by. the well-known Abernethy (who alludes to it in his works, and other celebrated Medical Practioners. The Proprietors of this truly valuable and Universal Medicine, in directing attention to the following extract from the Affidavit made by Dr. Webster, beg to state that they will feel much pleasure in forwarding (gratis) upon application, a pamjiilet containing many cases oi indis- putable cure, and unequivocal testimonials (published by distinct permission) (EXTRACT FROM AFFIDAVIT BY DR JOSHUA WEBSTER.) Joshua Webster, MD, and an old member of the Corporation of Surgeons, m<iketl> oath and sailh, That the Medicine bv him named CEREVISIA AN(JL1CANA, or ENGLISH HERB DIET- DRINK, is prepared from vegetables possessing the most salu- brious qualities, and was discovered by him after a long and laborious investigation of the medicinal properties of herbs and plants; and that th said CEIt EVISI A is the greatest corrector and purifier of the blood, consequently the best preservative of health; as this Deponent has had ample testimony of during Fifty Years' extensive practice, in the course of which he suc- cessfully administered the said CEREV lSI A to several thousands. JOSHUA WEBSTER. Sworn at the Mansion-house of the City of London, the 13th of Nov., 1,99, before me, "Witnes" Jas. RClul11ore. M D." I-I. C. COMBE, Mayor. 8.. The Pamphlet contains a copy of the Affidavit in full. Sold Wholesale and Retail by EDWARD SLEb; and Co., Sole Proprietors, 43, Piccadilly, corner of the Albany. In bottles at 2s. 9d,, 4s. 6d., and 10s. and may be had through Patent Aiedicine Vendors and re- spectable Chemists in town and country,or direct from the Depot, upon receipt of Money Order, or London reference. [2601 DREDGE'S HEAL-ALL, or celebrated em- brocation, has long been known throughout the West of England as the most efficacious Remedy for Rheumatism Fresh Wounds or Cuts Rheumatic Gout Burns and Scalds Lumbago T Spasmsand Cramp Pains in the Limbs & Numb- Stiifness of the Joints or ness Neck Sciatic & Paralvtie Affec'ions Frozen Limbs Tooth-Ache and Face-Ache Chilblains before they are Sprains and Bruises broken It is likewise an infallible Cure for that dangerous disor- der the Quinsey or fioe throat, in n hich it was never known to filiI after a few hours' application. It is also an excellent Remedy fur Whitlows, so common on the fingers of Country People who are exposed to the colc and it is confidently recommended to all who may.suffer from any of these complaints. Observe —That none can be genuine unless the Stamp affixed to each Bottle contains the name and address of BAR- CLAY and SONS, No. 93, T'arringdon-street, who have pur- chased the property in this valuable article from t' c Execu- tors of the Inventor, WILLIAM DREDGE,late of Wishtord, Wilts. Retail price, Is. lid and 2s. 9d. per bottle. [2656 ts C) MAJIL AUND 1972 frothing brings on Nervous Debility, Premature Old Age and Shortens Human Life, more than Diseases of the Chest. y y ITXDE8 THE IS « AND PATRONAGE OF THE THE PBINCIPA1 QUEEN NOBILITY. THE ONLY REAL CURE WITHOUT IXWARD M DICINE IS ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS foi Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation 01 the Heart, Croup, Hooping Cough, Influenza, Chronic Strains Bruises, Lumbago, or Pains in the Pack, Spinal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Piins. Pitchley Hall, near Marlbro', March IS, 1 857. Sirs,—It is with heartfelt gratitude that I write these few lines, in order that suYerers from complaints similar to that under which I have myself laboured since December, 1840. I have been afflicted at intervals with Croup and Spasms, and, although I have tried many remedies, they were all next to useless, until a short time ago, when a friend coming from Sheffield brought one of your Roper's Plasters and since that time I have experienced no recurrence of the malady. You are at perfect liberty to make any use of this letter. I remain, yours truly, ROBERT POTTER. Messrs. Roper S Son." Providcnce Row, Hull, Jan. 15. 