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I WHAT SHA.LI. I DO TO GET CU-SED ? Is the question ofton asked by the afflicted. As your cure depends upon the treatment you obtain, apply to DR THOMAS WILLIAMS, VINE COITAGE, NO. 182, ;<)MM. KCtAL H°AD, NUWPOJVI One door from the nevt Biole Christian Cuapei, ~\TTHO, having devote his "hole study for thirty- TV rears, to the curing ot.a'I Diseases by Herbs only, and from successful practice in e *^por 'or the las* ten years,is enabled to treatpatients ivith t.ie utmost cer- tainty of a Cure. Dr, W.'s Herbal '.Us have oeen experienced by Thou Sands to be the most valuable yet known L,r the cur- 01 Ptiins in the Head, Back, and Loins Nervousness. Indi- gestion, Loss of Appet^e, Kueumatism, Skin I) is e as The utmost attention may be rdied upon by those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr. Williams. Attendance daily, from Nine in the Morning until Ten at Night; on Sundays, from Nine till T -.v o. Country Patients ruu t be particular in statins; thcii cases. as that will render a personal visit unnecessary. Medicine, with the necessary ad v ice. sen t to any part on receipt of a Post office Order for los., p iyable to Dr., THOMAS WILLIAMS, Newport, Monmouthshire. CAUTION !—Tue public are requested to take notice that Dr Williams has no connexion with any other person in the profession and that he can only be seen on cast s et his residence, as above. B 28 CURTIS ON MANHOOD —NEW EDITION. A MEDICAL ESSAY O-V NERVOUS DISEASES, &e. Just published, tlie 1-20th thousand, with \r" a sealed envelope, prise Is., or sent, post p*1 uthor, TVTAMIOOD the CAUSE and CURE of PRE- jVl- MATURE DECLINE, fift Plain Directions for perfect Restoration to Health and Vigour; oeing a Medical Review of the Various forms and modern treatment of Neivous Debility, to which are added Curious and InterestingCases, with the Author's Recipe of a Preventive Lotion. By J. L. CURTIS, 15, Aibermaric-;treet, Piccadilly, London whose practice, exteiidir £ over a period of -0 yea s, affords a complete guarantee to pat,ent5 that the utmost skill and ex- perience will be made available in the treatment of their cases. "CURTIS ON MAXIIOOD.—" It is the duty of all .nen to study the laws of their body, no less than those of iheir mind. In the pages of this work will be found golden rules for regulating the one and preserving the 0,her.11ark Lane Express, March 31st, JIJ, This is a t uly valuable work, and should be in the hands of young and old. "-Sunday 1 tnus, I l^rd Ma: ch 850. W.j feel no hesitation in saving, that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful-whether such person hold the relation of a parent, preceptor, or a cleijy- man.'—Sun, Evening Paper. Sold also by PIPER, and Co., 23, Paternoster-row, London. Consultations from .0 till .i and :> til. 8. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. Patent Offl.cc Seal of Gn at Britain.-D>plome'le Eco'edePhnr made Phtrmacien dc I'aris.-Imp'nal Co^eye of Meduine, Vienna. The patentee may be consulted daily according to the rules laid down in the work Huma., iraay. fcent Iree by post Is., by J.Allen, 'JO, Warwick lane, Paternoster-row, London. He con- Rid»rs i necessary that very exp. d.ent should be adopted to secure the public against Imitati.ns of the Triesemar. None are genuine utdess the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Oft.ce of England the Seals of the Ec..)e de Pi arinacie de Paris, and the Tmpeiial College of Vienn«, are affixed upon eac" \wapp.-r, and around e'ch case. Imitations of the same are to the severest penalties the Courts of Law can award. TRIEiEMAIl, No. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form oT a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the wais çoat pocket Sold in tin cases, divided into separate (loscs, as adminiftered by Valpeau, Lalleman, Ihux, Ricord, &e„ &c. TRIESEMAR NO. 1 is a Remedy for T RELAXATION, and all the distressing consequences arising from too lung aresiilence in hot climates. It has restored bodily strength and vi, our to thousands of debilitated individuals, who are now in the e:ijo>ment of health. TRIESEMATT No. 11. factually, in the short space of Three Days, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those dLor 'ers which Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been thought all antidote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRIES EM Mt lil- Searches out and purifies the diseased humours from the blood, and cleanses the system from all deteriorating causes: it also constitutes r. certain cure for Scurvy. Scrofula,and a 1 Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impurities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and txpe) it with the insensible perspiration through the medium of the pores of the skin and unne and is a Esver-failiiig remedy for that class of disorders which uiuor- tunateN, tlie English Physician treats vith Mercury, to the in- ,evitab1; destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the woild cannot remove.. Price lis., or four cases in ore for 3Js, whic1: saves 11<; and m £ 5 Cases, whereby there is a saving ot £ 1 It's. To be had whole- sale aml'retail in London, of Darby and Gosden, 40, Lea.len- hall-street (opposite the India House); Messrs. Garrett Brothers, Druggi-ts,' Newp -rt, Mon.; I< H: Ingham Druggist, 46, Market- street Manchester; Uaiir.cs and Co,, 40, Hanover-street r.iver- pool; Powell, bookseller, 15, W estmorelanu-street, Dubl.n Evans, chemist, Cardiff. HUMAN FRAILTY; a Popular M dical Wor). on Nervous- ness Loss of Strength, and General Decay ot the Faculties, puce 3s., post"free b autifu'.ly illustrated with 00 Engravings. This work contains, in plain an ) sympathising language, practical remarks on various disorders, and recommends it elf as a sare .nd unerring guide to the restoration and permanent preservation of health. Piper and Co., 2:1, Paternoster Row, and from all Agents 'or the sale of the Triesemar.' (- > 3 PRICHARD'S DANDELION CAMOMILE, KHUBVRB, and GINGER PILLS, will be found a never-failing remedy, excellent above alli o.hew. for the cure of Indr'cs'ion. Constipation, Bilious, Lnei, and Stomach Complaints. This Me dicine n a compo^d oi ine finest drugs, which are prepared T on n Mr. PKICHIIID, Apothecary, 63. Ch»n«g-co>s Lon ion. In Bottles, Is. l^d., 2s. g. 4s. Gd., lis., and 2b. Agents.-Newport: Phillips, chemist; Pontypool Wood, die mist; Pontypridd. Bassett chemist rred.-gar: Crowe, chemist Brynmawr George and Son, chemist, Usk Clark, bookseller Ross Carry, Cox, and Hoper Abergavenny W .tkins, chemi-t; Cardiff; Kernick, chemIst j Dowlais J. James i Merthyr Tidvil Smyth, chemist; Monmouth; Cossens, eilen,ist, and Firvor, bookseller. [2G33 II) DR STOLBERG'S VOICE LOZENGE, is ■ acknowledged after Ten years' trial as he best specific for niprovinir the v ice, and removing all affections of the Strongly recommended to Clergymen, Singers, Actors, Speakers, pers ns subject to relaxed 1'hroats, and 0 a P desirous of cultivating their voices, and ensuring a go a id c'ear articulation. They have also been found higlilj hencfic.