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GRATIFYING PRESENTATION TO R. P. DAVIS, ESQ; MANAGING PARTNER OF THE WORKS. The Tredegar Town-ball was the scene of a most inte- resting ceremony on Wednesday evening. Since the residence of Mr. R. P. Davis, manager and acting part- ner in the iron works, in Tredegar, that gentleman has by his repeated acts of liberality secured the affections of 8,11 classes but upon the religious portion of the commu- nity vashe conferred especial benefits, in the assistance ex ,id,i to erect chapels and schools, to relieve exis'ing buiiaiilgS fro:n debt, to advance education, and for other purposes for which his aid may have been sought. His most recent acts are the distribution of S,50 among the schools in October last, and a like sum among the poorer members of the different churches lvilf.in( the last few davs. Uj-on the occasion of the former 0 tte.c, it was determined that some public recognition should be made of Mr. Davis's kindness. A^oomntee was accordingly fotmed of Sunday acho» wjueis una eaeu denomination, anrbthe funds were soon, o.tlicoming fur the purchase of a large and bano^omcij- bound Bible-one of the best obtainable- tbrooga the iseMum of the British and Foreign Bible Somea. On the evening b l'.vt- | mentioned, the v-olumo was publicly presented to Mr. i Davis. The apattment in whieh the pr place was orna.me d with evergreens, and crowded to excess, several of ll:" relatives and personal friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Davis, the officials and others con nected with the works, the ministers and members of the various cnurches, and a number of Sunday school chil- dren being among the audience. The choirs were ais ) in attendance, and at intervals performed a selection oF vocal sacred mut-ic. Tise Rev. Mr. Thomas, Baptist minister, was invited t) toke the chair, on the table in front of which was placed the sacred volume, upon a crimson velvet cushion, wi rked foi the occasion, and intended to accompany the Bible.. l'ii ;ted in gold on the cevn-r inside was the following — Presented to li~ P. D.ivis, Esq., by the Dissenting and Wealeyan Sunday Schools of diedegar, as L token of their renpect for his uniform kindness aDd liberality, in years past, in connexion with his amiable and excellent lady, tho late Mrs. Davis and also for his muuificent donation ufjE-50 to the above school-, in October, 1858." The Rev. Chiiun-n opened the proceedings by briefly remarking, in E»s''s,J a_n< ctsb,that those present were already an3>e oiject of the meeting. Mr. Davis had very g^ner-usly given the sum of X50 in October last, to be divided amongst the Sunday schools of the town; and those connected with the institutions consi- dered it to be their duty to do something to evince thi-ir gratitude to him for his kindness. A Bible had in conse- quence been purehast d, and v. ould presently be handed over to t' e gentleman for whom it was intended, The Re v. John Jones having addr.Sjed the meeting in the Welsh lang;-a The Rev. Mr. Lowis observed that he had no wish jo say much, but he attended to show his interest in the movement and his willingness to do what he could in Connection with the occurrence that had brougi t them together. He was averse to flattery and sycophancy at any time. His friends were aware that they must do something worthy of praise before they could obtain it from him. At all times he found it difficult to praise those not particularly worthy of praise. At the same time he was not insensible to merit—real merit and goodness. Such PlI \V "ys made a deep impression upon him; and he felt the task an easy one to express his praise and gratitude to those deserving of it. (Anplause.) Their excellent benefactor, in whose honour they were assembled, he considered to be worthy of all praise. (Hear, hear.) lIe (the Rev. Gentleman) had not resided many months in the town, and did not know so much of Mr. Davis as many present. Still he was conversant with enough, both by experience and hearsay, to feel it to be a privilege to take part in the meeting. (Applause.) They were assembled for the purpose of presenting to 3Ir. Davis a bible. It was as good as the committee could select aud obtain for money. The was excellent and of a firsl-clasa character and