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_j CELEBRATED INFANTS' FOOD, 1lI05 infants> children, and ^jSERSETDES the expense and dangers of ] 'i ?ur8*n8» *8 ""ore easily digested, and imparts wfiaithfui nourishment than Milk acidity, cramps, tr!ffi 'nt8' ^atulency, cough, resltessness, scrofula, (jk are avoided by it, and perlect regularity of the let^~ s°und sleep insured. Many respectable families ,rea'ed and saved delicate Infants by this Food, ,? :erred to, and a copy of their Testimonials may be 'in* **««»« a 8tamped and addressed Envelope lLr Co 77, Regent-street, London. Canister, Is. 2s.; and 121b. at 21s. The ai4lf iWets will be forwaaded free of carriage on iyl: Post Office Order. I"16S8 NOTICE. nf the increased practice of Messrs. GOSS r»* §3 it will be impossible for them to ■* of th«w time than Six DATS in each • 1st untn and they may be Consulted from "th of every Month. Mi IMp°Rtant discoveries IN THE f SCIENCE of medicine. J ft?11,9, GOSS and CO., 2, Crichton- 'hl Onli! CABDIFF, Members of the a of burgeons, London and Edinburgh, and 5 on ai,8jTeral Medical Works, continue to be con- *T>ouhT disorders arising during the critical passage anddBo Manhood, and they have, after intense nedv fPresearch, at leupthdiscovered a most wonder- .i IcorW0rtheefifectual Eradication of Nervous Debilty til fter an(5Cv.IJi8ea8es—no matter of how virulent a J* » Pert™,long standing, and in recent cases, a Mi busineaJ01^ in two or three days. No hindrance tl Every case treated in the most confidential nU Bht: on^en^ance nine in the morning till nine ^days, from eleven till two. »ti ce and M j?ts» by forwarding £ 1, will receive such ill, i most cases, effect a cure. | Obsr r^er8"to be made payable to Louis Goss. \i «t tiU tJJ^r-^rs. GOSS may be consulted from >J Id-esU^r*1,^ each Month, until further ntftwe, at »' 0«0», T°S-STEKKT, BUTE-STRBHT, CABXUPr. [1142 > n — Mill at ackno22LBBRG,S VOICE LOZHINGE, is Li v ?6d afte* Tcn years' trial as the best specific for ni refcomml^' and removing aU affections cf the Throa PI J* J>eH0?f to Clergymen, Singers, Actors, Public 4 Cttiu»_s"biect to relaxed Throats. anil to all person f th*ir voices, and ensuing a good anil ;> ^walteeted tihey bav« ••*<»''►een found fcighly.beneflciM i in b*lth Nervous, Hysteric^, or Stomachic Coughs. ti llf^clne Vet,8J at !*• >id-. 2«- 9d" *nd ««• 6d-each'of M iSSc. T-Hnftor^ W 'i8t. Paul's Oh" ^urchyirf; W. Edwards, Newberry and Sanger rw5. Jratd> Dietrichsen «ad Hannay, Oxford- Jf Kiogom" aDd by resPectable I [heal.SON'S") J NEW l JLLUSTRRTED CATALOGUE itl DCSfQNS AND'TRICES OP ISO DIFFERENT lift A^TICUS BEDROOM fURHiTURE AS WGU. ig4 M OF 100 BCOJTBIVDS AND PRICES iotr J^ ^TERT OESCRtFTION QF BEDDINC *} SENT TREE BY POST I WALiSfiN BEDSTEAD BEDDING & BCOROOM gff FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS n» COURT ROAD LONDON^/ iL —1js?L 1 4ET THE PUBLIC HEALTH-! ^ANNER'S ETKNER PILLS, a milA'and 8'L efiecftu&lmedicine for indigestion, stomach, and liver gtaplainte. These Pills will be found one of!the'best eji koines <ever offered to the public,harmless and simple, yet it" Droughiy efficacious UE removing Indigestion,- -knows by eh, ullness and pain in the sUHaach Afrernneals, ^oleMe. spasmodic inflections of the cha«t, -giddiness, in- ok tiyity -&nd languor, sense of fullness in the throit (popu- tly called the rising of the lights,), loss of appetite, and C* etilaesgreat craving for food, sicknftsr after meals, I heart- e*1 jp. drowsiness, sifeb headache, sour 4>elchings,> rumbling ?». Natwniin the-stomach and bowels, Testlessnessatinight, f5 ^fogand frightfcl dreams, sometimas great moaning in «ense of weight and oppvessionupon ifaechest, taste-in the mouth in nweiarning, the tongue y"covered with ellnwish lIlT. -lÑ1ootin¡r. 