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THE (MW jY V* ai*t




FETAL A TERRIBLE CONFLAGRATION. — Few things are more uncomfortable th tn being aroused by an alarm of Fire The news of a flood does not cause half the excitement, even though it may be attended with greater mischief. In our town, fortunately, the nerves of theinhab- itants are seldom startled by the rattle of engines, or the rush of policemen to a ,l terrible conflagration but the other evening it seemed probable that an opportunity would occur of witnessing both those curiosities. A red light was seen to shoot out from behind some houses in Banes'-well, and the atmosphere became red with the reflection of a fire. The denizens of the district, youthful and aged, displayed, great agility in running to the spot, neglecting, in their haste, many of those little articles of wearing apparel which are conventionally deemed indispen. sable. Owing to the darknessofthe streets, several pollisions took place, to the inj ury or utter loss, it is said, of two pairs of venerable spectacles, a woman's cap, an old slipper, and several good tempers, which were not recovered for some time. Ultimately, however, the spot was reached, and instead of finding what London boys joyfully call "a jolly goo l fire," no'hing was to be seen but a huge mass of dry shavings and chips, set alight by a score of ragged urchins, who were grinning and dancing round it like the Witches in Macbeth. They good-naturedly inquired after the healths of the affrighted neighbours who had come to see them, and also made divers observations concerning their beiøg sold again," and licked this time." A cracker" was ignited by one of the young barbarians and thrown at the feet of an "ancient female," who took to her heels, declaring that that 'ere comet's come at last," and it was necessary for her to go and save her furniture. No more wood being procurable, the illumination died away. and the spectators retired home to their porter and cockles in peace. A PUNISHMENT DESERVED.—On Monday last, at the Newport Police Court, a man was brought before the Mayor, charged with using Co indecent and obscene language in the streets," and a fine of 10s. and costs was very justly inflicted on the depraved blasphemer. This sort of offence is beeoming too common in our streets and the boys are frequently the vilest in the abominable language used. Ladies are constantly shocked by such expressions as the prisoner on Monday employed, and the gentleman who appeared to give evidence against him discharged a public duty of no slight importance. The police might exercise their authority oftener on such men as Williams (the defendant) with advantage, and the Mayor, together with his brother magistrates, seem wisely resolved to punish all who are brought before them on similar charges FATAL ACCIDENT AT THE DOCK.-An inquest was held at the Royal George, Pill, on Saturday last, before Wm. Brewer, Esq., coroner, on the body of James Mulchay, labourer, aged 22, who came by his death by being crushed against a coal truck, while employed shipping joal on the previous Wednesday. The accident was men- 1 bioned in our local intelligence last week. John Durston said tbe deceased was working with agangof 6 or 7 men,ship- ip- ping coal, on Wednesday about 2 o'clock in the morning, ieceased, while engaged in unhooking the side chain from f m i truck, was crushed against the buffer through the ludden starting of the horse assistance was immediately j 'endered, and the deceased removed to his father's house. Wm. Mulchay, the father of the deceased, said his son was t wrought home about half-past 2 o'clock, and spoke once. Mr, Hawkins, surgeon, was sent for and pronounced the njuries fatal; deceased died at about one o'clock p.m. of t ihe same day. Verdict, Accidental death. ) HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS MEETING. — A meeting of this body was held at the Town-hall yesterdsvy (Friday) morning, when the following commissioners were present:—Messrs. Thomas Powell, Stephen Campbell, William William, G. W. Jones, John Davis, Chas. Hall, Peter Williams, and Richard Burton. —Mr. Powell made some remark^ relative to the erection of the gridiron. He protested against it on account of its cost, and inti- mated that he should give his vote against it. The sub- ject was deferred till the next meeting.—The Clerk read a letter from Mr. William A. Cox, master of the Filing Fish, complaining of an injury to his vessel, sustained by being removed by the deputy harbour master from her berth. It was shown th tt the removal was necessary, and that the vessel could have sustained no injury by it. ERRATUM.—A case was heard before our borough magistrates on Monday, the 28th inst., in which Mr. Henry Ray, junr., of Pillgwenlly, was charged with assaulting Wm. Reed, a bailiff. The case was reported in the MERLIN of the 3rd. inst., and, in referring to the evidence given, it was mentioned that Reed had stated that he had been instructed to serve a notice from the Bristol Bankruptcy Court in the house of Ray the elder." This was an error the plaintiff Reed having stated that the notice was to be served upon a person named Cox, who lived in a house of which Mr. Ray the elder is the owner. CHURCH MISSIONS, &C.