-il those afflicted with Nervous, Ilystericpl,or Stomachic Co,igi be had in boxes, at Is. I id., 2p. yd., and -Is. lid. each, of every Medicine Vendor in the kingdom. Wholesale Agents, Barclay anil bons, Farrmgdon street, Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard; W. Edwards, Newberry and Sons, St. Paul's Churchyard Dietrichsen and Ilannav, Oxford- street; Sanger, Oxford-street, and Retail by all respectable- Chemists in the Kingom. GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST, witli a prudent use, has saved many a life and yet We think tbe idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such M COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales or Weio-hta, or little mysterious compartments, and enchanted bottles with crystal stoppers. Others might, be used, but z COCKLE'S PILLS, as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set down as the best. Observer. [253 VTERVOUSNESS—A Clergyman of the Estab- lished Church, who had su.iered a martvr lom for twenty years from low spirits, melancholy, giddiness, pains in the head, loss of memory, sleepless-iess, indigestion, an 1 all the fearful symptoms of nervous and general debility, and who had spent hundreds of pounds 111 physicians' fees and quack medicines all to no purpose, was speedily.cured by simple remedy prescribed by an eminent .,urgeon. All sutferers are welcome to this inva- lunble remedy, wi'' be s(nt, free by post, ready prepared in proper doses, instructions for use and diet, S:c., on receipt of three penny postage stamps, by the Rev. F. Kusscll, lk Ar- lington-street, Cannl-ii town, Lonion. This medicine is distri- buted from benev.ileilt motiv es on-y, an-1 it is believed that 'here is no complaint the human frame is liable to but wili be r< licved by it, as ill very i.any hun 'r 13 ol cases m which it h 1S alre Kly been used, no failure is known. (2003 "TVj'E\V and Improved Edition, enlarged to !_> 196 pages, illu?trated by ^9 COLOUUED HNCJ itAVIXGS ON STEiL, J ust published, price, tree by post, One Shilling, a Med'.o-il >■ ork on the physical exhaustion and decay ot the frame wiih ouser- pations on the obligations of marriage, direction-, «vc., vy B. and L. PERRY -ind CO., who may be consult' d as Usua', see pige 17!). Soid by Sanger, loO, Ox Gordon, 146, Leadenhal! street; and J. Allen, 20, ^va 1 w:c1,-hne, London. PAT.T TIIE FlltST treats of the anatomy and physiology of the human frame, illustrated by Ei_;lit Coloured En- gr wings. PART THE •- ECOXd treats of mental and bodily wrak- ne°s, nervous exolternprlt, &c. It is illustrated by Three Explanatory Engravings PART TUB I trea,s of the diseases resulting from the consequences or early neglect or of mistreatment, entaiiiiig broken nea and a miserable existence. Thi^section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured Eu- 8 FAR? THE I-OVitTii a devoted to the consideration of marriage and its duties. The CORDIAL BALM OF SYRI^CUM i8 expressly employed to renovate tiie irnpaired powers of life. It"s action is purely bilsamic; its P°"'e,r. V1. re-invi<;orating the frame in all cases of nervous debilities arisiJ1 £ ? irorii excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of c^ses. Price lis. Per bottle, or jour quantities in one for 33s., which saves 1 h. TAE CONCENTRATED DEL'EKSlVK ESSENCE, a remedy for purifying the system, and is recommended for eruptions on the skin, blotches on the hrad and fape, &c. It-" action is pure'v detersive, and its benrnciat tu- fluenec on the system is undeniable. Price lis. and 33 per bottle, al o a saving o: lis. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILT S constitute 'an effectual rrm-dy in ail eases of debility. Price 2s. 9d., 4s, C 1, and 1 Is. per box. Sold by Barclay and Sons, Fartingdon-street; Darby and Gosden, liO, Leadenhail street; W. Sutton and Co., 10, Bow-churchyard W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's chut ch- yard; J. Singer, 150, Oxford-stree; I'aniny and Dietu-hsei), 03, OxforJ-t>ireet; Butler and ilardinc 4 Chenpside J. Alk-n, 20, Warwick-lane, Paternoster- j row Prout and Harsan?, 229, Strand, London Messrs. Garrett Brothers, druggist, Newport, Mon.; II. H. lng'tm, druggist, 46, Market street, Manchester J. c''cn}ist, 52, Lord-street, Liverpool Powell, bookseller, 15, Westmoreland-street, Dublin; Evans! chemist, Car .ifl and,.all medicine vendors throughou J,e United Kingdom. J243& ( ffiUsttUattftms. HOUSES!! TAYLOR'S CONDITION BALLS, to be had from all Druggists in p xk -ts, six b-.lis 3s., tliree BE lis Is. 9,1. unequalled for TOTALS, s.velloJ K^S, g.'ease, impaired app-tite, coughs, colds OPINIONS OF THE PKESS.. These Ba'ls, nianufactuve 1 by Mr. TATLOB, Yoteri- navy Surgeon, of Burton-on-Trent, possess ex^rao^ •'nf- lncrit as aids in bringing hunters and T°^ i.,0 condition. Toe Balls are highly spoken of y <> T i -u o r> j r Dawson, find other John Osborne, Sam. Rodgeis, Josep iO/i, eminent trainers." Bell's Life in i „ f Try Taylor's Condition Baits they aie very good. N.B.—Any gentleman using the Ba. is may consult the ,ezn, n Proprietor gratuitously, either personally or by letter. <> [2477 riEREVlSlA ANGLICANA; or, ENGLISH HERB DIE L' DRINK This very old established Medicine was discovered and most beneficially prescribed in an extensive practice for 50 years by JOSHUA WEBSTER, M.D., M H.C.S., London; The celebrated Botamsr., and Inventor of Dr. James' ponders, who was consulted in the last illness of His Majesty George II and died in his 95th Jear AD 1 Sol. 3 The Medicine has proved eminently successful in cases o DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. INCIMEST CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA OB SCURVY. I VFLUENZA ASRHMA & COLDS EUYSII'KLAS S SKIS DISEASES. LIVER & BOWEL COMPLAINTS RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS* ABSCESS and TUMOURS. NERV.CS DEBILITY. WHOOPING COUGH, &C., &C. EUYSII'KLAS S SKI:" DISEASES. LIVER & BOWEL COMPLAINTS RHEUMATIC AFFECTIOKS. ABSCESS and TUMOURS. NERV.CS DEBILITY. WHOOPING CUCGlI, &c., &C. Highly approved by the well-known Abernethy (who alludes to it in his works, and other celebrated Medical Practioners. The Proprietors of this truly valuable and Universal Medicine, in directing attention to the following extract directing from the Affidavit ma :e by Dr. Webster, beg to state that they will feel much pleasure in forwarding (gratis) upon application, a pamphlet containing mal1\' cases of indis- putable cure, and unequivocal testimonials (published by distinct permission) (EXTRACT FROM AFFIDAVIT RY DR JOSHUA. AVEB^TLIR ) Joshua Wubster, MD., and an old member of the Corporation of Surgeons. maketil oath and sailh, "That the Medicine by him na.ned CiiREVIS! A ANGLIC A N A, or ENGLISH HERB DL ET DRINK, is prepared from vegetables possessing the most salu- brious qualities, and was discovered by him after a long and laborious investigation of the medicinai properties, of herbs and plants; and that th said CEltEVISIA is the greatest corrector and purifier of the blood, consequently the best preservative of health: as this Deponent has had ample lestimony of during Fifty Years' extensive practice, in the course of which he suc- cessfully administered the said CIIREVISI A to several thousands. JOSHUA WEBSTER. Sworn at the Mansion-house of the City of London, the 13th of Nov., before me, Witness, Jas. Den.