'D&ÍII:IúrJ)JD, 71 the eves weight over the eyes ami back gftt ■Tt-ef the head, ^»ss of memory, dizriness, and tlwaness of id 'lineinir noiees in the ears, «nd great depression of giW'itite They cerri ct the morbid sta'e of the iiser and W^Rtng-subserviest to digestion, promote a due-secmtion of Speedily remove habitual costiveness, destroyvworms, lieve the, constitution of goutj imatter and othenimpuri- 4es» and restore the frame to a he»lthy state. j.^Wnek-'s Pi1,1,8 are tonic and «wminative, proncting a t 5l&dlv warmth in the stomach and bowels, and gi-ve tone rfjpl vigour to the whole system, in all cases it «annot be «9M^oted that one or two doses w&l-effect a cure they must < steadily 'persevered in for severat-days, and then Ibhe most QPteoessful results will show themefeives. Price 71d per Box.- Family Boxes Is. and 2s. ML "A great saving effected by (purchasers of 2s 1l!e8.. r\ A box sent'to any part of the ,kingdom by encloswig thir postage-stamps. $[ Prepared enly by H. A. TANNER, Kings wood Hill, Sjh&r Bristol, proprietor of the celebrated Restorative-' Caugh Js i'ls. flf AN Apprentice WANTED. EK91 more pills nor amy othrr mrdicine MlRES (WITHOUT PHYSK^ OF INDIGES1HON K^Vspepfria), constipation, flatulency, phlegm, all nervous, .|ous, and liver complaints, .hysteria, neuralgi?, <ly- %Ikter; diarrhcea, acidity, palpitation, heartburn', àead. •i despondency, craajps, spasms, nausea, ^nd pregnancy or at-»ea}, sinking fits, ffi bronehitis, consumption, also Children's oom- plaints, are effected by i U BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARA'EICA FOOD, which,restores health without fl^giug, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty tuaes 111 cost in other remedies. It is, moreover, the best foed iafanto and invalids generally, jw it never turns said fcffe the weakest stomach, nor interferes with a good liberali jfiet, fcutiinparts a healthy relish for lunch «nd dinner jpid restores the faculty of digestifs, and nervous and" f^Wular energy to the most enfeebled. 1 "e extract a few out of the Tnany thousand expressions of' J latitude from invalids:—Cure No. 71, oi dygpep.ia, from the:, I 5'ght Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies, I have derived con- S|<1erab|.e benefit from Du Barry's Revatei" Arabics Food, and J Consider it due to yourselves and the public to authonhe the f publication of these lines. Stuart De Deeies. —Cure No. 49 832. Fifty years indescribable agony from dyfpepsn, nervousness, ^thrna, cough, constipation, flatulency, -spasms, sic^ness at < ftoaach, and vomiting, have been wmoved by Du Barry g *eellent Food, iftlaria Jolly, VVortham Linf, near Diss, Nortolfc. t^C,nre No. £ 7,l'k\. Miss Eliazbeth Jacobs, <tt Nasing Vicarage, y altham cross, Herts a cure of extreme uervou ness, mdi^s- «#*»' 8*therings, low spirits, and nervous £ ancies. Cure JN o. *8>3H. Mieg Elisabeth Yeoman, Gateacre, .near Liverpool1: a of ten jears dyspepsia, and all the honrors of nervous lrrl lability—cure No. 18,216. Dr. Andrew Ur-e, of constipation, ayspepsia, nervous irritability.—Cute No. 84,2>{0. tr. Shorland, of dropsy and debility—Cure No. 36,212. tCaptain Allan, of tpneptlc fits.-Cure"flG. 42,116. Major Edie, of eiilargement of Ie liver aad total prostration of strength.—Cure No. 36,418. The Rev. Dr. Minster,.of cramp?, spasms, and .daily vomiting. '—Cure No. 26,418. Dr. Harvey, of diarrhoea and-debility.—Cure No. 39 82fj. Dr. WurUser, of consumption. Cure No. 32,880 William Hunts Esq;, Barrister, of pafatysis.—Cme No. 46,270 Mr. James Roberts, Wood-merchant, of thirty jtears' diseased lungs, spitting of blood, liver derangement, partial .deafness.