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♦ "HOMEAND FOREIGN LYRICS "-On Tuesday svening, Miss Julia S .George gave her entertainment mder this title at the Town-hall. The talents which lave made this lady so famous in other parts were dis- mayed here in great perfection, and her popularity will be nuch increased by her visit. Miss St. George has always )een remarkable for her histrionic, as well as her vocal cowers, and both were exerted to please her audience on ruesday. The entertainment is given in the form of a our through various countries, and its chief merit consists n the originality of the impersonations introduced. Miss ;t. George's delineations of the odd fishes" which swim iround us in a home or continental trip are not only ^musing, but clever. Her Mr. Cornoy Fitz," with his brilliant invention of warming Mont Blanc with hot water tipes, and Mr. Theophilus Jones" with his baautiful onnets, marred, however, by his difficulty to find any vord to rhyme with Bothphoruth" except Phothpho- uth," which he doesn't think is qllite dignified enough ,re ul.th represented with great dexterity. We have then he w.:a.ry and used-up Captain Crawler, 'of Calcutta," arge- vhiskered and small-brained, who declares he shall nevjr get mawied, because the exertion would be oo much twouble,"—" Mrs. Jenkins," with her ex- •ggeratdd coal-skuttle bonnet and preposterous umbrella, md, above all, the love-sick Tummas"-all these are telineated in an inimitable manner. In a different style s the impersonation of Sappho," in which Miss St. jeorge sings with high dramatic power a recitative and dr, "Blossoms of Pieria fate." Hardly had the sounds )f this beautiful melody died away, ere she re-appeared attired as an uncommonly musty and antiquated Turk, md in that unpromising disguise sang an exquisite astern song, Slender as the clove." A powerful piece .f acting was also her Joan of Arc," and her singing of he war-song The Hostile Flag," brought down enthu- iastic applause. The entire entertainment, in a word, vas of a firs -class description. We extremely regret, lowever, that Miss St. George should have good reason to :omplain of the manner in which she was treated by the epresentative of the Athenaeum. The individual to whose lands the management was entrusted appeared to )e Mr. Matthew Johns, and the circumstances we feel )ound to state are a reproach to the parties concerned. Miss St. George had been performing the previous evening it Worthing and in order to reach this town she was obliged to travel from six in the morning of Tuesday iiil five in the evening. Upon her arrival, fatigued, )f course, by so long a journey, she found no one from the Athenaeum to receive her, or offer her a word )f direction. She was obliged to depend upon strangers, 'or assistance, and her luggage was given to the hotel porters Nor was this the worst. She was suffered to wander about the streets in search of a private lbdging, 9 while her pianist, who accompanies her, was engaged in mother direction with the same object Nor is this even ill, for after a weary searoh, Miss St. George came to the rown-hall, and found that she was to expect no assistance sven in the erection of a stage, screens.. &c., and she was abligod to act herself as her own stage carpenter! After ill this, it was extraordinary that showas enabled to go through her arduous task at all. Mr. H. C. Forrest was for- lunately present, and he offered Miaa St. George the aid )f the men employed by him in hia Panorama; but the whole affair resembled on a small scale those instances of mismanagement which now and then occur where autho- rity is not combined with judgment. NEWPORT BURIAL BOARD.-A meeting of the Newport and St. Woolos Burial Board was held on Wednesday last, at the Town Hall; the following metn- bers being present-Rev. Edward Hawkins, (Vicar), in the chair Aldermen Latch and Homfray, Mr. W.Graham, Mr. H. J. Davis, and Mr. Moore. The clerk, Mr. Mullock, was also present. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting, and also, with reference to the overseers neglecting to pay, mentioned that a correspondence had taken place with Sir George Grey and the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. It wil' be remembered that at the last meeting, the clerk was authorised to write to the Secretary of State, for the purpose of ascertaining what course had better be pursued to compel the overseers to pay in the amount now owing. The reply from the Home Department merely recommended the Board to obtain legal advice on the point, A. letter was also received from the Solicitors of the Assurance Society, giving instruc- tions 11l the mode of proceeding against the overseers, but as they have paid the greater part of the money, the law will not be put in force against them. It was decided to forward a cheque to the Scottish Society, for the whole amount of their claim. No other business of interest was transacted. POLICE COURT, THURSDAY.