-unore. M D." :i. C. COMBE Mayor. The Pamphlet contains a copy of the Afflilat-il il2 Sold Wholesale and Retail hy ElJWAitD 3LEE and Co., Sule Proprietors, 46, Piccadilly, corner of the Albany In bottles at 2,. 9d., 4s. 6d-, and 10s.; and may be had through Patent Medicine "Yendois and re- spectable Chemists in town and countrv or direct from the Depot, upon receipt of Money Order, or London re!erew'p, [2601 DREDGE'S HEAL-ALL, or celebrated em- 1 broca'iou, has long horn known throughout the West ly of Eng.and as the most Remedy tor Ubeuraatism 1'vesli WO ITJDS OR Cuts Rhcumatic Gout Burns ami >caids Lumbago Spasms an- Cramp Pains in the Limbs & Numb-1 Stiffness of the Joints or ness Neck Sciatic & Paralytic Affections Frozen Limbs Tooth-Ache and Face-Ache Chilblains before they are Sprains a- d Bruises broken It is likewise an infallible Cure for that dangerous disor" der the Quillsey or See t hroat, in II hie'l it was never known to f;,il a(rer a few bOll; S' appliraiion. It is also an excellent Remedy for Whitlows so common on the fingers of Country Peop'e who are exposed to the cold and it is confidently recommended to all "ho may suffer from any of these complaints. Observe That cone can be genuine unless the Stamp affixed to caeh Bottle contains the name and address of BAR- CLAY and >ONS, No. 9o, Parringdon-s'reet, who have pur- chased the property in this valuable artic'e from t- e Execu- 'ors of the Inventor, WILLIAM Iii- e of Wish ford, is. Le'ail price, Is. 1^1 and '2s 9d ] er ho'tie. [2G56 cz IV ■ -■ v • x 1 o o\ 4. 0 CO) okul I 'Ti AUm 1972 Nothing brings Oil Nervous flebility, Premature Old Age and Shortens Human Life, more than Diseases of the Chest. UNDER THE ASD PirltllNAGE OF HIE AS) TUE PRINCIPAL QUEEN NOBILITY. THE ONLY REAL CURE WITHOUr INWARD M ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS foi Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Croup, Hooping Couph, Influenza, Chronic Strains Bruises, Lumbago, or Fains in the Hack, Spinal and Rheumatic AU'ections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Fains. FitcliJey Hall, near Marlbro', M .rch IS, 1 857. Sirs,—It is with heartfelt ^ratitud<- that I write these few lines, in order that sul erers from complaints similar to that under which I have myself labouied since December, IHO. I have been afflicted at intervals with Croup and Spasms, and, although I have tried many remedies, they wire all next to useless" until a short time ago, when a friend coming from Sheffield brought one of your it(,pc!r's Plaster,. zliid since that time I have experienced no recurrence of the malady. You are at perfect liberty to make any use of this letter I remain yours tiuh FO-.TER, Messrs. Roper & Son. provi(,cncc RoVTi Mul]> Jan_ ,8^ Sir Having received remarkable bern fit from Roper's Royal Bath' Piaster, "l wish, to make my case known for the use of others Some months ago I caught a severe cold, which brought on shakin"- Fits. These settled in my chest. I became so ill that'I r quired'constant attendance. One of Ropei's Plasters was appl-ed which produced relief at once, an J now I am fast nrn.'ressin" to a recoverv.—I am, Sir, yours respectfully, ° ° 10 MA!L; HA UAXXAH ROBINSON. Mr., Granger, Witham, ESSEX, wiites :-1 have received much benefit from the use of your Roper's Plasters once tor a sprain of and at another time for pain ill the su.e. Dated Feb. 5, 1857. BED FAST FOR POUR MONTHS. AT, H. Maiden, of Bury, has great pleasure in handing to Messrs. Roper and Son a rec mmendation of Roper's Plaster, by Mr. Wiliiain Uutson, Earl-street, Bury, for a severe Inflamma- tion of the Lungs. He was bed-fast for four months, and is quite certain that his recovery is through the timely assistance of your valuable R per's Plaster, which he purchased at my shop. You are at liberty to make use of this in any way you think proper, for the .lenefit of tlIE public generally. March 13 1853; Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, have vended spurious imitations. Purchasers aie therefore cautioned to NOTICE the words, ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTEUS Proprietor's Auto- J graph on the back, PREPARED °^,LL?M^LSRSUEMFRL°D!EH AND S0N' thfES' CHme .where HerbS and th' U1..S an TiJi|i'*tITees dro(, |)aisam, and on all the boughs Health sits and makes it Full sized Plasters, Is l$d.; and f»r ^1)dnr'L»- •>k<1 each, o, direct by Post on receipt of Is. 4d or *S. L-? J1''5 Sold bv most Patent Medicine Vendors in the UnUed Kingdom BEWARE OF IMITATIONS !—Be particular a.m ask foi ROPER'S PLATERS. 7 ,/■ rwinf Public Opinion has proved the Plaster M J b, lg,, 11 ROPER'S PI L L S?( though originally only Pt intendEd 10 assist the operation of ItOPEtls ROVAL BATH PLASTER), have proved the best remedy for all those distressing sjmp ?-t'endin.<? a we k and disordered Stomach, Liver COMPLAIN s, ilious Irregularities, Indigestion, such as Nausea or Sickness, A^'S,S °F Appetite, Loathing of Food, Pain in the Bowels. Languor J. J, -)EPression of Spirits, Giddiness,Swimming or Determination °°d to the Head, &c the torerui.ner of Apoplexy, cj Sproatlcy.near Hull, Oct. 3, I S 53. Pla-tp'r 'n;" found groat benefit from Roper's R yal Bath ? 3 Pills, I wish to make my case known for the ad rpen ffl°-Se w^° su,'er as 1 have done for a long time. I nave > a licted with spasmodic pains in 'lie chest, and palpi- tation o ie heart, arising from I ndigestion and Liver complaint, 1 was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better, it as X tried one of Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which gave nu. le 1 ier in a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now quite well.—I remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH T OMPSON. Ropers Pills are a purely Botanic compound, and warranted frt-e from any deletenous inioedient, being composed of choice herbs, roots gums, and balsams, by ROUT. ROPER and SON. Chemists, Sheffield, in boxes, at |s. 