1S57. Sir,—Having received remarkable benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plaster, I wish to make my case known for the use of others. Some months ago I caught a severe cold, which brought on shaking Fits. These settled in my chest. I became so in that I r, qtiired constant attendance. One of Ropel's Plasters was applied, which produo-d relief at once, and now I am fast nroaressing to a recovery.—I am, Sir, yours respectfully, progressing t, MAltl'HA HANNAH ROBINSON. Mrs. Granger, Witham, Essex. wiites I have received much benefit from the use of your Roper's Plasters, once for a sprain of the back, and at mother time for pain in the side. Dated Feb. 5, 1857. BED FAST FOR POUR MONTHS. Ml H. Maiden, of Bury, has great pleasure in handing to Messrs. Roper and Son a recommendation of Roper's Piaster, by Mr. William Dutson, Earl street, Bury, for a severe Inflamma- tion of the Lungs, lie was bed-fast for four months, and is quite certain that his recovery is through the timely assistance of your valuable R. per's Plaster, which he purchased at my shop. You are at liberty to make use of this in any way you think proper, for the benefit of the public generally. March 13 1853.. Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, have vended spurious imitations. Purchasers aie therefore cautioned to NOTICE the words, "RoPEB'S ROYALHATHPLASTEUS EZ'e'd«3 • S Proprietoi's Auto- graph on the back, thus PREPARED ONLY BY ROBERT ROPER AND SON, CHEMISTS, SHEFFIELD, On Medlco-cheinical principles, from British Herbs and the Gums and Balsams of the Eastern Clime, where The trees drop balsam, and on all the boughs Health sits and makes it soveieign as it flows." Full sized Piasteis, Is Ijd.; and for Children, Did each, oi direct by Post on receipt of Is. 4d or Is. each in Postage Stamps Sold by most P,tterit Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom BEWARE OF IMITATIONS !—Be particular and ask foi ROVER'S PLASTERS. Public Opinion has proved the Plaster lis be Marvel oj he Age. ROPE R'S PILLS (though originally only intended to assist the operation of ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER), have proved the best remedy for all those distressing symptoms attending a we k and disordered Stomach, Li.er i.omplaints, Bilious Irregularities, Indigestion, such as Nausea or Sic,ness, Loss of Appetite, Loathing of Food, Pain in the Bowels, Languor and Depression of Spirits, Giddiness, Swimming or Determination of Blood to the Head, &c the forerunner of Apoplexy. Sproatley.near Hull, Oct. 3, 1853. Sirs,-Having found great benefit'lrom Roper's R, yal Bath Plasters and Pills, I wish to make my case known for the ad vantage of those who suffer as I have done for a long time. I have been afflicted with spasmodic pa ns in the chest, and palpi- tation of the heart, arising from Indigestion and Liver complaint, 1 was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better. At last I tried one o*' Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which Save me rehellll a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now quite well.-l remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH T OMPSON. Boner's Pills are a purely Botanic compound, and warranted Jpfrnm anv deleterious ingtedient, being composed of choice ■ sow >.» ».»»■•■ JiiLs?1"M4 ^UceUaneous. ]jII.tROl i:: :JltiE-CLE.A. ££1. rjpV\Tr;LVE KMTliS CLEANED IN 5 MINUTES. jl —| ui.s useful (!>• r'Stic article is .lie in ist eoniji-ct, •i.Tiplo, d-.ir.ible, e:Bci«-t, an econ >:niaai, of tho k nd cv, r invented is quvte 'i t-e fruiii ui.1, saves a vast amouri of labour, and can at all times b<; u.-ed in the kitchen. Price i-:i and 40'. 