iiÏthugh he knew thfj desired that the present should be of greater value and more worthy of acceptance, it yas not the outward appearance of the volume that should be regarded. The contents were far superior to the out- ward garniture, and much more precious and valuable in every respect. (Hear, hear.) He trusted the gift would be acceptable. Some in this enlightened age and in this enlightened country r< g rdid the bible as of iittle worth, but that, he tnlstul, would not be so in the pre- sent instance. lie believed the volume was about to be presented to one who knew what it contained, who had been already enriched by its contents—one who knew how to employ his ottvei- riohoa, and to bestow b.ùLøiAoo. {Applause.) He was certain Mr. Davis would peruse it, and in p-.rusing it would become more worthy of their thanks and gratitude. (Hear, hear.) It was very pleasing to see tlie sympathy existing between master and employed, their interests being blended together. (Applause.) Great good must accrue from it. Kiudness always begat kindness. 'Ihat was the law of God—the law of nature, and it would be folly to oppose it. If there were no sympathy on the part of the master, there could be none on tile part of the workman. If superiors made no approaches, none would be made by those of lower rank. Mr Davis had obeyed, and, he (the Rev.. Gentleman) trusted, would still see the necessity of obeying the lu-v let'i-rivd to. The fruits were beginning to be nianifes'ed, He eared for the welfare of his men —they cared tor his; and as he was always ready iu j any case of emergency to assist them, so would they feel it a doty to uphold hiin. (Applause.) IJ-1; no( Qn] in a physical and social point of view had .Mr. Davies shown his care for those under him. He had m-t con- tented himseif with feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, providing houses, and promoting the ben.dit of those around 11:;11 in every possible way as far as this world is but he had also done his utm- st toad- vsnce tour spiritual welfare in supporting chapels anil providing and assisting Sunday schools. (Hear, hear.) lhat, doubtless, he had discovered was not by any means prejudicial to his internets. Religious instruction did not make workmen less intellectual, faithful, or skilful (Hear, hear.) On the contrary, it taught the'm to more faithfully disch-^ge their duties, and to continually re- gard the interests of ihoso over them. (Applause.) Mr. Davis sew that, and consequently experi. need pleasure in supporting those institutions which ha 1 in view the moral advancement and spiritual good of the people. (Renewed applause.) The Sunday s.thool teachers, in acknowledging Mr. Davis's kindness, had selected a gitt in keeping with the institutions repre- sented by them, trusting the result would he that all would be drawn nearer together, Mid that Mr. Davis'a pa- THERN80 TT assistance would stiil be extended towards J ljlll'<d Ml- Daviea would enjoy long life and would he and happiness, that his influence would be wiutly extended in this world, and that in the world to come he would be crGwneù with eternal glory. ia Wfc,sh a'"l English. The gift to be planted was of not ffiuf.h illtlindc It was, however, Go0 s greatest gift to man, revealing to him the great phut of iecemption. Turning to Mr Davis, the Kev. S-peaLer OBSERVED—MY prayer, Sir, is that the Author of this bo0^ maJr be your Q0(j t^e Saviour revealed in this book may be your Saviour that the Spirit under whose guidance tl is book was written may be your guide and comfort in ♦his world—-and tjlat the heaven ot this book •till be for ever your resting place. This is nry prayer. And I bopc, too, that you and your amiuble wife may have a long life, a happy life, and eternal salvation hereafter. (Applause.) The Rev. Mr. Edwatds, lirynmawr, having been called upon from the chair, said that not being a resident in the town, it would be unbecoming in him to make any lengtii- ened remaiks but as he bad been requested to attend, ana represent, the Calvinistic Methodist school, he coulu v0t u** j.xPrt'ss his sympathy in the object that had brough jem together. Following up some remarks previous V 'de, hc stated his belief that there ought -6 fl^C (S^ >' 'union among mast'rs and men in the iroil »nd coal wovita ,(,v.