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each Sold by most Chemists and Booksellers in the United Kingdom ASK FOR ROPER'S PILLS. [3670 I'TuPT Ull! S EFFECT U ALLY C U11 MI) V' WITHOUT A TRUSS All sufferers fro:n th; complaint ar,1 earnestly invited to co nmunicatc with In-. Thom- son, as ho c-in conscientiously guarantee them relief in every case. His remedy has been successful in many thousands cases; and bjing protected from imitation by the Patent Ottiee Seals of England, the College of Pharmacy of Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, is now made known as a public dutv by advertising. In every case of single and double Rupture in either sex, how ever bad or long standing, it is app'icable, effecting a perfect cure in a short time, without confinement or inconvenience, and it cannot fail to be appreciated as a blessing by those who have been for years, perhaps, obliged to wear galling trusses or other support. Persons in any part of the ki gdom can have the remedy sent to them post free (packed so that no one can know the contents), with full and simple i istructions for use, on receipt of lOs, in postage stamps, or by post-office order, payable at the Chief London Office, to Dr. Ralph Thomson, 28, Clarence-road, Kentish Town, London. Consultations by appointment daily, except Sunday. An Essay on the nature, causes, symptoms and treatment of every kind of Rupture, with a large selection of testimonials from patients cured, will be sent free by post for four postage stamps. Tlie following testimonials are used with the full consent of their writers If anything is w-irtli knowing, it is worthy of being extensively known, and I consider there can be no degrada- tion in vour advertising your remedy, as you aim at the mitiga- tion of suffering and the preservation of life, and yrour name and position ought to pratcct you from the shafts of envy aud malice." J. Pereira, M.D., Professor of Medicine "Your remedy quite cured the case I told yon of" J. M., Esq., Surgeon. "I find myself completely cured, and have tried every means to prove the cure by lifting and running, which, I am happy to say, I can do without pain, or using any truss." F. W. II Many thanks for your remedy: I have thrown my truss away. glad enough to get lid of the torture of it." G. H. 1, Your remedy lias cured my rupture, and I have used violent exertion since without any sign of its reappearance." Miss S. A fair time has elapsed since I used your remedy, moreover I have been examined by our surgeon, who declares I am quite cured J. P. "My rupture being 28 years' old. I never expected so perfect a ure." E L. My boy's rupture is cured, and he is now quite easy, and can play about without pain." Mrs. H, P. "I applied your remedy six weeks ago, audit gives me great pleasure to inform you my rupture has not been down since." D. L. "I now write to tell you my daughter is perfectly cured by your remedy." Mrs. II, "I have received a perfect cure from the remedy you sent me; mine was an old rupture, and very bad ind ed II, T. [2G03 I KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. "TTIGT1MS to INDIGESTION, Nervousness, T Physical Debility, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Chest, Lungs, and ThrrJ3t, and all who desire 10 restore and establish their health wiih speed, certainty, arcl economy, should immediately use these wonderful Pills They strike at the root of disease, purify tl.e blood, and strengthen and invigorate the en- lire system. Prepared solely by John Kaye, Esq of Dalton Hall, near Huddersfield. Hundreds of cases of cure enclosed with each box. Sold by all Chemists and othei dealers in Patent Medicir.es, at Is 1 Jd, 2s 9J, and 4s 6d. Whole- sale De^ot, '22, B :1KA'O-S l'H E H 1', London. [2673 A CURE FOR THE AFFLICTED! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. POSSESSED of this remedy every man is his own Family Physic:;in. If his wife or children are troubled with eruptions of the skin, sores, t-.mours, white swellings, sore throats, asthma, or any other external ailment, a perseverin- use of the Ointment is all that is necessary to produce a radical cure BAD LEGS AND BAD RREASTS. In no case has this Ointment been known to fail either in the cure of bad legs, or had breasts; thousands of persons of all ages have been effectually cured by it when discharged from hospitals as incurab1e, If the dropsy settles in the legs, the Ointment will cuieit if used with the Pills. SKIN DISEASES, HOWEVER DESPERATE, MAY BE RADICALLY CL: ¡:EU. Scald-heads, itch, blotches on the skin, scrofula sores or kind's evil, and such like affliction-, yield to the mighty power of this fine Ointment, provided it be well rubbed into the affected parts two or three times a day, and the Pills be taken to purify the blood. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. This i = valuable preparation has greater power over gout and rheumatism than other medicine none need remain une if he will but set about it in good earnest, using this infallible remedy according to the printed instructions affixed to each pot. All settled aches and pains are removed in the same manner. CERTAIN CURE FOR ASTHMA, WHEEZING ON THE CHEST, COUGHS, O.S. COLDS. This wonderful Ointment, if well rubbed into the chest night aud morning in the same manner as salt is forced into meat, will soon remove the worst case of asthma, or any affection of the chest, providing the Pills are used with the Ointment. WOUNDS, BRUISES, BURNS, AND SCALDS. The extent to which mec:anical and manufactur i:g industry in this country has reached, is greater than in any other. Here, therefore, the liability to bodilyaccident has increased in the same ratio. ,\cc:dents are lamentably frequent, and often even when trivial in themselves, are made to end fatally ^rom want of due attention and proper remedies. TI1.. most powerful curative ever applied to wounds, bruises, burns, or gores of any sort,is Holloway's Ointment. Every tradesman,—every man to whom an accident may happen—and who is there exempt I —sli..ulci be provided with it against the physical dangers which, though never foreseen, are of hourly occurrence. PILES A 1) FISTULAS.. The cures which this Ointment effects, iù. healin? Ulcers of long standing and which have resisted all other applications, as well as in curing Piles, Fistulas have been so countless and so notorious throughout the worid, that any effort to give an adequate detailed statenientof their numher or character would be in vain. It is sufficient to say that the Ointment has never proved in efficacious. DROPSIES. This miraculous Ointment, if well worked in to the complaining parts twice a day, "as salt is forced into meat," and the Hills taken aScording to the printed directions, the effect will be most wonderful. This invaluable Ointment will cure any ulcer or sore, however desperate and long standing, even where amputation has been recommended as the only means of saving the ii iib. Both the Ointmen t and Pills shoul d be used in the following cases: Bad Legs Chiego foot Fistulas Ski:i«(iiseases Bad Br "dsts Chilblains Gout Scurvy Burns Chapped hands GlandnJarSwellings Sore-h^ads Bunions Corns (Soft) Lumbago Tumours Bite of Mos- Cancels Piles Ulcers chetoes and Contracted and Rheumatism Wounds Sand Flies Stiff Joints Scalds Yaws Coco-bay Elephantiasis Sore-Throats Sold Pit the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, i44, Strand. (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectable Druggists artt Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world.at the following prices: Is 1 Jd. 2s. 9.1 4s. fid., I, s., 22s., Hud 33s. each Pot. 1:7 There is a considerate savins by taking the larger sizes. .N.B. — Directions for the guidance of patients in every disotde are aflixcd to each Pot. [2657 SUilE CUHE. LAM BE "IT'S ASTHMATIC BALSAM. TJtiULY Efficacious and Pleasant, without Confining the Bowels or affecting 'he Head. A few of the many thousand Testimonials of Cures of ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, CUUGHS