'l'o be had of Mrs. JEFFKRIS, Ironmonger, Newport and ot' most other ironmongers hraughout the United Kingd KTI. ['2b<4 T> UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED _S.t) WITHOUT A TRUSS- All sufferers from this compliant are earnestly invited to communicate with Dr. Thom- son, as he can conscientiously guarantee them relief in every case. His remedy has been successful in many thousands of cases- and being protected from imitation by the Patent Office Seals'of England, the College of Pharmacy of Paris, and the rm) erial College of Vidian, is now made known as a public duty by advertising. In every case of single and double Rupture in either sex, how ever bad or long standing, it is app icable, effecting a perfect cure in a short time, witltnnt confinement O' inconvenience, and it cannot fail to be appreciated as a blossPng b\ those who lia"\e been for years, perhaps, obliged to wear galling trusses or other support. Persons in any part of the ki gdoni can ha\ e the remedy sent to them post fiee (packed so that no one Clll know the contents), with full and simple i struetions fur use, on receipt of 10s. in postage stamps, or by post-office order, payable at the Chief London Office, to Dr. Ralph Thomson, 28, Clarence-road, Kentish Town, London Consultations by appointment daily, except Sunday. An Essay 011 the it itnre, causes, symptoms and treatment of every kind of Rupture, with a large selection of testimonials from patients cured, will be sent free by post for four postage stamps. The folloiviii" testimonials are used with the full consent of their writers If anything is worth knowing, it is worthy of being extensively known, and 1 consider there can be no degrada- tion in vour advertising your remedy, as you aim at the mitiga- tion of suffering and the preservation of life, and your name and position oiurht to pratcot you from the shafts of envy and malice." Pereira^M.l)., Professor of Medicine Your remedy quite cured the case I told you of" J. M., Esq., Surgeon. "I find myself completelv cured, and have tried every means to prove the cure by lifting find running, which, I am happy to say, I can do without pain or using any truss. F. NV. thanks for your remedv; I have throw n my truss awav. glad enough to get "1 id of the torture of it." (1. ll" "Your remedy li .s cured my rupture, and I have used violent exertion since without any sign of its reappearance." Miss S. "A fair time has elapsed since I used your remedy, moreover I have been examined by our surgeon, who declares I am quite cured" J. P. "My rupture being 28 years'old. 1 never expected so perfect a ure." E L. My boy's rupture is cured, and he is now quite easy, and can play about without pain." Mrs, H. P. 'I applied your remedy six weeks ago audit gives me great pleasure to inform you my rupture has not'been down since." 1>. T.J. ''1 now write to tell you my daughter is perfectly cured by your remedy." Mrs. II. "1 have received a perfect cure from the remedy y .11 sent me; mine was an old rupture, and very bad iu ed. 11. r. [-003 THE WONDER OF THE WORLD! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. THIS great Household Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of life, as it is well Known to the world that it cures many complaints other remedies cannot reach this fact is as Well established as that the Sun lights the World. DISORDER OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. Mnst persons will, at some period of their Ii.es, suifer from in: digestion, derangement of their liver, stomach, 01 tnwels, which, if not quickly removed, frequently settles into a dangerous illiiess. It is well known in India, and other tropical c'.ima'es, that Holloway's Pills is the o ily remedy that can be iel:ed upon in such cases. Almost every soldier abiOid carries a box of these Pills in his knapsack. In England most persons know that ilieie Pills will cure them whenever the liver, stomach, or bowels are out of order, and that they need tr> phys; iau. WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY. Such as may suffer from weakness or debility, or where there is a want of energy, should at once have recotitse to these Pills, as they immediately puriiy the blood, and act upon the main-spring of life, giving strength and vigour to the system. Young persons entering into womanhood, with a derangement of the functions;? and to mothers at the turn of life, these Pills will be most effica- cious in correcting the tide of life that may be on the turn. Young and elderly men su,rer in a similar manner at the same periods, when there is always danger they shoul 1, therefore, undergo a course of this purilying medicine, which easuies lasting health. DISORD EoS