—Our readers will per- ceive, from an advertisement in this day's paper, that the annual meeting of the Monmouthshire District Commit- tees of the Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, is to be held at the National School-room^, Abereaveony, on Friday, the 23rd inst. The Lord Bishop of Llandaff in to preside at the meeting, and a sermon will be preached at St. Mary's Church, by the Rev. H. B. Bevan, M.A., Minor Canon of Llandaff Cathedral THUNDERSTORM.—On Monday evening last we were treated to the novelty of a thunderstorm, rather violent wind-up for the gloriously placid and rich season through which we have just passed. The day had been variable, as though jolly October, in walking forth that morning from the dim Hall of Time, had by mistake ionned the garb of April instead of bis own. About six o'clock several immense dark clouds gathered hastily in the zenith, and shortly afterwards a furious battle of the elements commenced, which was kept up with but little intermission for an hour or more. Ultimately, however, the fiery mutineers, having expended all- their ammuni- tion, retired almost as suddenly as they had congregated, and the beautiful moon, ascending above the scene, lit up with splendour the peaceful plains of heaven." On the horizon, in huge masses of cloud on cloud, now appeared the retreating artillery of thunder, urged before the con- quering winds, which left behind them a delightful calm, inspiring hope of that serenity which shall follow the overthrow of barbarous revolutionists in the sunny land of Hindostan.—Correspondent. GIG ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday evening last Ekbout 6 o'clock a somewhat singular gig, acoident took place in Commercial-street, Newport. Mr. Roberts, jun., of fPilIgwently, was driving down High-street at a fast pace, when the horse suddenly took fright, and ran away with considerable speed. When near Corn-street, one of the parties was thrown out of the gig, but the horse continued dashing on furiously. Just below the Town Hall the gig came in collision with a heavily-laden cart, and was deptived of all its wheels, while Mr. Roberts was thrown out, and conveyed into Mr. Wintle's, spirit mer- chant. Upon examination it was found, that neither he nor his companion had sustained serious iajury. In the mean time the horse continued to drag along the remains of the gig, and rushed through Cross-street, where a number of children were lying about, but foitunately without injuring any of them. It was not arrested till it reached the theatre in Dock-street, when iti was found that although the vehicle was much shattered.. the animal was little hurt. The former was immediately taken by Mr. Roberts, of High street, to his establishment for repairs. SAVE. us FROM OUR FRIENDs.-Int.elligence has reached the superintendent of police in this town of a robbery committed by a workman at Pontaberpergwm, on a fellow labourer, named Isaac Hisley. Both men worked together, and the dishonest one took advantage of Hislay a confidence to rob him of L5 and several articles of weacing apparel He has absconded with them, and notwithstand- ing careful enquiries on the part of the police, nothing;, has yet been heard of him. THE REV. MR. GUINNESS.—We understand that this popular minister is to preach three sermons at Newport, on Sunday, the 18th, inst., at Dock-street chapel, in the morning; at Ebenezer chapel in the after- noon and at the Tabernacle in the evening. Mr. Guinness is ateo to preach at the Wesleyan chapel, Com- mercial-street, on Saturday evening, the 17th inst. THE LAST EXHIBITION of Mr. Forrest's panorama took place at the Town Hall, on Friday evening, when a handsome gold watch and a "nugget of gold" were given away. Extraordinary as it appears to the non- professional public that an. entertainment in which so much is given away, can be made to pay-, it is, yet indis- putable that the silver services" and other gifts are really presented as announced. The names of the holders of successful tickets for these prizes are read every evening in the room, and the parties reside, with a, single excep- tion, in the town. Mr. Wharton's system is not only in- genious and clever, but fair and straightforward. Of the panorama itself we have spoken before. Mr. H. Von's performances on the piano and "flutonia" are distinguished by considerable ability, his knowledge of music being evidently great, and his taste well trained. He also sings. various good songs in an unaffected and telling manner. CAPTURE OF A THIEF AND THE BOOTY.- Two of the Newport Police Force, Knight and Samuels, succeeded on Monday last in apprehending a man who. had stolen two milch cows, the property of Mrs. Ann Wood, Cardiff Arms Inn, Cardiff. The constables also traced the cows, which had been sold at St. Brides for 27. The pri- soners will be brought before the county magistrates to-day (Saturday). POLICE COURT, THURSDAY.