- i .i i- • .• Which hitherto, in A"J TBLS AILD THE adjoining counties, TT I ,I,Q ri a'-measure, had not been the case. He knew t,. gu h flun to whom'th deemed it to pay hon-'jui th eveni was J [l0T1 \hel Lear), and const qt.ent y he (tlle ker) no tion in making the ob8"m,on. Ma msters jn timeg }'I, 33 m,ire instruments of labour and endeavouring to get as nluc.h work and fit out of them as possible, without any concerQ wha?ever for their physical, social, or moral welfare- WJjat had been the natural result ? On the other hand, men looked upon their employers II ith distrust and jealousy, and aimed at but one object, to draw as much money as possible from them. That state of matters should not exist. lie was glad between',1i* nwc'l«Z iri Tre.logar, fostering a propfer 6ph.u A fr,anag-r and part proprietor of the works and the employed (Applause.) A responsibility rested upon iron and coal masters upon which it behoved them to ponder, for they were in a great decree answerable for the social, moral, intellectual, and ruligiotis welfare of the numeious people they employed. ° He rejoiced to perceive lhat iir. Davis was alive to that responsibility, and that lie regarded Lis workmen in a right point of Tiew. (Much applause.) He (Mr. Edwards) had been a neighbour of theirs for m^ny years, and had witnessed ieal«. proBrt4slve improvement 'in sanitary matters with P^aeed fh BlJ^'mawr, however, he thought, had now SOd BO read 'n l^e papers of games of cricket R between to^na aud parishes j be should like to see a game of social, moral and intellectual pro- gress between Tredegar and Brynmawr (Applause.) He would do all he could to k. ep his own town ahead. (Langhter,and"Mear,hcar.") There water had been introduced ieto every house, and he was sure that t e absence of a similar boon to the inhabitants o re degar was not the fault of Mr. Davis. (Hear, •) If thev chose to be idle and careless they mus su ■- it, for they could not expect the masters to o Again they were about to have two ratl- » stations a'o'.ht 1 n' ;ipv mi"ht remedy the evil, which nection with .r. Uailej, nne» /tt TT otherwise would ceitainly en8J^ od' he"0 IIt! was sure he should be pardoned for throwing out taose hints but he would refer now more particularly to the subject occupying their attention. In supporting Sunday schools, literary institution*, tto., Mr. Davis was ad- vancing the interests of himself and partners, while at the same time they obtained the blessings of thcusands. VVho were the men who quilted their employment with- out notice or mtunatton, causing both trouble and pecu- niary loss ^iot members of chapels, not supporters of Sunday scnoois, out the drunkards and those of degraded minds. Ho tru.ted .Mr. Davis would long be spared them, atra eiuourpge the unanimity existing among all denominations, 3.1 ijglit his means increase toenable him to render additional support to every good cause Might he bear ia mind that no harmony could subsist between liior and bis people that was not founded upon the bible. And might God prosper him and the towu temporally and spi- ritually. (Anplause.) The Rev. William ,T»ne3 delivered a brief address in Xorlh Wales Welsh. The Rev. Mr. Hughes followed, his remarks b,ing partly in the Wt.lsh and partly in the English languige. He denounced the sin of ingratitud", and contended tiiat as they could not but feel grateful to the manager of the works for his manifold kindness shown them, it was their duty to openly show they entertained that sentiuient. As he reptesentative of the Sharon Sunday-school and congregation, he acknowledged v.i h grateful pleasure 1 the assistance extended them by Mr. Davis in placing th£.! Town [loll at their disposal during the alterations in I their own building. As long as that gentleman pursued the sallie liberal course—the same Christian and bene- Yuleut policy—by which lie had hitherto b-ien eharae- terised, happiness must prevail, and harmony exist. Strikes would end. None would take pi ce there, Happiness was looming in the distane;. O.ie feature of impreivement was visible outside the hall in the erection of a magnificent clock. They h id heard that different lines ot railway were about to be completed, and thatample communication would be afforded them. They