— Cure No 46 Si*. Mr. S. Lawton, Leicester, of two yeats' diarrhcea. -Cure No. 52,612. The (Dowager Countess of Cajftlqatuart., of tnany years' nervous irritability, bile, and indtgesHon.—Cure No. 54,912. Miss Vireinia JKoguers, cured of consumption, after her medical advisers had abandoned all hopes of recovery, yure No. 180. Twent y-five yearr.'nensousness, constipation, i adigestion, aad debility, from which I ±tave suffered great misery, and which no medicine could remoare or relicve.havebeap effect ually cured by Du Barry's Food, in a very short time. W. R. Reeves, 181, Fleet street, London."—Cure No. *,208. B^ht ^ears dyspepsia, nervousness, debility, with cramps, £ ausea, for whioh my s«rva^>t>had consulted the have been ■fiectually cured by Du Barry's health-restojivng *ood. I shall be happy to answer asy inquiries. Rev. Joan W. 'lavell, Ridiington Rectory, N-orfuJi." ^j(). 32,336 Three years excessive nervousness, with pains in my neck and left arm, and general debility, which rendered my life very miserable, has heen radically removed bj Du Band's health-restoring food. Alex. Stuart, Archdeacoif of Rosa, sWbbereen "—Cure 3,906. Thirteen years cough, indigestion and general debility have Important CAUTION against tke fearful dinners of spurious !mitations :— — The'Viee-Chancellor, Sir William Pag« Wood granted au Injunction on the 10th March, 1854, against Alfred Hooper Mevill, for imitating Du Barry's Revalenta Arabic* Food," Suitably packed for all climates, and with full instruct tions. In canisters, lib. 2s. 9d. 21b. 4s. 6d.; 51b, lis 0d. lNb<S2s.; super-refined quality, Hb, 6s.; 21b. lit. 61b 32s. lOlb. 834 The 101b. and 121b. canisters are for Warded carriage free, on receipt of Post-office Order Barry Du Barry and Co 77, Regent-street, London Portnum, Mason, and Co., purveyors to Her Majesty; 182, Piccadilly and the following Agents :—Newport, P. H. Morris, Dock-road; Clements, Stamp-office; Matthews and Co., E. 1. Phillips, Thomas, J. Jones, sh»mist; Abergavenny; J. P. Watkins;, Pontypool; H. Hughes, J. Churchill; Monmouth: Dyke Co., Thos. Farror; Chepstow: Robert Taylor, "Wkand Son, T. Perkins. J. Gormon, W. R. Miller; Y**diffs J. B. Hopkins, John Hibbtrt, S, St. Mtrj. J. If'Hut, Thoma# Wake ford, Simesters, R. Maggf, It* U Uvmim, chemist;, H*jr}es and Co,, John Parry <« Mfrthjrr-Tydfil t T, Price, Mar- J.^a^re: Mrs. M. W. White, C. W, Gay, High-street- itai, ,r; 'ho8, Lo*eridg», ehenaist; Aberdnie: H. E « *•> if w, Tkomu, John font. « COMPOSITE CANDLES.-The PARAGON COMPOSITE CANDLES,made by W. S. KALE.Lo^on, do not require snuffing, and exceed in p defying light the finest Wax or Sperm, it one thi'd tl^e Pirice, deryi g comparison in their cleanlines of burning, moUiris tendency to gutter and as two will Jive the ltgh o > thev are rpallr eheaner than common tallowcandlfS. Sold by aU Uie principal Family Grocers in Newport, and every other city and town in the Kingdom. p., thare are Observe the Name, W. S. HALE, on each Packet, as there are teveralspurious imitations. Marshall s UNIVERSAL CERATE, m (Established for more than a century)' Is the most certain and efficacious remedy for all kinds of Wounds and Chilblains, whether broken or unbroken, Cuts, Sores, Scalds, Burns, Old Ulcers. Sore Breasts, Eruptions of every kind, and more especially Sore and Ulcerated Legs of 20 years' standing, have been cured without the least confinement, after having been dis- obargedfrom hospitals. In short, this wonderful prepara- tion will be found far more efficacious in the cure of the above complaints than all the Ointments and Plasters hitherto made use of. Witness