—Several cases of drunk and disorderlies were heard before the Mayor, and G. Gething and R. F. Woollett, Esqrs.— William Reea was charged with stealing coal from a truck, on Tuesday. Mr. Thompson, agent of Mr. Benjamin Young, deposed that he deteoted the prisoner standing on the buffers, throwing down coals, but he had no receptacle for them with him. Mr. Young said he did not wish to press the charge, and it was shown that the prisoner was drunk, and did not know what he was doing. Mr. Huxtable told the Bench that Rees's Ifather was oonvicted of the same offence. Committed for one month to hard labour. John Davis was charged with assaulting Ellen Reed. The defendant is a lodging-house keeper, and the quarrel arose about rent. Mr. Cathcart defended. The defendant to pay coats.—Jas. James, of the Waterloo beer-house, was charged with assaulting and resisting P.S. Williams, in the execution of his duty. At 2 o'clock on the 2nd inst. the officer saw several persons in the back room through the window, and in endeavouring to obtain admittance was resisted by the landlord. Fined 5s. and costs -Elizabeth Smith was brought up on suspicion of stealing two silk dresses and various other articles, the property of Thomas Williams, Bute-road, Cardiff. Two of the fair (and frail) sex, belonging to the establishment, came up and identified the articles. Prisoner pleaded guilty. Committed for 21 day" with hard labour, J MONMOUTH CATTLE SHOW AND PLOUGHING MATCH.—We understand that the above cattle show will take place on Wednesday next in Chippenham, where the races are held. It promises to be a most grand affair. The entries of animals are very numerous for example, not less than one hundered pens have been already entered. The entries of other beasts are in proportion. The plough- ing match is to come off next Tuesday in a field on the Priory Farm, close to the town. See our advertising columns. THE LOCAL SUBSCRIPTIONS towards the Indian Relief Fund have now reached, we understand, a good amount. The gentlemen who kindly undertook to canvass from house to house, have been actively engaged during the past week in their task, we trust with success. The list of subscribers will be publilfted, we believe, next week. POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. — We understand that Magor has been constituted a sub-postal district under Chepstow, instead of under Caerleon, as heretofore. SINGULAR AND TRUE.—A curiosity has been exhibited in the window of Mr. Fennell, fishmonger, High- street, during part of this week—a sturgeon, measuring five feet ten inches, and weighing upwards of one hundred weight. It was caught at Goldcliff, in the Severn, and attracted considerable attention. RELIEF FUND.-It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that a concert will take place on Thursday, the 29th inst., for the benefit of the Relief Fund. We trust it will be well supported. LLANELLY.-On Wednesday last according to Royal Proclamation, ^services were held at the different pjaces of worship. A very appropriate sermon was preached at the parish church, by the Rev. Titus Lewis, curate. ZADKIEL'S ALMANAC, of which we publish an advertisement to-day, will very shortly appear. We have noticed a singular instance of the prophecies contained in it, in our supplement, under the head A good Guess." THE EAGLE LINE OF AUSTRALIAN PACKETS. We recently noti.el the departure of the "King of Algeria," from Liverpool to Melbourne, with a large num- ber of passengers, including 40 compositors for the Mel- bourne Argus. We have now to state that the new clipper ship Planter," of 4000 tons burthen, has just been placed on the berth, and is appointed to take her departure on the 15th October. As she is the finest vessel aflfoat without exception, there is no question of her being a desirable medium for reaching Australia. Her 'tween decks are lofty and spacious, the ventilation is all that the most fastidious can require, andjthe baths and washhouses are a great improvement on other ships engaged in the Australian trade. All we could say in her favour would not convey the idea of one half of the attractions of this vessel for intending emigrants she must be seen to be ap- preciated. CLIPPER; SHIP" RED JACKET."—A paragraph is going the round of the papers of the day to the effect that this vessel has been taken up for the conveyance of horses from the Cape. We are instructed to contradict this statement, if it is meant to appty-trr the celebrated clipper of that name, so favourably known in the Aus'ra- lian trade, in connexion with the White Star Line" of Liverpool and Australian Packets this vessel is now on her passage home from Melbourne, and her owners intend to despatch her as the packet of the 20th November.


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Family Notices