—The cases brought before the Bench on this day were chiefly °La nature. Job and Norah Bryan were charged wittL assault ing Ann Denning the latter was fined 10s. and the former dismissed. Vital Lefevre, charged wit ing his ship, was ordered to return on board. In Hawkins, summoned for 14s. wages, due to cam Swanton. was ordered to pay, with 7s. 6d. costs. James Sullivan and James Hicks were charged with stealing a quantity of wearing apparel from John Calligan. Hicks was committed for two calendar months and Sullivan discharged. M. Crowley, for assaulting J. H. Frost, was fined 5s. and costs. One or two other cases of assault were heard. f SIR CHARLES MORGAN'S CATTLE SHOW.— I The date of this important annual event is announced it t an advertisement which appears in our piper this day L The silver cups given by the worthy Bironetof Tredegai on the occasion are twelve in number, including one each for the best Hereford yearling bull, and two-years old [ heifer. Thirty-one other gentlemen appear as donors ol silver cups and plates; including T. W. Booker Blake. more, Eøq, M.P., (£5) for two year old heifers in milk Sir Benjamin and Lady Hall, of Llanover, for rams and breeding ewes; Sir Joseph Bailey, Bart., for cart stal- lions; Crawshay Bailey, Esq M P., (£40 10s.,) for root crops, &c.,&c. In addition to these, the Society itself gives thirteen other prizes of ten guineas and five guiDtsas each and several of smaller amount. The competition that will be developed by this immense array of premiums will no doubt effectually sustain the reputation of Sir Charles Morgan's Cattle Show, as well as improve the position of agriculture. It will be seen from our report of the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, that the Corporation, at the suggestion of the Mayor, have decided upon presenting a twenty guinea cup as one of the prizes. It is not yet decided what the prize shall be given for. DAY OF HUMILIATION.—Wednesday next is appointed by authority for the day of general humilia- tion and prayer" on behalf of our countrymen in the East. Forma of prayer have been already published and distri- buted. Some of our contemporaries, we observe, take exception to the day selected, on account of the loss which wiJl be sustained by working men, and they urge that Sunday would be the better day. These representations, however, have been made too late, and the day cannot be altered. All entertainments advertised for next Wednes- day previously to this date will be necessarily postponed. The public will consequently be deprived of the pleasure so long promised by Messrs. Wilkes and Pollock at their concert, which was to have taken place on Wednesday next, but which is, of course prevented by the unexpected proclamation. Mr. H. C. FORREST'S PANORAMA, at the Town- hall has been on exhibition since Wednesday, and on that and subsequent evenings the large room has been filled in every part. No previous entertainment, except perhaps Mr. Sam. Cowell's concert, has drawn so many people together in this town for some time. This succoss is really well deserved. The scenes are painted by Dalby, the emi- nent scene painter, and this is alone a sufficient guarantee for their finish and merit Somo of the representations are especially striking, the burning of the ships in the harbour of Sebastopol, and afterwards of the town itself, baing examples. In both these cases the fire appears to the spectator gradually, till by degrees the whole picture seems a mass of flame. Mr. Henry Von continues to enliven the evening by his performance on the piano, and also by his execution of several popular songs. The comfort of the audience is closely attended to by Mr. Forrest and Mr. Wharton, the latter of whom appears in a very .interesting character. On Wednesday it w designed, we understand, to give a performance, the whole of the proceeds of which will be handed over to the Indian Relief Fund Committee. IMPORTS PER OSPREY" steamer, Capt. Cook- burn, from Cork:— 460'Firkins Butter. Robert Parnell. 