the numerous cases speci- fied in the handbills. Chilblains are prevented from breaking by Marshall's Cerate, and their tormenting itching instantly removed but where this certain remedy has been unknown or neglected, and the Chilblains have actually suppurated or broke, the Cerate will ease the pain, and very speedily hca Sold wholesale by Messrs. BARCLAY & SONS, and all other wholesale houses in London and by most Medicine Vendors and Druggists in the United Kingdom, in boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, the larger containing three of the small. AN ACT OF SINCERE GRATITUDE. 50,000 Copies of a Medical Book to be given away! 1 A CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, having been c*ted of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Indigestion, and other fearful symptoms, not the least of which was the great mental anguish resulting ftom the errors of youth, and the frauds of wicked pretenders, is earnestly desirous that In these days of arrogant assumption, and unblushing quackery, his suffering fellow men may know tovhom they can apply with certainty ot relief. Hence it is, he adopts this unusual mode of testifying his deep gratitude, by publishing for the benefit of others, the means employed for his own mar- vellous restoration to health and happiness, to which he had long been a stranger. He will therefore send a copy of the remarkable book containing all the necessary rules aid mformanon on receipt of two penny stamps, to prepay the postage—addressed to the Rev. H. R. Travers, M.A., I, North Cumberlanfl place, Bays water, Middlesex. [1796 T)UPTURES EFFECTUALLY OtJRED WITH- |OUT A TBJ&SS. Dr. BARKER'S celebrated remedy for Rupture is protected by the royal letters patent of England, and secured Ky the seals of the Royal Colleges of Medicine of Paris and Vienwa. It completely successful ia curing 403 cases last year in private practice, and is now made known as a public duty, through'the medium of the press. flit every case of single or double Tuptcre in either sex, however bad or long standing, it is perfectly applicable, effecting a cure in a few days, causing no confinement-w inconvenience in its use whatever, and will be hailed as a boon by all those who have for years been obliged to wear torturisg trusses, and other medns of support. Persons in auy part of me world can have the Temedy sent to them, post he, (packed so that no one can know the contents,) with full and L simple liiatructions f r use, on receipt of 10s. 6d. in postage stamps, or by post-office order payabtc at the General Post Office, to-Charles Barker, M.D., 10, Brodtoe-street, Holborn, Ltfadon. Any imitation or infringement of this triple patent will at once be proceeded against, and restrained by injunction. ;{.L796 The Sixty-fifth thoulland.-P,st free for a Penny Stamp. A PRACTICAL TREATISE UPON THE PRE- VENTION and CUKE of decay of the mental and-physical powers, with plain directions for the perfect recoveryof vigour, Sic. Sent free by post on receipt of two penny postage stamps, by Mr. Rudge, publisher, lo. Brooke-street, Holbtfrn, London, ■finery victim of Nervous Debility, may speedily cure himself if he will follow the advice and -prescriptions given in this book, "which is issued as a check to 'the rampant qutcfMy that feeds and fattens upon the afflicttons of those who uitfrappily sufftr^ from these diseases. YOURSELF! WHAT YOU ARE! AND WHAT PIT FoRI Marie Coupelle, the original Graphiol«gitt, continues to give her usefd! and interesting delineations of cha- racter, from an examination of the handwriting, in a style of description peculiarfy "her own, and never before attempted in this country: All person's dfwrous of knowing themselves, or the true character of-anytfrieiid in whom they may be interested, ""j'iw specimen-«r<their writing, stach-.