OF CHILD IS EN. All young children should have administered to them, from time to time, a few doses of these Pills, wliich will purify their blood, and enable them to pass safely through the different dis- orders incidental to children, such as measles, hooping cough, cowpock, and other infantile diseases. These Pills are so harm- less in their nature as not to injure the most delicate constitution therefore are more peculiarly adapted as a co/tective of the humours affecting children. DROPSY. Hundreds are cured yearly by the use of t'lese Pills, eor.jointly with the Ointment, which, should be rubbed verv bo-.intifullj into the paits aflected. DBBANGFAIENT OF THE KIDXEYS. If these hi is be used according to printed directions, and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneys, at once a day, as salt is forced into meat, the Ointment would penetrate into the kidneys and correct any derangement of t ese organs, Should he suffer from stone or gravel, then the Ointment ought to be rubbed into the netk of the bladder and a few ys will convince the sufferer as to the astonishing eff-ct o: t se two remedies. NERVOUS DISORDERS. Any derangement of these delicate organs affecls disastrously both the budy and the mind. To the nervous invalid Hi.Iloway Pills are an article of vital necessity. As they impart tone and vigour to the internal organs, and consequently to the nervous system, which pervades and connects them. Hence their mar- vellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, headaches, nervous twiteliings,an(i other kindred com: bi¡!ts, are all radically removed by the use of these invaluable Pills. COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES. The functional irregularities peculiar to the we.iker sex, are invariably corrected without pain or inconvenience by the use of Hollowa, 's Pills. They are tbe safest and surest medicine for all the diseases incidental to females of all ages. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and qual.ty of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, tho gland which secretes this fluid, the Pills operaie specifically, iniallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing Jaundice, liilious Remittants, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following Diseases :— ^8ue Consumption lle.ul ache Sciofula, or King's Asthma Debility Indigestion Evil. Bilious Complaints Dropsy InDammntion'sore Throats Blotches 011 the Dysentery Jaundice Tic Douloureux Skin Erysipelas Liver Com- Tumours Bowel Complaints Fevers of plaints Worms of all kindf Cølies" all kinds Lumbago Weakness, fro n Constipation of the Fits Piles whatever cause Bowels Gout Rheumatism Sic., Sec. Sold at the establishments of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar) London also b) all respecfable Druse'ists and Dealers in medicines throughout the Civilized World, at the following prices—lb l £ a., 2s. fd., ts. 6d., 1 Is., 22s., and 33s. each box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorde are a.Tixed to each box. I-'65" CERTAIN RELIEF KOLL THE AFFLICTED. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND I,IYER PILLS, PREPARED without any Mercurial ingre- dient from the recipe of Pr. Scott., of Uromley,K.ont. These Pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer fiom bilious and liver complaints, indigestion, wind, spasms, giddiness, dizziness of the eyes, and many other symptoms which Hone but a f'iuflaer can describe. For habitual costiveness, and as a family aperient medicine, they are tiuly excellent; mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach, they create appetite, promote digestion, and strengthen the whole nervous system. Surprising Cure of a Cou:h, Pain in the Head and Stomach of many years standing, by the use of Lambert's Astiimatic Bal- fam >nd Dr. Scoit's Bilious and Liver Pills. To Mr. W. Lambert, chemist, 20, Jermyn-street, Lnndon, Nov. 26, 1857. Dear Si(.