SHoRT- NESS OF I, and all disorders of the CHEST' and LUNGS, by taking LAMBERT'S ASTHMATIC BALAAM. Sufferers from Asthma, 0° however I0112 standing, or thoso who are prevented from even lyin« down for fear of suffocation, may rely on immediate relief, and a cure will certainly follow the use of it. Tii<-se who are subject to or suffering from bronchitis should immediately take a few doses of this wonderful medicine. \V INDEHFUL CUKE OF ASTHMA Extract of a letter from Mr. Charles Mumhy, chemist and druggist, H3, High-street, Gosport, dated D: ceniber 7th, le52: — To Mr. JFm. !.amber!, cl¡r;¡¡¡ist, 20, Jermyn-street, Haymarket, London. f, John Henry Adams, ain a aunner in Her M .jesty's Royal Artillery, and while stationed at Malta, s .one six years ago, was suddenly seized in the middle of the niaht with a violent attack of Asthma, and was nearly suff'cated with the great difficulty in breathing, and excessive cough, for two hours. This visited me, accompanied with violent pain in my side, and continued the same at intervals fur upwards of two months, aud his troubled me mere or less ever since; after having been in the hospital twice, and tried every remedy that my friends could lecotnmend or my means command, without obtaining any permanent relief and after reading ail advertisement of Lambert's Asthmatic Balsam, I resolved, as a last resource, to try it, and, wonderful to relate, the cough, difficulty of breathing. pain in the side, &"e., that resisted every remedy, yielded to thii. After taking only four small bottles, I am now completely flee from any of the dis- rressing sunptoms of Asthma, and, in fact, illY health is quite re-established. EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF ASTHM\. To Mr. T Taunton Clarke. Druggist, See,, Bod.nln, April 9, Sir,-l was dreadfully afflicted with asthma for many years. For the last live years, the couah and expectoration was so great as almost to occasion suffocation. I am a tin streamer, but was utterly unable to work, and incapable o" lying down in rey bed dining the whole period—being frequently obliged to sit up all nifjht in a chair by tbe fire. I tried many medical men in the neighbourhood, but it was of no avail. A short time since, being at your old established shop, I was recommended to try" Lam- bert's Asthmatic Balsam." I followed the a ivice given, and re- joice to say that after taking two or three sm.ill, and three or four large bottles, I am now able to work and to walk as well as lever could in my Jffe, although more than 56 years of age The cough and spitting entirely ceased both by night and day. L'ourmuch obliged servant, EDWARD TRUSCOTT. Jamaica Inn, Bolventor, Cornwall. To Mr. W. Lambert. Bodmin, May 1st, 18'J7. Dear Sir,-l have much pleasure in handing you the enclosed testimonial to the extraordinary efficacy of your asthmatic bal- sam, my sale for which is stcadiiy increasing, and I cor,sid.-r it olle of those patent medicines worthy the confidence of the public A 1 am, dear Sir, yours faithfuilv, T. TAUNTON CI.AR KE. ftirs Mary Banks, of Caroline-Street, Camden Town, was cured 0 a violentcough by taking four doses. ASTOXISJuxq curk of COUGH axd gpiTTING op BLOOD > 'i"-U four >'ears since I caught a severe cold which te.nimated 111 a violent cough, with split-US' of biood. I tried evtiy e..ec y which my friends recommended, without leceivm^ any benent last winter the cough so much increased in violence and the Setting of blood became so frequent, and attended with all the symptoms of rapid consumption; I continued in this lreadfnl state, notwithstanding I had the acjvice of some of the m<>st eminent plijsicians, and gave up all hopes of recovery. Seeing in the ntw spapers some extraordinary cures which vour Asthmatic Balsam had performed, as a last resource, I was in- duced to try its etneacy. lo my great astonishment and delight, in legs than a week I perceived a wonderful benefit, and by the time I had taken two of the 3d. hotees with gratitude I acknowledge, was Perfectly Nvell. I aiii your nbedlCnt servant, VLIZABETH BXOWN-. Prepared only and sold by W. Lambert, Chemist, 20, Jeimyn street, Haymarket, London, in bottles at lo.jd., 2s. 3d., and 4s. (id. Be particular and ask for Lambert's Asthmatic Balsam," and do not be persuaded to take any other medicine. Sold by all respectable Medicine vendors throughout the country, [2608 rIlE G It EAT RK.d i-;DV FOR N" J:VoUSXESS, LEB'LITV E1'; I.E rs V, ir, Prot.cted bj Jloyal Letters Palejit of l7,n:/IxuJ, (In sauclioried by ail the Co/itinc;! Vo'ie es. GUTIVE YiriE, or LIFE D;iCP:3, dis- fi covered and prepare-! only by Dr. DE MOO of th2 l-lcoie de Me.licine, Pads: Member of tl.e lioyal College of Surgeons. Lo.ndo", frc., IIrc., &c., are a weli-kt;owi remedy for the above complaints, Exhaustion, incapacity for Society, Study, or Busi- ness, Eruptions. Sore Thi'oaf, Pains in the llJnes, and all diseases for which mercury, sarsaparilia, See., are too often em- ployed, to the future destruction of health. Their powers almost exceed belief; since their introduct'o.i, hundreds of apparently hopeless cases have been speedily cuied and thousands have de- rived almost miraculous reiief. when everything else had fai éd, and they must sooner or later entirclysup.rsedo these questionable remedies which have too Ions b>e.i the sole reliance of the medical men of this country. Bong purely lierlial, and containing neither mineral or opiate, they do not stimulate and are t.-eretore not followed by that fearful reaction common to the so-ctiled remedies for these complaints. Thousands of testimonials from Clergymen and others may be inspected by any one, or a printed copy for warded on receipt of a stamped envelope. Pr.ce 4s. Rd. and lis. per bottle, or times the 3,. hrough all Medicine Vendors. (23;5 PAINS IN THE BACK, GHAVEL, RHEUMATISM, GUU" .:xc, DR. DE itoos, RI'JXAL PILLS are a well- known remedy for Pains in the Back, Gravel, Rheumatism Gout, Disease of the Kidneys, Bladder and organs, Biliousness Indigestion, Acidity of Stoui c'l, o. c., which often torment the Sulierer ver the best years of life, ana end only in death. They agree with the most delicate stomach, increase the appetite, ilil- I prove the health, and in three days a cure, when copaioa cubebs, &c have utterly failed. Price; s. 1 jd 2,. I'd., .1s, d" 1 Js, and 3 is. per box, of all Chemists. E. W., Gibb Heath, Birmingham.—" 1 shall not fail to rtcom- mend yourmGdidnes to all that I think need them: I feel giateful to Goa that I ever saw your advertisement." L [1., i!ilisborough Co. Down.—" Only for your m dicir.e, [ w. uld be in my grave. I return you many thanks." M. M It., Jh!ton, For the great service your medicines have rendered I cannot express myself 100 gratefully." T. S., Wellingbovo'.— I am happy to in- form ion that I have not felt anything since I have taken your valuable medicine, and I shall not fail to rccommend it to all my triends. A. L., Stratton, C oruw d'.—I a n glad t.