« the sex andhftge, and the fee of 13 pseny.post stamps, to Miesiooupeile, 69, Castle- street, Oxford-street,London and they will-receive in a few -days a full and mmnte 4ettfl of the talents, taslec, affections, virtues, failings, &c., of the -writer, with many other things hitherto un- suspected. From p. J5F.—«• j received y«irs, and consider your skill surprising. C.*S—" Your description of the young <-lad>'s character is rematkably correct." W. S. Your interesting answer to my note is-quite true." H. W.—" Your outline sketch of my character isrnarvellously correct." Miss F.—Mamma says the c»>ara«t«r-you sent me is a true one." MissW, "I must say! thintytH* have described blsofcaracter veiy lccurately." Miss H. S.—" I am afraid his character is as you describe it too truly." (1796 '-FOR THE PUBLFC GOOD. R "By- OEe who wishes happiness to all." QUACKE&Y EXPOSED, ;a death blow to the \:l¡. deceptwer-nedical advertisements, issued by c gang of Quacits who prigMupon the ignorant and unwary; being a crushing exptti of their nefarious practices, <fcjr a retired Physician, who tensive prwMobl experience in asie^f the largest iHMtutlosi in London. The vavsei, symptoms, prescriptions, and dietary rules tor the cure «of diseases, are given in p ain English, -d the book is conscientiously recommended by the publisher. Sent free by post on receilit -of two penny ip"taie stamps, by Mr. Lawes, Bookseller, H^ffnnd Court, H«lbar«, London. Notice te Bosk Buyers—EveryiJBook procurable itrlondon will be sent free by return of pott, on receipt of the amount at which it is published; thus obviating ttte delay ca .sed by o.dering them from local Booksellers. [1796 EVERY Jcan HIS OWN DOCTOE? or the 8 v'eISl^ar J y't'1 Preseriptions, dietary tables, *c oeing a handbook and guide for ^.1 sufferers, who may by its aid theVJjSSri^hm°St h-th.e <Seeases flesh is hairlo,' without snvinc me.^lca' thereby eneurittg-health, aud nth By an *"inent Physician Price on Rudffe Puhlfahfr infe» °n receiPt of H penny etasaps, by Mr. t^fcomn^tr^^ Holborn, Zomlc Among followme vj7 ./if ,h'suseful and popular work are the stomach indict- a* ,nfaney and childhood: dkeases of the comnlaintc- l.on,.flatulen<:y»-a«idity, bile, jaumliee, and liver n 80Rstipati»n, melaooholy, restlessness, want of sleep, iw <• -*Ud debility., palpitati0n of the heart, pain in tli gout, rheumatism; tic doloreux, epilepsy, apoplexy, asthma, cold«,.consumption, dr<>psy, pains in th« hack, gravel, lumbago, skin eEuptions. tumoews, abscesses, scurvy, tcald head, lumbago, skin eEuptions. tumoews, abscesses, scurvy, tcald head, ring worm, erAiPelas, blotches, piles, fistulas, worms, -diseaties of females, &c. Mc,. with chapters «n exercise, Ileep.:f,od, cleanli- ness, clothing, -early rising, diet, and regimen generally. [1796 SUREtCURE. LAMBERT'S ASTHMATIC BALSAM. TRULY jEfficacious <c,ud Pleasant, vwithout Confining the Bowels or Affecting the Head. A few of the many thousand Testimonials of Cures of ASl'HMA, CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, SHORT- Nj8?TT,|p?KLfiAT^ aud a!i Disorders of th-e.CHESI BALSAM takl"g LAVlBEKl'o ASTHMATIC Sufferers from Asthma,, of .however long ttutdiag. or those who are prevented frsm even lying down for fear of suffocation, may rely on. immediate relief, and..