220 „ „ Evans & Goo,lwin. 30 „ „ William Pickford. 535 Sundry Consignees. 984 Sacks Oats Sundry Consignees. 3 Boxes Eggs Oliver Goss. 8 „ William Baker. 5 C. Townsend. 8 „ „ William Pickford. 9 Charles Cairns. Quantity Cattle, Shoep, &c. Sundry Consignees. SOUTH WALES MINERAL RAILWAY.—The half-yearly meeting of this company was held on Tuesday, at the Craven Hotel, Strand the Viscount Villier& in-:the chair. Mr. Parsons, the secretary, rfead the report, which stated that, in consequence of the ailure of the original con) tutors for the Gafulchi tunnel, it became necessary to take the works) ut of their hands but to prevent delay the directors consirlerel it desirable to continue operations thereon under the direction of the engineer. A contract for the formation of the entire line reidy to receive the permanent way has since been entered into with Messrs Morris and Toole. The works of the Briton Ferry Docks, with the completion of which the permanent welfare of the undertaking is intimately associated, are satisfactorily progressing, and the proprietors of the ironworks in the Llynvi Valley are endeavouring to make arrangements with the view of securing a short and direct route thereto over the railway. The means of continuously pursuing the works of the line having been provided by the Glyn- corwg Coal Company, the directors bad been spared the necessity of having to make any call upon the shareholders during the monetary pressure which has so long prevailed but, in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the coal company, ther proprietors are entitled to a dividend upon their deposits at the rate of5,1, per cent. per annum, and divided warrants would be issued accordingly. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, said they had succeeded in obtaining contractors who would finish the line with as little delay as possible. The proprietors would receive interest at the rate of 5i per cent. on the money already paid up. He- congratulated the share- holders on the position of their affairs, and hoped that. before the next meeting considerable progress would be made in the works on the railway, and also on those of the Briton Docks Mr. J. N. Foster seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the proceedings. NEWPORT SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY.- This society has, we are pleased to say, a fair prospect of immediate revival. For some time from causes which cannot be here enumerated, its interests have languished, and the momentous question To be or not to. be," has been more than once seriously discussed by the members. At the adjourned general meeting on Thursday evening-the Rev. E. Hawkins presiding-an affirmative decision was come to. Gentlemen of energetic habits have undertaken its cause, and are sanguine as to the successful issue of their efforts After considerable discussion, the meeting re- solved that officers be at once eleoted tor the ensuing year; and the newly appointed secretaries pledged themselves to zealous exertion to sustain the interests of the institution. The officers elected were—President, Charles Lyne, Esq., mayor of Newport;. Vice-presidents, Rev. E. Hawkins and J. N. Kuapp, Esq. Secretaries, Mr. Willey, and Mr. Toogood Treasurer, Thomas Gratrex, Esq. To fill the vacancies in the Committee Messrs. Barlow, Christophers Vaugahn, Moses, Wade, Leybourne Jenkins, and Cooke. We wish the society the success it deserves, as an institu- tion calculated to improve the public taste, and afford recreation of a> refined description.. NEWPORT WESLEY A* METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL.—For some years past the teachers and friends of this institution have been accustomed to hold their annual meeting at the Town Hall. This year the day fixed upon for the purpose was Monday last, on which occasion a numerous party assembled to partake of tea-a beverage which, on account of the sociality which it developes, or for some other reason which we are not called upon to explain, appears to have become in this neighbourhood, an adjunct necessary to success on occasions when benevolent objects are to be promoted. The preparations for the social repast were of the most faultless character—the tables being so arranged that a large party could be comfortably seated, and supplied without inconvenience-a feature which is not always apparent at such gatherings. The scene, when the company had assembled, was an exceedingly animated one while an air of additional attractiveness was imparted to it