-I have this morning received a testimonial to the efficacy of your valuable medicines, of which I send you a verbatim copy, x am satisfied it is a most extraordinary cure the woman and her husband speak in such strong terms. They are operatives, and 1 think they must have had great difficulty in obtaining the money to purchase the medicines with, these very oppressive times but this testimonial is a great feature in the man's good wishes to his fellow-countrymen. H. MAIDEN, Chemis', Bury, Lancashire; Sir -1 feel thankful to inform you of the benefit receivod bv taking your valuable medicines, (purchased from Mr. II, Maiden, your agent in Bury). I have for many years been ailiicted with a severe cough, tick headache, and indigestion. After all other remedies had failed, I resolved to try year medicines, and after caking three boxes of Dr. Scott's piiis,aud(uurbott)esofthe Asthmatic Balsam, I am glad to say they have perfectly restored ,iie to good l,ealtli, wlicii I am i. e,,j.i,,t, I r mend the medicines to all my friends and neighbours and you are perfectly free to make any use of this you pk-a-e, as I shouAmuclf regret if the extraordinary queues of your balsam and pills were not univ ersally known. ANN Dtwsos, '.Valker-st., Bury, Lancashire. Effectual Cure of Indigestion and Loss of Appetite. The Hall, Ashbourn, Derbyshire, April 2, ISSG. To Mr. W Lambert.—Sir,—It is with much pleasure I make I this communication to you. For a longtime I iiad been in a most delicate state of health, and a great suflerer from violent pains in the chest,indige-tion. accompanied with sickness and almost total loss of appetite. Although under the care of several eminent medical men, I found no relief from the medicines pre- scribed for me, and had almost given up all hopes of recovery. I was induced by the advice of a friend who had been cured by Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills" of a severe liver complaint, to give them a trial. After Liking the contents of a small box I found great relii f, and with a little perseverance with tliem, my health is perfectly restored, and I can now enjoy my food and pursue my avocations with ease and comfort. A wish to aid in the lleviation and cure of others similarly situated, is riiy motive for sending you this voluntary testimonial to the great efficiency of your excellent medicine.—Should you wish to make this public, you have my free permission to do so. I am. Sir, yours obliged, MARY BURHOWMAN Prepared only by W. Lambert, Chemist, 20, Jermyn street, Haymarket, London, in boxes, Is. qd., or three boxes in one, 2s. 9d., and sold by the Venders uf Medicine throughout the Kingdom. IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for Dr Scott's ISiliousand Liver 1'iils. If you a»k for Scott's Pills" you will get quite a ditierent medicine; if vou a>k for" Uilious and Liver Pills," YOIl will get a spurious compound, which, if taken, will not have the beneficial elfect. lake down the particulars—"Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver fills." tie sure they are a square green package, with Win. Lambert, 20, Jeimyn-street, engraved in white letters on the red ground of the government stamp. It frequently occurs that Druggists impose 011 their customers a Scott's Pills" in an oval box, which is quite a different medicine, and causes much disappoint- ment, as their medicinal effects are so opposite. Should any difficulty occur in obtaining the pills, send 16 or 37 postage-stamps to the establishment, and they will fee forwarded free.p [2609 pteceUaneous. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY EPILEPSY, &:c. F ■■ .-led bJ Royal Lrffel's Patent of En .land, an sanctioned by aU the Continental Colleges. nnnE GUTTLE VlTiE, or LIFB DROPS, dls- 1 covered and prepa,e 1 only by Dr. DE ROO.of the Ecole de Medicir.e, Pa is; Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, L0ndo", See., kc., &c., are a wel!-knO,vn remedy for the above complaints, Exhaustion, incapacity for Society, Study, or Busi- ness, Kru.itions. Sore Throat, Pains in the Banes, atid a 1 those diseasps for which mercury, sarsaparilla, &c., are too often em- ployed, to the future de-tructioil of health. Their powers almost exceed belief; since their introduction, hundreds of apparently [ hopeless cases have been speedily cured and thousands h.ive de- ( rived almost miraculous relief, when everything else had faiied, and thay 1,lustsooner or later entirely sup .