& cure will certainly follow the use of it. Those who we sub- ject to. or suffering from Btonctntis, should immediately take a few doses ot this wonderful medicine. WONiiCRPUL CUIIB OF ASTHMA. .Extract of a letter from Mr. »Gharles Mumby, chemist and druggist 53, High street. Gosport,.dated December 7th t852:- ■"To Mr. Wm LaMbee(,,cAmi*t,2i>, Jermyn-streei, Ilaymonhet, .London. ".1, John Henry Adams, am a gunner in Her Majesty's Royal jArtHIery. and while stationed at.Matta. some six years ago, -.was suddenly seized in the middle of the .night with a violent attack of Asthma, and was neatly suffocated with the great difficultnin breaking, and excessive caugh, for tore hours. This visited joe, accompanied with violent pain in my -side, Aid continued the samejal intervals for npwacds of itv/o months, and has troubled mejDOie or less ever since after having been in the hospital; twice,ad tried every remedy,that my friends could recommend or my means command, without .obtainint any permanent relief j and afte" reading an advertisement of Lambert's Asthmatic Balsam, I resolved, as a )asttMour(ie,tOttfy it, and, wonderful to relate, the cough, difficulty of breathing, pain in the side, &c., that resisted every remedy, yielded to this. After taking only four ama) I .bottles, 1 am now completely free from any of the dis- tressing symptoms of Asthma, and, in faot.my health is quite re-established. BURFntatNC CURE OF asthjca anjd ap^rTtNO OF BLOOD. Extract of a hltúr from Mr. JBdwia £ 4-uire, bookseller, East.sate, Louth., Lincolnshire, dated 20th Sept., 1853. To Mr. WXUiatn Lambert, chemut, 20. Jermyn-rtrect, Haymarket, London. Sir,—Y.ntir Asthmatic Balsam has been usedan snany instances in this town with astonishing effect. One of the eases to which I refer was a person apparently on the borders of tfee grave. She had been afflicted tfqr some years with asthma, Attended with violent cough, shortness of breath, and very frequently spitting of blood, and was prevented from lying down for fear of suffoca- tion. After giving ,up all hope of recovery, she was advised to try a bottle of Lambert's Asthmatic Balsam, which gave her immediate relief; and after she had taken a few bottles, hei dreadful disease %uite disappeared, and her constitution is so renovated that the is now a wonder both to her neighbours and herself. < In another case of a female, who seemed to be In the last stage of consumption, your Balsapi proved highly beneficial. The.effect of a single bottle was almost iike a miracle, and has now effected a perfect cure, and thus she fcas been rescued from that most distressing disease, by your invaluable Balsam. In consequeQee ( of -these maay wonderful cures, your Asthmatic Balsam is very highly and extensively reconmended, and used effectually 1 for tie sure of coughs, colds, asthmas, shortness of breath, tpittjng of blood, and consumption, and the demand, therefore, is very areat. I know of many cases in addition to the above, i where perfect cures have been effected, of asthmas, Ac., in their t W°Mrs?M'ary Banks, of Caroline-street, Camden Town, ] was cure. of a violent Cough by taking four doses. ASTONTsugNo CURE OF COUGH AND SPITTING OF BLOOD. ] Iha -Abollt four years since I caught a severe cold, which terminated in a violent cough, with spitting of blood. I tried every remedy which my friends recommended .without receiving | any benefit; last winter the cough so much increased in violence ail .iTe ,pittin* of blood became so frequent, and attended with rir 'iVV>.n\pt m* of rapid consumption I continued in this I ^withstanding i had the advice of some of the See1nff?B teh„ phy»ici«°s, and *ave up all hopes of recovery. Asthmatic 8^1^ ,ome extraordinary cures which your j duced to trv iu as a last resource, I was in- J in less than a wee? I £ r, «° **Jy «r0«* astonishment and delight, in less tnan a week, i perceived • wonderful benefit, and by the time I had taken two of the ts. id, bottles with srstitude I ■ aeknowledge, 1 was perfectly w«H. I ELIXASBWZ IBAOWS. t Prepared only and sold by W. Lambert, chemitt, 20, t #ermyn-atr€et, Haymarket, London, in bottles, at 13ld., t 2*. 