by the polite attention and radiant countenances of the ladies who had undertaken the somewhat laborious duty of serving. Young gentlemen also were unremitting in their efforts to make their friends comfortable, rushing about with zealous haste, beneath ponderous weights of cake, or bearing tea kettles of hugh dimensions, anxiously striving to make themselves, as well as the refreshments, agreeable. The room was decorated with unusual taste; indeed we think that on no former occasion has the-hall been ornamented with greater chasteness of design or excellence of arrangement. The chair was taken after tea by Mr. G. W.. Jones, and interasting addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Mowat, J, Harding, R. Balshaw, — Holmes (of Cardiff), and Messrs..Christophers, Hiscock, Daw, &c. From a report presented by the superintendent of the school, it appeared that the institution is in a tolerably satisfactory state; but more teachers are required. THE INDIAN RELIEF FUND.—We are happy to find that the local subscriptions towards the Indian Relief Fund continue to incraase, while the committee are zealously occupied with plans to add greatly to the list. They mot on Monday last, for the purpose of deter- mining OIl the best mode of attaining the desired objsct, and the n&mes of several gentlemen were added to the list. H. J. Davis, Esq., solicitor, was elected hon. sec. Another meeting of the committee was hold on Wednes- day, and it will be seen lyom a report in another place> that the whole of the Corporation of Newport have agreed to join them. The town and neighbourhood will be divided into districts, ard a collection made from housa-to house. A very handsome sum will doubtless be realised in this manner. INQUEST.—On Monday last an inquest was held before W. M. Bzewer, Esq., coroner, on the body of John Sexton, aged 1 year and 9 months.. From the evidence it appeared that the child had been lingering for some time with diarrhoea, and on the night previous to its death was walking about apparently a little better. It was taken, however, with a fit of coughing, and when the father got up in the morning it appeared to 00 asleep. It was soon after seized with another fit of coughing, and died almost immediately on its mother's arm. How wiLL HE RECOVER IT ] —ON Saturday evening last another illustration of the wisdom and pru- dence of keeping irreproachable company, occurred in this town. A gentleman, from the neighbourhood of Bassalleg, influenced by a thirst for knowledge probably, penetrated one of the 1, slums" of the town, and fraternised rather too familiarly with some of the inhabitants. This adventure cost him his watch, which some of his new friends wished to keep as a memento of his visit. The chances of regaining it are very small. T_ SEVERAL SERVICES in connection with the Baptist Missionary Society have been held during this week. On Sunday last two excellent sermons were deli- vered at the new chapel, Commercial-street, by the Rev. F. Trestrail, and on Monday evening a public meeting was held and a number of addresses delivered by various friends of the cause. Yesterday (Friday) was the day appointed for hearing appeals against the income tax, at the Town Hal!, Newport. Not a single Commissioner attended, and a number of tradesmen and others, after waiting two or three hours, were informed that their appeals must be postponed. J CIRCUS.—We understand that Mr. Ginnett is ) building an immense circus in Cardiff, with which it is hit } ntention to visit Newport at no very distant day-ji A&" INCOME TAX.—We understand that as Wed- i nesdaY next is appointed for a day of humiliation, the appeal meeting, under schedule D., for St. Woollos and the r out parishes, is postponed until Wednesday, the 14th last. I FATAL ACCIDENT.—A fatal accident occurred I to a man at the docks on Wednesday morning. He was f engaged in loading a vessel, and by some means became jammed in between the trucks. He lingered in great pain till Thursday, when he expired. VIEW OF NEWPORT.—Mr. H. Mullock, book- seller, of Newport, has just issued a splendid lithographic view of Newport, taken from Maindee, and comprising a great portion of the Bristol Channel, &c. The picture is beautifully finished, and reasonable in price. CHRISTCHURCH.- W e understand that a col- lection from house to house will be made in this parish, on Thursday next, the 8th inst., for the relief of the suf- ferers by the mutiny in India.




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