- sfat-, that after taking your medicine six weeks, I am now w 11. Taankilig you for a good state of health, winch 1 never had befie, I am, •SEE." From loni; practical observa ion of the treatment pursu d in tiie most famous institutions of England and Fiance, for t .or-e diseases referred to above, the Proprietor has had somewhat un u ,ual facilities acquiring that uniform success which has characterised his practice for so many years in this cul where the futile attempts to cure by nnrcurv, c- paiba, sarsaparilla, &e., have produced such distressing results. La-ting benent iu rich cases can only be reasonably expected at honds of the Jc¡.:a ,y qualified medical man who devotes his chef attention to their removal; and to him only who can show hi possession of tne necesn-try qualifications, can confi lenc? be safely extended. Dr. De It. refers witn pride to tiie numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to heath and happiness and to those who may be in need of aid, he offers every assurance of speedy lestora- tion. Country patients should forward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing the fee of X Is. for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return: Post. office, oiders to be made pay:.hie at the General Post offic to WALTER i-E R es, ill ,1)., 'I', her;, rS, street, Oxford-street, Ldlldo}}; At home daily fro.u to ■). Sundays excepted. Sold by Wiunall. 7 8. High street, Birmingham Ferri; Co, Bristol; Keene, B R times and Co., York and Edinburgh Whittaker, Sheffield; W'estniacott, Manchester; Howell, Dale- street, and Raimes and Co., Liverpool; illc, M ister and Co., Capel stred, Dublin; Apothecaries Co" (ilasgow Bradbury, B-dtoii Pratt, Bradford; Dyer, Halifax; Rcitihart, Leeds; M nder and Co., Wolverhampton and at iea^ t one agen: in al- most every town but should difficulty occur, enclose Stamps to Dr. De Roos, 10, Berr.ers-srred, Oxford street, London, whèn they will be sent by leturn, securely packed. A P-vMPHLET with fall imtrlCcti..n, &c.,sent free for tw postage stamps. (2 TTOURSELF WHAT YOU ARE! AND WHAT X FIT FOR! The original graphiologist, M vhik COL-p:;LLE, continues to give her useful and iutevesti g delineations of ch ractn, from an examination of the handwriting, in a styie peculiarly her own. never before attempted ill this country, and which cannot even b? successfully imitated by those who preiend to this beautifu' science. All persons desirous of knowing them- selves, or the true character of any fliend in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of writincr, slating sex and aee, and the fee of 11 uncut penny post stamps, to Miss Coupelle, 69, Castle-st., Oxford St., London; and they will receive in a few days, a full and minute detail of the t.iients, tastes, an.ctions, virtues, failings. &c., of the writer, with many other things hitherto unsuspected, and calculated to be useful through life. From l-N.,—"I consider your skill surprising." C description of the you! lady s character is remarkably correct, W. S —Your interesting answer to my note is quite true." H. W. Your sketch of my character is marvellously correct. Miss F, Mamma says the charact r you nie is it true one." Miss W.N. -1, You have described his character very accurately." ML* H. I am afraid hi, cha acter is as you describe it too tru We see no more difficulty in graphiol-ogy than phrenology, an-j we have little doubt that ill in JU :1erilb,c' ills a ices the character is read with equal preci,,¡on.Fam; y limit-i. (260.i DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, AVHISKEltS, &c ? If so, use R OS A L IK OKI N'UTRI R, tlott".I f r its miraculous properties, and as the only remedy that can be fully re- lied on. it is guaranteed to produce whiskers, tnous- lacliios, eyebrows, &c., in a few weeks, Mid will be fot;a eminently successful in nourishing, curli-.g, "ncl beau1-. fving tlie hair, c .eekt.ii^ gr, yr.e>s in all i's M-nres, strengthening weak hair, ;>rev.;n;ing its ta,liLg ch, and restoring it in biilunes; trldn at' ver cause. Upwards of IOU pii)siciaus recommend it tor the n, as promoting a fhe, healthy npai ot hair, and averting oaloiiess 111 a.t.r years. Sent post free 011 receipt of 24 penny postage stamps, by Miss Coupelle, fi9, astle- st., Newman-st., Oxi-jr.i-st London, or may be oot:til1ed of all 'hemists, in bottles price is. CAUTION.— A 16-page pamphlet is enclosed with eseh b >tile, anù each package has a red stamp outside, with the words" IIOSILIB CouPin.r_B" in white letteis the words CoUPELLii s Ckinuritlak" are also moulded in each b "til; My whiskers are greatly improved by it."—V A. Hill. "It h-.s aive-uiy cousi :er.ibly lliukened ray half. \l1So 1\loJI!!1. I ',ri' i,I,1 nine yt :;rs, but I ritid new hair coming rap.idly "-J. II .ne. i h,,¡:ks to your stuff, i liave an excellent moustache and whiskers." — Major Urowne. I hAd lost my hair in p itches, bat it has restoied it."—Miss Hewitt. After 20 years bald- ness I consider it his acted iHoir. Sold by Wiima]], 78, High-street, hir,ui¡¡gh,m; Fenis and Co., Bristol Keene, Bath Rairnes utid < o., York and Edinburgh, hitaker, Sheffield W'ts!ir.acott, Man- chester Hotveii, )),Ul1c-st.. and Kuimes and Go Liver- pool Mc, Mister and Co., Dublin; Apothe- caries' Co., Glasgow Bradbury, BJtou Pratt Bradford; Dyer, Halifax; Keiuhardt, Leeds; Mamor and Co., Wolverhampton, and at least one agent in almost every t0WIL "LIVE MINUTES ADViCK ON TIIE W hiskers, vte sent free for four pennv stamps. r2GJ:; I^"NOYV TMYSiiLF: Tlie Original Graphiologis Kate ltussell, c-.ntinues with immense success to give her i.a.eresting and useful delineations of character from an examina tion of the handwriting, in a styie of description, peculiarly her own, and which cannot be imitated by the ignorant advertisers who profess to have a knowledge of the science Persons desirous of knowing their true character, or th t of any friend in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of their .riling, stating sex and age, or supposed zie. with the fee of It penny postage stamps, to Miss Russell. IA. Arlington-street, Hampstead Road. London, and. the, will receive in a day or two a full and minute detail of the gifts, defects, talents, tastes, affections, kle of the writer, with many oilier things hit..e-lo unsuspected, cal- culated to f,'uide them through life. All letters are considered strictly confidential, and to prevent mistakes, applic mts are re- quested to enclose an envelope properly directed to themselves, ihe many thousands who thankfully acknowledge the value of advice gIven, and the accuracy of Miss R.'s sketches of char ,c- ter, establish truth and value of the science beyond a doubt. Extracts from Testimonials :—From S. P., Many thanks for joui truthful poitrait." It H., "1 fear his character is too truly as you so freely describe it." W. B., Your Ion .'letter, though vei-y flattering, my friends say is amazingly correct." A. U., Mamma says tiie character you give me is very just, and not too good," Rev. H. F., "My fa th in gr.iphiology is confirmed J-oyrLUcce^ is extraordinary." n. W., I a :i glad your oplCJin character coincides witii my o wn. From the Press: By taese m.