hoped very soon to remove the stigma, just now hinted at, that they bad no water in their houses. (Hi'a.r, hear.) Within a veiy few months, he trusted, they would have water, and that ultimately Tredegar would be the queen ot the mineral district from l'ontypool to Mt.rtiiyr. (Applause.) Did he expect too much? Xo. Because tiicre was an union subsisting between manager and men. Lie assisted thorn whenever called upon to do so and they and the religious community, too, would back him ill carryiug Ollt beneficial measures. (Applause ) Mr. Hughes then alluded to the Bible lying before the Chairman, observing that the principles of charity, good will, and liberality so luminously set forth in it had been practically manifested by the manager of the works in his daily inteno .rse with those around. (Loud applause.) The Chairman said it was stated at the commenct meut of the meeting that the Bible was not of great money value, but doubtless .Mr. Davis would value it as em- bodying the good wishes and feelings of hundreds and thousands of Sundry-school teachers and scholars. (Hear, hear,) Mr. Pugh had been chosen to present the votume, he occupying the honourable position of the oldest Sunday-school teacher; he called upon him to m.ike the presentation. Mr. Pugh was applauded on coming forward. IIesaid in ob ying the call of the Chairman, and in performing the duty he had been deputed by tie committee to dis- charge, he experienced no small amount of pleasute and felt no little pride. For many years he had been in- terested in the SctbbÜh-sehools of the town—in fact, it was nearly forty years since that he first became con- nected with one of those institutions. (Applause.) He joined the English Wesleyan connexion. The Welsh and E-tgluh worshipped in the same chapel, and there iviis no place in which to hold a Sunday-school. Prompted by a friend fnun Stafiordshice, he resolved to endeavour to obtain a suitable building for educational purposes. He waited upon Mr. Samuel ilomfVay., tho then manager of the works, and a piece of" ground, the present site, was accorded, a pretty good room being required in consequence of the street frontage. The cost was £ 130. Me (Mr. Pugh) was not daunted however; and ultimately succeeded in getting the ouill- i-g up, and commencing the school. Five scholars at- tended the first Sunday; but the number gradually in- creased until more children came than the room would hOld. Taere was no church at the time Dean-r than Bed wellty. He was assisted in teaching by Mis* Fotbtrgill, Mias Robins, Mr. Thomas Ellis, and his own wife. The school was kept on for some years, but at last others- sprang up. Ever since he bad had to do with ."abbath schools, scarcely ever being irregular in his attendance, -he flow ftett it to be time to draw back a little for the purpose of giving place to younger and more oner- ge!i: lealhels. He felt proud to he connee'ed wi ll the Saobuth school teachers, and was pleased to v, ilness the increase taking place in the number of schools and scholars throughout the kingdom. It afforded him also the utmost satisfaction to see present the gentleman to whom reference had been repeatedly made durit 'r the evening, und whose liberality few could conectly estimate Latterly he had given .SJOtOthe schools, and shortly after £ o° to the poor people of the diff rent ch.rch.s. ».I „ie I IE°^ED to subscribe towards the removal of a T ''Fr, ^r^'Vi"40 S'?nera!ly acted far beyond expectation, n (.ur. Pugii's) own c-.se it was so, Mr. D.ivis in to his appeal having presented him with too lutnd- toerue Sum of £ 10. (Hear, hear.) By his recent gift to the Sunday1 schools, in which no less than 2,000 childt-en were instructed at the present times he (.Mr. Pugh) hoped ",o an impetus would be given :,nù a st Wr feeling be re- vived in tiic-ir favour resulting in a material increase at their usefulness and ii.fi lenee. S'lch was, lie f. It Confident, the desire of the munificent donor, for I when he was waited upon to ascertain whether a public or private presentation of the bible would be mora in consonance with his wishes, the reply of that, gentleman was—"Adopt the comse you think mo-a likely to be advantageous to the Sunday"school interest." (Loud applause.) In presenting the volume, he (nr. Pugh) wished