-rsede those questionable remedies vthichhave too long been tie sole reliince of the medical men of til's country. Being purely herbal, and containing ;i.-iiher mineral or opiate, they do not stimulate and are therefore not followed by that fearful reaction common to the so-called remedies for these complaints. Thousands of testimonials from Clergymen and others may be inspected by any one, or a printed copy for- warded on receipt of a stamped envelope. Price 4s. f d. and] Is. per bottle, or four times the latter 31s. hroe.gh all Medicine Vendors. (2606 FAINS IX THE RACK, GRAVEL, RHEUMATISM, DR, DE IIOOSI RLXAL PiLLS are -6 well- known remedy for Pains in the Back, Gravel, Rheumatism Gout, Disease of the Kidneys, Bladder and organs, Li.iousness Indigestion. Acidity of Stcjmicl,, which often torment the sulferer ver the b.st years of life, and end only in death. Thev agree with the most delicate siomacli, increase the appetite, ini. prove the health, and in three days effect a cure when copaiba cubebs, &c have utterly failed. Price is. Ijd., 2s. Ud" 1S. ed., lis., ani 3 is. per box, of all Chemists. 1;. W., Gibb Heath, B'rmingham, I shall not fail to recom- mend your medicines to all that I think need them-. I feel giateful to God th"t I eVer saw advertisement." L.H., Hillsborough Co. Down.—"Only for your nudiclne, I would be in my grave. I return) on many thanks." M. M R., Bolton.—" For the great service your medicines have rendered me, I cannot express myself too gratefully." T. S., WeJLngboro'1 am happy to in- form you that I have not felt aJlnhitlg sicce I have tufcen yonr valuabl emedieine, and I shall not fail to recommend it to all my lriends." A. L., Stratton, Cornwall I am glad to state, that after taking your llleüicine six weeks, Inow well. Thanking you Tor a good si aid of ¡¡"aHiJ, whicH I never had before, 1 am. &c." From lon2 practical observa ion of the treatment^pursued in the most famous Institutions of England and France, for thote diseases r",crred to above, the Proprietor has had somewhat un usual facilities for acquirii.g that uniform success which lias characterised his practice for so many years in this country, where tile futil • attempts to cure by mercury, copaiba, sarsaparilia, &c., have produced such distressing results. Lasting benefit in such cases can only be reasonably expect. d at the hands of the legally qualified medical man who devotes his chief attention to their remova'; and to hi in only who can show hit possess;orrof the necessary qualifications, can confidence be safety extended. Dr. De R. refers with pride to the numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to I-eaitll and happiness; and to those who may be in need of such aid, he offers every assurance of speedy icstora- tion. Country pat ents should forward a detail of their case by letter, enclo-ing the fee of aG I IS. for advice anti winch will lie sent by return. Post office oiders to be made pa\able at the Genen.l Post offic to WALTER L'E Roos, ),1,n., 10, Berners. street, O.vori-sireet, L')lIdl¡n; At home daily from 12 to 4, Sundays excepted. 100111 by \\ïrHLt,I, 7S, High street, Birmingham Ferris am1. Co, Bristol Keene, B .til ltaimes and Co., York aiid Ed .nburgh; Whitt-iker, Sheffield Westmacott, Manchester; Howell, Dale- street, and Raimes and Co., Liverpool; Mc. Master and Co., Cap.*l street, Dublin; Apothecaries Co., Glasgow; Bradbury, Bolton l'ntr, llralford; Dyer, Halifax; Kcinhart, Leeds; M m Jer and Co.. Wolverhampton; and at least one agent in al- most every town but should difficulty occur, enclose Stamps to Dr. De Rous, 10, Berr.ers-street, Oxford street, London, when the) will be sent by leturti, securely packed. A PAMPHLET with fuii instructiuns, &c.,se:it free for tw postage stamps, (2,306 Yourself what you are: axd wiiat FIT FOR! The original graphiologist, MARIE COUPI:LI,E, continues to give her useful and interesti: g delineations of cha- racter, from an examination of the nandwriting, in a style peculiarly her own, never i.efore attempted in this