3d,, 4»nd 4». W. Be particular, and ask for 1 Lambert's Aatbmatie misam," and do n»t b« per* < iuad«d te take any other medicine. Sold by all respect- I abl, MttUcliw Ymim throughout tht country. [1731 I \\Uøtdlaueøu_. LAVERTON & CO's I NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST: WITH 200 ENGRAVINGS of ALL REQUISITE ARTICLES for COMPLETELY FURNISHING THE COTTAGE OR MANSION, SENT FREE BY POST. LAVERTON & CO. HOUSE FURNISHERS ft CABINET MAKERS, MARYPORT STREET, BRISTOL. ROCHE'S HERBAL EMBROCATION FOR THE HOOPING COUGH. This is the only discovery affording a perfect Cure, without administering internal medicine, the difficulty and inconvenience of which, in all disorders particularly incident to Children, are too well known to need any comment. The Inventor and Pro- prietor of this Embrocation, can, with pleasure and satisfaction, declare that its salutary effects have been so universally expe- rienced, and so generally acknowledged, that many of the most eminent of the Faculty now constantly recommend it as the only known safe and perfect cure. without restriction of diet or use of medicine. Many thousands of children are cured annually by this remedy; on the first attack, an immediate application of the Embrocatioll will prevent the complaint taking any hold of the constitution, and a few times using often completely cures. In most cases, one bottle will produce the desired effect. The Pro- prietor therefore earnestly and conscientiously recommends it to Parents, Guardians,and all thjse who hav« the care of children. For the protection of the Public, awd to preven imposition J. Roe H i," is signed on the Label accompanying each bottle and the name of the sole Wholesale Agent, Mr. Edwards, 67 St- Paul's, engraved on the Government Stamp. Price 4s. pet bottle. Sold by Ponting, Ferris, and Co., Hartland, Sclfe, Fendick, Taylor, Sanders, Winoe, Lavington, Isaac, Webb, Stoddart, Bristol; Ccoper, Clifton Gordon and Rich, Weston super-Mare and by most respectable Chemists and Bookseller O MORE PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER Medicine, for Indigestion, (dyspepsia^ habitual Constipation, Flatulency, Acidity, Palpitation of the Heart, Torpidity of -the Liver, bilious Headaches, Ner- vousness, Biliousness, General Debility, Diarrhoea, Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Despondency, Spleen, &c., Price 2d. or 8d. post free 102nd Edition of the "NATtTRAL REGENERATOR Of THE DI- GESTIVE ORGANS" without Pills, purgatives, or medicines of any kind, by a simple, pleasant, and infallible means, adapted to the general reader* Supported'fey feetimonials from twecelebrated Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Andrew Ure, Dr. Shorland, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Gattiktr, Dr. Wurzer, Dr. Ingram, Lord Stuart; de Decies, the DowageT Countess of Castle Stuart, Major- Gen. Thomas King, and many other re- spectable persons, whose health ltas been restored by it after all other means of cure had failed. London: Barry Du Barry & Co., 77, Regent-street. [1658. THE MKDICINR OF THE MILLION. PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLO WATS PILLS. TEE EXCITING 'CAUSE OF SICKNESS.