-ans men about to engage in partnership, or to have im- portant transactions with my one, may know hefoiehand the character 1 the person with whom they have to do; in like manner lovers may be made wise beforehand and those v. ho have secret enemies may be warned and enabled to prepare for the Household Words. We see no more difficulty in gra- phio ogy tnan phrenology, and we have little doubt that in innu- merable instances the cilaracter i, read with equal precision. Family Herald. QUACKERY UIX-NIASKUID AND DEFEATED being an exposure of the frauds practised by quacks who ro the unthinking, and in many cases entirely ruin the health of heir victims. The Author, who has had great experience in the treatment of Nervous and general Debility, Loss of Memory, i a in-' Sight, Epilepsy, Indigestion, Giddiness, Headache, anrl a long train of fearfid diseases, will send post free, a copy of his Work, by the aid of which permanent health may be speedily recovered, at a trifling expense, and without r course to the so- called certain remedies of the day, \]\lc]¡ too often pr certain failures. I Lev ikw The utility of the book i, nnùenialJle.C1rristian Times. "1'uPUL1)," in every sense of the word, and its ad- vantages are untold to those who e-mnot consult the familv physician.'—'British Magazine." "To all our readers sav Get it. "Critic," "Rar,1y do "'e recommend a medical work but in this instance we do so honestly."—" Li terary Gazette. "The most fearless exposure we have ever seen."—Sunday Times. V\ e think it a duty to advise all oui readers to procure this book. — 'Daily News." Were il universally distributed, a certain class of pestiferous advertising would soon be done away with —" Times." "The Doctor deserves our warmest than',s_for his bold attack on empiricism. Era." Sent free on receipt of tw,) penny stamps, by Mr. Lawes 14, Hand Court, Holborn. 2')0C DU BARRY'S ANTi-DI ARRHCEAL BON BON", are a neve failing remedy for English Cliolei; bowel cum¡>laiut, diarrhoea dysentery, c., .c. In boxes, Is. I 2s. 9d,, is. 6d. J. Sanger 15 '.Oxford-street, Loll lon, and all Chemises. ("589 DU B IRRY'S FOOD FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND INVALIDS, supersedes the dangers and expense of wet nursing, as infants are easily re ired with it, and it is the best and most digestsble Food for the delicate and invalids of any age. In canisters, at is" and I-ill). 2 Is. The large canisters free of car- riage. BARRY Du BARRY and Co., 77, Regent-street, London. (2;>Si) Far superior in qu ilitv than any other, and safely racked i'1 till canisters, aTe BARRY'S HLIltlFlED PEARL BAKLKY and G BOATS, being especially adapted for Barley Water, Gruel, light Puddings, and light breakfast ar,d .-u per Food for invalids and children. All deleterious'principles having been removed from them by Du B irry's Patent Machinery, they are invaluable colds, ir tl tenza, and for .strengthening the delicate. In c misters —^lb. 6d, lib. is.. 61b. 5s, 121b. lÜs, BARKY Du BARRY and Co ii, Regent-streeti London, and through all Groeeis and Chemists. (:2;JSU Avoid Pills, and all oilier Nie for Indigestion (dyspepsia) habi ual Constipation, Flatulency, Acidity, Pal- pitation ot the Heart, Torpidity of the Liver, bilious Head aches,Nervousness, Biliousness,General Debility, Liarrhce^, Cough, Asthm-i, i onsumption. Despondency, Spleen, &c. Send 2d. in S'amps, and you will receive, free by Post, a nopular Treatise 61 pages: DU BARRY'S PULMONIC COVGII BON BONS, are a nice safe, at,d eifectual remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, and all affections of the lungs, throat, and voice, and of un. rivalled excellence. In boxes—Is. lid., 2s. Sd., 4s. 6d. J Sanger, 150, Oxford-street, Laudoa, aud 11 Chemists. "iBi-ndhneou' FEMALr" COMPLAINTS. |/ ULSLKV'S OUIGIXAL "WIDOW j' WELCH'S PILLS, so long and justly celebrated for t'ieir peculiar virtues in Ffnl'_7!r and str r) -lv re- CotrnT.e'.cled even by members of tl1e Faculty, as a -it-i certain remedy in removing :ho3e obstructions, and in rjgauiating that periodic function, uponwbieii the health of young wonen so milch depends. Ti-cs,- pills are most valuable also in general debility of the s>stem—in rtinrul iting the languid appetite—in removing indi- gestion. arid the iiost of nervous affections dependent upon it — in pmpitation and sh .rtness of breath, which sometimes follow even ti:e slu'htest exertion. 1 Ins me .ienne ;s perfectly free from any deleterious ingredient. -1: ta;j R at all ti..ps and in all seasons and climates. It is necessary, owing- to the numerous imitations, to inform r £ vP"iv(;, t-i'-at,.KE is the only ORIGINAL and ''CINE of this description ever ma le, and that ic 1 j. Prepared by the Family for nearly a Century. Pur °(•aSelf a'f-I>.f<r''cular'y requested to remark, that as a testitionv o aa len lcitv, each bill of directions contains an affidavit and bears the of" C. KEARSLEY" in writing also en- «r vf(, 0-1 toe Government Stamp, and ea.-h bos is wranusd in white paper. Sold >vholesile and Retail, by J. S.A M3ER, 150 Oxford street, L .-n.-o. m Ooxes, pi ice es. 91. each. f-r post for 3 p.-stage stain; .-inu al: icspectabie Meuieine Venders throughout the Count.y i;;2S MIRR03, K-TIFS-OIJEAER. RPWIILVI" KNIVES CLEAXED IN 5 MINUTES. Jl — IDS u-elul doi.iestic article is the most comptct, simple, dar IB'.E, efficient, and economical, of the kind ever invented is quite :rce from dirt, saves a vast amount of labout, 1nd can at a'l times be used in the kitchen. Price L'2s and 40-. L'o be ha. ot Mrs. JEFi?hliI^, Ironmonger, Newpori and OF most other irontuotigf rs hroughout the United Kingdom. [26?4 L KATE'S VTORSDELL'S PiLLS. TTEAI/m RESTORED and maintained by f JL the use of these Pills, prenared sol-ly by JOHN" K A\ E, Ksq.. of J.) il'on Hal!, near Hu-d.ieisfiel Thev are unequalled i simplicity, safety, and beneficial effect, and in cases of acute as well as chronic diseases, especi diu '/<•»>> arising fi.im Impurity of Blued, Itulietstion, end Con- stipation, are tue best medicine that can possibly be em- ployed. Fkm \LES, AHTIZANS, JIECHANICS, all persons of Sedentary iiabits, and the general public, will fiud tllem of the greatest service in correcting and preventing irregu- 1a;ities in the performance of the various functions of the human body. Buy one 13JX, and READ THE TESTI- MOXIALS enclosed. Sol! by all chemists and ether dealers in Patent MEDI" ciaes, at K L^ 1., 2S 9 an.L 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. [2G73 TO NEUVOUS AND IIIlMUMATIC SUFFERERS. £ 10.000 DAMAGES.—This heavy sum was awarded to the Inventor ot the on the 16th January, ISOO, by the Courts of P;ts, ar.d by th se of the English, on the 30TH Xovett.ber, JS-J-J. The Person condemned was MR. C. UNI.viG, (ex agent,) on the plea of defraud, and for i'I- Itile ri,'Ilts. Let Counterfpiters be-' ware. Only J. L PULYEIT.MA'JHELT'S facsimile is on each GENUINE Chain. P (J ;.VE tl M A C FI F. it's PATS XT MMICAL ELEC T R O A L A" A X I'J CHAINS, For personal use-a safe, ce; t iii, and speedy remedy for ii-heumati. Nervous, and Functional Diseases. 