country, and which cannot even be successfully imitated by thuse who pre I end to this beautifui science. All persons desirous of knowing them- selves, or the true character of any friend in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of writing, stating sex and age, and the fee of I t uncut penny post stamps, to Miss Coupeile, Ciy, Castle-st., Oxford-st., London and they will receive in a few days, a full and minute detail of the talents, tastes, affections, virtues, failings, &c., of the writer, with many other things hitherto unsuspected, and calculated to be useful through life. From F.N.,—"I consider your skill surprising." CS, Your description of the young lady's character is remarkably corn ct.' W, S—'■ Your iireresting answer to my note is quite true." II, W.—" Y iur sketch of lfly character is marvellously Miss F. Mamma says the character you sent me is a true one." Miss W.N. You have described his character very accurately." Miss H, I afraid his cha.acter is as you describe it too tru y.' We see no m'lré difficulty in graphiology than phrenology, and we have little doubt that in innumerable ias ances the character is read with equal precision."— Fami 'y Herald. (2606 O YOLT WANT LUXURIAXT HAIR, WHbKEttS, &c? If so, u<e WHISKEftS. &c? If so, uce ROSALIE CKINUTRIAR, noted for its miraculous properties, and as the only remedy that can be itally re- lied on. It is guaranteed to produce whiskers, mous- tachios, eyebrows, &c., in a few weeks, and will be found eniineivly successful in n0\lri,hing, eurlinj, e. nd bra uti- fying the hair, c ,eckillg gr<yness in its stages, strengthening weak hair, preventing its failing off, and restoring it in baldness from whatever cause. Upwards of 10..) physicians recommend it for the nursery, as promoting a fitie, healthy ilpa i of hair, and averting bal iness fit after years. post free 011 receipt of 24 penny postage stamps, by Miss Coupe.ie, fi9, astie- st., Newman-st., Oxford st London, or may be obtained of all Cbemists, in bottles price 2s. each. CAUTlox.-A 16-page pamphlet is enclosed witti each bot'.le, and each package has a red stamp outside, with the words" ROSALIB COUPSLLE" in white letters; the words" CotPELLE's CKi.NCTiiiAK" are also moulded in each bottle "My whiskers are greatly improved by using it."—\V. A.Dili. "It ]-is already considerably thickened my hair."—diss \1l)..1lin, I was bald nine years, but I find new hair coining rapidly"—j. ILine. "1 hanks to your stuff, I have an excellent moustache and whiskers."— Major Browne. '• I hnd 1<>S' my hair in p ,ches,but it has restoied it."—Miss Hewitt. After 20 years bald- I ness I consider it h is actcd n.iraculously."—H. Moir. I Sold by Win nail. í8, High-street, Birmingham; Feriis and Co., Bristol; Keene, Bath; Raimes und Co., York and Edinburgh, Whit-tker, Sheffield Westmacott, chester Howell, Damt-st., and Kaimes and Co Liver- pool Mc. Master and Co., Capel-st., Dublin; Apothe- caries'Co., Glasgow; Bradbury, Beiton Pratt 13rauford; llaiifax Reirihardt, Leeds; Maaier and Co., Wolverhampton, and at least one agtnt in almost every town.. FIVE MINUTES ADVICE ON THE Whiskers &c., sent post iree for four penny s'.tmps. p606 KNOW THYSELF The Original Grapliiologist> Kite Russell continues with immense success to give her i.i'.e-re-ting and useful delineations of character from an examina- tion of the handwriting, in a style of description peculiarly her own, and which cannot be imitated by the ignorant advertisers wdio profess to have a knowledge of the science Persons desirous of knowing tbeir true character, or that of any friend in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of their uriting, stating ,ex and age, or supposed age. with the fee of 14 penny postage stamps, to Miss Russell. li, Arlington-stteet, Hampstead Road, London, and they will receive in a day or two a full and miiiut; detail of the gifts, defect. talents, tastes, affections, S:c., of the writer, with :nan) o her things liitoerlo unsuspected, cal- culated to guide them through life..411 letters are considered strictly confidential, and to prevent mistakes, applicmts are re- quested to enclose