— The blood is the lifs^sustaining agent. It fiffnrehes the components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve, and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channels through which the waste matter re- jected in its production, is expelled Upon the stomatfh, the circulation, and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, 'relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the ex- cretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among itt classes in this country. It asqunres a thousand shapes. and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary prescriptions, it yieldsreadily and rapidly to this-searching, and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity anR-qustity of the bile atOe of-vittdl importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes'tkis fluid, the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its drregutarittes, and effectually curing-Jaundice, Bilious Remlttants, and all the varieties of diseasegenerated by an unnatural eovdition of the organ. A WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and Irregularities which -are'the especial an noyance of the weaker sev and whidh. when nugiected, always shorten life, are rrelleved for the time boing, end prevented for the time to come,'by a course of thismiM.bat thmwtigh alterative. REMARKABLE CURE OF INDI&ESTION AND SEVERE "PAIN IN THE «TOMA<m. Copy of a letter trom Mr. G. Horsey, Dispensing aad Family t'Cfcemlst, Morriston, near Swansea. To Piofessor Holloway.—Sir,—I have'joist; received the sub joined brief particulars of a case referring to a paity who has invariably purchase your Pills and Ointmentat my establishment. Mr. David Lewis, of Llangefelach, suffered, he -states, from the most severe attacks of Indigestion, and violsnl pains in thesto mach these' continued for upwards ■of six months, and assidu- ously trying-every other remedy, were eventually and entirely removed by the free and constant use of your truly invaluable Pills. These alone, with your 'Ointment, are highly priced throughout-my district, and their sale is proportionately ext*n- j 1 «;> "y>nfynfrtlj, — (Siguttdj "<J. Hohscbt. •Jtw ASTONISH TNG CURE OP ASTHMA Copy of a letter from Mr. John Bailie, jun.;a»erchant, Balivna hinch, CovOtMvn, Ireland. "To Profisssor ,Holloway-Sir. -I have muefc pleasure. ilk fer- warding YOIl: particulars of anotl>«r extraordinary cure of Asthma effected by-your valuable medicines, aftel every other remedy had failed. Mr. James Furey, of Druinaghtiss, Kilmore Co Down, w*s«afflicted with this fearful complaint for 20 years'and was literarny in the last sta^eof the disorder, wfeen he commenced taking year Pills, and well rufcbtng the Ointment into the chest night and maruing. I have the,pleasure of iufoiming you, that after persevering with your remedies, as-above mentioned, far eight weeks, he was completely cured, an.I..bas ever since en- joyed the>best of heatth.—t rematt, dear sir,. yMiri very truly, (Signed) joHM BtiHE, jtMf." Pilli are the best. remedy known in the world for the following Diseases :— Ague Consumptien Head ache Scrofula, or King& Asthma Debility .[ndigestion Evil. Bilious Complaints Dropsy lnflamraationS«re Throats Blotches on-the Dysentery taundice Tic Douloureux Skin Erysipelas Liver Com- Tumours Bo»elCenp-ptnints Fevers of .plaints Warms of all kindr! Colics all kinds Lumbago We&kness.fron Constipation ef the Fits Hies ,whatever cause Bowels Gout Rheumatism Sic., See. Sold at the establishments of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar) Loudon, and-80, Maiden Latae, New York* also by allriespectable Dru^gicta and Dealers-in medicines throughout,the Civilized World, at-the (ollowing ptices-le. lid 2s. 9d., 4«.<Gd„ lis., 22s., and Jb. each box. There is aeon siderable saving by taking the larger-sizes N.B—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. 1640

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