1 hey weigh b'.it 2 oz5.. and are iirend d to be worn on the aff. cte 1 parts of the body, TIN the first application (in becom"S light and in- vigorated, and Meal, liar, and I ooth-ache, r.ND all acute Pains; vanish in an extraordinary manner also, in a lew hours, and at nvist in a few days, the V.IRS' cases of Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, ^cia ica. Neuralgia, Ner- VOUS Deafness, Indiges'ion, L Ver and Female Coni- i.-lai'its, C 'nstipation, Spasms, Epilepsy, t'araly-is, and many other Chronic Dis-ases, are totally tr.d.eated. Lhousinds of testimonials of cutes. both from private persons and medical practitioners in every part OF the world, cor.firm th»se (acts. In the Lite" of tlnt re- markable Divine, Dr. Kitto, it says The instant I applied a small Pulvermacher's Cfiiitl I felt a pleasant electRic current pass through my system, and iinmc- diatelv my pains left M He WJS the greatest sufferer ever known, especially from Deafness, Paralysis, and Rheumatism. Adopted by tne Academie le Paris, and rewarded at the Great Exhibition, 1S55. De.-med worthy of t'ne first position i.I the W irks and ■VRITITIYS OL those great PNILOS.IPHERS an I einin-nt P.jy- -icians. Sir C. LOE ck, B irt., Piivsician to Her MAJESTY, G- 'T IIUJ; Hir I, Pereira, LarUner, Duchenne, Becqaere r :J.IU'.liet, D-.darive, Oppo'.zer, and nuny others. These 'lia-n-, as the Lmcet atid other medical journals states must at once convince evcrv per-on of their e:CT11r- iin »ry c i-at;ve powers who will give them one mom nt's I tria'. Price 5s., jOs. oh,—the 15s., 18s.. and 22,. most u-ful. J. L. PT'LVETTMACIISR and Co., 7'V Oxford- Fre- a-joining th ■ Princess's Theatre, L iud n; E. J. Phillips, High-street, Newport. /2'tlJ MEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE i tONnlNS DES5SK5 AND PRICES OF 150 DIFFERENT ARTTCLES OF BEDROOM FURNITURE AS WILL AS OF 100 BEDSTEADS AND PRICES Or EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BEDDINC SENT FREE BY POST KEAL& SON BEIDSTEAD BEDDING g. BEDROOM J FL'RNl I Li FIE MANUFACTURERS ^»96T0TTENHAM COURT ROAD LONDONit.) (2G7 J I)AHCLA YS' DR. BATEMAN'S PECTO- ) HAL DROPS. This Medicine has long been held in the highest estimation for ell Rheumatic and Chronic complaints, in Pains of the Limbs, Bones, and Joints, and, in violent Colds. It has been in repute now upwards of a century, AMI the great quantity sold an- na -11 J* is the best prr-of of its efficacy parties who have once used it seldom failing to have recourse to it a second timp, when occasion requires. It does not act AS a pur- gative but principally upon the pores of the skin, ducing ger.tie perspiration, and, therofore, acting in a great measure as a prevea'ative of Fever, too olten arising from neglected colds. In Rheumatism and Chiontc Pains it is invaluable. Many aged persons WHO would not otherwise obtain any sleep or test at night, being enabled by its use, to enjoy calm and retreshing repose. For [NI^i.UEXZ it is unrivalled, particularly if t -.ken fn .HE early stages. These Drops may be had of all respectable Dru22|ists and Dealers in P .tent Medicines, in oottle at 13jd. an 2s. 9d. eaeh. Ba careful to ask for BARCLAYS' BATE- MAN'S DROTS, as there are many spurious imitations and O'oserve TH it their names and address ( 9">, Farring- don-strect) AIE engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each brtie. [2617 In calling t'.e a't- ntio-i of our readers to 'he excellence of Dr. Scott'? Bilious and Liver I'Is, we t forbear thè plea- sure ot sta ir,i; th:1.t v,-e Lllly agree with our come.i.p ,r..ries when tbey aSK the ca'i.-e'of our pjblic streets being so clear of pe:,iJllS from various diseases. We faliyajree with them, it mtts* he from the extrao>-dinarv virtoes o. Di. Scott's tiili us and Liver Pills. Indeed, if you wish to recover or preserve health of bedy, and an easy fhw of cheerful spirits, evidencing a good tliae :tÎ:J:1 and quiet mind, you may accomplish that de- sirable object by taking "n occasional doss of that celebrated me- dicin they pos"e,s such cleansing and renovating properties t>.at the action of the liver is speedily corrected, tlie stomach strengthened, tlie spirits revived, and the pa'ient restored t■ p rfect health.—" Morning Chronicle." Sold by ail druggists p rfect health.—" Morning Chronicle." Sold by an druggists and booksellers in b >xes 13id. and 'is. nd. particular ar.d ask ti;-t Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills. The genuine are i;i a square itre.'n package, with the name and address W. Lambert -0. Jtrmyn street, engraved on the government stamp. Hollowav's Ointment and Pii s extraordinarily etfi. aeions i n curing Lrysipc as.—J[r. Cnar,csHeniey,aged IS, of Abin^.iott, | Oxon, suiteied with ;nteiini"eiit attacks of this most direful or cuuiiu-uus disorders, fer several years, and had recourse to every ki.o-.vn remedy, for the cure of the same, but without success; as a dernier retort he trie! Holloway's Ointment and Pills which were as u u.d signally beneficial, for he wr.8 entirely cured in weeks to the astonishment of all who had beheld iiis sufferings t 'i and to the inifnite delight of his family and frienos. R EVIAINCABR.E ELKCTKO-MEDICAL INVENTION.—The Lancet and Medical Association Journal on Pulver- macher's Viedical Eiectiic Chains," that well-known, painless, and often instant remedy for Rheuma' ism, Gout, Neuralgia, Head and Toothache, Lumbajro, Sciatica Livir and. Bilious Complaints, Constipation, Nervous Deafness, Kpilepsy, -Spasms, Paralysis, Relaxed Muscles, Nervous D.biii'y, ai.d a host o! ott.ers :—" WE believe this chain is coining into extensive use IN this country, and that in tiie above and many ottier nervous diseases it has proved very useful. It will, therelore, be understood that it is not metely a tov, with a scientific name, to impose upon 'he i^iioran', out a highly efficacious instrument. This chain may be used by the medical atten: ant, or by the patient himself, and will at once saisy. every one of its rematkable properties who will take IH" trouble to ILL ike a single experiment with it." 'j he (,X traordinary relief which many thousands have receivtd from the use of it both in acute and chronic maladies, and especially in those to which mankind appear more frequently su' J c; — h eve gained it a greater popula; it> than any other curative agent ever advocated bv medical authority. Inoeed, so valuable is it considtied as ? eniedy, that the Aca teinte ue Medicine, Palis, and other, •R'! ti'.utions the kind, in various parts ol the world- nave adopted it. IT IS also supported by the most cele, !>r;.ted authors an professors, Doc.ors Golding Bird, Pereira, Lariner, Duclic-nne, Pouillct, Oppolzer, Kitto ,"¡,,1 rn .ny otners oi equal distinction and was rewarded it '.he TE aExhibition, IS SO. £ 10,0'0 damages were -VEN U-dh by the English atid French courts as a con- tlEmtnliun upon Mr. C. Meinig, tor infringing the I igilts o; the inventor; it may, there:ore, be reatily judged 'h.1t ti.is chain is of mete than ordinary utility, and is liKely to become quite a necessary object in every family the more so AS one is suitable lor many affections, find can be used consecutively by any number of peraolIj4 and will last for many years»-»&e ddvtrtitei&tiit*