an envelope properly directed to themselves, The many thousands who thankfully acknowledge the value of advice given, and the accuracy of Miss R.'s sketches of charac- ter, establish the truth and value of the science- beyond a doubt. Extracts from Testimonials:—From S. P., Many thanks for your truthful poitrait." It II., I fear his character is too truly as you so freely describe it." W. B., Your long letter, though very flattering, my friends say is amazingly c.irrect." A. 1)., Mamma say., the cliiract-r you give me is very just, and not too good. Rev. II. F., "My fa thin graphiology is confirm* d your success is extraordinarj." B. W., I am glad your opmi n of her character coincides with my own. From the Press: "By these means men about to engage in partnership, or to have im, portant transactions with my one, may know beforehand the character of the person with whom they w,11 have to do; in like manner lovers may be made wise beforehand and those who have secret enemies mny be warned and enabled to prepare for the worst."—Household see no more difficulty iu gra- phio'oay than phrenology, and we have little doubt that in innu- merable instances the character is read with equal precision. Family Haald UACKERY UNMASKED AND DEFEATED being an exposure of the frauds practised by quacks who ro the unthinking, and in many cases entirely ruin the health of heir victims. Tile Author, who has had great experience in the treatment of Nervous and general Debility, Loss of Memorv, fa. ing Sight, Epi!2p"y, Indigestion, Giddiness. Headache, an.l'a long train of fearful diseases, will send post free, a eopv of his AVork. by the aid of which permanent health may be speedilv recovered, at a trifling expense, and without recourse to the so- called certain remedies of the day, which too often prove certain failures. REVIEWS:—" The utility of the book is undeniable."—"Christian Times." Popular" in every sense of the word, and its ad- vantages are untold to those who cannot consult the family physician.—British Magazine." "To all our readers we say Get Critic." Rar"ly do we recommend a medical work but in this instance we do so honestly."—" Literary Gazette. "The most fearless exposure we have ever Sunday Times." We think it a duty to advise all oui readers to procure this book. ,( Daily News." "Were it universally distributed, a certain class of pestiferous advertising would soon be done away with "—" Times." "The Doctor deserves our warmest thanks for his bold attack ou empiricism. Era." Sent free on receipt of two penny stamp-, by Mr. Lawes 14, Hand Court, Holborn. 2G06 DU BARRY'S AN TI-DI ARRHCE XL BON BONS, are a never failing remedy for English Cholera, bowel complaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, ,Vc.,vtc. In boxes. Is. lid., 2s. Gd. J. Sanger. :5 J, Oxford-street, Lon ion. and all Chemises. (25S9 DU BARRY'S FOUl) FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND INVALIDS, supersedes the dangers and expense of wet nursing as infants are easily reared with it, and it is the best and most digestsble Food for the delicate and invalids of any age. In canisters, and 1V1 b. Vis. The large canisters free of car- riage. BARRY Du BARRY and Co., 77, Regent-street, London. (2;,S9 Far supcror in quality than any other, and safely packed in tit! canisters, are DC BARRY'S PURIFIED PEARL BARLEY and G RO ATS. bei,< especially adapted for Barley Water, Gruel, light Puddings, and light breakfast and su per Food for invalids and children. All deleterious principles having been removed from them by Du Barry's Patent Machinery, they are invaluable n colds, mlluenza, and for strengthening the delicate. In canisters —aib._Gd lib. h.. 6,b, 5s, lëltJ. 10s. BARKY Du BARRY and Co, -7, l,egen.-street, London, and through ail Groceis and Chemists. (2j&9 A yoid. Pills,. and all other Medicine, for Indigestion, (dyspepsia) habi'u&l Constipation, Flatulency, Acidity, Pal- pitation ot the Heart, Torpidity of the Liver, bilious Head- aches, N ervousness, Biliousness,General Debility, Liarrhces, Cough, Asthrcn, onsumpiion, Despondency, Spleen, &c. 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