it were ten times more valuable, and trusted air. Davis would experience ail tbe blessings it contained. (Muchsppiausefuttowedthe presentation.) Mr. Davies, on presenting himself, was most cordiLy greeted; and he then spoke as followsTo say that I do not feel the compliment now paid me wou!d be wrong I f^ei it the more on uccount of the time you have chosen to present this volume to me, namely, when my son is present, and when toe companion whom I have but recently taken as my partner in this life is here to see that, during the last five years that I have been among you, my conduct has been approved by such an assembly as I see around me. (Loud applause.) It is not the value of the bible that I regard but I feel that a man ia my position who can come forward, and see you all with such happy faces about me, and at the same time feel what the ministers of the gospel have told you, J ) ou can under such circumstances, I say, fancy bow proud lam to place my hand upon this book. (Applause.) This book is the sole—I may say has been the only rule of my life. For thirty years I have taken it, and I hope ever to take it, as the guide of my life, of all my actions, and the whole of my conduct. (Applause.) As far as I am able, it shall be my endeavour that every- body shall feel as I do the doctrines of this bible now presented to me. (Applause.) Sunday schools! I am proud of Tredegar. I am proud to tell you that no town in England can show out of a population of 10,000, 2,400 children attending Sunday schools. (Loud applause.) it makes me proud to be a citizen of Tredegar. (Re- newea applause.) I feel every one here must be ¡-roud 111 setting such an example to the country. (Hear, hear.) I am persuaded that as long as we go on as we do at Present—as long as a good and cordial feeling subsists SunY"5™ t!'e emP'°yer a"d the employed—not only will In sc;.hoo's be promoted, but everything that tends ,r >*«•> i •_ nf nnv „-k- ?' 5'0U ^ave anything to com- P vou wi«h toJo(\S y°Uj des're tc! advance, any assist- R,CI HP House Mv?: n°l 'les'late to come "down to Bedwelty House My tune and efforts arc always at your service. I 1 J more wealth to distribute amongst you,—that I had thousands a ytar to spend and give in charity. (Applause.) How much more gratified should I be if I had thousands ins.ead of hundreds so to distri- bute. (Applause.) Do you think I ish to die wealthy ? I know those who try to do that, do not feel as I do. (Applause.) Various matters have been alluded to with reference to the town and if we un'te together, all assisting either with their pence or pounds we shall not only make Tredegar not inferior to Brynmawr, but superior to any place around U9< ( pplause.) I will not detain you longer, thoug. I must say that the lady who now joins with me in ankmg you for this Bible, feels equally with me an in eres in and the importance and value of Sunday-schools, an hope her health will allow her to manifest her apprecia^ tion of them. (Loud applause.) I hope shorty we shall pny you a vidl; and we shall continue to paj snndry visits to the Sunday-schowls, to show that if by our example we can induce any to join or aid Sunday- ools, we shall be most happy to do so. (Applause.) As regards the town clock and water; the first, I trust, T' °f service and add to the appearance of the own but the water question is a difficult one. It has been found so at Mcrthyr. It has occupied my atten- hOD; and I do hope that we shall be able to solve it (Loud applause.) As I said before, however, the matter is one of extreme difficulty. As to the railway, we are doing all we can to afford^ the utmost accommodation. Mr. Davis Selt down amid considerable enthusiasm, three cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Davis being heartily 0 giv( n. The Rev. Mr. Russell, of Merthyr, commented upon the oldigntion of those possessed of the means to benefit their fellow-ere itures. In the, course of his brief ad- dress, he gracefully alluded to the marriage of Mr. Davis, whose hands, strong before in doing good, would now be doubly strengthened. A vote ot thanks to the Chairman was passed and the doxology having been sung, the meeting was I brought to a close.

---<>---BRYN MAWR. I





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